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S20.E34: Power of Veto #11

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A few thoughts:

- Isn't Hay adopted? She looks like a spitting image of her adopted mom. Strange how that sometimes happens.

- I hate JC but I felt bad for him on a human level when he didn't get a family video. 

- Damn, Sam looks ROUGH compared to her mom. Her mom looks exactly like Sam but somehow ... younger? Not in terms of pure age, but Sam looks like she's been through a few years of hell while her mom looks like a rather attractive, young-looking middle-aged woman.

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6 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I felt just a little sorry for JC because he didn't get a message from his family.

Then....back from commercial he starts talking about his big dumb puppets! . I felt bad too, it’s clearly turned him into an asshole! 

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I felt sorry for JC for a minute... and then I thought about what I would do if one of my sisters were on the show and behaved the way he has. I would love to say I would say nothing, but I can't promise that. I CAN promise that I wouldn't film some complete bs "so proud of you!" video. 

So maybe his family are assholes who shun him for being gay. Or maybe they're not. Kwim? 

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Tyler talking about his dad had me in tears. 

I like Kaycee's family. Their "peanut allergy" comment was right up my corny alley. 


Brett's strong affection for JC makes me have serious doubts about his character. 


Kaycee's Veto performance was very impressive. Haleigh....wow. That was sad.

14 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

Nope.  His family recognizes evil and has moved on.

Ha, that's what I thought. Maybe I'm a cynical black-heart, but when he was whining about it, I thought - "Well, maybe if you weren't stuff a vile human being, more people would want to be in your life."


11 minutes ago, enchantingmonkey said:

Brett broke Winston, lol!

and lost a shoe! He was cracking me up.

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So, the messages from home... I guess I'm very jaded after 20 seasons of BB.   EVERYONE on reality shows has some kinda sob story - a handicapped sibling, a dead father, molested by sasquatch... sorry,  I wasn't feeling anything for any of them.  Even JC.  LOTS of gay people lose their families when they come out.  Sure it is sad, but it is VERY common.  However, the fact that only one busted queen could bother to tape something maybe reflects on his lack of any close friends or queer family.

I lost all interest in the veto comp when I saw KC bobbin' and weavin' like she was fighting Tyson.  I knew then and there she had won it.   I guess they don't even care about the veto speeches anymore - and truly it is a waste of time because no one really drops any knowledge bombs to get off the block, they just take it on the chin.

The GOOD thing is that Double Eviction doesn't give anyone any time to campaign or spin or play mindgames.  People just get booted.  I kinda like Express Big Brother the best!

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19 minutes ago, mojoween said:

If I went 82 days without seeing my cat I would have made Sam look restrained when he came up on the TV and I saw him for the first time.

SAME. The cat and the mention of Tyler's dad hit me the hardest. 

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6 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

I didn't miss Julie Chen at all. In fact the lack of a moderator actually made the show seemed to run more smoothly.

I guess I didn’t miss her either. I didn’t even realize she wasn’t on. 

I was excited to see the cat!

As for JC, I felt a little bad for him. Then I remembered my nephew. He’s a pervert. And a lazy slug. I sure wouldn’t tape anything for him. 

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Well, that’s it for Haileigh. I’d say it’s been a good run but I’d be lying. I was rooting for that side but they just squandered every opportunity they had. Again and again and again.

I wish BB would stop with the “ooooh will they actually use the veto” DRs. Nobody is falling for that. We’d have a better chance of Sam using it on Haileigh than Kaycee doing anything interesting with it.

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Sure seemed like Tyler and Kaycee were thinking about putting Bret as the renom and NOT JC. I bet Hay goes and then Sam and Bret get nommed with Sam getting voted out. Honestly, these guys are keeping around all the better players and why on earth would you want to keep around A) a comp beast or B) a good player that would be tough to compete with for votes in F2???? Don't get it except to say that it's gotten the 4 plus JC, 5, to the end.

No way did Kaycee do that comp in 2 mins. She studied the comics for a long time and then got one wrong and had to go through again. Just don't buy it. But maybe the other HGs now have her on their radar. I certainly would want to get rid of her, ASAP.

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Julie is only on the live shows. She never appears in the others, except the taped promos for the Feeds and BBAD. Tonight was not a Live show, so she would not have been there either way.

Edited by Lsk02
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This is the part of the season where I get super aggravated by all the repitition and whispering. When people whisper their speculations about who wants who out and what could happen if this person or that person wins the veto or HOH comp ... it all just turns into Charlie Brown Adults talking, I don’t even hear the words anymore. And it’s fine because I’m not missing a thing, but I’m painfully aware of the time that is being wasted.

How many times am I supposed to hear all of them say, “I really need to win this to ensure my own safety” before I go mad? I already know they all want to win the money at the end, and they want to win any competitions that help them reach that goal, yet it gets rehashed every week, multiple times.

I can’t believe there is truly nothing else they could be showing instead ... I’d prefer footage of pretty much anything to that. This game is always about one month too long for me, and I just want it to be over.

What I did appreciate was the lack of attention given to Swaggy C’s likeness, and that it looked so small compared to all the others.  Anything that messes with his overblown ego is funny to me.

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I'm sorry, after Victor's comic in BB18 all the rest of the comics can take permanent seats. Well, except Fessy's I guess. Haleigh was getting all hot and bothered just thinking about it.

They must've gotten Sam's meds adjusted again. She came down off the "I'll tear the roof off this muthaeffer" ranting from last episode. Mostly.

WTAF!? Is Kaycee on Ritalin or something?

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BB can drag out all the relatives in the world but its not going to humanize a few of these tools. The only ones I found interesting were  Brett having an Asian sister, JC's cute trangendered friend  and Hay's mom who is pretty much the definition of a MILF.

I kind of resent that CBS is pulling a con game on the general public that is likely unaware of JC's misadventures. They are trying to present him as this cute lovable little person and pull at the heartstrings because his family wants little to do with him (no surprise there) when the reality is so different.

Wow, that was the first year that the comic covers weren't any good. Nothing inspiring there and a few were down right nonsensical...DancerSAUR?

and to no surprise since Tyler is Allison Grodner's pet of the season we had to watch his competition play out in real time like it was a lost episode of 24.

This week lacks any suspense. Hay and Sam buy the farm in the double eviction. The ONLY way it could be exciting if Sam wins the HOH and puts up Angela and Kaycee on the block together....that would be awesome...never going to happen but one can dream.

How great would it be if Julie didn't show up for the Live Eviction (like on the Talk after the Moonves story broke) leaving the houseguests bewildered and no one for Hay to fawn over?

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

Julie is on every show.  I've been watching her for 20 years.  I kind of get the idea she's a kind, well liked woman.

Her man just done her wrong!

No, Julie is not on every show.  She's always there for the live evictions, but most of the time the shows are simply edited and shown.  It wasn't at all unusual that she wasn't there tonight.  I didn't expect her to be.

On another note, I had no real opinion of Haleigh (or however she spells it), but the constant crying and "poor me" has made me really dislike her.   They all know going in that it's a game, fellow alliance members will get voted out,  everyone is ultimately out for themselves, and most of the houseguests will in fact not make it to the end, so all of her carrying on is beyond annoying.  Yes, I get that being in the house is an emotional situation, but it is for everyone.  She just comes across as pathetic.  I don't feel the slightest bit sorry for her, and I hope she's gone tomorrow.  She's not a good player, and she doesn't deserve to go any further.  (Plus, she's on my last nerve!)  :-)

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1 hour ago, Michichick said:

Julie usually is only on the Thursday live show, right? I mean, I don’t think today was any different than usual.

It wasn't any different than usual.

She said earlier this week that she's be there for the Thursday show.  That's when we would have seen her again, regardless of what's going on in her personal life.  She took time off from The Talk because it's a whole different kind of show with a whole different format.  It doesn't seem that she's taking any time off from BB.  

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On BB Julie doesn't have to make any statements about her personal life or encounter 'friends' to talk to etc. so I can see how she'd be able to go on BB as it's a very controlled environment. I can imagine why she'd take time out from The Talk for a while though.

Everyone of course loved themeselves in comic form but these were pretty damn week I thought. "What can we do for Sam?? Well... she's a welder. How about 'The Welder'?" Nice effort there.

The 'taking time at the beginning' was obviously a ruse (a cunning attempt to trick us) that she took alllll this time but I kinda figured they were jerkin us and she actually won. Two minutes though?? Compared to everyone else? Yowsa. Girl. Gotta. Go. She'll breeze through any comp obviously and has gone from invisible to the only one deserving of comic book superhero status.

I had a little of that "hate the sin, love the sinner" thing going on with JC and detached from his being a heinous little troll in the house I did feel a tiny bit bad that everyone got family and he got some drag queen...

However I hate when they do this on Survivor and I hated even more seeing it here. Don't care, let's move on.

I like looking at Hay, but her constant whining and crying is not a good look. She's also NOT a good player by any means. I know she's a goner which is too bad.

So, double elim I can only HOPE that JC hits the bricks after Hay. I think Tyler may be the best 'prepared' to start the Level 6 battle royale so maybe he could win and do something unexpected. I'm not counting on it though.

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12 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Julie is on every show.  I've been watching her for 20 years.  I kind of get the idea she's a kind, well liked woman.

Her man just done her wrong!

Julie is only on the live show evictions which this season is Thursday's show though if there are two live evictions in one week like near the end then she would be on twice.  But otherwise only once a week ever over all these years.  All the other stuff is just canned promos usually made at the start of each season.


9 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Everyone of course loved themeselves in comic form but these were pretty damn week I thought. "What can we do for Sam?? Well... she's a welder. How about 'The Welder'?" Nice effort there

They also had her robot in the corner and the fire extinguisher she saved the stove with on the wall.  I thought it was a good cover.

I also liked how BB got revenge on the idiot that broke network standards on the live show last week and turned Scottie into Snotty and took away his super cape too.

And please please get that boo-hooing Hay out of the House this week.  I've had it with her months ago with her endless diary room pity parties.

Edited by green
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10 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

I didn't miss Julie Chen at all. In fact the lack of a moderator actually made the show seemed to run more smoothly.

She's never on Wednesdays. I think it would be weird if there wasn't a moderator for the actual eviction. 

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9 hours ago, Irritable said:

This is the part of the season where I get super aggravated by all the repitition and whispering. When people whisper their speculations about who wants who out and what could happen if this person or that person wins the veto or HOH comp ... it all just turns into Charlie Brown Adults talking, I don’t even hear the words anymore. And it’s fine because I’m not missing a thing, but I’m painfully aware of the time that is being wasted.

This was Season 20 - kind of a big deal.  They have a great cast.  They could've made the house so much more interesting (I swear it's being held together with duct tape at this point), they could've done some serious throwback competitions, toss in some luxury comps like in the past, give the audience a chance to vote on have-not food items, etc.  They could have and should have paid homage to the previous 19 seasons.  But also, this season should've been shortened by about two weeks.  There is just nothing of interest going on right now.  Hopefully this DE perks things up a bit.

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9 hours ago, Irritable said:

This is the part of the season where I get super aggravated by all the repitition and whispering. When people whisper their speculations about who wants who out and what could happen if this person or that person wins the veto or HOH comp ... it all just turns into Charlie Brown Adults talking, I don’t even hear the words anymore. And it’s fine because I’m not missing a thing, but I’m painfully aware of the time that is being wasted.

How many times am I supposed to hear all of them say, “I really need to win this to ensure my own safety” before I go mad? I already know they all want to win the money at the end, and they want to win any competitions that help them reach that goal, yet it gets rehashed every week, multiple times.

I can’t believe there is truly nothing else they could be showing instead ... I’d prefer footage of pretty much anything to that. This game is always about one month too long for me, and I just want it to be over.

It's how the US version is, it's continuous talk about the game, or scripted segments for the casual audience who aren't fully alert to what's happening.  More on the social game (and I'm not talking about fake showmances) would be better, but they just tend to be comedy segments.  Anything too edgy will not be allowed for the middle of the road audience.


11 hours ago, HighMaintenance said:

So, the messages from home... I guess I'm very jaded after 20 seasons of BB.   EVERYONE on reality shows has some kinda sob story - a handicapped sibling, a dead father, molested by sasquatch... sorry,  I wasn't feeling anything for any of them.  Even JC.  LOTS of gay people lose their families when they come out.  Sure it is sad, but it is VERY common.  However, the fact that only one busted queen could bother to tape something maybe reflects on his lack of any close friends or queer family.

I lost all interest in the veto comp when I saw KC bobbin' and weavin' like she was fighting Tyson.  I knew then and there she had won it.   I guess they don't even care about the veto speeches anymore - and truly it is a waste of time because no one really drops any knowledge bombs to get off the block, they just take it on the chin.

The GOOD thing is that Double Eviction doesn't give anyone any time to campaign or spin or play mindgames.  People just get booted.  I kinda like Express Big Brother the best!

I just skip the family segment because it does just feel like manipulation, the original idea of BB of no outside contact was of course forgotten years ago.

Brett could well be the next predictable target and eviction.

10 hours ago, asabovesobelow said:

I wish BB would stop with the “ooooh will they actually use the veto” DRs. Nobody is falling for that. We’d have a better chance of Sam using it on Haileigh than Kaycee doing anything interesting with it.

What percentage of vetos are ever used?  Most of the time it's pointless.  And as someone said the pleas tend to be pointless (and I would say the same for eviction pleas).  If it had to be used (except if the HoH wins) that would make it more interesting at least, more would have to get blood on their hands, which would inevitably mean more gameplay.

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I can't help but feel sorry for JC after the family video segment. To me he just screams of someone dying for attention because he doesn't get enough from his family.  But is his family even in the country? Not that they would have to be in the US to get a video from them... I can't remember if he's said if he has any siblings. 

I also found it interesting that Kaycee has said that her mom doesn't approve either and she was conveniently out of the country to record their video. 

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11 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

No way did Kaycee do that comp in 2 mins. She studied the comics for a long time and then got one wrong and had to go through again.

I just re-watched the comp.  Kaycee did NOT make a mistake--she was shown making the correct choice on all except Twinston--and TPTB just left us in suspense about her choice there.  But she was NOT shown having to make a second run through the course.

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13 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:


- Isn't Hay adopted? She looks like a spitting image of her adopted mom. Strange how that sometimes happens.


I didn't realize she is adopted! I thought they looked a lot alike too, but then again people see what they expect. My son is adopted and admittedly he does look like us but the level to which people would sit there and pick apart his baby features and find them on us was crazy. There was this woman in church and I didn't want to embarrass her by correcting her that he hadn't inherited anything from us. She went on and on about how the baby had his Daddy's eyes and his Mama's nose and his Daddy's chin, etc. 


57 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I can't help but feel sorry for JC after the family video segment. To me he just screams of someone dying for attention because he doesn't get enough from his family.  But is his family even in the country? Not that they would have to be in the US to get a video from them... I can't remember if he's said if he has any siblings. 

Yeah, I couldn't help but feel bad for him. It was hard to watch. I may not like him, but not having a family that roots for you against the world hurts. 

1 minute ago, icemiser69 said:

Her competitive nature is going to cost her the game. 

I am worried about this. I really like Kaycee. I actually like her more than any BB contestant in recent history. She is so low drama and such a badass. Then again, she had no way of knowing how Hayleigh did on the course, so she probably had to give it her all and let the chips fall in this particular case. 


I cracked up a bit when the Twinston broke. This show really is run by unpaid interns on a budget of $20, y'all. 


It did strike me how few background pieces they have done this year. I didn't feel like I had seen the family members as much as one generally would have at this point. Am I just blocking those segments? Are they just less annoying? 

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50 minutes ago, UncleChuck said:

I just re-watched the comp.  Kaycee did NOT make a mistake--she was shown making the correct choice on all except Twinston--and TPTB just left us in suspense about her choice there.  But she was NOT shown having to make a second run through the course.

Yep.  And they cut off right before her Twinston choice because she obviously got it right too and it would spoil it that she ran an absolutely perfect course and so won the competition before the "reveal" in the living room later.

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