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S04.E01: American Alien


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Diving back into reporting, Kara welcomes a new cub reporter to CatCo. Meanwhile, James and Lena argue about James' impending indictment for acting as the vigilante Guardian, while Alex and Brainy struggle to get in sync at the DEO. Supergirl is called into action when remnants of the anti-alien terrorist organization Cadmus try to assassinate pro-alien leaders, but their endgame turns out to be much more sinister than she expected. J'onn relishes his peaceful new life, but an outing with an old friend causes him concern.

Original airdate 10/14/2018


This was definitely the weakest premiere they had for a variety of reasons. I guess I should start off with that.

I don't mind Brainy, but I think I miss Winn enough where it's affected my current opinion of Brainy. I didn't mind his scenes with Alex, but there were several times where I felt like Chyler Leigh's acting was off, in the sense that she was emulating Brainy's way of talking in one scene.

Some very clunky dialogue, more so than usual. Of course Kara is dismissing J'onn's rightful concerns about aliens being attacked. I'm glad she feels like things are getting better, but J'onn is right in that Supergirl looks human so it helps. I'm glad Alex got to knock some sense into her, and at least Kara made it clear that she could believe it but didn't want to because she wanted to remain happy. Melissa's acting this episode was on point, in that sense. She was a bit softer in her tone and not AS stubborn as she usually is.

Nia was decent. Her first scene was too Kara-esque but they toned it down halfway through the episode, which was good.

It was nice to see Lillian again. I like the reveal that Lena plays chess with her in prison. 

The villains were introduced, I guess. I'm not sure how I feel yet.

Overall, this premiere didn't grab me in the ways that the other three have, so I'm going to have to wait and see, or rewatch the episode later.

  • Love 4

What did James think he did to have his charges dropped? Early in the episode he said Lena was handling the case. 

When did the world get so much better to Kara that she can ignore the hate crime? It took a few minutes listening to the chatter on the dark web to change her mind.

Alex couldn’t hire a real assistant? It didn't feel right to have her talked down to Brainy. I guess his makeup costs too much.

It was an ok premiere, started very very very promising but then just took a nose dive throughout the hour.

Kara's was so happy which was a refreshing thing to see.  Supes knows about Argo?!?! About time. And he's off world so we dont have to worry about questioning why he's not around should anything big happen.

Still not sure why James had to out himself as Guardian. They couldn't set him and Lena up for a breakup more clearly could they? She secretly gets him off the hook and he finds out via tv? Does he not have a lawyer?

It is nice to get an update on Sam/Ruby, one season characters are usually forgotten about so I'm glad they remembered them.

I kind of wish that Aliens werent already soooo integrated into this world when the show began so they could tackle that storyline better. Though we already went through this whole storyline with Cadmus and Lillian. Why are we doing this all over again?

Mercy! She is already giving me HBIC feels. I was in love with her work with her brother but then they had to turn them into Alien racists and they just became slightly less interesting.


J'onn always ends up in storylines that just don't catch my attention. Now J'onn is a pacifist who wont help protect the very people he's been concerned about this entire episode? Why do the writers hate J'onn??

Brainie is single white male-ing Winn. But they eliminated that really quickly.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, bettername2come said:

I'm weirdly happy that President Lynda Carter has been outed as an alien. She's a good president, but clearly ineligible for the position. 

Yup, and that raises a huge list of questions, most of which probably aren't going to be addressed on the show.  Does this mean every action she took (appointments, executive orders, signed laws) is now null and void?  Will every senior official be hooked up to a polygraph to see if they knowingly aided this deception?  Whomever she beat in the election has legitimate grounds to claim they should be the president (you can't really lose to an ineligible candidate, can you?).  Can you imagine the firestorm if Trump/Obama/etc. had been proven to be ineligible for office?

I did appreciate J'onn telling Kara point blank that she lucked out as an alien who looks completely human but he could have gone further.  Not only does she look human but she's an attractive white female, and Superman is an attractive white man.  They hit the jackpot. 

  • Love 14
2 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

Yup, and that raises a huge list of questions, most of which probably aren't going to be addressed on the show.  Does this mean every action she took (appointments, executive orders, signed laws) is now null and void?  Will every senior official be hooked up to a polygraph to see if they knowingly aided this deception?  Whomever she beat in the election has legitimate grounds to claim they should be the president (you can't really lose to an ineligible candidate, can you?).  Can you imagine the firestorm if Trump/Obama/etc. had been proven to be ineligible for office?

The 25th Amendment makes clear who succeeds a president who was found after the fact to be Constitutionally ineligible to hold office.  The Vice-President (provided he -- or she -- is Constitutionally eligible) automatically assumes the office of President. Barring that, the Speaker of the House would be next in line.  That's how the law of succession plays out so that it DOESN'T become a political free-for-all devolving into the American version of the War of the Roses.

  • Love 7

I actually liked this premiere better than last years. It did set up some possibly interesting plots. There were flaws as always but it's a promising start to the season.

I miss Winn but I like Brainy, Jesse Rath is a charming actor. 

I liked seeing Alex get an action moment. I hope she continues to at least occasionally get out on the field.  

I liked Nia. Nicole Maines did quite well for someone with relatively little acting experience. 


Now J'onn is a pacifist who wont help protect the very people he's been concerned about this entire episode? Why do the writers hate J'onn??

I think his story has potential but that was a little annoying.

Edited by Oreo2234
  • Love 10

So, President Lynda Carter has been outed as an alien. Honestly, it might be for the best. Unless she is actually the child of aliens who was born in the US, she is clearly not eligible to be president, and thats not even getting into the fact that she hid a HUGE secret from the whole country, which isnt a great thing for a leader. But, this will also probably be a huge mess and create more tensions between aliens and humans, so its not a great situation either way. 

The premiere was alright. It all seems to be doing stuff that the show has already done, with some minor twists. Jimmy angsts about Guardian, CADMUS quotes anti-immigrant rhetoric and is evil, Kara just kind of fly's around reacting to stuff, etc. At least Alex made it through an episode without mentioning wanting to be a mom!

I really wish we had seen aliens gradually being integrated into society more. We hear that they are known to exist but face prejudice, but we dont really see much of how they actually live. When did the public at large find out about them? Are most people cool with them? Can they legally become citizens? How does that work? If they want to keep doing this CADMUS stuff, we need a bit of background! 

I miss Winn. I like Brainy, but I miss Winn a lot. I guess his and Alex's plot was to serve the purpose of getting us used to his absence, but I am still not over it. 

So, not awful or anything, but kind of meh. But, it had some good bits, the acting was strong, so its still nice to have the show back.

  • Love 8

I had a good time watching this.. Enjoyed J'onn checking Kara for being a bit delusional about how happy ppl are about aliens.. Glad that she fixed her opinion I also liked how freaked out she was that these were the ppl ahead was saving... Everyday folks who otherwise I assume are good hardworking Americans... Had they not shown Red Son Supergirl I woulda forgot that she was still gonna be on the show 

  • Love 2

"Supergirl: For Those Who Don't Watch Black Lightning, But Desire A Sledgehammer To The Nether Regions."

Of course Kara wouldn't think there would be an undercurrent of anti-alien sentiment. After all, everyone in the world (or at least the parts we saw) loves her. At least she has a semblance of a clue now, but we got Mercy and Agent Liberty (what, Conduit was booked for next year?) ready to stoke the flames of rage. Also, another Supergirl ready to mess things up even harder. I get that Kara wants some semblance of peace . . . no massive villain to fight, none of her friends being endangered, no going over to that other Earth and their hundreds of characters . . . but it's a little naive. Or maybe I feel that way because the reality I live in has become more of a parody of itself as usual.

Is it weird that I thought Brainy was trying to look like Cisco? Must be the long hair. Of course, he's a pain in the ass. Hasn't that been the way for most versions of Brainiac 5? Other seem so slow to him, and he gets too annoyed. I'm guessing his image inducer is always on, because the alternative calls for a few hours of makeup.

President Lynda Carter is outed as an alien. Man, the fecal is gonna hit the fan so hard.

  • Love 4

I enjoyed that! I had my expectations low after the Flash disappointed me but I thought this was a solid premiere.

Love the Lena and Lillian scenes. I hope it's not a once off and they have more of those two.

I liked the Brainy and Alex conflict as well and their talk at the end. I adore Brainy so I am very pleased he's here this season. 

Nice little scene with James and Kara at the beginning. I do wonder what they will have for James to do though. Everyone seems to have a solid role but I'm not sure of their plans for him.

Mia might be the new (less annoying) "youngun" Ruby plot this season. 

Over all good stuff! Makes me feel like I want to watch the rest of the season! 

  • Love 5

Is precognition one of Supergirl's powers now ?  How did she know that the train bridge was going to collapse ?

Saving National City from meteor impacts and train disasters I get -- but art theft ?  Really ?

Supes is on an extended stay on Argo ?  Why ?

Hopefully that is last we have seen or heard of Sam and Ruby -- since they are all the way over in Metropolis.

Kara gets taken down by an acoustic device ...... again ? FFS !

Kara sitting in the middle of that fake crater was hilarious.  It was just bad cheap prop rocks piled on the ground.

Wow !! I completely forgot about doppelganger Supergirl.  At least we now know that the Siberian border from the end of last season was the border with Kaznia.
Though it's been a couple of days since Kara stopped that train, so how is the ice still intact ?

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, bettername2come said:

Also enjoyed seeing what's her name from The Good Place. 

Hi, Vicky from The Good Place, Bye Vicky from The Good Place.

3 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

It is nice to get an update on Sam/Ruby, one season characters are usually forgotten about so I'm glad they remembered them.

Let's put Sam/Ruby in the past along with Alex's baby adopting fetish.

Why did they subtitle the Spanish language but not what the the people of Kasnia said?

Why would James and Kara feel the need to talk about being Supergirl when everybody around you is holding a microphone?

Did anyone else think the Mercy villain looked like Melania Trump?

Does anybody else see a problem with anybody being able to purchase an image inducer, where anybody can look like anybody else or look completely different than what they really look like.

Why are the Russians sneaking into Kasnia. Wouldn't her heat vision work better and faster than SuperCommieGirl's fists.

40 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Fixed it... 

Prob same problem they had with Gabby Dawson.. Or Maggie on Greys.. Or the new Charmed Girls.. Or Dolls on Wynonna... Its never one thing.. Its just the characters irk ppl for "some" reason

I would go to other places to read reviews and in the comments it's like they are reading from the same script when it comes to James/Gaurdian. Of course it happens here as well. How dare James be a hero and help people.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, bettername2come said:

Also enjoyed seeing what's her name from The Good Place. 


6 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

Hi, Vicky from The Good Place, Bye Vicky from The Good Place.

I also know Tiya Sircar as the voice of Sabine Wren on Star Wars: Rebels. Great seeing her but her British accent is almost as bad as the "Australian accent" Vicky wanted to use playing "Denise" in The Good Place!

Count me also glad President Lynda Carter was outed as an alien. It never sat right to me she was both not a natural born citizen(automatcally disqualifying for the position) and lying constantly to the American people. It made her taking a moral stand so hypocritical.

I miss Winn but I like Brainy and am glad he and Alex had that talk.


I thought it was a good set-up for the stories they're doing the season. They clearly have a plan; let's see if they can execute it well. There seem to be a lot of components to this season.

I appreciated that they gave some explanations for why Superman and J'onn will be missing from action scenes.

Did not like Kara sassing her Space Dad, so it helped that she got proven wrong.

Loved seeing James and Lena still together! But of course, Lena's meddling will come back and wreck things. But I feel that if they break up it will be temporary; mainly because they're the only steady romantic relationship on the show right now.

Wow! Kara, James, and other people doing their jobs! People actually working at Catco again!

I get that the main threat this season is going to be bigger than Agent Liberty himself, but he doesn't seem that scary now.

Edited by Trini
  • Love 4

Aww, man, Vicky's already been sent back to The Bad Place!  I got all excited when I saw Tiya Sircar's name, so of course it was just an one and done episode for her.  At least she got to use a British accent this, compared to her (purposely) bad Australian in that one episode of The Good Place!

Glad to see Supergirl is back doing what it does best: tackling politics and social issues with the subtly of a sledgehammer.  Really, the show means well and I appreciate it, but I still giggle when there are moments like the big dramatic reveal into commercial break where Kara learns the horrible truth that their are horrible, racist people out there!  On the internet!!  Granted, there are days I wish I could be as naive as her on that front, but it still makes her come off sheltered.  But, hey, I guess everyone has flaws.  Barry keeps fucking up the timeline.  Oliver has a bad case of always blaming himself for every little thing and pushing people away.  And Kara is just an privileged alien, who needs to learn the harsh truths about this world.  Get woke, Supergirl!

Not surprised that Lena got drawn back into her mother's world in order to save James.  Equally unsurprised that Lillian would quickly go from shock to being proud when she found out her daughter was using her.  Oh, those crazy Luthors!

Still miss Winn, but I'm enjoying Alex and Brainy.

What's the over, under, before J'onn drops the peace act and starts kicking ass?  I guessing Fiona's death will be the catalyst.

Whelp, President Lynda Carter has been exposed.  That can't be good.  My prediction?  Morgan Edge is going to return and they're just going make him a full-blown Trump-like character, who tries to be President.

Looks like the Bad Guys this season are Racist Rhona Mirta and some masked dude voiced (and played?) by Sam Witwer.  Fun! 

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

I did appreciate J'onn telling Kara point blank that she lucked out as an alien who looks completely human but he could have gone further.  Not only does she look human but she's an attractive white female, and Superman is an attractive white man.  They hit the jackpot. 

This was a point that was brought up back in S1 (the episode where J'onn impersonates Kara). I thought it was handled better back then, and was kind of surprised that Supergirl seemed oblivious to the matter in this episode (then again, they always seem to write her with blinders on when it doesn't serve the plot).

Not sure what the point was of kidnapping the empathic alien and tying her up, only to end up apparently killing her once she woke up. Well, other than to display to the audience just how eeeeevil our bad guys are. 

Looks like the writers have definitely decided to push Lena into villainous territory, even if she is only taking baby steps. Which is too bad, because I like her and her friendship with Kara (and Supergirl, before they kibbutzed that last season). 

Brainy wasn't as annoying this episode as he was last season. I feel like they toned him down a bit, since he isn't competing with Winn for socially challenged nerd time. I still miss Winn, though.  

I used to really enjoy Rhona Mitra when she was on The Practice and then on Boston Legal (before that show became a rotating cast of characters and descended into a caricature of itself). She seemed like she was sleepwalking through this, though.

Edited by Cthulhudrew
  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Trini said:

I appreciated that they gave some explanations for why Superman and J'onn will be missing from action scenes.

And...the writers continue to contort themselves into pretzels explaining why the two most powerful heroes (depending on how you rank Kara) will never be available when the shit really hits the fan.  I'm really trying to stick with this show, but TPTB are making it extremely difficult.

6 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

Does anybody else see a problem with anybody being able to purchase an image inducer, where anybody can look like anybody else or look completely different than what they really look like.

More than that, they're stealing from X-Men comics now?  I believe either Professor X or Forge created an image inducer back in the late 70s or early 80s so that Nightcrawler could go about in public without scaring people.  Different universe so I guess it doesn't count, lol.

6 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

I miss Winn but I like Brainy and am glad he and Alex had that talk.

4 hours ago, Trini said:

Did not like Kara sassing her Space Dad, so it helped that she got proven wrong.

Boy, even though they don't share DNA the Danvers sisters can really be bitchy to folks who are on their side.  J'onn didn't deserve that attitude from Kara, nor did Brainy from Alex.  Speaking of which - Alex?  Brainy is like the most brilliant being on Earth, try showing that asset some kind of respect.  Also - Kara?  Your Cousin outright said that J'onn is the most powerful being on the planet, keep that in mind the next time your impulsive, immature ass gets in a serious jam.  Yikes, I'm not sure why these girls even have friends. heh.

36 minutes ago, ApathyMonger said:

I enjoyed it, though I groaned when I remembered James/Lena was still a thing.

That pain will be short lived; James will probably find out about Lena's meddling around episode 3 or 4 and that relationship will be done.

Despite all that was wrong, this episode wasn't horrible, and it does seem like the showrunners are at least trying to do better this season.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Trini said:

I thought it was a good set-up for the stories they're doing the season. They clearly have a plan; let's see if they can execute it well. There seem to be a lot of components to this season.

I appreciated that they gave some explanations for why Superman and J'onn will be missing from action scenes.

Did not like Kara sassing her Space Dad, so it helped that she got proven wrong.

Loved seeing James and Lena still together! But of course, Lena's meddling will come back and wreck things. But I feel that if they break up it will be temporary; mainly because they're the only steady romantic relationship on the show right now.

Wow! Kara, James, and other people doing their jobs! People actually are working at Catco again!

I get that the main threat this season is going to be bigger than Agent Liberty himself, but he doesn't seem that scary now.

Yea James and Lena will have some ups and downs but I think they will stay together in the long run. Unless Lena goes evil that is.

50 minutes ago, ApathyMonger said:

I enjoyed it, though I groaned when I remembered James/Lena was still a thing.

I wasn't a huge fan of Brainiac last season, but I thought he worked well here.

What's your problem with James and Lena? They are the only stable couple on the show. Once again I don't get it, He can't be with Kara or Lena and people have a problem with him being Gaurdian so what is the guy supposed be doing?

Edited by mommalib
  • Love 3

We saw some of what James could and in my opinion should be doing in this episode: running CatCo and being a friend to Kara. 

I don't really have an issue with James being Guardian per se, but it has not been all that well executed. In the context of heroes who can bend steel and read minds and create super high-tech, what does Guardian do with his black belt and shield that they cannot? Indeed, what can he do that a well-trained DEO agent cannot? Every subplot that Guardian's been involved in IMO has been at least somewhat boring. The "Will the DA prosecute him for his vigilanteism?" and "Will he find out that Lena pulled strings so he won't be prosecuted?" from the latest episode are two examples. 

  • Love 4

It had some of the usual Supergirly flaws and in your faceness but after being so frustrated with last season, this was okay.

Supergirl was starting to get annoying but they managed to dial it back and frame it in a way where it's acknowledged she's wrong, realizes why she reacted that way and that's she's also a person with flaws. So that was better than last season.

Lena was my favorite Lena: manipulative for the greater good.

Did they just come up with a reason to get rid of Guardian. Yay!

8 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

Does anybody else see a problem with anybody being able to purchase an image inducer, where anybody can look like anybody else or look completely different than what they really look like.

Yes, yes, I did. I'm also pretty sure that Supergirl is going to ignore all of the potential consequences of this.

Even a brief line suggesting that you have to purchase a license to have one, or have it prescribed, might have helped. 

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Supes is on an extended stay on Argo ?  Why ?

Because he has an aunt there who is his only other living relative and who is also a more direct link to his parents than Kara is, and because Argo itself is the last existing remnant of his native Kryptonian heritage. Of course he's not going to pass up an opportunity to get to know Alura and to discover more about his biological parents and his native culture and history from the people who have the clearest and best memories of both.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, quarks said:

Yes, yes, I did. I'm also pretty sure that Supergirl is going to ignore all of the potential consequences of this.

Even a brief line suggesting that you have to purchase a license to have one, or have it prescribed, might have helped. 

I actually thought the Graves siblings would have ended up using them to pose as SS agents rather than just stealing a couple of DEO uniforms off of two agents.  Maybe they can only project one preset image and have some sort of biometric key so only the intended user can use it.  Otherwise that's a massive security risk.

By the way, shouldn't James be worried about retribution since he's been outed?  Or is being Superman's best buddy supposed to protect him from payback?

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

By the way, shouldn't James be worried about retribution since he's been outed?  Or is being Superman's best buddy supposed to protect him from payback?

I wondered that too... Also wondered why Lillian Luthor didn't have anything to say about her daughter dating James who is besties with supes and probably  assisted in Lex  going to jail and is super close to Supergirl as well

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, Cthulhudrew said:

This was a point that was brought up back in S1 (the episode where J'onn impersonates Kara). I thought it was handled better back then, and was kind of surprised that Supergirl seemed oblivious to the matter in this episode (then again, they always seem to write her with blinders on when it doesn't serve the plot).

That's why Kara's attitude frustrated me. She shouldn't be that surprised that Earth people can accept her but not other aliens when she already knew why through her past conversation with J'onn.

J'onn himself was frustrating when he decided that he can't fight alongside Supergirl and put himself out there anymore.

Other than that, I thought it was a good premiere. Nia and Brainy are likable additions. All they need to do is tone down the 'quirkiness'.

I liked Lena protecting James.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

We saw some of what James could and in my opinion should be doing in this episode: running CatCo and being a friend to Kara. 

I don't really have an issue with James being Guardian per se, but it has not been all that well executed. In the context of heroes who can bend steel and read minds and create super high-tech, what does Guardian do with his black belt and shield that they cannot? Indeed, what can he do that a well-trained DEO agent cannot? Every subplot that Guardian's been involved in IMO has been at least somewhat boring. The "Will the DA prosecute him for his vigilanteism?" and "Will he find out that Lena pulled strings so he won't be prosecuted?" from the latest episode are two examples. 

So your saying James has a place and he should stay in it? And your saying that because James isn't an alien, superhuman, or some tech geek that he can't contribute and help people in his own way? The best best thing about James being Gaurdian is that he's a regular guy who is willing to go out and risk his life to keep people safe.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

Because he has an aunt there who is his only other living relative and who is also a more direct link to his parents than Kara is, and because Argo itself is the last existing remnant of his native Kryptonian heritage. Of course he's not going to pass up an opportunity to get to know Alura and to discover more about his biological parents and his native culture and history from the people who have the clearest and best memories of both.

I knew that from last season, but remember they went through that whole sappy going away party for Kara at the DEO before she went to Argo, possibly for a long, long time -- only to return a couple of days later.  And Kara appears to have never gone back to Argo since Reign's defeat.

Superman should have be gone for the weekend at the most.

31 minutes ago, Dobian said:

I fear the main plot this season is going to be a ham-fisted commentary on American immigration policy, as this show has a history of making ham-fisted political commentaries.  Oh,, and Lynda Carter still looks great.

Isn't it also how we Americans have always dealt with an influx of new peoples from elsewhere... We weren't kind to the Irish or the Scots the Italians Germans various Asians not too good with Jewish folks.. The masses have always blamed loss of jobs on whoever is new.. Makes logical sense that if we had aliens living among us that those inclined to always blame the new ppl or the "other" would react the way that the ppl in the chat rooms were acting

  • Love 5

I miss Winn! He ended being the only aspect of the show I still liked by the end of last season, so I’m really sorry he’s gone. I did enjoy Brainy more than I expected, and am glad to see Jesse Rath getting a chance to shine (though somehow I’m always surprised that he doesn’t look like a Castithan!)

Anyone here watch Face Off? It was a reality competition show about special effects makeup artists, and once an episode they would bring in veteran/expert makeup artist Michael Westmore to advise the contestants. And whenever they would ignore his advice because they thought they knew better, they’d pay for it. “Listen to Michael Westmore!” I’d yell at my tv. I say this because J’onn is the Michael Westmore of this show, and Kara, I’m telling you - listen to your Michael Westmore! You don’t actually know everything - I realize this probably sounds shocking to you, but seriously. When J’onn gives you advice, please listen.

Alex’s strange hairstyle hurts my eyes :(

Looks like another meh season this year.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Isn't it also how we Americans have always dealt with an influx of new peoples from elsewhere... We weren't kind to the Irish or the Scots the Italians Germans various Asians not too good with Jewish folks.. The masses have always blamed loss of jobs on whoever is new.. Makes logical sense that if we had aliens living among us that those inclined to always blame the new ppl or the "other" would react the way that the ppl in the chat rooms were acting

It's more that a dumbed down CW DC show reduces the topic to evil bigoted humans who want to kill all aliens.  A more sophisticated show would tackle this incredibly complicated issue with the many valid concerns it would raise, such as aliens having powers that not only make them dangerous to humans but could give them the ability to overthrow governments, and aliens introducing all kinds of new diseases that could wipe out humanity.  I'd rather Supergirl just stick with the comic superhero stuff and leave the social issues to shows better equipped to handle them.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, mommalib said:

So your saying James has a place and he should stay in it? And your saying that because James isn't an alien, superhuman, or some tech geek that he can't contribute and help people in his own way? The best best thing about James being Gaurdian is that he's a regular guy who is willing to go out and risk his life to keep people safe.

No, I'm not saying that James "has a place and he should stay in it" or that he "can't contribute and help people in his own way." 

What I am saying is that up till now, the writers have not particularly handled the Guardian arc well (same as how they have mishandled lots of things, from Alex's baby rabies to Mon-El to Kara's not using her powers to chase people when the plot "demands it" and so on.) and that the way they have set up the near future of that arc, I foresee more of the same. I am not really interested in James deciding to put himself in danger of criminal indictment by being Guardian in the future, or in James-Lena drama when James learns that Lena brokered a deal to prevent him from being prosecuted. 

I am also saying that Guardian is not well suited to go up against the likes of Reign, Daxamites, etc. that Supergirl regularly fights. So the writers are caught in a dilemma of either portraying Guardian as unrealistically going toe-to-toe with those kinds of threats or having Guardian go up against the street level type villains in a story that is largely unrelated to the main plots. Now, with this season being about these anti-alien bigots with tech, maybe Guardian is better positioned than he had been. I guess we'll see. 

What I am also saying is that Jimmy has a strong potential role as Kara's boss and friend that has been underexplored. In this episode, the scene where he pointed out that she was channelling Kat was one of the stronger scenes he's been in. I'd be up for more of that.

4 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Isn't it also how we Americans have always dealt with an influx of new peoples from elsewhere... We weren't kind to the Irish or the Scots the Italians Germans various Asians not too good with Jewish folks.. The masses have always blamed loss of jobs on whoever is new.. Makes logical sense that if we had aliens living among us that those inclined to always blame the new ppl or the "other" would react the way that the ppl in the chat rooms were acting

One big difference: the threat from the aliens in Supergirl are real. In just the last three years, two sets of Kryptonians and one set of Daxamites have sought to take over the planet. And that's not even factoring in numerous other threats other aliens have presented on smaller scales. I think it's somewhat of a miracle that anti-alien sentiment isn't off the charts. 

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2 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

big difference: the threat from the aliens in Supergirl are real. In just the last three years, two sets of Kryptonians and one set of Daxamites have sought to take over the planet. And that's not even factoring in numerous other threats other aliens have presented on smaller scales. I think it's somewhat of a miracle that anti-alien sentiment isn't off the charts. 

I agree... And I mean Lillian and Morgan Edge and even Max Lord... All warned supes and the world that aliens are dangerous.. Now lots more aliens live peacefully than are trying to destroy it all... But I get some humans anger and now that they know the president was/is an alien maybe some of those Conversations will happen... But it'll still boil down to.. Humans hyped up on hate ready to hurt ALL aliens.. Whether they deserve it or not

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