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S06.E03: I'm Also a Boat Captain!

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Rhylee's outburst with Chandler puts her at odds with the Deck Team; Kate and Josiah comfort Caroline after she receives devastating news from home; Captain Lee and the crew have their work cut out for them when a disgruntled charter guest arrives.

Airs October 16, 2018.

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Josiah is about as comforting as asbestos and Kate has never been the tender type, good luck Caroline

Also, touchy subject, but it seems that we have had a disproportionate amount of 'bad news from home' with this franchise. Chef Adrian lost his Dad 2 months ago. Nico lost his brother. Someone else (female stew) lost a grandmother during a charter and I am pretty sure I remember another female stew having lost someone during a charter in the early days. Just sayin. 

Edited by queenjen
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23 hours ago, queenjen said:

Josiah is about as comforting as asbestos and Kate has never been the tender type, good luck Caroline

I'm getting the sense that Josiah is one of those people who feels like it's ok for him to be a snarky dickbag as long as it's occasionally funny and because he's gay. That's not to say that Caroline isn't exhausting.


Also, touchy subject, but it seems that we have had a disproportionate amount of 'bad news from home' with this franchise. Chef Adrian lost his Dad 2 months ago. Nico lost his brother. Someone else (female stew) lost a grandmother during a charter and I am pretty sure I remember another female stew having lost someone during a charter in the early days. Just sayin. 


Bugsy of Below Deck: Med lost her grandmother a couple of days into filming. Connie, a deck hand from Below Deck season 3, lost her father in the middle of the season. They had a very contentious relationship because he had abandoned their family when she was younger. That's not implying that she wasn't upset, but that she was clearly conflicted.

Edited by HunterHunted
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I am sick of that CORE water, product placement.  I’ve never seen anything like that in previous seasons.

I feel sorry for Caroline.  That is a tough thing to deal when your there with them, much less worrying from a distance.

Rhylee really has a Resting B Face.  Who ordered anal beads from provisions??  I was typing...

Edited by Emmeline
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3 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

I am sick of that CORE water product placement.  I’ve never seen anything like that in previous seasons.

Lol...during the hurricane someone brought some of that brand to my house because it was the only water left that they could find. I still have 4 of the 6 bottles in my fridge. Alkaline water. 

I guess I’ll have to drink one for the team. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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Chandler is way too introverted for a Bosun.    He doesn’t know how to manage people who don’t want to be managed.  I’m glad that Ross is saying something to the Captain but I also think he was over reacting on the tender.


Caroline needs anxiety meds and a shrink, stat. Kate and Josiah are not going through be able to comfort her, nor should they really have to.

Edited by scenicbyway
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10 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Caroline. Poor girl. Sounded like she was having a panic attack. I don't know if working a charter is the best job for someone like her. 

We seem to get a token anxiety queen every season. How about giving us great workers who make us jealous (of what a super cruise looks like) that it’s not us who is onboard? 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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I'm always jealous that I'm not onboard regardless of who is in the crew.

I missed all but the last minute so I have no idea why Ross went to Captain Lee (Chandler?).  Ross!  You so messed up.  Capt. Lee is going to be mad.

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7 minutes ago, dosodog said:

 I have no idea why Ross went to Captain Lee (Chandler?).  Ross!  You so messed up.  Capt. Lee is going to be mad.

None of us do,  nothing but speculation anyway. They're saving that reveal for next week.  All that happened was that Ross told the captain it wasn't his place to say anything but........... [cut to commercial].

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39 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

I'm going with team Ryhlee.  Yeah, she's annoying but it feels like Chandler and Ross are gaslighting her because of their own insecurities.  It's like it's all Ryhlee's fault.  Loved Capt. Lee telling Chandler to get the luggage.  Says a lot.

Well I hadn’t picked a side until Ross got pissed because he thought Rylee was going to say something.  I expect next week that Chandler will snap at her for what she might be thinking.

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3 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I am sick of that CORE water, product placement.  I’ve never seen anything like that in previous seasons.

Geez. That was obnoxious. Tear the label off the hot sauce label... don’t want them getting any inadvertent FREE advertising!

The funny thing is, the other day I saw a big box of that Core water in the cafe where I work. Part of me wants to try it and part of me wants NOT to try it just out of spite.

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1 hour ago, ivygirl said:

Geez. That was obnoxious. Tear the label off the hot sauce label... don’t want them getting any inadvertent FREE advertising!

The funny thing is, the other day I saw a big box of that Core water in the cafe where I work. Part of me wants to try it and part of me wants NOT to try it just out of spite.

I doubt anyone’s getting any free advertisement. Maybe they’re just occasionally more subtle haha. I was watching some older, early 2000’s, shows recently and noticed the blatant coke can etc, and that it was normal back then to be able to use products. 

It semi seemed like Kate was implying something about Chandler in one of her tweets tonight, but I hope I’m wrong cuz I hope she wouldn’t be that kind of person. 


And related to Below Deck Med, noticed a post Conrad made recently, wishing his mom a happy birthday. Him dating Hannah makes a whole lot of creepy Jocasta sense. 

Not sure how to add in the links, but I might have just figured it out 

Also I already love the chef, but seeing that he follows a “plant based diet”, really makes me appreciate there’s been no talk or judgment from him about cooking to the guests desires. The veal was definitely a gamble though, I’m sure it tastes amazing, but I just can’t do baby animal, among a few other well liked foods that I feel are a step too far(for me personally). I really want to try his chicken and steak sushi. 



Edited by emcmac87
Might have figured it out
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Well even if Rhylee is right about anything, the fact is that she's alienated all of her coworkers, though it looks like from the previews that Ashton is sniffing around again.

Producers must have some alternate cast members lined up in Tahiti and maybe prodded some cast members that if someone isn't working out they can be replaced.

That's where this drama about people being short with each other and apparently Kate and Josiah conspiring to get rid of Caroline could be coming from, knowing that they could get replacements and doing so would make for "good television."


"I don't eat baby animals."

Well now you do, princess.

"Everything I've put into my mouth since I've gotten into this boat has been great."

No comment ...


"I like pleasures of the flesh."

What was Kate saying about that island "open relationship" Adrian came from?

Edited by scrb
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1 hour ago, scrb said:

"I don't eat baby animals."

Well now you do, princess.

Also she's wrong because there's a hardly an animal raised for food that comes to market in the US that's older than 2 years old. And yes it's different in cow years, but it's still about late teens or early 20s.

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Yeah the reaction of everyone to the veal was weird. I mean I think the baby animals thing is ridiculous but at least that woman had a “reason” the other people just seemed freaked out by it before they tasted it. It’s just more tender beef tools, it’s not like it’s offal or something. 

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19 hours ago, fifty8th said:

I'm beginning to wonder if it is Chandler who gets the boot for doing something to or is accused of doing something to Caroline.

One can only hope.


ETA: I certainly hope he doesn't do anything to anyone!

Edited by pieinmyeye
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10 minutes ago, pieinmyeye said:

One can only hope.

I really don't, while people may want to see him and maybe her gone I don't wish that on Caroline if he were to do something to her or him if it is an unfounded accusation.

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2 minutes ago, fifty8th said:

I really don't, while people may want to see him and maybe her gone I don't wish that on Caroline if he were to do something to her or him if it is an unfounded accusation.

It appeared, to me, that the likely complaint from Caroline was his dickish response to her politely asking him to get the trash before he went to bed. 

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35 minutes ago, VagueDisclaimer said:

It appeared, to me, that the likely complaint from Caroline was his dickish response to her politely asking him to get the trash before he went to bed. 

Ok that is not what I was alluding to in my original comment but I don't see a complaint of a "dickish response" getting anyone kicked off a boat.

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59 minutes ago, laprin said:

This episode was uncomfortable for me to watch because of the obvious misogyny being directed at Rhylee.  When Ross said "we need to get her under control" it completely turned me off of him.  This deckhand crew believes if a woman questions a man or dares to give an opinion, she should be put in her place.  I doubt that a male junior deckhand would be treated

Of course at this point Rylee can’t do anything right.  However now this snowball started the only thing that will make these misogynists rethink their assessment of her is Captain Lee stepping in.  Now, is that what Ross has planned?  Throwing Chandler under the bus using the out of control (sigh) Rylee as the weapon?  Then Ross can be bosun?  

And I’m not a boat captain I just live in an area where everyone has a boat and I can tell you that leaving the helm is never a good idea.  In fact I would have given Ross a lot of slack to order Rylee around just so he didn’t leave the helm.  But I want to watch that part of the episode with the sound off.  I think Ross was in a complete panic.  

So we see some idiot going off the back of the boat in the previews for the season.  Anyone identify the two on the deck when it happens?  I do remember Rylee tossing the float .

Edited by QuinnM
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10 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

All this demanding "respect"!  An employee should respect a superior's position but the person doesn't automatically get it. It's earned.

This seems contradictory.  Either you inherently respect a person because of their superior position or you don't until that person has earned it.  I have never believed that my boss had to earn my respect. Instead, it is a given because it comes with the job that they pay me to do.  If they are indeed someone that I respect as a person, without regard to position, that's just upside. 

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Let's see if I can explain. At work I have a boss. As my boss he has authority over my presence in the workplace, my workload, my output, etc.  Part of my contract implies that I accept and agree to this.  That's what I mean by respecting a position. If my boss is a jerk, I might not respect him, however I am still obliged to respect the position.

 Suppose I am a misogynist who has a woman for a boss.  My employment contract requires that I respect and work with my boss. My personal code might not respect the woman at all because of my own prejudice.  Of course this makes for an extremely difficult work relationship but I have seen and heard too many "on the rag" type comments over the years not to know that this often happens.

Suppose, in the context of the show  the bosun was female, and the deckhands all male.  Can you see how that could be a challenge for some guys? I can see all kinds of potential "aye, aye bosun (bitch!)" conflicts.  Instead of  "hysteria",  we'd have "testeria" as the guys grappled with their dilemma.

ETA:  LOL - I just noticed that next week's episode is titled "Bitch in Charge."

Edited by Skycatcher
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3 hours ago, QuinnM said:

So we see some idiot going off the back of the boat in the previews for the season.  Anyone identify the two on the deck when it happens?  I do remember Rylee tossing the float .

It's Rhylee and Ashton. Ashton's leg gets tangled in the lines one of which is wrapped around the propeller. The propeller pulled him off the deck, into the water, and towards it. I don't think anyone knows how badly he was injured, but he could have, with absolutely no exaggeration, died. And it would have been gruesome.

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I still like Ross.  I don’t really get the Ashton hate.  He hasn’t done anything all that offensive.  I don’t find him all that attractive, but he’s not been Jawow level a-hole.  Chandler reminds me a lot of the bosun from season 1 Med and that is not good.  His dismissive attitude to Kate, Riley, Caroline...just irritates the “f” out of me.  

Riley.... I’d have such an easier time with her, but for the see thru dress.  


Kate’s “muppet” comment about Caroline is why I love Kate.  It was spot on.  

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My heart goes out to Caroline. She should have never signed up for this show.  I haven't witnessed Caroline not doing her job, but she's clearly dealing with major anxiety issues, and it not easily understood, nor accepted in the workplace. It's not like she can do her job, and then go home and attend to self-care. She is surrounded by her co-workers 24/7.  I do not like seeing fragile people kicked when their down, and it looks that may happen in the upcoming preview. Most likely Caroline will be sent home, or she will quit. She really needs to focus on her own health, and see about getting her Mom assessed, and placed in care depending how advanced her dementia is. 

Chandler is an effing dick, but so is Ross.  Rhylee has a very strong personality, but she is pulling her own weight.  She's done what most people would do who are new to yachting...ask for clarification. Yet, she is met with condescension. I nearly lost it when Ross was talking down to her, and physically pushing her away. Would he even dare to do that to a male deckhand? I think not. Then like a little weenie, he goes up to the Captain to be a tattletale. 

Chef Adrian is amazing at his job,  but I threw up a little in my mouth when he creepily said he was fond of the 'pleasures of the flesh.'  Okay dude. So you like sex. Newsflash: so do the rest of us. 

Edited by Barbara Please
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6 hours ago, jmcd44 said:

YES. She is annoying with her "I'm a boat captain" (and other ways) but the deck crew needs to simmer.  Every time Ross referred to as a "female" deckhand/worker, etc., I saw red. Not to mention, Ryhlee said the guests shouldn't swim-Ross is the one who almost let the guests wash away into the rocks prior to putting the boat in danger.  And Ashton telling her to calm down?  Infuriating-she was barely talking.  Although, thanks to his Swayze eyes, he gets a little pass from me.  I know that is pathetic, but I can't help it.

Also-Chandler ignoring the request to move the luggage?  Kate will murder you Chandler.  And I will enjoy it.

I think Rylee has adult ADD.  They tend to interrupt people more, try complete sentences for them.  Their brains are all over the map.  Couple that with a douche boss and it's a recipe for disaster. 

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I don't think dismissing this as the men gaslighting Rhylee is valid.

She's also alienated Kate.

Obviously the producers are mocking her "I'm also a boat captain" claims too.

Surely alienating all your coworkers is not a winning strategy.

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Can Adrian please come to my house, meditate and do yoga with me, talk to my angels and then make me amazing food that does not include red meat?  That would be heaven to me.  Whoever tagged him an elusive unicorn was right on.    Have we ever seen guests who were adamant about not wanting what the chef made give in, eat it and love it?  

Kate's comment about Caroline's sweater making her look like a Muppet who crawled out of a cave had me in hysterics.  Kate is like the female Jeff Lewis of BD.

I do feel sorry for Caroline though.  A tough, tough spot especially if you're not even at home.  

The deck crew -- with the exception of  Ashton at this point -- basically sucks.  And I'm speaking of their work ethic, not Ashton's dick move of not wanting to leave the club.  Everyone seems so damn touchy.  Get over it.  Chandler, this isn't the military so chill.  I thought Ross would be cool but he really wasn't on the tender.  I thoroughly dislike Rhylee but she was right that he shouldn't have left the controls.  Unless she was calling for help, she obviously could get the guests out of the water.  

Rhylee definitely has an attitude problem and an authority problem but it's being egged on and exacerbated by Chandler and Ross (and maybe to a lesser extent by Ashton.)  I think she rubbed them the wrong way from the start, along with the constant reminders that she's a boat captain and she really is very insubordinate.  

Anyone's guess as to who's getting the boot at this point - - Chandler, Rhylee . . . even Caroline, I suppose.  

Just don't kick off my meditating, glittering unicorn.

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Ross and Chandler just can't handle a strong independent woman ! In the last episode - Riley didn't disrespect anyone, she just questioned Chandler's dubious actions, and he saw that as a major sign of disrespect. She did it in a loud drunken way, but there was no hostility or disrespect. I bet if it were a guy questioning him, he wouldn't have taken offence.


Also on the caves trip, Ross was very panicked. As Riley said, even if you are worried, you don't show it to the guests. He also chastised her for talking to the guests as though that was not her place. So since when are third deckhands not allowed to talk to guests ! Then he couldn't trust her to do her job and left the wheel in rough seas. And if that weren't enough, once back on the main boat, he takes his insecurity out on her telling her not to question him etc. 


Even Ashton has got in on the belittling of Riley. She was asking him what to do etc and he snapped at her for asking for clarification. Then once again blamed her for him loosing his cool. 


She is the novice on a yacht so needs to ask questions and have things clarified. They just get annoyed at this and belittle her at every opportunity. She has no option but to talk over them as they don't listen to her. You can see Chandler's disrespect for women as he ignores Caroline's request for help in a very rude manner.


Riley has more gumption than any of the male deck crew. I doubt they would survive on an Alaskan fishing vessel ! 

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1 hour ago, AttackTurtle said:

Chandler reminds me a lot of the bosun from season 1 Med and that is not good.  His dismissive attitude to Kate, Riley, Caroline...just irritates the “f” out of me.  

Bryan. The rapey SAE douchelord who had the cosmic misfortune of getting angry drunk and hectoring Tiffany for sex the exact moment that the Brock Turner (Stanford rapist) story blew up. There's bad karma and then there's this. He got ripped to fucking shreds online. In hindsight, Joao is not nearly as odious as Bryan. Bryan could barely address a woman without sneering. When the women sit him down to talk to him about how he treats people, he stomps away muttering something like "those dumb bitches." He was the worst. Ben from Watch What Crappens has noticed the similarities between the two. He's had a hard time remembering Chandler's name during the podcast. He keeps calling him Bryan.

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2 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

My heart goes out to Caroline. She should have never signed up for this show.  I haven't witnessed Caroline not doing her job, but she's clearly dealing with major anxiety issues, and it not easily understood, nor accepted in the workplace. It's not like she can do her job, and then go home and attend to self-care. She is surrounded by her co-workers 24/7.  I do not like seeing fragile people kicked when their down, and it looks that may happen in the upcoming preview. Most likely Caroline will be sent home, or she will quit. She really needs to focus on her own health, and see about getting her Mom assessed, and placed in care depending how advanced her dementia is. 

Chandler is an effing dick, but so is Ross.  Rhylee has a very strong personality, but she is pulling her own weight.  She's done what most people would do who are new to yachting...ask for clarification. Yet, she is met with condescension. I nearly lost it when Ross was talking down to her, and physically pushing her away. Would he even dare to do that to a male deckhand? I think not. Then like a little weenie, he goes up to the Captain to be a tattletale. 

Chef Adrian is amazing at his job,  but I threw up a little in my mouth when he creepily said he was fond of the 'pleasures of the flesh.'  Okay dude. So you like sex. Newsflash: so do the rest of us. 


I agree - I am amazed by the food he sends out, but there is something about him that I find creepy.  I can't put my finger on it, but I just get a weird vibe from him.  Maybe I don't understand that "free to be me, live and let live, zen-type" personality?  Sometimes, seeing him just makes me feel uncomfortable.

Edited by njbchlover
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4 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

It's Rhylee and Ashton. Ashton's leg gets tangled in the lines one of which is wrapped around the propeller. The propeller pulled him off the deck, into the water, and towards it. I don't think anyone knows how badly he was injured, but he could have, with absolutely no exaggeration, died. And it would have been gruesome.

That is a serious incident,  glad he wasn't killed! 

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9 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Every time I see a group of men banding together against a female colleague, complete with stern lecturing, I'm reminded of old cartoons with little boys in tree houses and "No Girls Allowed" signs.

Ordinarily I would say that Rhylee is way out of line, but I suspect she's like a lot of women who have just had it with the male hierarchy in the workplace. She has zero tolerance for any lecturing, man-splaining, shushing, dismissive hand gestures, etc. Some men have gotten very crafty about how they get around the supposed rules of behavior - "If you'll just listen, I'm trying to help you." Meanwhile one of you walks away from the tender's controls in choppy seas and puts the tender and its passengers at risk.


I just walked out of a job that paid very well after HR tried to convince me that a grown man picking his nose and eating in every three minutes (the nastiest nervous tic you can imagine) is OK and that they can't ask people to change their personal habits.

If I'd thought of it in time, as the HR woman was telling me this piece of news, I would have faked picking my nose and eating it in front of her.  Let her cope. The coworker was also a condescending mansplaining bully and targeted me, 10 years his senior on earth and at least 10 years his senior in work experience. I gave up. 

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8 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Wow, the chef can do no wrong this season. The guests did not want veal. His creative self wanted to serve veal. The guests loved the veal. Amazing. 

Yes! I was completely expecting some sort of guest meltdown and Adrian having to toss the veal and quickly figure out a “non-offensive” substitute he could quickly fire up. Thought he might lose his zen a bit over that, but next thing I see, the guests are loving their baby animal entree. Nice surprise! 

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