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Loathesome!: Characters We Hate

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I've been debating with myself whether to put this here or in Unpopular Opinions.

Last night I saw commercials for the 50th anniversary for It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, and it just reminded me how much I cannot stand Snoopy (or his feathered friend Woodstock). I especially hate his boring ass plot in Great Pumpkin being the Red Baron. It has nothing to do with anything and it's absolute filler.

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I really dislike Oliver from How To Get Away With Murder.  And that is saying a lot considering how damaged and fucked up the characters on that show are.  But In the most recent episode he and Connor have this big argument and I sat there watching soooo pissed.  I couldn't get over his passive aggressive self righteous ass trying to weasel in in an entitled way as if he is supposed to know everything about a person who he was only involved with for almost a nanosecond and using it as a way to yank him around emotionally.  Ugh.  I never really warmed to him a character ever. That 'meh' attitude morphed into dislike when he deleted Connor's college acceptance letter.  But now I actively despise him.

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On Sunday, November 13, 2016 at 2:30 PM, DearEvette said:

I really dislike Oliver from How To Get Away With Murder.  And that is saying a lot considering how damaged and fucked up the characters on that show are.  But In the most recent episode he and Connor have this big argument and I sat there watching soooo pissed.  I couldn't get over his passive aggressive self righteous ass trying to weasel in in an entitled way as if he is supposed to know everything about a person who he was only involved with for almost a nanosecond and using it as a way to yank him around emotionally.  Ugh.  I never really warmed to him a character ever. That 'meh' attitude morphed into dislike when he deleted Connor's college acceptance letter.  But now I actively despise him.

I thought Oliver's argument was perfectly valid if he had bothered to make it before he quit his job, started working for the evil Annalise empire, and destroyed Connor's acceptance email to Stanford.

But at this point in the game, he's almost as bad as any of the Keating 5 and needs to shut his pie hole.

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I like to watch reruns of Ballykissangel on PBS and I can't stand Niamh and Assumpta.  

Niamh treated her husband Ambrose like a dog because her old flame came to town and she wanted to be with him.  Conveniently, Ambrose fell off a cliff and died, leaving her free to remarry the old flame.  

Assumpta loved the village priest but she was an atheist and never respected his religion and took every opportunity to let him know it.  He even planned to leave the priesthood and marry her but, fortunately, she got electrocuted and died.   

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Frank Underwood on House of Cards is no doubt one of the most evil characters on TV: a two-faced, manipulative, ruthless, calculating, power-mad, sociopathic monster who is cursed with an unbreakable lucky streak, nine lives, and the most powerful position on Earth.

So why is it that Frank doesn't disgust me and fill me with rage nearly as much as his vile toady Doug Stamper?! I'm the first to admit it makes no sense. 

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4 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

So why is it that Frank doesn't disgust me and fill me with rage nearly as much as his vile toady Doug Stamper?! I'm the first to admit it makes no sense. 

I haven't seen House of Cards, but toadies are often easier to hate than the villain. Saruman/Grima Wormtongue. Voldemort/Death Eaters. The big bad may be evil, but they're a go-getter you can have some respect for. The toady just helps them, often for little real reward, and there's something contemptous about that. If you're going to be evil, you should at least have standards. :)

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6 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

So why is it that Frank doesn't disgust me and fill me with rage nearly as much as his vile toady Doug Stamper?! I'm the first to admit it makes no sense. 

For me it's because Stamper's bad actions tend to be personal and intimate. Frank does big bad things, things that (until recently) seemed impossible in the real world. Stamper does little bad things, things that exist in the real world, things I can imagine him doing to me. That makes me angry and sad. I actually don't hate Doug but I do think he's vile and most of that comes from the fact that his bad deeds are rooted in reality.

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Steve Urkel. It almost makes me sad to admit this, because when I was little, I used to identify with him, being a kid with glasses that everybody picked on. Unfortunately, growing up changes your perspective on many things, and Urkel was one of them. He was the very definition of a Nice Guy, complete with the spying and stalking. It sucks when you're in love with someone that doesn't love you back. But it doesn't make the Nice Guy behavior right.

The final nail in the coffin of my sympathy was the way he treated Myra. He basically led her on for years, and nobody ever called him out on it. He flat-out admitted that he wouldn't break up with her because he "was no fool", meaning she was the only girl who'd date him. Every time Laura even showed the slightest interest in him, he was all too willing to kick her to the curb. Yet for a while, it did seem like he was genuinely committed to Myra and gotten over Laura -- that is, until the show was ending and the writers apparently decided to fuck it and put him and Laura together. And once again, he just tossed her aside without any hesitation or regard for her feelings.

What's worse is how the writers tried to justify his shitty behavior by reverting Myra to the old crazy ex character trope. Didn't work on me. Him being angry at Myra for spying on him when he did THE SAME DAMN THING TO LAURA FOR YEARS was the lowest form of hypocrisy.

I really wish that instead of that crap, Myra would have confronted him about his emotional cheating, called him out on stringing her along for the entirety of the relationship, and having finally realized what a jerk he really was, dumped his pathetic ass. She was the one that deserved the "frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" exit, not Myrtle Urkel! 

Edited by Spartan Girl
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We're rewatching Charmed on Netflix & I am once again reminded how much I hate Chris. What an absolutely useless character & he's such a jerk. I don't care what stupid plots they came up with to explain his behavior, he's just a jerk.

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36 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Steve Urkel. It almost makes me sad to admit this, because when I was little, I used to identify with him, being a kid with glasses that everybody picked on. Unfortunately, growing up changes your perspective on many things, and Urkel was one of them. He was the very definition of a Nice Guy, complete with the spying and stalking. It sucks when you're in love with someone that doesn't love you back. But it doesn't make the Nice Guy behavior right.

The final nail in the coffin of my sympathy was the way he treated Myra. He basically led her on for years, and nobody ever called him out on it. He flat-out admitted that he wouldn't break up with her because he "was no fool", meaning she was the only girl who'd date him. Every time Laura even showed the slightest interest in him, he was all too willing to kick her to the curb. Yet for a while, it did seem like he was genuinely committed to Myra and gotten over Laura -- that is, until the show was ending and the writers apparently decided to fuck it and put him and Laura together. And once again, he just tossed her aside without any hesitation or regard for her feelings.

What's worse is how the writers tried to justify his shitty behavior by reverting Myra to the old crazy ex character trope. Didn't work on me. Him being angry at Myra for spying on him when he did THE SAME DAMN THING TO LAURA FOR YEARS was the lowest form of hypocrisy.

I really wish that instead of that crap, Myra have confronted him about his emotional cheating, called him out on stringing her along for the entirety of relationship, and having finally realized what a jerk he really was, dumped his pathetic ass. She was the one that deserved the "frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" exit, not Myrtle Urkel! 

Preach it. I am mortified to admit that there was a sizable chunk of my childhood where I not only never missed Family Matters, but I actually found Urkel funny. Trouble is, the show lasted way too long, jumped the shark way too many times, and worst of all? I grew up, and came to the exact same conclusion about the character you did.

I have noticed the double standard that when a guy pursues a girl who is uninterested in him, we are meant to root for him or their relationship, or just think the girl is a bitch, but when a girl does it to a guy? Oh, what a pathetic, desperate loser/potential bunny boiler! Don't misunderstand me; no one, regardless of their gender, should ever, ever, ever, ever try to win someone's affections by stalking them, harassing them, "wearing them down", whatever. If someone's not interested in you, make peace with that and move on. Trust me, you'll be happier, they'll be happier, everyone will be happier.

I've made this point on TWoP, and maybe I've made it here, but I'm going to make it again, because it bears repeating: no one has to like you. You copy that, Urkel, Xander, Leonard, Ross, and the legions of Nice Guy characters polluting the waters of TV? No one. Has. To. Like. You. It's called free will. People like whomever, hate whomever, and that's the way it should be. What a terrible world it would be if we all "had" to like each other. I for one would hate it if my husband was married to me because "it's only right". I want people to love and care about me freely with all their hearts, not out of some terrible sense of obligation. No relationship should ever be akin to a shotgun wedding. I don't care how smart, talented, or "nice" you are; if people can hate and criticize Mother Teresa, they certainly have the right to not like you. Get over yourself. 

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Everyone on Friends. Hardly liked that show at all, and thought it was way overrated.

The Fowl One, aka: Diana Fowley from The X Files... really didn't like her. Annoying third wheel/plot device that she was.

CSM, Cancer Man, Black Lunged son of a Bitch, CGB Spender from The X Files. Was a good bad guy at first, then devolved to an overrated soap opera villain who needs to stay dead.

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7 minutes ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

I've made this point on TWoP, and maybe I've made it here, but I'm going to make it again, because it bears repeating: no one has to like you. You copy that, Urkel, Xander,Willow "You'd rather be with someone you hate than be with me" Rosenberg Leonard, Ross, and the legions of Nice Guy characters polluting the waters of TV? No one. Has. To. Like. You. It's called free will. People like whomever, hate whomever, and that's the way it should be. What a terrible world it would be if we all "had" to like each other. I for one would hate it if my husband was married to me because "it's only right". I want people to love and care about me freely with all their hearts, not out of some terrible sense of obligation. No relationship should ever be akin to a shotgun wedding. I don't care how smart, talented, or "nice" you are; if people can hate and criticize Mother Teresa, they certainly have the right to not like you. Get over yourself. 

Because the bolded always bears repeating, because it's not any more attractive in the distaff version. And because no one else ever brings her up while they're slamming Xander for being a Nice Guy. It always makes me laugh when people talk about Xander being rude to Angel because he wanted to date Buffy. Xander was sixteen years old, and while I get that makes him a pig in training or whatever, Angel being a hundred and fifty years old meant he should have been able to take a few verbal punches. Or at least stop leading with his chin.

I'll go sit in my corner now.

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2 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Steve Urkel. It almost makes me sad to admit this, because when I was little, I used to identify with him, being a kid with glasses that everybody picked on. Unfortunately, growing up changes your perspective on many things, and Urkel was one of them. He was the very definition of a Nice Guy, complete with the spying and stalking. It sucks when you're in love with someone that doesn't love you back. But it doesn't make the Nice Guy behavior right.

The final nail in the coffin of my sympathy was the way he treated Myra. He basically led her on for years, and nobody ever called him out on it. He flat-out admitted that he wouldn't break up with her because he "was no fool", meaning she was the only girl who'd date him. Every time Laura even showed the slightest interest in him, he was all too willing to kick her to the curb. Yet for a while, it did seem like he was genuinely committed to Myra and gotten over Laura -- that is, until the show was ending and the writers apparently decided to fuck it and put him and Laura together. And once again, he just tossed her aside without any hesitation or regard for her feelings.

What's worse is how the writers tried to justify his shitty behavior by reverting Myra to the old crazy ex character trope. Didn't work on me. Him being angry at Myra for spying on him when he did THE SAME DAMN THING TO LAURA FOR YEARS was the lowest form of hypocrisy.

I really wish that instead of that crap, Myra would have confronted him about his emotional cheating, called him out on stringing her along for the entirety of the relationship, and having finally realized what a jerk he really was, dumped his pathetic ass. She was the one that deserved the "frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" exit, not Myrtle Urkel! 


1 hour ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

Preach it. I am mortified to admit that there was a sizable chunk of my childhood where I not only never missed Family Matters, but I actually found Urkel funny. Trouble is, the show lasted way too long, jumped the shark way too many times, and worst of all? I grew up, and came to the exact same conclusion about the character you did.

I have noticed the double standard that when a guy pursues a girl who is uninterested in him, we are meant to root for him or their relationship, or just think the girl is a bitch, but when a girl does it to a guy? Oh, what a pathetic, desperate loser/potential bunny boiler! Don't misunderstand me; no one, regardless of their gender, should ever, ever, ever, ever try to win someone's affections by stalking them, harassing them, "wearing them down", whatever. If someone's not interested in you, make peace with that and move on. Trust me, you'll be happier, they'll be happier, everyone will be happier.

I've made this point on TWoP, and maybe I've made it here, but I'm going to make it again, because it bears repeating: no one has to like you. You copy that, Urkel, Xander, Leonard, Ross, and the legions of Nice Guy characters polluting the waters of TV? No one. Has. To. Like. You. It's called free will. People like whomever, hate whomever, and that's the way it should be. What a terrible world it would be if we all "had" to like each other. I for one would hate it if my husband was married to me because "it's only right". I want people to love and care about me freely with all their hearts, not out of some terrible sense of obligation. No relationship should ever be akin to a shotgun wedding. I don't care how smart, talented, or "nice" you are; if people can hate and criticize Mother Teresa, they certainly have the right to not like you. Get over yourself. 

Yes, thank you! No, its not great that Laura ended up with Urkel. Its horrible and crappy that she ended up with the one guy who stalked her and would never leave her alone. Its not romantic.  I'd love for that to be said to all of the "Nice Guys". They don't have to like you. You asked her out, she said no. She made it clear she didn't want to go out with you. Move on. One of my favorite moments on Big Bang Theory was when Penny told off Howard very early in the series when he wouldn't stop hitting on her. Of course instead of learning anything we got to see Howard fall apart and be miserable. Then Penny had to go talk to him. And he still tried to make move on her.        

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2 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

Preach it. I am mortified to admit that there was a sizable chunk of my childhood where I not only never missed Family Matters, but I actually found Urkel funny. Trouble is, the show lasted way too long, jumped the shark way too many times, and worst of all? I grew up, and came to the exact same conclusion about the character you did.

I have noticed the double standard that when a guy pursues a girl who is uninterested in him, we are meant to root for him or their relationship, or just think the girl is a bitch, but when a girl does it to a guy? Oh, what a pathetic, desperate loser/potential bunny boiler! Don't misunderstand me; no one, regardless of their gender, should ever, ever, ever, ever try to win someone's affections by stalking them, harassing them, "wearing them down", whatever. If someone's not interested in you, make peace with that and move on. Trust me, you'll be happier, they'll be happier, everyone will be happier.

Seriously. But while Laura never gave Urkel any hope (at least in the beginning), Urkel strung Myra along and basically used her to bolster his ego. So Myra at least had that in her defense. The problem was her anger was focused on Laura when it SHOULD have been on HIM. 

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Agree with everyone else re Urkel. I always wished just ONCE, Laura or even Carl would have told off the Studio Audience for booing them and cheering Urkel- asking them if they would truly want  in their own lives a pest stalking them and their families who constantly destroyed their  property  ! I hated that the show lost ALL confidence in any of the other characters being able to even momentarily be the focus of an episode.

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If I may add my .02? I've NEVER liked Urkel. Never. He annoyed me from the moment he step foot on the show, and nothing he did, ever made me like him.  And when he crossed over to Step by Step, because Bobby Ewing's Patrick Duffy's middle/oldest? daughter was having popularity problems regarding a dance, and he showed up to teach them all how to do "The Urkel?" PUH-LEAZE. He was a geek, who wasn't popular, and was always picked on.

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I'm sure it's been said before, but...Sheldon on TBBT.  Terrible friend, person. lover.  He's loud, obnoxious, sanctimonious, selfish, and an inconsiderate fiance to Amy Farrah-Fowler.

I also say 'ditto' to @AntiBeeSpray re:  House.  He's the older Sheldon, and he's also guilty of unwanted workplace sexual comments and physical abuse of his "ducklings" - esp Chase.

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My people!  Sheldon is everything you all have said and more: self-absorbed, arrogant, self-righteous, narcissistic, snobbish, argumentative, condescending, know-it-all -- mind you, I was bullied all through school, but Sheldon is the kind of guy I'D beat the crap out of at every opportunity!

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My most hated TV character is Marie Barone from Everybody Loves Raymond.  I kept hoping and waiting for the episode where Debra grabbed her by the throat and shoved her ass out the door. She was a mean, insulting, condescending, belittling, manipulative  bitch who thought the world revolved around her.  I could not stand her. The way she would start limping to manipulate her wimpy sons to get them to do what she wanted made me want to give her a real reason to limp.  She treated Debra like she was a piece of shit stuck to her shoe and nobody ever called her out on it. I could go on and on but you get the picture. 

Her sons weren't my favorites either. The way Ray never stood up for his wife against that mother of his would have made me commit domestic violence. 

Count me in on another who doesn't watch The Big Bang crap. My husband watches it and when I've caught parts of an episode here and there, I LOATHE the Sheldon character. 

Edited by Maharincess
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2 hours ago, Maharincess said:

My most hated TV character is Marie Barone from Everybody Loves Raymond.  I kept hoping and waiting for the episode where Debra grabbed her by the throat and shoved her ass out the door. She was a mean, insulting, condescending, belittling, manipulative  bitch who thought the world revolved around her.  I could not stand her. The way she would start limping to manipulate her wimpy sons to get them to do what she wanted made me want to give her a real reason to limp.  She treated Debra like she was a piece of shit stuck to her shoe and nobody ever called her out on it. I could go on and on but you get the picture. 

Her sons weren't my favorites either. The way Ray never stood up for his wife against that mother of his would have made me commit domestic violence. 

Count me in on another who doesn't watch The Big Bang crap. My husband watches it and when I've caught parts of an episode here and there, I LOATHE the Sheldon character. 

God, Marie was hateful... and creepy. Not only was there that icky, Manchurian Candidate-like vibe I got from her relationship with Raymond, but someone on TWoP put it best: 

Marie is the type of person who could stab someone to death right in front of you, then turn around, smile, and convince you that you did it.

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8 hours ago, Maharincess said:

My most hated TV character is Marie Barone from Everybody Loves Raymond.  I kept hoping and waiting for the episode where Debra grabbed her by the throat and shoved her ass out the door. She was a mean, insulting, condescending, belittling, manipulative  bitch who thought the world revolved around her.  I could not stand her. The way she would start limping to manipulate her wimpy sons to get them to do what she wanted made me want to give her a real reason to limp.  She treated Debra like she was a piece of shit stuck to her shoe and nobody ever called her out on it. I could go on and on but you get the picture. 

Her sons weren't my favorites either. The way Ray never stood up for his wife against that mother of his would have made me commit domestic violence.

I never understood why they didn't lock their doors so she couldn't barge in whenever she felt like it. Of course, Ray would probably have given her a key. If I were Debra, I might not have let Ray have a key for that reason.

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The only episode I ever saw of Everybody Loves Raymond had Marie hold Ray's teenage diary against him thirty years later because he wrote an entry stating that he hated his mother, so, I'm inclined to agree that she was terrible.  What kind of psycho does that?  And why was she reading his diary in the first place?

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1 hour ago, cpcathy said:

Doris Roberts did a fantastic job with the character, but yes, Marie is just awful, especially since she's so REAL. I see shades of my MIL in her, I think, as a lot of us do.

Mum hated her for the same reason, although she also made her laugh. 

I have an aunt who would just barge in the apartment, so mum started locking the door. Her brothers could do no wrong, so she annoyed my mum quite a bit. 

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On December 25, 2017 at 7:22 PM, GaT said:

We're rewatching Charmed on Netflix & I am once again reminded how much I hate Chris. What an absolutely useless character & he's such a jerk. I don't care what stupid plots they came up with to explain his behavior, he's just a jerk.

Second you on Chris, and I'll raise you Paige, Phoebe, and Piper. What an irritating trio of self-absorbed whiners. Prue was the only one that didn't piss me off, perhaps because she was killed off before she got too annoying.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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5 hours ago, Sweet Summer Child said:

The only episode I ever saw of Everybody Loves Raymond had Marie hold Ray's teenage diary against him thirty years later because he wrote an entry stating that he hated his mother, so, I'm inclined to agree that she was terrible.  What kind of psycho does that?  And why was she reading his diary in the first place?

I hate that episode, because it rang maddeningly false. Hey, Marie? You're the mother of Baby Boomers, and you yourself are a Great Depression baby, you're from the generation of parenting where parents prided themselves on their kids hating them, because that means you did your job as a parent! You're not like today's helicopter milksops who try to be their kids' friends! What the hell, woman??!

And all kids hate their parents, at least once in a while, it usually means nothing! Get the hell over it!

Edited by Wiendish Fitch
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Elizabeth on GH. She's always cast in the victim, poor me role, when she does this shit to herself. She always does bad shit to other characters, and always plays the victim. And then she always gets to skate for the horrible shit she does to other characters.

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I finally Netflix-ed the first season of This is Us, and I loved it (haven't seen S2 yet, no spoilers, please). Yeah, it's not perfect, and I do worry that it will collapse under the weight of its own hype, but I still love it. I appreciate how the characters are flawed, but still decent... except for Kevin.

 Kevin is the newest member of my All-Time Loathed TV Characters Gallery. He's a very particular character type that drives me batty: thoroughly self-enamored under the guise of self-pity (Don Draper is also guilty of this, IMO). Whenever another character accuses Kevin of being a vapid, untalented thirty-something himbo who's way more successful than he deserves to be, all I can do is think, "Tell me something I don't know!" He's nothing but a charmless, shallow, flaky, not even all that great-looking twit who's constantly being rewarded for his douche-bag behavior. 

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I may have said this already but Jessica Fletcher is the worst! My friend is over , and she is watching a Murder She Wrote  marathon. Why? I also really dislike almost every single character from those Hallmark Mystery movies. Debbie Gallagher from Shameless sucks too. 

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Wesley "I got my throat cut and all my friends abandoned me" Wyndam-Price on Angel.

Always left out the part where he trusted the homicidal psychopath Justine and got Angel's son trapped in a hell dimension for his entire childhood, you sanctimonious asshole!

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1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said:

Wesley "I got my throat cut and all my friends abandoned me" Wyndam-Price on Angel.

Always left out the part where he trusted the homicidal psychopath Justine and got Angel's son trapped in a hell dimension for his entire childhood, you sanctimonious asshole!

A lot of people felt that Wesley was a better character in the later seasons of Angel. I never saw it. And Fred was better with Gunn too.

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Sanctimonious self-absorbed asshat Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory.  I f*cking hate, hate, hate loathe and despise that little dick.  He's not funny, he's mean.  He knows damn well he's an asshole and glories in it.  And his spineless friends bow down before him, put up with his BS and are generally terrified to cross him.  Why, I don't know.  Just once I'd like to see someone really sock it to him and have it stick.

Seconding on the Marie Barone hate.  How Debra managed not to kill her is a mystery to me.  Ray is no prize either.  How a smart, hot woman like Debra (who admittedly became a bit of a shrew later on, but can you really blame her?) ends up with a spineless, lazy mama's boy like Ray is beyond me.  But there were several "comedies" like that; dumb oafs married to hot smart women.  I'm guessing it's a male writer's fantasy writ large on the small screen.

Mike Stivic from All in the Family.  He's overbearing, egotistical, ungrateful, and bloody rude.  He made fun of stuff that Archie cared about simply because it wasn't his thing.  (I'm thinking about the episode where Archie desperately wants to join a bowling team and all Mike does is make fun of him.  I guess because for a high-toned liberal, something as low-browed as bowling is just beyond the pale.)  Don't get me wrong -- Archie's prejudices were and are appalling,  But Mike was a lazy, entitled snob.  He didn't work, didn't lift a finger to help out around the house and constantly made it clear that he thought his excrement didn't stink.  And some of his ideas were just as appalling as Archie's -- his ideas about men & women, his insistence that bad behaviour on the part of certain segments of the population was excusable ("society makes them steal"), his belief that he and he alone was right -- he was, in a lot of ways, a mirror image of Archie.

Dawn on Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- after season 5 ended, there was no reason to have her around.  Get out, get out, get out Dawnie! You're a whiny pain in the ass who took screen time away from the Scooby Gang. 

The hate, it is real.

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15 hours ago, Joe said:

A lot of people felt that Wesley was a better character in the later seasons of Angel. I never saw it. And Fred was better with Gunn too.

Meh. Gunn deserved better.  Remember how fast Fred made out with Wesley behind his back when things got rough?

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I always hate those slimy promiscuous guys on TV shows.  Sam on Cheers, Barney on How I Met Your Mother, Joey on Friends and Joey, Russel on Rules of Engagement.  They use women like they were sex toys, throw them away, and every other character is like "Aw shucks.  That's our buddy Whathisname."  It ruins these shows for me, and it makes me hate the other characters by association for calling this jerk their friend.

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