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Mykelti gets on my nerves, but I do think she tried to (very mildly) rebel bc there were so many kids and she did not get adequate attention.

was meanest to her, and I feel like that’s bc she was so similar in age and looks to Leon that Meri thought she was competition.
But no wonder when she met Tony and somebody actually paid attention to her that she finally felt seen, and an immature girl raised in a household of adults who made irrational and irresponsible life choices made immature, irrational, life choices herself. Bridezilla finally got some attention and didn’t know how to handle it.

As a kid,Robyn latched onto her for child care and someone willing to spill family secrets. I understand why Mykelti was all for a relationship with Robyn. Makes me angry that she sort of turned on her own abused mother, but I get how Robyn’s attention made her an ally. 

Did she rush into marriage? Yes. Do they see ok, yes. Do I understand why she was annoyed that she always played second or even fifth fiddle to other siblings and she was angry, yes. Do I get where she wanted the same things as her siblings and didn’t want to wait - like Meri never did - sadly, yes. 
Mykelti was a mess, but it was her environment more than anything. I hope she has happiness now.

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14 hours ago, Absolom said:

He had to have cut out the junk food plus been diligent about the gym workouts.  Whatever plexus he took was just something on the side.  It was good for him to get his weight down though.  I'm sure some followers will believe it was due to plexus and they'll make some sales.

Mykelti and Tony both look really good. She has de-aged herself by going back to her natural hair color and dropping weight has made them both look vibrant and healthy. 

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I'm sure it will help sell that pink dildo drink, even though it's unproven to help weight loss, and IMO unhealthy, especially pregnant and nursing mothers.  They both look so much better, but it's due to eating less and moving more, no magic pink shit.

Why do I think Mykelti is sticking it to her mother, for saying that she was a problem child, by cozying up to Sobbyn and Kootie?  Christine is dilling with it well.  I'm not so sure I'd be as gracious as she seems to be.

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Tony and Mykelti both look really good.  Tony posted that he'd been hitting the gym, and while I congratulate their transformations I wish they wouldn't link it to Plexus.  I feel like they both went on a strict weight-loss/exercise program and are using their legitimate results to shill the pink crap and say, see?  Plexus works!  Because Janelle has been chugging that stuff for years and hasn't transformed that dramatically (although I know how hard it is to drop weight after a certain age).  But don't put in the real hard work and pretend a chemical concoction made it happen.

That said, Mykelti looks radiant.  Good for her. 

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13 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

One of my peeves is when people quote someone and don’t include the name of the person they are quoting. Now that I have that out of the way……this post accompanied pictures Mykelti took, I’m including one for context.



I think it’s interesting Truely likes paper books rather than an ereader. Ballad of Song Birds & Snakes is in my kindle now. I need to start it. 

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It amuses me that Mykelti and Tony think they're so slick talking about their weigh loss and telling people to message them to see how they did it.  We know you are using this to shill that pink crap which probably had nothing to do with said weight loss.

So, who's footing the bill for this trip?  After Mykelti badmouthed Christine complaining that her wedding wasn't perfect and cozied up to Robyn, I sure wouldn't be paying her way on a nice trip.  She could see if she could get that out of Robyn instead.  But, I'm mean like that.

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Mykelti just posted some pictures of "Miss Avalon" and she is ADORABLE (I can't bring photos over or I would)!

She also posted a cute video of her twins rolling around and messing with each other - one of her twins is a definite ginger and I wonder where that came from.  It's like he took on the color of the hair Mykelti used to have.

All in all, a sweet family.  They seem happy.  I was "dubious" about Tony but he seems to be a good partner for Mykelti, and she looks better than ever.

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14 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Mykelti just posted some pictures of "Miss Avalon" and she is ADORABLE (I can't bring photos over or I would)!

She also posted a cute video of her twins rolling around and messing with each other - one of her twins is a definite ginger and I wonder where that came from.  It's like he took on the color of the hair Mykelti used to have.

All in all, a sweet family.  They seem happy.  I was "dubious" about Tony but he seems to be a good partner for Mykelti, and she looks better than ever.

Well Aspyn has strawberry blonde hair.

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29 minutes ago, Kellyee said:


Even Mykelti is aware of the huge double standard in the way Kody treats them versus how he treats Robyn and her kids.

But, she still seems to want to be the favorite of the OG 13, and still seems to cozy up to that toxic shit couple.  Go figure.

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People do strange things in abuse situations and I do believe Kody is an abusive father.  Maybe not physically, but definitely emotionally.  Mykelti was very vulnerable when she was a young teenager and had some problems in the family and Robyn took her in.  Robyn preyed on her vulnerability and got a free nanny and a lifelong devotee in return.  And once again Kody gets a pass on Mykelti getting excluded form the family and all the blame falls on Christine.  Even though the shunning came from Kody over whatever petty thing he was bent out of shape about.

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You know how Mykelti always talks about her bond with Robyn, and really considers Robyn one of her moms in a deep way? 

In the live watch party she did this week for S18.E07, "Throwing in the Towel," Mykelti said her 11 month old twins, Ace and Archer, go to sleep for the "night" between 1:30am and 2:00am and sleep until noon.

Robyn is Mykelti's mother, all right.

[For other subscribers, this happens at about the 1:29:00 mark, in this video.]

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3 hours ago, General Days said:

No, not from what Mykelti said, but who knows? She essentially said something like they stay up with her at night, then her mornings are baby-free. I'm not sure if that includes Avalon or not.


I got "child free" time when my kids were little. It was called a bed time. They got tucked in and I got the remote control in my hand and a big bowl of ice cream to celebrate the peace and quiet.

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I don't know.  They are both pretty young, so hitting the gym regularly and making a dietary change could definitely result in weight loss.  It's possible after the twins were born that they both realized they needed to do something to keep up with two infants and an active toddler.  Everyone who loses weight is not taking Ozempic.  Besides that stuff is expensive if you don't have insurance.  I also don't think the pink stuff had much to do with it either.

We have to take into account that what we are seeing on the show is almost two years old.  Mykelti hasn't even announced her pregnancy with the twins yet on the show.  Also, while they have definitely lost weight, Tony particularly hasn't lost as much as you might think.  In pictures from Gwen's wedding, he does not look as thin as the picture he used to shill Plexus.  In that picture, he used several tricks to make himself look thinner from the way he was standing to pulling his mop of hair back to make his entire profile smaller.  He has definitely lost a lot of weight, but he still has a little more to lose.

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5 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Hasn't Mykelti admitted that she thinks Robyn is manipulative or is that just wishful thinking on my part?

I can't remember specifically. She stresses that she has a very different experience with Robyn and Kody than many of her siblings. I don't know if she's ever flat out said this part, but I get the distinct impression that Mykelti has a better relationship with Robyn than with Kody.

When fans ask Mykelti questions like (this is an exaggeration): "Don't you see now how Robyn plays the victim and is a manipulative bitch?" Mykelti usually tries to thread the needle with something like, "I can see how that looks in this situation, but my personal experience with Robyn is very different."

She covers a little less for Kody. She'll at least admit he said something horrible, and wishes he'd learn to think before he spouts off. 

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1 hour ago, xwordfanatik said:

So Avalon and her brothers have a new grandpa!  I wonder if Kootie even cares.  Probably not.  He's saving his cool grandad stuff until Uh-ROAR-a and Breanna start pushing out babies.  

He probably only cares because he made a big deal about Mykelty being so loyal to him. Now she is showing gratitude to Christine and David...bet Kootie is as pissed as he can be and Mykelti and fambly will be off his "good list" from now on.

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... did David snag the title of "Grandpa?"  Because in my family, there was some discussion of who was gonna get called Grandma, Granny, "Grandmommy" (long story, lol).  There was a Pops, and a Pappy... at least it was the subject of discussion when the first grandchild arrived.  The name people ended up with stuck with them for all their other grandchildren, too. 

I don't recall ever hearing what the littles call Kody.  I guess there could be a Grandpa Kody and Grandpa David.  Maybe it was just what David's grandchildren call him already so that's his official title.  I hope bet it bugs Kody! 

I have informed my daughter that her children will one day refer to me as "GrandMaMa" just like Endora from Bewitched!   She is not amused, lol

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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10 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

.. did David snag the title of "Grandpa?"  Because in my family, there was some discussion of who was gonna get called Grandma, Granny, "Grandmommy" (long story, lol).  There was a Pops, and a Pappy... at least it was the subject of discussion when the first grandchild arrived.  The name people ended up with stuck for all their other grandchildren, too. 

Christine is referred to by MyKelti as Oma( it’s German).   Kody is probably supposed to be Opa.   Leaving Grandpa open for David. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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41 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

... did David snag the title of "Grandpa?"  Because in my family, there was some discussion of who was gonna get called Grandma, Granny, "Grandmommy" (long story, lol).  There was a Pops, and a Pappy... at least it was the subject of discussion when the first grandchild arrived.  The name people ended up with stuck for all their other grandchildren, too. 

I don't recally ever hearing what the littles call Kody.  I guess there could be a Grandpa Kody and Grandpa David.  Maybe it was just what David's grandchildren call him already so that's his official title.  I hope bet it bugs Kody! 

I have informed my daughter that her children will one day refer to me as "GrandMama" just like Endora from Bewitched!   She is not amused, lol

Your daughter may not be amused but I laughed out loud. 

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4 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Christine is referred to by MyKelti as Oma( it’s German).   Kody is probably supposed to be Opa.   

If that's how it turned out - Kody is referred to as "Opa" - I wonder how he feels about not only having his grandparental title basically dictated by Christine (who selected the term "Opa" for herself, IIRC), but also being "matched" with her this way.  The horror!  

I wonder, would he be "Opa" to all his grandkids, then?  Does a polygamist Grandfather gets called the same thing by all his grandchildren like usually happens (I think) in monogamist families, with the first name he gets called usually sticking?  Or is Kody gonna be called something different by each of his wive's broods?  

So far the only grandkids have come from Maddie and Mykelti, right?  Hmm.  I dont remember the last time I saw him with Madison's kids.  I wonder if they  even know him well enough to call him anything at all.  



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14 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Christine is referred to by MyKelti as Oma( it’s German).   Kody is probably supposed to be Opa.   Leaving Grandpa open for David. 

Mykelti didn't have the first grandchild, though. Maddie's son, Axel, was first grandchild, which is when Janelle chose "Grandma" as her grandparent nickname, and Christine chose "Oma."

I think at that time, all the parents (except Meri) chose their own grandparent nicknames that they wanted all the grandchildren to use for them.

Christine chose "Oma," because of her German heritage, but I don't think her choice necessarily influenced Kody's.

I do feel like "Grandpa" is the nickname for Kody that's been mentioned on the show. Robyn chose "Bubbe" (or "Bubbeh") for her grandmother nickname. She said it's Czech, but Bubbe is actually Yiddish. "Babička" (and I think "baba" is short for it) is the Czech word. 

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25 minutes ago, General Days said:

Mykelti didn't have the first grandchild, though. Maddie's son, Axel, was first grandchild, which is when Janelle chose "Grandma" as her grandparent nickname, and Christine chose "Oma."

I think at that time, all the parents (except Meri) chose their own grandparent nicknames that they wanted all the grandchildren to use for them.

Thank you for the info. I didn’t know that.

In our family, both sets of Grandparents were called Grandma and Grandpa followed by their last names.  We weren’t very imaginative.  That wouldn’t have worked well for a polygamist.  

Edited by mythoughtis
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1 hour ago, xwordfanatik said:

It must suck to be lost in the crowd as a kid, when there are so many others to compete with for attention.  That said, I can't stand Mykelti any more.  She said she "married (her) dad," and now she's become like Daddy Dearest herself.  🤮

Christine has been gracious about Mykelti's announcement to K and R before her but her siblings made note of her "pick me" attitude to Kody.

They are probably all sneering at her right about now.

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On 10/30/2023 at 6:01 PM, mythoughtis said:

Christine is referred to by MyKelti as Oma( it’s German).   Kody is probably supposed to be Opa.   Leaving Grandpa open for David. 


On 10/30/2023 at 11:11 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

If that's how it turned out - Kody is referred to as "Opa" - I wonder how he feels about not only having his grandparental title basically dictated by Christine (who selected the term "Opa" for herself, IIRC), but also being "matched" with her this way.  The horror!  

I wonder, would he be "Opa" to all his grandkids, then?  Does a polygamist Grandfather gets called the same thing by all his grandchildren like usually happens (I think) in monogamist families, with the first name he gets called usually sticking?  Or is Kody gonna be called something different by each of his wive's broods?  

So far the only grandkids have come from Maddie and Mykelti, right?  Hmm.  I dont remember the last time I saw him with Madison's kids.  I wonder if they  even know him well enough to call him anything at all.  



I recall Christine adopting “Oma” when Maddie had her first. Actually, I mostly recall it when she was in NC for the birth of the second child. I think Kody flew in for 5 minutes then flew back to Arizona. 
My mother was called GrandMaMa. Sort of a blend of the one on Bewitched and the one in the Addams family.  
At the moment we are Grandma and Grandpa to our only grandson. 

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10 minutes ago, Art Of Noiz said:

Remember Janelle's reaction to Mykelti's wedding?

I wondered why they didn't consider a double wedding.  Maybe both girls wanted their own time to shine and make it all about meee.

Two of my granddaughters (sisters) did this. They had separate ceremonies at different churches, then one hell damner of a reception. This was not done to save money as the catering budget was unlimited and guests kept 2 bartenders busy all night with open bar. 

Out of town family and friends really appreciated it done this way, saving themselves travel and accommodation expenses twice less than a year apart.

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