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S03.E01 Nine Bucks

Lady Calypso
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Welcome back, This Is Us. 

Interesting to see Jack and Rebecca's first date not going that great. However, I guess it ended ok? Also, Jack is surprisingly the most closed off person when it comes to his feelings about his past, so I think this was the rare time he's opened up about it. It was nice. So, season 1 was about Jack, season 2 was about Rebecca, so maybe this season will be Jack and Rebecca? Maybe, maybe not. 

Ok, Kevin and Zoe are super cute together, but Zoe's a horrific liar. But yeah, at first I thought that Beth needs to stuff it with her holier than thou attitude. I don't mind Beth hating Kevin, as it's for good reason, but she can't dictate who Zoe should be allowed to date all because she has a bad history with her husband's brother.

However, it was nice to see Beth open up and be nice to Kevin at the end. I still don't like her overall attitude toward him, even if I get it. It was nice to see a turn from her and a huge surprise to see Beth protect Kevin. I honestly didn't expect that, so good job, show. I wonder if that'll come true. I wonder if Zoe will only be a season character and then be gone by the end. I like her for now, but now I won't be able to forget about Beth's warning about her. Zoe could end up changing and being good for Kevin, but I simply can't help but wonder which way they'll take this. Is Beth foreshadowing a difficult break-up with Zoe/Kevin, leading to a potential relapse? Is it heading for a real true love storyline with Kevin/Zoe to prove Beth wrong? We know the two go to Vietnam together at some point. 

I cheered when Deja told Randall off. I'm glad she said "dude, we're not the same, no matter how much you want it to be true." I'm always happy for a little pushback toward Randall. His heart is in the right place, but his head is still stuck in his narcissism. 

A lot of Deja in this episode. I was hoping for more Kevin in general. I am hoping that this is the only appearance of her birth father. I really don't need to see him ever again. Unfortunately for me, I know it isn't the end and it's going to take up some significant screentime that I wish would go to Tess and Annie instead.  

The Kate/Toby stuff was decent. I actually like them focusing a bit more on Toby. Yeah, they had Kate more central here, but they started showing some hints of a good Toby storyline, I guess leading in to the flashforward that was last season. I'm guessing the trying for a baby storyline is going to take its toll more on Toby. I guess he's stopping his antidepressants for Kate. It was nice to see him more subdued here. I honestly don't think he cracked a joke this episode, which was completely surprising. He was mostly serious. It was...kind of nice, actually. 

Huh. So the Tess/Randall flashforward? We're gonna get hints along the season? Why should we care? We're not going into the future, are we? I really don't care that much. Unless next season is going to take place entirely in the future, then who cares?

I did laugh really hard at the Jack/Rebecca/boyfriend twist. That was something I didn't see coming. 

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OK, so Deja's dad is a famous football player?  Or were those just random people?  

Toby and Kate--There are almost 8 billion people in the world.  You don't have to try so hard to make more.  And, I think that doctor is being very reckless.  Yeah, yeah, it's Kate's decision.  But, it's reckless to put forth that much risk for such a low rate of return.  And, now we know why Toby is depressed.

Sweet that Beth was worried about Kevin. But, too much of a busy body in my opinion.   But, that's OK. She wasn't too bad.

And, good to know that in the Pearson household, it is OK to break rules as long as it involves getting Randall a present.

Are Randall and Tess going to see Kate?  Who else who Randall specifically reach out to Toby?  A yet to be born daughter of Toby and Kate's?  

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Dammit Toby, that was a bad move!

As frustrating as Deja was in this episode (she was hurting, but still) I loved her last minute gift to Randall. And she told off her jerk bio-dad.

Only Jack would try to do a dream date on $9...and it doesn't go well. And is Rebecca's other boyfriend Logan from Gilmore Girls!! Ugh. But at least we know that story works out. 

I don't know if the same can be said about the Pearsons in the flash forwards. Curiouser and curiouser....

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Just now, Ms Blue Jay said:


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought so! I was trying to figure out if The Resident was made by the same studio as This Is Us to see if he could have been allowed a cameo or something like that. 

I already hate everything with the IVF storyline. I was so glad when Toby was able to say that he was uncomfortable with the procedure and that he didn't want to go through with it. Naturally, though, it's all about what Kate wants, regardless of how it will affect anyone else.

I wish they had let Kevin and Zoe develop more and we could have fallen in love with them as a couple. Instead, we're again just told they are in love and the best couple ever. I get so frustrated with the show's tendency to tell and not show. 

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1 minute ago, Spartan Girl said:

Only Jack would try to do a dream date on $9...and it doesn't go well

Actually, now that you mention it, it is kind of surprising.  Everything always goes well for Jack.

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I'm hoping that Deja getting to say her peace to her father was her way of getting to move forward. She's definitely going to continue to resist Beth and Randall because she doesn't believe they're going to be there long-term. I'm hoping this was the turning point and we're going to get some happiness and lightness from her character now. I want more interactions between her, Annie, and Tess. How do they fell about the adoption? How is this going to affect their place in the family? I'm so interested in all of that. 

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I still am not a Deja fan. The whole storyline is just too much.

Kate should have known to consult Toby about his IVF feelings after he told her he was opposed to it. I guess she thought since he had originally been on board, he was still on board?

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I liked it.  

I know I’m in the minority but I’m not crazy about Beth.  Her dialogue and expressions are sometimes so contrived.  Like her “yeah still me” when she was giving her speech isn’t natural.

Yes I agree also that the monologues are also contrived.  While not realistic they aren’t as fake as Grey’s Anatomy.

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15 minutes ago, mtlchick said:

I swear on Oprah, they better not drag out who died as long as they did on how Jack died.  And I'm guessing Kate being missing from the bed is a big misdirection.

They will replay that scene on and off and off and on every few episodes adding a few seconds each time as teasers to get us to keep going back and not let us know until May 2020 what it is all about. And I don't think it is Kate. I think it is Daysha because I think Kate and Toby adopted her. It's just how this tearjerker would go. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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Just started watching and at first I thought that maybe Franco Harris was Deja's dad, but, the timeline would be off. He was HUGE when he played in the 70s. I'd be more inclined to think her dad was a more recent player like Kordell Stewart as he played for my Steelers from 95-02.  Franco was drafted in '72 the year Kordell was born and played for the Steelers until 1983. So he'd be more likely to be the father of the big three than Deja.

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11 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:


I thought that looked like Matt Czuchry! And after I had been thinking Mandy Moore was such a better choice than Rory Gilmore and how lucky Milo/Jack was. 

I love Beth complimenting Kevin and that she's trying to protect him not her cousin. That scene was beautiful. I love their weird little relationship. 

Who is the She and what is happening? This is stressing me out far more than it should. 

2 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Really?  The guy's brother died and then he dies himself in like his 30s. 

50s. But still. 

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2 minutes ago, AmandaPanda said:

I'm hoping that Deja getting to say her peace to her father was her way of getting to move forward. She's definitely going to continue to resist Beth and Randall because she doesn't believe they're going to be there long-term. I'm hoping this was the turning point and we're going to get some happiness and lightness from her character now. I want more interactions between her, Annie, and Tess. How do they fell about the adoption? How is this going to affect their place in the family? I'm so interested in all of that. 

But, was her dad the football player?  I honestly can't figure out the connection if not.  If it is him, then I guess he'll be getting back involved again?  Or maybe one of the football player's kids is her father?  Or did they seriously just drop in random people?


2 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Really?  The guy's brother died and then he dies himself in like his 30s.  I don't really agree.  Also his asshole father.  I don't even know the story with his mother.

I just meant with his grand romantic gestures.

Just now, Ms Blue Jay said:

Huh?  Isn't Deja's father that guy who worked in that store?  By the way, was it a shoe store or something.  LOL.  Because how Deja bought the Nikes.

The football player is just to show you how a missed ball suddenly became a play because he caught it.  Like a 10% of a slim chance that anyone would, but he did.  

If that was all it was supposed to be why show the guy's family?  

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I just checked Matt Czuchry's IMDB page, and TIU is *not* listed under his acting credits. Maybe it was just a lookalike that the show stunt-cast for one tiny appearance without dialogue. I don't think he'll be in the next episode.

I liked that Beth admitted that she loves Kevin, but she needs to butt out of his and Zoe's relationship. They're both adults, let them make their own choices.

I hope once Deja's adoption has gone through she'll be more in the background like Tess and Annie. Her scenes with Randall are so awkward, I don't want them in every episode. 

I was hoping that, like in the pilot, there would be some kind of reveal at the end of episode, either about the "her" in the flash-forward, or about the significance of Franco Harris. No such luck though.

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Just now, Katy M said:

But, was her dad the football player?  I honestly can't figure out the connection if not.  If it is him, then I guess he'll be getting back involved again?  Or maybe one of the football player's kids is her father?  Or did they seriously just drop in random people?


I just meant with his grand romantic gestures.

The dad worked in the sporting goods store. Franco Harris is apparently a real football player who had a big surprise win for the Steelers, further cementing the Pearson family's connection to big Steeler moments (Kate and Kevin conceived night of Superbowl, etc.) I think.

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I think somewhere in last season's forums I bet $5 we saw Deja's dad, and I was right! I don't think we're going to see him again - he looked sheepish when Deja said he'd miss everything, like he knew she was right. I teared up when she was telling him how she met "these people" who make up "weird conversations" to tell her.

... All right, I cried when Deja said they could adopt her.

I have a friend who adopted a teenager out of foster care as a single mother. Her daughter is in college now and doing well. I think about her when I watch Deja (my friend's daughter was older than Deja when she came to stay with my friend, and she'd been in two or three other homes before that). She didn't lash out the way Deja did but they had a lot of struggles when she first came to stay, and they went through counseling. 

1 minute ago, AmandaPanda said:

I'm hoping that Deja getting to say her peace to her father was her way of getting to move forward. She's definitely going to continue to resist Beth and Randall because she doesn't believe they're going to be there long-term. I'm hoping this was the turning point and we're going to get some happiness and lightness from her character now. I want more interactions between her, Annie, and Tess. How do they fell about the adoption? How is this going to affect their place in the family? I'm so interested in all of that. 

Me too. I believe it is a school of thought not to disrupt the birth order when you adopt into a family that already has kids (I do know a family that had a daughter and adopted an older son, and that turned out really well). I remember when Deja came back, Tess and Annie ran to her and hugged her, but I wonder if it will be a struggle once they realize that Deja isn't going anywhere.

I did not see Beth protecting Kevin coming at all. (I think Susan Kelechi Watson is so gorgeous.) I have often thought that Kevin is really good with kids, that he talks to them in ways that they can understand but doesn't condescend to them. Tess and Annie clearly adore him. (William was the same way. I notice it because that tends to be how I talk to kids - baby talk doesn't make sense to me and I can't stand hearing it, so I don't use it. Age-appropriate language, but real language.) Zoe is the worst liar I've ever seen. "We just ran into each other in the hallway." Girl.

So Toby goes off his meds and that leads to the meltdown we saw at the end of last season? Bad move, Toby.

It feels weird to me to introduce will they/won't they competition for Rebecca's affection because we already know the outcome.

Just now, Katy M said:

But, was her dad the football player?  I honestly can't figure out the connection if not.  If it is him, then I guess he'll be getting back involved again?  Or maybe one of the football player's kids is her father?  Or did they seriously just drop in random people?

Her father was the man working in the sporting goods store. That's how she got the sneakers. Her mother had taken her past there when she was little and she remembered it (interesting that he was still working there years later).

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2 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I just checked Matt Czuchry's IMDB page, and TIU is *not* listed under his acting credits. Maybe it was just a lookalike that the show stunt-cast for one tiny appearance without dialogue. I don't think he'll be in the next episode.

I was looking down at the last scene, so I have no opinion on who it was or wasn't, but the credits for a show don't always show up that fast on IMDB.

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The monologues! I've watched every episode, but not for a while and I forgot about how much it can be.

So, just like Franco Harris and the Immaculate Reception, Jack and Rebecca ultimately connect and go the distance despite the odds! Kate and Toby will have a baby! Or, Beth is related to a Steelers legend, lol.

The flash forwards show the Toby storyline going to a dark place, otherwise I'd figure that he and Kate were heading toward a gestational carrier.  Still convinced that she's going to end up with multiples before the show is over.

Edited by Dejana
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21 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:


This is why I came here! I literally yelled "Is that you Matt Czuchry?!" but I'm 30 minutes behind and no one is talking about it on Twitter. If that's not him, that dude has definitely been working as his stand in. 

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17 minutes ago, Katy M said:

If that was all it was supposed to be why show the guy's family?  

Maybe the writers like Franco Harris's story.  It's very interesting according to Wikipedia:  "His African-American father served in World War II; his mother was a "war bride" from Italy."  But regardless, they're just doing some storytelling to show Franco's day from the beginning with his family, to the big game, to being congratulated by them.

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I love the show, loved the episode. Nothing on TV moves me more. 

I too thought about adoption but beyond the show wanting to explore a different avenue of having children, but I wonder if Toby and Kate's weight would make them less likely to qualify? I know little about adoption, so do not know. Do you have to go through health tests?

Beth and Zoe's fight was everything.

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You have to submit to a health assessment in order to be approved to adopt by most states. However, the purpose of the assessment is basically to state that the adoptive parent is likely to survive long enough to raise the child to adulthood. You don't have to be in perfect health. You just have to not be about to keel over. 

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Loved this episode. I'm just gonna put my theory out here, so here goes:

I think that the "she" in the future jump is Kate. And I think that she has died/or is in a comatose state from complications during childbirth. I think that somehow, just maybe, that Tess has opened an adoption agency in Kate's honor, hence the "I'm not ready to see her" from Tess, the "she would want you there" from Randall and Toby's reluctance to "come down" and his "I don't think I can do it" and the empty space beside him in bed.

Just my 2 cents, Lol.

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2 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Maybe the writers like Franco Harris's story.  It's very interesting according to Wikipedia:  "His African-American father served in World War II; his mother was a "war bride" from Italy."  But regardless, they're just doing some storytelling to show Franco's day from the beginning with his family, to the big game, to being congratulated by them.

That’s what I thought too.  I remember Franco Harris when he played for the Steelers.  I knew he wasn’t Deja’s dad.  All black men don’t look alike.

Although I didn’t understand why they showed his family.

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6 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Maybe the writers like Franco Harris's story.  It's very interesting according to Wikipedia:  "His African-American father served in World War II; his mother was a "war bride" from Italy."  But regardless, they're just doing some storytelling to show Franco's day from the beginning with his family, to the big game, to being congratulated by them.

Franco Harris' inclusion in this episode was a bit too Forrest Gump for me. I hope this show doesn't keep going down this path and force a connection between him and the fictional characters. It's so over the top.

Edited by Superpole2000
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2 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Maybe the writers like Franco Harris's story.  It's very interesting according to Wikipedia:  "His African-American father served in World War II; his mother was a "war bride" from Italy."  But regardless, they're just doing some storytelling to show Franco's day from the beginning with his family, to the big game, to being congratulated by them.

If that was it, I think that was a big waste of time.  There was enough going on without throwing that in.  Especially since they apparently thought everyone was already going to know that was a real person, be familiar with the back story, and not think that this was an entire storyline that they were throwing into an already crowded show.


4 minutes ago, memememe76 said:

I too thought about adoption but beyond the show wanting to explore a different avenue of having children, but I wonder if Toby and Kate's weight would make them less likely to qualify? I know little about adoption, so do not know. Do you have to go through health tests?

You do have to submit to a physical to adopt in CA, but I don't know what disqualifies you.

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1 minute ago, chaifan said:

a teenage foster kid without a dollar to her name disappears and then comes back with a really expensive ($200? $400?) pair of tennis shoes, and says "I've got connections" (or something like that), and everyone is all "OK!  Thanks for the sneakers!  Cool!"  I know the Big 3 are pretty self absorbed people, especially on their birthday, but that takes it to a whole new level. 

This is seriously making me laugh because it is so true.

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1 minute ago, chaifan said:

So a teenage foster kid without a dollar to her name disappears and then comes back with a really expensive ($200? $400?) pair of tennis shoes, and says "I've got connections" (or something like that), and everyone is all "OK!  Thanks for the sneakers!  Cool!"  I know the Big 3 are pretty self absorbed people, especially on their birthday, but that takes it to a whole new level. 

I wasn't going to comment on that, because I was afraid I'd be misunderstood, but I was surprised that nobody accused her of stealing them. Randall said they were expensive, and she can't have much money.  But, maybe they just didn't want to do it at the table in front of everyone and they will ask her for specifics later.  That's actually pretty reasonable.

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16 minutes ago, Superpole2000 said:

Franco Harris' inclusion in this episode was a bit too Forrest Gump for me. I hope this show doesn't keep going down this path and force a connection between him and the fictional characters. It's so over the top.


This is sooooo funny.

I liked Forrest Gump a lot to be honest, and I liked this episode and the Franco Harris stuff too.  I didn't love the episode, but I liked it.

The narration definitely explained Franco Harris's inclusion and the connection to the main story.  Nothing was left out or to mystery, so I didn't feel like it was a waste of time. Just how the writers wanted to tell the story, with a metaphor.  (I know nothing about football, just was listening and then Googled him after to see if he was real or not.)

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I give them credit. I am dying to know is the "her." I always thought it was Deja, but now I am not sure.

As soon as he put on the Steeler jersey, I knew it was Franco Harris, but wasn't sure about the connection.

Edited by SimoneS
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For someone who is not into football (me), the Franco Harris and his family scenes were kinda confusing.  So thanks Ms Blue Jay and others for giving me some background!

Given that we know Jack and Rebecca end up together, it's a little silly to have that "oh no, a guy with better flowers got to her door before Jack!" scene at the end of the episode.

Whatever is going on with the depressing "flash forward" with adult Tess ... I am super not into it.  

I loved the Deja storyline in this episode.  Loved that Randall finally admitted his attempts to relate to Deja have been kind of lame, but explaining that he just wants so badly for them to work out as a family.  Loved that he got through to Deja, and that she remembered him calling her exceptional when she confronted her father later in the episode.  Actually the whole scene with her father was well done.  

Oh, Toby.  This whole storyline is going to be upsetting, I can tell already.  

That was an interesting twist where Beth revealed to Kevin that she wasn't trying to protect Zoe from him, she's worried he'll be the one who gets crushed.   

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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I was kind of underwhelmed by this episode.

So the twist is probably either Kate or Rebecca right? 

Also I called Toby going off his meds asap.  It was all over his face this entire episode. But it’s funny almost all the Pearsons have their own way of doing things. At least in terms of Jack, Randall, and Kate. Rebecca can at times as well but I think both she and Kevin have the ability to bend at times and can roll with punches when they have to. 

I wish that they get hadn’t put the football players story in, it threw me off. I get that the Steelers are tied into the Pearson family but a lot was already happening and it threw me off constantly.

Also yes we know jack and Rebecca end up together but I’m thinking guy who shows up at the door comes up in the future.. possibly after Jack dies? They seem to be showing that we will be seeing that time period again, with Kevin drinking and Kate eating badly again. I don’t see this show throwing that random person in for no reason. We know jack and Rebecca end up married.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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