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S01.E09: A Fox, a Rabbit, and a Cabbage

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Does anyone know of a Las Vegas hotel that does NOT have security cameras in their elevators?  Sheesh.  I am willing to believe this though given how nuts everything else is - that really was one of the most tense hours of TV I've seen in a long while; actually, the most tense of any program (TV or film) - it was awful to feel so uncomfortable through the whole thing and, yet, curiosity won out.  Did have to pause and get up and walk around a bit a few times - Not sure I can take another hour of that but the finale (of which I know nothing about) may out-tense it - who knows.


Not killing Lester in the elevator also makes no sense to me especially since we see Malvo back on his old hunting ground looking for Lester soon after.  I don't need an explanation for the inexplicable but I am a wee bit curious about that decision by Malvo.  Part of me thinks Malvo has been, since the start, playing with Lester as a cat would with a mouse - enough swipes to wound but not enough to kill.  Maybe Malvo gets some satisfaction out of watching/learning how Lester is handling his new found psychotic self.  

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I thought the call from Las Vegas PD was a fake call -- that it was Malvo calling, to set up Lester.  Because if there really was video of Lester, Malvo, and the victims in the elevator, they would have seen the whole thing and Las Vegas would have sent someone to Bemidji and Lester would be in custody. 


But it works just as well the other way, I guess.

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I think maybe Malvo still had some sympathy/ liking for Lester as one of his murderer-babies. The triple-homicide was a harsh lesson, but the betrayal is what set him off. If Lester had helped instead of braining him with the award, he might just have let him live.

Lester, meanwhile, planned on using his wife as a decoy way in advance. He specifically didn't let her bring her winter coat so she would have to use his.

The acting in this series continues to blow me away.

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I honestly don't think he was as upset about his wife as he was about having confirmation that Malvo was in town and looking to kill him.


This! For a split second I thought Lester may have felt a twinge of remorse about his wife, but I quickly realized that is how a normal mind would think.  He was upset because it could have been him.  She was spilling out her story of love for him and it had no effect on him whatsoever.  No hesitation in sending her in.  He is a true sociopath.  He has never shown any remorse about any of the horrible things he has done. Just concerned about his own self. 


The scene also reminded me of Breaking Bad when Walt sends his neighbor into his house to check his burners (IIRC).  He wanted to make sure his house was clear.  But I couldn't imagine Walt sending Skyler (his wife) into the house. 


Excellent episode. So friggin' good!

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I could copy a ton of y'all's quotes but just WOW. . . this episode was amazing. I was just watching Billy Bob's face when he was turning from likeable dentist to evil guy. .  it was like a shadow coming over him. .  amazing acting job there. And then the tension in the diner between Billy Bob and Carradine. . . what incredible work with just a few words between them. 


There's a difference IMHO Malvo and Lester. Lester is just a selfish prick - whatever occurs to him at that moment (like sending his new wife in WITH THE JACKET ON thus insuring her demise. And Malvo is just EVIL. Can be friendly but don't cross him or you're gonna be toast. . . horrible painful toast. 

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Well, these last two episodes have redeemed the series for me, and I'm looking forward to the finale.  However, I'm glad this is ending because the quirkiness has gotten to me.


I hope Lester takes down Malvo, gets away with everything and goes on his merry, evil, sociopathic way.  

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Several things:

Someone upthread mentioned Gus going all Ahab on Malvo, and possibly getting killed. Show, don't go there. It would destroy Molly and Greta. But since I don't trust anything I can't help but think of how this series began - a pregnant woman being widowed by the murder of her cop husband. Gus (ex cop) dying and leaving pregnant Molly would bookend the beginning. So, show, don't go there.


I didn't twig to Lester's plan for Linda until they got to the office. Then I remember him grabbing the red coat off the stand in the basement and my hate for him increased thousandsfold.


Finally, not a major problem, but something that's bugging me. Given the closeness of Molly and Lou, and the long period this case has been dragging on, doesn't it seem likely that Lou would know more about the man they're hunting - might have even seen Molly's murder board and the photos of Malvo? Obviously he hasn't, or he'd have tried something with Malvo and gotten killed. What do others think?

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 Look - Lorne is evil because he practiced dentistry without really knowing what he was doing - that is sheer evil.



Isn't practicing dentistry pure evil?


I kid, I kid..........

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Hey Tara, I just read your write-up--no odds on Gus?


For half a second I read it as Gus (pronounced Goose-"The Bridge") - He's dead already. I even weird myself out.

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Hey Tara, I just read your write-up--no odds on Gus?




Several things:

Someone upthread mentioned Gus going all Ahab on Malvo, and possibly getting killed. Show, don't go there. It would destroy Molly and Greta. But since I don't trust anything I can't help but think of how this series began - a pregnant woman being widowed by the murder of her cop husband. Gus (ex cop) dying and leaving pregnant Molly would bookend the beginning. So, show, don't go there.


Just me but for some reason I'm putting my faith in Gus remaining alive.  In the opener when Gus pulled over Malvo and Malvo gave him the very cool There be Dragons speech he told him to make the choice and if he let Malvo go he would be able to look at his daughter for years to come and know he chose wisely.  So Gus and his daughter have to survive for years and it's only been 1 year.  

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I yelled at the TV when Lester sent his wife to pick up the passports, I knew that Malvo was there hiding and was expecting two quick gun shots to pop, well was just one but couldn't stop my Lessteeeeeeeeerr! yelling


I mean the first wife was really annoying for him and he wanted to get rid of her ASAP, but this one? she was the sweetest thing every! R.I.P.


Wow Molly and her dad were this close >< to end up dead along with the 2 FBI agents, I'm sure Malvo would have dispatched them if they stepped in a minute sooner.


Good job Lou for not giving any info and could read Malvo, I guess all those years at law enforcement he can pick up deceiving persons.


When he was talking about a pile of bodies 2 stories high, made me thing of Carradine on his Dexter's role, also investigating a serial killer..

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Several things:

Someone upthread mentioned Gus going all Ahab on Malvo, and possibly getting killed. Show, don't go there. It would destroy Molly and Greta. But since I don't trust anything I can't help but think of how this series began - a pregnant woman being widowed by the murder of her cop husband. Gus (ex cop) dying and leaving pregnant Molly would bookend the beginning. So, show, don't go there.


I didn't twig to Lester's plan for Linda until they got to the office. Then I remember him grabbing the red coat off the stand in the basement and my hate for him increased thousandsfold.


Finally, not a major problem, but something that's bugging me. Given the closeness of Molly and Lou, and the long period this case has been dragging on, doesn't it seem likely that Lou would know more about the man they're hunting - might have even seen Molly's murder board and the photos of Malvo? Obviously he hasn't, or he'd have tried something with Malvo and gotten killed. What do others think?

I also thought that Lou would have seen Molly's murder board by now and been able to recognize Malvo. Never the less the scene between Malvo and Lou was intense.

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I also thought that Lou would have seen Molly's murder board by now and been able to recognize Malvo. Never the less the scene between Malvo and Lou was intense.

Even if he did not recognize Malvo he should've been suspicious of someone asking around for Lester.

I am surprised he did not tell Molly immediately about some weird guy asking around for Lester.

Edited by Haiti D
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Lou must've been an "aces" state cop, as he picked up on Malvo's bad vibes pretty darn fast, and subtly handled him. Easy to see where Molly got her law enforcement genes from.


And I second that "ewww" notion of Malvo as practicing dentistry on anyone. Feh.


Personal predictions: Lou, Molly, Gus and Greta all survive. Lester doesn't.

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Oh, Boston Gal, make it so.  


I wonder if there will be enough time to get Chazz out of prison. Though if Lester is killed, where will that leave Chazz. Will people just realize that Lester has been responsible for everything that Malvo hasn't done? Don't have much faith that this will happen. And it isn't that I like Chazz - he's a jerkwad - but he doesn't deserve prison for a murder he didn't commit.

Edited by Catherinewriter
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I just was able to watch this episode. My, my... I thought for sure the title was about someone having to face obstacles to save others. But I interpreted it wrong. It was about someone overcoming obstacles to save himself. Now whether that's Malvo or Lester, I dunno. 

Lester is heartless! He planned sacrificing his wife from the minute he left his basement. And he was her Prince Charming who "saved" her. Course that right there sealed the deal right there, doncha know. 

So glad to see Molly vindicated. Key & Peele too. I just hope Gus doesn't go it alone.

Did anyone notice the bear trap in the box when Lester got the gun? Remember Malvo's story about the bear? And wasn't there a bear trap in the movie? 

Great episode! 

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Hey Tara, I just read your write-up--no odds on Gus?


He was in my original list and then I decided to drop him since he'd left the police force -- which I guess Lou did too...but after the big scene between him and Lorne, it felt like something might have been set up there. I don't see Gus doing anything heroic or being killed to manipulate Molly into vengeance, but WATCH ME BE WRONG. heh.

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So we are to assume that Lorne has been posing as the dentist to get close to Stephen Root's brother in witness protection? To off him? Wow, that's patience. I couldn't stick my hand in someone's mouth even one time.

Lester is just scum. Hate him and I feel sorry for his simpleton wife.

I assumed they had footage of Lester getting on the elevator, along with Lorne. But when they pulled up Lorne's registry, it was a false name. Lester, of course, was registered in his own name. Molly said she was waiting on security pics from Vegas, right?

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So why doesn't Lorne shoot Lester in the elevator? What's the point to waiting to try to track him down at home?



In addition to helping with the bodies, I remain convinced that Lorne is going to get off scot free in the finale and that Lester will go down for Lorne's crimes.  When Lorne killed Lester's bully back in the first few episodes, Lester as patsy for Lorne struck me and I haven't been able to shake it since.  Or Lorne will die (off alone where no one finds him... bear trap?) and Lester will still go down for Lorne's crimes. 



The bear trap should be used next week. 


I said Chekov's bear trap aloud right as Lester pulled the gun out of the trunk.  Made me laugh but I can't really explain why. 


 Jesus penis, Lester, I do hope Malvo kills you, but ending up in your brother's cell might be even worse.  


So about that theory of mine...


I LOVED those FBI guys giving the smackdown to stupid Bill for overlooking the solid evidence that connected to Lester to Malvo.  I hope his ass gets fired for his incompetency.


The fact that those FBI guys are totally off book right now is kind of giving me pause; if my Lester/Lorne thing pans out, both they and Molly will still look wrong in hindsight and I can so see Bill noting that they were just file clerks disobeying orders if that came out. 

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Malvo is a dentist when he's not a hit man?

What I find hard to believe is that Malvo actually worked as a dentist for six months to get close to the other dentist (Steven Root) who would then lead him eventually to the brother in witness protection.  Along the way he even got engaged and did normal stuff like throwing a party.

Then he finally gets to Vegas with his plan in high gear--apparently they are going to meet the brother (after two cab rides and a bunch of clandestine shit) the very next day.

Lorne was chasing a bounty of $100,000 to kill the brother.


...then he meets Lester in the elevator and just blows up six months of nasty work AND $100,000 when he calmly shoots his buddy, buddy's wife and his own fiancee...FOR WHAT?????????  Kissing off a hundred grand just to fuck with Lester????


Those three from K.C. MO were dead folks walking already, as they would have been loose ends that needed tying up as soon as the witness brother had been dispatched...but kissing off a hundred grand just to fuck with Lester????????????????

Edited by UncleChuck
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What I find hard to believe is that Malvo actually worked as a dentist for six months to get close to the other dentist (Steven Root) who would then lead him eventually to the brother in witness protection.  Along the way he even got engaged and did normal stuff like throwing a party.

Then he finally gets to Vegas with his plan in high gear--apparently they are going to meet the brother (after two cab rides and a bunch of clandestine shit) the very next day.

Lester was chasing a bounty of $100,000 to kill the brother.


...then he meets Lester in the elevator and just blows up six months of nasty work AND $100,000 when he calmly shoots his buddy, buddy's wife and his own fiancee...FOR WHAT?????????  Kissing off a hundred grand just to fuck with Lester????


Those three from K.C. MO were dead folks walking already, as they would have been loose ends that needed tying up as soon as the witness brother had been dispatched...but kissing off a hundred grand just to fuck with Lester????????????????

I agree. It seems like Malvo could have gotten rid of Lester and explained it away to keep from blowing his scheme.

I also find it hard to belive Malvo could pose as a dentist and fool his partner, assistants, patients etc.

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I was wrong about Malvo setting everything up for Lester to find him in LV.  I love that he has such hubris that it was worth it to him to mess with Lester and put off his months-long goal with Root's brother.  This dude is an all-time TV character for me.   Even if Malvo is "killed" in the next ep, I see no reason BBT can't resurrect another Malvo in a sequel series.


How many specific characters have we seen from Malvo?   The original.  The preacher.  The dentist.  Any others?  Were each not infused with believable/credible traits by the writers and BBT?  I am so damn fascinated trying to learn the boundaries of Malvo's ability.  Does he have to use cars/vehicles for transport?  Does he have to eat/drink/sleep?  Does he need his useful idiots to have engaged in some lie or bad behavior to use them/control them as he wishes?  For example - could he use Lou as one, or is Lou somehow immune?  Are there any other Reno-type operations he runs/controls?  Are there any other Malvo "demons" running around in the world creating chaos?


I am hoping like crazy we are not asked to suspend disbelief very much next week.  Right off the top, how can Lester have called in the murder of his wife and just sit there with one of his brother's weapons in his pants?  Even the moron BPD would check that out.  


I've seen speculation that Lester didn't even buy a ticket for his wife, and/or did not print out an itinerary for her, thus compounding his evil plot.  I rewatched the scene several times and it is true the only one seen is Lester's.  However, a first page was finished and Lester waits on a second to finish.  Was his a 2-pager, or was the second page Linda's itinerary?   We never saw on screen an indication, eg "printing 1 of 2."


I'm still trying to determine my lives/dies list.  The one which would most shock me is if Molly and/or her baby are significantly harmed.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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The one which would most shock me is if Molly and/or her baby are significantly harmed.

I was discussing with my sister how Molly *just* missed Lorne at her Dad's place.  And we realized that, while Molly knows plenty about Malvo, he doesn't know HER at all!  Even when looking at the wedding pic, he recognized Gus but not Molly (other than "Diner owner's daughter.)  He doesn't know about her murder board; he doesn't know that she's been on his & Lester's ass for the past year.  I don't think Molly has crossed his radar at all.


Not being on Malvo's radar is going to be to her distinct advantage, I think.

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Another little Coen Brothers shout out I noticed--Root's character called Malvo "friendo."

I know! When he said that I was, like, "Yes!"

I was kind of cheering for Lester for a long time, but after what he did to Linda, he is dead to me. Sending her in as a decoy was so frickin' despicable. BTW, why keep your passports at the office?

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Ugh.  Just remembered.  


With all the time that was passing, not one call from Molly to Gus that the FBI affirmed her and let Bill have it.  Of course, Gus was keeping his discovery on the down low, as well.  Yet, I can more see him doing that so as not to upset his pregnant wife.  


This is another good example, though, of how evil can thrive through (relies upon???) secrets and silence amongst good folks.

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Thinking about it, it has occurred to me that the whole scenario at Lester's Insurance Office was a set up/test by Malvo since (in the absence of Lester's home address) that was the only place Malvo knew for certain Lester would eventually have to show up at. Perhaps Malvo has safecracking amongst his myriad talents and found the essential passports (clearly a plot device as I never heard of anyone leaving such an important piece of identity at work).  A guy like Malvo would also have observed exactly how much illumination was already in the office when he got there. Even though Lester recognized the real possibility that Malvo would be there, it was the out of place illumination that told Lester the next move was his. Malvo knew that Lester would know Malvo was inside, and if Lester came inside, it would be kill or be killed. Or, Lester could choose to drive away, make up some lame story for the wife, and try to develop a new plan to out 'fox' Malvo. Or, Lester could reconfirm to one and all exactly what kind of rat bastard he is by sending pawn/wife in to be killed, which is naturally what the scumbucket does. I have no doubt Malvo would know exactly who was wearing that coat, given the differences in height and the way she was walking as she approached the building. Malvo coming out the front door was a reaffirmation of his confidence that he is running the game, - I've never seen any commercial business that wasn't required to have TWO exits - taking the time to light a cigarette and then saunter down the street emphasizes this and gives Lester a clear message the game is no where near over, and that the next move is Lester's. After all, if Malvo could execute an entire crime syndicate in broad daylight, under the noses of FBI agents, it would have been a piece of cake for him to take Lester out in a dark parking lot on a nearly deserted street.

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Thinking about it, it has occurred to me that the whole scenario at Lester's Insurance Office was a set up/test by Malvo since (in the absence of Lester's home address) that was the only place Malvo knew for certain Lester would eventually have to show up at. Perhaps Malvo has safecracking amongst his myriad talents and found the essential passports (clearly a plot device as I never heard of anyone leaving such an important piece of identity at work). A guy like Malvo would also have observed exactly how much illumination was already in the office when he got there. Even though Lester recognized the real possibility that Malvo would be there, it was the out of place illumination that told Lester the next move was his. Malvo knew that Lester would know Malvo was inside, and if Lester came inside, it would be kill or be killed. Or, Lester could choose to drive away, make up some lame story for the wife, and try to develop a new plan to out 'fox' Malvo. Or, Lester could reconfirm to one and all exactly what kind of rat bastard he is by sending pawn/wife in to be killed, which is naturally what the scumbucket does. I have no doubt Malvo would know exactly who was wearing that coat, given the differences in height and the way she was walking as she approached the building. Malvo coming out the front door was a reaffirmation of his confidence that he is running the game, - I've never seen any commercial business that wasn't required to have TWO exits - taking the time to light a cigarette and then saunter down the street emphasizes this and gives Lester a clear message the game is no where near over, and that the next move is Lester's. After all, if Malvo could execute an entire crime syndicate in broad daylight, under the noses of FBI agents, it would have been a piece of cake for him to take Lester out in a dark parking lot on a nearly deserted street.

I loved that he lit a cigarette a just stood there daring Lester to make a move.

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I agree, becauseIsaidso,great summary!

Regarding the passports, though: this is Lester's business, and I imagine he has a safe. Keeping passports there would be safer than at home (theft, fire etc) but more accessible than putting them in a safety deposit box. Kind of an old school way of thinking, but doesn't old school fit here?

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Upon rewatching, a couple of nice touches during the bar scene before the elevator confrontation: Lorne regaling the group with a funny story about how he accidently stuck himself with novacaine... straight from the famous "Carol Burnett" sketch with Tim Conway and Harvey Korman. Also, having Lorne's financee think to  congratulate Lester on his award before walking away was very sweet. Too bad she'd be dead soon, Lester or no.

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Does anyone know of a Las Vegas hotel that does NOT have security cameras in their elevators?  Sheesh.

This was the one thing that really got me, too. If they'd been just about anywhere else in the world, I would have been able to accept that there wasn't surveillance inside the actual elevator, but in Vegas, no.


Completely agree with becauseIsaidso's take on the situation with Lester's wife. Malvo shot first, looked afterward - and I think he probably wasn't entirely shocked to see it wasn't Lester. Everything from the elevator on has been a test/an exercise in pushing Lester to see what he's willing to do.

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Every time I see Keith Carradine, I think about him in 'McCabe and Mrs Miller.' Time changes us all, I suppose.



Or the guy who sang "I'm Easy" in Nashville.  He was a beautiful young man.

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I'm completely ashamed that I had hoped Lester would get away with everything. That was up until this episode. There's no excuse whatsoever for what he did to his wife. He might as well have used a gang of babies as human shields against gunfire. Coward! Bastard! He deserves everything evil coming his way next week.


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Re our questions about why Lou doesn't know more about Malvo, etc. Perhaps Molly thinks she should keep info about her job confidential? I don't know if that's a thing with cops' families - does anyone know? It's not the same as with doctors and shrinks, is it? But otherwise I see no reason that Lou is not allowed (by the plot) to recognize Malvo or twig to him as he talks with him. He's just too smart and experienced not to. Other opinions?

Oh, and by the way: Lester needs to die.

Edited by Catherinewriter
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Even if Malvo is "killed" in the next ep, I see no reason BBT can't resurrect another Malvo in a sequel series.


I, for one, will be amazed if Malvo is killed in Le Grande Finale because if he is who I think he is, that would be impossible.  Actually, I'm ashamed to admit that I'm hoping he won't disappear for good (yeah, despite his killing an innocent animal...oh, and those folks in the elevator, & poor gullible Linda).  It's just that there's something way too fascinating about Malvo (how many assassins stop and take the time to torment a man & his little kids with lurid comments about the gory murder that took place in their basement, or, tempt a dumb teen to pee in a gas tank & then gleefully rat him out?).  I don't personally know any assassins; maybe this is something they all get their kicks doing.  It's also BBT in this role with that sweet, innocent look on his face as Malvo ever so smoothly glides into different personalities.  This role was made for BBT.

Edited by annzeepark914
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... I don't personally know any assassins; ...


Oh, what a sheltered life you lead.  ;-)  (just kidding).  I agree with your whole post.  I hope he's not killed and being because he can't be.  BBT has been a revelation to me in this.  I knew he could act, but I am loving him in this.

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The acting on this show is blowing my tiny mind. There are actors that I've never liked before - BB Thornton (though he used to be real good), Colin Hanks - and actors that I've never seen stretch like this - Martin Freeman, Bob Odenkirk - and then actors I'm being introduced to - Allison Tolman, Russell Harvard - and I freaking love them all. Throw in Key and Peele and Stephen Root and hot damn. Amazing job by all and to be honest, the quality of their acting is elevating the material and some of the parts where believability goes out the window (as all of you have already pointed out). 


I too thought that Linda might wise up and realize Lester was setting her up, especially since she showed a hint of intelligence when she picked up on having to cover for Lester during Molly's interview. But nope, I think she was just very much in love with Lester and had the blinders on. Her story about her difficult upbringing kind of confirmed that she views Lester as her literal white knight. BTW, the story of the customer shitting in the box spring had me LOLing.



I also thought that Lou would have seen Molly's murder board by now and been able to recognize Malvo.


Molly seems like she really wants to protect her dad from knowing about the danger that she's putting herself in, though. So I wouldn't be surprised if she keeps it away from him or tells him that it's confidential. 


(Good to see all of you TWoP'ers on here! I even got to keep my same screen name!)

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I'll be the nth to say how superb this show is but I must say, the whole 'this actually happened' thing has me curious.  A few murders I might have missed on the news but the single-handed extermination of an entire crime guild?  I was traipsing around overseas in one of the most remote places on earth at that time, and even I would have heard about that one.

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Let's look at the Malvo - Lou scene.  I believe Lou picked up a vib when Malvo nailed him as law enforcement.  Crooks have a sixth sense about the police - don't know how but they do.  Lou would have immediately been on guard because the average person doesn't think along those lines.  As a former state trooper he'd know.  That's why he followed up asking about working in the Florida attorney's office.  If you not on one side of the line - you're on the other.


I was thinking about Lou's reference to a mass murder in Souix Falls and wondered if it was Malvo back then.  Sometimes you get a fast insight.  Maybe Lou did and he wanted to see how Malvo would act on that bit of info.  The scene was tense - even the second time I watched it.


So Malvo thinks he's the Devil?  Or wants others to see him that way?  The Garden of Eden was a wonderful drop line.

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henripootel, this show loves to mess with our minds, up to and including the somber announcement at the beginning of every episode that the facts of this story are true. And out of respect for the survivors, the show insists they must be.


How could one doubt a declaration so serious? ;)

Edited by A Boston Gal
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The intoduction stating that this is a true story is a spoof on all the stories that start out that way.  Not a real story!  I finally started to research some plots in movies before I caught on to that trick.

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Does anyone know of a Las Vegas hotel that does NOT have security cameras in their elevators?  Sheesh.  I am willing to believe this though given how nuts everything else is - that really was one of the most tense hours of TV I've seen in a long while; actually, the most tense of any program (TV or film) - it was awful to feel so uncomfortable through the whole thing and, yet, curiosity won out.  Did have to pause and get up and walk around a bit a few times - Not sure I can take another hour of that but the finale (of which I know nothing about) may out-tense it - who knows.


Not killing Lester in the elevator also makes no sense to me especially since we see Malvo back on his old hunting ground looking for Lester soon after.  I don't need an explanation for the inexplicable but I am a wee bit curious about that decision by Malvo.  Part of me thinks Malvo has been, since the start, playing with Lester as a cat would with a mouse - enough swipes to wound but not enough to kill.  Maybe Malvo gets some satisfaction out of watching/learning how Lester is handling his new found psychotic self.  

Remember when Malvo used his snakey grin and said "That was the best piece of pie since Eden"? So, is he Satan?

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I've seen speculation that Lester didn't even buy a ticket for his wife, and/or did not print out an itinerary for her, thus compounding his evil plot.  I rewatched the scene several times and it is true the only one seen is Lester's.  However, a first page was finished and Lester waits on a second to finish.  Was his a 2-pager, or was the second page Linda's itinerary?   We never saw on screen an indication, eg "printing 1 of 2."


Here is a gif of that scene. He clicks the button to complete the purchase and the itinerary instantaneously appears and it says clearly:  One way, 1 passenger.


More than one page may have been printed, but Lester didn't even buy a ticket for her. I believe that even if Malvo hadn't been at the office, Lester was going to kill her anyway.

Edited by AzureOwl
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I could copy a ton of y'all's quotes but just WOW. . . this episode was amazing. I was just watching Billy Bob's face when he was turning from likeable dentist to evil guy. .  it was like a shadow coming over him. .  amazing acting job there. And then the tension in the diner between Billy Bob and Carradine. . . what incredible work with just a few words between them. 


There's a difference IMHO Malvo and Lester. Lester is just a selfish prick - whatever occurs to him at that moment (like sending his new wife in WITH THE JACKET ON thus insuring her demise. And Malvo is just EVIL. Can be friendly but don't cross him or you're gonna be toast. . . horrible painful toast. 

I just watched it today. This morning, I got a filling and my dentist chatted about his war memories. And now I notice for the first time, my dentist looks just like Billy Bob. 

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