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Yolanda Hadid: My Love, My Lemons, My Lyme Disease.

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Well, as stated somewhere else, I think Lisa should have ripped opened the envelope and read the diagnosis.  Unfortunately,  Lisa wouldn't understand them.  None of them would.


Tamra Barney would know what they meant......

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Gigi was making a go of modeling before her mother's first RHOBH episodes aired, but the cultivated fame sure did help her end up where she is now. She's on the heavy side for a model though, and for all her talk about about how she wouldn't be losing weight, she did end up losing weight. Bella doesn't have the blonde hair blue eyed looks or delicate and exotic features that Gigi has, her body is no better and her head is large for a model. Bella would not have been signed to an agency if Gigi hadn't become an "it girl". Kendall has a more runway body than the Hadids, but her face is kind of blah, and she can't manage anything other than "dead eyes" in her print work.


Dead eyes!!! That is that FN zombie/Nobody's Home.1,000 yard stare I always see....Maybe Bella has the anti-body for the Zika virus.....or is that the Anti-Head?

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Ha!!! This was wonderful. You almost made me like Meghan King Edmunds for a moment.


Hee. I think she is brattiness personified (not justice) and I cannot imagine going so far as to call hospitals and vet doctors as she did with Brooks--but I give her credit for having been right all along. 

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Dead eyes!!! That is that FN zombie/Nobody's Home.1,000 yard stare I always see....Maybe Bella has the anti-body for the Zika virus.....or is that the Anti-Head?



Kendall is not sentient. Kendall does not comprehend.

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Ok so I was looking at Yo's Instagram and there is a pic of Anwar with a person who I assume is Yo hugging him with her legs wrapped around his waist. The reason I say I assume is because you can't see the female's face but I think it is Yo since it is her site. I wish I could download stuff here but I haven't figured out how to do that on an ipad so please check it out if you get the chance

Now I have two sons and in no way would they let me jump on them and wrap my legs around them. I get hugs and lots of I love you Mom but they would definitely freak out if I wrapped my legs around them in that manner. I'm curious how the rest of you feel. Is this normal? Is it a European thing? Am I out of touch? I'm really curious how you guys feel about this.

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Hee. I think she is brattiness personified (not justice) and I cannot imagine going so far as to call hospitals and vet doctors as she did with Brooks--but I give her credit for having been right all along. 


Part of the credit she does deserve is due to her work history, She heard something that didn't sound right and called horseshit on it. I don't agree with her methods or making it a group topic - If you care about that person and respect their friendship, you go directly to them, you don't make it a group project.

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Ok so I was looking at Yo's Instagram and there is a pic of Anwar with a person who I assume is Yo hugging him with her legs wrapped around his waist. The reason I say I assume is because you can't see the female's face but I think it is Yo since it is her site. I wish I could download stuff here but I haven't figured out how to do that on an ipad so please check it out if you get the chance

Now I have two sons and in no way would they let me jump on them and wrap my legs around them. I get hugs and lots of I love you Mom but they would definitely freak out if I wrapped my legs around them in that manner. I'm curious how the rest of you feel. Is this normal? Is it a European thing? Am I out of touch? I'm really curious how you guys feel about this.

It's Gigi


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That's weird. Even if it's a normal thing, I imagine no self-respecting teenage boy would pose long enough to get this captured on camera. 

You just said it, I agree...they ARE "posed" for the picture IMO.

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My first impression of the picture was how cute it was for a brother and sister who hadn't seen each other for a long time and clearly adored each other. 


On my second look at the picture, when I took a little more time, I saw that her coochie-coo was a good five or six inches above his navel, and her legs/knees  were together on one side, not spread.  Nothing about their stance seemed remotely sexual, or "weird," in any way to me.


Just a further consideration:  Those three kids are so close together in age that I can imagine them rough housing with each other from the day they were born, like three puppies.  The photo doesn't alarm me at all.  I'd call it  "delightful."


ETA:  I do think that the picture was posed, though, with You Know Who behind the lens!  :)

Edited by Lura
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Yo has some very deep insecurities about money, as well as about looks/appearance and image/status.  It's apparent in everything she does, and in what she strives for for her children.


I agree re looks/appearance and image/status.  She really seems overly-focused on being admired, and that certainly seems to be her goal for her kids too.  She seems to thrive on people looking up to her, telling her how wonderful she is, etc.  The opinions of other people matter very, very much to her, and she seems to put a lot of importance on being up on a pedestal.  It's sad, really, because from the very beginning, the feeling that I got was that people thinking she lived a happy, wonderful life was more important to her than actually living that kind of life.  It's all about image, all about being envied.


And that apparently is what she wants for her children too.  That, in her mind, apparently means success.  Models are praised for their beauty, and their faces become known and admired, so to her that's the very best career to have.  I never for a minute believed Gigi would last long in college, but if she had and had then gone on to become an attorney or a teacher or a writer or anything else, I'm sure that would have been too mundane for Yolanda.  Even if Gigi was really happy doing it, I think Yolanda is far too focused on image, fame, and beauty to see anything else as successful or acceptable.  It's pretty clear that her goal is  to have her kids be world-famous models, primarily because of the public adulation aspect which seems to be her focus in her own life and in theirs too.


I really hope those kids are learning about values and about what really matters in life elsewhere, and I hope they are able to balance their careers with lives that bring them true happiness, the kind that isn't impacted at all by how envied they are by others.

Edited by DebbieM4
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My friend who has chronic Lyme thinks the spirochetes from the Lyme got into Yolanda's implants and that's how they got so messed up. No idea if it's true, but it's an interesting theory.

Edited by Silo
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Who took the "candid" picture of these innocent un-posed playful puppies?  ;-)


Did I say that the picture was candid?  I wasn't there, but I think it could well have been posed.  The "in house" photographer, who can't resist snapping a picture every three minutes, probably shot it and may even have posed it.  What I'd like to know is WHY.

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My friend who has chronic Lyme thinks the spirochetes from the Lyme got into Yolanda's implants and that's how they got so messed up. No idea if it's true, but it's an interesting theory.

Yolanda ruptured OLD breast implants and had them replaced but it seems that they didn't clean up the ruptured silicone when they replaced them 10 years ago. Which begs the question as to the type of Dr.'s she goes to/uses. What reputable PS would miss all the leaked silicone when removing and replacing "ruptured" silicone implants, especially during the time when silicone implant leakage was such a hot topic to begin with? Also, according to her own timeline, she had the new silicone implants before she contracted LD and the newer ones she just had removed were NOT ruptured or leaking. This is a big part of the confusion Yolanda is causing, she isn't concise with any information, it keeps changing just enough to keep current questions at bay but she forgets what her answers/explanations were just a few days/weeks ago and things then do NOT add up. JMO

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Yo has a million ailments, and she'd be happy to tell you all about them in great ever-changing and inaccurate detail.  Meanwhile, her mom has cancer and she's all, 'well, nice to see you Mommy, now let's talk about my drug closet and here's my Will for Gigi..oh, and the other ones."


She has no compassion for others who are ill, so I have no compassion for her drama.

Edited by izabella
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Silicone breast implants, even after the scrutiny triggered in the early nineties, are considered safe. Yolanda spoke of silicone granulomas, the granuloma would be the immune system responding to the silicone by encapsulating it, there may have been no need to remove them.

I can't see the silicone being something that Lyme spirochetes could infect.

Edited by Kokapetl
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I was watching the Gold Rush:Alaska program and there is a character named Tony Beets. Beets is a colorful,  rough and tumble guy with a very thick accent and a no nonsense attitude.

In a preview of an episode, Beets is followed back to his home country of the Netherlands and I laughed because it could have been filmed as the piece where Yo went home. Windmills, farm life and the requisite "look at what I do for fun when I go home". I love reality TV!

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Wow that disappoints me. Shes smarter than that.

I think it is something Andy Cohen passed off to her.  Heather has two charities/movements she is really big and involved with, time to say thanks but no thanks.  I was surprised to see she was giving testimony to "our senate".  WTH does she know about Lyme Disease?

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This is a big part of the confusion Yolanda is causing, she isn't concise with any information, it keeps changing just enough to keep current questions at bay but she forgets what her answers/explanations were just a few days/weeks ago and things then do NOT add up. JMO


That's exactly it.  She's constantly in damage control mode, and she's only there because she puts herself there.  Over and over and over again.


I don't think she's literally forgetting what she's said, but rather that she's so sure she can stay a step ahead of everyone else.   That's how huge her ego is.


Yo has a million ailments, and she'd be happy to tell you all about them in great ever-changing and inaccurate detail.  Meanwhile, her mom has cancer and she's all, 'well, nice to see you Mommy, now let's talk about my drug closet and here's my Will for Gigi..oh, and the other ones."


She has no compassion for others who are ill, so I have no compassion for her drama.


Totally agree.  My compassion for her has gone from moderate to slight to non-existent, based partly on all the bullshit she's thrown around in an effort to gain attention, but mostly because she is completely lacking in compassion for anyone else.

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I think Yo suffers from Aging Model Syndrome. When she was young and beautiful, people hung on her every word. That made her believe, mistakenly, that she had something important or insightful to say.


Fast forward, she's no longer young and beautiful. No one wants to listen to her bullshit anymore, but she is so accustomed to getting attention, based on her modeling days, that she can't read the room. She doesn't understand why no one is listening anymore. In fact, I don't think she even realizes that no one wants to hear her crap anymore.

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I think Yo suffers from Aging Model Syndrome. When she was young and beautiful, people hung on her every word. That made her believe, mistakenly, that she had something important or insightful to say.


Fast forward, she's no longer young and beautiful. No one wants to listen to her bullshit anymore, but she is so accustomed to getting attention, based on her modeling days, that she can't read the room. She doesn't understand why no one is listening anymore. In fact, I don't think she even realizes that no one wants to hear her crap anymore.

I suspect that no one ever took her serious, intellectually that is, but she got away saying things BECAUSE of her looks. Now, even though she is still a beautiful woman physically, she is an aging beauty and the nonsense she spews is much more noticeable, cringe worthy and less tolerable to those around her. JMO

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I think Yo suffers from Aging Model Syndrome. When she was young and beautiful, people hung on her every word. That made her believe, mistakenly, that she had something important or insightful to say.


Fast forward, she's no longer young and beautiful. No one wants to listen to her bullshit anymore, but she is so accustomed to getting attention, based on her modeling days, that she can't read the room. She doesn't understand why no one is listening anymore. In fact, I don't think she even realizes that no one wants to hear her crap anymore.

Thanks for the Instagram post. It's always interesting to see the responses. I noticed in one pic last week someone responded MENOPAUSE!!! I laughed and wondered if it was one of our crew.

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I'll defend Heather on Lyme.  They have a vacation home near Great Barrington where Lyme is a problem. 


Tried to do a search on the actual study but only found Yo and two websites saying the same thing.  Anything quantifiable will cite the actual study.  Of course, I have no doubt that Yo (or her Lyme Advocate) pasted from one of these websites.  I call this dangerous spewing. 

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I looked at that picture of Yo, all puckered up for the camera, and all I could think of was an expression from high school about a conceited classmate:  "She thinks she's cute."  If only she could present an important fact without a picture of herself adorning it, I might take her a little more seriously.  As is, however, I think she's using Lyme Disease as an opportunity to promote her face and body.


I am sorry, Yolanda, but you are COMPLETELY DISGUSTING.  Perhaps when you take your disease as something serious to promote in earnest, with an attitude of cheerfulness, resolve and single-mindedness, leaving your poses by the wayside, then perhaps I will, too. 

Edited by Lura
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I looked at that picture of Yo, all puckered up for the camera, and all I could think of was an expression from high school about a conceited classmate:  "She thinks she's cute."  If only she could present an important fact without a picture of herself adorning it, I might take her a little more seriously.  As is, however, I think she's using Lyme Disease as an opportunity to promote her face and body.


I'm sorry, Yolanda, but you are COMPLETELY DISGUSTING.


I agree.  It's not about Lyme Disease.  It's never been about Lyme Disease.  It's always been about her.  Whatever she moves on to next (and for sure there will be a next thing) will be all about her also.  She's as self-involved and fake as a person can be.


People who are really suffering from LD and other chronic illnesses deserve so much better.  She is a disgrace.

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I looked at that picture of Yo, all puckered up for the camera, and all I could think of was an expression from high school about a conceited classmate:  "She thinks she's cute."  If only she could present an important fact without a picture of herself adorning it, I might take her a little more seriously.  As is, however, I think she's using Lyme Disease as an opportunity to promote her face and body.


I am sorry, Yolanda, but you are COMPLETELY DISGUSTING.  Perhaps when you take your disease as something serious to promote in earnest, with an attitude of cheerfulness, resolve and single-mindedness, leaving your poses by the wayside, then perhaps I will, too.

Omg yes! If she feels it necessary to " document the journey" then why not more photos that aren't selfies. For example "here is the a photo of the NIH where I have enrolled in a clinic trail". Lol nope that would never happen it's more "look at me suffering in this nice blue blouse". Her Instagram is filled with her favorite thing.....herself .

Heading off for vacation and praying I don't die in a fiery plane crash.....did I mention I hate to fly and I have to do it all the time? Got the biggest laugh this morning as I handed my husband his new beats headphones I purchased just for this trip .....he asked so earnestly what kind of Dr. ,Is Dr. Dre? I replied his subspeciality is rapology but he's board certified in mixed tapes too. It was then that I realized he was dead serious. LMAO. Oh NC hubby can't think of anyone I would rather crash in the ocean with....did I tell you I'm afraid of flying ?

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Omg yes! If she feels it necessary to " document the journey" then why not more photos that aren't selfies. For example "here is the a photo of the NIH where I have enrolled in a clinic trail". Lol nope that would never happen it's more "look at me suffering in this nice blue blouse". Her Instagram is filled with her favorite thing.....herself .

Heading off for vacation and praying I don't die in a fiery plane crash.....did I mention I hate to fly and I have to do it all the time? Got the biggest laugh this morning as I handed my husband his new beats headphones I purchased just for this trip .....he asked so earnestly what kind of Dr. ,Is Dr. Dre? I replied his subspeciality is rapology but he's board certified in mixed tapes too. It was then that I realized he was dead serious. LMAO. Oh NC hubby can't think of anyone I would rather crash in the ocean with....did I tell you I'm afraid of flying ?

nc social worker, I'm going to reply to the plane paragraph of your post in the small talk thread.

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I could not find Yolanda's latest appearance on Dr. Oz, but here is a comment from her April 9, 2015, appearance.


"Right now my symptoms are severe loss of brain function. including loss of words, short-term memory loss and the inability to absorb information.  I am also experiencing loss of eyesight, migraines, joint pain, numbness on part of my calves and chronic cough."


I guess she taped last week? 


I wonder if her blindness is getting any better or if removing her silicone implants cured that symptom.

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I could not find Yolanda's latest appearance on Dr. Oz, but here is a comment from her April 9, 2015, appearance.


"Right now my symptoms are severe loss of brain function. including loss of words, short-term memory loss and the inability to absorb information.  I am also experiencing loss of eyesight, migraines, joint pain, numbness on part of my calves and chronic cough."


I guess she taped last week? 


I wonder if her blindness is getting any better or if removing her silicone implants cured that symptom.

The show has not aired yet.
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I could not find Yolanda's latest appearance on Dr. Oz, but here is a comment from her April 9, 2015, appearance.


"Right now my symptoms are severe loss of brain function. including loss of words, short-term memory loss and the inability to absorb information.  I am also experiencing loss of eyesight, migraines, joint pain, numbness on part of my calves and chronic cough."


I guess she taped last week? 


I wonder if her blindness is getting any better or if removing her silicone implants cured that symptom.

Or an updated pair of bifocals lol...I can see again!  It's a miracle!  #LymeSpecs

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Or an updated pair of bifocals lol...I can see again!  It's a miracle!  #LymeSpecs

Lyme Specs: The miracle glasses that let you look down your nose at people without compromising your vision.

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I am not so sure this rumor is true but reportedly Yolanda is asking for $100K a month in support from David! YIKES! LOL   http://okmagazine.com/photos/yolanda-foster-divorce-david-foster-spousal-support/photo/1001385228/

Yup, if true it looks like some who called it here were right. She's going to argue that she needs all the money for her medical treatments. I hope she gets NOTHING. She is not broke -- she's wealthy in her own right. David should owe her nothing at this point except what was agreed in a pre-nup.

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I think Yo suffers from Aging Model Syndrome. When she was young and beautiful, people hung on her every word. That made her believe, mistakenly, that she had something important or insightful to say.


Fast forward, she's no longer young and beautiful. No one wants to listen to her bullshit anymore, but she is so accustomed to getting attention, based on her modeling days, that she can't read the room. She doesn't understand why no one is listening anymore. In fact, I don't think she even realizes that no one wants to hear her crap anymore.


HA-HA   I can think of many former models suffering from AMS. Aging Model Syndrome

Part of this disease is lying about what they have had done to themselves physically.


They are genetic wonders and would never think of having a knife near their faces. Calling 1 800 bull sh!t.  

 Looking at Cindy Crawford, french melons really work!  And Christey Brinkley, look at the before pics of her when she was fighting with hubs #4.   


 I hope Yo gets nothing in support from Foster. 

Edited by This2getsold
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Let's review Yolanda's need for spousal support in a four year marriage:


Before she married David she was receiving $40,000.00 a month.  Once she married him $10,000.00  a month dropped off.


Within weeks of marrying David she signed a contract for RHOBH-let's say for $100,000.00, and she claimed to still be working for Mohamed.  So back in 2012 she was making at least $40,000.00 a month.


Halfway through 2013 her child support dropped to $20,000.00 a month and I am fairly certain she received a raise for Season 4.


In late 2014 her child support dropped to $10,000.00 a month and again I am fairly certain she got another raise.  She claims to have been bed ridden for most of the year.


In 2015 she was still making $10,000.00 a month in child support and her increased RHOBH salary and sold her mansion for a profit.  She claims to have been bed ridden for most of the year.


Early 2016 she filed for divorce and requested spousal support, while still receiving her $10,000.00 a month and her RHOBH salary.  Where is the change in circumstances to warrant any support?  She works.


I hope Yolanda not only does not get spousal support or payment for her hooker/health aide but has to pay David's attorneys' fees for wasting the court's time on such a request.


There comes a time when being a nice guy should not mean supporting this Tomfoolery Yolanda calls healthcare.

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Does this mean that Yo and David didn't have a prenup?  I find that hard to believe.  This was his fourth marriage and he came into it with a lot of assets.  Same could be said for Yo - - she had a house prior to marrying David and was getting a nice chunk of change from Mo.


Regardless, $100K a  month for a four year marriage that produced no children is insane.  I get that David is worth a lot of money but it's not like Yo helped him accumulate it.  Going by the old rule of thumb, she should only get support for half the duration of the marriage anyhow (which is maybe why she's asking for $100K?  Over two years that's a hefty sum.) 


I'd love to hear comments from Lisa Rinna and Erika on the $100K.  Those two pull no punches.

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