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Catelynn (and Tyler)

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2 hours ago, CofCinci said:

I think he’s trying to get free tickets or a meet and greet.  He is so gross. 

I love how articulate he is. (Said no one ever)

"honestly dude, your music is helping me get through all this...I find myself listening to it when I feel like giving up on life. I guess I’m just trying to just say thank you!

Let me get this straight. He is guessing about what he is TRYING to say?


That man-child needs some of those fill-in-the-blank thank you cards designed for little kids to help them organize their thoughts. What's his excuse?

Dear __________,

Thank you for ____________________.

From _____________________

If he'd ever shut up and stop talking around the MTV executives/producers, I'd like to think that they would model some type of "grown up speaking habits" on how to clearly and effectively communicate that might rub off on him. (I know, I know! It will never happen)


Dear Tyler,

Go back to school. Earn an AA. Earn some type of post-HS diploma or certificate. Take an English class as well as a Public Speaking/Comm 101 course that every community college or university/state college offers each semester since your only child is at school daycare five days a week. It would help you more than you know as it's beyond evident that you know nothing, Jon Snow Tyler. 

Thank you,

The World

Edited by Bridget
  • Love 13
On ‎11‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 9:42 AM, MistyMeg said:

Very well said!   I can understand that they still worry/care etc about Carly..that is natural..but if they had kept her would they  treat like they do Nova  (let anyone else they can find look after her) ? Makes me wonder!  If I was Theresa I think I would leave it now until Carly is 18 and let her decide if she wants to  know them by herself...they don't  exactly stick to the rules and think they are a "special" case.     I would love to give my thoughts on Tyler but will hold back....don't want to be slated on here as I like everyone so far!!   


Pour your feelings out about Tyler. I look forward to reading your thoughts. 



That man-child needs some of those fill-in-the-blank thank you cards designed for little kids to help them organize their thoughts. What's his excuse?

@Bridget More like he needs Mad-Libs. lol 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6
On November 23, 2017 at 9:20 AM, Calicocats said:

 I totally believe her depression is real.  I, for one, would be suicidal if I had to live with Tyler 24/7, and I'm not joking when I say that.  I think he has totally destroyed her.  Along with the adoption she's never gotten over.

She can go and come back until she racks up frequent flier miles, until she unloads Tyler it will continue to happen.  They are just doing a disservice to her by not pointing this out.

Meanwhile, asshole April is raising poor sweet Nova.  Frowns all around.

I so agree. If these two ditched each other, I think we'd like them both better.  I wish they'd cultivate identities outside of each other and Carly's adoption. That's become their identities. Ugh.

If I lived with Tyler and realized I'd placed my baby for adoption just to stay with that douche when I was a stupid 16 year old, I'd hate myself and Tyler. And I'd probably make him pay for it every day by being a Debbie Downer. I wish they would have split up before they had Nova and a further tie to each other. 

On November 23, 2017 at 8:04 PM, ginger90 said:

No thanks for Mr. Wonderful ?

 Maybe this is a sign of progress? Maybe she realized Tyler is poison for her (and she for him). 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 8
5 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Yes, @Bridget.  Tyler is so articulate. What ever happened to his novel?

I think he asked Farrah to help him because she has such an amazing command of the English language!  But then he had to take Cate to Arizona and got busy dropping the N bomb in the club, so he missed an editing deadline. That made Farrah angry, so she put on some sequins, went to therapy and ended up bailing on him because he was irresponsible AND he wouldn't let her sell his ugly ass kiddie clothes at her boutique in Austin.

  • Love 8
18 hours ago, Bridget said:

I think he asked Farrah to help him because she has such an amazing command of the English language!  But then he had to take Cate to Arizona and got busy dropping the N bomb in the club, so he missed an editing deadline. That made Farrah angry, so she put on some sequins, went to therapy and ended up bailing on him because he was irresponsible AND he wouldn't let her sell his ugly ass kiddie clothes at her boutique in Austin.

And she doesn't do hate crimes.

  • Love 10
20 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I so agree. If these two ditched each other, I think we'd like them both better.  I wish they'd cultivate identities outside of each other and Carly's adoption. That's become their identities. Ugh.

If I lived with Tyler and realized I'd placed my baby for adoption just to stay with that douche when I was a stupid 16 year old, I'd hate myself and Tyler. And I'd probably make him pay for it every day by being a Debbie Downer. I wish they would have split up before they had Nova and a further tie to each other. 

 Maybe this is a sign of progress? Maybe she realized Tyler is poison for her (and she for him). 

Aside from how it would mess up their storyline, I honestly think Cate is afraid to touch on that subject.    I feel like Tyler would go full on rageaholic and start carrying on about how he was a victim and didn't want to give Carly up but had to.   Which personally I think is bullshit.  Until Cate is really to walk away from Tyler (which is never going to happen, especially now that she can be proven unfit to care for Nova) and work through all of that she is never going to make any real progress.    It's been almost a decade now and she still hasn't really gotten to the issue, only has put band aids on the symptoms--JMO

  • Love 7
On 11/26/2017 at 3:02 AM, GreatKazu said:

Pour your feelings out about Tyler. I look forward to reading your thoughts. 


@Bridget More like he needs Mad-Libs. lol 

Hi GREATKAZU...... Ok... but remember you DID ask!!!!!!    He is the biggest and oldest child on the show.....he is self obsessed....he is bone idle...goodness know what he  will do when the money from the show runs out....he has ideas beyond his capability...ie...The Carly Foundation...  The clothes on line... did he not want to be a camera man earlier on???  Most of all..the thing I feel  really mean about saying (although there is is nothing wrong at all with it)  I think that if he is not gay he at least Bi......there is something about him that is just not  right...maybe I am wrong...who knows.  Cate would be happier without him if she could get over her lack of self-worth.  She is much more mature than him and is more genuinely concerned for Carly than him..his is all for show.   



  • Love 4
17 hours ago, druzy said:

My husband beard came in hungover af after chillin wit da n***s all night at da club and saw me today. Thank you for loving me like you do and now this week ain't got shit on me because I have absolutely no self worth if you are not validating my existence while acting goofy on Snapchat!! Ilysm @TylerBaltierra #MyManBeard #mylovestoryline

  • Love 16

Cate's tweets just make me cringe. Looking at her tweets, it seems like she has no intention of making any real life changes to ensure her mental wellness. I 100% agree with the other posters who have pointed out that she is co-dependent on Tyler and gave up Carly for adoption in an effort to keep him.  

From looking at Google, it seems like the treatment options in Marine City are limited but there has to be some good mental health facilities in Detroit, which is about a 1.5 hour drive for them. As someone who has been hospitalized due to  suicidal ideation, it just appears that Cate is doing this as part of a MTV storyline. All that she is doing is playing into society's stereotypes about the mentally ill. Cate has been suffering from mental illness for 10+ years, and her chances for recovery appear low. I can't even bring myself to watch them on TV because they are so self-destructive. 

It would be interesting if the next season focuses on April's struggles with raising Nova. I doubt she is a changed person. Have they ever featured April's new husband on Teen Mom OG? What about Tyler's Mom? I believe she re-married recently as well.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, CaliforniaLove said:

My husband beard came in hungover af after chillin wit da n***s all night at da club and saw me today. Thank you for loving me like you do and now this week ain't got shit on me because I have absolutely no self worth if you are not validating my existence while acting goofy on Snapchat!! Ilysm @TylerBaltierra #MyManBeard #mylovestoryline

I wanna like this a million fucking times!!! 

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, leighroda said:

Why isn’t her fancy inpatient depression therapy addressing this! I guess I don’t know that they aren’t but it certainly doesn’t seem like it when she is actively tweeting about it IN THERAPY

This is the same thing I ask myself. I then remind myself that in order for people to get proper help, they have to be open and honest. Cate is not there in rehab because she is seeking help and she sure as hell isn't being honest. She is on a vacation and creating her story for this new season.  Cate's disorder is the martyr complex.

Cate is sitting there likely telling them some nonsense about these panic attacks and anxiety attacks that seem to come out of nowhere. She won't admit they only occur when MTV comes to town.

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, leighroda said:

Why isn’t her fancy inpatient depression therapy addressing this! I guess I don’t know that they aren’t but it certainly doesn’t seem like it when she is actively tweeting about it IN THERAPY

They most likely have higher priority issues (suicidal ideation, detox, early recovery skills) to sort through before they can even get to changing the relationship she has with the adoption. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Here's what I think. Cate wasn't ready to be a mom when she had Carly and she STILL isn't. She may never be. She loves her kid, but she doesn't strike me as overly maternal. She had a ROUGH upbringing and a very complicated and toxic relationship with her own mother. I think she's scared of parenthood, quite frankly. (Hence why she balks when Tyler brings up more kids.)

I do not think she had Nova out of any desire to be a mom, grow her family, love on a baby, etc. I think she wanted to keep Tyler and cement her place on the show. All her "friends" were mothers, some going on to have more kids. She felt left out. So she had a kid. But I don't think she really likes raising her. I know Nova goes to her mom's a lot and Tyler probably does most of the heavy lifting when Nova is AT home. I think that Cate definitely has some anxiety/depression tendencies, stemming from a myriad of issues she's never dealt with. And I think the thought of caring for her child on a daily basis is very overwhelming to her. 

So, I tend to think these repeated rehab stays ARE vacations, of sort. She runs away. She can't deal with it. She doesn't want the life she has, but she thinks she's SUPPOSED to want it. I don't even think she really knows WHAT she wants. She's been so dependent on Tyler for so long, I think she just convinces herself that she wants what he wants. But deep down there are other issues a brewin'. 

The problem is, most of this stuff IS buried deep down. She doesn't recognize any of this on a conscious level and unless she's prepared to get really real, no therapist is going to be able to drag it out of her. So nothing changes. I think this will continue to be a pattern for her unless she stops the show, stops all non-prescribed drugs, takes a break from Tyler, and engages in some hardcore therapy. So.....she may very well be a lost cause. 

Hand clap! ??

Something deep inside me feels like Tyler must be an a$$hole to her behind closed doors. No cameras. Where he calls her worst names than heifer and blatantly watches porn (Mostly Farrah) infront of her as he withholds sexy time and reserves it for his hand and smartphone.

This could be why she has UTTER DISGUST for Farrah “trashy bitch” when Catelynne could careless about the porn early on. Tyler must use Farrah’s porn as revenge for being overweight I.e., “Fine, Cate, don’t try to lose the weight as I can taunt the one eyed monster to Farrah’s video!”

Then he tells her she needs to pretend they’re this happier than life couple to the viewers and friends to keep their sweetheart persona going for the money. I mean, do you REALLY believe these two knuckleheads are REALLY that inlove? When you’re in love with someone you encourage them to better themselves not waste opportunities.

Just a theory...

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Here's what I think. Cate wasn't ready to be a mom when she had Carly and she STILL isn't. She may never be. She loves her kid, but she doesn't strike me as overly maternal. She had a ROUGH upbringing and a very complicated and toxic relationship with her own mother. I think she's scared of parenthood, quite frankly. (Hence why she balks when Tyler brings up more kids.)

I do not think she had Nova out of any desire to be a mom, grow her family, love on a baby, etc. I think she wanted to keep Tyler and cement her place on the show. All her "friends" were mothers, some going on to have more kids. She felt left out. So she had a kid. But I don't think she really likes raising her. I know Nova goes to her mom's a lot and Tyler probably does most of the heavy lifting when Nova is AT home. I think that Cate definitely has some anxiety/depression tendencies, stemming from a myriad of issues she's never dealt with. And I think the thought of caring for her child on a daily basis is very overwhelming to her. 

So, I tend to think these repeated rehab stays ARE vacations, of sort. She runs away. She can't deal with it. She doesn't want the life she has, but she thinks she's SUPPOSED to want it. I don't even think she really knows WHAT she wants. She's been so dependent on Tyler for so long, I think she just convinces herself that she wants what he wants. But deep down there are other issues a brewin'. 

The problem is, most of this stuff IS buried deep down. She doesn't recognize any of this on a conscious level and unless she's prepared to get really real, no therapist is going to be able to drag it out of her. So nothing changes. I think this will continue to be a pattern for her unless she stops the show, stops all non-prescribed drugs, takes a break from Tyler, and engages in some hardcore therapy. So.....she may very well be a lost cause. 

To quote the inspiring @JuliesMommy, I want to like this a million fucking times!

I totally agree that Cate has some anxiety/depression tendencies for all of the reasons you listed. Well said!

Your post also made me think about this: Cate & Tyler have only dated each other and have been together since 7th fucking grade. I say this with no offense intended to anyone here who had/have a successful relationship that started at a similar age, but that is just NOT NORMAL. To be enmeshed in each other's lives 24/7 from the age of 13 is not healthy for any type of social development. It's not healthy at any age!

We know April wasn't a fit parent at that time, and Kim worked full time, so C&T didn't have any boundaries, rules, or guidelines for "appropriate middle school relationship habits." I remember an episode where Kim said that Cate used to sleep over at their house when April went on a binge, but Cate would sneak into Tyler's bedroom even though Kim explicitly told them no hanky panky. If memory serves me right, Kim caught them and told Cate to go home.

Why didn't Cate stay at a female friend's house during those times? She could have called Tyler if she wanted his support, but she should have been with one of her friends, not the kid she makes out with, and stayed with them, even if it was on a basement couch. I know when the teens are "IN LOVE", they want to be together as often as possible, but if I were Kim, I would have suggested that to Cate. 

Then the whole April/Butch marriage thing.  Jesus, Mary and Joseph. That did not help things. C&T were probably together even more during that time period. Maybe having to practically raise her half-brother Nick made her realize that she's not maternal (and that's OK). Maybe even that "blatantly obvious to us" issue is one of the things that she's not even aware of. 

They don't know anything or anyone else, nor does it appear that they have the desire or even the awareness of being able to seek out other things/people/choices in life, other than the time Tyler postponed the wedding and went to New Orleans (I think that's what happened, right? I took a break from TMOG because I just couldn't deal with the insanity).

C&T strike me as being much more like brother-sister or joint (no pun intended) members of a support group for children of screwed up parents. Their "counselor" Kathleen did them a major disservice by "counseling" them and not referring them to a psychologist/psychiatrist. They're enabling one another and wasting their lives on the 3086346 ideas for businesses they have but don't do anything about. There are many of us who are first generation college graduates and didn't/don't have parents to specifically explain the steps to applying to schools, but that's what the people who work at the colleges/universities are for! In my opinion, there is no excuse for them to have at least earned some type of degree (even an AA). They really suck at following through with anything, almost like it's too much of a hassle to actively partake in the steps that are required to reach the end of ________________(insert crazy ass dream/idea/project that will never come to fruition here). They talk about doing things, but when it comes right down to it, that's all they do: they talk about it instead of making it happen, except if it involves buying a geometric shaped house and shipping Nova to daycare five days a week.

  • Love 12
31 minutes ago, Bridget said:

To quote the inspiring @JuliesMommy, I want to like this a million fucking times!

I totally agree that Cate has some anxiety/depression tendencies for all of the reasons you listed. Well said!

Your post also made me think about this: Cate & Tyler have only dated each other and have been together since 7th fucking grade. I say this with no offense intended to anyone here who had/have a successful relationship that started at a similar age, but that is just NOT NORMAL. To be enmeshed in each other's lives 24/7 from the age of 13 is not healthy for any type of social development. It's not healthy at any age!

We know April wasn't a fit parent at that time, and Kim worked full time, so C&T didn't have any boundaries, rules, or guidelines for "appropriate middle school relationship habits." I remember an episode where Kim said that Cate used to sleep over at their house when April went on a binge, but Cate would sneak into Tyler's bedroom even though Kim explicitly told them no hanky panky. If memory serves me right, Kim caught them and told Cate to go home.

Why didn't Cate stay at a female friend's house during those times? She could have called Tyler if she wanted his support, but she should have been with one of her friends, not the kid she makes out with, and stayed with them, even if it was on a basement couch. I know when the teens are "IN LOVE", they want to be together as often as possible, but if I were Kim, I would have suggested that to Cate. 

Then the whole April/Butch marriage thing.  Jesus, Mary and Joseph. That did not help things. C&T were probably together even more during that time period. Maybe having to practically raise her half-brother Nick made her realize that she's not maternal (and that's OK). Maybe even that "blatantly obvious to us" issue is one of the things that she's not even aware of. 

They don't know anything or anyone else, nor does it appear that they have the desire or even the awareness of being able to seek out other things/people/choices in life, other than the time Tyler postponed the wedding and went to New Orleans (I think that's what happened, right? I took a break from TMOG because I just couldn't deal with the insanity).

C&T strike me as being much more like brother-sister or joint (no pun intended) members of a support group for children of screwed up parents. Their "counselor" Kathleen did them a major disservice by "counseling" them and not referring them to a psychologist/psychiatrist. They're enabling one another and wasting their lives on the 3086346 ideas for businesses they have but don't do anything about. There are many of us who are first generation college graduates and didn't/don't have parents to specifically explain the steps to applying to schools, but that's what the people who work at the colleges/universities are for! In my opinion, there is no excuse for them to have at least earned some type of degree (even an AA). They really suck at following through with anything, almost like it's too much of a hassle to actively partake in the steps that are required to reach the end of ________________(insert crazy ass dream/idea/project that will never come to fruition here). They talk about doing things, but when it comes right down to it, that's all they do: they talk about it instead of making it happen, except if it involves buying a geometric shaped house and shipping Nova to daycare five days a week.

As much as i would love to take credit for that amazing post...it was actually the lovely @ghoulina who posted it! Lol don't feel bad i do that all the time. I always agree with what mostly everyone posts on here so sometimes i @ the wrong person..lol ?


**stoner psa... 

I just realized that you meant "i want to like this a million" times as my quote...hahaha (hitting the bong 1 too many times lol) sorry love @Bridget

Edited by JuliesMommy
  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, JuliesMommy said:

As much as i would love to take credit for that amazing post...it was actually the lovely @ghoulina who posted it! Lol don't feel bad i do that all the time. I always agree with what mostly everyone posts on here so sometimes i @ the wrong person..lol ?

I meant the part where you sometimes write "I want to like this a fucking million times!" :)

Edited by Bridget
forgot my manners!
  • Love 3
37 minutes ago, Bridget said:

Your post also made me think about this: Cate & Tyler have only dated each other and have been together since 7th fucking grade. I say this with no offense intended to anyone here who had/have a successful relationship that started at a similar age, but that is just NOT NORMAL. To be enmeshed in each other's lives 24/7 from the age of 13 is not healthy for any type of social development. It's not healthy at any age!

It's really not. I think because of this, the love they have for each other is very platonic. There's no way those two don't love each other. They've been through so much together. But they're more like brother and sister or super close friends. My sister and her husband are HS sweethearts. His parents were too. Young love CAN happen. But it's not the norm, and JUNIOR HIGH sweethearts is even less likely to have a chance of lasting. I think they clung to each other out of desperation to get away from fucked up situations in their lives. Carly cemented things. Then the show REALLY cemented things. I think Cate would/will hang off of him until the cows come home. But without the show, I think Tyler would have been gone long ago. 

  • Love 12
On 11/20/2017 at 3:39 PM, Calm81 said:

I haven’t been able to participate in these forums for a few LONG weeks because the “reply to this post” function wasn’t working for me. I finally discovered that my spouse placed parental control on our router to keep our young children away from inappropriate sites when they got new iPads. I’m BACK!!!


I’ve been DYING to tell you all who I think Catelynn reminds me of. For months I kept thinking “who does Cate remind me of” and just when I remembered the site was blocked lol.

She reminds me of Aunt Bee from the Andy Griffith Show. 

Now I want to apologize in advance to the late Aunt Bee because she was a wonderful character. If Catelynn isn’t careful she’s going to look 60 before her 30th birthday. Google more pics of Cate and Aunt Bee. 

Man, it’s great to be back again. 





Yes!!!! Oh my gosh!!! 

  • Love 4

What stick does Tyler have up his ass now? What is that tweet all about? What is it people are taking so seriously? His use of the "N" word? Going out to the clubs and getting drunk while his so-called wife is faking a meltdown so she can get away from all the work she has with all those animals who are dropping turds the size of her head all over the damn place? 

I can see it now, Non-Carly picking up those turds and showing them to everyone who will give her the time of day.  

I don't think Cate would ever admit to anyone, even a therapist (a real one, not Kinko Kathy) what she really feels inside. She is deathly afraid of losing Tyler. She needs to have these meltdowns every so often in order to assure he is there. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 13

Has Tyler been in Arizona the whole time Cate has been in rehab? Must be nice to be able to hang out indefinitely. I have the smallest smidgen of hope that this is legit rehab because I really thought she’d be out by the season premier conveniently... but I still think that for rehab to be successful she has to put the work in, which she won’t. 

I know people have to travel for treatment so this isn’t across the board, but after treatment care is an important part of the process and it’s hard to follow up when the treatment is so far... sure they can help her find more local aftercare but again she has to commit which she hasn’t done in the past. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, leighroda said:

Has Tyler been in Arizona the whole time Cate has been in rehab? Must be nice to be able to hang out indefinitely. I have the smallest smidgen of hope that this is legit rehab because I really thought she’d be out by the season premier conveniently... but I still think that for rehab to be successful she has to put the work in, which she won’t. 

I know people have to travel for treatment so this isn’t across the board, but after treatment care is an important part of the process and it’s hard to follow up when the treatment is so far... sure they can help her find more local aftercare but again she has to commit which she hasn’t done in the past. 

She also has to take the meds prescribed to her, which she didn't do because Tyler is her doctor and he advised her to go the natural route, according to Cate. Then, there was her lackluster attitude about visiting her psychiatrist. Remember how she arrived late to the appointment and then had the audacity to wonder out loud why the doctor wouldn't see her. 

  • Love 8
15 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

She also has to take the meds prescribed to her, which she didn't do because Tyler is her doctor and he advised her to go the natural route, according to Cate. Then, there was her lackluster attitude about visiting her psychiatrist. Remember how she arrived late to the appointment and then had the audacity to wonder out loud why the doctor wouldn't see her. 

Your right I forgot about the psych appt!

  • Love 1

I met "David" when I was 7 years old. Had a childhood crush on him for years. He was my best friend. We "went out" in the 7th grade for a few months. Then we seriously dated off and on for years as late teens and early adults. At 25 we actually got engaged. The pull to be with someone who "knew" me and remembered the way I was as a child was strong. 

I was engaged to David when I met my husband. It was literally love at first sight and I knew within days of meeting him that my relationship with David was just wrong. I called off the engagement, started dating my husband, and we've been married for 12 years. I finally realized that I wasn't in love with David but that I was in love with our "story." Even after knowing each other for 20 years, we never really got to "know" each other. We just knew what we wanted the other person to be. 

That shit is hard to wrap your head around and even harder to move on from. I mean, with social media these days we are encouraged to form attachments and bonds to every single person we have ever met and will ever meet. In the past, you meet someone on vacation or have a lukewarm co-worker or share a class or two with someone you barely knew in high school and you move on. NOW, we are meant to "friend" them and suddenly become privvy to every detail of their lives. 

I get C&T's relationship. In some ways, I think it's sad. But, Jesus God, I can't stand either one of them. 

  • Love 24
12 hours ago, ghoulina said:

It's really not. I think because of this, the love they have for each other is very platonic. There's no way those two don't love each other. They've been through so much together. But they're more like brother and sister or super close friends. My sister and her husband are HS sweethearts. His parents were too. Young love CAN happen. But it's not the norm, and JUNIOR HIGH sweethearts is even less likely to have a chance of lasting. I think they clung to each other out of desperation to get away from fucked up situations in their lives. Carly cemented things. Then the show REALLY cemented things. I think Cate would/will hang off of him until the cows come home. But without the show, I think Tyler would have been gone long ago. 

Yeah they really don’t seem to be attracted to each other in any way. Tyler is always making those Fire Marshal Bill faces at her instead of kissing her or embracing her normally and she’s always clinging to him like a barnacle or licking his face. We never see any genuine affection between them. 

  • Love 12

Here’s my two cents-

I most certainly think Cate and Tyler do have love, affection and familialirty for each other. I am not someone who sees this “lack of attraction” so much, everyone expresses attraction and sexuality differently. I’m sure they were attracted to each other once upon a time.

Like @Bridget stated above, they’ve been together since 7th grade AND Tyler has always been Cate’s “Safe place” during April’s most drugged out moments (save a few months she got to spend with her paternal grandparents in Florida). @Bridget as to why Catelynn didn’t have a female friend to stay with we cannot say, but I am not going to take that as a reflection on Cate- at 13/14/15 years old, she was at the mercy of the adults in her life. I also know that adults can be far more clique and judgmental than kids. Catelynn may have had friends who’s parents didn’t want her around because of her “trashy drugged addicted mother”. Kim will always be a Tyler defender (that’s her son duh), but even she saw back then that Cate got a raw deal in life and wasn’t a “bad” or “mean spirited” young girl. She felt for her because teenaged Cate deserved better than April as a mother. 

Had Teen Mom not gotten big, C & T would’ve broken up, but probably would’ve remained on friendly terms because they did like each other as people. Catelynn would’ve gotten the fuck away from April (and probably taken Nick with her), without TM money April would’ve had no reason to stay around and her evil words regarding Carly’s adoption would’ve stuck in Catelynn’s mind. Catelynn would be working to survive and most likely would’ve healed emotionally from Carly’s adoption.

I agree that Catelynn isn’t very interested in being a mother, and did it to “fit in” and hold onto TM money. Tyler has a lot of douche tendencies but unlike Cate he has some drive and ambition- he takes the TM money, rehabs homes, is learning something and expanding his mind in some way. Catelynn isn’t interested in ANYTHING besides her sofa it seems. If she had something she enjoyed doing, she would be an easier person to live with. That’s got to be wearing on Tyler who’s emotionally responsible for Catelynn, Butch who’s a constant fuck-up and for Nova. 

  • Love 11
9 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I finally realized that I wasn't in love with David but that I was in love with our "story."

Wow, this is such a powerful statement. I think that really sums up Tyler and Catelynn perfectly. "Sweet kids from horribly broken homes, who defy the odds and make young love work. Oh, and they also placed a baby for adoption, so they're saints y'all"

  • Love 13
On 11/30/2017 at 2:19 PM, ghoulina said:

The problem is, most of this stuff IS buried deep down. She doesn't recognize any of this on a conscious level and unless she's prepared to get really real, no therapist is going to be able to drag it out of her. So nothing changes. I think this will continue to be a pattern for her unless she stops the show, stops all non-prescribed drugs, takes a break from Tyler, and engages in some hardcore therapy. So.....she may very well be a lost cause. 

I completely agree. Psychoanalysis is an intense therapy technique that works to uncover buried trauma and the root of depression and anxiety, but I don't think it would work for Cate. Therapists can only work with what you tell them and I don't think Cate has the intelligence to dig deep inside and talk about everything she has repressed.  Also therapy only works when the person wants to change. There's no reason for Catelynn to change at is point. Her identity is being Depressed and Anxious. It gets her attention, it keeps her storyline going, and she never has to take responsibility for her decisions. 

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It's probably safe to assume that Tyler is an asshole behind closed doors, given that he is an asshole on camera and on social media, too. I'll never forget how he treated those dogs in their Barbie Dream Trailer. If he's willing to get aggressive with them on camera, we can only imagine what he'll do when no one is around. 

@poopchute Fire Marshall Bill faces are  EXACTLY what he does. Nice work. 

We saw Catelynn as a basically nice and harmless girl in a bad situation, at least the first few seasons. I don't know if she changed or just got a worse edit, but she's quite the little bitch now. I like her even less than Tyler. As others have said, at least he kind of tries to do stuff sometimes. 

Also, I just want to say that I regularly remember @Brooklynista saying Catelynn likes their house because it looks like a Taco Bell Crunch Wrap and I laugh out loud. That might be the funniest thing I've ever read on PTV. 

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On ‎12‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 2:09 PM, ginger90 said:

I am laughing at the audacity of Tyler informing someone else about not arguing with strangers and "confidence is quiet" especially when he and Cate have both have gotten into tweet wars with strangers. Wasn't it just recently where Cate posted "fuck the haters"? I also don't believe he tweeted that last sentence on his own. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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On 11/18/2017 at 3:54 PM, Lm2162 said:

I'm one of those who doesn't think he's gay (though he could be bi)...he seemed too into those strippers at his party. I think he's not been physically attracted to her since high school and also finds her unattractive emotionally/personality wise. I think he gets off on playing savior though. He's no better than her and any other partner would make that clear. With Cate he can always feel superior. 

My ex-husband loved me best when I was in the worst phases of depression.  He loved feeling superior.  It made his own mental health and substance abuse issues "not as bad so therefore okay".  Tyler is horrible.

  • Love 9

I distinctly remember Vile-ler telling a friend that he thinks about "leaving Cate for other people...a lot."  This was a couple of years ago and they were at a gathering of their friends at some sort of restaurant or something.  I have searched high and low for the clip but I can't find it.  I do trust my own memory, though.

"Married to his childhood sweetheart" is part of his schtick.  When the show goes, so will he.

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