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52 minutes ago, Cammi said:

Yeah, $50/a person for a reception might not be expensive, but it is a literal fortune when you have ZERO dollars. It seems most of these people spend their life savings on the K-1 process and traveling abroad to get laid, and I've yet to see a foreign fiancé contribute or bring any savings over with them (that I can recall). 

Andrei mentioned several times he had a savings and would be using it to sustain him while he was unable to work and also to pay for the wedding. 


20 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I do know that if I were in Leida's position, I'd be pissed about having to clean that sty in order to make it habitable, and after that still be sharing the apartment and having my kid sleeping on an air mattress next to my bed.  Leida failed at being polite, but that's minor compared to the failures that have led them to be in this position in the first place. 

If I were in Leida's position, I would ask my father to pay for a few hours of professional house cleaning. Wouldn't her father want that if that's what he provided for her back home?

And why did Leida say goodbye to her family in Manhattan (JFK is in Queens)? I cannot believe they drove back from Wisconsin to NY! 

2 minutes ago, AlanaHeart said:


Right it's 16% because most men will never report that their wives are abusing them but women self report that they totally hit their husbands and equal amounts as men. If verbal abuse  is a big predictor of violence then we need to pray for Asuleu, Jon and Jorge.

No, the article is clear about the numbers for both men and women reporting. Both are low. Lower than the arrest numbers.

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The one couple that I am rooting for is Steven and Olga.

Here’s why I’m still rooting for Steven and why I’m personally giving him a pass on be a giant jerk and stress ball (for now pending settling in the U.S.):

1)     He actually showed up in a major way for her and the baby and wants to be a father and husband for them. Most young men who got a summer romance pregnant, the conversation would have been- Woman- ”Hi, I’m finally in my home country and FYI I’m pregnant with your child from our summer fling.” Man- “Wow, ok- good luck with that.” Man immediately hangs up the phone and blocks her on all social media.

I think only 5 out 100 20-year-olds (heck even 40 year-old men) in the U.S. probably, would claim the baby, fly to see her, be there for the birth and want to marry her and look after her in the U.S. He chose to step up. If they don’t work out, he’s actually in a much worse financial position because she can go after him for child support once she is living in the U.S. If they breakup and she goes on welfare/housing benefit as a unemployed single mom, as her sponsor, him and his grandparents will be on the hook for that. I give Steve a lot of props for that because he could have completely abandoned her and especially being in another country she wouldn’t have been able to get child support internationally or anything. He’s doing the right thing for his family even though it is legally and financially risker for him to do that.

2)     Steven has never been on an airplane.  On his first trip, he went internationally to Russia, where not a ton of people speak English, navigated the system to go 7 hours by train to see her.  I’m an experienced traveler and I don’t think I would have done that. I’m impressed he had the gumption and drive to do this to be there for Olga and the baby. International travel can be stressful and travel can sometimes bring out the worse in people when they are under stress and in an unfamiliar environment. I’ve experienced that travelling with friends internationally myself (they were a great loving friend in the U.S., stressed out crazy person missing a flight in Spain). Adding a newborn is even more stressful- so I think there’s a chance the behavior we are seeing now might be atypical given the situation.

3)     Steve + Russian Bureaucracy = Major Stress. I think you are all seeing clips of Steve and Olga- but behind the scenes you aren’t understanding the sheer amount of legwork and paperwork this young man is doing to be in Russia. You have no idea how much stress the bureaucracy causes in Russia. Being that Steven doesn’t speak the language it is probably 10X for him.

Case in point A) Getting a U.S. passport and a Russian visa. I’m super impressed he did both and he even got a Russian visa. Russian visas are notoriously complex to apply for and get for U.S. citizens. There’s no online application and everything is done manually and via mail. Props to Steve to get that done. B) He’s driving around in Russia- you can drive using your U.S. license but you have to have your license translated and notarized by an official translator to drive. C) As a visitor being in a city in any city Russia over 7 days, you have to make sure make sure you go down and are registered with the local government or you are in violation of the law. D) Just to be in the delivery room- it took 6 hours to get approval.  You all probably have no idea that paperwork that he had to sign-off on and show just to get her released from the hospital. These are just a few of the things Steve had to deal with- we have no idea what else he had to do- this is adding to his stress and something to be taken into consideration and why he just wants to go back to the U.S. so badly.  A lot of Russians feel like the bureaucracy makes them feel like they have no control in their life and that the government controls what you can and cannot do and your direction on life.  Things that take a day in American (i.e. registering car) can take weeks in Russia. I think being a visitor Steve is getting a taste of that and it is stressing him out. He's jumping through these hoops to be a family with Olga.

4)     He’s being completely immature and should wash his freaking hands- but all he wants to do is love and touch the baby- Steven’s heart is definitely in the right place and he loves that baby! He needs to take some parenting classes- just like Asuelu.

5)     Steve and Olga are super young and this is their first serious relationship.  To say that it’s doom and gloom and that Olga should leave now is premature. How many people here have had amazing, healthy relationships with no fighting or name-calling and great communication at 20 years old?! Many of us have learned from or made mistakes in past relationships and carried those lesson in to future relationships.  They are young- let’s give them some time to sort it out and mature and grow together.

I think that Steve will behave better when he’s home and in more comfortable surroundings. I think he’s freaking out because in Russia and he feels like he has zero control of what’s going and is overwhelmed- so I feel like he’s bossing Olga around because it’s the ONE situation he has control over. Once again, it’s not right but I think he loves Olga and wants to have a healthy family- he needs to work on being more patient, respectful and understanding but I believe, especially after seeing this episode himself he will work on changing. I just think people need to give Steve a little more time to see if he is able to change and not dismiss him so soon. If he doesn’t change and keeps up with that behavior- then I agree that Olga has to leave and find someone who will treat her better- but we can only see how things unfold with time. Until then I am rooting for them to become a better couple and a family.


8 minutes ago, eatsleep said:

No, the article is clear about the numbers for both men and women reporting. Both are low. Lower than the arrest numbers.

I'm not speaking about if it's low. I'm talking about the ratio. Each gender puts their hands on each other in about equal amounts.- both sexes should be held accountable is all I'm saying.  Women are just as violent but don't get arrested at the same rate or are held equally as accountable. 12.4% of wives self-reported that they used violence against their husbands compared to 11.6% of husbands who self-reported using violence against their wives. Furthermore, 4.8% of wives reported using severe violence against their husbands, whereas 3.4% of husbands reported using severe violence.

Edited by AlanaHeart
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1 hour ago, AlanaHeart said:

I'm not speaking about if it's low. I'm talking about the ratio. Each gender puts their hands on each other in about equal amounts.- both sexes should be held accountable is all I'm saying.  Women are just as violent but don't get arrested at the same rate or are held equally as accountable. 12.4% of wives self-reported that they used violence against their husbands compared to 11.6% of husbands who self-reported using violence against their wives. Furthermore, 4.8% of wives reported using severe violence against their husbands, whereas 3.4% of husbands reported using severe violence.

Self-reported data is not a true reflection of frequency. Few ppl choose to incriminate themselves. You're cherry picking statistics from the article that appear to support your hypothesis that men are as likely to get hurt or die in DV situations and that is utterly untrue. And that is why more ppl on the board show more genuine concern for Olga, etc.

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1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I don't think Leida was acting as a parent, but more as a roommate to another adult.

I think she was acting like the Alpha female she thinks she is/is striving to be and WILL be with Doormat Eric at her side.  See, she should not have been acting as either as a parent nor a roommate, ERIC should have done the talking.  Leida would have done well by acting "proper."  "Hello Tasha, nice to meet you." as opposed to "Geez hi you ungrateful slob....when the hell you leaving?"

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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1 hour ago, eatsleep said:

Self-reported data is not a true reflection of frequency. Few ppl choose to incriminate themselves. You're cherry picking statistics from the article that appear to support your hypothesis that men are as likely to get hurt or die in DV situations and that is utterly untrue. And that is why more ppl on the board show more genuine concern for Olga, etc.

That is not true- I categorically never stated that men are as likely to get hurt or die in DV situations as women- in all my posts- I stated that since men are physically stronger- in DV situations- women are more likely to be seriously hurt and killed.  What I am saying is when looking at a violent interaction- like slapping a person- women do it just as much as men in their relationships. Of course if a man slaps a woman the woman is more likely to get hurt rather than the reverse. What I am saying is that even though that is the case- women should not be able to slap men (and vice versa)- just because they don't hurt them as much- violence is violence.  I'm not saying we shouldn't have care and concern for Olga, of course we should- but we need to have care and concern for all people- men and women who are victims of violence especially on this show. I think having Anfisa or Fernanda hit someone is downplayed and glossed over and then when someone like Steve who yells at his wife- people called him a future batterer when when we have women who are actual batterers on this show hitting men. It's not cool and not acceptable for either gender and it's way more common for women then you think.

Also in terms of the accuracy of the self-reported statistics- conceptually, official records of crime are measures of law enforcement reactions to crimes that come to their attention. In contrast, self-report measures were developed as a more direct measure of criminal behavior, a measure that better captures the conceptual domain of crime. It is based on victims and offenders’ own reports of their involvement in criminal acts, whether known to law enforcement agencies or not.


The self-report method for measuring crime and delinquency has developed substantially since it was introduced a half century ago. It is now one of the fundamental ways to scientifically measure criminality, and it forms the bedrock of etiological studies. The challenges confronting this approach to measurement are daunting; after all, individuals are asked to tell about their own undetected criminality. Despite this fundamental challenge, the technique seems to be successful and capable of producing valid and reliable data.

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2 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Two questions:

Why does Tasha not live with her mom?

How in the world did Eric afford travel and “courting” expenses if he’s such a poor dumbfuck?

By living in his car for several years.

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2 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Two questions:

Why does Tasha not live with her mom?

Because she's an adult who moved out of her parent's homes to be independent, until her father needed help and came to her.  Were I Tasha, and being treated as Eric and Leida are treating her, I'd keep my happity ass in that apartment until the end of the lease.  The only reason she'd have to leave early is out of niceness, and the way she's being treated isn't exactly making her want to bend over backwards to accommodate her shitty dad and his shrew.

I know they had discussed her moving prior to Leida's arrival, but even then Tasha was against putting a lot of effort into it.  Now she'd be even less motivated.  Eric decided on the deadline, Tasha never agreed to it.

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8 hours ago, AlanaHeart said:

I think that some people are being too hard on Steven.  Yes, he was a complete jerk and was very rude to her in the hospital room.  100%- he should be ashamed of his behavior and when he looks back on this I think he will be extremely embarrassed and regretful for his actions. But telling Olga to run for the hills and that he is probably going to beat her up in the future is a bit dramatic, unfair and premature. Also, to say that Olga was fearful- I don’t think she was.  I think she was super annoyed, frustrated and pissed off that he was acting like a child but I don’t think she was afraid at all.

Right now, I’m willing to give Steven a pass for now- I think he’s under an immense amount of stress and on a scale of 1 to 10 he’s at 11.  Olga is not saying,” I’m afraid, stop shouting at me.” She just keeps on saying, “Stop freaking out.” Because she realizes he’s under stress and isn’t handling it well.  I think Olga will decide to go to the U.S. with Steven and will take some time to observe him and see if his behavior improves once he is back home where he is comfortable.  I think Olga is smart enough to know that Steve and she are in a highly unusual and stressful situation and is willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.  I’m giving Steve the benefit of the doubt until I see how he behaves after a few weeks/months in the U.S.. If he still a jerk then- then some decisions will need to be made but I think Steve’s grandparents will help him chill out as well.

Also- I just want to call out a double standard I’m seeing. I think people are so willing to be hard on men for saying and doing things but when a woman does the same behavior- it’s excused because she’s a woman.  As a woman this pisses me off. Kalani is doing saying awful things to Asuelu- is anyone giving the same advice for Asuelu as they do Olga? That Kalani is a future abuser, that Asuelu should take the baby and leave the country with Oliver because Kalani is defiantly going to hit/abuse them both in the future?  Kalani’s and Steve’s actions are just as bad with their yelling- but somehow with Steve- we take it to the level of high threat of potential domestic violence because he is a man but no one has mentioned that same with Kalani.

Even furthermore someone was assaulted on the show! Fernanda cursed out her fiancé and literally assaulted a woman in the club. I don’t hear anyone calling for Jon to run for the hills from Fernanda before she starts hitting him (which I wouldn’t put it pass her). Fernanda and Steve are both 20 years old and yet she gets a pass for being that way in the club because she is female, young, in a new country and is a “Fiery Latina”.  Steve is the same age as Fernanda in another country, doesn’t lay hands on anyone, says some jerk things but people are quick to say he is abuser and that Olga needs to “disappear” in Russia. It doesn’t matter if it’s a man or woman doing the hitting or is someone is physically stronger than someone else. No one should be hitting anyone or laying hands on anyone else. So unless we are going to call Fernanda and Kalani future batterers I think we should layoff giving Steve this label- it’s not fair and seems sexist looking at the action of two women on this show.

I have been reading every post in this forum since this season began and there have been quite a number of people who have said Asuelu needs to head for the hills and that Fernanda should go back to Mexico.

As far as Steven goes, I get that he's in a stressful situation and under normal conditions a pass might be in order, but what we know of Steven's background, he does not have the tools to calm down when things don't go exactly as he demands. That is what is worrisome to me. Telling Olga, "I'm telling you right now, you're not gonna be an asshole to me," was a scary thing. It was a threat. And a threat based on what his perception of her being an asshole to him is. He thought she was being an asshole to him for insisting that he wash his hands before touching the baby.

This is a young man who is not going to wake up one morning as a reasonable person who is equipped to deal with conflict. He has deep emotional problems from a very young age that he never dealt with and is a seething ball of anger when anyone doubts him or tries to correct him in any way. I was rooting for them at the start but these kinds of comments and looks that he gives Olga give me a violent vibe, not an "under stress that will fade later" vibe. He has no support system at home. If he brings Olga and the baby to America, and is used to being a free wheeling skater kid, working here and there for pocket money and living for weekends with friends, what happens when he is "forced" to get a job and provide for the baby? With little to no sleep? I agree that Olga did not seem fearful. She seemed very upset and bewildered at his attitude but again, they knew each other for how long? I don't know where this will go with these two but yikes.

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2 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

I have been reading every post in this forum since this season began and there have been quite a number of people who have said Asuelu needs to head for the hills and that Fernanda should go back to Mexico.

As far as Steven goes, I get that he's in a stressful situation and under normal conditions a pass might be in order, but what we know of Steven's background, he does not have the tools to calm down when things don't go exactly as he demands. That is what is worrisome to me. Telling Olga, "I'm telling you right now, you're not gonna be an asshole to me," was a scary thing. It was a threat. And a threat based on what his perception of her being an asshole to him is. He thought she was being an asshole to him for insisting that he wash his hands before touching the baby.

This is a young man who is not going to wake up one morning as a reasonable person who is equipped to deal with conflict. He has deep emotional problems from a very young age that he never dealt with and is a seething ball of anger when anyone doubts him or tries to correct him in any way. I was rooting for them at the start but these kinds of comments and looks that he gives Olga give me a violent vibe, not an "under stress that will fade later" vibe. He has no support system at home. If he brings Olga and the baby to America, and is used to being a free wheeling skater kid, working here and there for pocket money and living for weekends with friends, what happens when he is "forced" to get a job and provide for the baby? With little to no sleep? I agree that Olga did not seem fearful. She seemed very upset and bewildered at his attitude but again, they knew each other for how long? I don't know where this will go with these two but yikes.

My blood ran cold when he said the baby  would “learn to wait to get fed”.

why do I think somewhere in his past someone told him the same thing? 

And when she was in labor going to her room , they didn’t know if he would be allowed to see the baby born till it was cleared by the administration “ the next day”  He whispers sonething to Olga about “it’s not going to be good if the baby is born before I get here”

Another red flag. 

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55 minutes ago, iwasish said:

And when she was in labor going to her room , they didn’t know if he would be allowed to see the baby born till it was cleared by the administration “ the next day”  He whispers sonething to Olga about “it’s not going to be good if the baby is born before I get here”

Another red flag. 

Thanks for reminding me of this. I had forgotten about that. At the time it struck me as an odd thing to say, weirdly threatening as she had zero power to do anything about whether or not he was allowed.

And the waiting to be fed thing...that was another weird thing to say. 

I do want to root for them..they both had such less than ideal beginnings, but he's making it really hard. 

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I hope for her sake and her son's that Olga leaves Steven.  After he made her cry, he did a talking head saying how he hates to see her cry.  I would bet good money that the producers spoke to him about his behavior.  I have a feeling he is going through some type of withdrawal.  

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54 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

I hope for her sake and her son's that Olga leaves Steven.  After he made her cry, he did a talking head saying how he hates to see her cry.  I would bet good money that the producers spoke to him about his behavior.  I have a feeling he is going through some type of withdrawal.  

He hates to see her cry.... that’s what they all say.... followed by if she didn’t do such and such, if she listened to me ..... I wouldn’t HAVE to make her cry.

Sure he was excited about the baby, they were apart for nearly all of her pregnancy. What did they have to argue about? They weren’t together getting on each other’s nerves. Their whole time together was having fun and getting laid. He even said he didn’t bother learning Russian because he didn’t expect to see her after the summer was over.  Now they are two virtual strangers with a baby and no support system. 

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13 hours ago, AlanaHeart said:

I think that some people are being too hard on Steven.  Yes, he was a complete jerk and was very rude to her in the hospital room.  100%- he should be ashamed of his behavior and when he looks back on this I think he will be extremely embarrassed and regretful for his actions. But telling Olga to run for the hills and that he is probably going to beat her up in the future is a bit dramatic, unfair and premature. Also, to say that Olga was fearful- I don’t think she was.  I think she was super annoyed, frustrated and pissed off that he was acting like a child but I don’t think she was afraid at all.

Right now, I’m willing to give Steven a pass for now- I think he’s under an immense amount of stress and on a scale of 1 to 10 he’s at 11.  Olga is not saying,” I’m afraid, stop shouting at me.” She just keeps on saying, “Stop freaking out.” Because she realizes he’s under stress and isn’t handling it well.  I think Olga will decide to go to the U.S. with Steven and will take some time to observe him and see if his behavior improves once he is back home where he is comfortable.  I think Olga is smart enough to know that Steve and she are in a highly unusual and stressful situation and is willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.  I’m giving Steve the benefit of the doubt until I see how he behaves after a few weeks/months in the U.S.. If he still a jerk then- then some decisions will need to be made but I think Steve’s grandparents will help him chill out as well.

Also- I just want to call out a double standard I’m seeing. I think people are so willing to be hard on men for saying and doing things but when a woman does the same behavior- it’s excused because she’s a woman.  As a woman this pisses me off. Kalani is doing saying awful things to Asuelu- is anyone giving the same advice for Asuelu as they do Olga? That Kalani is a future abuser, that Asuelu should take the baby and leave the country with Oliver because Kalani is defiantly going to hit/abuse them both in the future?  Kalani’s and Steve’s actions are just as bad with their yelling- but somehow with Steve- we take it to the level of high threat of potential domestic violence because he is a man but no one has mentioned that same with Kalani.

Even furthermore someone was assaulted on the show! Fernanda cursed out her fiancé and literally assaulted a woman in the club. I don’t hear anyone calling for Jon to run for the hills from Fernanda before she starts hitting him (which I wouldn’t put it pass her). Fernanda and Steve are both 20 years old and yet she gets a pass for being that way in the club because she is female, young, in a new country and is a “Fiery Latina”.  Steve is the same age as Fernanda in another country, doesn’t lay hands on anyone, says some jerk things but people are quick to say he is abuser and that Olga needs to “disappear” in Russia. It doesn’t matter if it’s a man or woman doing the hitting or is someone is physically stronger than someone else. No one should be hitting anyone or laying hands on anyone else. So unless we are going to call Fernanda and Kalani future batterers I think we should layoff giving Steve this label- it’s not fair and seems sexist looking at the action of two women on this show.

Actually, i find the opposite, most people (especially females) go extrenely hard on women. I think just about everyone on this board despises Kalanis actions and can realize that Fernandas little club segment was (very staged) and scripted.

I think why most of us cant stand Steven is for the way he is treating a woman who literally just gave birth via major surgery, and who looks weak and exhausted. 

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16 hours ago, AlanaHeart said:


I totally agree with you on Eric.   He doesn't make enough to support himself and needs to have his daughter there to help with the rent.  What 40-year-old man needs his freaking kid to help him with rent and expenses?!  It's not like they live in an expensive area either.   "Yes we need to save up on a house." It is not happening- he doesn't have a money to save up for a house (maybe after saving a $50 a month for 40 years- he'll have something)- I think he totally b.s .ing them- nothing is happening anywhere in the near future.  Why doesn't Leida just point blank ask how much he makes a year and what his expenses are?! I think that will give her a very clear idea of what his capabilities are to provide as a husband and stepfather.  Also I'm a pretty firm believer that if you haven't made your money and career by 40- it's not going to happen. He's not going to turn 41 and all the sudden get the gumption to find a fabulous new career bringing in lot more cash- if he was going to do it he would have done it in his 20s/30s and straight out of the military. Where he is at right now is where he is going to be pretty much until he stops paying child support and even then I don't think it's going to make a big difference in his lifestyle.

I don't get this relationship at all and am thinking it must be fake, other than continuing her career- there is zero benefit for her being with Eric. With her parent's money there's got to be easier ways to get to America. 

Eric reminds me of my ex husband, who happens to be an aircraft mechanic (BTW, when we divorced in 2012 he was making approx 50K in the Atlanta area). I'm pretty sure Eric is a drinker, and blows whatever $ he has on bullshit (like my ex, who is now 52 and still doesn't have a pot to piss in and working every hour he can just to scrape by and pay his massive debt). 

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1 hour ago, snarkish said:

I'm pretty sure Eric is a drinker

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, I don't get that at all...


Just look at this physical specimen.  Clearly takes care of himself. 

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18 hours ago, KateHearts said:

I think Eric made a show of saying "she didn't pay the utility bill LAST MONTH" as if he had cut her a huge break and she should have gotten out by then. Who knows when he discussed her leaving- his M.O. seems to be that everything will just happen magically on its own and Tasha should just "know" she had to leave. Who knows what Tasha's job is, but it is going to realistically take time to find a place, collect the security/first month's rent, pack, etc.  I didn't hear that this agreement transpired months ago.  And if it had- Tasha seems pretty level-minded and was very clear that her name was on the lease. She doesn't have to go just because Dad decided to drag a family in there.

Tasha is 19. Most 19 year olds who work dont make very much money (especially if they are taking college courses as well) and need to live with at least 1 roommate to get by. I hate how her own father seems to treat her like an inconvenient roommate. But Leida expects a 19 year old to act like an adult and be independent, when she herself lived in her parents house at 29 and demands full provisions. I think she came to the US because she thought she would make big money as a dr here but i hate to break that bubble because she mentioned she is a general practitioner, which is probably the very lowest end of the income scale for doctors. 

By the way, i hope nobody picks her as their PCP one day. She is the most undoctorly doctor ive ever seen.

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1 hour ago, Drogo said:

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, I don't get that at all...


Just look at this physical specimen.  Clearly takes care of himself. 

He and Colt are two of the most physically unappealing men I've ever seen.

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15 hours ago, Kangatush said:

Because she's an adult who moved out of her parent's homes to be independent, until her father needed help and came to her.  Were I Tasha, and being treated as Eric and Leida are treating her, I'd keep my happity ass in that apartment until the end of the lease.  The only reason she'd have to leave early is out of niceness, and the way she's being treated isn't exactly making her want to bend over backwards to accommodate her shitty dad and his shrew.

I know they had discussed her moving prior to Leida's arrival, but even then Tasha was against putting a lot of effort into it.  Now she'd be even less motivated.  Eric decided on the deadline, Tasha never agreed to it.

Right. And who is to say she didn't have something in the works and it fell thru? As a college student, she's likely going to need at least one roommate to cover the bills. That, alone, can take some time, esp in Bumbafuck, WI or wherever they live.

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22 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Plus getting pregnant, living with your parents, quitting your job a sponging off them is a 16 - 18 year old thing to do, not a 30 year old thing to do.

Yep.  Everything about her screams junior high school to me, particularly when she makes fun of Asuelu.  That's the kind of thing you do when you're so self-conscious that you need to put down someone else to make the Cool Kids think you're cool, too, even though you're stuck with a dorky boyfriend (roll your eyes here).

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21 hours ago, Cammi said:

Re: Colt and Larissa: I know everyone is saying $50/a person for a reception is a good deal. But you guys, dude and his mom do not even own a couch... and they look like they live a HELLA CHEAP lifestyle. I would bet money they threw their old sofa out because it was scratched to death by the cats and falling apart and they didn't want it filmed, so they made up the ruse about "letting Larissa pick one". They didn't let her pick a new one, so that was a freaking lie!

I am frugal and I know people who live a minimalist lifestyle, but I just plain think they don't have a lot of money. I bet Colt's original thinking was drive thru wedding chapel on the Vegas strip and Arby's afterwards for the three of them. If he isn't going to splurge to get his air conditioning fixed in the Vegas heat, dude ain't paying for reception meals unless its a cash/bar- meal type thing for the guests. 

I disagree.  Colt lives above the poverty line and Debbie is collecting some sort of widow benefits.  Both are just cheap and stingy, not poor.  Colt loves controlling Larissa by holding the purse strings.   I don’t see him in a hurry for her to get her green card since he will lose most of his power when she makes her own money.   Also, if she worked, Debbie can’t keep an eye on her at home.  

Eric makes decent money, too. He clearly is bitter that child support is cutting into his drinking and miscellaneous expenses.  He and Leida are self centered creeps.  I hope Leida gets tired of playing mommy and sends her son back home to his grandparents.  It’s his only chance.  

Regardless on how poor these 90 day Americans claim to be, they always seem to come up with the funds for visits overseas.  

Edited by LGGirl
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21 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

And maybe Tasha was polite because she knew she should have already moved out.  But I can't get into her head at all because there's no way I would let my place be a pig sty like that.  Maybe Eric did do it all and she didn't add to it but let it stay that way to punish Leida--I don't think that's what happened, but even if it did, I couldn't do that if it meant I had to live in it in the meantime.

I do know that if I were in Leida's position, I'd be pissed about having to clean that sty in order to make it habitable, and after that still be sharing the apartment and having my kid sleeping on an air mattress next to my bed.  Leida failed at being polite, but that's minor compared to the failures that have led them to be in this position in the first place. 

I thought Tasha was being polite because that's how she was brought up.  Leida was rude ditto.  It's possible to be polite and be a filthy pig in your living habits.  Plus, I wonder if the mess that apartment was in was producer-driven, if Tasha was told not to clean up before Leida arrived.  I'm also suspicious that we are being trolled re: Eric's furniture.  It's hard for me to imagine that he would not know what a shock his living conditions were would be to Leida, and it's hard for me to believe that after all that, Leida would agree to stay and to believe that Eric, who shared an apartment with his daughter, was getting ready to buy her a big house.  This all strikes me as such rank horseshit.  I'm suspicious that Leida has dreams of stardom (a la Kardashians) and is willing to take part in the charade to make them come true.  I think her family has resigned themselves to their headstrong daughter's whims--if things were truly this bad, I feel sure they would have tried a lot harder to take her and especially her son back to Indonesia. I'm calling shenanigans on this whole plotline, shenanigans and horseshit.

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20 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Two questions:

Why does Tasha not live with her mom?

How in the world did Eric afford travel and “courting” expenses if he’s such a poor dumbfuck?

A third question:

What kind of job requires Tasha to wear an animal tail tied to her butt?

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2 hours ago, Mothra said:

Yep.  Everything about her screams junior high school to me, particularly when she makes fun of Asuelu.  That's the kind of thing you do when you're so self-conscious that you need to put down someone else to make the Cool Kids think you're cool, too, even though you're stuck with a dorky boyfriend (roll your eyes here).

On top of this, I really do not get the people on this show that continually put their fiancees on blast to the rest of their family. Kalani and Chantal from a previous season went back to their family members complaining and generally being an ass about the person they chose to marry. Don't they realize it just makes them look like the idiot for choosing that person? 

Kalani is especially mean girl about it. It's like she is setting him up for failure then sitting back and watching with this I told you so attitude. Aselu clearly needs to be educated about childcare, or at least the expectations around childcare in America. Apparently it is more fun to not make this clear and then watch him struggle in order to complain about it. 

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2 hours ago, LGGirl said:

I disagree.  Colt lives above the poverty line and Debbie is collecting some sort of widow benefits.  Both are just cheap and stingy, not poor.  Colt loves controlling Larissa by holding the purse strings.   I don’t see him in a hurry for her to get her green card since he will lose most of his power when she makes her own money.   Also, if she worked, Debbie can’t keep an eye on her at home.  

Eric makes decent money, too. He clearly is bitter that child support is cutting into his drinking and miscellaneous expenses.  He and Leida are self centered creeps.  I hope Leida gets tired of playing mommy and sends her son back home to his grandparents.  It’s his only chance.  

Regardless on how poor these 90 day Americans claim to be, they always seem to come up with the funds for visits overseas.  

I have never met anyone who makes decent money and has a freaking blow up couch, and needs their kid to split every single bill. Eric had to move in with HIS TEENAGE KID. I can literally smell Eric's poverty through my tv screen. Dude probably only pays $600/ or less child support a month especially since the kid is older. Child support should not be breaking the bank of any 40 year old man, and if it is then he has no business remarrying, I think the older the kid- the less the payments. My freaking alimony alone is 3 X that, but I doubt Eric makes that much to start with. If I had to guess, he probably has a menial maintenance job in an aviation building. Just like Leida's "doctor" claims. In her country those classes are probably similar to a vocational school here. I'd ballpark his salary at $35-$38k/year, given where he lives and what he has acquired so far in life.  And if either Colt, or Eric made anywhere near a decent living, it would show because they would have a "hotter" foreign fiancé on their arm ie: Fernanda, seeing as how shallow they are. Houses in Las Vegas are not expensive at all, or in Bumblefuck, WI, yet Eric's apartment LOOKS like a rent by the week motel (his balcony view is of a busy street ffs) and Colt shares what looks like a small townhome WITH his Mom's income to help with bills. He and Leida are still living in that rat hole, and any person with a decent salary or credit, would've opted to move out and let the 19yr old stay. 

There are barely any couples not getting by without begging for money online or getting help from extended family. I can think of only a few that have been showcased. Frugal or not, that old beater of a car Colt drives screams either his credit is shot, or he has no money. It is obvious they do the show for the extra money, which can't be more than $10,000 / season or so, and that isn't much money imo to degrade yourself on a national scale. 

Darcy pranced around in designer duds but we never saw her home, because she shared a residence with her sibling. I'm sorry, but that is rare at her age, and tells me she is strapped for cash. If you are over the age of 35 and only have a closet for of designer shoes/handbags and nothing of real value (a home etc), then there is a problem. Nicole living in sections 8 housing, Angela having to split hotels on several credit cards, Danielle with her check fraud, Steven couch surfing, Kalani quit her job and sponging off Daddy... These people spend their life savings thinking they're getting sex slaves, and it's obvious they can't afford a pot to pee in. 

I'd almost feel sorry for the cast if they are weren't such humongous, shallow assholes. Middle class these people are not, except for maybe Jon this season. 

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Let me see if I have this straight...Tasha took her dad into live with her when Eric needed a place to live and he is trying to kick her out for his new family...Why doesn't he move out? It was her place to begin with and her name is on the lease. 

Eric also throws Tasha under the bus for the mess. Eric lets her take crap from the new woman and never once stands up for the daughter who took him. Is that correct? 

Eric is just plain garbage. 

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8 minutes ago, Cammi said:

Darcy pranced around in faux designer duds but we never saw her home, because she shared a residence with her sibling. I'm sorry, but that is rare at her age, and tells me she is strapped for cash. If you are over the age of 35 and only have a closet for of faux designer shoes/handbags and nothing of real value (a home etc), then there is a problem.

You left out the same word . . . twice.  (At least in my opinion.  LOL.)

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On 11/27/2018 at 12:51 AM, sconstant said:


Hey, I wonder what his nickname was, if he is JAY and his father is SKINS because he's such a player?  One assumes Jay's a righty and did this himself, in the mirror.  

In non-news: Leida is the worst.

Screenshot 2018-11-27 at 1.41.34 AM - Edited.png

I don't understand the dad's nickname ____Skins?  And Jayskins.  Am I too old to understand?


On 11/27/2018 at 2:32 PM, Snewtsie said:

Oh my god, we were married to the same man, with the same horrible mother-in-law.


Awful MIL party of 3.  I hate my mother-in law.  I know that hate is a strong word... and that is why I use it.


On 11/27/2018 at 2:57 PM, funky-rat said:

I'm still married to Mr. Funky (not that there haven't been times where I didn't want to be).  Horrible MIL died in 2007 so I don't have to deal with her anymore.

You are sooo lucky!


On 11/27/2018 at 3:58 PM, iwasish said:

There was a post earlier that had screen shots of both Leida and Tasha’s posts that filled in some background info and some current stuff, Eric living in his car was part of it, 


Oh -I would like to read more of this.  Is it on the Eric & Leida thread?


On 11/27/2018 at 10:28 PM, Spike said:

Coltie thought $50 a plate was a lot for a wedding reception dinner.  Isn’t the going rate like $150?

I think the average is more like $250/person.  Mine was more than that and I got married 12 years ago.


I am laughing that every so often as I scroll through this forum, that awful pic of Colteee pops up!  Like every 15 minutes I am horrified anew.  And then laughing.  I am at work, and it is hard to pretend to be working while trying to hold in laughter!

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55 minutes ago, PinkFlamingo said:

On top of this, I really do not get the people on this show that continually put their fiancees on blast to the rest of their family. Kalani and Chantal from a previous season went back to their family members complaining and generally being an ass about the person they chose to marry. Don't they realize it just makes them look like the idiot for choosing that person? 

Kalani is especially mean girl about it. It's like she is setting him up for failure then sitting back and watching with this I told you so attitude. Aselu clearly needs to be educated about childcare, or at least the expectations around childcare in America. Apparently it is more fun to not make this clear and then watch him struggle in order to complain about it. 

Kalani would rather curse the darkness.  I think your comparison of Kalani and Chantel is apt--they're both immature and not ready to cut strings with their family.  They both have an overwhelming need for their families' approval of their getting married, but at the same time are worse than anyone else about complaining to the fam about their fiances.  They both seem appreciative of the sex they're participating in, but not appreciative enough to stand up for their men--not just stand up in the face of their families' throwing shade, but to keep their fucking mouths shut and work out problems within their engagement with their partner instead of running back to the shelter of parents.  Ideally, I guess, they would get the sex somehow--maybe a robot?--and not have to deal with all the "shortcomings" of the men involved.  They could stay within the family fold and still be fulfilled sexually.

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On 11/28/2018 at 3:44 PM, AlanaHeart said:


I think that Steve will behave better when he’s home and in more comfortable surroundings. I think he’s freaking out because in Russia and he feels like he has zero control of what’s going and is overwhelmed- so I feel like he’s bossing Olga around because it’s the ONE situation he has control over. Once again, it’s not right but I think he loves Olga and wants to have a healthy family- he needs to work on being more patient, respectful and understanding but I believe, especially after seeing this episode himself he will work on changing. I just think people need to give Steve a little more time to see if he is able to change and not dismiss him so soon. If he doesn’t change and keeps up with that behavior- then I agree that Olga has to leave and find someone who will treat her better- but we can only see how things unfold with time. Until then I am rooting for them to become a better couple and a family.



I'm not hopeful at all for Steven and Olga.  The World Health Organization has done lots of studies and issued lots of reports on intimate-partner violence, and consistently one of the greatest risks is low level of education in the abuser, exacerbated when the victim has a higher level of education, just like Steven and Olga.  Another big risk fact is for the abuser to have grown up in an abusive family, especially to have witnessed abuse between his parents.  Just like Steven.  Economic stress/poverty is another big one, as is the man's feeling he has the right to correct the woman's behavior.  Just like Steven.  I don't see this ending well at all.

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20 hours ago, AlanaHeart said:

I think having Anfisa or Fernanda hit someone is downplayed and glossed over and then when someone like Steve who yells at his wife- people called him a future batterer when when we have women who are actual batterers on this show hitting men.

Actually I think what we have is a hell of a lot of producer driven drama that leads up to the scenes you are hinging your argument on. 

Hitting someone doesn't solve anything and it's not acceptable here, in the US, culturally or legally. Maybe in Russia (Anfisa) and Mexico (Fernanda) it is. I don't know.

But I'm not going to pearl clutch over their reactions after being set up by producers in very specific ways with no indication that without that motivation they would behave in the same way on the reg, because they are women and thus I should treat them as potentially equally abusive as a man. Particularly when the men involved are theoretically adults that walked their asses into those situations and are perfectly capable at any damn point of sending these women away legally and permanently if they actually are abusive when the cameras are off.  Within the scenarios you present, Fernanda and Anfisa held zero power - not physically, not financially, not geographically and not legally.

Kalani is just a bitch and I've been saying the whole time that Ansuelo should go home and be happy he dodged that bullet. 

But I absolutely am going to point out that Steven verbally berated, gaslit, and screamed obscenities at a woman who literally just had her abdomen cut open to access her uterus, which was then also cut open to remove a living human being out of it, who then had - at a minimum - 100s of stitches or staples through 3 tissue layers and 2 major bodily organs, and all of that only after hours of active labor with contractions and cervical and vaginal pressure and likely significant hematomas from ultimately needless pushing. I cringe to think that Steven is all Olga has to depend on and honestly think she'd be better off alone because at least then she'd have some damn quiet and a little sleep before she had to nurse again. So maybe he's not physically abusive and maybe he will never be, but odds don't seem great that he's gonna level off with time. He's showing who he is, and she should take a good long look and think about whether or not that's what she wants for her baby and for herself.

And frankly they ALL should. But I'm not scared for Jorge or Jonathan - they have the power in those relationships that will always allow them the control over Anfisa and Fernanda. Steven has made it clear that to be in his life you have to be under his thumb - no one tells him what to do, it's HIS son, right? He says it often enough. Olga should take that seriously.

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1 hour ago, Cammi said:

I have never met anyone who makes decent money and has a freaking blow up couch, and needs their kid to split every single bill. Eric had to move in with HIS TEENAGE KID. I can literally smell Eric's poverty through my tv screen. Dude probably only pays $600/ or less child support a month especially since the kid is older. Child support should not be breaking the bank of any 40 year old man, and if it is then he has no business remarrying, I think the older the kid- the less the payments. My freaking alimony alone is 3 X that, but I doubt Eric makes that much to start with. If I had to guess, he probably has a menial maintenance job in an aviation building. Just like Leida's "doctor" claims. In her country those classes are probably similar to a vocational school here. I'd ballpark his salary at $35-$38k/year, given where he lives and what he has acquired so far in life.  And if either Colt, or Eric made anywhere near a decent living, it would show because they would have a "hotter" foreign fiancé on their arm ie: Fernanda, seeing as how shallow they are. Houses in Las Vegas are not expensive at all, or in Bumblefuck, WI, yet Eric's apartment LOOKS like a rent by the week motel (his balcony view is of a busy street ffs) and Colt shares what looks like a small townhome WITH his Mom's income to help with bills. He and Leida are still living in that rat hole, and any person with a decent salary or credit, would've opted to move out and let the 19yr old stay. 

There are barely any couples not getting by without begging for money online or getting help from extended family. I can think of only a few that have been showcased. Frugal or not, that old beater of a car Colt drives screams either his credit is shot, or he has no money. It is obvious they do the show for the extra money, which can't be more than $10,000 / season or so, and that isn't much money imo to degrade yourself on a national scale. 

Darcy pranced around in designer duds but we never saw her home, because she shared a residence with her sibling. I'm sorry, but that is rare at her age, and tells me she is strapped for cash. If you are over the age of 35 and only have a closet for of designer shoes/handbags and nothing of real value (a home etc), then there is a problem. Nicole living in sections 8 housing, Angela having to split hotels on several credit cards, Danielle with her check fraud, Steven couch surfing, Kalani quit her job and sponging off Daddy... These people spend their life savings thinking they're getting sex slaves, and it's obvious they can't afford a pot to pee in. 

I'd almost feel sorry for the cast if they are weren't such humongous, shallow assholes. Middle class these people are not, except for maybe Jon this season. 

Epic rant and ass dragging. This is hilarious! Esp the bolded.

I do think that once kids reach age 12, CS goes up slightly, tho. But around the same time his youngest turned 12, Tasha aged out of the system, so overall, his CS is probably the lowest it's ever been.

I'm guessing what happened is Eric was unemployed for a couple of years and his CS obligation continued to accrue. Now that he is working again, he is heavily in CS arrears and a big chunk of his paycheck is garnished to pay down that debt. So he is working but still broke,


1 hour ago, usernameG said:

Let me see if I have this straight...Tasha took her dad into live with her when Eric needed a place to live and he is trying to kick her out for his new family...Why doesn't he move out? It was her place to begin with and her name is on the lease. 

Eric also throws Tasha under the bus for the mess. Eric lets her take crap from the new woman and never once stands up for the daughter who took him. Is that correct? 

Eric is just plain garbage. 

Some ppl have guessed his credit is bad. Or maybe that is the cheapest 2 bdrm in the area.


1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

I don't understand the dad's nickname ____Skins?  And Jayskins.  Am I too old to understand?

Not Jayskins. Just Skinz. You know...Pussy. Snatch. Good-good. Na-na. Drawers. Kitty cat? I didn't realize this show enjoyed such a large Puritan viewership. LOL

Edited by eatsleep
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1 hour ago, Cammi said:

I have never met anyone who makes decent money and has a freaking blow up couch, and needs their kid to split every single bill. Eric had to move in with HIS TEENAGE KID. I can literally smell Eric's poverty through my tv screen. Dude probably only pays $600/ or less child support a month especially since the kid is older. Child support should not be breaking the bank of any 40 year old man, and if it is then he has no business remarrying, .... I'd ballpark his salary at $35-$38k/year, given where he lives and what he has acquired so far in life.  And if either Colt, or Eric made anywhere near a decent living, it would show because they would have a "hotter" foreign fiancé on their arm ie: Fernanda, seeing as how shallow they are. Houses in Las Vegas are not expensive at all, or in Bumblefuck, WI, yet Eric's apartment LOOKS like a rent by the week motel (his balcony view is of a busy street ffs) and Colt shares what looks like a small townhome WITH his Mom's income to help with bills. He and Leida are still living in that rat hole, and any person with a decent salary or credit, would've opted to move out and let the 19yr old stay. 

There are barely any couples not getting by without begging for money online or getting help from extended family. I can think of only a few that have been showcased. Frugal or not, that old beater of a car Colt drives screams either his credit is shot, or he has no money. It is obvious they do the show for the extra money, which can't be more than $10,000 / season or so, and that isn't much money imo to degrade yourself on a national scale. 


The only think I can smell on Eric is alcohol.  I bet my home that he is a alcoholic and smoker.   He’s not poor.  He’s just pissing his money away with on booze and smokes.  His choice.   If he was living out of f hs car, it was most likely he lost his job because of alcohol.  He is self centered like an alcoholic, too.  He thinks he’s entitled to Tashs’s place.  Great dad there.  I have zero pity for him.  

I don’t get all the fuss over the inflatable couch.   Could it be possible that it’s Tasha’s?  There is a recliner that appears to be Eric’s.  

Fernanda is the prettiest fiancé I have seen on the show.  I think most foreigners on the show are not bad looking.  I don’t think it’s fair to equate looks to wealth.  Frankly, I think both Larissa and Leida were catfished.  

Debbie has referred to the townhome as hers.  If she owned property in Seattle, sold it and moved to Vegas, she would have a nice chunk of change.   Enough to buy the townhome with some left over.  She’s not poor.   I think Colt lives with Debbie because he’s a momma’s boy.  But that’s a whole other subject.

On the first episode, Debbie’s bathroom was shown.   From what I saw in there, she isn’t hurting for money.  I think their old couch was trashed and they got rid of it.  It wasn’t important to them to buy a new one right away.  The whole couch thing with Larissa was just a way for Colt to mindf*ch her.  Hey, I don’t have a sofa in my living room.  Tossed it out and really haven’t cared to buy new one yet.  Lack of funds has nothing to do with it.  

Regarding Colt’s car.   He’s not poor.   He’s cheap.  My MIL is worth millions in cash and lives in a home worth over a million dollars.   She drives an old 2001 car.   She can easily afford to buy a new car.  Won’t even get all the necessary repairs on it either.  Why?  She’s cheap.   Just because one drives an old car doesn’t mean they are poor.

Colt spends his money on what’s important to him.  His cats.  Those are some well dressed and well fed cats.  

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1 hour ago, eatsleep said:

Not Jayskins. Just Skinz. You know...Pussy. Snatch. Good-good. Na-na. Drawers. Kitty cat? I didn't realize this show enjoyed such a large Puritan viewership. LOL


I'm not a Puritan, but if you just wandered up to me and told me your name was Skinz, my brain would Not automatically go to lady gardens (wanted to throw in another euphemism) it's stupid and makes no sense.

And the tattoo is 100% Jayskinz.

Edited by Kangatush
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19 hours ago, iwasish said:

My blood ran cold when he said the baby  would “learn to wait to get fed”.

why do I think somewhere in his past someone told him the same thing? 

And when she was in labor going to her room , they didn’t know if he would be allowed to see the baby born till it was cleared by the administration “ the next day”  He whispers sonething to Olga about “it’s not going to be good if the baby is born before I get here”

Another red flag. 

Fuck Steven!  I hate to be graphic but he deserves it!  Any “man”, and I use that term loosely, that threatens the future mother of his child for having the baby without him is a douche nozzle.  What the hell was she supposed to do?  Keep the baby in and risk her and the baby’s life to accommodate his ever increasingly creepy infatuation and schedule?  If the doctor scheduled a c-section on the spot, it was for a reason.  Who they hell cares about his needs.  

I’ve never had a baby, but I just had an open myomectomy which is basically a c-section that removed fibroids instead of a baby.  There are no words in the English language to describe how it feels to have your abdomen and uterus sliced open, something removed, sewn back together, and then having your uterus shrink rather rapidly.  For perspective, let me give you a list of all the things you can’t do normally for at least two weeks, but more like six to eight weeks:

  • Sit up unassisted
  • lie down unassisted
  • roll over
  • lay on you side
  • lay on your stomach (10 weeks and counting)
  • lie flat on your back
  • sit straight up
  • twist
  • bend 
  • stretch
  • inhale deeply 
  • exhale deeply
  • suck in your stomach (for several weeks)
  • get into, onto, or up from a relatively high or low bed, sofa or chair
  • reach above your head
  • drive
  • lift anything heavier than your baby (or your very small dog)
  • any type of housework
  • bathe normally (no bathtubs for 6 weeks)
  • get off a low toilet seat
  • sneeze
  • cough
  • fart
  • have bowel movements (so not happening)
  • laugh too hard 
  • climb stairs normally
  • walk standing straight up
  • walk at a fast pace
  • run
  • jog
  • lift your legs
  • wear low cut underwear (granny panties are your friend)
  • wear jeans, tight fitting clothes or anything that presses on or rubs against your stomach
  • crouch or squat
  • get on your hands and knees
  • tolerate bumps in the car
  • full frontal hugs
  • eat normal sized food portions

And if you’re lucky, the fire ant-type itching on your incision will only last a couple days as it heals. All because you have no muscle tone in your abdomen.  You’re abdomen feels incredibly sore and wobbly, you’re tired and easily exhausted by expending minimal energy, and it hurts like hell.  And oh Lord the first time you stand up it literally feels like you’re being ripped apart! Round the clock Percocet keeps it tolerable so you might not cry, but it’s no picnic.  And I  had a speedy recovery with the only complication being a cold, no issues to the surgical site.  

I can’t imagine what it would have been like to add caring for a newborn, post partum bleeding, a hormonal tilt-a-whirl, and establishing breastfeeding on top of all that.  Add in a whiney, petulant, possessive, demanding boyfriend and it’s no wonder Olga didn’t snap on him.  

You’ll have to excuse me for having no sympathy for Steven.  He may be stressed or overwhelmed.  I’m sure men go through their own issues when babies are born, and it is unfortunate that there isn’t more support for that, but Steven’s situation does not compare.  He didn’t have surgery, or go through the rigors of pregnancy, labor, or child birth.  Olga wasn’t rude or nasty to him.  But he made the entire birth and hospital stay about his needs.  Who speaks that way to a woman who just gave birth?  How can he claim to love Richie so much, yet show no care or concern for the mother?  

And anyone who thinks a newborn, breastfed baby can learn to wait to eat, but that he shouldn’t have to abide by the hospital’s policies doesn’t deserve to have testicles, let alone use them.  I wish Olga was here and had given birth at my hospital.  They ask you pre-admit and upon check out if you have a safe place to go, and if you are in any type of unsafe or sketchy situation.  She could have gotten some help and one of the “seasoned” nurses could have gotten Steven’s mind right. 

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1 hour ago, eatsleep said:


Not Jayskins. Just Skinz. You know...Pussy. Snatch. Good-good. Na-na. Drawers. Kitty cat? I didn't realize this show enjoyed such a large Puritan viewership. LOL

I think his tattoo reads "JAYSKINZ" which I don't get at all.  Ok, I am no prude!  :)  But I have never heard "skinz" !!

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14 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

Regarding Colt’s car.   He’s not poor.   He’s cheap.  My MIL is worth millions in cash and lives in a home worth over a million dollars.   She drives an old 2001 car.   She can easily afford to buy a new car.  Won’t even get all the necessary repairs on it either.  Why?  She’s cheap.   Just because one drives an old car doesn’t mean they are poor.

Or, it's just not a priority.  Some people just drive their car around and don't look at it as a status symbol; or don't feel the need to replace a perfectly functioning vehicle for a higher payment, more expensive insurance... and an older car isn't as big a deal if it gets scratched.  So I think to use "cheap" as a negative word- maybe could be considered "frugal," meaning one has different financial priorities.

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3 hours ago, Cammi said:

Frugal or not, that old beater of a car Colt drives screams either his credit is shot, or he has no money.

I’m convinced Colt-ee is just a cheap son of a bitch.  His bank account is what turns him on as its the only bargaining chip he has.  How je’s riding in Vegas with non-working a/c is beyond me.  He’s too cheap to drop some cash on a new car because then he wouldn’t be able to wave his bank statement around at Mail Order Brides-R-Us.  

I’m also convinced that he’s wearing his dad’s old clothes, and that Debbie is slipping estrogen into his bith phtew.  

Edited by Ijustwantsomechips
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On 11/28/2018 at 1:44 PM, AlanaHeart said:

2)     Steven has never been on an airplane.  On his first trip, he went internationally to Russia, where not a ton of people speak English, navigated the system to go 7 hours by train to see her.  I’m an experienced traveler and I don’t think I would have done that.

I was initially impressed by that, too, but then realized he had a crew from The Learning Channel with him.  They may not have been clearing the way for him, but it's not like he was all alone.


On 11/28/2018 at 3:06 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

I think she was acting like the Alpha female she thinks she is/is striving to be and WILL be with Doormat Eric at her side.  See, she should not have been acting as either as a parent nor a roommate, ERIC should have done the talking.  Leida would have done well by acting "proper."  "Hello Tasha, nice to meet you." as opposed to "Geez hi you ungrateful slob....when the hell you leaving?"

I agree that Eric should have done the talking, but he didn't/wouldn't/won't because he's an ineffectual schlub who thinks things magically occur.  How many times did he say, "We'll have to work that out" during the discussion with Tasha and Leida?  You're having that discussion right now, dimwit.


4 hours ago, Mothra said:

I'm calling shenanigans on this whole plotline, shenanigans and horseshit.

So much of it could be made clearer, but the producers intentionally don't do that.  I assume it's because they think the "drama" will draw viewers.  But I'm the opposite--I'm in until such shenanigans make me feel unreasonably manipulated.

For example, what did Tasha agree to with respect to moving out, and what did she do to accomplish it?  Who left that apartment in that state?  What exactly did Eric tell Leida her living situation would be?  Our judgment of the various talent could (and probably should) change depending on the answers to those questions, and we're not given that information.  There's a lot of speculation here, and that can be kind of fun, but only up to a point for me, and then I'm out.

It's not like they lack sufficient air time to give us a clearer picture, considering all the flashbacks they show.  So they do it on purpose, and I have enough real things to get roiled up without having reality TV honchos manufacturing fake ones.

But what I mainly enjoy about these shows is talking about them with y'all.  What bugs me is that the caliber of discussion would be just as high if we were dealing with known facts, so there's no reason in my world for the shenanigans, and in fact these shenanigans can detract from the discussion. 

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Unless something significantly changes with the narrative being presented, I fear for both Olga and the baby. Steven seems like the type to take things out on the baby to hurt Olga or if the baby is crying and he’s fighting with her would grab the baby in frustration and handle him roughly and end up hurting him. 

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On 11/26/2018 at 2:06 AM, TrininisaScorp said:

Well, I have a list...



Ok, I feel a little bad for Larissa today.  She seemed a little homesick and missing her family while at the Brazilian place, and then Colt-ie seems to be going backwards on the plans they talked about before now.  I think he was clearly willing to promise the moon at the time, but now that the 90 days is ticking away, it is a different story.  I think that’s the core of their problem.

(shallow) Colt-ie shouldn’t wear shorts.  It was not a cute look. (/shallow)



I’m with Olga…Steven is acting like an asshole.

I can’t believe Steven is randomly driving with a newborn in Russian, and he wants to have an argument while driving.  I was so nervous.  Him getting heated and going on and on while poor Olga is trying to explain her basic wants was sad to me.  I wanted to shake his stupid head.  Olga JUST HAD A BABY VIA C-SECTION.  Can he just stop?!  Please?!   Stop yelling.  Stop touching the baby with his dirty hands.  Just. Stop.



These ppl.  So, she brought him from Jam Rock and didn’t care what he did here, but now, she’s all over his phone messaging like she owns him.  Come on, man.  These are 1) 20 yr old dude probs, so you get what you get, and 2) the great philosophers TLC have stated many a time that “you can’t trust a relationship with no trust”.   Communication isn’t the biggest problem, sweetie.  Your Caprisun drinking child bride is tripping out just like he was in Jamaica, and you own that now, Ashley.



The look on Leida’s mom/dad/bros’ faces when Eric was saying goodbye was HILARIOUS.  Go back.  Look at it. LOLOL.  The saying goodbye to Aless was really sad, though.

Eric’s greasy hair was all I could stare at while they were cleaning the apartment.

Tasha was actually very mature and tried to be kind, but Leida was a really rude bitch to her from the start.  

“She’s my daughter, I’m not kicking her out” to throwing her under the bus and letting this random woman attempt to throw his daughter out in the first 5 mins being in her house was Eric at his lowest to me.  I LOVED Tasha being like “you aren’t on the lease, bi-atch”.  You can tell that Tasha was truly hurt by her father’s words and actions.  Leida is a gross, self-centered, nasty person, and so is Eric.  Those two deserve each other, but won’t someone think of the children?!



The situation with Family Jon very much reminds me of Family Chantel and Pedro in their first season: The American has done a great disservice to their foreign “love” by not being an adult with their family, and the family takes it out on the foreigner instead of their precious child/sibling who, IMO, deserves a lion’s share of the blame.   BroJon basically presented this poor girl on a trashcan lid to his family.  Doesn’t matter if Fernanda is a filet mignon or not, she is still served on a trashcan.  I also hate that Jon seemed to be projecting his fears and insecurities around commitment on Fernanda. 

That said, Jackie seems like a nice gal, but I completely understand her being a little reticent about all of this and who she probably sees as her player older bro.  BUT, BroJon’s mom is kind of terrible. The cut of the eyes, “you’re tall”, “not that I see you regularly” in the first minute told me exactly how that interaction was going to go.  I remember being 19 and meeting the people who would years later become my in-laws; it was scary for me then and they didn’t have the fire in their belly at their son the way that Jon’s mom did.   You can tell that Jon and his mom fell back very quickly into their old patterns. I do believe that Jon handled himself as the conversation went forward and defended Fernanda well.  My heart broke for Fernanda that Ceci couldn’t even commit to go dress shopping.



Yeah.  I just don’t like Kalani.  She seems like a real…boohole.

Do these people not have any empathy for people that aren’t exactly like them?!

I appreciate that Nick told Kalani that she needed to talk to Asuelo about her concerns, but that the next suggestion was to babysit Asuelo.  I was nervous with the way Asuelo was carrying Oliver.  Nick does seem to have a decent head on his shoulders.  I really lay the issue here as a huge cultural gap between 2 people that are very immature in different ways.

Asuelo’s fav thing about Oliver is “he’s white and mom from America” is painful, even in jest.  WTF?!  Asuelo is no prize, but he is eclipsed by how horrid Ohana Kalani is. 

Loved your whole post.  Colt does not belong with Larissa.  She is too sharp for him as he is a nerd and cheap.  Who doesn’t have air conditioning in their cars in Vegas?  After she gets her green card, she will split.

Now I can see why Steven was brought up by his grandparents.  He has severe anger issues.  Olga just had a c-section and he’s yelling at her?  She’s in for a horrendous marriage if she goes with him.  The guy needs therapy ASAP.

Jay should go back to Jamaica where he belongs.  He doesn’t like it here.  Always complaining, so go back.  Marriage is not all about sex as they are finding out.

Leida  is too immature for marriage.  She just wants to dress up and dance and have fun.  He’s enamored of her and might regret it.  Sorry, I meant Fernanda, not Leida.

Eric looks like he could be Leidas father.  He doesn’t have enough money to be with her.  Kicking his daughter out was wrong.  I felt sooo bad for Leidas little boy when the grandparents left.  He looked pathetic.  I hope she goes back to Indonesia.  He’s not for her.

I don’t care for Kilani.  Very bossy.  The guy is young and doesn’t know how to handle the baby.  He doesn’t know the customs.  That’s all.

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46 minutes ago, Jennifersdc said:

Steven - maybe your family talked to you like you’re an asshole cause you ARE an asshole. Just a thought...

He is an immature, controlling, ignorant, high strung dictator.  She is too fragile and nice for him and deserves better.  Now, he has to be in her life forever because of the baby whether they stay together or not.  I feel sorry for her.

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3 hours ago, KateHearts said:

Or, it's just not a priority.  Some people just drive their car around and don't look at it as a status symbol; or don't feel the need to replace a perfectly functioning vehicle for a higher payment, more expensive insurance... and an older car isn't as big a deal if it gets scratched.  So I think to use "cheap" as a negative word- maybe could be considered "frugal," meaning one has different financial priorities.

 I drive my cars until repairs would exceed their value. After the first couple months of newness, the only car wash they get is if I need to wash snow off or if I need to go to a funeral. It’s transportation to me, Friends get hysterical over a scratch or ding in the parking lot, to me,  annoying yes, but.oh well it was gonna happen sometime. I’ve driven for a couple years without a/c. Uncomfortable yes, but manageable. Even though I can afford a 40k car, I haven’t ever bought one. Larissa, granted would like a/c, but no way would I buy that SUV to “impress people “ which was Larissa’smotive to get it. The smaller smart car was fine. 

I do think that Colt should consider a new car as a consideration to Larissa. It appears that perhaps its close to time to replace the old, move up the time table, a nice sensible car,  nothing flashy. I also find offputting and think Colt may also, that she’s created an “I want” list already. 

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Jay proudly said his father’s nickname was “Skinz” (or Skins) “because he got all the ladies” or words to that effect. Jay’s tattoo reads “Jayskinz” in a mirror image, so maybe that’s because he’s known as “Junior Skinz.” 


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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

Jay proudly said his father’s nickname was “Skinz” (or Skins) “because he got all the ladies” or words to that effect. Jay’s tattoo reads “Jayskinz” in a mirror image, so maybe that’s because he’s known as “Junior Skinz.” 


They bleeped a word when Jay explained it (before they said goodbye to dad for the cameras) - it's skinz because he gets a lot of ___ skinz.  I don't know what word they bleeped and I kinda don't want to.

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On 11/22/2018 at 6:04 PM, CSS.MD said:

Yeah, this is why I asked if there’s a minimum speed limit on the spoiler thread.

But I can’t imagine any minimum being that fast in America? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Waaaay late on this, but my state (Texas) has a minimum speed on most interstates/highways. It varies depending on the maximum speed limit, but for example near my house, where the max speed limit is 65mph (104 kph), the minimum speed is 45 (72-ish kph). A little further out, where the max speed is 75, the minimum speed is 55. It's usually 20-25mph lower than the max speed limit. They drop the minimum completely once you get so close to the city center, but you can be (and are) ticketed for going too slow sometimes. It's a safety hazard to be going so much slower than most of the traffic around you, especially if you can avoid it by using the access/feeder roads. 

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On 11/27/2018 at 12:42 PM, magemaud said:

Supposedly, Eric is an "avionics technician" so he has something to do with electrical systems in airplanes. That just reminded me of something, maybe he works for a major airline and gets employee discounts or passes but that airline's Indonesia routes only fly into JFK, hence the two round trips in the van from Wisconsin? 

On 11/28/2018 at 11:59 AM, KateHearts said:

The time between Leida arriving and her showdown with Tasha was maybe 8-10 days (of "touring" the US with Leida's poor family, the Pennsylvania "cabin", many hours on the road)- which doesn't give a lot of time for a teenager to save money for a down payment, sign a lease, and move.  

I still have no idea what the timeline and trips involved were with that whole deal.

1. Eric drives 15+ hours to NYC to pick up Leida, her sister and Aless.

2. They all drive back to Wisconsin for 15+ hours, taking a break in a cabin in PA.

3. Her parents end up in Wisconsin at the AirBNB Eric puts them up in. Did they fly into Madison? Did they all drive to NYC AGAIN to pick them up? 

4. Everyone is in NYC to see off the parents as they fly back to Indonesia. For some reason, they don't like the flights out of O'Hare 2-3 hours away? Eric, Leida and Aless drive back another 15+ hours to Wisconsin. 

I'm not sure how they found the time to clean and bitch at Tasha.

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