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S07.E24: Back to Square One


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14 hours ago, teapot said:

What exactly is an “Attlee”???

The only one I've ever heard of is this guy


who was British Prime Minister back in the 1940s.  A strange person for Bristol Palin to name her daughter for, especially since he was a big Leftie--maybe it's a passive-aggressive move against her mother?

And I want to say this about Kristina's ectopic pregnancy:  Women *die* from these if they are not diagnosed in time.  The fact that a heartbeat was discernible (and imagine the added devastation that must've caused Kristina and Gary) says to me that the pregnancy was not brand new, and Kristina was in danger.   Amber--or anyone else--trying to "one-up" Kristina with a miscarriage should eat shit.

Not only do we know Carly's adoptive parents' names--we know where they *live* for fuck's sake.  And every kid at Carly's school knows all about Carly's shitty birth parents, even if her name isn't Carly now.

  • Love 22

I distinctly remember   there was a scene maybe two seasons again where Cate revealed that B& T were done with the show and that Teresa asked her not discuss any details of their private conversations. So what does My Little Slug go and do, reveal details of her conversation with Teresa regarding a potential visit! I really  wish Carly's family would bite the bullet and as what Juno would say, " close her on up" or limit contact  to a written yearly update; no pictures, can't  trust them not to put them online.

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
  • Love 21

I too think Cate and Tyler should no longer say their names.  I get that giving a child up for adoption is traumatizing and it does give more information about the subject.  I like that Tyler came to terms with their loss of control.  If I had to guess I would probably say that their first child might be talking about them.  She looks exactly like Tyler.  My brother's first child was taken on the run by her mother.  The mother came back 16 years later and brought his daughter to him.  She looks exactly like our grandmother, it is uncanny.  She will still break down, at the age of 30, when she sees a family member that she "sees herself in".  This upsets her mother and her mother's family.  I wish I could tell Cate and Tyler, I live very close to them, that if they can hold on until she is 18 they can contact her and share in her life IF she wants to.  They need to do as my brother did and, while it is very hurtful, to take time to save money, get a good career and prepare for her return.

Ryan's parents are really not seeing what is going on and Mac was crazy for getting pregnant.  

  • Love 9

I'm wondering if Carly didn't want to see Catelynn and Tyler...Theresa may have been trying to spare their feelings but Cate and Tyler are too f****** stupid to put two and two together and figure that out.

This is certainly a possibility, as is what another previous poster mentioned about Cate and Tyler not respecting B&T's request that they stop talking about them on television.  

The other possibility that could be happening here is that I think a big factor in B&T keeping the relationship open was Theresa's relationship with Cate.  When Cate was younger, Theresa had a lot more sympathy for her since she was a young girl being raised in a very dysfunctional environment.  But Cate isn't a kid anymore, and more importantly she has chosen to have Nova (and even try for another baby) without taking any responsibility as a mother and putting her child's needs first.  As a mother and someone who probably struggle with infertility, Theresa is going to be pissed seeing how Cate neglects Nova's needs.  And she's going to want to protect her child from all the chaos in Cate and Tyler's life.  The two of them can't even abide by the very simple rule of not discussing them on camera,  plus they have to worry about Butch and the rest of the random methhead relatives who cannot abide by any rules at all.  

  • Love 14

@druzy  insanely genius for thinking Kristina should have replaced Farrah.

My son is the same age as these kids and I am okay with not walking him into school each day.  You know why?  Because I spend time with him.  I did not put him in daycare so I could spend time at home all day alone sleeping.  Tyler has a TTM mug but, Maci, I noticed has a tattoo of it on her arm??  Larry and Jen continue to try and put a spin on Ryan's addiction by saying Ryan is in rehab to get ahead of it and take care of himself like he's so fucking great.   I mean.....he could have done that by staying in the last place longer than 21 days........I won't knock anyone for trying to get legitimate help for a serious drug addiction except for when it comes to the self absorbed assholes of the Teen Mom franchise because none of them ever seem to have any growth!! Mack praising him for getting healthy and missing the baby's birth. That's not a drop in the pan, that's the biggest moment of the child's life. You know how that could have been avoided? If she didn't try and get pregnant by an active user.  You can see where Ryan was coddled and babied by Larry and Jen by the way they have been trying to get Bentley into private school. 

Amber didn't go to the doctor after having a miscarriage?   Maybe it was so early on but did she even call the doctor?  No, because she is lying and I will join the party by bringing my vape pen and enough gummis for all to share!!!  Kristina had a real health scare and and truly made me sad with her story unlike the rest of the girls who had pretend stories. I did find it strange that she told Gary she knew he wanted a son - if that was the case why were her tubes tied?  Why was this conversation of miscarriage happening in front of Leah? Does Amber get depressed having to walk up the stairs to her bed each night?

Tyler again with his fashion.  And he's still juggling Terra Reign alone along with everything else.  It is totally none of Cate and Tyler's business how Carly is doing. You aren't going to help her so buzz off.  Tyler at least seemed to be able to reflect on how he behaved poorly in the past.  I am surprised Dawn has held this job for so long because those types of jobs seem to have high turnover. 

How is Cheyenne a stay at home mom and does not have a spousal support of a second income?  Does she depend on Teen Mom checks or does Cory give her enough money?  At least the rest of the girls have had years to make up fake companies and write stoopey books but Cheyenne doesn't have much to fall back on. Cory is so stupid and is not making enough on The Challenge to support them moving forward, they live in a really expensive are and I don't see how she is going to be able to sustain this lifestyle for very long.  

Not much to say about Bristol except she has two outfits; her Mama Bear shirt and overalls.

  • Love 13

So my thing with Tyler and Cate is that they didn't respect boundaries.  If they had respected boundaries (i.e., no social media postings, no talking about them on TV), I'd imagine that B&T would welcome a visit.    And from my experience, if you let people constantly disrespect your boundaries, they aren't just going to up and change on their own.  They'll keep pushing and pushing and disrespecting and disrespecting.     

If I were B&T, I'd also be concerned about exposing Carly to the drug usage, though Carly is getting old enough now to understand that people live in different ways and do different things and while we can be friendly with them, we don't have to do the same things they do. 

  • Love 16
3 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

That's right.  Carly is also old enough to decide she doesn't want to miss her good friend Brittney's sleepover to spend a day with those weird yahoos who show up once a year and paw all over her.

YES!    I certainly remember when I was Carly's age "having" to go visit some elderly relatives whom I barely knew.  I did not go willingly.  I would have much preferred to play with my friends or even the fun relatives that I actually did know!

  • Love 17

I mean.. this show is boring and terrible and should be over with but there is so much to unpack in this episode. 

Not on cheyanne(seriously who is she?) or Bristol as I fast forward though their scenes.

Money Amber.. not everything is about you. Kristina’s miscarriage was about her and Gary. Ugh. But Gary Rules. That moment with him and Kristina when he said he would get a Vasectomy and Kristina said “but I know you want a boy” and he said he didn’t want to make her go through a miscarriage again. Like I aw. Gary’s the best.

Maci.. boring. Does she have a story without Ryan?

And finally.. catelynn and Tyler. I mean.. so much to unpack. One. It’s hard to ignore that maybe catelynn got s bad deal. I only know what I read here and that’s where I learned that perhaps she wasn’t aware of what open adoption meant. Now she should, she’s an adult and older and I would hope so but it has always seemed like she wasn’t fully aware of what she was doing when she was 16. 

That said... she knew what was asked for. Not to speak about the situation on her tv show.  

I do think Theresa’s at her wits end, every message catelynn read from her seemed to be getting more agitated and exasperated. 

  • Love 11
On 11/5/2018 at 8:23 PM, SuzyLee said:


Good old Dawn from Bethany, back again for another round of bullshit.  

I want to know how many other clients Dawn has called on the birthday of a child for over 9 years!  That just seems ridiculous....

On 11/5/2018 at 9:33 PM, ghoulina said:

Gee, I wonder why Nova is going through a phase where she just wants mommy?

Maybe because mommy runs away every chance she gets and shows more interest in the kid she gave away. 

I was glad to see Tyler showing some growth when it comes to the situation. It seems that, even though he doesn't love it, he's realizing what his boundaries are. Cate, OTOH, thinks it's acceptable to text harass Teresa, and then wonders why they don't want to see her. 

Honestly wondering... why were they trying to force Nova to let her dad give her a bath and not her mom? It's not like Cate was busy. It seems like Tyler WANTS Nova to want him and if frustrated that she always wants her mom but I didn't really understand being so stubborn and not giving into her wishes at that time. 

On 11/5/2018 at 9:38 PM, Mr. Minor said:

I don’t want to sound mean Cate, but don’t ever text or call this fucking number again.

I wonder how many times they have considered changing their number. At the beginning they didn't even have B&T's number right? 

On 11/5/2018 at 11:38 PM, CaliforniaLove said:

Shut up Taylor's TTM coffee mug. I mean, coffee mugs really? And when did school start for Bentley? I would think August or September, but isn't Carly's birthday in May? Year round in TN, or wonky timeline?

I think they said Carly's bday was in June (Dawn gave her a June birthstone bracelet I think?) But they sometimes do wonky timelines. I'm not sure how year round works but schools that don't do it generally don't even get out of school until June.

20 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

I'm wondering if Carly didn't want to see Catelynn and Tyler...Theresa may have been trying to spare their feelings but Cate and Tyler are too f****** stupid to put two and two together and figure that out.

Honestly the kid probably doesn't care. She probably sees them as some distance relatives.

I'm usually not that hard at Tyler and Cate when they push their boundaries but them feeling insulted that Theresa told them they didn't need to worry was so incredibly off putting. and for the first time I will say - SHE IS NOT YOUR DAUGHTER. You do not get to know every aspect of her life. I think B&T fear the backlash of what will happen if they completely cut it off. They're probably hoping the show will die off soon and then they can do it. 

  • Love 6
21 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

I'm wondering if Carly didn't want to see Catelynn and Tyler...Theresa may have been trying to spare their feelings but Cate and Tyler are too f****** stupid to put two and two together and figure that out.

I did consider that. The way Teresa was phrasing it, talking about Carly going through things and having different interests; I wondered if she's old enough now to understand a lot more about the situation and have a strong opinion on it.  Teresa has often tried to spare Cate's feelings. I wish the same could be said in reverse. 


1 hour ago, gunderda said:

Honestly wondering... why were they trying to force Nova to let her dad give her a bath and not her mom? It's not like Cate was busy. It seems like Tyler WANTS Nova to want him and if frustrated that she always wants her mom but I didn't really understand being so stubborn and not giving into her wishes at that time. 

I really think it was just about them proving who was in charge. Nothing more. I don't think it was the right time to take a stand, the right issue. Nova is clearly having issues with her mother abandoning her every 5 minutes. Let Cate give her a bath for crying out loud. 

  • Love 17
On 11/6/2018 at 1:27 PM, Dance4Life said:

Whaaaaat???  Did I hear correctly?  Ryan is gonna miss the baby’s birth?  He can’t even stay sober for that and then go to Rehab??  Does Ryan have another baby with another girl or am I thinking of another teen dad?

You are probably thinking of another POS "father" Adam. He actually  recently gave up his parental rights to Aubry's half sister (can't remember her name now). Best thing he ever did.

  • Love 8
19 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I distinctly remember   there was a scene maybe two seasons again where Cate revealed that B& T were done with the show and that Teresa asked her not discuss any details of their private conversations. So what does My Little Slug go and do, reveal details of her conversation with Teresa regarding a potential visit! I really  wish Carly's family would bite the bullet and as what Juno would say, " close her on up" or limit contact  to a written yearly update; no pictures, can't  trust them not to put them online.

Not only she discussed them she pretty much read their whole conversation! Is she that stupid? That is not a way to get their visit!  B and T are probably getting a backlash from C&T fans the last couple days. 

Catelyn ignoring the child she has at home while putting candles on birthday cake for the child she gave up... Nova is gonna go through all the abandonment issues that Catelyn is dealing with. (I doubt they put money away for Nova's future stays in treatments.) Did nobody tell her about all the harm she is causing her daughter when she runs away to the 2 months long "treatments"? Get intensive outpatient therapy where you live. You get to go do your treatment for 8 hours a day and then go back home and be a parent. 

Amber is disgusting selfish stupid ignorant bitch. She didn't even wait a minute after Kristina told her about her heartbreak with losing a child. She couldn't wait and be a decent person for once before she had to announce her miscarriage. One that nobody, not even the "new Matt", ever heard before. Right. We know you Amber! If it was true everyone would hear about it if not when it happened then the minute when you broke up with Matt. You wouldn't wait over a year to be able to play a victim and had everyone to feel sorry for you! 

And Kristina shouldn't replace Farrah on TM. Kristina should replace Amber.

  • Love 24

Kristina said she had a miscarriage, but described an ectopic pregnancy.  A fetus that implants in a fallopian tube will absolutely not survive, as well as endanger the mothers life, and action needs to be taken asap and often at a point when the fetus would be healthy if implanted in the womb.  It's important to not let it grow even a little bigger.  For that reason I'd bet that many women who have to deal with an ectopic pregnancy feel as though they terminated the pregnancy when they didn't necessarily want to.  I think that adds another layer of pain for certain women.  I'm not being dismissive of the pain of a miscarriage, I had one myself before my first child was born, but I would expect it's a somewhat different experience. 

  • Love 21

While Cheyenne is boring and annoying, I will give her this; she lets Cory be Ryder's dad and doesn't berate him on how he does everything.  The closest thing we've seen is when she asked him what Ryder eats at his house and then laughed when she said not to give her so many eggs for breakfast.  That's kind of a breath of fresh air for me.  I know women married to their babies fathers who can't let the dad do anything without telling them how to do it 'right'.  It's a pet peeve of mine.  I actually found a few things that worked better the way my husband did them.  *Gasp* I know.  Lol

Edited by eskimo
  • Love 21
23 minutes ago, Caracoa1 said:

I can't even begin to imagine the backlash Brandon and Teresa would suffer in their hometown from Tyler and Cate's delusional, psycho, uneducated fans if they ever closed Carly's adoption.

I mean.. I know nothing of any adoptions but I’m curious about how long do open adoptions stay open?

I mean obviously this situation is a different experience all within itself anyway regarding adoption, because even an open adoption isn’t as open as this situation is. This is super open what with it being followed and looked at for nine years and plus so I’m sure that makes it  it different and changes the circumstances.

And like I said.. I know nothing but is there a time frame normally? I mean sadly, everyone is correct that Brandon and Theresa will never be able to close it now. Or at least not until the series if officially over and even then they will have to wait it out until the superfans die down. 

  • Love 2

My MIL had an ectopic pregnancy decades ago.  It ruptured, she hemorrhaged, and it nearly killed her.  She had to have emergency surgery; she really thought her she'd die & leave her young kids without a mother.  It was absolutely a trauma & is still painful for her to talk about decades later. 

Poor Kristina.  She was probably not only worried about losing the pregnancy & the physical pain, but also about leaving the three girls motherless.   

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 21
36 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I mean.. I know nothing of any adoptions but I’m curious about how long do open adoptions stay open?

I mean obviously this situation is a different experience all within itself anyway regarding adoption, because even an open adoption isn’t as open as this situation is. This is super open what with it being followed and looked at for nine years and plus so I’m sure that makes it  it different and changes the circumstances.

And like I said.. I know nothing but is there a time frame normally? I mean sadly, everyone is correct that Brandon and Theresa will never be able to close it now. Or at least not until the series if officially over and even then they will have to wait it out until the superfans die down. 

Why would Brandon and Theresa give two fucks about what Cate and Tyler's super fans think? As someone noted, there was a time when Theresa really seemed to care about Cate and probably has left the adoption open to protect her "fragile" feelings. But as someone else also noted, they probably see and/or read about this fuckery on TV when the shows air and are like, no ma'am. Especially the horrific, neglectful way that Cate treats Nova. They do not want their child around all of C&T's dysfunction and after this week's episode, they may well shut it down.

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, politichick said:

Why would Brandon and Theresa give two fucks about what Cate and Tyler's super fans think?

Someone else I'm sure knows the specifics far better than me, but the last time Brandon & Theresa "angered" the precious Cate & Ty based on a decision made regarding communication/visits with Carly, "fans" found out where they lived, & where Brandon worked & were harassing them. I don't think they give a rat's ass what these people actually think of them, but they have suffered consequences based on Cate & Ty's opinions on what is best for THEIR daughter. 

  • Love 19
2 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Someone else I'm sure knows the specifics far better than me, but the last time Brandon & Theresa "angered" the precious Cate & Ty based on a decision made regarding communication/visits with Carly, "fans" found out where they lived, & where Brandon worked & were harassing them. I don't think they give a rat's ass what these people actually think of them, but they have suffered consequences based on Cate & Ty's opinions on what is best for THEIR daughter. 

Yeah that’s what I read. I think they fear for the repucussions on their safety and their children. 

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, 4Sibes Redux said:

I’m sure someone has asked this question at some point in the Teen Mom series airing. But is a price break at a rehab facility really called a “scholarship?”

I looked it up and rehab scholarships are offered at some facilities, however in the situation at hand I believe "scholarship" is code for MTV will mention or show the name of the rehab in exchange for free treatment. 

  • Love 9
On 11/5/2018 at 8:31 PM, FairyDusted said:

I don't believe her. I'm a bitch.

I don’t either. There’s no way Amber would’ve kept her mouth shut all this time if she really had a miscarriage. She would’ve jumped at the chance to scream it in the face of anyone questioning her “depression” or why she didn’t/doesn’t see Leah or to explain away any other bad behavior she has committed since that time. 

On 11/5/2018 at 9:37 PM, Linny said:

Catelynn and Tyler are just never going to get that they have no claim on Carly's life. This image they have of Carly and Nova bonding is both far-fetched and selfish, as they don't give any consideration to Carly's feelings or desires. Everything is about what Catelynn and Tyler want, the fulfilment of a happy family unit that never existed with Carly, with zero recognition that to her, they're nothing more than hazy acquaintances. Their mindset is always so locked on Carly that I truly don't think they understand that she lives her life without focusing on them at all. They're blind to the fact that Carly is more than her beginning, that she's a kid growing up with her own family and future, independent of Catelynn  and Tyler. Brandon and Teresa are her parents and should not be expected to offer up details and explanations about Carly's life to Catelynn and Tyler. It's not their place to know.

Especially since they feel free to broadcast it for all the world on this show. Imagine if Teresa had shared whatever issues (if there are any) Carly is going through - Catelynn would’ve thoughtlessly told MTV cameras all about it and we’d all know. Teresa, if nothing else, has to know that. Good for her for protecting her daughter’s privacy. Too bad Catelynn and Tyler don’t protect their own daughter the same way. It also can’t be good for Nova to be utterly confused about “celebrating” Carly’s birthday each year when she doesn’t even see or talk to Carly. Catelynn and Tyler are scary delusional to me with everything they do in regard to Carly.

On 11/6/2018 at 1:51 AM, mamadrama said:

And Bristol...yes, it IS odd that she is doing this show considering the fact that her stalker is legit and probably dangerous. Then again, she's been a part of how many reality shows now? At least 3-4 if you count her son being on Dancing with the Stars Junior. 


Let’s see, she’s had a stalker from 2008 on but decided to put herself (and her kid(s) out there on the following shows:

- Secret Life of the American Teenager in 2010 “playing a friend of the fictional character Amy, a 15-year-old who is dealing with an unexpected pregnancy”

- Dancing With the “Stars” in 2010. “Palin's success on the show attracted other negative attention, including death threats against her. In one instance, suspicious white powder was received by the show. The powder turned out to be harmless, but security on the show was tightened.” I know I’d keep going on more and more shows if I were receiving death threats and possible poison in the mail! 

- Sarah Palin’s Alaska in 2010, her mom’s reality show. 

- Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp in 2012. All about her personal life and son. 

- Dancing With the “Stars” again in 2012.

- Teen Mom in 2018 showcasing her whole life and family.

- Dancing With the “Stars” Juniors for her son in 2018. I’m sure she will appear, at least in the audience. 

So she’s been on 5 reality shows if you don’t count DWt”S” Juniors because I don’t know if she appears herself. And also the one CW drama she “acted” on. She also went on like, every talk show known to man in 2008/09 and has been in at least one music video. 

(Also, thank you for sharing the grim reality of your loss with everyone. ❤️)

On 11/6/2018 at 5:06 AM, bounnatalie said:

I too, was annoyed with Amber's "and back to me.." because her experience was very different than Christina's.

Especially in regard to the fact that Amber’s experience probably didn’t exist... I deleted that part of your post on accident but I totally agree that Kristina is super genuine, something lacking in most of the other cast members.

13 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Bristol is a) president of her mother's fan club--you should have seen her snotty, ungracious little self on Dancing With the Stars, smugly saying that her advancement in the competition was a "big middle finger to everyone who hates my mom" and b) almost certainly not well educated enough to know of the existence of Clement Atlee, much less his political stance.

My thoughts exactly. 

8 hours ago, ava111 said:

Nova is gonna go through all the abandonment issues that Catelyn is dealing with. (I doubt they put money away for Nova's future stays in treatments.) Did nobody tell her about all the harm she is causing her daughter when she runs away to the 2 months long "treatments"? Get intensive outpatient therapy where you live. You get to go do your treatment for 8 hours a day and then go back home and be a parent.

Tyler tried and Catelynn’s answer was literally, “she’ll manage.” Catelynn, a grown ass adult was going off to the spa to deal with her childhood issues, all the while ignoring the childhood issues she’s obviously setting her own daughter up for. The irony fucking burns. I bet April and AbandonmentDad thought Catelynn could “manage” as well while they fucked up her childhood. But we should all feel sorry for Catelynn because she can’t “manage” like she expects her toddler to.

1 hour ago, druzy said:

I looked it up and rehab scholarships are offered at some facilities, however in the situation at hand I believe "scholarship" is code for MTV will mention or show the name of the rehab in exchange for free treatment. 


Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 14

My opinion on the "miscarriages" (quotations are not meant for Kristina)...I don't believe Amber's, OR Cate's hands down. I do believe Maci for whatever reason, BUT...with all three of them (the three stooges!!!...drink), I don't really think that true or not, ANY of them was all that broken up about it. I think it made for a good excuse, and/or storyline for them.

Has anyone signed up to bring the Tito's vodka to our hell party? I got the Tito's. 

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, IgnoranceisBLISS said:

This times a million!! He turns everything into a blowup conversation. 

It seems like his perception/interpretations of things are off and he’s ready to assume the worst, at least with regard to Bristol and what he thinks she’s saying. I don’t like her at all but he’s definitely looking for things to be offended by whenever they speak.

  • Love 7

Tyler tried and Catelynn’s answer was literally, “she’ll manage.” Catelynn, a grown ass adult was going off to the spa to deal with her childhood issues, all the while ignoring the childhood issues she’s obviously setting her own daughter up for. 

If you watch each of these people in their 16 and Pregnant episodes, and then you watch them in the most recent episodes of Teen Mom 9 years later, you will notice very little in the way of growth or emotional maturation. They are, for the most part, right where they started. Education-wise, mentally, maturity-wise, they all seem stuck. They're going in a circle, but continuing to pump out more kids. They call reproduction and home purchases "growing up". But its not. Having sex and making money doesn't mean you're becoming an adult. None of them seem any better at making decisions than they were 9 years ago. Maci seems a bit more stable. She's the only one, and even she's not all that. And Gary seems to have stopped being a total train-wreck and become a half-way decent father. 


It seems like his perception/interpretations of things are off and he’s ready to assume the worst, at least with regard to Bristol and what he thinks she’s saying. I don’t like her at all but he’s definitely looking for things to be offended by whenever they speak.

I think Dakota has legitimate, serious PTSD. I think he really is mentally ill. I feel badly for him. But they should never have continued making babies when he had this kind of trouble coping.

Edited by Kellyee
  • Love 7

I don’t know why Bristol would allow the inside of her home to be shown on tv when she has a stalker. Why make it easier for him to plan an invasion into your home? I also thought you were not supposed to acknowledge stalkers because it just empowers them more. Why mention him at all? Let the police deal with it, not make it a segment on a tv show. 

I think if B & T were to suddenly tell Cate she could have Carly back to raise, Cate would treat her the same as Nova, I.e., it’s “rehab” time. Carly is the ideal because Cate isn’t raising her. Nova may be just as perfect, pretty and smart as Carly but she isn’t Carly, so doesn’t seem to be as important. Realistically, Carly will never be able to live up to Cate’s vision of her. She is likely a normal kid with normal kid issues but, to Cate, she will never be anything other than the only perfect person on Earth. 

Anyone else think Tyler just wanted to give Nova the bath because, if he didn’t do it, it wasn’t going to happen? My guess is that he does the heavy lifting even when Cate is home. 

  • Love 19
3 hours ago, Kellyee said:

And Gary seems to have stopped being a total train-wreck and become a half-way decent father. 

I think Dakota has legitimate, serious PTSD. I think he really is mentally ill. I feel badly for him. But they should never have continued making babies when he had this kind of trouble coping.


When was Gary ever a total train wreck? Especially compared to the rest of the cast. I think he’s always been a pretty good father. Am I forgetting something? I totally agree about Dakota.

3 hours ago, MerryMary said:

Thank you!  I'm laughing right now.

It really is a thing, though. Just google rehab scholarships and a bunch comes up. This is a site for people without insurance to find ways to get into rehab and they suggest asking about scholarships. https://luxury.rehabs.com/drug-rehab/rehab-without-insurance/ I know that here it was probably code for mtv paying but scholarships are a pretty normal thing for many rehabs to offer.

59 minutes ago, MakingBacon said:

I don’t know why Bristol would allow the inside of her home to be shown on tv when she has a stalker. Why make it easier for him to plan an invasion into your home? I also thought you were not supposed to acknowledge stalkers because it just empowers them more. Why mention him at all? Let the police deal with it, not make it a segment on a tv show. 

I think if B & T were to suddenly tell Cate she could have Carly back to raise, Cate would treat her the same as Nova, I.e., it’s “rehab” time. Carly is the ideal because Cate isn’t raising her. Nova may be just as perfect, pretty and smart as Carly but she isn’t Carly, so doesn’t seem to be as important. Realistically, Carly will never be able to live up to Cate’s vision of her. She is likely a normal kid with normal kid issues but, to Cate, she will never be anything other than the only perfect person on Earth. 

Anyone else think Tyler just wanted to give Nova the bath because, if he didn’t do it, it wasn’t going to happen? My guess is that he does the heavy lifting even when Cate is home. 

Alllllll of this. ?? ?? ?? 

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 12
22 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I mean.. I know nothing of any adoptions but I’m curious about how long do open adoptions stay open?

I mean obviously this situation is a different experience all within itself anyway regarding adoption, because even an open adoption isn’t as open as this situation is. This is super open what with it being followed and looked at for nine years and plus so I’m sure that makes it  it different and changes the circumstances.

And like I said.. I know nothing but is there a time frame normally? I mean sadly, everyone is correct that Brandon and Theresa will never be able to close it now. Or at least not until the series if officially over and even then they will have to wait it out until the superfans die down. 

B&T could close the whole thing up right now and there is nothing Cate and Tyler could do legally.  The paperwork they filled out which details their wishes for open adoption is not legally enforceable.  Carly is 100% B&T's kid and they don't HAVE to let her see anyone ever again.

The thing is - they did make an agreement to allow visits and pictures (sorry, pit-churs) here and there, so it would be really shitty of them to shut it all down.  

I remember when my friend was adopting and they decided on an open adoption, mostly just because they really wanted the baby.  So, my friend had to trust that the birth mom would actually give them the baby once she was born, since you can't legally adopt a baby until it is born, and the birth mom had to trust that once everything was legal and done, that my friend would still let her see the little girl.  

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

B&T could close the whole thing up right now and there is nothing Cate and Tyler could do legally.  The paperwork they filled out which details their wishes for open adoption is not legally enforceable.  Carly is 100% B&T's kid and they don't HAVE to let her see anyone ever again.

The thing is - they did make an agreement to allow visits and pictures (sorry, pit-churs) here and there, so it would be really shitty of them to shut it all down.  

I remember when my friend was adopting and they decided on an open adoption, mostly just because they really wanted the baby.  So, my friend had to trust that the birth mom would actually give them the baby once she was born, since you can't legally adopt a baby until it is born, and the birth mom had to trust that once everything was legal and done, that my friend would still let her see the little girl.  

At this point, I think it would make them good parents. Cate has manipulated them with her "PTSD" long enough.

  • Love 5

I sort of think they have "closed the adoption", but just aren't doing it officially so as not to incur "the wrath". Theresa's messages to Cate were VERY telling. "No, we already said don't call us, we'll call you. Do NOT come to us, we'll come to you. She is NOT your concern", etc. etc. They're done, but stringing them along, because at this point, besides going into witness protection, it's the only way to go. 

  • Love 22

It seems that Cate has forgotten that the image of her huddled against the door of their mini van clutching a blanket, ciggie in hand, sobbing, while telling Kim over the phone that she, “thought of every way I could kill myself today” on the way to a mental health facility was broadcast for all the world to see, INCLUDING Brandon and Teresa.   Um, bio mother or not, I’m going to guess that is not the type of person they want Carly exposed to.  Maybe they worry what Cate will say to her, or that she’ll break down in front of her.  Seriously, Catelynn continues to fuel the possibility of that open adoption being closed.  Brandon and Teresa have done what they promised and Cate and Tyler don’t have to wonder whether or not Carly is healthy, loved, and being well taken care of.  They know she’s happy and Carly knows them as her bio parents, time to gently close the adoption and let Carly decide for herself when she’s 18 if she wants to have any further contact with them.  

I understand Cate’s  mental health issues are real but having them filmed for money isn’t the best way to manage them.

 Catelynn should be focused on getting healthy both mentally and physically, not text stalking Teresa.  And Dawn needs to stop.  Just stop.  

Edited by Emmierose
  • Love 16

Jen and Larry make me absolutely sick to my stomach. They want to tell Bentley the entire truth and nothing but the truth without ever having broached the subject with his full time parent? That in and of itself could be quite damaging to a kid his age. Sure, don't hide what it is going on, but they are not his parent figures. They could very well be working to fuck him up, and I don't feel that they're bastions on raising a gerbil, much less a human being given the shit show that Ryan has proven to be. 

Someone needs to inform them that they aren't Bentley's parents; they need to respect Maci's parenting decisions unless Bentley's well being comes into question; and constantly undermining them on film can cost them any access at all should his mother choose to end those rights.

I guess not being on TM wasn't really an all or nothing thing now for Mac Truck now that the baby daddy is back in rehab with a "slip up", or as the rest of us in the real world call it, "full blown heroin addiction".  I know enough about people like them, and that scene with the three of them sitting in chairs, commiserating about Bentley's awful mother Maci for hours on end is a next to daily occurrence. They're all in denial and Ryan stands absolutely zero chance. Get Candy Finnegan or Jeff Vanvonderen in there to fix that shitshow up. Send them all off to Betty Ford clinics so they can learn how much they are all directly contributing to their loved one's disease.

Amber. GTFOH. I miscarried and if anyone I ever disclosed that to responded the way you did I would have walked you right out my front door, down the walk, and directly into traffic. Because, fuck you.

Cate and Tyler...JFC. I actually hope that B&T change their numbers and choose to send pictures via email intermittently for your own mental health and well being. I mean, that's mean, but it has been 9 years. They are not her parents, never have been. I know that sounds callous, but I can't imagine getting demanding messages like that after the bullshit they've pulled and caused directly and indirectly.

Bristol. DGAF because you're on a show for cash and putting your family at risk of a stalker. Ever hear about laying low and getting a job? She's not a stranger to plastic surgery, maybe change your face so that your jawline doesn't look like a shark gnawed on it and change your name. 

Cheyenne. Oh, lady. She is doing great as far as having a loving father for her daughter. I watch The Challenge. I feel like not enough time has passed between filming the series where they fell "in love" and had a kid, broke up, she fell in love again with a baby, and moved a fully grown man into her home. Shit, I waited 2 years myself and I didn't have a kid with someone else. She's young and I feel like they're all going to be okay. Bank that MTV money and get a job.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, knitta please said:

Jen and Larry make me absolutely sick to my stomach. They want to tell Bentley the entire truth and nothing but the truth without ever having broached the subject with his full time parent? That in and of itself could be quite damaging to a kid his age. Sure, don't hide what it is going on, but they are not his parent figures. They could very well be working to fuck him up, and I don't feel that they're bastions on raising a gerbil, much less a human being given the shit show that Ryan has proven to be. 

Someone needs to inform them that they aren't Bentley's parents; they need to respect Maci's parenting decisions unless Bentley's well being comes into question; and constantly undermining them on film can cost them any access at all should his mother choose to end those rights.

I guess not being on TM wasn't really an all or nothing thing now for Mac Truck now that the baby daddy is back in rehab with a "slip up", or as the rest of us in the real world call it, "full blown heroin addiction".  I know enough about people like them, and that scene with the three of them sitting in chairs, commiserating about Bentley's awful mother Maci for hours on end is a next to daily occurrence. They're all in denial and Ryan stands absolutely zero chance. Get Candy Finnegan or Jeff Vanvonderen in there to fix that shitshow up. Send them all off to Betty Ford clinics so they can learn how much they are all directly contributing to their loved one's disease.

Amber. GTFOH. I miscarried and if anyone I ever disclosed that to responded the way you did I would have walked you right out my front door, down the walk, and directly into traffic. Because, fuck you.

Cate and Tyler...JFC. I actually hope that B&T change their numbers and choose to send pictures via email intermittently for your own mental health and well being. I mean, that's mean, but it has been 9 years. They are not her parents, never have been. I know that sounds callous, but I can't imagine getting demanding messages like that after the bullshit they've pulled and caused directly and indirectly.

Bristol. DGAF because you're on a show for cash and putting your family at risk of a stalker. Ever hear about laying low and getting a job? She's not a stranger to plastic surgery, maybe change your face so that your jawline doesn't look like a shark gnawed on it and change your name. 

Cheyenne. Oh, lady. She is doing great as far as having a loving father for her daughter. I watch The Challenge. I feel like not enough time has passed between filming the series where they fell "in love" and had a kid, broke up, she fell in love again with a baby, and moved a fully grown man into her home. Shit, I waited 2 years myself and I didn't have a kid with someone else. She's young and I feel like they're all going to be okay. Bank that MTV money and get a job.

Yes! Thank you! Someone else who thinks her neck looks whack! It’s like she has no skin under her jawline. It freaks me out!  

  • Love 2

After watching another episode where Cate and Tyler are fixated on Carly and basically harassing the adoptive parents about seeing her, I am convinced that these open adoptions are problematic. If I was adopting a child, no way would I want an open adoption after seeing how these two continue try to exert control over Carly and badger this couple for visitation. If they cared about Carly they would allow her to live her life and for her adoptive parents to raise her their way. Cate was bordering on stalking with non stop text messages and nagging. I'm sure Teresa and Brandon are full of regret for agreeing to this arrangement. When she's 18 she can decide whether she wants to see or know her bio parents...its only nine years away. Leave them alone Cate and pay more attention to the child you have and the child that's on the way.

I too do not believe Amber about a miscarriage. She is so needy of attention she would say anything to get more attention. Kristina is such a nice person...and a good step mom to Leah.

The whole Maci storyline that involves Bentley wanting to go to private school seems scripted and desperate. Maci and Taylor have no storyline anymore unless it involves Ryan's addiction or Ryan's parents meddling in where Bentley goes to school. And I agree with others on here...why is Mac on the show? She quit and was quite bitter about it BTW...she trashed MTV for wanting to film and talk about Ryan's addiction and then she goes on the show talking about Ryan's addiction! Buh? 

Bristol scared of a stalker but is on a show that advertises in bold print where she lives and that she is single again...is this Palin family stupid or what?

Cheyenne...ugh no story here except her scripted drama with her baby daddy and boyfriend.

Show has become a yawn fest....time to end it and move on MTV.

  • Love 13

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