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LuAnn de Lesseps: No Longer a Countess, Still Never a Princess

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5 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I'm of the (uneducated) opinion that 30-day "rehab" programs are really just detox camps.  To me, it's counterintuitive to think that a lifetime or long-term addiction can be seriously addressed in 30 days. (Or in Luann's case, about 40 days total in two trips).

She is merely following the celebrity playbook.

Most normal rehab stays are only a “jump start.”  The patient receives a plan, and available resources in their community to help to insure success of that plan, but the patient has to be willing to do the work necessary to reach their goals. This is the normal process that is generally accepted in the industry of therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists that work in it. 

Aftercare facilities, group therapy, intensive individual therapy, and meetings are all a part of the available options. 

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18 hours ago, Higgins said:

If you work for a company with more than 100 employees and you have been employed with that company for a year, your job is protected and you get short term disability at something like 66% of your pay for up to 12 weeks. 

That's a lot of "ifs." Plus people think that their job is protected and they can't fire them if they're sick.  Well, if your job doesn't want to deal with you while you're sick, they can come up with excuses to fire you, especially if you live in an "at will" state.  I've seen this happen. .  Of course, it is against the federal law, but it does happen.  Then you are sick, out of work, and need to hire an attorney to try and protect your rights.  Employment law is not like accident/injury law.  Most of them do not take cases on contingency and even if you find one that will do it, it is usually for their fees and you still have to pay the cost of filing, depositions, etc.  People who have not been there think they have protection, when they really don't.  They're at their employer's mercy.  Short term disability is also not a given.  At my job you have to pay for it, so even though it meets your other criteria, I do not have it because it is costly.  

Edited by Normades
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Has anyone seen Luann's show in NYC?  I got tickled last night when she and Sonja were rehearsing in Columbia.  I could hardly believe that they needed the words to Money Can't Buy You Class! I mean, don't they know that song by now? Even I know it!  lol  I do get a kick out of watching Sonja practice or discuss that show.....she is right in her element and LOVING every minute.  I bet that woman thanks God on her knees every night for this opportunity.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

Because  the episode thread is locked, I thought I'd post my favorite comments from Dame Moylan's recap:

  1. Hey Luann, Be clean. Why you gotta be all... UNCLEAN. --mewmew
  2. “Money can’t stop your ass. Money can't stop your ass from shitting on the bed my friends." --Teek4Tat


Ha Ha. That Vulture recap was a fun read.    I never read that stuff but I think I should start.

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On 8/1/2018 at 12:34 PM, AnnA said:

She didn't.  The half of the marital estate the children were to get was her husband's.  He gave it to them in the divorce settlement.

So, Luann was not required to give the kids half of her divorce settlement?

Was she the facilitator of the kid's trust fund set up by the count or...were there several facilitators?

If, money disappeared from that trust fund , that would explain why the count is also suing.

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16 hours ago, chewycandy said:

Princess Madeleine of Sweden is moving to Florida. Her mother lives in Palm Beach. Wonder if the Countess will pay a visit? ;)

I wonder if she mastermind the jewel heist where the robbers took off in the boat. Could that boat be headed to Palm Beach? 

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39 minutes ago, artisto said:

So, Luann was not required to give the kids half of her divorce settlement?

Was she the facilitator of the kid's trust fund set up by the count or...were there several facilitators?

If, money disappeared from that trust fund , that would explain why the count is also suing.

She was to be the facilitator. In the divorce decree, he gave her the house with the stipulation that half of the value of the sale of it was to go into a trust for the kids that Luann was to establish. There appears to be an issue of just putting the kids on the deed because of their minority, which is why Luann had to establish the trust. Luann never established the trust. The first house sold for $8 million. She bought her current house for $3 million. No idea where the remainder went. She is now trying to sell this house, buy one in the Catskills, and still hasn't established the trust.

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On 7/31/2018 at 4:54 PM, HunterHunted said:

I personally want an hour long special filmed in the clubhouse and not her lawn like last time. I'd dock her reunion pay and potentially decrease her pay for next season by at least 5% because there were supposed sightings of her in the New York area 7 to 10 days after she went into rehab. This suggests that it wasn't even 2 weeks.

I would love to see her doctor's medical necessity documentation too because Bravo could have put her in a hotel with a sober coach for a day or two.

I love this ! Yes. Skipping the reunion so her feet don’t have to be put to the fire is THE WORST thing Lu had done for me and I love her. Worse than shitting the bed, the pirate, the limo driver addressing her corrreclty etc. LAME 

On 8/1/2018 at 3:27 PM, HunterHunted said:

Didn't say a doctor's note. I said doctor's medical necessity documentation and medical/clinical necessity documentation is absolutely required for admittance into rehab as long as the rehab accepts insurance. Most insurance companies follow the CMS conditions of participation, which do require a doctor/clinician to document that the treatment is necessary. You are correct that rehabs would typically have an LCDC instead of a doctor assess clinical necessity. However, it still means there is someone there with some training who says that Luann needed to be in this inpatient rehab facility. But I have my doubts about whether Luann's Spahab accepts insurance.

THIS. This is accurate. There is no way that was medically nec. It was private pay luxury to get her out of the reunion .  Privilege. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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52 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Only if he's giving her diamonds.

Yeah.....I should have realized.  Anytime you post that a housewife is down  on  her knees.....well...the first thought is not of her praying. lol 

Did you catch that comment by Lu at the cabana on Ship Happens? She was talking about how great the place was and so romantic.  She added, that she would rather be there with a MAN, but,.......she really is still so boy crazy.  Kind of funny. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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LuAnn has her show at the Paramount on Long Island tonight.    I just checked their website and there are still tickets available reduced to $74.50 from $100.  I'm sure that's the same day purchase price.  

I'm still pissed off that she got away with skipping the reunion.   It's going to be hard to warm up to her again after everything she's done lately.    

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3 minutes ago, chick binewski said:

“My kids are my children”. Okay.

Also, Lu looks great but "revenge body"? Revenge for whom? You knew Tom was a louse but you wanted a wedding. Revenge for the officer you kicked? I'm not clear on this. But I'm pretty much hating on everything she & Bethenny are saying in the press and SM.

So much THIS.

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Not the sharpest bulb in shed, is she? Hee!

I think Luann's body looks the same as it always has, so I don't understand what she's referring to either.

I was watching some program last night that had a very recent interview with Steven Tyler. He talked about how he relapsed on ecstasy about eight years ago and went back to rehab and stayed until he was good and clean and sober. (Even if it meant postponing solo gigs or tours with Aerosmith.) He also talked about how he attends AA meetings regularly and showed some of his chips and said he had formed many tight relationships with guys in A.A.  I know that comparing his problems to Luann's are apples to kiwi, I was just thinking about how he obviously took rehab very seriously and was committed to doing the work to stay sober.  

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42 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

Not the sharpest bulb in shed, is she? Hee!

I think Luann's body looks the same as it always has, so I don't understand what she's referring to either.

I was watching some program last night that had a very recent interview with Steven Tyler. He talked about how he relapsed on ecstasy about eight years ago and went back to rehab and stayed until he was good and clean and sober. (Even if it meant postponing solo gigs or tours with Aerosmith.) He also talked about how he attends AA meetings regularly and showed some of his chips and said he had formed many tight relationships with guys in A.A.  I know that comparing his problems to Luann's are apples to kiwi, I was just thinking about how he obviously took rehab very seriously and was committed to doing the work to stay sober.  

Major difference being that Tyler acknowledged a problem.  Doesn't seem like Luann has done that.  She's paid some lip service to it, but basically won't acknowledge that she is an alcoholic, and takes it all rather casually imo.  I don't know whether or not she is an alcoholic as clinically defined, but her legal issues should force some serious introspection at the very least, about her lifestyle choices.

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10 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Major difference being that Tyler acknowledged a problem.  Doesn't seem like Luann has done that.  She's paid some lip service to it, but basically won't acknowledge that she is an alcoholic, and takes it all rather casually imo.  I don't know whether or not she is an alcoholic as clinically defined, but her legal issues should force some serious introspection at the very least, about her lifestyle choices.

Yes, I've yet to hear LuAnn (on this show or elsewhere) refer to herself as an alcoholic. That's why I've found it interesting when some folks here wanted to say that LuAnn was best suited to say anything to Dorinda that night at dinner. LuAnn wasn't saying anything to Dorinda as one alcoholic to another because LuAnn doesn't believe she is an alcoholic. LuAnn was being her typical judgey, un-self aware LuAnn to an alcoholic, for sure, but she wasn't speaking alcoholic to alcoholic to Dorinda in the slightest. 

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1 hour ago, Mozelle said:

Yes, I've yet to hear LuAnn (on this show or elsewhere) refer to herself as an alcoholic. That's why I've found it interesting when some folks here wanted to say that LuAnn was best suited to say anything to Dorinda that night at dinner. LuAnn wasn't saying anything to Dorinda as one alcoholic to another because LuAnn doesn't believe she is an alcoholic. LuAnn was being her typical judgey, un-self aware LuAnn to an alcoholic, for sure, but she wasn't speaking alcoholic to alcoholic to Dorinda in the slightest. 

I agree. Mozelle. That "She's starting" type comment was judgy and bitchy and really didn't appear to stem from "caring". 

It was equivalent to saying "Are you eating again!?" to an obese friend.  Not kind. Not compassionate. Not elegant.

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Didn't it all start when Luann asked Dorinda, "How's the margarita?" It appeared that with all the background noise, Dorinda didn't clearly hear Luann and responded, and that's when Luann jumped in with "She's starting."

It always bothers me when people who aren't drinking (for whatever reason) ask somebody who is drinking alcohol how their drink is. I never understood that. It feels to me like the non-drinker is baiting the drinker to respond with, "Great. Want a sip?" Then that's the nudge they need to fall off the wagon and fall hard and they can blame it on their "friend" for tempting them. 

Regardless what Lu's motive were (if any) for making that comment, it was uncalled for. There is nothing worse than a sanctimonious person in recovery. So, even though it was a bitchy thing to say and kind of "pot calling kettle," I agreed with Dorinda's TH about Luann's "rose colored glasses of sobriety." 

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2 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:


It always bothers me when people who aren't drinking (for whatever reason) ask somebody who is drinking alcohol how their drink is. I never understood that. It feels to me like the non-drinker is baiting the drinker to respond with, "Great. Want a sip?" Then that's the nudge they need to fall off the wagon and fall hard and they can blame it on their "friend" for tempting them. 

Is it not the same as asking someone how their meal is?

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21 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

So, even though it was a bitchy thing to say and kind of "pot calling kettle," I agreed with Dorinda's TH about Luann's "rose colored glasses of sobriety." 

Piously sober, while stealing from her kids and shitting the bed -- which step is that in recovery, Countess? Lucky thirteen? -- and I'm pretty sure people leaving rehab are supposed to take their own inventory, not anybody else's. 

Dorinda is a brutal drunk - she jumps from 0 to 100 in a lizard lick of her tongue -- but Luann did not have clean hands in that back and forth.

Edited by film noire
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On 8/3/2018 at 7:41 AM, artisto said:

So, Luann was not required to give the kids half of her divorce settlement?

Was she the facilitator of the kid's trust fund set up by the count or...were there several facilitators?

If, money disappeared from that trust fund , that would explain why the count is also suing.

In the de Lesseps divorce instead of selling the marital house in the Hamptons and splitting the proceeds 50/50 or one party buying the other out, the Count signed the house over to Luann free and clear (he was the sole owner, apparently before the divorce).  This was done with a stipulation, though, that she put 50% of the house in trust for the kids (the 50% of it that he was entitled to as an asset, rather than taking it, he used it to provide a home for the kids).  Luann never set up the trust.

Luann was allowed to sell this house, which she did, for $8M.  So, at this point, $4M should have been put in the trust for the kids.  The other stipulation, though, was that the kids must be put on the deed (or, the trust must hold 50% of the title to), the new house.  Luann never did this either.  Now she is attempting to sell the second house without ever having put the original proceeds in trust or having put the kids/trust on the title of house 2.  This is what the count and kids are suing for, to prevent the house from being sold and to force her to comply with the agreements she entered into.

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1 hour ago, smores said:

In the de Lesseps divorce instead of selling the marital house in the Hamptons and splitting the proceeds 50/50 or one party buying the other out, the Count signed the house over to Luann free and clear (he was the sole owner, apparently before the divorce).  This was done with a stipulation, though, that she put 50% of the house in trust for the kids (the 50% of it that he was entitled to as an asset, rather than taking it, he used it to provide a home for the kids).  Luann never set up the trust.

Luann was allowed to sell this house, which she did, for $8M.  So, at this point, $4M should have been put in the trust for the kids.  The other stipulation, though, was that the kids must be put on the deed (or, the trust must hold 50% of the title to), the new house.  Luann never did this either.  Now she is attempting to sell the second house without ever having put the original proceeds in trust or having put the kids/trust on the title of house 2.  This is what the count and kids are suing for, to prevent the house from being sold and to force her to comply with the agreements she entered into.

Thank you for summing this up. I cannot see how Luann is going to worm her way out of this one. I believe that even if she makes it right, she is still very wrong for letting it get to the point where they had to take her to court and put a stop to the sale of the home. I do not believe that she can pretend not to understand the terms of the agreement, much like Teresa G. When you sign a legal document, you need to know what you are signing.

I mean, these are her children! How can one possible not have their best interests at the forefront?

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2 hours ago, smores said:

In the de Lesseps divorce instead of selling the marital house in the Hamptons and splitting the proceeds 50/50 or one party buying the other out, the Count signed the house over to Luann free and clear (he was the sole owner, apparently before the divorce).  This was done with a stipulation, though, that she put 50% of the house in trust for the kids (the 50% of it that he was entitled to as an asset, rather than taking it, he used it to provide a home for the kids).  Luann never set up the trust.

Luann was allowed to sell this house, which she did, for $8M.  So, at this point, $4M should have been put in the trust for the kids.  The other stipulation, though, was that the kids must be put on the deed (or, the trust must hold 50% of the title to), the new house.  Luann never did this either.  Now she is attempting to sell the second house without ever having put the original proceeds in trust or having put the kids/trust on the title of house 2.  This is what the count and kids are suing for, to prevent the house from being sold and to force her to comply with the agreements she entered into.

She sold a house for $8M but did she net $8m from the sale??  Was the house paid off and what were the fees involved?

If the agreement said to split the proceeds 50/50 it may not be $4M.  But a legal settlement must be adhered to or face the consequeces.   Still love Lu tho.

Edited by Sunnykm
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1 minute ago, Sunnykm said:

She sold a house for $8M but did she net $8m from the sale??  Was the house paid off and what were the fees involved?

In the affidavit that the Count signed it said the house had no mortgages attached but yes the $8million would most like be minus any brokers fees.

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On ‎8‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 10:33 PM, CharlizeCat said:

I think Luann's body looks the same as it always has, so I don't understand what she's referring to either.


I see it, for sure!


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10 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:


Luann - gotta give it to her - she knows how to pose so that she doesn't look like she's shaped like a 2 by 4

This is a really pretty photo. I don’t know if Lu styled herself, or if someone styled her, but she should strive for this kind of look, rather than her most recent TH looks (she’s wearing a sleeveless, square-neck tomato red dress or top). Her TH makeup is too heavy and harsh. In my opinion, she looks like a man. 

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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21 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

How did she get rid of the crepe-y skin? I didn’t think any amount of toning or exercise could diminish that!

Photoshop clone tool.

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27 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

How did she get rid of the crepe-y skin? I didn’t think any amount of toning or exercise could diminish that!

Tummy tuck

and Photoshop

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You guys are funny.

I would like to have seen Lu’s face when she saw that someone released the top photo.

I loved the way Lu looked in the first season. Hardly any makeup, a silk scarf worn kind of like a headband. Simple, classic clothing. No red lace jumpsuits.

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9 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

You guys are funny.

I would like to have seen Lu’s face when she saw that someone released the top photo.

I loved the way Lu looked in the first season. Hardly any makeup, a silk scarf worn kind of like a headband. Simple, classic clothing. No red lace jumpsuits.

She looked like a Ralph Lauren ad come to life.

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4 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

How did she get rid of the crepe-y skin? I didn’t think any amount of toning or exercise could diminish that!

I remember when photos of Tara Reid circulated a few years ago showing a similar condition on her stomach.  It was blamed on "bad" surgery (I presume lipo).  Whether or not it can be remedied, I don't know.  Lu's photos could be edited, but it wouldn't explain her appearance on the show, which doesn't look like that at all.

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On 8/6/2018 at 8:36 PM, CharlizeCat said:

Regardless what Lu's motive were (if any) for making that comment, it was uncalled for. There is nothing worse than a sanctimonious person in recovery. So, even though it was a bitchy thing to say and kind of "pot calling kettle," I agreed with Dorinda's TH about Luann's "rose colored glasses of sobriety." 



On 8/6/2018 at 8:59 PM, film noire said:

Piously sober, while stealing from her kids and shitting the bed -- which step is that in recovery, Countess? Lucky thirteen? -- and I'm pretty sure people leaving rehab are supposed to take their own inventory, not anybody else's. 

Dorinda is a brutal drunk - she jumps from 0 to 100 in a lizard lick of her tongue -- but Luann did not have clean hands in that back and forth.

I do think Dorinda really goes off the rails (but I think most of NY, as well as OC, can contribute a lot of their shriekiness to pills) but I am buying into the theory that it's not just what Lu said - it's that Lu has been drinking since she got out of rehab and the entire cast is covering it up so Lu can enjoy herself. Dorinda lost it when Lu attempted to use her in order to expand her role from Substance Abuser to Counselor, and frankly I don't blame Dorinda for wigging out. 

And if I'm right it pisses me off bc NY is the one show where even when they act phony, the real crap always bubbles to the top. If the cast continues to work on keeping each others' secrets and making side deals it's going to spiral into BH and no one wants that.


22 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I loved the way Lu looked in the first season. Hardly any makeup, a silk scarf worn kind of like a headband. Simple, classic clothing. No red lace jumpsuits.


She really doesn't need a lot - a LBD, classic trousers & an oxford, jeans & sweater - everything simple looks fantastic on her. I wish she'd get another divorce from the cheap prints, poorly cut dresses and Flintstonian necklaces.

*also, obvi she is fit and takes care of herself but I also think she did the smart thing with the knife which is boob lift - not implants. Remember when Ramona returned one season with a lift and she looked great? But she came back the following year with implants that, to me, aged her.     

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On 8/8/2018 at 10:25 AM, ryebread said:

I see it, for sure!


The difference is one is a real candid shot, the top one.  The other is blurred using a filter.   Unless she had plastic surgery she can’t do much about sagging skin. 

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On 8/8/2018 at 2:56 PM, hoodooznoodooz said:

How did she get rid of the crepe-y skin? I didn’t think any amount of toning or exercise could diminish that!

You can see her tummy tuck scar above her right hip in the photo with her wearing the white bikini.  (I know, because mine looks just like that.)

Edited by Anne Thrax
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3 hours ago, Anne Thrax said:

You can see her tummy tuck scar above her right hip in the photo with her wearing the white bikini.  (I know, because mine looks just like that.)

HA!   I knew it!

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4 hours ago, Anne Thrax said:

You can see her tummy tuck scar above her right hip in the photo with her wearing the white bikini.  (I know, because mine looks just like that.)

Thank you for that.  Now I won’t waste my money on that crepe erase.  I’ll just save for that tummy tuck.  And I would just like to note that the women in NY consistently get better ‘work’ than those in BH or OC.

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