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S06.E09: Insult to Injury

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7 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

On Rocky, it depends on your definition of entertaining.  She was like nails on a chalkboard for me.  Regarding Rhylee, what was her excuse for all the other times she's been a dick to people (Ashton, Ross, Kate)?  She's consistently an asshole.

Agree I never liked Rocky, she seemed a bit off to me the way she always looked up in the air during her talking heads.     I thought Rhylee would be more mellow with Chandler gone, but she's shown she's just a bitch to anyone that annoys her the least little bit.

  • Love 12
4 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

Caroline quit the night before just as  everyone was going out to party. Captain  should have been informed immediately, that night.  Music-gate happened the next morning.

While she did quit that night (we have no idea what time it was), she was still going to work for 2 days so it wasn't an emergent issue at that point. Going by the assumption Caroline was still going to flip the boat, there was no reason to bother Captain at that point for something she could tell him in the morning. Especially if he was sleeping at that time.  He was notified ASAP when it became a problem. I actually wouldn't be surprised if Caroline did that on purpose just to get back at Kate and Josiah.  

  • Love 17

Tbh, in the moment, I think Captain Lee believed Kate was more than capable of what she was accused of doing to Caroline. Maybe it was an uncomfortable call, but he did have to speak to Kate about it. Kate was on WWHL last night and she still seems bothered by the discussion. I think she perceived as Captain Lee taking the side of someone he’s known less than a month versus someone he’s known several years. However, he oversees the boat and if one of his managers is being accused of bullying a subordinate, it has to be investigated.

Captain Lee and Kate were on WWHL a month or so back and still seem close, so I hope they’ve been able to move past what happened.

  • Love 6

Tbh, in the moment, I think Captain Lee believed Kate was more than capable of what she was accused of doing to Caroline. Maybe it was an uncomfortable call, but he did have to speak to Kate about it. Kate was on WWHL last night and she still seems bothered by the discussion. I think she perceived as Captain Lee taking the side of someone he’s known less than a month versus someone he’s known several years. However, he oversees the boat and if one of his managers is being accused of bullying a subordinate, it has to be investigated.

Captain Lee and Kate were on WWHL a month or so back and still seem close, so I hope they’ve been able to move past what happened.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, esco1822 said:

While she did quit that night (we have no idea what time it was), she was still going to work for 2 days so it wasn't an emergent issue at that point. Going by the assumption Caroline was still going to flip the boat, there was no reason to bother Captain at that point for something she could tell him in the morning. Especially if he was sleeping at that time.  He was notified ASAP when it became a problem. I actually wouldn't be surprised if Caroline did that on purpose just to get back at Kate and Josiah.  

Although it wasn't discussed, I was wondering if Captain Lee left the boat at night and didn't return until the morning when Kate radioed him (?)

1 hour ago, bosawks said:

“I’m giving my two day notice and by that I mean I won’t do any work after this conversation.”

”Wait, why are you all being so mean to me!”

Note to Caroline, when you screw people over they may react poorly.

I love that Caroline didn't actually give notice, she gave her "two days" - no wonder everyone was confused - is she giving us her two days leave, her two days tips, her two days of antibiotics, her two days death watch???

  • Love 16

I disagree that Caroline wanted to be friends with everyone. She started being snarky with Josiah on the first day.  

I also found her deciding to turn in her 2 days notices in front of the whole crew really unprofessional. She she wanted a witness, pull Ross and Kate into a room to have the discussion. 

I agree with all that I would have preferred Kate take the high road and just have the Capt evict her upon her return. But I can imagine being so angry about her behavior that I too might go over the bend. 

I do want to know who gave her the lock for the cabin door. Must have been a production set up.

  • Love 13
28 minutes ago, FlyingEgret said:

Although it wasn't discussed, I was wondering if Captain Lee left the boat at night and didn't return until the morning when Kate radioed him (?)

I love that Caroline didn't actually give notice, she gave her "two days" - no wonder everyone was confused - is she giving us her two days leave, her two days tips, her two days of antibiotics, her two days death watch???

Except we saw footage of Captain Lee radioing the crew that he was going out to scout anchorages and would be back in an hour or so.  So I think he was on the boat the night before, just probably sleeping.  

The thing is, if you give two weeks notice, that means you are leaving in two weeks.  You expect someone to WORK for those two weeks.  The "two day" notice thing was strange but Kate assumed that meant Caroline was planning to WORK, not lay around in bed.  Once it became clear that she wasn't, they had every right to tell her to leave the boat.  I think Kate's mistake came in the somewhat childish way she did it, but I also think she was out of f*cks to give regarding Caroline.  

My suspicion is that two days was the soonest Caroline or production could arrange for her to leave and she thought she could just hang out till then.  The whole thing was weird.

  • Love 17

I went to check caroline's twitter because I was re-reading my copying of what she said on twitter - I am not positive she said Holy Shit I might have typed that by mistake - probably what I was thinking in my mind but she did say the rest of it and guess what she has taken out alot of her tweets that she had done a couple of hours ago.  Again Tell The Truth - Will the Real Caroline please step forward.

  • Love 1

One thing I thought was funny was that you could totally see Ross switch from being on Caroline’s side to wanting to have nothing to do with the situation when he came into talk to her and found out that she wasn’t planning on working that day and that is what had set off Kate and Josiah. 

Also, interesting that Rhylee had no clue that she planned to leave and didn’t seem to care given that they had both said they were close a few episodes ago.

I said a few episodes ago that I thought Adrian’s zen persona was fake and it looks like it’s breaking down. That said his father who he was apparently close to died only a month ago so who knows what his real personality is like.

Also, Adrien had to know that Kate was by herself on the island so he expected her to carry all the tables and all the chairs a fair distance by herself and set up when she couldn’t have been gone from the boat that long.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 12
5 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

Kate/Caroline -  Kate has said in subsequent interviews that she didn't want to bother Captain Lee with the Caroline problem.   An eight man crew is already down one and when a second one quits you don't want to BOTHER Captain Lee?  Captain Lee has said that he was blindsided by the whole thing and that if he had known he could have done something about it before it blew up in everybody's face.

Rhylee - Yeah, with  Chandler gone Riley has no place to hide. And I can see that Ross is being extra careful to handle her with kid gloves until her attitude finally wears him  down.

 Adrien - I thought the Unicorn was being particularly passive aggressive with Kate at the water fall.  His inner special snowflake is starting to show.

I don't know what Lee would have done about it except maybe have more of a heads to get a new stew.  He wasn't going to fix Caroline without a medical degree and an Rx pad. 

4 hours ago, lisalionheart said:

I'm going to give him a bit of a pass. His father *just* died. When my mother died, I handled it pretty well--but the biggest thing was that my patience was just a lot thinner than usual. If we saw him do this stuff again a year from now, yeah, I'd agree. But when you're grieving and in a high-stress environment, the things that would already rub you the wrong way become even more grating. And he doesn't have much ability to retreat and recharge himself, given where they work.

When Caroline first started talking about her parents as narcissists, I had a hunch that she was part of the online world of armchair diagnosing people you don't like as narcissists. Her saying last night that she is "the scapegoat" seemed to confirm it--she's using all the lingo they use. It's a kind of bizarre subculture. Of course, lots of people truly are narcissists--but there's a bit of a subculture in which people constantly affirm each other that they receive bad treatment. Her parents may be truly awful, but her own behavior makes it hard to gauge.

And I do think that Kate and Josiah were unnecessarily awful by doing the speaker thing. They weren't the best to her, but they were pretty good, and they gave away some of the moral high ground here.

While I don't disagree with the assessment of Caroline as an internet psychiatrist, she's even worse because she's got a psych degree under her belt.  It probably validates all her crazy theories.  

4 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

The Lauren (Cohen) pictured above was on BD: Med. She was the one who was Bobby's date to WWHL when he proceeded to invite some girls from Instagram to hang out and he promptly ditched Lauren. She would later attend another Below Deck event with Bobby. She left the party with Ben and slept with him.

Lauren Burchell was on regular Below Deck. She had a huge crush on Nico. He didn't feel the same. That was on season 4 when every guy thought rabbity Emily was the most gorgeous thing to step foot on a yacht.

Nico's crush from before the boat was Brianna. This was on season 5.

Except for Jennice, female crew who are unambiguously* a person of color will not get the time of day from the male crew. We saw that recently in the world's worst love square: Brooke, Joao, Kasey, and Colin. Meanwhile Jamie is stealth hot and ends up with Chandler. Ugh.

*Kasey's mom is Colombian and Brianna may be multiracial because she has a Nigerian surname.

Emily, like Jamie, is hotter on IG than on the boat.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, dosodog said:

Documentation. It's what I did for the last 3 years I worked at the store.

You document interactions, immediately after, with specific details, times, dates and witnesses.

So after I quit, I was able to show all the times I wasn't paid the full amount,all the times I didn't get legally mandated breaks and lunches.  Each and every sexual harassment claim, that co-workers complained to me about.  Every time they told me I was stupid.  Every time they complained I took advantage of them.  Every time they accused any of us on anything.

Documentation is your friend in a toxic work environment. Particularly if you are taking your grievances to someone who isn't involved.

Last summer, I worked with a crazy person.  She spent 45 minutes, in the store, continuously screaming at me that i was a "bitch, bully and a cunt".  I was all "whatever, I don't care what you think about me".  But then?  She told people I was the one doing the screaming.  No, no, no.  It was my documentation, with the witnesses included, that had corporate decide in my favor.

Also!  I'm not defending Caroline as much as I'm defending the practice of documentation in the work place.

I don't understand this. I am not being facetious, I just don't understand why anyone would stay in a place that they so despised and distrusted that they would need to document every interaction. Leaving would seem to be best for both parties.  How egregious would this sound if the script was flipped and an employer was documenting every minute you were late or time you were on a personal call or time spent in personal conversation listening to those complaints?    

  • Love 2

The loud music in and of itself is not significant but points to a pattern of immature vindictive behavior that would be part of her “documentation” of a hostile work environment.

I think you can see that the CaptaIn was concerned that Kate might have been at fault as he questioned her despite their TV relationship. Kate has a pattern of turning her team into a two against one situation. She did it with Amy, Rocky and now Caroline. Kate played power games at the expense of efficiency. Sure Rocky and Caroline have tons of issues but Amy is one of the best Stews in the whole franchise. With Kate it is always two against one. Not professional at all.

Kate is a bad person.

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, jmcd44 said:

This.  Because Kate & Josiah were closer and worked well together?  Has she never been in a work environment?  I'm much closer to certain coworkers who have similar working styles to me and we have become friendly personally.  Does that make me a mean girl to the rest of my coworkers who I keep my conversations to mainly work because I am closer to the others?  I know they all have to live together, but I didn't see Kate and Josiah being any meaner to Caroline than anyone else.  The music was a bit much, but I laughed (so I probably do have some mean girl in me).

I'm on the same page as you and a few others who have commented similarly. I really don't see how K & J "bullied" Caroline all season. Yes, they snarked about her behind closed doors but honestly - in an environment like that, who wouldn't. Is it the mature, professional thing to do? Nah - but... it's reality tv, we're not watching the show to see them handle a nutter completely and utterly professionally with no friction or behind-her-back commentary. They shouldn't have blasted the music etc at the very end of Caroline's time with the boat - but I understand their frustration... and... they're there to make "good tv" so maybe that was part of the thought process - beyond the complete and utter "I'm done with this person" energy they were dealing with. I honestly think they should have just ignored her. Yes, tell her she needs to depart if she isn't going to fulfill her original 2-day notice, but wait until the Captain is back - let him know what's what, and let him kick her arse out. I actually thought Kate handled Caroline much better than any other stew she had issues with on past seasons. At least until Caroline's departure, but again - in the heat of the moment, can't say I blame them. I have learned through personal experience tho - with folks like Caroline, silence is a much better reaction to their face, vs snapping. Snapping just validated her victim mentality/energy vampire self. I hope most of the crew return for the next season. Except... at this point... Rhylee. Unless she does a 180 by season's end. I thought her foul mouth with Ross was unacceptable and grounds for immediate termination. There is NO excuse for the way she behaved. If Kate or Josiah had let up an f-bomb storm with Rhylee I'd feel equally disgusted. Rhylee is something else - and it's kind of sad, because it seems as though she has the skills to do the job, but zero interpersonal skills. Time will tell with that one.

  • Love 21

If you have ever supervised employees you will have run into people like Caroline. They are endemic in the workplace. Especially if you are dealing with millenals. There are specific and tangible management tools to manage such a person. Kate should have taken a course as should Captain Lee.

As a manager Kate is a great reality show shit stirrer. She is the Tamara or Theresa of this franchise. That’s her real job.

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, nr65000 said:

Kate had lots of reasons to be super frustrated with Caroline but Kate is a chief stew with three stripes and this was not a good look.

I totally understand her frustration with Caroline.  I also think Kate and Josiah were subjected to some "profiling": a stick thin, high maintenance woman and a meticulous British gay man?  I think Caroline expected them both to be "bitchy" and then she viewed everything through that lens, regardless of their actual, reasonable behavior.

However, many of Caroline's failings were failings because she didn't adhere follow protocol and show her superiors deference and follow orders.  With the blaring music, and calling names, Kate and Josiah also breached protocol.  Live by the chain of command, die by the chain of command.

  • Love 3
42 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

When Kate was giving Caroline her 1 hr to be off the boat she also mentioned that her bags would be subject to inspection. What exactly did Kate think that she was going to steal? Is not Ike she had access to the wine or liquor cabinet after her shipping orders. 

I can see Caroline's bags being searched.  She did choose to stay on the boat when everyone else went out.  Who knows what she got up to, when no one was looking.  

  • Love 12

Caroline is in fact mental.  Kate (mostly) and Josiah brought out her particular brand of crazy very successfully.  I agree with the previous poster about Caroline's lack of boundaries with people she feels are nonthreatening to her.  That said, Kate should've stayed far away from Caroline's room after knocking & giving a time frame she needed to leave by. When you quit and then forfeit any type of work, it becomes a safety issue to everyone else on board. It's like someone quitting an office job or being fired. They basically have security walk you off the premises. You dont get to make rounds and say your goodbyes and chill there. If you're not affiliated with the company anymore you're OUT. Kate should've said "gather your stuff and leave in an hour," walk off and tell captain.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, esco1822 said:

While she did quit that night (we have no idea what time it was), she was still going to work for 2 days so it wasn't an emergent issue at that point. Going by the assumption Caroline was still going to flip the boat, there was no reason to bother Captain at that point for something she could tell him in the morning. Especially if he was sleeping at that time.  He was notified ASAP when it became a problem. I actually wouldn't be surprised if Caroline did that on purpose just to get back at Kate and Josiah.  

I also wonder if Kate/Josiah thought Caroline's initial quitting was a bluff. Like she was trying to get them to apologize, beg her to stay, and fawn all over her. 

  • Love 15

So Ashton didn't want to pay for a hotel room and the other crew didn't want him to bring his hookup on board.

So the producers comply and let him use a production van, just so they could film the precious sounds.

No doubt hotels, without prior reservations, must be pricey on Tahiti but stop being such a cheap date, Ashton.

Or maybe he was willing to pay for a hotel or could have gone back with her but the producers wanted him leading her back towards the dock so they could film all of it, including that scintillating exchange between the girl and Rhylee.

  • Love 10
17 hours ago, Emmeline said:

The deck hand going overboard isn’t who I was expecting!  That really looks terrible.

I wish Kate and Joshua wouldn’t have handled the situation with Caroline like that at the end.  It only made them look bad.

That waterfall picnic looked like a dream.

Ashton has really grown on me, I'm nervous for him now.  It looks really bad.  

43 minutes ago, scrb said:

So Ashton didn't want to pay for a hotel room and the other crew didn't want him to bring his hookup on board.

So the producers comply and let him use a production van, just so they could film the precious sounds.

No doubt hotels, without prior reservations, must be pricey on Tahiti but stop being such a cheap date, Ashton.

Or maybe he was willing to pay for a hotel or could have gone back with her but the producers wanted him leading her back towards the dock so they could film all of it, including that scintillating exchange between the girl and Rhylee.

He really really needed to get laid, lol

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, langford peel said:

The loud music in and of itself is not significant but points to a pattern of immature vindictive behavior that would be part of her “documentation” of a hostile work environment.

I think you can see that the CaptaIn was concerned that Kate might have been at fault as he questioned her despite their TV relationship. Kate has a pattern of turning her team into a two against one situation. She did it with Amy, Rocky and now Caroline. Kate played power games at the expense of efficiency. Sure Rocky and Caroline have tons of issues but Amy is one of the best Stews in the whole franchise. With Kate it is always two against one. Not professional at all.

Kate is a bad person.

I wouldn’t say she’s a bad person, but that tactic was not appropriate. I understand she was mad and tired of Caroline, but it wasn’t professional.

Quitting with 2 days notice is really shitty. 

Basically, neither Caroline nor Kate had their finest hours last night.

  • Love 20

Captain Lee has never taken responsibility for his part in the screwups. His management failures are just as glaring as Kate’s. He needed procedures in place such as always having a crew member being with the guests on an excursion. Once he saw how inadequate Chandler was he had to step in and not just spout off folksy bullshit.

Edited by langford peel
  • Love 8
16 hours ago, VagueDisclaimer said:

It might’ve just been for show, but I appreciated Lee addressing the complaints with Kate. I know Kate didn’t, as she felt no one could believe anything Caroline said. But he still had to do it.


That annoyed me. Lee says basically says, 'what's up'.  Kate says, 'you can't believe anything Caroline says'.  Then all let go... just hanging there. No details, no further explanations as to why and how things went down. Sure, we saw it happening, but part of the satisfaction is seeing some resolution.

Like in a sitcom or movie using the old 'comedy of errors' formula. Meanwhile, you're sitting watching thinking, "just bloody EXPLAIN to them what's happened or what you actually meant fer crikes sake!"


14 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I don't think I would have gone in that waterfall pool.  I went on a waterfall hike in Hawaii and got an infection from contaminated water.  Now I'm totally skeeved out by water like that. 


13 hours ago, Long Spot said:

I was watching their bare feet with a bit of a cringe for reasons from infections to parasites.  I also took a moment's pause when I saw food consumed in it.  Giardia, anyone?

Except for the waterfall itself (when is a waterfall ever ugly), thought the muddy water and the muddy brown ground to be having a picnic on pretty off putting .

At least no kids were harmed of touched in this episode, lol

Edited by 100Proof
  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, 100Proof said:

That annoyed me. Lee says basically says, 'what's up'.  Kate says, 'you can't believe anything Caroline says'.  Then all let go... just hanging there. No details, no further explanations as to why and how things went down. Sure, we saw it happening, but part of the satisfaction is seeing some resolution

The reason why Captain Lee asked is because he knows Kate is capable of reprehensible actionable behavior. Since he does not have his thumb on the action below deck he has to ask. He’s basically without a clue as to what is going on and needed to know if it was  fuzzy and phony TV Kate or arrested for assault Kate that he was dealing with here. Because he does know one thing.

Kate is a bad person.  

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I also wonder if Kate/Josiah thought Caroline's initial quitting was a bluff. Like she was trying to get them to apologize, beg her to stay, and fawn all over her. 

I think they did too.  Caroline definitely was playing a game with the crew during that speech.  When no one reacted the way she wanted them too, she regrouped and came up with not working the next day.   I noticed that she was dressed to work while lounging in bed.  She got up and put on her uniform, but then decided she did not want to work.  I wish that Kate and Josiah would have left her alone until Captain Lee was back.  At that point, why bother with her.

  • Love 11
44 minutes ago, langford peel said:

Captain Lee has never taken responsibility for his part in the screwups. His management failures are just as glaring as Kate’s. He needed procedures in place such as always having a crew member being with the guests on an excursion. Once he saw how inadequate Chandler was he had to step in and not just spout off folksy bullshit.


Yeah. I'm suspecting he's a full of baloney figure. Boat needs a captain anyway but his hands are probably tied in doing much about the 'cast'. Just give a few 'goddammits', 'i'm dissapointeds', 'promise you heads will rolls', and ass chewings'. I bet even kicking one off needs permission from production. Realize he's probably got a bit of attention tv show personality whore thing going on as well.

Only reason the captain is even shown and not hidden like the rest of the 'real' crew, is that by definition the cast would have to respond to some higher authority in some fashion or another

16 minutes ago, langford peel said:

The reason why Captain Lee asked is because he knows Kate is capable of reprehensible actionable behavior. Since he does not have his thumb on the action below deck he has to ask. He’s basically without a clue as to what is going on and needed to know if it was  fuzzy and phony TV Kate or arrested for assault Kate that he was dealing with here. Because he does know one thing.

Kate is a bad person.  

That's confusing because when they meet up, Capt Bligh is all 'so happy to see you glad we're back as a team you're the only stew i'd want ever want to work with'.

Edited by 100Proof
  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, langford peel said:

The reason why Captain Lee asked is because he knows Kate is capable of reprehensible actionable behavior. Since he does not have his thumb on the action below deck he has to ask. He’s basically without a clue as to what is going on and needed to know if it was  fuzzy and phony TV Kate or arrested for assault Kate that he was dealing with here. Because he does know one thing.

The reason Captain Lee asked is because he had to, to protect his own ass and the show. It has nothing to do with Kate and everything to do with liability.  If someone brings up serious allegations like that, he has to at least attempt to investigate their merit. Kate has done absolutely nothing to warrant thinking she might physically attack anyone on the boat nor did anyone allege that she did anything of the sort. 

  • Love 12

 He had to say that. The casts of the Housewives often hate each other but have to make nice. That is not to say they don’t like and use each other to keep the gravy train going. Work friends.. They are the two familiar mainstays now that they dumped Ben.

He had to ask to cover his butt since he said all of this was news to him and he might have stepped in to ameliorate the situation. Which is sort of his job?

 It is not unreasonable to inquire when you have a supervisor who was arrested for domestic violence is accused of bullying by a subordinate. Yes it could all be bullshit but ask yourself how it would have been handled had it been a man with the same history. It is very reasonable to ask for an explanation as to what happened. Especially when Teflon Lee said it was all news to him.

Edited by langford peel
  • Love 5
11 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

someone brings up serious allegations like that, he has to at least attempt to investigate their merit. K

But there were no serious allegations. It’s like when she went to Kate and Josiah and said she heard them talking about her when they were drunk and when Kate apologized and asked what was said she refused to say even though from what we heard it was that she talks to much and is sweet. 

On twitter she also continues to be vague when she hurls insults at Kate and CL.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 13
1 minute ago, biakbiak said:

But there were no serious allegations.

I'm taking Captain Lee's word for it since he literally used those words when talking to Kate. Caroline does give a bit of merit on twitter to allegations that Reality Tea reported that were not shown on camera so it wouldn't be a stretch to say we may not have seen/heard everything that happened and/or everything she told Captain. 

  • Love 3

People Magazine  June 15, 2016

Kate Chastain, star of Bravo reality show Below Deck, was arrested on Monday following a fight with her girlfriend in Melbourne Beach, Florida, according to the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office and the Melbourne Beach Police Department. 

Chastain, who is the chief stewardess on the series’ charter yacht, was charged with battery by strangulation domestic violence after being arrested by Melbourne Beach officers. 

She allegedly bit her girlfriend Ricio Hernandez on the forearm, inner bicep and leg after returning to their shared home from a bar intoxicated, according to an arrest affidavit obtained by PEOPLE. During the altercation, Hernandez said that she was also allegedly held down and “strangled” by Chastain, making her unable to breathe.

(Once again imagine if it had been Chandler who had the same history. Do you think it would be worth a conversation?)

  • Love 4
Just now, langford peel said:

People Magazine  June 15, 2016

Kate Chastain, star of Bravo reality show Below Deck, was arrested on Monday following a fight with her girlfriend in Melbourne Beach, Florida, according to the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office and the Melbourne Beach Police Department. 

Chastain, who is the chief stewardess on the series’ charter yacht, was charged with battery by strangulation domestic violence after being arrested by Melbourne Beach officers. 

She allegedly bit her girlfriend Ricio Hernandez on the forearm, inner bicep and leg after returning to their shared home from a bar intoxicated, according to an arrest affidavit obtained by PEOPLE. During the altercation, Hernandez said that she was also allegedly held down and “strangled” by Chastain, making her unable to breathe.

(Once again imagine if it had been Chandler who had the same history. Do you think it would be worth a conversation?)

Those charges were eventually thrown out. 

  • Love 20
3 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

While I don't disagree with the assessment of Caroline as an internet psychiatrist, she's even worse because she's got a psych degree under her belt.  It probably validates all her crazy theories.  

There is a saying that - Those that go into psychiatry are looking for their own answers.

  • Love 10

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