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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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34 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:

The best thing anyone can do is not click on any article about them, subscribe to any of their social media, or even view their social media.  At least if you want to feel that you are doing nothing to help them bring in income (which is a by-product of giving them attention via articles and social media).   Go to  Reddit and you can see all their social media stuff..

Of course children need parents who bring in income... but these kids would be better served by parents who get "real" jobs and are forced to function appropriately with other adults on a regular basis.  Sitting at home making youtube channels , probably while high, is not going to work too well.

I read the articles and SM posts that are cut and pasted here and never click on the links unless it's suggested for some reason, like to read the hateful and true comments that are left about them.

To the bolded point, these two are flat out sociopaths who have no ability to function appropriate with other adults. They never have and never will. I also don't want them to try so next time the kids are removed or a court rules on custody they don't have any income to fight it. Just like CPS is broken, the Family Court system is ruled by the one with the most money and I don't want it to be these two. 

I don't disagree with your general point, just added how I want them to fail miserably because they are horrible people and it's the only way I think the kids will get the protection they deserve.

13 minutes ago, BrianJ1962 said:

Could David and/or Jenelle capable of murder suicide including the children?

I absolutely think they are both capable of murder but I'm not sure if either of them would commit suicide. My current fear is one of the kids killing them either accidentally because the guns are left laying around or intentionally in self-defense or because they have reached a breaking point. 

Them getting the kids back will just keep them believing they are right and bullet-proof. Hopefully Nathan will win his custody case and the judge in Jace's case tells Jenelle to fuck off. Maybe the attorney who stepped up for Kaden when Olivia wasn't able to pay a large amount will step up for Maryssa, too. 

  • Love 11

I just don't get it. Last week Jenelle and UBT were only allowed supervised visitation, but this week the case was dismissed and the kids were ordered to be returned to them immediately? Why? The new judge deemed that there was no evidence of abuse or neglect? What did the previous judge consider evidence of abuse or neglect? Presumably, UBT's vicious murder of Nugget? So is that kind of thing just a matter of opinion in NC, where one judge can think it's bad and another can think it's no big deal?

Were there other things that were considered strikes against Jenelle and UBT? I'm genuinely confused. It seems odd that a state would consider charges/evidence against parents bad enough to warrant removing all of their children, then suddenly decide that the parents were actually totally ok and the kids should go back immediately. Will there be some kind of investigation into why the kids were "wrongly" removed?

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I think Janelle and David staged the last incident and their last 911 call. It happened the day after Kaiser’s joint birthday. That was a huge mistake on the existing caregivers part to invite the folks you are supposedly protecting the kids from to the party....backwards dummies. 

While over at Barbara’s house for a Jace visit dropoff,  David or Janelle messed with the locks on all the doors and especially on Ensley’s room. Or they had her brother, Jace, or a friend do it. 

How convenient it was for them that they happened to be on FaceTime with Jace while Barb was taking a shower and locked Ensley in the room (which we all know she routinely does during her showers). All it takes is some gum in the door and you have a jacked up lock, I don’t put it past either of them. 

But why call the police though? A locksmith is cheaper and more effective. The Shitsons, they wanted a big brouhaha created to show that Barb was incompetent and could not handle the extra burden of an un-doped up Egghead. Poor baby. The glazed look will return. She will be back to enjoying her sizzurp cocktails in 3...2...1

If you listen to the 911 calls regarding the lockout, they both sound staged, polite, factual, consistent, coherent, and concerned, exactly what perfect loving parents should be. They kept saying how Egghead was screaming hysterically and there was chaos at Barbara’s. The simultaneous 911 calls, recordings, Jace FaceTiming evidences —-all at the same time....staged as heck. This all helped and succeeded in making Barbara look less competent in caring for a toddler. 

Why hasn’t theAshley or any other media reported on  this connection? Something fishy all right.

In David’s  911 call, at the very end, he specifically mentioned that he wanted the cops to let CPS know of this latest situation. They are not above setting Barbara up, and have done so on numerous occasions. Getting a new judge who didn’t know of their previous shenanigans also helped. And a little bribery (threats, blackmail, or dirty pictures) goes a long way. 

I hope Nathan keeps fighting and gets Kaiser out of there. Maryssa is screwed and will be getting more abuse in the weeks to come. Egghead was the Trump/Ace and the one that helped them get the kids back so she will be okay. It’s Kaiser’s  butt and Maryssa that will suffer the most. But I think UBT will try to act all ‘good’ for a few weeks until the scrutiny decreases. 

Disappointing. I was shocked when I read this and had a good cry. I feel sorry for those kids but honestly I can’t let it affect my life anymore. I refuse to give any more fucks if their own parents/grandparents/family don’t give a fuck. Let me focus on me and mine, continue bing the amazing mom I am, and raise my twins to stay far far far away from the damaged cesspool of Janelle’s progeny and people like her. 

A silver lining in this crap storm, I did read somewhere that an animal rights group had purchased all the domains and similar domains for Janelle’s makeup line when she forgot to renew her domain on godaddy. An anonymous donor through an animal rights nonprofit paid to get all domains related to over 30 variations of her name JeCosmetics, Eason, Evans, Janelle, PBJanelley, etc.  including the .coms, .orgs, .biz., .net, .money, etc. bought under  Nugget Inc. linking to various animal rights groups. 

Maybe this Dismissal news will trigger similar campaigns to cripple their finances. The less money they have, the less they can splash around in court to get out of all their cases and bully others. There are other cases coming up. She may as well keep her lawyer on retainer. 

Grrrr. So aggravating. What a dumb judge. ETA: He probably was paid off. 

Edited by Spiderella2
So annoyed I couldn’t spell and needed a strike through for the judge
  • Love 15

I’m a little surprised, but I probably shouldn’t be surprised at all. I think it all boils down to the fact that Jenelle has money and paid for a decent lawyer. Plus Jenelle and David would corroborate each other, and children are not the best witnesses. 

I don’t think it’s fair to blame the judge. 

Edited by kokapetl
  • Love 5

If the law doesn’t get you, karma will. 

Poor, poor Maryssa. Even Cinderella didn’t have it as bad as she is about to get. Her wan, guarded look will return, with the scared, bugged out eyes. Her frail thin frame that was finally starting to fill out due to having healthy meals will go stick thin again on the diet of hotdogs , sandwiches, and Mac and cheese. She will be relegated to care for her younger siblings 24/7 and will be stuck on the land, UBT doesn’t even have to put her in school. She will probably also lose phone and internet access...., the Shitsons will take that away since they won’t  want her calling for help or recording them anymore. Back to the yells, screams, fights, and constant chaos. Back to the drudgery of never-ending chores.  I hope she does not self-harm or commit suicide. Poor little girl. She was so brave for so long and got dealt the worse hand of them all. I hope now that she has found her voice, she never loses it. Maryssa just has to outlive Janelle. 

The only hope is that now since the kids have seen what life is supposed to look like, they keep speaking up and demanding better. They keep talking to their other family about what is going on on the Land. They start reporting each incidence to their ad litem.

Does anyone know what the rules are in NC regarding the Emancipation of Minors? It may be better for Maryssa to GTFO as soon as she can. At least if she was working at a job, she would earn money to pay for her living expenses. Here it’s just constant drudgery 24/7/365. From the pix, it’s obvious poor thing can’t keep up. 

The teen years are coming up shortly and it will be full of total angsty teenage revenge!  The Shitsons, they will create their own monsters who will torment them better than we ever could. What better purgatory for the Shitsons, that the abuse and neglect of their own offspring turns their children into their own worst enemies who make their lives miserable. Guns and drugs lying around everywhere. Crazy sociopaths who have no impulse or emotional control. It’s honestly just a matter of time. 

I almost want to skip all the fake picnics, staged pictures, court disappointments, drama, 911 calls etc., and fast forward a 10 years to see how it all ends up. 

Edited by Spiderella2
Remove all mention of lupus since J doesn’t have it
  • Useful 1
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I can’t sleep either, I’m just so pissed. Anyway, I’m turning my anger into writing a teenage revenge fantasy for Janelle & Lurch. Each child will eventually get free from the Land. The story kicks off with Maryssa...and features all of us Hatters of course. 

Year 2026: Maryssa 17, Jace 16, Kaden 14, Kaiser 12, Ensley 10 (+6 formula hope I got the ages right).

Maryssa’s Ultimate Revenge Fantasy circa Year 2026

Maryssa, the Teenage Avenger

Chapter 1: The Emancipation of Maryssa + the Hatters

July 3, 2019 will always be burned in her mind, for it was the day that her mom had called her sobbing hysterically at grandmas house and told her she had to go back to the Land. Maryssa dropped the phone, her heart hammering fiercely. How could the judge had got it so wrong? She had done everything they told her to do, she had told the unvarnished truth, and done her best to detail the horrors experienced on the Land factually and without embellishment. With tears in her eyes, she ran into her grandmas arms and cried bitterly, knowing that it was one of the last times in a while she would be able to feel such a loving embrace. “Don’t give up baby,” her grandma whispers through her pain. “When man closes a door, God always opens a window. I will pray for you every single night.”

As she packed up her things from Grandma’s, she decided to leave almost all the items she cherished the most behind. It would be destroyed at Janelle’s House, either by her siblings, the animals, her horrid dad and stepmom, or the mold. With a sigh she looked at her calloused hands that had only just started healing. She had to stop moping and get ready to go back. Back to a miserable life of drudgery, she thought to herself as she randomly flipped through a stack of mail she had yet to open. A thick cream envelope, obviously very expensive judging from the quality of the paper was addressed to her amid other random letters from her former school friends. She ripped it open carefully, not recognizing the name Heather Jones, esquire or Raleigh address on it.

In the embossed envelope was a handwritten letter, and a photocopy of NC law of Emancipation of Minors. 


My name is Heather Jones and I’m a lawyer who practices in Raleigh, NC. If you want to move forward in this direction, you must be close to 16 years old before we can file for Emancipation. I will fight for you and beside you until you are freed. However, we can start working on building your case now and I can request extenuating circumstances. Have hope Maryssa, you are not alone. There are thousands of people who have your back and wish you well. Come to the Janelle thread in Teen Mom2 forum on PrimeTimer whenever you need a pick me up.  We are rooting for you. You will be free one day.  Hang in there you brave, strong girl. We are your guardian angels and we will not fail you. Whatever you need, contact me and we will help you. 

Lots of love - Heather Jones, for the Hatters on 

Maryssa smiled as tears streamed quietly on her face. A small beacon of hope flared in her heart. Just like that, she realized she was not alone in her struggles.  Going to her laptop, she did a quick search for the lawyer, and found she was true and legit. A bonafide expert in child Emancipation laws. Maryssa sent her an email, explaining her situation, letting her know that once she was back on the Land she probably would not be able to email, text, or call for a while. And asking for a regular way to communicate. Heather responded almost immediately, and explained that a fund had been set up by the Hatters to help her financially for any of her needs until she was formally free and emancipated. She could also slip notes in Kaiser’s backpack that would be checked and responded to while Kaiser was at daycare. Heather told her that they would establish a code so in case Janelle or her dad found it, they would not understand it. 

Once she got back on the Land, like an absorbing sponge, Maryssa soaked up all that was happening around her. The torture was immense but Maryssa buried her pain, wrote in her journal daily, planned out her future, plotted her revenge, and waited for her biweekly visits with her mom Whitney.  It was imperative that Janelle and her dad never caught wind of her plans so she wrote her journal in code in case they ever stumbled upon it, it would not make sense to them. She had a calendar countdown to her D-Day which was her 15.5 birthday when she could legal file a motion in advance of her 16th bday when it would be granted. 

Every other Friday was her getaway day from the Land. Mom would pick her up at 3pm on the dot and they would drive the 2 hours straight to Raleigh. Barring traffic, they arrived in enough time to sometimes get a nice dinner, see a movie, get their hair done, or sometimes just cuddle on the hotel bed and Netflix&Chill. 

On Thursday nights, Maryssa always packed her backpack with somber glee and always made sure she carried her journal with her at all times. Her mom Whitney felt horrible about how the case turned out and promised to help her get free as well. Whitney then drove her to Raleigh early the next morning. to a lawyer and she would detail everything that had happened in the previous 2 weeks. She had pursued the case the moment she heard she had to return to the farm, where she was treated like a runaway slave. 

When she would visit with Whitney, they would spend all of Saturday at the lawyer’s office. Heather Jones was a lawyer from out of town who offered her help to Maryssa file for Emancipation as soon as she heard that the case ruled her to go back to the Land. Jones, esquire took her case pro bono, and promised she would be at her side to help her fight until she was free.

Maryssa dipped out once she was legally able to do so at 16 and is long gone from the Land since her Emancipation. With the help of Heather, corroborating testimony from her family, and evidence from the Hatters, she was able to file for Emancipation as a Minor citing both of her parents as unfit. Janelle and dad were blindsided. They tried all their usual tricks to deter the case all to no avail. Maryssa had been preparing for this for almost 5 years. After the case was over, dad refused to speak to her because he said she had betrayed him and he disowned her. Maryssa was relieved. Now she just had 2 years to get her ducks in a row and wait for 18 when she could file to get her younger sister Ensley from that hellhole. 

She immediately landed a job at a swanky downtown restaurant downtown called Burberry 7 as a dishwasher. Maryssa so so thrilled to have her efforts be rewarded with money after so many years of unpaid servitude. She had such a great attitude, was nice to everyone, had a strong work ethic, and truly loved her job. The job loved her back. All her colleagues loved her, looked out for her, and treated her well. She was the only person there that was universally loved and adored.

Maryssa’s energy was so positive, pleasant, and enriching that after a few months, Jane the owner, promoted her to become a hostess. Maryssa happily accepted. The pay was better and she got a cut of the tips. Once she became a hostess, she accelerated her goals even faster. This was a better paying gig, so in 8 months, even though she had to pay rent, she had saved enough for her very own car! She worked as much as she could, did not date, and was in an accelerated high school program for working adults 3 days/week. Maryssa woke up at 6:30am am, worked out, got ready for the day and reached either the school or library by 8:30am. She came to the restaurant right after school ended at 2:30pm so she could finish her homework before her shift started at 4pm.

Maryssa worked every day except Mondays, and usually worked until 11:00pm when the kitchen closed. Then she would go home, drink a cup of tea while she either chatted with the Hatters to see what was up with Ensley in the Land, journaled (it had now become a daily habit), or worked on her memoirs until she fell asleep around 1:00am. On Mondays when Burberry7 was closed, she would spend some time at her mom Whitney’s house in the morning, have brunch with some of her siblings, or visit her grandma. At 12:30pm she drove out of Horry county to attend her one-on-one self defense martial arts training for 4 hours. Knowing she was strong and could defend herself and her family if needed was the one luxury she afforded herself.  Her commute round trip was an hour, just enough time to talk to friends or check in with her lawyer Heather Jones to plan Ensley’s Escape.  After a quick shower, she would go to therapy for 2 hours, then relax in a soaking bath, have a light dinner and chilled out with a book or movie. Her life at this point was strict and regimented, she had goals and she wasn’t going to give up until she reached those goals. She was frugal, smart, and dedicated to her future. She thrift shopped, had free meals at work, and lived a basic life. The Hatters frequently showered her with packages in the mail or from her Amazon wish list. Everyone in her inner circle knew her immediate goal was to facilitate Ensley’s Escape and they supported her in that decision. The more she earned, the more she saved. Maryssa knew that the more money she had saved up, the stronger her appeal would look to the judge for Ensley’s Escape.  

As the hostess, Maryssa got to dress up to work, wear makeup, heels, and was the welcoming face of Burberry7. She kept the  guests in the waiting lounge happy while they waited for their tables. Everyone liked her. Women liked her because she didn’t hit on their men and complimented the ladies on their great clothes, shoes, or accessories. Men liked her because she was easy on the eyes, had a great smile, and made them feel welcome, important, and like they were her friends. Soon she became friends with a lot of her regulars. When the restaurant was slow, she got to people watch and learned how to socially interact better just by this job. As she got better at her job, Burberry7 kept getting better as well, going up in local ratings until it was the hot dinner spot for all of Horry county’s ‘It’ crowd. It was packed almost every night with the social elite, professionals, young, hip, and upcoming crowd. Maryssa fit right in having learned how to act, dress, and be one of the in crowd. Her confidence grew and she blossomed. 

End of Chapter 3 of Maryssa’s Revenge


Do you want more? Can you write some? 

Imagine Ensley yelling at Jenelle the same way J yells at Barb. Monkey see monkey do. Kaiser getting physical with David because he’s tall, buff, and big just like his dad. David tries to hit him, but Kaiser is younger, faster, and smarter so he ducks and throws his own 1-2 punch that knocks David out on his ass. 

Edited by Spiderella2
I could not sleep either. So turned my anger into Maryssa revenge fantasies. Needed to write Lurch’s castration in more detail
  • Love 9

Spiderella, bravo! I love this!! Let's All send out good energy to the kids!

Personally I'm not watching any iteration of this franchise any more. Our national outrage over this didn't help the kids. MTV sure as hell didn't. So my protest is no more TM, no more MTV, no clicking on any posts that will line any of their pockets. 

I'll definitely be here though, love this community!

ETA: Nugget is still dead, right? Uh huh. Meant zero to that judge. 

Edited by blubld43
  • Love 7

I am sick at heart. This is so devastating, I have no words.

I've been lurking here for a long time, but am so disturbed that I felt compelled to post my heartache and utter disbelief at this news.

What a mindfuck! 🤬😣😠😩

 P.S  Thank you all for your wise, honest, and sometimes very entertaining posts. Helped me through some insomniac nights! 💖

  • Love 11

Jenelle Evans' kids are coming home.

The Teen Mom star has regained custody of some of her kids, five weeks after they were removed from her home. Evans tells E! News, "I am estatic to regain custody of my kids back! Through out this long process and final decision, I am excited to be moving forward and continuing to show america i'm a good parent."

As it stands, Jenelle's mother Barbara Evans tells E! News her son Jace continues to remain in her custody. 

"The Columbus County judge did a great injustice to these children," Barbara shares.  "Jace was very upset and didn't want to go so I didn't send him back."

A source also maintains that the 9-year-old was not ordered by the court to return to Jenelle's home, but will continue with supervised visits. 

In May, a source told E! News that Kaiser, 4, and Ensley, 2, were taken into Child Protective Services' custody after Kaiser informed school counselors about the environment at home. Jenelle and David were later allowed a one-hour supervised visit each week while the custody trial was ongoing. 

The court's initial decision "stunned" Evans, but she said she vowed to do "everything possible to cooperate with Child Protective Services."

The mother-of-three has stayed strong throughout the entire trial, despite the difficulties of being separated from those she loves most. She previously said the challenging part about the custody trial was maintaining her composure in front of her kids. "It's really hard holding my emotions together when your child doesn't want to let you go, but if you don't hold it together and break down it will make the child more concerned and upset," the 27-year-old shared.

Jenelle Evans

Luckily, there was nothing but positivity at Kaiser's recent birthday party, which was attended by both Jenelle and David. A source told E! News, "Oddly, everyone got along. Nathan invited Jenelle and David. The party was held at Nathan's mom's home. Barbra brought along Ensley and Jace. This was an unsupervised visit."

"Can't believe you are 5 already! You might be getting older but you're still my baby #MommasBoy #HappyBirthday," Jenelle captioned a photo of herself holding the birthday boy. 

Hopefully Kaiser and Ensley's homecoming marks the end of the family's long legal battle. It's been at least two months since Eason allegedly shot and killed their French bulldog, Nugget, which initially sparked concern for the kids' well-being. David seemingly defended his alleged actions in a long Instagram post from May. "Some people are worth killing or dying for and my family means that much to me. You can hate me all you want but this isnt the first time the dog bit Ensley aggressively," he passionately wrote. "The only person that can judge weather or not a animal is a danger to MY CHILD is ME."

"The Columbus County judge did a great injustice to these children," Barbara shares.  "Jace was very upset and didn't want to go so I didn't send him back."

Edited by druzy
  • Love 5

I've only been loosely keeping up with Jenelle's drama lately, so I was astonished when I read the children were being returned to her care. Reading through this thread, I can only echo the fury and heartache and bone-deep certainty that things will be worse for these kids from now on. Not once have I ever seen Jenelle exhibit true love for her children as individuals; they are possessions, pawns, status symbols she can clutch for a photo-op to prove her own worth as a mother. She's "ecstatic" to have her kids back only because it gives validity to her delusion that she and David are decent people. This is a victory she can throw in the face of her detractors as evidence she's proved us all wrong. It's maddening to be a spectator to this entire saga, to become emotionally attached to it, to see the genuine outpouring of concern, and to know it hasn't done a single bit of good. Jenelle will not change. The situation will not change. The children have been failed on multiple fronts, and we're powerless to help.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, meredithalmighty said:

I am predicting that MTV is putting out feelers among advertisers on bringing back Janelle on the show. hope it doesn't happen

It wouldn't surprise me. MTV never formally fired her. They made a vague statement that "there were no plans to film with her in the future." They also refused to testify against her in court, so they definitely and deliberately gave themselves room to backtrack. 

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Christina said:

I'd hope that people will now see that Barb was never going to have a choice in letting Jenelle have visitation with Jace

Not once courts and judges got involved.  But there was a window of opportunity back at the very beginning, when Jenelle didn't care one way or the other about Jace and just wanted to party, when I wish Barbara hadn't tried to keep Jenelle in Jace's (and Barb's) life, and let her just drift away.  By failing to do that, she built the foundation for Jenelle fighting for visitation later.


On 6/27/2019 at 4:11 PM, smhjess said:

I'm with you on this.  They tried to claim David's vitiligo as a disability preventing him from paying child support. 

Do you have a source for this? 

In a child support filing (posted upthread), David said he couldn't work outside because of his vitiligo, but nothing about claiming it as a disability.  Although one poster said, "Do what now?? No adult in that household has EARNED anything.  David was on disability for vitiligo???"  But there was no source for that statement.


On 6/28/2019 at 1:59 PM, Rebecca said:

I don’t understand the legalities of “putting your hands in your pockets when someone tries to serve you.” Can anyone just refuse to take the papers? Isn’t that...not how it works? I can’t believe someone could just refuse to take the papers and then it’s just too bad, they weren’t served? Can someone explain this aspect? They can just say, nope, not taking them, talk to my lawyer? It’s fucking bullshit if that’s all they have to do. Fuck ViaSCUM for advising that they do that.

Here's what The Ashley article said:


“We are told not to accept anything,” one source tells The Ashley. “They have told us in the past that we are not accept or even touch the paperwork. All we can [tell the person trying to serve the papers] is that they have to go through Viacom lawyers. That’s it. And this is for our own protection, too.”

“We were literally told, ‘Put your hands in your pockets if you see someone coming and do not accept any paperwork,'” the source added. “They would make it hard for them, and make them go through a long legal process [in order to get producers/crew to testify]. It could happen, but they would not be able to do it easily.”

Notice the person didn't say they can refuse service forever, but that they can make it more difficult.  But even that sounds like an exaggeration, since it's possible to do "drop service," in which the person being served doesn't have to actually touch the papers.

Here's an interesting article on service of process; it relates to serving defendants in lawsuits, and I assume it would also apply to subpoenas of witnesses:



On 6/28/2019 at 7:04 PM, TeenMom69 said:

If you keep your hands in your pockets then any attempt to force you to take them is assault. They need you to comply in order to serve you.

They can drop them in your vicinity.  Or send them in the mail.


On 6/29/2019 at 3:26 PM, Neko said:

What? I never heard about this.  Seriously?  He beat a child with a stick, and CPS didn't touch him?

Unfortunately, the law allows parents to hit children, so every strike is a shade of gray.  So what one parents considers a spanking could be considered by someone else as abuse.  You may think hitting with a switch is abuse, but many others disagree.

Personally, I think striking any other human being, regardless of age or relationship, should be illegal.  For one, I think it's wrong on its face, but for another, it would certainly make for a very clear line that is easy to enforce.  But society doesn't agree with me.


14 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

So it is A-Ok to violently murder animals in front of your children now? Well, fuck, this is just fucking terrible. The fuck is wrong with this judge? Was she paid off or something? Fuck the judge, I hope she gets copious amounts of hate.

As with spanking, it's a matter of degree.  It is not against the law to kill an animal, and it is not against the law to kill an animal in front of one's child. 

Some ways of killing an animal might rise to the level of animal cruelty (never "murder"), and an argument could be made that performing an act of animal cruelty in front of your child constitutes abuse to the child.  But just as with spanking hitting beating disciplining children, it involves matters of degree.

And if the matter ends up in the courts, there are rules that govern how evidence is approached and evaluated.


10 hours ago, Clawdel said:

God damn Maryssa's bitch of a mother. May she rot in Hell.

As far as I can tell, she wasn't even there, and they played a tape of something she said a while back.


4 hours ago, KittyKat133 said:

Well now we know where the rest of that mtv Money went. 

It went directly into the pocket of that judge they paid off. The judge who so “abruptly” made her decision.....

You're not the only poster to accuse the judge of being bribed, which is a pretty serious accusation.  Is there any evidence of that?  Is there even any evidence that Jenelle has enough money to bribe a judge?  It sounds to me like most people think she's blown through all of it.



ETA: Nugget is still dead, right? Uh huh. Meant zero to that judge. 

Well, you don't know if it meant zero.  Judges weigh all the evidence, and just because something doesn't carry the day doesn't mean it meant zero.

  • Love 1

Well. This is horrific news. Maybe I'm naive; but I actually had hope for those children. 

I just feel completely confused. So some tape of Maryssa's mom calling her a "good liar" is cause enough to dismiss ALL the other evidence in the case? And how old is this tape? And why are we putting so much stock into what Maryssa's mom says? Didn't SHE lose custody of Maryssa at some point? She was probably trying to deflect, same as Jenelle and David were. I just can't see how that was some huge turning point in this case. 

What about the hoops they were supposed to jump through? Parenting classes? Anger management? Drug testing? How has that all been going? 

The case is just suddenly dismissed; and these kids, who were thriving in their new situations, are thrown back into hell? 

I just can't. 

  • Love 16

why hope is not totally lost:

1). Nathan, Maryssa's mother (her grandmother could but grandparent rights are not recognized) still has the ability to file for a modification of custody in civil court. The burden of proof is not as high as it is when its a DCFS driven case. 

Nathan has an uphill battle because he lives in SC. If Nathan's lawyer is smart, he can reference the same factors that Olivia's lawyer used to restrict Davids parental rights

2). Law enforcement is very aware of them

3). If MTV opts not to rescue janelle, she is going to be without money soon

4). Its highly unlikely Janelle regains custody of Jace

  • Love 9
7 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

It wouldn't surprise me. MTV never formally fired her. They made a vague statement that "there were no plans to film with her in the future." They also refused to testify against her in court, so they definitely and deliberately gave themselves room to backtrack. 

That’s what I thought of at first (re: the vague statement), but I don’t think so anymore.  Keep in mind that they fired her before the kids were removed from her house.  The decision appeared to be made over the Nugget backlash and/or how difficult David made filming in the entire state of NC!  Those things haven’t changed.  

Plus, they hired a new mom...

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Well. This is horrific news. Maybe I'm naive; but I actually had hope for those children. 

I just feel completely confused. So some tape of Maryssa's mom calling her a "good liar" is cause enough to dismiss ALL the other evidence in the case? And how old is this tape? And why are we putting so much stock into what Maryssa's mom says? Didn't SHE lose custody of Maryssa at some point? She was probably trying to deflect, same as Jenelle and David were. I just can't see how that was some huge turning point in this case. 

That was my first thought as well. In what context did Whitney make this statement? Was she in the throes of addiction? Because I could see a scenario where Maryssa told her Grandmother that Whitney was high and Whitney called her daughter a "good liar" as a way to cover her ass. There is no way in hell that should've been a factor in the case, especially if Whitney wasn't given an opportunity to provide the backstory. This whole thing stinks to high Heaven.

  • Love 14
11 minutes ago, meredithalmighty said:

3). If MTV opts not to rescue janelle, she is going to be without money soon

This is significant.  They have to support three kids, themselves, their drug habits, and The Land, on no source of income.  They’re going to run out of money fast.  

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On 6/28/2019 at 11:22 AM, ghoulina said:

I wonder if any of the crew would quit their job to testify on behalf of those kids. Camera men, anything?

I'm wondering about the big security guard with whom Kaiser had an obvious bond.  

That guy looked delighted when Kaiser wanted to go to him for a hug.  The affection looked genuine on both sides.  It was so touching.  

I think if I were in a position to help that kid, I'd likely turn in my resignation for the greater good.  Jobs come and jobs go, but children's lives are precious.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 9
4 hours ago, druzy said:

So, the fact that Jace is so upset he doesn’t want to go back...even though he knows he only has to stay a short time once in awhile while the rest of the kids are there far more often...means absolutely nothing to anyone but Barb? I don’t understand the impact that the “Maryssa is a liar” aspect has on all of this but if Jace testified the same type of things or even expressed fear or not wanting to see Jenelle/David you would think that would corroborate Maryssa’s story? Or the abuse in general? Nugget is still dead, those 911 calls still exist, all the “welfare checks” were still asked for. It’s not like Maryssa’s word was the only thing to go on. 

I hope that judge never sleeps again. Something worse is going to happen to one or more of those kids. Now David probably feels like he’s invincible. You know it’s extra fucked up when even delusional Jenelle was shocked they got the kids back so fast. I guess we should all be grateful that Jace wasn’t ordered back into Jenelle’s custody years ago if this is how fucked up things are. Is that judge also a bigoted redneck asshole? Signs point to yes. What the hell else is the explanation? 

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 15
5 hours ago, Spiderella2 said:

Year 2029: Maryssa 21, Jace 19, Kaden 17, Kaiser 15, Ensley 13 (hope I got the ages right). 

Maryssa, Chapter 1

Maryssa dipped out once she was legally able to do so at 15 and is long gone from the Land since her Emancipation. She first worked at a restaurant downtown, called Burberry 7, washing dishes in the back. Her boss Jane was so impressed with her work ethic and love for her job that Maryssa was promoted at 16 to be a hostess. All her colleagues loved her, looked out for her, and treated her well. This was a better paying gig, so in 8 months, even though she had to pay rent, she had saved enough for her very own car! She worked as much as she could, did not date, and was in an accelerated high school program for working adults 3 days/week. Maryssa woke up at 7 am, worked out, got ready for the day and reached either the school or library by 8am. She came to the restaurant right after school so she could finish her homework before her shift started at 4pm. Maryssa worked every day except Mondays, worked until 12MN. Then she would go home, drink a cup of tea while she journaled or worked on her memoirs until she fell asleep around 2am. On Mondays, she completed her one-on-one self defense martial arts training for 4 hours, went to therapy for 2 hours, then had a soaking bath, a light dinner and relaxed with a book or movie. Her life at this point was strict and regimented, she had goals and she wasn’t going to give up until she reached those goals. She was frugal, smart, and dedicated to her future. Knowing she was strong was the one luxury she afforded herself. 

Janelle would come by once in a while either to try to kick up some trouble at her job to get her fired or to try to get her to “come back home to the MoneyHole Road on the Land where you belong, your bros, sister, and the animals all miss you.” As pitiful as Janelle looked with her eyes sunken from drugs, teeth missing from Dad, and pale complexion, she would remind herself what her therapist had said. Maryssa would ignore all of Janelle’s latest  tactics, maintain her firm boundaries, act as professional as possible, and seat her in the section next to the bathrooms. 

On Maryssa’s 17th birthday, a her friend Kesha Morales had paid for a hair salon visit where she got a full glam treatment. She had not been to a salon in years and did not know what was current, what would look good, or what she would like. So she just asked the stylist to do whatever her friend usually does to her hair to make it look special.  They lightened her hair to a lighter shade of auburn with blonde layered streaks. With curls and a bounce, she couldn’t help but smile every time she glanced at herself on a reflective surface.  The new cut reminded her of the bob she got when she was 11, the summer she found her voice. 

As she clocked in at the bar right at 4pm on the dot that day, the waiting lounge was more packed than usual so Maryssa didn’t notice Janelle there. As she made it to her lectern, Brad Ashenfelter, a frequent customer who was waiting for the rest of his party to arrive saw one of her smiles. “Mareessa,” he said in his lightly accented lilt, “I would smile too, if I was you. Today, you are radiant, you are gorgeous, you are the most beautiful woman in the room. Most beautiful in the state, most beautiful in the world. Today, even so more than Ke$ha!” He proclaimed loudly. Maryssa looked up from the computer and gave a slight nod of thanks.  He knew it was her birthday and his wife was the friend who had paid for her salon visit. Everyone knew Brad was head over heels in love with his wife Ke$ha, so it was high praise indeed. “Thank you Brad,” she said giving him to European air kisses. “I love it so much, I just had it done. I love it! Make sure you tell her in case it gets busy and I can’t,” she said with an arched brow before giving him a wink as he was ushered to his table by the other hostess. 

Janelle must have been eavesdropping because as soon as Gio was out of earshot, she pounced. Janelle darted up instantly, trying to grab her hair, screaming at the top of her lungs, “You effing Bitch, who do you think you are? How dare you compare yourself to my idol Ke$ha, you don’t even have any feathers in your hair! You think you’re so cute you little whore, don’t you! I’ll show you,” Janelle screamed as she lunged at her trying to pull out her hair. Maryssa quickly sidestepped her but Janelle scratched her arm with her nails. As the pain of the scratches hit, Maryssa could feel her core of steel shrinking back to that little girl she used to be, tears forming in her eyes, so afraid of her diminutive evil stepmother. Janelle lunged for her hair again, and Maryssa ducked as her training kicked in. As Janelle tried to slap her on the face, she did one simple evasive move, side-spinning on to the balls of her feet. This time, Janelle lost her balance, and as she tried to strike Maryssa with her purse, the weight of  it sent Janelle careening into the water fountain. The position was so undignified, Janelle was soaking wet, her legs askew up in the air, VS hot pink Wednesday is Hump Day panties flashing for all to see. I can’t believe she still wears those, and it’s Friday you big dummy, was Maryssa’s only thought as tried to hold her laughter in to no avail.  A snort escaped her, and others in the waiting room joined in laughing. Janelle was mortified but instead of embarrassment, she turned it to anger, “You ungrateful bitch, after all I’ve done for you!”  She tried to pull at Maryssa’s feet to knock her down as well but Maryssa moved back to the lectern and tried to smother her laughter. Hearing the commotion, her manager was there seconds later. With years of management under his belt, he instantly assessed the situation and called 911.

Since they were downtown, the cops arrived in quickly, and arrested Janelle on the spot. As Janelle was being led out of the lounge in handcuffs soaking wet, her makeup streaked and her hair a mess, she did not make a pretty picture. It was a stark contrast to the beautifully coiffed woman in a matching Fendi gold and black pantsuit walking up the stairs being snapped by photographers. Janelle saw her a second too late and the cops would not deter their path. “Ke$ha, I love you! I love you soooo much!” Janelle screamed, making one final attempt to get Ke$ha’s attention. Ke$ha walked right past her, ignored Janelle entirely and gave Maryssa (who was at the entryway) the biggest hug. “Smile, it’s your birthday hun,” Kesha whispered as she gave Maryssa a squeeze. She held her a few extra moments, giving Maryssa time to compose herself. The entire arrest and Ke$ha’s hug was captured on TMZ. It immediately went viral moments later. Maryssa was now a phenom and a media darling. The beautiful modelesque teenager who took down the freaking biggest, baddest Witch of the East Coast and is best buds with Ke$ha.

The trial went in her favor, Maryssa didn’t even have to testify, her coworkers and the Ashenfelter’s did. Janelle wept openly in court when they testified against her. She wailed when Ke$ha called her a “deplorable, subversive person, less than human, a bully who is beyond compassion who practices violence against women.” Janelle got a hefty fine for public endangerment of $50,000, 6 months jail time (which she was able to waive due to lupus ex). Janelle’s luck with the law continued. Instead of prison, judge Harrison ordered her to go into a 6-month mandatory inpatient rehab and anger management facility. She is still there as of writing this. 

After the trial, Maryssa’s sperm donor Mr. Eason aka Lurch aka UBT once tried to sneak up on her when she was leaving work.  As he drew her against his body, she felt the gun in his waistband and had a flashback from her childhood that almost completely paralyzed her. “I should have drowned you right when you were born,” he said harshly as he felt around for his gun. She was quicker than he was as her keys were already in her hand and her finger on the trigger. She pepper sprayed him. Right in his evil flat gray eyes. He fell on the ground, moaning, crying and begging for some water. Maryssa leapt in her car and drove home, shaking the whole way. She would have stopped by to see her siblings but it was too risky and she didn’t want to get them in trouble. He never came by again.

After that attempted assault,  her boss allowed her to move into the apartment above the restaurant rent-free, so she was able to save money faster while she worked on her memoirs.  Once she saved up enough money, she moved away, first to NY where she got a contract for her first book, then to CA. She writes a book about her life called GTFO and it’s a NYTBS thanks to all the ‘hatters’. She takes the bonus from her 2nd book and moves to CA. She’s off in California far away from the madness, going to college with dreams of starting up her own successful business empire. After watching Janhell all those years, she knows what not to do in business. Because she is a survivor, she has a nonprofit for neglected and abused youth. She travels while doing her MBA online. She travels worldwide, doing speaking engagements inspiring youth around the country to GTFO and getting laws changed to protect children in her situation.

End of Chapter 1 of Maryssa


Do you want more? Can you write some? 

Imagine Ensley yelling at Jenelle the same way J yells at Barb. Monkey see monkey do. Kaiser getting physical with David because he’s tall, buff, and big just like his dad. David tries to hit him, but Kaiser is younger, faster, and smarter so he ducks and throws his own 1-2 punch that knocks David out on his ass. 

I enjoyed this and you’re a really good and very entertaining writer. I love all the little details...if you had posted this a few days ago I would have been all about adding to it. But just thinking of the hell Maryssa will be in soon, if not already, makes it impossible to think of anything else but that. 

The system has completely failed the kids and now they probably think there’s nowhere to turn and no one can help them. And it seems they’re right. I keep thinking there’s something huge we’re missing because the sudden turn of events just makes no sense. But I got nothing.

  • Love 6
36 minutes ago, blubld43 said:

One of the big reasons they wanted the kids back: child support. I think even Barbara may now have to pay this beast.

Why would Barbara have to pay child support?  She has full custody.  If anything, Jenelle has to pay her.

As for Kaiser, I don’t know if Nathan is working, but I can’t imagine she gets a lot from him.  

  • Love 13

I'm actually not surprised, at all.  Believe it or not, I've seen bigger dirtbags than UBT and Jenelle keep their kids.  I am sad for Maryssa, because I don't think she was lying, and every adult in her life is a complete fuck-up, who has failed her.  Sorry to say, she is likely going to have major issues.  I hope they don't continue to homeschool her, but she will probably be on lockdown, now.  So incredibly sad, but not surprising.  This sort of thing happens, everywhere, every day.

Edited by Neko
  • Love 6

Shocking development and unbelievable. David torturing and killing a family pet is OK? That 's a good environment for children to be in??? WTF is wrong with North Carolina? No one should follow Jenelle on her Instagram or Twitter anymore. This is appalling and very scary for the kids. Just the weaponry and ammunition  alone that David keeps on that property should be a basis for the kids to be removed. I'm heartbroken for all of the kids and fear for their safety and well being. Everyone...please don't post Jenelle's Instagram photos and messages on here anymore...let's boycott her.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

It wouldn't surprise me. MTV never formally fired her. They made a vague statement that "there were no plans to film with her in the future." They also refused to testify against her in court, so they definitely and deliberately gave themselves room to backtrack. 

If they bring her back EVERYONE should boycott the show.

  • Love 9

What really bothers (and scares) me is that Jenelle doesn't seem to think she has any room or need for improvement. She is a "good parent" and she and David are victims in all of this, with everyone against them for no reason at all. She is even justifying the murder of Nugget as something that was done to protect her child.

Things will not get better for these poor children living with these monsters. Things will possibly even get worse, because David is very likely to be highly resentful of any testimony the kids gave against them and that the kids were obviously happier elsewhere. My heart breaks for them, being forced from their current stable and loving homes back to the home of 2 selfish and abusive psychopaths.

  • Love 12
20 hours ago, Christina said:

I didn't expect the kids to be removed in the first place and was so very happy to be wrong. I'm not the least bit surprised they got Ensley back, a little surprised they got Kaiser back and hope it is just a visitation schedule like she has with Jace and Nathan is now the primary parent, expect that Jace's visitation will be ordered to begin again and expect Maryssa will be subjected to a visitation order too. 

A silver lining is that any future bad acts of Jenelle and UBT, and we know there will be some, will weigh much more heavily against them. 

No. Any future bad acts will be brushed aside. The court clearly doesn’t give a rat’s ass about those kids.

  • Love 2

Jenelle posted an old photo of her “family” on Instagram and a caption about how the kids are back and her hashtag was tearsofjoy and she told everyone to click the link in her bio. So that’s the context. Here are the top comments so you don’t have to look and give her the clicks (because that is tracked too, if you even visit someone’s Instagram even if you don’t view their story or like or comment, it’s still looked at to understand a person’s true reach, the more people looking at her Instagram, the more offers she may get because of it. She “only” has 2.9 million followers yet I bet many millions more are looking at her page. 😑) if you want to know what people are saying: (highlighting for obvious reasons...they must’ve gone to unwell schools, to put it kindly 😬)




ETA: If you want to view Jenelle’s Instagram without giving her clicks for your views you can go to:   


which will not give her the click for your visit to her Instagram in general. However, if you view her story or click the links it will still count in her favor. This site gives you a temporary Russian bot username so you can view someone’s public story anonymously or if you don’t have instagram but watching the stories WILL count just like any other user watching the story would. So if you just use that site to view her pictures you’re good but watching the stories is still theoretically giving her money. But, you do get to see a preview screenshot of each “story” on that site so you can see that Jenelle is just mostly posting clickbait, like usual. About her own kids’ trauma. Because she’s a good mom.

Edited by Rebecca
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My heart aches for all of the children especially Maryssa and Kaiser. This incident has shown me that Barb absolutely did the right thing of getting custody when Jace was a baby (before MTV money got huge and he had years of living with Jenelle). Because she did that he does NOT have to live at the swamp full time and she still has custody. He will be the safest out of all the children. 

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1 hour ago, starfire said:

What really bothers (and scares) me is that Jenelle doesn't seem to think she has any room or need for improvement. She is a "good parent" and she and David are victims in all of this, with everyone against them for no reason at all.

The worst part about it is the Court basically backed up Jenelle's opinion. They returned the kids with no stipulations. No drug testing, no mandatory counseling, no regular meetings with a case worker, no inspections of the property, no demand that Maryssa return to school, nothing. So as usual, there's no consequences for Jenelle and she gets to keep on believing Barb, Doris and Nathan are evil troublemakers trying to ruin her life. I've never seen someone get away with as much shit as this woman.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 12

I am devastated. God help those poor children. This is not going to end well. As many of you have pointed out their behavior has been validated. What the hell was the the judge thinking?! I hope CPS prevails in appeal and nothing happens before they can get the kids out of there. Didn't they have to remove the kids from a different location for their safety?

I honestly feel sick about this...

  • Love 10

In hindsight, the unsupervised birthday party was a bad idea. On one hand Nathan was telling the court that Jenelle and David were so dangerous and neglectful that they should only see their kids under professional supervision but then had them around the same kids, unsupervised and everyone apparently had a blast? Even if the Dumb Fucks weren't alone with the kids, it wouldn't take a great lawyer to point out that you can't argue that David and Jenelle are monsters (which they are) but also take the initiative to invite them over for cake and to see the kids outside of court. Hindsight is always 20/20 but I can't help but think that the party played right into the Swamp Monster's hands. 

It also scares me that this is going to feel UBT's persecution complex and cause them to become even more isolated. In his mind, the government came and took his kids once and it's not going to happen again! I'll bet money that they'll be even more obsessed with both keeping the kids away from mandatory reporters and keeping them terrified so that they wouldn't tell even if they could. Marissa in particular is going to be kept on the land and in line, the only time she will be allowed off is for court ordered visits with her grandma and even then they will make every effort to stop/thwart her going. Jenelle and David are going to make sure that none of the kids get a second chance at freedom. 

With dwindling funds, more paranoia and an arsenal of weapons, I can't see this ending well. 

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5 hours ago, meredithalmighty said:

@ghoulina, I don't think we will learn the real reasons for the case being dropped. It does seem unusual that the judge would go against the guardian ad lidiums reccomendations. He may have felt the state over reached. I hope the judges name gets released

Here's my guess: the attorney for thundercunt and the dogkiller took a shot by requesting a new judge. I think it's the act of a lawyer who knows he's(she's?I fighting an uphill battle, so they take a shot at this, file a motion for that. Only this time it worked. That judge has blood on his/her hands.

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Another thing I don't get: if the judge decided that Maryssa is a liar who is so disturbed that she made up stories about her loving dad and stepmom in an attempt to be removed from their home, doesn't that indicate that she needs psychological help? Why wasn't that mandated? Do they think Maryssa coached Jace and Kaiser to "lie" about life on The Land as well? Again, an 11-year-old who cooks up and executes such a scheme is very disturbed and definitely needs help. Also, Jace and Kaiser would need to be protected from such a person (and get support for how they've been gaslighted/manipulated into ruining their wonderful family).

I don't understand how all government scrutiny of the Swamp Crew up until this week indicated that they should be limited to supervised visitation once a week (which, regardless of the reasons, indicates that there are very serious problems in the family), but now, without anything changing, they are deemed to be perfectly fine parents who need no training, supervision, or support.

There must be numerous police reports, CPS reports, guardian ad litem reports, reports from the people doing the supervised visits who had to bar UBT at some point, reports from the lawyers about Jenelle's and UBT's bad behavior in the court parking lot (multiple times) and on SM, etc., etc. just during the past month or so. Up until now, all of that was of significant concern to the court (enough to continue keeping the kids away), but the new judge looked at all of it and was like, "This is BS. Jenelle and UBT are great! Why is everyone being so unfair to them?!" It makes no sense.

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Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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