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S07.E29: Mixed Feelings

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16 hours ago, druzy said:

Were there any episodes this season that didn't feature Cheyanne having or attending a party?

Not only a party, but she said she was "celebrating her birthday WEEK". This girl has some time on her hands. 

16 hours ago, druzy said:

Don't worry Amber, you're getting enough rest.

"The doctor told me to relax more." That was the funniest thing I have ever heard. I think the only way Amber can relax more is if she's dead.

15 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

"Are we going to take a break every year?

That was actually interesting to watch. Cate was desperately trying to insinuate that they would still BE together in order to even TAKE breaks. She was fishing so hard in that conversation, and you could see it in her face as she slightly turned her head and squinted at Tyler when she asked that. And then Tyler's exhausted "HUH? Whaa?" after that made me laugh. 

3 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

Jade is adorable.  She saved the show last night. She did so good after her surgery. Big girl attitude!

I actually forgot I was watching Teen Mom when her scenes were on, and found myself transported into a state of giving a shit about what was on my TV screen. Jayde talking at the dinner table was precious. Did anyone catch Bentley's remark when Maci said "Don't say that!" regarding his surgery? I couldn't quite make out what it was. 

Bristol and Dakota's littlest one, Antler or whatever her name is, is darling. 

15 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Why was Amber yelling about not wanting to talk to people who can relate to her and complaints about her job? The hell was that?

Well, you see, in order to go out and talk to people in a support group she'd actually have to peel herself off the couch/bed. I believe Amber only ventures into the outside world to go on trips or get her "nells" done.

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16 hours ago, Quilty said:

Numatt gets out of breath just talking on the phone. He really should see a doctor about that.

What a sloth...that poor baby is going to grow up on a couch or on a bed.

15 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said:

Andrew made it for Amber to cheer her up.  It only worked briefly. 

A "charcuterie" platter...doubt that he could it get delivered from a local place in Indiana...he most likely had to make it himself. All of his efforts to "cheer" Amber up are only making her pissed off. He's going to need the patience of Job to deal with Amber's mood swings and roller coaster temperament. Won't be long before she's barking at him, yelling at him and throwing things. 

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4 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Wanted to add that Cate forgets how she ran out on Tyler TWICE.  I don't blame him for wanting his own break.  I like how he is always thinking what is best for Nova.  Clearly having a stable mother had a positive effect on him.  Maybe affect on him?  I never know and the explanation is never clear.  (It is my life long shame)

This is a good point. I didn't really look at it that way. But if he wants to work on himself, in his own way, how is it really that different? 


2 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Was already there.  It made it worse.  I have a master's degree but sadly no grammar and this/these words confuse me.  Our mother taught English and none of her kids "got no English".  I was in the top 5% for SAT, obviously affect/effect was not on the test.

Someone (on these forums) taught me RAVEN - Remember, Affect is a Verb and Effect is a Noun. There are exceptions; which, of course, confuse it even more. But I'd wager I'm right about 80% of the time? LOL


56 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

I hate how Amber is always right and whatever anyone else says is so ridiculously stupid. Like, how dare Andrew and his sister offer useful tips on how to cope with post partum. “People just need to be supportive of us” like you’re supporting your significant other when you jump down his throat for being SUPPORTIVE?!?!? I can’t

Frankly, I was quite surprised Amber didn't go off on Andrew for telling his sister about her problems. 

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So Cheyenne had a huge blowout party for her 26th birthday??? So that means she had Ryder (sp?) when she was 24ish? How is that a Teen Mom? MTV got lazy and casted from their own shows to fill a slot on this show. Honestly, she and Cory bore the hell out of me. All she does is drone on and on about Cory and he's always in some corner with his posse snickering about Cheyenne and the possibility of banging her again. Neither of them seem to have a life outside of MTV reality shows...pathetic.

Amber...ugh. I see big problems looming on the horizon between her and Andrew. It will evolve into the same pattern of behavior that she has had with all her men...berating them, massive temper tantrums and then the throwing of objects and finally, yelling at Andrew to leave her house. She better be prepared for a custody battle with this guy and he will be armed to the teeth with a very well paid attorney.

Gary...glad for him to find this Dad. Must have been a bit of a disappointment to realize his mother was so promiscuous that she couldn't remember all the men she slept with. He's lucky he found someone as sweet and supportive as Christina. 

Tyler and Cate...where to begin? He's totally checked out and seems to have little to no interest in the new baby. He wants out...it's written all over his face. He basically ignores Cate. It seems like he would rather look at his phone rather than have a conversation with her. 

Jayde stole the show last night...what a sweet kid. Still hard for me to stomach Taylor after reading his past tweets that were homophobic and misogynistic in the most disgusting way. 

Bristol...please explain to me why she is on this show? She has ZERO hardships. Lots of money, new home, supportive family and fun money that she can spend on cosmetic procedures (that chin impact is awful BTW) and on Louis Vuitton handbags. Her only issue is co parenting with Dakota...and really they should only be talking by text about drop offs, pick ups and scheduling. Every time she calls him it sets him off...he can't stand her. It would me too...she's annoying as hell.

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Can’t wait till Cory gets another chance at “The Challenge” without Cheyenne. I haven’t watched that show for several seasons, but as I recall from the past, Cory usually finds a f—-buddy when he’s on.  Will see how devoted he is to his “Baby Mama” then.

Bristol actually seems like she’s trying to antagonize Dakota by calling him with all these nit picky problems on camera.  Maybe she’s hoping he’ll have a huge meltdown on camera so she can feel validated and he looks like a jerk.

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17 hours ago, ghoulina said:

As much as I usually empathize with Tyler, I actually understood Cate's concerns about what happens after 30 days. Notice he never answered her....


Dakota acts like Bristol is all about the cameras, but he sure likes to talk to thema lot. 


I didn't realize the 26th birthday was such a big deal. Renting a house? Partying with several dozen friends. Clearly I've been doing it all wrong. 

On topic, Cory and Cheyenne - just get together already. You're driving me nuts. I feel like they both want to; but neither want to be vulnerable and make the first move.


I felt uncomfortable watching Jade navigate her tonsilectomy. I just found out on Friday that my daughter will require dental surgery. I'm quite scared about it. It just makes me sad, thinking about such little ones getting put to sleep.


I am THRILLED that Gary found his father. Hallelujah! Dude looks like him too. 

Typical Amber - pops into the doctor for a new diagnosis every few months. And I see the bloom is off the rose. She's yelling at Andrew, when he was just trying to be helpful. I guess charcuterie boards can only get you so far.

What really pissed me off is how she acted like she couldn't join a support group because she just could NEVER relate to us "normies" down here on earth. Fuck. You.

And if the camera in your face bothers you so much - QUIT. 

I so want to like Dakota because I despise the Palins, but I cannot.  Bristol only calls because of the cameras?  Well, I certainly noticed that Dakota only called back when the cameras were on him.  He's a disheveled mess, and I wouldn't be surprised if her were a rage monster.  I do know that when Bristol originally called off their engagement there were rumors that Sailor wasn't his child.  He never spoke a word in her defense.

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12 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I so want to like Dakota because I despise the Palins, but I cannot.  Bristol only calls because of the cameras?  Well, I certainly noticed that Dakota only called back when the cameras were on him.  He's a disheveled mess, and I wouldn't be surprised if her were a rage monster.  I do know that when Bristol originally called off their engagement there were rumors that Sailor wasn't his child.  He never spoke a word in her defense.

Bristol mentioned that she calls him on camera for accountability, or something like that. So I'm wondering if she knows he'll behave better if they speak on camera (i.e. not blow up). Or he won't be able to accuse her of x, y, z if there's a record of it. I don't particularly like her, but Dakota just comes off very sketchy to me.

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15 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Bristol mentioned that she calls him on camera for accountability, or something like that. So I'm wondering if she knows he'll behave better if they speak on camera (i.e. not blow up). Or he won't be able to accuse her of x, y, z if there's a record of it. I don't particularly like her, but Dakota just comes off very sketchy to me.

I thought that was the most telling part.  I actually believed Bristol there.  I remember last week when he was recounting the mix up about the money "accidentally" being put in his account and then we saw Bristol's side saying that she actually had to spend additional money on her lawyer to get said money back.

Dakota to me is incredibly passive aggressive.  I don't know what fantasy world he is living in where he thinks that co-parenting small children is about texting schedules and drop off and pick up.  That is the relationship that divorced parents who have older teenagers may have but not toddlers.

I'm not Bristol's biggest fan but I thought that she made a good point about how Dakota knows that it took her ten years to get to a reasonable relationship with Levi regarding Trip and that she doesn't want them to repeat those mistakes with their daughters. 

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38 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I so want to like Dakota because I despise the Palins, but I cannot.  Bristol only calls because of the cameras?  Well, I certainly noticed that Dakota only called back when the cameras were on him.  He's a disheveled mess, and I wouldn't be surprised if her were a rage monster.  I do know that when Bristol originally called off their engagement there were rumors that Sailor wasn't his child.  He never spoke a word in her defense.

Paternity isn't established until after birth.

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First off Amber jumped into this relationship while she was at MBC and then got pregnant 5 minutes later, so that's her own fault for having a fucking kid with someone she knew only in bed and for 2 seconds. Second, as was said above, Amber hates being wrong and can't stand when people challenge her, more like they have had enough of her bullshit and are sick of covering for her and just let it all out.  Third, whether she is on or off her meds, it never fucking works because she is just a fucking cuntrag. You can't fix that shit when you think your shit doesn't stink and that you're better than everyone else. Can't wait to see the pissed off pointing fingers face, you know the one where her face looks like an asshole. 

But we all called it that this new baby wasn't going to fix shit and she wouldn't be able to handle being a mom. So why doesn't this cuntrag realize that she does not like being a mom and quit having kids? Because the kids are the ones she is hurting.

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21 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

Jayde is adorable! As soon she said she was hot I knew she was gonna blow. How could her own parents not know this?! surgery day and kids = bucket in my car . 

OF COURSE! Amber is depressed. She is also an asshole. 

Haha yeah, I figured after a few kids you know already. She wouldn’t have had much to puke up so it wouldn’t have been too messy at least.

Last week someone posted a picture of Maci and family in a kitchen. This week at the end it was the same kitchen so I think it her house. Those cabinets are awful, the finish makes them look too beat up.

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Maci’s kids are SO sweet. She can’t be doing everything wrong, because Benny is an angel, and it’s not only him now. I’ve always liked how she talks with them ... nurtures them. I don’t know what else is going on, but she’s been good at the mother thing. 

I loved the shots of Cate and Ty sitting at opposite ends of a dining room with 8 chairs! I get the fear Cate must be feeling, but I bet Tyler gets even more distant when she says she’ll only talk about it at therapy - then throws it all at him on camera. 

I can never warm up to Kim. She’s always been so hard. And her kids aren’t a mess just because of an always absent Butch. Even in the delivery room when Tyler burst out crying about Carly, she told him to suck it up and support Cate. Lots of dysfunction there. 

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8 hours ago, kicksave said:

What a sloth...that poor baby is going to grow up on a couch or on a bed.

A "charcuterie" platter...doubt that he could it get delivered from a local place in Indiana...he most likely had to make it himself. All of his efforts to "cheer" Amber up are only making her pissed off. He's going to need the patience of Job to deal with Amber's mood swings and roller coaster temperament. Won't be long before she's barking at him, yelling at him and throwing things. 

I think they live not far outside Indianapolis. Could definitely find a charcuterie platter there if you tried.

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1 hour ago, Blissfool said:

Dakota has Bristol on his phone as "Bristol Palin"?! How formal. And how many Bristols does he know?

My phone contacts are cross-listed with my Google contacts, where I have some people, including relatives, listed by their first and last names, sometimes because that's how they list themselves on Google, so it comes out that way when I automatically add them as a contact from an email or whatever.

10 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

I think they live not far outside Indianapolis. Could definitely find a charcuterie platter there if you tried.

I was kind of fascinated by Amber's casual reference to charcuterie boards. I assumed that nuMatt introduced her to the term and the concept because it's something he's enjoyed in his tony Malibu upbringing. I'm sure Amber has enjoyed cold cut sandwiches, but I can't see her having had a "charcuterie board" before she met him. It's not even something she'd order at a fancy (or fancyish) restaurant MTV or oldMatt took her to. I very much doubt that Amber even realized that fancy cold cuts were a thing. nuMatt, on the other hand, seems to enjoy food and I can see him having "charcuterie boards" and other fancy treats as "his thing" that he turned Amber on to and recreates to the best of his ability in their IN kitchen to show how cool/sophisticated, as well as quirky, he is (Who makes charcuterie boards in Bumblefuck, IN?! Why not just make a ham and cheese sandwich?! nuMatt is so crazy! Next he'll be reading New Yorker cartoons to his infant!) I bet he mail orders some of the cold cuts because you can't get decent Sopressata (or whatever) in Anderson and Amber is very proud of herself for understanding how much better the charcuterie boards are in LA and NYC. The funny thing is, it would probably do just as much to alleviate Amber's depression if he made her a big bowl of Kraft macaroni and cheese or brought her a couple of Big Macs. The lovingly and elegantly crafted charcuterie boards are wasted on Amber.

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You could tell right away that was Gary's dad.  They even talked very similar (tone in voice).

Amber brought in the comic relief.  She needs to relax!! AHAHAHAHHAHAH  I've been working 50 hours a week with ongoing vertigo for 2 weeks now and I do this having bipolar disorder and two kids I actually parent.  I don't understand NuMatt's outfit.  Was that just for sitting around?   Do they have sex because I just can't picture it.

That was quite an extravagant birthday Cheyenne had.  We always laugh about how the girls will have no money after the show but Cheyenne is really going to be in a hard spot. She's already blowing all of it and it's her first season, she's not popular or well known enough by the show to have the endorsement deals or "businesses" the other girls do.

13 hours ago, AhFillAck said:

Did anyone catch Bentley's remark when Maci said "Don't say that!" regarding his surgery? I couldn't quite make out what it was. 

He said giggley juice.  I don't know why that was bad in Maci's eyes.  

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8 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Dakota has Bristol on his phone as "Bristol Palin"?! How formal. And how many Bristols does he know?


Cate has only gained 6 lbs during her pregnancy?

Dakota is giving me life!  They have been editing his Sep 9th rants the past 2 weeks and it is making Bristol look more like a desperate asswipe.


Those 2 don’t get along.  Dakota is mentally unstable and Bristol bullies him because she is rich and can get things done quick.  Like buy, $500K house after divorce, etc. A lot of normal moms would be waiting on divorce settlement, move in with parents, etc.


Bristol needs a nanny she can trust and can handle the kids stuff with Dakota.  I know a lot of people that use a ‘third party’ for such things. 


Look at Macy.  She has restraining order against Ryan.  So, the grandparents are the ‘third party.’


Hahahahaha!  Well, the other 300 pounds were before the pregnancy.  That needs to be her last kid and then she needs a breast reduction, so she can exercise.  Exercise is especially good for people with mental illness. You get those natural endorphins going! Eat fresh foods, no alcohol, etc. 

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6 hours ago, TheRealT said:

My phone contacts are cross-listed with my Google contacts, where I have some people, including relatives, listed by their first and last names, sometimes because that's how they list themselves on Google, so it comes out that way when I automatically add them as a contact from an email or whatever.

I was kind of fascinated by Amber's casual reference to charcuterie boards. I assumed that nuMatt introduced her to the term and the concept because it's something he's enjoyed in his tony Malibu upbringing. I'm sure Amber has enjoyed cold cut sandwiches, but I can't see her having had a "charcuterie board" before she met him. It's not even something she'd order at a fancy (or fancyish) restaurant MTV or oldMatt took her to. I very much doubt that Amber even realized that fancy cold cuts were a thing. nuMatt, on the other hand, seems to enjoy food and I can see him having "charcuterie boards" and other fancy treats as "his thing" that he turned Amber on to and recreates to the best of his ability in their IN kitchen to show how cool/sophisticated, as well as quirky, he is (Who makes charcuterie boards in Bumblefuck, IN?! Why not just make a ham and cheese sandwich?! nuMatt is so crazy! Next he'll be reading New Yorker cartoons to his infant!) I bet he mail orders some of the cold cuts because you can't get decent Sopressata (or whatever) in Anderson and Amber is very proud of herself for understanding how much better the charcuterie boards are in LA and NYC. The funny thing is, it would probably do just as much to alleviate Amber's depression if he made her a big bowl of Kraft macaroni and cheese or brought her a couple of Big Macs. The lovingly and elegantly crafted charcuterie boards are wasted on Amber.

They sell ‘charcuterie boards’ at Walgreens.  Just go now.  They have tons  for the holidays.


The thing is that charcuterie board was enough for 10 people.  It is supposed to be a snack....not breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 7 days! They sit on their couch binge eating their salami and cheese and probably wipe their greasy fingers on the fabric.

Touch on that sweet baby. 


Don’t get me started on salami and summer sausage BMs.  They are so foul!   This is why they suffer from  comatose lethargy and obesity.  Bipolar BPD, PPD,  Couch Depression ........and, whatever else she tells us next week.


What happened to the Krav MAGA?  Looks like Andrew finds her something to do each week to get them off the couch.....but, this week Amber said no to PPD support group!


I was looking forward to seeing Andrew sit in the mommy circle with the baby in the car seat talking about his experiences.  Andrew doesn’t miss a camera outing for nothing!!!

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On 12/11/2018 at 8:34 AM, ghoulina said:

Right? How long before she conveniently lands herself back in jail and needs to sign over custody to Andrew?

Lets all just hope and pray that Amber does not see "Afflicted" on Netflix. She'd get a ton of ideas for phony ailments she could milk for attention. "I have heavy metal toxicity! I'm sensitive to electricity! That umbrella makes my ovary throb!" All said from her bed.

23 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

With fast forward I hate watched in 20 minutes. I would only admit this on this forum. Didn't Amber waste about 20K on a "mommy makeover" right before she booted Matt?

I only watch so I can snark with you all.

It was so obvious that Gary's bio-dad was related to him! Same face, same way of speaking, same smile. Glad for both of them.

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Maybe Andrew is savvier than we give him credit. He’s worked on reality shows and knows that watching boxing tournaments and support group speaking engagements ( and becoming the new spokesperson for “ bipolar- post partum”) is more interesting than watching a depressed Amber repeat Season 1.I know with 2 depressed Teen Moms  this franchise is swiftly becoming unwatchable.

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20 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Haven’t seen this , saw a picture.  On the show, what was the deal with the spread of food on Amber’s kitchen counter?

NuMatt makes her charcuterie when she is depressed. Yeah.  That's what we all thought.  

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20 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

Can’t wait till Cory gets another chance at “The Challenge” without Cheyenne. I haven’t watched that show for several seasons, but as I recall from the past, Cory usually finds a f—-buddy when he’s on.  Will see how devoted he is to his “Baby Mama” then.

Already been done multiple times PLUS he did ex on the beach where he hooked up right away with Morgan from Are You The One. Oh, one season on The challenge he hooked up with another girl from Are You the One, then he went on Ex on the beach to which that ex also joined and got into multiple fights with Morgan, and then he most recently Challenge just finished and he wasn't there long enough to hook up with anyone.

Cate is going to run her marriage to the ground with all her questions and demands. GIVE THE GUY SOME SPACE!!!  And quit saying everything triggers you. Put on your big girl panties and deal with life. 

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13 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

I think they live not far outside Indianapolis. Could definitely find a charcuterie platter there if you tried.

Not to be snobby but Amber doesn't look like someone who indulges in charcuterie platters...she looks more like a Taco Bell or Cracker Barrel type of person.

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16 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Dakota has Bristol on his phone as "Bristol Palin"?! How formal. And how many Bristols does he know?

Maybe it's in case anyone picks up his phone. They'll know he knows a "famous" person. 


4 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Lets all just hope and pray that Amber does not see "Afflicted" on Netflix. She'd get a ton of ideas for phony ailments she could milk for attention. "I have heavy metal toxicity! I'm sensitive to electricity! That umbrella makes my ovary throb!" All said from her bed.

Sounds like Jenelle and her never-ending list of ailments. What was it claimed to be seeing one time? 

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5 hours ago, kicksave said:

Not to be snobby but Amber doesn't look like someone who indulges in charcuterie platters...she looks more like a Taco Bell or Cracker Barrel type of person.

It’s not snobby-NuMatt would have gained far more points with a Cracker Barrel Meatloaf Dinner than with a charcuterie board. Live and Learn, bruh!

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20 minutes ago, Wednesday-Addams said:

It’s not snobby-NuMatt would have gained far more points with a Cracker Barrel Meatloaf Dinner than with a charcuterie board. Live and Learn, bruh!

But NuMatt is a Sophisticated Man of the World. Did you know he reads the New Yorker? 

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I list everyone in my phone, including my parents and husband, with their first and last names.  

I could never be married to Dakota, I think he clearly has issues that he needs to get a handle on, though, I also am not sure how/if you really can given what he's been through.  But, it is really curious to me that every time Bristol tells us some sort of story, like "Dakota was all over social media attacking me!" and then proceeds to place a call or send a text to him to clear the air and set boundaries, the show pretty much shows us that she's lying.  The headlines that they showed said flat out that Bristol is the one who went onto social media and told everyone that she had to fight with him in order to get the baby pictures back from him.  Even if that was true, if she's just "trying to get to a place where we can coparent" why would you put that out there like that?  It's resolved, and there's no need to throw your business out in the street like that.  But, she did, and then when he replies, suddenly she claims he's talking shit about HER?  And, this has happened with a few other things, so at this point, while I don't think Dakota is blameless, or doesn't clearly have issues and was incredibly difficult to be married to, I also think that Bristol is pretty much that kid who bullied other kids and called them names and then when kids pushed back, she cries and runs to the teacher to tell on them for pushing her.  And then as soon as the teacher yells at the others, she's standing behind the teacher smirking her ass off.

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18 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

You could tell right away that was Gary's dad.  They even talked very similar (tone in voice).

Amber brought in the comic relief.  She needs to relax!! AHAHAHAHHAHAH  I've been working 50 hours a week with ongoing vertigo for 2 weeks now and I do this having bipolar disorder and two kids I actually parent.  I don't understand NuMatt's outfit.  Was that just for sitting around?   Do they have sex because I just can't picture it.

That was quite an extravagant birthday Cheyenne had.  We always laugh about how the girls will have no money after the show but Cheyenne is really going to be in a hard spot. She's already blowing all of it and it's her first season, she's not popular or well known enough by the show to have the endorsement deals or "businesses" the other girls do.

He said giggley juice.  I don't know why that was bad in Maci's eyes.  

I think it was as simple as the fact that she was three years old, and Maci was trying to explain using things she is familiar with, so she wouldn't be scared.  As soon as Bentley said "giggle juice", Jayde said "I don't drink that!!"

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2 hours ago, smores said:

I list everyone in my phone, including my parents and husband, with their first and last names.  

I could never be married to Dakota, I think he clearly has issues that he needs to get a handle on, though, I also am not sure how/if you really can given what he's been through.  But, it is really curious to me that every time Bristol tells us some sort of story, like "Dakota was all over social media attacking me!" and then proceeds to place a call or send a text to him to clear the air and set boundaries, the show pretty much shows us that she's lying.  The headlines that they showed said flat out that Bristol is the one who went onto social media and told everyone that she had to fight with him in order to get the baby pictures back from him.  Even if that was true, if she's just "trying to get to a place where we can coparent" why would you put that out there like that?  It's resolved, and there's no need to throw your business out in the street like that.  But, she did, and then when he replies, suddenly she claims he's talking shit about HER?  And, this has happened with a few other things, so at this point, while I don't think Dakota is blameless, or doesn't clearly have issues and was incredibly difficult to be married to, I also think that Bristol is pretty much that kid who bullied other kids and called them names and then when kids pushed back, she cries and runs to the teacher to tell on them for pushing her.  And then as soon as the teacher yells at the others, she's standing behind the teacher smirking her ass off.

I didn't understand the baby picture theft story because, wouldn't she have digital copies of these photos? I guess maybe they were treasured prints that were in solid gold frames anointed by whoever the Palins' Supreme Religious Figure is, but, otherwise, why not just get new prints done and keep it moving (especially if you're (allegedly) so dedicated to not being petty)?

I agree that Dakota seems like he was no walk in the park as a husband, but isn't that even more reason to avoid getting into with him over bullshit? And I feel like everyone, including Dakota, acknowledges that he is dealing with significant mental illness, so shouldn't his (allegedly) not mentally ill spouse/ex; who is (allegedly) trying really hard to keep things positive and non-petty between them; and who chose to have 2 kids in 2 years with him while she was (allegedly) sane (unlike him) do better?

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3 hours ago, TheRealT said:

I didn't understand the baby picture theft story because, wouldn't she have digital copies of these photos? I guess maybe they were treasured prints that were in solid gold frames anointed by whoever the Palins' Supreme Religious Figure is, but, otherwise, why not just get new prints done and keep it moving (especially if you're (allegedly) so dedicated to not being petty)?

I agree that Dakota seems like he was no walk in the park as a husband, but isn't that even more reason to avoid getting into with him over bullshit? And I feel like everyone, including Dakota, acknowledges that he is dealing with significant mental illness, so shouldn't his (allegedly) not mentally ill spouse/ex; who is (allegedly) trying really hard to keep things positive and non-petty between them; and who chose to have 2 kids in 2 years with him while she was (allegedly) sane (unlike him) do better?

Exactly, none of these kids were born in a time period where the pics wouldn't be digitized and pretty much anything could be recreated.  If they were some super treasured pictures (I have the family photo albums from my late grandparents, for example), then I'd have taken them with me when I moved the fuck out in the first place.  

Bristol isn't responsible for Dakota's issues, but it almost seems like she gaslights him when she talks to him or texts him.  I'm sure we don't see all of the back and forth, but, every time we DO see an interaction, it's like Dakota is trying very hard to keep things focused on the kids and sticking to the topic so that things don't go off into a ditch.  And then each time, Bristol goes off into this weird word salad kind of thing and is talking around him and then acts like he's deliberately trying to provoke her.  

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10 hours ago, SimonSeymour said:

No DNA test was even needed for Gary’s father. It was obvious that he’s his biological dad based on sight alone. 

I still feel bad for Gary that his mom turned out to be kind of a scumbag.

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12 hours ago, TheRealT said:

I didn't understand the baby picture theft story because, wouldn't she have digital copies of these photos? I guess maybe they were treasured prints that were in solid gold frames anointed by whoever the Palins' Supreme Religious Figure is, but, otherwise, why not just get new prints done and keep it moving (especially if you're (allegedly) so dedicated to not being petty)?


I read this all wrong!  (I tend to skip a lot of the show doing random things).  Like, I don’t even know what Gary’s dad looks like and y’all keep saying they are twins.  As soon as there was Another paternity test. I am like....don’t care! 


I thought you said that Bristol was trying to get photos back of when she was a baby.  And, why is she so pressed to get them back when she doesn’t even think she is pretty!  But, you said petty.


I started laughing so hard because Bristol has a NEW face!  So, yea, why do want your old face lurking around our house?


yea, it is the girls, etc.  It was still a good laugh.😂

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On 12/11/2018 at 4:45 PM, Picture It. Sicily said:

Paternity isn't established until after birth.

Pre-natal paternity testing is available:

"Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity (NIPP): A non-invasive prenatal paternity test is the most accurate non-invasive way to establish paternity before the baby is born. The process is state-of-the-art, combining the latest technology and proprietary methods of preserving and analyzing the baby’s DNA found naturally in the mother’s bloodstream. This test requires only a simple blood collection from the mother and alleged father and can be performed any time after the 8th week of pregnancy. The test is 99.9% accurate."

There is also riskier, invasive testing but it's not recommended because of the possible risk of miscarriage. 


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With the Gary situation, I'm glad he finally found out who his father is.  I kind of want to know what happens with Jodi now, though.  He seemed really upset to find out that he wasn't Gary's father, and he said at the time that it didn't matter and he was still Grandpa to the girls.  I hope that's still the case and that they're able to just add a new person to the family.  

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On 12/11/2018 at 2:36 PM, ghoulina said:

This is a good point. I didn't really look at it that way. But if he wants to work on himself, in his own way, how is it really that different? 

I think Cate takes issue with the fact that the separation is obviously a direct commentary on her and her failings as a spouse, whereas the retreats are always about mental illness or triggers, which can be blamed on Cate's ever-expanding list of traumas from age 4 to 26. Tyler's only issue is HER and what a black hole of narcissism and self-coddling she's become. Cate is well-aware of this. Also her faux-intellectual weaponized therapy speak. What's future tripping???

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On 12/11/2018 at 3:02 PM, kicksave said:

Jayde stole the show last night...what a sweet kid. Still hard for me to stomach Taylor after reading his past tweets that were homophobic and misogynistic in the most disgusting way.

What did Taylor say?  I've tried googling and can't find anything.  Are you thinking of David (Jenelle's husband) from Teen Mom 2?

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Cheyenne is just so full of herself. I don't know how anyone can stand to be in a relationship with her. Also, for whatever reason it annoys me that she has a BBQ to go to 24/7, and she always makes a scene at every one of them. Do we know how she makes money? Just from the show? 

I guess I'm Negative Nellie today because I'm also annoyed that it seems Bristol just calls Dakota to argue. She got into a relationship with a veteran with PTSD. Did she think he was gonna be easy? He's better off without her. She's a stressor.  He just needs his girls,  positivity, and support.  I wish him well. 

Edited by zenme
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