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Eric & Leida: Put It In Proper

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I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that I think most of us watching this show - and who are very familiar with this franchise - are very aware that pretty much 90% of these casts are full of loser scammers who grossly misrepresent themselves to get on this TV show. It stopped be reality TV a long time ago. I just can’t take it seriously, it’s basically watching a train wreck that’s partially scripted. So whether or not Leila is a princess (I don’t think she’s ever alluded to this on the show) isn’t relevant or important to me as a viewer. What she herself has shown us is that she’s a dumb, entitled, deluded middle class brat - who at worst may or may not have a personality’s disorder, or OCD at best - trying to pretend she’s rich in another country. I personally can’t be bothered to care about her beyond that because the show is so fake anyway. 

  • Love 16
16 minutes ago, gingerella said:

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that I think most of us watching this show - and who are very familiar with this franchise - are very aware that pretty much 90% of these casts are full of loser scammers who grossly misrepresent themselves to get on this TV show. It stopped be reality TV a long time ago. I just can’t take it seriously, it’s basically watching a train wreck that’s partially scripted. So whether or not Leila is a princess (I don’t think she’s ever alluded to this on the show) isn’t relevant or important to me as a viewer. What she herself has shown us is that she’s a dumb, entitled, deluded middle class brat - who at worst may or may not have a personality’s disorder, or OCD at best - trying to pretend she’s rich in another country. I personally can’t be bothered to care about her beyond that because the show is so fake anyway. 

I didn’t mean she was literally a blue-blooded princess, just that Eric (or someone on the show—can’t remember who exactly) referred to her an Indonesian “princess”, or that she lived like one.

But like a figurative “princess” (in the modern sense, based on wealth/lifestyle—more like Paris Hilton rather than Princess Diana). Not literally based on bloodline.

The Mata Hari example was just a general example of people misrepresenting themselves, not for the “princess” bit to be taken literally (I should’ve thought of that when I wrote that post, though—I’m sorry).

To be honest, I just discovered this show a couple of months ago. And I’ve never watched a reality show before (not even an episode of the Kardashians). So, I thought this might just be one of the more realistic ones.

But damn what a scam...

Edited by CSS.MD
  • Love 8

@CSS.MD  Thank you for your posts!!! I find this whole other side of it to be incredibly fascinating.  But at the same time, I can totally see how this is a "reality" people like Leida and your college roommate create for themselves.  I could read book after book about grifters and scammers.  (Not as in a "how-to" or "reference" kind of way, but as a "how these people become the scumbags they become" kind of way)

  • Love 13
18 hours ago, Cherrio said:

Just don't ever put Baby in a corner at Kellermans

Catskills, but close.  Just NY instead of PA.  ;)

17 hours ago, Emkat said:

So you could fall out of it...like over the edge 10 feet to the ground.

IDK why this is so interesting to me. Thanks for the perspective @funky-rat!

IF you fell out, I think it's 7 foot, but you'd have to try to fall out.  Bottom of the tub is textured.  Sides are pretty high.  I use the grab bars, ease down, and "scoot" out to the edge.  I drain the tub before I get out (it's like a bathtub - you fill it as needed).  I get in first and as soon as the skimmer is covered, my husband flips the control switch and climbs in, and we finish filling it as we sit.  We do that with the heart shaped tubs too.

  • Love 4

I was thinking maybe he keeps his income at a minimum because then they can't get much for CS, but he's somehow able to fund the K1 process & adoption of her child (shudder). Maybe they're not making enough this season to help with it all, but some good drama could serve them in getting a second season which will probably pay considerably more. However, I would think that would count toward CS as well, depending on his ex-wife's income.  Regardless I agree he & Leida are both shady AF.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 10
7 hours ago, ALittleShelfish said:

@CSS.MD  Thank you for your posts!!! I find this whole other side of it to be incredibly fascinating.  But at the same time, I can totally see how this is a "reality" people like Leida and your college roommate create for themselves.  I could read book after book about grifters and scammers.  (Not as in a "how-to" or "reference" kind of way, but as a "how these people become the scumbags they become" kind of way)

Thanks for reading! ? I thought it might’ve been a nuisance with the length, with people just scrolling through it. I just needed to get that off my chest...

As to how “people become that way”, I think it’s too much love for money and all things shiny?

Here’s the irony of that dorm mate I had: She refused to wash her own pots/pans at the dorm kitchen (and by doing so, she low-key “scammed” the rest of us into washing her cooklery for her) but she apparently also worked part-time (ironically, probably washing dishes) at a Chinese restaurant because she wanted to buy a €500 Louis Vuitton wallet. It was like she’d only wash dishes if there was something in for her (and there was nothing in for her by washing her OWN dirty dishes).

Meanwhile, my other friends and I thought we’d rather spend our free time making memories at the beach while we studied abroad... I’m not judging her hustle at all (and I mean I like designer purses too) but DAMN WOMAN DO YOUR DISHES. ?

Different basic values, and added to that an unhealthy/disproportionate obsession with status and material items maybe? Or maybe Narcisstic Personality Disorder/a degree of sociopathy? ??‍♀️ (Although I’m not qualified to diagnose anyone, obviously.)

Random thought, though: Can you imagine what Leida’s bedside manners would be like if she were a REAL doctor?

(And she’s not exactly Dr. Gregory House, either—as she’s shown us, she’s actually quite dumb.)

The woman can’t even be on a reality show without going after fans (of the show) on social media.

Just two weeks ago, I was actually excited for her, ready to be happy for her, and all that... Even after I’d figured out she was a fraud overplaying the “maids” thing, I wasn’t going to say anything and let her “have her moment”! But now I’m hellbent on “exposing her”. ?

How these people treat viewers makes a HUGE difference...

I wonder how far she’ll actually get with her Kardashian aspirations.

Edited by CSS.MD
I’m not even going to blame autocorrect this time. FML.
  • Love 11
11 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Like what? His blow up sofa?

I was in Aldi in Rockville, MD today and they have his exact blow-up sofa this week (cupholders and all) for...not $99, friends...not $69..,.but $39. Whatta deal! Who knew Aldi is also a designer home store! And there's one in Barabo! Got any obnoxious holiday guests headed your way? Put them on this baby and your troubles are OVAH...they'll be gone before you plunk down your turkey cut on the bias--turkey hot dogs, that is--and Rice-a-Roni stuffing. No drinks or chips, of course,  you think I'm made of money? 

Edited by Tuneful
  • Love 15
9 hours ago, Gobi said:

I think that would violate several international treaties.

I’m dead. ???????????⚰️

8 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

I was thinking maybe he keeps his income at a minimum because then they can't get much for CS, but he's somehow able to fund the K1 process & adoption of her child (shudder). Maybe they're not making enough this season to help with it all, but some good drama could serve them in getting a second season which will probably pay considerably more. However, I would think that would count toward CS as well, depending on his ex-wife's income.  Regardless I agree he & Leida are both shady AF.

RIGHT?! I mean the K-1 income requirement exists for a reason. Those reasons being: A) So the foreign half doesn’t become a burden to the state; B) So people don’t have to go through the sandwich-splitting lifestyle these tools are supposedly living and imposing on their children... ?

And if her family was all that, wouldn’t they pick the tabs on everything? ??‍♀️??

Eric’s got nothing on Hot Felon!


  • Love 4

Don't ask my why but I started to watch "extended " scenes tonight. For some reason Eric reminds facial of John Goodman.  My personal deal breaker picking up mom and dad chomping on gum mouth open and eating that tightwad sandwich Like a cow chewing it's cud. Bye! I'm not sitting  across from that for years it's just not proper.

  • Love 12
9 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

Don't ask my why but I started to watch "extended " scenes tonight. For some reason Eric reminds facial of John Goodman.  My personal deal breaker picking up mom and dad chomping on gum mouth open and eating that tightwad sandwich Like a cow chewing it's cud. Bye! I'm not sitting  across from that for years it's just not proper.

I see John Mahoney, the actor who played Frazier’s dad. Mostly around the eyes and mouth. 

Did Leida and Eric stay in the apartment he rented for her folks, I saw Leida laying on the couch while Eric locked the doors. 

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 5
4 hours ago, gingerella said:

That's because she's full of shit and has no credits. Her entire game is famewhore wannabe, fake it until you make it BS.

Oh...... now it makes sense for me.

8 hours ago, iwasish said:

Did Leida and Eric stay in the apartment he rented for her folks, I saw Leida laying on the couch while Eric locked the doors. 


About the apartments. In Indonesia I'm very sure Leida has seen dirtier apartments than Eric's.

Eric's apartment is messy but it it's not dirty. I think there is a clear difference. In Indonesia it's easier for things and buildings to get dirty, maybe because it's humidity is high.

Everything Leida and her family enjoyed given by Eric is higher quality than normal for what we usually get in Indonesia. So I don't understand why she complains so much!! Why not just shut up and tidy the house a little  bit? Eric's house isn't so dirty you need to paint the wall with new paint, you just  need to throw the trash & mop the floor. If you go to Leida s house I'm sure you'll find a dirtier corner in it!! Maybe theres moss in her bathroom, etc.

She complains  just for drama

If she went to an Indonesian university & high school I can guarantee you the canteen will be very dirty. And I can guarantee you she has eaten in a dirty school canteen. So complaining makes her look like she just got rich yesterday but she wants to look lie she experienced high-quality living since birth which is impossible if you live in Jakarta. Sorry but that's the truth.

Edited by Indomie
  • Love 8
On 11/8/2018 at 11:05 AM, magemaud said:

I'll bet Allessandro being a MALE is a big factor in this since Eric has three daughters. He wants a son to proudly carry around on his shoulders and teach him "manly" things. 

She has a son named Allessandro?  I hadn't heard........

Seriously, that kid's name comes up ALL THE TIME.   "Allessandro this!"  Allessandro THAT!"  I agree with folks upthread that he will toss older kids aside for stepson as "he is really young, and he needs me."  I know it is not the exact same name but I keep hearing Lady Gaga's "Alejandro" when they start talking about him.

  • Love 6
19 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

Bye! I'm not sitting  across from that for years it's just not proper.

I’m totally deaded!!!! ?????????????⚰️

I wonder if we’ll have former classmates of Ms. Hypocritical Oath come out of the woodworks à la this: https://www.quora.com/How-did-James-Franco-complete-62-credits-of-UCLA-coursework-in-one-quarter-How-intelligent-is-James-Franco

That is if she ever had classmates... ??‍♀️ Dun-dun-duuuunnn~

3 hours ago, Indomie said:

Oh...... now it makes sense for me.

About the apartments. In Indonesia I'm very sure Leida has seen dirtier apartments than Eric's.

Eric's apartment is messy but it it's not dirty. I think there is a clear difference. In Indonesia it's easier for things and buildings to get dirty, maybe because it's humidity is high.

Everything Leida and her family enjoyed given by Eric is higher quality than normal for what we usually get in Indonesia. So I don't understand why she complains so much!! Why not just shut up and tidy the house a little  bit? Eric's house isn't so dirty you need to paint the wall with new paint, you just  need to throw the trash & mop the floor. If you go to Leida s house I'm sure you'll find a dirtier corner in it!! Maybe theres moss in her bathroom, etc.

She complains  just for drama

If she went to an Indonesian university & high school I can guarantee you the canteen will be very dirty. And I can guarantee you she has eaten in a dirty school canteen. So complaining makes her look like she just got rich yesterday but she wants to look lie she experienced high-quality living since birth which is impossible if you live in Jakarta. Sorry but that's the truth.

The bathroom wastebasket looks like mine before I clean the bathroom on Saturday. The kitchen table is a catch all for my mail, keys, etc. and there is usually a dirty glass, cup or plate on it. The place looks worse because there’s a bunch of clutter and stuff around. It’s a single guy and his single daughter living there, both are probably used to having wife/mom  around to keep order.  A couple hours to pull it together and it wouldn’t be half bad. It needs to be made into a home and not just the “place they live”

Leida just has no intention of doing manual labor.

I don’t even see what Eric sees in her never ending complaining. There’s nothing exceptionally attractive about her. 

Her father had his nose in the air a bit too. I think the sister will just be happy to be rid of Leida as long as she can get her nephew back home. Has the brother even said a word? Is he the Rob of the family? 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, iwasish said:

Her father had his nose in the air a bit too. I think the sister will just be happy to be rid of Leida as long as she can get her nephew back home. Has the brother even said a word? Is he the Rob of the family? 

I’m amazed she managed to get him to take time off work and follow her to the US for the show!

The way her family just passively followed her around like sheep (plus the sister’s warning us what she’s like when she doesn’t get her way) reminds me of how Regina George in “Mean Girls” bullied her parents into letting her have the master bedroom.

Also, Re: Hygiene and quality-of-life.

Remember that “bubur ayam” (chicken congee) she wanted for breakfast? That’s streetfood. In fact if Eric ever had authentic bubur ayam from an actual street vendor (not the bland inauthentic knockoffs at the fancy hotels/resorts that cater to westerners), he would probably end up with food poisoning/diarrhoea... Just saying. ??‍♀️

I agree she has no business whining about how “dirty” his place is. It’s not like it’s mouldy or anything, is it? ? (Probably just an excuse to mention that she had maids anyway...)

And most Indonesians know they can’t get chicken congee in WI. Most of us are pretty chill about having a western bready breakfast. But there’s no drama in toast, is there? ?

Edited by CSS.MD
  • Love 8

PS: You can get breakfast burritos in Jakarta (I’ve had some here before—they’re the ones that come with eggs, aren’t they). It’s not an entirely foreign concept. ?☕️?

Sadly no Taco Bell in Indonesia, but I wouldn’t try get an American fiancé just for better access to tacos. I feel like I’d actually have to love him too... ?

Edited by CSS.MD
Why didn’t this post automatically merge. ??‍♀️
  • Love 2

What is with "Cohen/Rosen"?  Was her Japanese husband named Cohen?  Where does Cohen come from?  I can't remember Eric's last name this instant, but it does have the "Rosen" in it, I think.  Am I being overly sensitive, or is there some kind of anti-semitism going on here?  Does Leida think Jewish names are more show-biz or something?  I genuinely don't know--it seems odd to be so insistent on "Cohen" and "Rosen" when those are not the names--as far as I can tell--of either party involved.  Can somebody enlighten me?  I am assuming Leida's family is not Jewish--but maybe they are?  Huh?

Edited by Mothra
right, then wrong, then right again
  • Love 11
17 minutes ago, Mothra said:

What is with "Cohen/Rosen"?  Was her Japanese husband named Cohen?  Where does Cohen come from?  I can't remember Eric's last name this instant, but it does have the "Rosen" in it, I think.  Am I being overly sensitive, or is there some kind of anti-semitism going on here?  Does Leida think Jewish names are more show-biz or something?  I genuinely don't know--it seems odd to be so insistent on "Cohen" and "Rosen" when those are not the names--as far as I can tell--of either party involved.  Can somebody enlighten me?  I am assuming Leida's family is not Jewish--but maybe they are?  Huh?

I wondered the same thing.

  • Love 3
On 11/14/2018 at 3:16 AM, Owwwww ma leg said:

I dread the day an Australian is on. They will exploit the crocodile hunter/ crocodile Dundee angle.

No. No 'real' Australian would go there. that was a 'made for America' movie  attached to an Australian tourism ad campaign. But I could totally see TLC exploit it, or try to.

  • Love 7

I am back to harp about the stupid Motel/Hotel/Inn scene in PA.  "People in Indonesia see the country as being poor."  So staying in a lodge near the woods in PA makes you poor?  Did Dad really think a wild pig was going to come in and eat them?  Were they trying to set Eric up to fail by having him take care of a cranky, sleepy child?  Why is HE responsible for Alless getting to bed with 80 relatives watching?  Why does Alless have such a weird sounding cry?  (Shallow, I know...... but he sounds like a wounded hyena!!)  

Eric, a palatial 6000 square foot home would not be good enough for their precious Leida.  Small apartment in Baraboo ain't gonna cut it.

Leida, why are you complaining that it is "weird" that Eric has a good relationship with his ex?  They have kids together, so shut it.  Would you prefer the Betty Broderick ex wife type?   I get along fine with my ex, nothing weird about it.  You can choose joy and peace in your life or you can choose conflict.  Maybe because I have (for the most part) joy in my life I am am attracted to this show!!!!  

  • Love 9
17 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

"People in Indonesia see the country as being poor."

Just when I thought she learned the word “proper” from watching an episode of “Downton Abbey”. ??‍♀️??

My grand-parents from both sides lived in the country. I’m pretty proud of it.

I can’t believe she told Eric that living in the country is a bad thing... If she keeps this up, sooner or later an Indonesian is going to blow her entire house of cards.

Over the weekend, I told my girlfriends about her, and this is what they think: 

(I had to write it behind a spoiler cut because it was a non-spoiler thread, sorry but I can paste in here and I’m in a hurry. LOL.)

My point is, if she keeps this faux snobbery up, certain Indonesians will certainly go “Dowager Countess” on her and it won’t be pretty. If you think what I’ve said here so far has been harsh, you’ve seen nothing yet because others won’t be as kind.

11 hours ago, Floatingbison said:

Leida is the Rula Lenska of Indonesia.   

This is hilarious! I’m dead. I still LOL every time I watch this... ????????????????⚰️

  • Love 5

She's just full of it. The combination of Cohen and Rosen does sound like a conglomerate of Jewish names by someone from NESB who really doesn't have a clue. At this point, I hope she does run with it until someone schools her publicly on commodification. Sacha Baron Cohen definitely has a Jewish background and one of his first skits was 2 rabbis talking. I really can't wait for her to explain this nonsense. She'll be dealing with 'haters' on a whole nother level, which will probably inflame her famehoiness even further. Can't win. Best to deprive her of oxygen. 

  • Love 7
59 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Eric's last name is Rosenbrook. I don't know where the Cohen comes from, it certainly doesn't sound like it could have been Leida's Japanese ex husband's last name. I still think Eric and Leida are pranking us and there's a Sasha Baron Cohen tie in. 

Maybe Cohen is his mom's maiden name?  Reaching, I know!!!

  • Love 2

I feel for Tasha on many levels.  First off, her Dad is basically going to kick her out of her home and doesn't seem too worried whether or not she has a place to go (I'm hoping her Mom would be an option?).  How scary is that?  In my experience, you don't just walk off the street, magically rent an apartment and move in the same day.  There are applications, availability issues, etc.  She's only 18, what if she doesn't have the funds for a security deposit?

So along those same lines,  what does Eric's "I'm working on it" really mean in terms of finding a more suitable apartment?  Why wouldn't he specify, "I've found a wonderful place and they are processing my application"?  Or, "I've put down a security deposit but the apartment won't be vacant for another month".  No details.  It's because he's done nothing.

If the person you loved was moving from another country AND bringing their small child with them (who you hope to adopt), wouldn't you roll out the red carpet for them?  Where is the excitement to prepare a home you are proud to share with them?  He couldn't find a bed?  Bed's are a dime a dozen, cheap, even if you have to buy a used one (not ideal, but if that's your only option).  He didn't even have a place for Alessandro to sleep.  It boggles the mind.  The apartment didn't need to be showy, but it could be clean and well prepared and show some thought/caring/preparation was put into it.  Instead Eric's like, "where will you sleep?  Eh? Maybe on that pile of clothes in the corner?"

I thought her parents actually handled it quite well.  Which is another reason to support they just want to get this loon off their hands.  I laughed when the Dad walked from place to place and just kept repeating, "Ohhhhh......ohhhh.....ohhhh".  

Eric was definitely fighting to keep from falling asleep when he was talking to the family.  Complete and utter disinterest or drugs???  

  • Love 16

I think these two are just trying to dupe us all with their BS to be internet SM stars. There's no way she could be into this schlub. He's greasy, stupid, loathesome, and acts like a huge overgrown sloth, no disrespect to sloths.

I cannot understand why her family came over if she has no interest in going home, nor do I understand why they came over if all their well-deserved lamentations don't amount to them taking Allessandro home with them. If they don't do that, then why the fuck even come to the US?

And to those who've said Indonesia is dirtier, I beg to differ. I've been to small guest houses in fairly remote places all over Indonesia that are well tended and they use plenty of bleach to keep the mandi (bath) clean and hygienic. That apartment didn't look clean OR hygienic to me. It looked like the bathroom is probably filthy, the sheets probably have not been cleaned in weeks if not months, and the fridge is probably stocked with moldy shit aplenty. Eric and his daughter are pigs, let's just call it was it is folks. PIGS. If he couldn't be bothered to clean up OR get a better place to live before she arrived, then he's not going to do much after she's already here. They deserve what they get together. And


since I haven't seen any photos of her son in the US post-show, maybe he lucked out and the grandparents took him back home with them, we can only hope...!

  • Love 15
4 hours ago, gingerella said:

And to those who've said Indonesia is dirtier, I beg to differ. I've been to small guest houses in fairly remote places all over Indonesia that are well tended and they use plenty of bleach to keep the mandi (bath) clean and hygienic.

Of course it was clean for a guest in a guest house.

Guest houses have to always be clean because its bad for business if not regularly clean. You were a visitor.

If I go to a hotel in Indonesia, it will be clean too. It's logical for a guest house to be clean.

Im talking about reguler Indonesian people. Like me.

If you go to Bali the Indonesians will make sure you live like a king and you're comfortable 24 hours a day. It's called tourism.

Why do you think so many women in Jakarta look for expat husbands? Because they will have a different living standard than an average Indonesian In Jakarta. Big house or luxury apartments With the maids, the driver, the babysitter, and the Indonesian wife can go to Starbucks at the mall everyday. Honestly it's better than a green card.

Leida says disgusting comments like she forgot where she came from. Complaining that the nice apartments are dirty, saying that living in the country in Indonesia means your poor.

Always trying to make herself look better than the average Indonesian by insulting American apartments & complaining about everything in America to raise herself up too. It's all an act.

She's not rich enough to be famous for being rich in Jakarta.

Who is She??

If somebody gave me Eric's apartment, I would shut up and clean it. Why complain so much. Ungrateful.

If she means "country" is village/kampung & said living in a kampung means you're poor, SHE CAN GO TO HELL. She looks like she came from a kampung herself.

I came from a kampung. So What?

People want to hate Eric and his family and call them pigs, that's fine. But Leida is one herself. Just imagine what her place would look like without maids. Eric is bad, but Leida is worse.

Anfisa is a bitch but she never pretended she wanted to be a doctor or always remind everyone that she s rich in Russia, etc. Anfisa is more honest. Leida is FAKE.

Real classy rich people know how to behave politely and appriciate what they get in any situation.

She's not real classy rich. Real classy people go to charity work in villages where it's dirty, so they know how to be polite & not always complain. Maybe Leida has some money but not the level to make a charity foundation & it shows.

I'm bored if watching the same complaining.
I only watched this for 2 weeks on YouTube and I'm sick & tired of it already.

Edited by Indomie
  • Love 10
On 11/13/2018 at 2:36 PM, funky-rat said:

I've been staying with C.H.E.R. since they were Caesar's Pocono.  We love them.  But it's the kind of place you either love, or hate.  There's no in-between.  I've stayed in both the Champagne Towers and Roman Towers.  I have a photo of me and my husband similar to that one.  :)

Well, I gotta know who took that picture!

On 11/14/2018 at 11:59 PM, CSS.MD said:

She shouldn’t have insulted random people online like that... If she hadn’t insulted me, I wouldn’t have posted any of the above. ☝?

Have a nice day. ?

I love your posts; you are an excellent addition to this board!

  • Love 6
On ‎11‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 8:25 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

She has a son named Allessandro?  I hadn't heard........

Seriously, that kid's name comes up ALL THE TIME.   "Allessandro this!"  Allessandro THAT!"  I agree with folks upthread that he will toss older kids aside for stepson as "he is really young, and he needs me."  I know it is not the exact same name but I keep hearing Lady Gaga's "Alejandro" when they start talking about him.

It annoys me when they call him "Alless", because it comes out like "Alice", and then I have Smokie's "Living Next Door To Alice" in my head all night.

14 hours ago, Pink-n-Green said:

Well, I gotta know who took that picture!

The staff photographer.  : )  She went in to the bedroom, which is kind of like a loft in the Roman Tower - it has railing up and is open, wheras the bedroom in the Champagne Palace has a glass wall there - and she kind of "hung over" the railing a bit to catch us in the glass.  She said to fill it with bubbles.  I'm allergic to bubble bath, so we found hypoallergenic Mr. Bubble, but it didn't get very sudsy.  The "illusion" is to wear a swimsuit, but cover up with bubbles to hide it.  You can clearly see my swim suit, but that's OK.  And because the world at large doesn't need to see me in my swimsuit, I will NOT be posting the photos here.  But the photographer did the photo like it was the cover of a magazine, and it turned out cool. 

  • Love 9

So, I was hoping someone here could enlighten me on a timeline thing (which might also extend Eric's apartment from "messy but not dirty" to "flat out dirty" if I'm right ...

About how much time elapsed between when Eric brought Leida to see the apartment for the first time and when she brought her whole fam-damily over to visit? (BTW, I kinda liked her dad ... he reminded me of someone, not sure who ... I think a deposed dictator or something)

Because not one single thing was cleaned up or tidied or moved between those two visits, from what I could tell ... right down to the red spatula in the dirty pan on the stovetop in the exact same spot both times. And you'd think that after she pitched her pissy fit about how disgusting it was when she FIRST saw it, someone might have run over and tidied up a bit in the interim before she brought her family over. Even if SHE didn't want to, preferring to make the dramatic point to her family that it was a shithole, you'd think Eric might have called, say, Tasha or Merry Maids or production or SOMEONE to go over and do a little damage control.

Also, I LOVE your pix, Funky-Rat! Back in late 1983, maybe early 1984 (I know it was when we were engaged) Mr. Snappy and I thought it would be fun to go to Penn Hills (for lovers only!) ... didn't go all out on a place with the champagne glass and kind of regretted that but in retrospect it was just as well ... but got one of those rooms with all the shag carpet and huge heart-shapen sunken hot tub. I had the worst case of the flu that weekend, we didn't get to do ANY of the "fun" resort things (fancy-shmancy meals, heated pool, etc. much less the fun stuff you do when engaged at a for lovers only resort) ... ALL I could do was sit in the hot tub and whine while taking medicine and watching a lot of TV. Which I guess is kind of like our life now except without the hot tub. No pix from the risque weekend. 

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On 19/11/2018 at 8:39 AM, queenjen said:

She's just full of it. The combination of Cohen and Rosen does sound like a conglomerate of Jewish names by someone from NESB who really doesn't have a clue. At this point, I hope she does run with it until someone schools her publicly on commodification. Sacha Baron Cohen definitely has a Jewish background and one of his first skits was 2 rabbis talking. I really can't wait for her to explain this nonsense. She'll be dealing with 'haters' on a whole nother level, which will probably inflame her famehoiness even further. Can't win. Best to deprive her of oxygen. 


On 20/11/2018 at 9:18 AM, Indomie said:

I'm bored if watching the same complaining.

I only watched this for 2 weeks on YouTube and I'm sick & tired of it already.

I get a sense that ignoring her would piss her off even more than having “haters” (although they’re just reacting to her being offensive AF).

Think I should probably pay her less attention.

Still looking forward to seeing her piss off the wrong important/influential person in Jakarta, tho... 🤷🏻‍♀️🥤😂🍿🤣

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