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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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I finally got around to watching this today. I predict what Dr. Phil predicted: she's headed for a wall and it ain't going to be pretty. The arrest should have been a wake up call that sent her straight to rehab, but it wasn't. She kept denying she'd had anything but the vodka and the pill in 3-1/2 years. Oh, well, wait... there were a few other times she drank a little wine at home alone, never on the show. Then Chad reminded her that he lives with her and she takes pills and smokes pot.

I hope she makes it. But I have serious doubts. I've known enough alcoholics and addicts in my lifetime to know when I see someone in the state that Kim's in.... she'll either get serious and get totally sober, or she'll wind up dead in the near future. She needs to stay away from television, but I know she craves the attention. I really fear for her, and will pray that she comes out of this OK.

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One question DrP asks some of the guests on his show is why are they on the show.  I wish he had asked Kim, her answer would have been interesting.  Even more interesting if she told the truth.  I doubt that she would have said she came to the show to get help with her addiction.  She seemed to have her "relapse" covered by thinking she should get a sponsor and get some exercise.


When she kept telling DrP and her children that she was having anxiety it reminded me of my ex MIL who used to control her family with her "nervousness".  That word was code for do as I want or else I shall reign down my wrath upon thee.  She left the Catholic church and went to a Pentecostel church, got saved and at the same time she was cured of her "condition". The next time she tried to use her nervousness I gave her my innocent puppy look and said I thought she was cured.  I think I "cured" her apparent relapse.  ;)


Kim's anxiety seems to rear it's head when she cannot be in control.  


Control or attention two sides of the same coin and it is easy to spot.


My Grandmother used to do something similar but for attention. She would have fainting or light headed spells but only when there was an audience. Other times in the day she would do things that should make her dizzy but she was fine.  I told my aunts about it, they didn't believe me at first. The next Sunday when we went to church I told my aunt "Watch, she's gonna have one." sure enough Grandma requested two young men to help her out of the car and in to the building. She was fine the rest of the day. I allowed it to happen a few more times in front of my aunts, letting them know when it was going to happen.  I told Grandma in front of them that if she was having these spells she needed to go to the Dr. and he more than likely would pull her drivers license. What do you know wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles, she was healed and never had another one. 

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Control or attention two sides of the same coin and it is easy to spot.


My Grandmother used to do something similar but for attention. She would have fainting or light headed spells but only when there was an audience. Other times in the day she would do things that should make her dizzy but she was fine.  I told my aunts about it, they didn't believe me at first. The next Sunday when we went to church I told my aunt "Watch, she's gonna have one." sure enough Grandma requested two young men to help her out of the car and in to the building. She was fine the rest of the day. I allowed it to happen a few more times in front of my aunts, letting them know when it was going to happen.  I told Grandma in front of them that if she was having these spells she needed to go to the Dr. and he more than likely would pull her drivers license. What do you know wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles, she was healed and never had another one. 

Yup. sounds like my mother. One Thanksgiving she sat around and let everyone wait on her and moaned and sighed every time she moved, all while hunching over using a cane. She complained the entire time. My niece and I drove her home. I went around the the back of the  car and opened the door for her. She booked it out of the car into her apartment so fast leaving the cane behind. It was like that scene in Willy Wonka when Gene wilder sets down the cane and goes for it.  My mother is  manipulative like Kim. I can't believe I didn't realize it before this season.

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I do hate the fact that I was actually tuning in to Dr. Phil because of my curiosity from watching the real housewives! I told my husband, as I went in to a different room to watch Dr. Phil that the real housewives has driven me to do something I wouldn't normally do...watch Dr. Phil! Damn you Kim! One more reason to be annoyed by you!

I hate the fact that now I really want to know more about that satanic college professor.

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I just watched this and it looks like she went to the Tamra Barney School of Fake Crying. What a bullshitter. Her whole story of her arrest just reeked of lies. Yeah, Kimmy, you walked into the Polo Lounge to rest, got up to talk to someone you thought you knew and the maitre d' threw you out for no reason at all??? Puh-leeze.

And your shirt was butt ugly.

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I'm not sure what I think about Kim appearing on Dr Phil and now going to rehab in Malibu; I'm not sure that I care. What actually interests me and provokes concern is that her kids sound desperate for their mom to step up and get treatment, do the work this time and stop making excuses. It looks like Kim has always put drugs and alcohol ahead of everyone including her children, and I don't think now is any different. Her kids are the ones who should be in therapy and looking for ways to forge ahead with the reality that their mother will probably always be an addict and they can be sad about that but no longer get sucked into the vortex that is Kim Richards and move on with their lives and pursue their own happiness knowing their mother is a sick woman and there's nothing they can do about it.

One can always hope! But, then, it's Kim.

Thought it very interesting how she was saying to Phil that anyone "who really knows her knows" she's not using all the time. So, first, she dissed the fans for talking about her, because they don't know her, then she dissed Lisa R. et.al., saying everyone who "knows" her "knows" she's not using, and now, I guess it's her kids who don't really "know" her, as she was dissing what they said as well, to their faces, including Chad, who pointed out "I live with you." He also mentioned she takes pills and sometimes pot. So, as someone suggested earlier, Kim does not really consider pills to be a violation of her "sobriety."

Edited by renatae
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I agree with Roxy. There is no benefit to Bravo in doing the Kim interview if she's not coming back. I also think she had conditions to her contract. I think Bravo told her she would be fired if she showed up to work drunk. That's why she was SO adamant that she didn't drink on camera. It makes sense too, as to why she was so pissed at the HWs for questioning her sobriety. She really wants to keep this job. I don't think she has realized that does pro already lost it.

Bravo had Kim driven everywhere this season so I am sure they knew exactly what was going on. After all production is in her home, spending tons of time with her, so they know what she is doing.

       Bravo has a proven track record of finding just the right fucked up people to hire for these shows, then they keep the booze flowing and sit back and watch the fights, the crimes, the suicide, the divorces and the rest.

   So, they drove her everywhere to keep their hands clean.    Although the production company might end up in legal trouble for the dog bite of the long time family friend.

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I just registered just to comment on this topic. I love it!


Thanks for letting me vent! 


Welcome Roxy!


This is certainly the right place to vent.  :)

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OMG! I go away for a few days and miss everything! But thanks to your posts, I think I'm caught up (and still a Dr. Phill virgin) So, did Kim go to Malibu Sober Living, or not?

No, she went to another place. DP even says that he was "told" Kim went to rehab as if he doesn't believe it. LOL I suspect she went to Promises because there are few rules there but no one, DP, tabloids or bloggers seem to know where she actually went. For all anyone knows, Kim is at rehab OR she is home or in some hotel laughing her drunk/high ass off because she thinks she pulled 1 over on all of us, Bravo/Andy/production and DP.

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I noticed he also didn't appear to hang around long once she marched off, either. 


I think he figured out pretty damned fast that the denial and delusion in this bitch run too deep for her to be receptive to any form of treatment he might have to offer her.



The fact that he didn't seem to linger around really said a lot, IMO. Because her failing to take his offer is not only rare on his show, it is a "loss" for him because he failed in his goal. It's not a good look.


Cherrio, I agree - he's like an Army drill sergeant with "regular" addicts. I think he was nicer than usual to Kim because of his natural famewhore tendencies and mutual acquaintances, plus he was treading a thin line in keeping her from walking off.


Although Dr. Phil annoys me in a million ways, he and his staff do their homework and he knew exactly what kind of a nightmare he was dealing with and how much he'd have to kiss her ass to keep her there. Especially because of how Kim truly is off-camera: "Fuck him."


PS I'm going to start doing that peek-a-boo cry thingie.

Edited by missy jo
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IMO, they had Kim do a guest appearance in hopes that fans of the BH HW show would start watching their show. Kim was bait to reel in more viewers, BOY, did they pick the wrong BH HW! LOL

Actually they didnt. Wasnt she casted as a coke addicted socialite. Someone was hell of shady but gave serious catch when they offered her that role.

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I also think she had conditions to her contract. I think Bravo told her she would be fired if she showed up to work drunk.

That doesn't make sense. She was drunk or high lots of times (Poker Night, for ex.), and not only did they not fire her, but they filmed it, milked it, and created storylines around it. In fact, one could argue the entire season was built around Kim's struggle/no struggle with sobriety. Not to mention storylines from past seasons as well. Drunk Kim = drama, conflict, storylines, ratings.

I finally got around to watching this today. I predict what Dr. Phil predicted: she's headed for a wall and it ain't going to be pretty. The arrest should have been a wake up call that sent her straight to rehab, but it wasn't. She kept denying she'd had anything but the vodka and the pill in 3-1/2 years. Oh, well, wait... there were a few other times she drank a little wine at home alone, never on the show. Then Chad reminded her that he lives with her and she takes pills and smokes pot.

The "wine" reference stood out to me. I noticed how she kept trying to minimize things. She wasn't alone at a bar, she had a drink at her daughter's house. She wasn't throwing back cocktails, it was one glass of vodka (which she hadn't had in years). She was never drunk or belligerent at work, she drank at home, and no hard liquor for her - only wine. Each and every thing she said was said with her image in mind - how can I admit to such-and-such without it sounding so bad? The mind and reasoning of an addict, I guess. And one who does not want to change.

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Latest is that she wants to leave rehab to visit Kingsley - and even asked if he could come to the grounds.




She is one speshul snowflake, isn't she?  Doggie visit privileges...I wonder if she asked for any of her two legged children to visit her.

Edited by One More Time
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I watched the show again.  My impression the second time was that Dr. Phil was MUCH more concerned and caring during the second half than he was during the first.  I agreed with what he said to Kim and think that he sounded like most of us on the board here -- he's worried about Kim losing her life to alcohol and drugs.  That, after all is said and done, is the important part, I believe.


I thought that Kim's conversation about the kind of place she wanted to go to was revealing.  It sounded like a close-to-home country club to me.  What's so important close to home?  The wedding plans?  Her favorite drug dealer?  The best liquor store?  There seems to be something on her mind that she's not saying.  And why doesn't she want a roommate?  Is that "star treatment," or does that reflect her lack of trust in people?  I guess if you're famous, people could bug you, but all she has to do is say that she doesn't like to talk about her life.  That would end it with most people.


I'm also thinking that, after watching this show for years, I feel like Kim is something like an acquaintance -- someone I think I know better than I actually do.  I'm wondering whether others feel the same way, given all the concern expressed on this thread.  I think that's good.  She's someone who opened up her life to us (or what she was willing for us to see).  I can only pray that something will get through to Kim, that she will finally understand what makes her the way she is, and she'll change before she dies of this.  I pray that she'll understand that this is no role, no dress rehearsal, but that this is life, and she needs to take good care of it.

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I thought that Kim's conversation about the kind of place she wanted to go to was revealing. It sounded like a close-to-home country club to me. What's so important close to home? The wedding plans? Her favorite drug dealer? The best liquor store?

Here's something I learned from watching the show "Intervention:" rehab should be out-of-state, whenever possible, to keep addicts far away from dealers and acquaintances and places and spots that the addict is familiar with and can have easy access to. I know it seems obvious, but I never thought of that. Kim's insistence on a place just "down the road," and apparently that's where she landed, is not a good sign.

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I dunno who in the Dr Phil production thought it was a good idea to show how Kim's behavior was during the Amsterdam dinner



I thought it would be more appropriate to show the limo scene from Poker Night, but I guess since she already admitted to ** one pill ** LOL, it wasn't necessary.


why doesn't she want a roommate?  Is that "star treatment,"



Even the biggest stars, as in Rock and Roll Hall of Fame icons of our time (not sure if it was publicized, so not going name here just in case), have to share a room at Promises, Malibu. It's the sole requirement in an otherwise posh-beyond-belief treatment center.

Edited by missy jo
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I want to hear what really happened at the Polo Club.  Kim said she lived there for six months when she got out of rehab the last time.  Trust me, everyone at that hotel as seen Kim in action, and know all of her antics. 

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I watched the show again.  My impression the second time was that Dr. Phil was MUCH more concerned and caring during the second half than he was during the first.  I agreed with what he said to Kim and think that he sounded like most of us on the board here -- he's worried about Kim losing her life to alcohol and drugs.  That, after all is said and done, is the important part, I believe.


I thought that Kim's conversation about the kind of place she wanted to go to was revealing.  It sounded like a close-to-home country club to me.  What's so important close to home?  The wedding plans?  Her favorite drug dealer?  The best liquor store?  There seems to be something on her mind that she's not saying.  And why doesn't she want a roommate?  Is that "star treatment," or does that reflect her lack of trust in people?  I guess if you're famous, people could bug you, but all she has to do is say that she doesn't like to talk about her life.  That would end it with most people.


I'm also thinking that, after watching this show for years, I feel like Kim is something like an acquaintance -- someone I think I know better than I actually do.  I'm wondering whether others feel the same way, given all the concern expressed on this thread.  I think that's good.  She's someone who opened up her life to us (or what she was willing for us to see).  I can only pray that something will get through to Kim, that she will finally understand what makes her the way she is, and she'll change before she dies of this.  I pray that she'll understand that this is no role, no dress rehearsal, but that this is life, and she needs to take good care of it.

I have to say that's the one thing I agree with Kim Richards on - I wouldn't want a roommate either.


People have been accused of being gleeful at what has happened over the past week.  Others have written that was incorrect and surely no one was gleeful for what happened to Kim.  But that is incorrect.  I, for one, was gleeful.  I literally laughed out loud when I heard the news.  I exclaimed "it couldn't have happened to a nicer person!" to people around me who have never even seen the show. And they had no idea who she was.


My reaction is probably due to growing up with and being around alcoholics in my later years and the anger that resurfaces when they try to fool everyone around them.  When the truth comes out, you want to shout "See, I'm not crazy - they are! Look they were lying all along."


But the wisdom of another much loved/much talked about Housewife has taken hold of me.  I'm talking about Sonja Morgan who defused the situation on Scary Island.  One housewife had been behaving off her rocker (probably due to a combo of drug/liquor and perhaps mental illness) and  Sonja's point was that it didn't matter that everyone finally saw Kelly at her craziest because Kelly was truly ill and needed kindness more than lectures.  This took the wind out of everybody's sails but it was the right thing to do.


I'm at that point with Kim.  She was mean, she was rude.  She lied continuously.  She's broken.  We can move on but she's still stuck in that world that she created.  It's no longer fun to go over this.


Best of luck Kim.

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Dr. Sophy is real-in addition to his celebrity clients such as Paris Hilton and Taylor Armstrong, he is head of the Los Angeles County Department of Children's Services. Is dual roles have been questioned. He is a DO as opposed to an MD and I think that is where the confusion lies.

To me, this guy is both legitimate and a quack. He has the credentials, but the way he cozied up to Taylor was, IMO, vastly inappropriate.

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Here's something I learned from watching the show "Intervention:" rehab should be out-of-state, whenever possible, to keep addicts far away from dealers and acquaintances and places and spots that the addict is familiar with and can have easy access to. I know it seems obvious, but I never thought of that. Kim's insistence on a place just "down the road," and apparently that's where she landed, is not a good sign.

Addicts get very comfortable in their lifestyle so I think getting very uncomfortable and away from all the usual crutches has to facilitate the rehabilitation process.

Besides physically detoxing, I think Kim would benefit from the great discomfort of NOT getting the star treatment she demands.

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
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I watched the show again.  My impression the second time was that Dr. Phil was MUCH more concerned and caring during the second half than he was during the first.  I agreed with what he said to Kim and think that he sounded like most of us on the board here -- he's worried about Kim losing her life to alcohol and drugs.  That, after all is said and done, is the important part, I believe.


I thought that Kim's conversation about the kind of place she wanted to go to was revealing.  It sounded like a close-to-home country club to me.  What's so important close to home?  The wedding plans?  Her favorite drug dealer?  The best liquor store?  There seems to be something on her mind that she's not saying.  And why doesn't she want a roommate?  Is that "star treatment," or does that reflect her lack of trust in people?  I guess if you're famous, people could bug you, but all she has to do is say that she doesn't like to talk about her life.  That would end it with most people.


I'm also thinking that, after watching this show for years, I feel like Kim is something like an acquaintance -- someone I think I know better than I actually do.  I'm wondering whether others feel the same way, given all the concern expressed on this thread.  I think that's good.  She's someone who opened up her life to us (or what she was willing for us to see).  I can only pray that something will get through to Kim, that she will finally understand what makes her the way she is, and she'll change before she dies of this.  I pray that she'll understand that this is no role, no dress rehearsal, but that this is life, and she needs to take good care of it.

DP already knew what Kim's list of conditions were for going into rehab, most likely from her kids and he was prepared for them. Kim refused to go to the 1 he chose because, IMO, she did not want him checking in on her and holding her accountable or keeping her kids/family informed with how she is really doing, going against her spin/lies to them about her progress.


I do not expect to hear that Kim stayed 30 days, she has left rehab early every time she has been in from what I have read/heard. Kim revealed, to Kyle on camera, when she got out the last time that her DR told her she would not have lived much longer if she had not gone to rehab back then and yet she did not stay clean for more than a few months. Remember Paris, she was high the entire trip, blaming it on taking the wrong medication with her, a medication she claimed she had a "bad reaction" to (sound familiar?) and even though she saw a DR there, she did not get the "correct" medication.


I never felt that Kim opened up herself for us to see, she was never honest, ever IMO.

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I hate to second guess Kim's story...but I wonder if Kim is really in rehab?

Sorry if I'm just too suspicious of her quick turnaround in following the Dr's advice.

Edited by talula
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Could Kim have been asked to leave the Polo Lounge once management found out she was there?  As in, she was not welcome back after her 6 month stay for a variety of reasons (didn't pay her bill in full, was a nasty guest they had issues with, had to hound her to pay her bill finally, had damaged her room...).


Someone in that bar that night knows what went down and I would love to hear it.  Probably not going to hear from the nasty maître d, but maybe someone from that table she was bothering. 


In her pictures from her younger years to now, time has not been kind to Kim.  It hit me as I was watching Valley of the Dolls the other night, while they were mentioning that Judy Garland was originally to be in the film, that Kim has that body frame - small, petite and just incredibly skinny.  Even the facial structure is similar - perhaps all due to booze & pills?  She doesn't even have a full smile like she used to have.  She smiles now but no teeth, no real smile - kind of dead eyes. 


I think the only way for Kim to fully commit to a rehab is hitting some hideous rock bottom, and/or her kids ALL saying they will have nothing to do with her until she does so.  When DP said about hitting a wall, I thought of her od'ing or perhaps really harming someone while drunk driving.  If she did injure someone while drunk driving, I think even then she'd find more excuses.  When DP said an addict's MO is to deflect - I immediately thought of the master deflector - BG herself.

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Y'know, I was all excited to sit down and watch this.  And I watched through her comments about the fans- an interesting contrast from a couple years ago when being on the show was good for her sobriety because it kept her accountable, or whatever.  And then I watched them show a clip from BH and ask her about it, and I just thought to myself...no.  She had her chance to explain, the other women were invited.  Why is it right she gets this extra moment, this redo of the reunion (and the blogs, for that matter)? 


So I deleted it.  


I hope she gets the help she needs.  I also hope she fades happily into obscurity after.


As far as the incident at the bar- I'm shocked it didn't end up on YouTube, like almost everything else.

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I think the only way for Kim to fully commit to a rehab is hitting some hideous rock bottom, and/or her kids ALL saying they will have nothing to do with her until she does so.

This is why the Dr. Phil show wasn't a true intervention. A key component of real interventions is when the family or loved ones of the addicts gives their "bottom lines," ie. I won't be in your life anymore, I'm kicking you out of my house, I'm not paying your cell phone bill anymore, etc... If Kim's kids all cut her off, especially if they said so publicly, that could possibly make a difference. But they'd have to do it and then stick to it, even if Kim relapses. By choice or not, to use Kim-speak.

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You know, if you watch the first few episodes of RHOBH in season 1, you can see where Kim and Whitney have a huge problem with their mother-daughter dynamic.

Kim wants Whitney to be her friend and Whitney wants a mother. Go figure Kim wasnt very good at the mothering thing so she wants to befriend her children. And Whitney was the one that told Kyle she wanted to visit her dad in Texas and Kim had a hissy fit then. She claimed Kyle, basically, needed to focus on her own children and not hers.

I believe strongly that Whitney viewed Kyle as more mother than Kim. And like we have all speculated Kyle probably picked up the mothering slack when Kim was bombed out her mind with drugs ans alcohol.

I just feel Whitney had her breaking point years ago when it came to Kim's addiction. She's long been removed from it because shes tired of the dramatics and disappointments. So why join the Dr Phil episode when she knew possibly this would be the same script with just a different setting. Kim would blame, lie, deflect and have her way.

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Interesting, BlackMamba. It would certainly be understandable if that is the case. More power to her.

Another dynamic those kids have to deal with. I wonder how that affected Whitney's relationship with her brother and sisters.

Edited by Ellee
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How long was Kim taking care of Big Kathy? Did she go immediately from doing that to doing BH? Was she an alcoholic prior to taking care of her?


I can give a general answer to this.  Big Kathy lived in a development somewhere near Palm Springs and she bought Kim a house in the same development.  When her mom got sick, Kim took care of her for (approx) the last year of her life.  But I think Kim saying she took care of her mother might be the same way she currently "takes care" of Monty.  Kim would have you believe that she is Monty's sole caregiver but apparently he splits his time between Kim, another ex-wife and daughter and possibly another girlfriend.  He travels around a lot (he was in Las Vegas when Kim was arrested) without her.  I've even heard reports that he has a place in hospice care and only visits Kim.  Also, she is often traveling without him, like her vacation in Cabo with daughter Brooke.


I think there were years (8?) in between the death of BK and RHBH.


Lastly, Kim was known to be a party girl from her early twenties.  She also "took care" of her dad when he was sick a few years before her mother.  In the House of Hilton book, it says that she was high most of that time and allowed her kids to jump on the sick man's bed.  The situation lasted a few months before he and his wife packed up and left for some peace.


Also, Kim "lost" that house in the desert and has been moving every couple of years ever since.

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Looking back over the past seasons...some things now make sense.

I can imagine what Taylor was really thinking about Kim when Kim wanted to have a talk with Taylor about drinking.

I can see why Ken Todd was so dismissive towards her last season when a team formed against LisaVP. Kim was unusually vocal and front & center in the LisaVP hate...she was good at getting the ladies to turn on LisaVP in Paris...because Kim realized Lisa had her number and used that understanding to cement the wedge between Lisa & Kyle.

Kim's hate for LisaVP lessened when she saw Lisa refraining from commenting about her and realized LisaR & Eilleen weren't afraid to ask q uestions. Teaming up with Brandi brought the game to a whole new, crazy train level.

Chad was correct, Brandi is a toxic friend. He wasn't blaming Brandi for Kims behavior, he was answering Dr Phil's question about whether Brandi was a good friend/influence.

Edited by IKnowRight
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I watched the show again.  My impression the second time was that Dr. Phil was MUCH more concerned and caring during the second half than he was during the first.  I agreed with what he said to Kim and think that he sounded like most of us on the board here -- he's worried about Kim losing her life to alcohol and drugs.  That, after all is said and done, is the important part, I believe.


I thought that Kim's conversation about the kind of place she wanted to go to was revealing.  It sounded like a close-to-home country club to me.  What's so important close to home?  The wedding plans?  Her favorite drug dealer?  The best liquor store?  There seems to be something on her mind that she's not saying.  And why doesn't she want a roommate?  Is that "star treatment," or does that reflect her lack of trust in people?  I guess if you're famous, people could bug you, but all she has to do is say that she doesn't like to talk about her life.  That would end it with most people.


I'm also thinking that, after watching this show for years, I feel like Kim is something like an acquaintance -- someone I think I know better than I actually do.  I'm wondering whether others feel the same way, given all the concern expressed on this thread.  I think that's good.  She's someone who opened up her life to us (or what she was willing for us to see).  I can only pray that something will get through to Kim, that she will finally understand what makes her the way she is, and she'll change before she dies of this.  I pray that she'll understand that this is no role, no dress rehearsal, but that this is life, and she needs to take good care of it.

I am thinking that all her involvement with drugs and alcohol is her "method" of suicide.....although a slow one....it will eventually take her to where she wants to be. Just my opinion, of course.

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How long was Kim taking care of Big Kathy? Did she go immediately from doing that to doing BH? Was she an alcoholic prior to taking care of her?

Big Kathy was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999.  In an interview, which I have posted on this thread before and now close to impossible to find because of Kim's arrest, Kim is talking with her mother (it was either on Access Hollywood or Entertainment tonight) Kim talks about moving to Arizona to be closer to her mother.  Eventually Kim moved into a house in her mother's housing development (one mom bought for her).  Big Kathy died in March of 2002.  From what I can remember hearing Kim and her mom had separate homes and during the last couple of months Big Kathy moved in with Kim and her family.  Big Kathy was married at the time of her illness and her ex-husband Fenton lived in a third home Big Kathy owned in the development.  At some point he was tossed out and Big Kathy rented the house out.


The RHOBH began filming in late 2009.  Kim had been living in the LA area for sometime prior to filming.  The opening episode shows her moving again.  Although moving  Kim claims she discovered her problem with drinking while caring for her cancer-stricken mother her history of partying was long before her mother was diagnosed.  It  may have become more apparent to her once she started living close to her mother. 


Whitney turned 18 in 2008 and Chad turned 18 in 2009 and I am guessing that Kim's child support disappearing coincided with Kim's need to find a source of income. 

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She is one speshul snowflake, isn't she?  Doggie visit privileges...I wonder if she asked for any of her two legged children to visit her.

She sure is.   Just a big ol bunch of huggie duggie doo doo     :)

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I have thought that Kimmy was jealous of the two newbies from the minute they showed up. They are actresses who have had success in their own arena. I am a huge fan of Eileen in her soap roles and she's really successful there. She's married to someone who used to be in Kimmy's circle as he was a child hearththrob to some extent, if I recall. She's got a successful marriage. She has steady work and is in demand. And awards.....it must make Kimmy crazy. Rinna has had more success outside daytime and she's well known and has a famous husband. That must make Kimmy nuts, too.

Welcome to the forums!


I agree 100% that she is jealous of Rinna and Davidson for the reasons you give.  I would add that she is also very jealous of Kyle because Kyle has a happy life, a successful marriage, "the house", etc.   In fact the only one I don't think she's jealous of is Brandi, hence their "friendship".  In Kim's eyes, Brandi is probably the only one with a more pathetic life than hers.


She's probably jealous of Kathy Hilton as well, but she needs Kathy since she's alienated Kyle, and there is probably some financial support from the Hiltons as well.

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Every addict thinks they are special. If other people knew what it was like to be them, they would say it is ok to use, drink, etc. THEIR needs are so much more special than others.... That is one reason people in rehab are put in groups, given a roomate, etc. Kim and her diva needs stand in the way of her giving up control and getting well. Kim's version of sober is refraining from drinking ( on a regular basis). She hasn't admitted to a major drug habit. She throws her anxiety around like a sword, but hasn't really done her inventory and admitted she has emotional issues that need professional help. Sadly, I do not hold out much hope for Kim.

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I don't have a problem with addicts in rehab being given the drugs that help them detox relatively comfortably. I can't believe this cushy rehab doesn't have this. So either she's lying, or because of the stuff she abuses the detox drugs don't work very well. Or, she has absolutely no ability to withstand even mild discomfort. I bet the staff wants to toss her out with the way she acts. I hope she gets some benefit from this rehab, but I doubt it's possible.

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The new TV Guide, under "Cheers and Jeers," jeers Brandi as "toxic." I got the hard copy in the mail yesterday so it predates Chad's comment on Dr. Phil. Of course, who hasn't said it?

Also, this history of her being the caregiver for three people now does beg the question whether she has previously "borrowed" some pain killers. 

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I have to laugh, because all this mess is absolutely the worst thing for Brandi trying to launch her line of alcohol products. The timing couldn't be worse. And she should not be fighting back with Chad or anyone at this time, because she's trying to launch a bunch of alcoholic beverages. Sucks to be her!

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I only watched the Dr. Phil show last evening, I don't have much to say other than what has already been said. The quick shifts in demeanor reminded me of what I saw some people with borderline personality disorder do at times -- screaming and cursing, and suddenly a minute later when in another context being meek and mild. I thought it was pure manipulation, but a therapist explained to me that it was common with this disorder, and went into the whys and wherefores of it all. I don't know about Kim, but I put it out there as another possibility.

I am really disgusted if someone is breaking Kim's privacy in treatment. That is completely unfair to her. I think it's like telling what people say when they are under sedation. People can be horrible when rehab begins. She shouldn't be judged for that. It's part of the process she has to go through.

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I have to wonder if kimmie did actually go into rehab. 


With a court date coming up on 6/10, entering rehab and blowing it off well before the end of her commitment could make her look bad in court. Added to the fact that she's already publicly admitted that she did drink and drive in the hours preceding her arrest, she's painting herself into a bit of a corner.


If she's in rehab and blows it off (again) she's displaying insincerity and a lack of seriousness about getting/staying sober.


If she hasn't gone into rehab, the question could be asked that, given the actions that lead to her arrest proves a serious slip/relapse, why hasn't she.


Will it turn out that the attempt at PR damage control she tried to effect by going on DP has actually put her in a worse position than if she had just laid low until her court date? Either way, this inquiring mind wants to know.

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I wonder how Brandi felt about being called toxic to a nation wide audience? Boy she hitched her wagon to the wrong star.

The hits just keep on coming from Kim's inner circle.  Ken the old boyfriend weighs in on Kim's Dr. Phil interview.  I do think she was acting and until she can drop that charade she will just always be "struggling with sobriety".   http://www.allabouttrh.com/kim-richards-ex-boyfriend-ken-blumenfeld-says-she-was-acting-on-dr-phil/

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I have to laugh, because all this mess is absolutely the worst thing for Brandi trying to launch her line of alcohol products. The timing couldn't be worse. And she should not be fighting back with Chad or anyone at this time, because she's trying to launch a bunch of alcoholic beverages. Sucks to be her!

I must be a bad person because this post totally brought a satisfied little smirk to my face. 

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I've only watched about 20 minutes so far....but I laughed out loud when Dr Phil kept repeating "In a bar" after every excuse she made for why she chose to stop at a bar when she's a goddamn alcoholic.


I have no sympathy for this bitch.  I hope she's humiliated and feels like total shit.  It would be payback and quite humbling for someone who spent all season trying to make others out to be the bad guy despite their shitty behavior.  She gets no pass from me.


And does it shock anyone that not 10 minutes in and she's already blamed Kyle for what's going on?  "Boo hooooooo my relationship with my sister and niece who I repeatedly slammed, insulted and degraded this season is on the rocks....and I don't know how to fix it....boo hoooooooooooo...."

How bout you admit your bullshit, say you're a selfish bitch and then try to work on it rather than deflect and manipulate.



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That doesn't make sense. She was drunk or high lots of times (Poker Night, for ex.), and not only did they not fire her, but they filmed it, milked it, and created storylines around it. In fact, one could argue the entire season was built around Kim's struggle/no struggle with sobriety. Not to mention storylines from past seasons as well. Drunk Kim = drama, conflict, storylines, ratings.

The "wine" reference stood out to me. I noticed how she kept trying to minimize things. She wasn't alone at a bar, she had a drink at her daughter's house. She wasn't throwing back cocktails, it was one glass of vodka (which she hadn't had in years). She was never drunk or belligerent at work, she drank at home, and no hard liquor for her - only wine. Each and every thing she said was said with her image in mind - how can I admit to such-and-such without it sounding so bad? The mind and reasoning of an addict, I guess. And one who does not want to change.


They did film it and milk it as is their right Kim took the money knowing they would do this. If showing up sober and clean to work was a condition of her contract, then they have every right to use it as evidence that she violated her contract. It could be used as evidence to release her from her current contract or used not to renew it. With Bravo showing it all season long, they can say to us "Yes we fired her and you as a viewer saw why we had too. It was in her best interests and we wish her well in her recovery." They will play all sides of this thing as it suits them.


Besides, if you think about it she would still be paid in a fashion, her salary would move to the legal expenses side of the account book. They have a vested interest in defending her in the dog bite lawsuit.


I just hope she is gone from the show.

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John Collett’s Mother Hopes Kim Richards Will Quit ‘RHOBH’

n the past, claimed John Collett’s mom, Richards wasn’t a fan of living her life in the public eye, and often opened up to her would-be mother-in-law regarding the downside of fame.

“She doesn’t like all the s–t around her, notoriety, people pushing her. She wasn’t afraid to talk to me about it. She said ‘Sometimes I wish I could go back and be little again and do it over.’ She had many regrets because she allowed herself not to be herself.”


Hope Kim takes John's momm advice. Reality TV is not Kim's thing but if she needs the cash she'll definitely keep exploiting herself like she has been.

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Monty's latest post on IG:

20 hours ago
Laying by the pool in Bel-air on such a beautiful day gathering my thoughts about the Dr Phil Show interviewing @kimrichards11 of all the people in the world I probably know Kim better than anyone. Before you get my response the only thing I would like to say at this moment, Kim is the most loving caring person I've ever met. I love her as a person, I love her as a friend. And most of all she loves her children more than anything. They are blessed to have her. #drphil #belair #ca #loved #heart #love #sunshine #pool #life #family


He's at Kathy Hiltons home.   He's got to know, despite the fact that he seems to really care about her, that she came off badly.    I feel badly for him.  He's just trying to live what remains on his life in sort of a Zen mode, and now Kim adds all this chaos.   He's got to be worried about his kids, and what they deal with when Kim starts getting ugly and blaming everyone.  

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