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S38.E05 & S38.E06: It's Like the Worst Cocktail Party Ever


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After tonight I’m rooting for Manu’s chickens as the final 3.  This was almost a great episode, until the combined TC (still bitter over what that did to Malcolm!)  and the stupid whispering at TC.  I miss last season so much.  And of course, Aubry gets blindsided, but ControlFreak-LazyDog or Lauren couldn’t?  Wendy was too easy of a vote off.     

I can’t tell if these newbies are stupid or smart at the game.  I’m at a loss who I want to see lose more among them.  Lauren is just a whiner, Wentworth I can't stand, and Wardog definitely thinks he’s way better at this game than he is.  Disappointed Wentworth found the idol, but glad it wasn’t him.  Eric/Gavin are no Mason/Dixon.  I think Victoria is going to overplay her hand, but she is a dark horse for me.  David will probably just go along with the crowd.  Joe will immunity his way to the half way point, and either lose or pass out in a challenge again and get voted out. 

Don't know what to make of the rest of Kama yet.     

Edited by LadyChatts
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Probst fell out of love with Wardog, started calling him Dog and saying how inept he was in the challenge. Why the hell they didn’t get rid of him shows how stupid this bunch is.

I want Wentworth gone. She’s getting on my nerves and making me want to stab something.

I dozed off during the tribal conversations at the end. That’s how exciting this season has been for me. What has Wendy got in her mouth, up above her upper teeth on the right side of her mouth?

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Well that ending TC was super disappointing. They really did a good job building up the excitement, but it ended with such a thud. I was so hoping for Wardud to go home. He's super annoying and worthless. That body is just for show.

Aubry got played and played like a newbie.

Keith trying to break away from the pack on Extinction was hilarious but kinda sad.

Reem's reactions are one of the best things about this so far mediocre season

Edited by vb68
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Those weighted ropes that they were throwing in the first challenge were bolas. I'm not really sure why they chose a South American weapon for a South Seas locale, but whatever. Bolos, as Jeff kept on calling them, are Filipino machetes. I would have let it go once or twice, but he just kept on saying it! Over and over and over again. Probably because it sounds like "balls." But so would "bolas.' Was the original challenge supposed to involve throwing machetes, but there was a mix-up in the props department? That's too bad. 'Cause I would have enjoyed watching that.

Also, what could have been a very interesting tribal council is ruined by the fact that apparently nobody is ever voted out any more. They just play a ridiculously complicated version of musical chairs.

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There’s way too much with 3 tribes and EOE.  But I actually found EOE the most exciting thing of the season tonight.  Who knew Keith was such a sneak?  However, I don’t understand why they just didn’t go together right away.  You think they would have been dying to find out.  I’m also stunned no one has quit.

Couldn’t believe that Kama didn’t go to TC, with all the focus on their tribe and voting off Joe.  When it was Julie/Julia on the puzzle I thought for sure they were going to throw the challenge.  Then Joey Amazing stepped in.

Speaking of being sneaky, where did Victoria come from?  Quite the little gamer.  Poor Aubry, but at least it qualified as a blindside.  I about had a heart attack when she didn’t play her idol.  Is she allowed to will her advantage to someone else?  Also, two advantages and an idol have already gone to waste.  New record? 

And good old JT, forever and rightfully a Survivor punchline.

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I like Aubry but man, sometimes she makes it hard to root for her. I cannot believe that with an idol and an advantage in her bag, Aubry bought the bag of magic beans these guys sold her and didn't play the idol. Especially because before the swap, Aubry was worried about being at the bottom. That's what prompted her to search so hard for the idol in the first place. And yet she really thought that suddenly these guys were no longer in the "get rid of returning players" mindset? So stupid. 

While I totally get the whole wanting to vote Joe out, that woman who said to the guy that they didn't need Joe was delusional. Girl, yes you do. The highlight reel showing how useless they all were around camp was hilarious.

Because everyone knows about the tribal swaps and stuff, I think sometimes new players underestimate how powerful the tribal portion of the game can be. Like Kelley said, these guys have been on a two week vacation, since they're being fed decently, because they win all the reward challenges, they never stress about being voted out, etc. People underestimate how mentally and physically demoralizing that can be when you're in a tribe losing over and over. And how that can, sometimes, affect your end game. 

And speaking of the importance of the tribal portion of the game, tonight's episode made me realize how big a mistake Lesu (pre being Lesu) may have made getting rid of Chris because Wardog has proven himself to be completely useless and only interested in blindsiding people every damn second. They might not have ended up as terrible as they did if they had had Chris. 

Will be interesting to see what happens with Edge of Extinction, as the merge must be coming soon. Again, I'm wondering if they're going to do a returning tribe thing like they did in Pearl Islands (was that the season) but again, how does that work with the limited number of episodes. My guess is the returning players will have a challenge where only one or two gets back in. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I was so hoping Wardog Peacekitty would be voted out. Voting out Wendy is like voting out one of the chickens - it's not like she is any threat. Peacekitty is so athletically inept; he throws as badly as I do.

But this is a red letter episode - Julia had a confessional and she was actually shown having conversations with people!

I wish David would wear a jock strap. But maybe those are forbidden items.

I wonder if Aubry's going to the bottom just to rise again is foreshadowing of final tribal council.

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Well Kelly, you voted out Chris and Rick and kept "the girl" David, so maybe you should stop whining.

Julia finally gets the confessional she has craved, and now the Twitterverse will descend upon her for targeting Joe.  Careful what you wish for.  they all want joe out ron is in.  Chickens.  Victoria working Aubrey.

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I understand now why purists were so upset about the Exiles twist in Pearl islands. But at least it was kept a secret from viewers until the big reveal. Extinction Island not only sucks up time that could go into watching players who haven't been voted out, and renders TCs fairly meaningless, but it also allows people who have been voted out to still affect the game. That's really unfair to those who are actually still trying to play the game that they haven't been voted out of.

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5 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Joe: Guys, let me tell you about the stigma that I face ... as a challenge beast. And a provider. And being really handsome. And so muscular and did I mention handsome? It's just so hard. ::sniffles::

I swear this season is starting to feel like Joey Amazing could just do his challenge thing until the end. Nobody else seems to be that much competition for him, and we have gotten so much exposition from him that he basically knows he's going as soon as he gets to TC. His reaction when he saw Aubry was gone said everything.  I don't know. It's just a narrative they keep pushing hard.

Of course if he does win enough challenges to get to the end, Probst will just go crazy.

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10 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

Well Kelly, you voted out Chris and Rick and kept "the girl" David, so maybe you should stop whining.

Julia finally gets the confessional she has craved, and now the Twitterverse will descend upon her for targeting Joe.  Careful what you wish for.  they all want joe out ron is in.  Chickens.  Victoria working Aubrey.

I kind of rolled me eyes because Wentworth would be over the moon if she had Joe on her tribe.  Maybe they need to take a good hard look around and realize that maybe it's all them, those strong athletes that they are.  And Chris was called out by Probst as being the hero in the challenges before he got booted.  Not Wardog, Wentworth, or Lauren.    

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9 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

This season, I feel like I’m watching an episode of Friends

The Friends were funny and you could actually root for them. This group? Not so much. Though I would buy Wendy as some relative of Phoebe Buffay. Just saying.

I'm still mad Warannoyingass didn't go home. 

Even the challenges are just a blur at this point. Jump over something. Solve a puzzle. Rinse, repeat.

Edited by vb68
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23 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

I wish they would show more footage of the train wreck that is the EOE beach. That was some funny stuff. 

I was ok with the two people voted off, of course they really weren’t because they will all be back. 

I never noticed how bad Warthog sucked at the challenges. 

Do you know, I think we may get to know the people on EOE beach better than we will anyone still "in the game"--in terms of who they are outside of strategy, I mean.  I wonder if we'll eventually get to see extra footage of what went on there after the game is over.

After Aubry was voted out I got to wondering whether she gets to hang on to her advantages in case she returns to the game.  And did she find out how she got the extra vote advantage?  I had a feeling when she got hat advantage and started talking about how when she thought she was on top, she had to be careful that she was going to EOE.  And daaaaamn, Victoria!  I think I joked last week about not even knowing who she was, and now she's suddenly this mastermind blindsiding Aubry.

Who wants to bet that Wendy's tribe had chicken for breakfast the next morning?

Edited by wallflower75
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11 minutes ago, mojoween said:

However, Victoria’s wink after voting Aubry out made my slap hand tingle.

Hah, never heard that but perfectly played here as I felt the same way. She and The Increasingly Inaccurately Named Wardog both think they are much better at the game than they are. I was thinking that 'Wardog' needed a special kind of apparatus adjusted to his limp-wristed throwing technique.

The second half should have just been called 'Wendy: The Anticlimax' so I can see why they wedged it in with another episode.

At least the Overpopulation Island narrative was moved forward a bit, finally.

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3 hours ago, wallflower75 said:

Do you know, I think we may get to know the people on EOE beach better than we will anyone still "in the game."  I wonder if we'll eventually get to see extra footage of what went on there after the game is over.

After Aubry was voted out I got to wondering whether she gets to hang on to her advantages in case she returns to the game.  And did she find out how she got the extra vote advantage?  I had a feeling when she got hat advantage and started talking about how when she thought she was on top, she had to be careful that she was going to EOE.  And daaaaamn, Victoria!  I think I joked last week about not even knowing who she was, and now she's suddenly this mastermind blindsiding Aubry.

Who wants to bet that Wendy's tribe had chicken for breakfast the next morning?

Ha, I just realized that about the EOE misfits.

That's a good question about Aubry.  I was wondering if she'd will the advantage to someone, but maybe she does get to hang onto them.

If I were NuMana I would eat all the chickens just so I didn't have to share them.  They were all talking merge tonight so they must assume it's coming up soon.  Actually, I wish they could go eat the last of the chickens in front of Lesu and tell Lauren how good they were.

ETA: Just read an interview with Jeff over at EW, and he said Aubry's idol and advantage are no good, even if she re-enters the game.

Edited by LadyChatts
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3 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Hah, never heard that but perfectly played here as I felt the same way. She and The Increasingly Inaccurately Named Wardog both think they are much better at the game than they are. I was thinking that 'Wardog' needed a special kind of apparatus adjusted to his limp-wristed throwing technique.

The second half should have just been called 'Wendy: The Anticlimax' so I can see why they wedged it in with another episode.

At least the Overpopulation Island narrative was moved forward a bit, finally.

I mean Victoria did concoct a plan to blindside Aubry by getting her to think she was on her side leading to Aubry getting voted with both an idol and advantage.  And unlike The Warthog she doesn't have anyone from her tribe pissed at her.  So yeah she is kind of good at this game.  We will see what happens the rest of the season.

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I put Aubry's voting out on Aubry's terrible read of the room, not upon a brilliant masterplan by Victoria. At worst she remains in the game still with an extra vote a mere sniff from what they sense is a quick-arriving merge. At worst it's an even "okay you tried to get me I foiled you we're even" kinda deal when returning to camp. Just make sure you return to camp! Don't waste your tearstained idol when you have a self-confessed inability to see when things are going to go sideways for you.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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In the first half, I thought, Victoria got game! She totally bamboozled Aubrey while she rounded up the votes to boot her, all the while agreeing to Aubrey's plans.

At TC, Gavin laid it on thick, and buried Aubrey with his BS.  Well done dude.

 "Things are more simple than they seem"

Indeed Aubrey.  JT style simple. 

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39 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Whispering is one thing.  Seventy four side conversations is a WHOLE other level of annoying.

This is another side-effect of Probst being overly in love with his "ever changing ever evolving mastergame" narrative. He loves this shit... he should have nipped the whispering in the bud at first appearance but he loves the "Tribal is In Play Tonight!" narrative so he won't say off camera "Listen the bullshit with the whispering stops now and you are strictly FORBIDDEN from taking players aside to speak with them without at least the people at HOME hearing what you are saying, a tribal where nobody says anything and the viewers are left in the dark is not one we want to condone or let continue. Now, back to the easy vote out of Wendy that didn't need all this discussion."

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The two hours caught me by surprise but oh well.

Reem is so toxic that she's becoming very unpleasant to watch. Keith getting tossed aside at the tree and Reem stupidly leading Keith to the hidden item were both things of beauty.

Why do Joe, Aubrey, and David get ten-minute soliloquies while other players a virtually little more than the background extras we use to see walking around pretending to do stuff behind Jack, Kate and Sawyer on LOST?

Pippyboobstalking is really starting to grow on me. She's smart; she's savvy and easy on the eyes, so I am happy that Victoria has emerged as the person for me to root for...something about her also reminds me of one of my all time favorites...Gabbie from last year just with 99% fewer tears.

What did "Do it for Sierra!" mean? Is Joe dating another one of the players that gives Jeff butterflies in his stomach? Can we ever forget how he droned on and on and on about her voting out her own mother?

True or false...that extra vote Aubrey was bequeathed was from the nerdy, pudgy anchorman right? If that's so...wouldn't that be extremely poor editing that we didn't get a conversation where he reveals he was her benefactor or at the very least if he was forbidden to tell there should have been a shot of him looking disappointed when she arrives at camp and he realizes he wasted the bequeath.

Clearly, Wardog's military training didn't include lobbing hand grenades based on his performance in that challenge.

Wendy is just so much FUN that she's the only one of those sourpusses I want to see come back from The Edge of Extinction!

Edited by North of Eden
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9 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Pippyboobstalking is really starting to grow on me. She's smart; she's savvy and easy on the eyes, so I am happy that Victoria has emerged as the person for me to root for...something about her also reminds me of one of my all time favorites...Gabbie from last year just with 99% fewer tears.

Oh yes!

9 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Wendy is just so much FUN that she's the only one of those sourpusses I want to see come back from The Edge of Extinction!

Oh no!  🙂

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Had to split the viewing in order to watch The Challenge "live." Probably not the best decision.

Plus side: Wendy got voted out, and I am amazed she avoided that for as long as she did. And the Saddest Tribe Ever actually won a Challenge. Not quite "Miracle on Ice," but it should be up there. Biggest loser has to be Aubrey. She's the only original Kama (yeah, I'm using Wikipedia) voted off, and she got blindsided with an advantage and a hidden idol. Oh, and she's played the game twice. That has to be embarrassing. Then Wendy gets voted off, and she had five votes heading into that Tribal Council. I will say that freeing the chickens was the best thing she could have done. They interfere with confessionals. Those are some snarky birds.

I think Dan DeSilva can keep the "Wardog" nickname, because he throws about as well as a dog can. Their excuse for failing would be a lack of opposable thumbs. If it turns out he's somehow related to Crystal Cox, I wouldn't be that shocked. I am amazed that he's still in the game. Stubborn and dumb ass.

At least Extinction Island is interesting, in the sense that no one has tapped out yet, and those people are getting on each other's last nerve with each new addition. And all but Aubrey started with Manu, so you know the residents always have hard feelings towards the incoming newbie.

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26 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

What did "Do it for Sierra!" mean? Is Joe dating another one of the players that gives Jeff butterflies in his stomach? Can we ever forget how he droned on and on and on about her voting out her own mother

A former player, but not Ciera who voted out her mother. He’s dating Sierra Dawn Thomas—tall, athletic blonde. If I recall, Joe and Sierra were on the “collar” season together. 

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Another 2 episodes Lauren is safe. So greatful for that. As for Aubry going, that was unexpected. Good on Victoria for pretending to be on Aubry's side and then blindsiding her. Also glad to see that Kelley found an idol over Wardog, but I'm just glad that she found it in general. 

The EOE is getting better, but I still don't like this twist.

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8 minutes ago, Lukeysboat said:

A former player, but not Ciera who voted out her mother. He’s dating Sierra Dawn Thomas—tall, athletic blonde. If I recall, Joe and Sierra were on the “collar” season together. 

Ah, thanks. I've seen every episode of SURVIVOR and this player rings no bells at all and I don't even remember what the "collar" season was.

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1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

Wardog definitely thinks he’s way better at this game than he is. 

1 hour ago, EllenB said:

I sure hope Ol' Warthog never had to lob a grenade.  I've never felt such second-hand embarrassment (laughing my ass off the whole time) while watching those feeble throws.

IMO his throws were horrifically consistent.  I wonder if he has damage to his upper arm, either muscular or tendon.  They didn't show him doing an underhand throw (for distance) or a softball pitch for accuracy.  Just that jerky pitch that barely propelled the balls into the ground.  

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56 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

The two hours caught me by surprise but oh well.

Reem is so toxic that she's becoming very unpleasant to watch. Keith getting tossed aside at the tree and Reem stupidly leading Keith to the hidden item were both things of beauty.

Why do Joe, Aubrey, and David get ten-minute soliloquies while other players a virtually little more than the background extras we use to see walking around pretending to do stuff behind Jack, Kate and Sawyer on LOST?

Pippyboobstalking is really starting to grow on me. She's smart; she's savvy and easy on the eyes, so I am happy that Victoria has emerged as the person for me to root for...something about her also reminds me of one of my all time favorites...Gabbie from last year just with 99% fewer tears.

What did "Do it for Sierra!" mean? Is Joe dating another one of the players that gives Jeff butterflies in his stomach? Can we ever forget how he droned on and on and on about her voting out her own mother?

True or false...that extra vote Aubrey was bequeathed was from the nerdy, pudgy anchorman right? If that's so...wouldn't that be extremely poor editing that we didn't get a conversation where he reveals he was her benefactor or at the very least if he was forbidden to tell there should have been a shot of him looking disappointed when she arrives at camp and he realizes he wasted the bequeath.

Clearly, Wardog's military training didn't include lobbing hand grenades based on his performance in that challenge.

Wendy is just so much FUN that she's the only one of those sourpusses I want to see come back from The Edge of Extinction!

Joe is dating Sierra Thomas not the Sierra that voted out her mother. Hes dating the Sierra that was on the season that Mike won and had Horrible Rodney Dan and Will on.

21 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Ah, thanks. I've seen every episode of SURVIVOR and this player rings no bells at all and I don't even remember what the "collar" season was.

Blue Collar Vs White Collar vs No Collar 

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I thought I heard Probst say that there was a Joe Clause in this one that everyone on the team had to hit one "bola" (thankyou CletusMusashi) for their team. I'm not sure it turned out that way though as I lost track due to the jerky editing of trying to cover all three teams throwing at once, but it could have played into the repeated pathetic efforts by "wardog".

Edited by Wandering Snark
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2 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

And good old JT, forever and rightfully a Survivor punchline.

I love when one talks about JT it could either be referring to him writing a love letter to Russell or being an integral part in getting Malcolm (sigh, swoon) voted off.

I had no idea it was a two-for-one episode night, but not loving that first vote! Aubry. You're my girl. I really, really wish you had played that idol. But now I'm rooting for you or Rick to get back in I think. I wonder if it's only one player coming back. I'm unspoiled on that and everything.

Anne of Green Gables comes alive! And so does Julia! Do we have a read on Aurora yet?

I know I shouldn't say this because it should be merit and player-based but I really hope a woman wins this season just because it's been a while. Maybe not Wentworth because I'm not a fan, but any of the others I think.

Edited by Steph Sometimes
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2 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I was thinking that 'Wardog' needed a special kind of apparatus adjusted to his limp-wristed throwing technique.

Yo Lamar - any idea just how few people here are going to get that reference? 😄

So yeah, a few million people now know Wart’s overhand throwing skills would get him laughed out of any self-respecting Pee Wee League softball field.  The thing which dumbfounded me, though, was this: during the IC, why the hell did Wart ASK to go back in as pitcher a SECOND time...???

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