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S09.E02: Reconnect


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Surprise. Adumb fucks up again. I'm just so glad Aubree has the people she does. She's surrounded by love and very grounded. I really liked Randy telling her, "He's just not very good with schedules; doesn't mean he doesn't love you." Great way to handle it. Take note, all you other fuckers. 


Maybe just me, but Jace seemed bummed when Meme was talking about how she's getting along with Jenelle now. I think we can all sympathize. 

I'd tell Andrew to fuck right off; but he's the reason we got a, "My felines have dropped" flashback. So I can't be too mad.

In reality, Jenelle probably called him and begged him to help with a storyline, now that she's sans David. 


I'm evil, but I laughed so hard in the scene where Kail had to say things like, "No, YOUR dad." - "Okay, now call YOUR dad." The confusion has only just begun.

Also, she might just marry the baby's dad one day? Keep dreaming. 


I love me some Addy. Leah tells her she's so beautiful, she starts to roll her eyes, then thinks twice and makes a face that can only mean, "I agree."

I'm not sure what to think about the bus. I lean towards Leah forgot to tell them. But what I don't get is - why doesn't Leah just drive the kids to school?

Her BF does seem like a good guy. Supportive and sensible. Don't run this one off!


Luis is a douchelord extraordinaire, but Bri needs to stop setting these situations up to fail. So buys him a plane ticket??? Why? Just stop. If he wants to be there, he'll be there. 

  • Love 23

Briana: Her friend Shirley looks about 40 years old and I’m guessing she’s not.  Girlfriend looks ROUGH. And what’s with the whole renting a house to have a birthday party? What? Do people actually do this? It’s like admitting you’re such trash you that you want to have a house party but don’t have a house.  How about Chuck E Cheese or some kid place ya know, for a KID’S birthday?  Also gonna question the tanks with titles on them for your child’s first birthday, just no.  And did Briana even shower before she put on her fancy tank top?  Doesn’t look like it, she looks like she smells like McDonald’s.  Wow Luis thanks for playing.  Why even bother showing up? That baby has NO idea who he is.  And I’m over Brittany mugging for the camera, it was funny ONCE. 

Chelsea: Love me some level headed Randy grandpa shit.  Aubree is very lucky to have such a great family.  Adumb sucks.

Leah: Why does Corey’s southern accent seem way more pronounced in this episode?  Just me? Okay.

Janelle: Didn’t watch, don’t care.  

Kailyn: Please leave your face alone, you’re starting to look like a Muppet.  All of her boys are as cute as can be though.  

Edited by Emmierose
  • Love 18

Addie's face at the dining table was priceless. Lol

I am pulling for you, Allie girl. Hopefully, there will be some sort of breakthrough in the next couple of years in regards to treatment for MD.

Lauren putting the ball in Kail's court and going on about her business is the best action to take.

So Isaac gets to meet and interact with Lauren but Kail can't? 

Lol. The only way Chris Lopez would marry Kail is if he were in desperate need of health insurance. 

I hope this Andrew storyline doesn't culminate with Andrew getting to see Jace.  He's been MIA all this time and will go MIA again if MTV stops paying him. Also, if he wanted to see Jace for the longest time, he wouldn't go through producers, he could have contacted Barb through SM. Slide in her DM's as they say. 

So Lurch wants to shut down filming because he doesn't want Ensure filmed? No problem.  She is just "there" anyway .  

Stella looked at Luis like, "who the hell is this guy?" Briana sure knows how to pick em. Paying for his ticket!!! 

Randalicous handled that conversation with Aubree beautifully. He didn't outright badmouth Adam and kept reassuring Aubree that none of this is her fault and that Adam is the one who is missing out. 

  • Love 23

If what Leah and Cory go through with Ali's school is indicative of the frustrations parents of Special Needs children experience, then man, I have all kinds of sympathy. 

They have the right to have Allie's wheelchair brought to school every single day.  Wheelchair access can be included in her IEP, which is the legal document that includes all of Ali's rights.  Schools sometimes screw around with services, but if something is included in the IEP they need to follow it or else the parents can choose to send their kid to any private school they want and the public school needs to pay for it.  

Ali's parents don't have the right to choose which employee will serve as Ali's aide - the specific aide Leah wants can be reassigned according to the district's needs, but Allie can be entitled to an aide as long as it is included in the IEP, especially if her doctor submits documentation that it is medically necessary (and by the way, it was nice seeing him again in the previously segments.  I really do admire that man, who seems to love Ali and deals with her parents and their "lets pray ms away" attitude much with much more grace and patience than I would.  Although they do seem to be less clueless about Ali's condition now than in the past).  

  • Useful 1
  • Love 15
10 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I’m watching the episode and I’m amazed that Jenelle considers Nathan a standard of “kind of having his shit together”.

If Andrew has a bachelors degree I am a size 12. Andrew is 33??! So he was a 23yrs old grown ass man having sex with a 17year old?! No, just no. A slight age difference in an actual constental relationship doesn’t upset me. (17 and 19 for example, or even 17 and 20) but if you’re old enough to have graduated from college and having sex with people still in high school you’re scum- you’re probably doing that because no girls your own age will touch you. 

As much as I'm tiring of Barb, I loved when Andrew said his age and she was like, "Oh, you're getting OLD."

  • Love 14

Something’s not working this season. 

They are recycling the same storylines over and over. It’s repetitive and boring. Something needs to happen. 

Maybe they need to film the moms in more social settings or chatting with more of their friends Idk but something has to be switched up. 

I understand why they fired David, but without him we are shut out of Jenelle’s home life and seeing her in a staged convo with her producer in a parking lot just doesn’t work. 

  • Love 11
11 hours ago, Emmierose said:

Briana: Her friend Shirley looks about 40 years old and I’m guessing she’s not.  Girlfriend looks ROUGH. And what’s with the whole renting a house to have a birthday party? What? Do people actually do this? It’s like admitting you’re such trash you that you want to have a house party but don’t have a house.  How about Chuck E Cheese or some kid place ya know, for a KID’S birthday?  Also gonna question the tanks with titles on them for your child’s first birthday, just no.  And did Briana even shower before she put on her fancy tank top?  Doesn’t look like it, she looks like she smells like McDonald’s.  Wow Luis thanks for playing.  Why even bother showing up? That baby has NO idea who he is.  And I’m over Brittany mugging for the camera, it was funny ONCE. 


YES!  Omg this is the BEST description!


2 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

MTV is so lame, they won't film on the land because of her psycho redneck husband. So Jenelle has to be filmed through the window of her vehicle in some random parking lot. Just fire her ass already, nobody cares!

Luis and Devoid both suck! But I think walking up to the coven residence would be very much like a death row inmate walking to the chair.


Death row is prefereable to the coven home - at least when you get to the chair, there is the sweet release of death!  

  • Love 12
7 minutes ago, eskimo said:

Sweet Ali, telling Cory she misses Gracie in class at school and then giving Addy loves before they left was so sweet.  She has got a heart of gold, I just love her. 

Jenelle was so cute, pretending like she has any say in whether Jace meets Andrew or not.  Barb was weighing the pros and cons out loud and Jenelles like 'That's what I'm saying, I'm going to have to think about it because.......'.  Lol  Girl, you are a non-factor here. 

I felt bad for Ali when Gracie said she preferred separate classrooms. I understand why Gracie would feel that way and she's certainly entitled to her opinion, but man, she can be a mean little snot at times, can't she? 

  • Love 13
31 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I felt bad for Ali when Gracie said she preferred separate classrooms. I understand why Gracie would feel that way and she's certainly entitled to her opinion, but man, she can be a mean little snot at times, can't she? 

I didnt feel bad for Ali. Something tells me Ali gives as good as Gracie does (remember the scene last year where Ali claimed she was shoved and she clearly was not). This is CLASSIC Sib stuff. 

Of course neither Ali or Gracie should be allowed to be disrespectful to each other (that’s not ok) but they are at the age where they are establishing their own relationship outside of what adults tell them they should feel for each other. 

  • Love 23
13 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Wow, Loooo-isssss showed up to his daughter's birthday party empty-handed?! Even Devoid brought a gift. Granted it was unwrapped, but at least the thought was there. I rarely feel bad for Brianna, but I did tonight. Paying for Luis' ticket was a nice gesture. It was a dick move for him to take a DJ gig when the purpose of him being down there was to see his daughter.

I don’t think he ever cared about being there for Stella at all. Briana lent Luis the money to come and he can pay her back with the money he gets from mtv for appearing on the show..I’m assuming that’s what she told him. She only invited him for the drama, imo. Why the hell else would she suddenly want his absentee ass there for Stella’s 1st birthday? The pictures? There’s actual footage showing it’s all a fraud anyway so what’s the point? That’s why I assume it was all for the show. And she wins either way -drama if he comes and drama if he doesn’t because she can then freak out and talk about how horrible he is and how long suffering Briana is “wit dis guuuyyyy.” Briana wants to stay on tv.

Also, Briana has cute kids. She’s gross herself. Take a shower. You’d think someone who would go through multiple elective plastic surgeries more than once would be somewhat into their appearance and like, wash before they are filmed for a tv show, or something. And maybe do their fucking hair.

13 hours ago, ghoulina said:


But what I don't get is - why doesn't Leah just drive the kids to school?

I don’t understand that either. I guess I also don’t see it as a huge deal that the bus couldn’t take the willchair that one time. Yeah, it sucks that they didn’t have the right equipment when they should but it was the first day and they are so fucking lax about the willchair anyway! Plus, it’s not like Leah has a job or anywhere to go - all her kids were gone at school - she might live a ways away but it wasn’t a big deal for her to take the chair there like it would be for someone having to work. I’d definitely call and make sure they’re aware of what happened so it doesn’t happen again but mistakes happen, especially on the first day. I didn’t like how someone like Leah, who has made a million mistakes herself, made such a big deal out of it. People are human and the important thing is that the willchair would be there for Ali in the end anyway, despite the inconvenience on Leah.

21 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I felt bad for Ali when Gracie said she preferred separate classrooms. I understand why Gracie would feel that way and she's certainly entitled to her opinion, but man, she can be a mean little snot at times, can't she? 

Yeah, Gracie is telling Ali she likes being away from her, telling Addie that Addie’s going to get in trouble at school and that Gracie won’t be there to help her when Addie “has drama” and meanwhile Ali is saying she misses Gracie when she doesn’t see her all day and that she will miss Addie and loves her, it’s quite the contrast between Gracie and Ali!

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Yeah, it sucks that they didn’t have the right equipment when they should but it was the first day and they are so fucking lax about the willchair anyway!

Willchair! lol! I think it's weird that Leah/Cory haven't spent any of their MTV money on a willchair accessible vehicle, which Ali is going to inevitably need at some point. Maybe they have it saved for when the time comes? 

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, eskimo said:

Sweet Ali, telling Cory she misses Gracie in class at school and then giving Addy loves before they left was so sweet.  She has got a heart of gold, I just love her. 

Jenelle was so cute, pretending like she has any say in whether Jace meets Andrew or not.  Barb was weighing the pros and cons out loud and Jenelles like 'That's what I'm saying, I'm going to have to think about it because.......'.  Lol  Girl, you are a non-factor here. 

Fucking Jenelle didn't even know that Jace actually wonders about his father from time to time until Barb told her. She sucks.

Randylicious was so good with Aubree last night. I really wanted to give him a hug. If not for the fact that I don't want my Twitter followers to know I watch this trash, I would tweet and tag him about how beautifully he handled that discussion.

2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I felt bad for Ali when Gracie said she preferred separate classrooms. I understand why Gracie would feel that way and she's certainly entitled to her opinion, but man, she can be a mean little snot at times, can't she? 

Yes, she can. Her parents need to do something about it because she's going to seriously regret it if Ali's health significantly deteriorates.

I think Brianna rents the house for parties because the apartment she shares with her family barely contains them. Stella is too young for Chuckie Cheese or whatever it is. Nova gets to swim with her friends and they can grill like they probably can't at their apartment complex. It was nice of Devon to bring a gift. Not surprised that the birthday girl's father arrived without one. What a fucking loser. I hope he didn't get a dime for that appearance.

Does Kailyn realize how fucking tacky she looked in that "Your dad's on the phone" scene? Ewww.

  • Love 16
3 hours ago, eskimo said:

Jenelle was so cute, pretending like she has any say in whether Jace meets Andrew or not.  Barb was weighing the pros and cons out loud and Jenelles like 'That's what I'm saying, I'm going to have to think about it because.......'.  Lol  Girl, you are a non-factor here. 

It was funny because Jenelle and Barb talked and kind of agreed, "no"; but then Barb talks to Andrew and is suddenly devising a plan. She may have just been mollifying him; but it was hilarious because Jenelle had literally no control. 

  • Love 15
17 hours ago, A-Lo said:

How much do I love Randy right now for taking the high road when it comes to whether Adam will step up and pay so he can see Aubree?  He's not giving her false hope yet he's saying he know Adams loves her.  And when Aubree suggests Randy meeting up with Adam and punching him?  Randy very democratically says he's not the punching kind and that he knows Adam struggles with schedules.  But that it's also Adam's loss if he doesn't show up for his visit with Aubree.

I agree..I liked the way Randy was diplomatic but also did not denigrate Adam to her. Saying Adam loves her but is not capable of keeping a schedule right now was kind to Aubree...she needs to know that her Dad loves her even if he is not in her life the way he should be. It is unfortunate that the only storyline for this family this season is Adam's lack of parenting. Hopefully the birth of the new baby will provide for some much needed relief from the deadbeat Dad stuff with Adam.

  • Love 11
23 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Aw, did anyone else think it was so adorably sweet of Isaac to think of Javi's new baby as "his" family. I don't know why Kail had to rain on his parade like that. 

Because Kail's gotta Kail. She is just a  garbage human and the very definition of a slag.

16 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Andrew has a degree from USC? In the words of Mz. Phaedra Parks, "I'm going to need to see some documentation" on that one.

Huh. Either he did a three month certificate program, or he went to University Community College IN Southern California. (is there such a place? I think not)

The only thing that stood out about Andrew to me was that he looked like Matt in Love After Lockup.

  • Love 10

Sorry but the whole Andrew segment was scripted...they don't have anything new to do with Jenelle now that David is not filming nor is Ensley. Also, now that she and Barb have made peace with each other and aren't fighting over custody of Jace, what else is there to Jenelle? Let's bring in the first baby daddy! I find it hard to believe that this guy who was a heroin addict/alcoholic got into USC let alone graduated from it. And he has a "good" job in NYC too? What am I missing here? Even the convo between Barb and Jenelle seemed scripted and rehearsed. 

Previous comments about Kail's physical appearance are spot on. The ridiculous blown up fake butt, the tats all over her fat arms coupled with "No, it's not your Dad" to each of the boys was cringeworthy. She's a mess...she's very threatened by Lauren. Lauren looks like she has fun with the boys and enjoys doing things with them...all I see is Kail barking at the kids to get in the car or to hurry up and do this and that. I never see her playing with them or doing fun things. No wonder they both want to hang out at Javi's house! Why isn't Kail teaching them to ride a bike? Lauren is helping with that and she's very pregnant..Kail is too busy trashing her baby daddies or running around with various lovers of both sexes or fighting on Twitter with other Teen Moms... And now she wants to reach out to her mother? Was this cooked up by MTV since her third baby daddy won't tape with her or at all?

I like Leah this season and her new man...he seems good for her and their relationship seems warm and loving. Too bad she has to push so hard for the public school to make life easier for Ali...but she seems to be navigating the bureaucratic BS well. And by the way...she looks great!  

  • Love 13

Funniest part of the ep:

Kail "your dad's on the phone"

Kid "my dad?" 

Kail "no your dad" 

As she coordinates her various kids meeting up with various dads.  Keep it klassy, Kail.

As far as Andrew goes: he's 33 now so that would have made him...24 when he got teenage Jenelle pregnant?  Was that ever talked about???

On ‎1‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 6:31 PM, A-Lo said:

How much do I love Randy right now for taking the high road when it comes to whether Adam will step up and pay so he can see Aubree?  He's not giving her false hope yet he's saying he know Adams loves her.  And when Aubree suggests Randy meeting up with Adam and punching him?  Randy very democratically says he's not the punching kind and that he knows Adam struggles with schedules.  But that it's also Adam's loss if he doesn't show up for his visit with Aubree.

Randy handled that beautifully.  I was really impressed.  

On ‎1‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 7:18 PM, BitterApple said:

Wow, Loooo-isssss showed up to his daughter's birthday party empty-handed?! Even Devoid brought a gift. Granted it was unwrapped, but at least the thought was there. I rarely feel bad for Brianna, but I did tonight. Paying for Luis' ticket was a nice gesture. It was a dick move for him to take a DJ gig when the purpose of him being down there was to see his daughter.

Andrew has a degree from USC? In the words of Mz. Phaedra Parks, "I'm going to need to see some documentation" on that one. 

"Maybe one day the baby's father and I will get married." Yeah, right. Keep dreaming, Kail. You have a better chance of walking in the next Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. 

Adam not paying the fee is the best thing to happen to Aubree. Not having visits altogether is way better than playing the "Is he or isn't he going to show?" game. Randy working out with his grandkids was really cute. 

If what Leah and Cory go through with Ali's school is indicative of the frustrations parents of Special Needs children experience, then man, I have all kinds of sympathy. 

I actually didn't have a problem with Luis taking the DJ gig.  I assumed it'd be later at night when Stella was asleep anyway.  He's not there to visit Bri, he's there to see Stella, so what does it matter if he's not there late at night?  It's not like he'd be spending the night with them anyway.  But him not helping them set up and coming there without a present was fucked up.  He's definitely a deadbeat.  That's why you don't get knocked up by randos at da club, Bri.

  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, lezlers said:

Funniest part of the ep:

Kail "your dad's on the phone"

Kid "my dad?" 

Kail "no your dad" 

As she coordinates her various kids meeting up with various dads.  Keep it klassy, Kail.

As far as Andrew goes: he's 33 now so that would have made him...24 when he got teenage Jenelle pregnant?  Was that ever talked about???

Randy handled that beautifully.  I was really impressed.  

I actually didn't have a problem with Luis taking the DJ gig.  I assumed it'd be later at night when Stella was asleep anyway.  He's not there to visit Bri, he's there to see Stella, so what does it matter if he's not there late at night?  It's not like he'd be spending the night with them anyway.  But him not helping them set up and coming there without a present was fucked up.  He's definitely a deadbeat.  That's why you don't get knocked up by randos at da club, Bri.

Perhaps Briana was upset she wasn't invited to the party Luis was DJ'ing.  There went a missed opportunity to screw a new random in the club bathroom for the next useless baby daddy.

  • Love 13

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