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S10.E20: Reunion Part 1

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"...slinging her own poop..."

Very apt description of what Carole does.  She has a very simian look about her; this just reinforces my suspicion that she a primate.

Hi, everyone!  Long time lurker first time poster, here! 

I wish Andy had an air horn to blast in Carole's face every time she opened her weird Grandpa Simpson mouth and tried to butt in.  Carole, the lip injections are drawing more attention to the overbite, not hiding it.

I feel a tiny bit bad for her though.  Poor Day-Of-The-Dead-sugar-skull-come-to-life Carole.  First fired as an extra from Disney's Coco, to fired from RHONY.

Slurrrrinda, I liked you at one time. Go sleep off your stooper somewhere.  NO CAMERAS.

Edited by unobtrusivepoultry
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12 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

Agree.  And, lunchtime poll:  Does anyone who posts here actually drink her alcoholic creations and like them?

I've actually not tried any of the business products of the housewives, save for Heather's Yummie Tummie products. I bought one a couple years ago when I needed shape wear to wear under a bridesmaids dress. I really gave Yummie Tummie a chance because all I could remember was Phaedra damn near passing out on the reunion stage because she was so sucked in by the Spanx beneath her gown. I was like, I need to breathe.

Since the first Yummie Tummie purchase, I've gone on to buy another shaper and a camisole.

Edited by Mozelle
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10 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I switch my handbag carrying hand all the time, depends what side a door is on, where people are standing, depends on a lot of things.  this is a reach.....

I don't think it is.  I can't think of any time I would use my non-dominant hand to open a door to or within a building.  The only time I ever use my left hand is to open the driver side door of my car.  She's showing off, that's what she does.

ETA: Besides, on re-watch, the door is being held open for her.  So she didn't have to open anything at all.

Edited by RedDelicious
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11 hours ago, film noire said:

I think she's plenty sane, but almost everybody who tries to get close to Bethenny ends up crazy.

I'm not saying that to be incendiary; it's just what narcs do. Drive people mad, and then drive them away. Up is down and down is sideways and I never called you a bad businesswoman and they're always right and you're always wrong, even when you prove them 100 percent wrong with real world evidence  (wanna get a judge in here?)  they deny it and sob and cry and interrupt you and deflect your points and talk and talk and talk and never say anything  meaningful -- only barbs and bullshit and bloviating -- and the insults flow and they call them quips and their bitterness rains down like battery acid, even as they say I love you but when push comes to shove, they will filet you like a fish if you threaten their self image, if you dare to breathe  a word of anything but praise, dare to say wait, but that's not how it went down and once that happentheir only goal is to shame and demean you so they can feel good about themselves;  about their up is down & down is sideways selves.

There is no sane response to that other than to walk away.

So brava to Carole -- someone I never liked, and outright loathed over her treatment of Jules -- for being the only one in Frankel's orbit to figure that out, the only one to walk away, and in the leaving, remain sane.  

^ This!    I've seen a bunch of posts here -- especially in the first few pages -- that describe Bethenny as winning the Reunion so far.  She might be winning individual battles, but -- IMO -- she's losing the war.  She can win arguments with her snark and witty (often mean) comments, but at the end of the day, it seems like she doesn't get along with her family, her marriage turned into WWIII and she doesn't appear to really have many (any?) true friends.  At some point, if you have so many toxic relationships in your life, you have to wonder what the common denominator is (answer:  in this case, Bethenny herself).  So, be mean and snarky Bethenny, but don't expect much sympathy when you can't maintain normal relationships with other people.


1 hour ago, reniomartinio said:

i can’t believe no one has commented about Ramona talking to Mario, and handing the phone to Andy!!! I didn’t imagine that did I??!!

Thank you!  I was coming on to post this as well!  After all they've been through, it would seem they can still have civil (perhaps even friendly) discussions.  Can anyone imagine Bethenny being that way with Jason?  

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10 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

Agree.  And, lunchtime poll:  Does anyone who posts here actually drink her alcoholic creations and like them?

No...I refuse to buy her any of her stuff. When I saw she had SG facial wipes and stevia sweetener selling at Walmart, I thought how cheesy. Products she would surely ridicule Ramona or any other Housewife for especially selling them at Walmart. SG is not high end boutique type stuff. 

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3 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

I don't think it is.  I can't think of any time I would use my non-dominant hand to open a door to or within a building.  The only time I ever use my left hand is to open the driver side door of my car.  She's showing off, that's what she does.

maybe because I'm left handed I have to switch my bag around all the time- I use my non-dominate hand all the time.  

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13 hours ago, knitta please said:

So, Carole, Dorinda, and Ramona were all over Bethenny for being filmed at the funeral, yet they were pissy about her not thanking Dorinda for the GD nutcracker on film?  

They can't have it both ways. 

Dorinda is a drunk. Full stop. I 100% believe that she gets up in the morning and has a Bloody Mary to bridge the hangover from the previous night's slurring binge. She is clearly struggling with something and is self-medicating with alcohol. Which is no excuse for her behaviour and the words she speaks. Her vicious reaction to being told she is "turning" and then the demand for clarification over whether Bethenny said she was a drunk or that she was drunk just smacks of textbook denial. I've seen enough episodes of Intervention to know what's going on with her behaviour.

Carole is such a Bitter Betty. It is not a good look on anyone, much less someone who is already struggling in the looks department. People who engage in revisionist history despite being filmed make me laugh. She has really shot herself in the foot. And she puts her own outfits together. I'm shocked. Just shocked.

Carole didn't know how to reply about the BedBed&Beyonce outfit. The one she wore with a turquoise boned undergarment wasn't the allegedly Beyonce frock. It was the outfit she wore after the boat ride when they danced before the shit festivus moon appeared. The Beyonce outfit wasn't even an outfit Beyonce wore. It allegedly came from Beyonce's stylist - do you know how many stylists she has? It was in the "no I don't like that nor will I ever wear it"  pile.

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3 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Best thing to happen to Carole...whether she quit or was fired. This franchise is just a bunch of menopausal (except for Tinsley) bitter bitches that engage in cat fighting and the tearing down of each other. It isn't fun anymore...even when they go on their trips they fight almost the entire time. The excessive drinking, the drunken brawls, the back stabbing..all qualities that I hate seeing being exploited by Bravo and Andy Cohen. I understand you need some drama to make these shows a ratings success but at what point is it over the top exploitive women trashing women? I'm having trouble supporting this particular Housewives show anymore, especially after this sad season.

And also, since accountability and self awareness are terms of the day, when does Bravo have or take some level of responsibility when one of their cast members shows big red flags of addiction?  I am a big fan of personal accountability, but if it takes a village, then maybe Andy needs to do some reflecting of his own.  Example:  The WWHL which reran directly after the 10pm viewing of the reunion.  Dorina and Isaac M were the guests, and directly after quizzing Dorinda about her drinking and the buzz surrounding it, Andy pops up and announces that it's time for a shotski.  After the commercial break, he apologizes for the questionable timing, but you must know that was prompted by staff, not because of any conscience on Andy's part.

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I don't think we get the whole range of SkinnyGirl products in Canada. Not where I live anyway. I have seen the Margarita at the liquor store, have not bought it, don't expect I will. I did try the liquid sweetener, didn't really like it. I guess it's healthier that straight up packets of chemicals, because it uses stevia and monkfruit, but I thought it tasted yucky. (I eagerly await the day that stevia is discovered to be bad for you -- how can something so bitter be good for you? I'm also looking at you, grapefruit.) ;)

I'm ready to make a trip to the USA to buy some of her salad dressings and flavored popcorn. I'll report back if I do.

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44 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Carole was supposed to be the mastermind?

Girlfriend can't boil an egg much less hatch a plan. The deadline for that plan would have been the reunion. Carole doesn't do deadlines.

18 minutes ago, Otherkate said:

You need someone with a lot more motivation to mastermind a pile on, but Carole has proven herself to always be a willing follower in those mean girl games and she was here as well. I would guess the plan came from either Ramona or Dorinda, probably Ramona. Certainly the ham-fisted nature of it screams Ramona. 

Yes it did - reeked of Ramona. 

Although Carole was also hamhanded as she came galloping out of the gate, toothily screaming, "The dreeeeeeeeeam team" while slapping rumps and assuring everyone she had their backs. LOL. Way to expose your dastardly plan, Radzi.

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10 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I rewatched this as well this summer and I remember it differently.  I remember Kelly being the confrontational one and B responding.  Its not her fault that Kelly can't fight as well as she can.  But I saw a B that wasn't instigating anything.  

I remember it as you do - I also rewatched all the older seasons (thanks Hulu!), Kelly was awful. As soon as Bethenny was off the show Kelly joined the Brunette Brigade (the original dream team?) and went in on Alex. Everyone who was on "Scary Island" agreed something was off about Kelly - meds mishap or who knows what, she was a nutter. Constantly calling Bethenny a cook not a chef? Equating one night stands with unprotected sex? I seem to remember at that particular reunion Luann even broke team protocal and acknowledged Kelly was acting up and should have never said what she said about Bethenny... Kelly wasn't some little mouse hiding in the corner... Clearly she and Bethenny have personalities that don't mesh (oil and water), but Kelly poked the bear plenty of times.

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14 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

For Carole's next fashion moment she will be wearing a garbage bag with a black and orange nylon rope twist belt ,tissue box flats as shoes and a paper clip chain necklace and earring ensemble. She is edgy that way.

By the famous designer Commes Des Garbage?


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1 minute ago, BodhiGurl said:

I remember it as you do - I also rewatched all the older seasons (thanks Hulu!), Kelly was awful. As soon as Bethenny was off the show Kelly joined the Brunette Brigade (the original dream team?) and went in on Alex. Everyone who was on "Scary Island" agreed something was off about Kelly - meds mishap or who knows what, she was a nutter. Constantly calling Bethenny a cook not a chef? Equating one night stands with unprotected sex? I seem to remember at that particular reunion Luann even broke team protocal and acknowledged Kelly was acting up and should have never said what she said about Bethenny... Kelly wasn't some little mouse hiding in the corner... Clearly she and Bethenny have personalities that don't mesh (oil and water), but Kelly poked the bear plenty of times.

I can't stand Bethenny much these days, but I do remember that Kelly was a whack-a-doodle on Scary Island. I can't even remember why, but I do remember her shouting "Al Sharpton" at Bethenny and I just watched that thing in amazement. Kelly really had a moment on that island and even before then, she bugged the ever living crap out of me. 

Moving along...can we talk about how Ramona is the starter girlfriend lol. First she went out on a handful of dates with Tom, who ended up with LuAnn. Then it was revealed last night that she went out on a handful of dates with the guy who Jill is currently seeing. What's going on?

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Whatever issues they may have legit with Bethenny, most of these ladies would be smart to turn on Dorinda since she has actively admitted to trying to stir the pot and cause friction and animosity and seems to mostly get away with it.

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14 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I'm surprised at the Bethenny love.  She was horrible to Carole all season, to her face and in her TH's. Carole wasn't going to take her shit anymore so she fought back. What else was she supposed to do? Lick her ass the way Sonja does? B was a miserable, hateful mess in Colombia. If she wasn't crying she was just being a bitch. The only reason she's nice to Sonja right now is because Sonja is the only one left on the show to cling to. Bethenny is loyal to nobody. She deserves a gang up. Keep it coming in Part 2. 

THIS... also Andy should have been on Beth’s couch.

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26 minutes ago, kicksave said:

No...I refuse to buy her any of her stuff. When I saw she had SG facial wipes and stevia sweetener selling at Walmart, I thought how cheesy. Products she would surely ridicule Ramona or any other Housewife for especially selling them at Walmart. SG is not high end boutique type stuff. 

I am NOT a Beth fan, but we all have to acknowledge: she's rich, bitch. (Not calling @kicksave  a bitch!!!)

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13 minutes ago, Mozelle said:

I can't stand Bethenny much these days, but I do remember that Kelly was a whack-a-doodle on Scary Island. I can't even remember why, but I do remember her shouting "Al Sharpton" at Bethenny and I just watched that thing in amazement. Kelly really had a moment on that island and even before then, she bugged the ever living crap out of me. 

Moving along...can we talk about how Ramona is the starter girlfriend lol. First she went out on a handful of dates with Tom, who ended up with LuAnn. Then it was revealed last night that she went out on a handful of dates with the guy who Jill is currently seeing. What's going on?

One would think that there were exactly 10 eligible men in the NYC dating pool.

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8 minutes ago, BloggerAloud said:

Whatever issues they may have legit with Bethenny, most of these ladies would be smart to turn on Dorinda since she has actively admitted to trying to stir the pot and cause friction and animosity and seems to mostly get away with it.

Co-sign.  I don’t understand why Dorinda gets a pass for blatantly shit stirring.  The others seem to be incensed by Bethenny’s THs, but IMO, Dorinda’s were a whole lot worse.  B hasn’t said anything in a TH that she hasn’t also said face-to-face.  

I think if Luann had been at the reunion, there would be more holding Dorinda accountable.  But she should watch out next season, when the show will need a new antagonist.

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2 minutes ago, DrSparkles said:

I am NOT a Beth fan, but we all have to acknowledge: she's rich, bitch. (Not calling @kicksave  a bitch!!!)

A lot of people are rich...doesn't make them any better or worse than anyone else. PS...I don't care how much money she has...all the money in the world can't make her a nicer, kinder and better person. 

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12 minutes ago, BloggerAloud said:

Whatever issues they may have legit with Bethenny, most of these ladies would be smart to turn on Dorinda since she has actively admitted to trying to stir the pot and cause friction and animosity and seems to mostly get away with it.

Yes, but in fairness, they've all taken their turn as Stirrer In Chief.

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1 minute ago, kicksave said:

A lot of people are rich...doesn't make them any better or worse than anyone else. PS...I don't care how much money she has...all the money in the world can't make her a nicer, kinder and better person. 

Aw, hell no. I'm for SURE not saying she's nice or kind. I'm just saying she turned that swill into $100million. She's fucking miserable.

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36 minutes ago, MMLEsq said:

^ This!    I've seen a bunch of posts here -- especially in the first few pages -- that describe Bethenny as winning the Reunion so far.  She might be winning individual battles, but -- IMO -- she's losing the war.  She can win arguments with her snark and witty (often mean) comments, but at the end of the day, it seems like she doesn't get along with her family, her marriage turned into WWIII and she doesn't appear to really have many (any?) true friends.  At some point, if you have so many toxic relationships in your life, you have to wonder what the common denominator is (answer:  in this case, Bethenny herself).  So, be mean and snarky Bethenny, but don't expect much sympathy when you can't maintain normal relationships with other people.


Thank you!  I was coming on to post this as well!  After all they've been through, it would seem they can still have civil (perhaps even friendly) discussions.  Can anyone imagine Bethenny being that way with Jason?  

Different perspectives make the world go round. I see in Bethenny a woman who took responsibility for her life and dared to strive to support herself and be successful so she was safe and had a healthy happy life without toxic mean people. Everyone she leaves behind is pretty terrible. She has lots of friends but they’re  all independent women, even the married ones. Eg. Kyle Richards on RHOBH ... 20-30 years friends. Kyle is also successful. See? B leaves bad people, not decent people who own their actions and genuinely try to be kind and true. 


So why why all the toxic people in Bethenny’s life? Well, look at all the clips on this episode of her being kind and supportive of each of the women at different times. She had no filter. Bethenny was there for everyone, even toxic people. Problem is when someone is in pain right in front of you, it’s hard to not want to comfort them right? So Bethenny did, and those same people have all gone on to trash her. I’ve never liked this false claim about people having no friends. Women leave abusive relationships often and often lose everyone they knew in the process. Considering everything about B, she’s good in my book. Onward... 


I’ve finally watched this episode and it’s tiring. So much fighting. To me it looks like everyone except Sonja and Tinsley are unhappy that Bethenny doesn’t let them get close or at least not anymore. The universal exclamation they uttered when Bethenny thanked them for donating to her foundation despite hating B was something to see. They don’t want to be held accountable for their own failings and accusations but they expect Bethenny to be. They call her a name, toss an accusation, Bethenny usually addresses it, takes responsibility, and apologizes if it’s needed.


That’s the problem it seems. Bethenny can dish it AND take it but they can only dish it, so it makes them feel bad about themselves. This is why both Sonja and Tinsley aren’t in the fray. They can also dish and take it and now, so does Lu. I hope next season for some cast changes.


Got it now. Team B all the way here. She’s not a narcissist as much as they want her to be. This is entertainment tv and she’s keeping it alive right now. If they want their jobs to continue, they have to show they deserve them. I think Carole got fired because she clearly showed she can’t take it. Smart firing. Ramona tends to turn if it seems feasible so it will b interesting to see if she tries, again, to apologize to B. Problem is, Bethenny is wise to Ramona now and she’s not playing. That’s why Ramona is upset. This show is tough to watch... I want to see happy vacations and coffee dates with women who get along and who are emotionally healthy, or at least working to that end.

Edited by Sunfield
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7 minutes ago, DrSparkles said:

I am NOT a Beth fan, but we all have to acknowledge: she's rich, bitch. (Not calling @kicksave  a bitch!!!)

To defend Bethenny here (ack!), I see nothing wrong with selling products at Walmart.  If I had a product that a massive retailer was willing to take on, I don't think I would check the dress code before accepting the purchase order.  I never got the idea that she was trying to market anything upscale, at least not that I recall. 

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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Wow, no one came out looking good at that reunion, including the host. I'm not here for the Bethenny show, Andy. She's so nasty and can dish it but can't ever take it. But Carole also did herself no favors interjecting every few minutes with nonsensical quips.

Ramona and Bethenny are toxic together. They've both said some awful things to each other and about each other over the years and they know each other's weaknesses. Ramona knows B has abandonment issues due to the way she grew up, so saying she will end up alone is the worst thing she can say to her. She also knows Brynn is her heart, B has always wanted a child, so sure, bring up the soft porn movie she made and ask if Brynn knows about it. [side eye] Bethenny knows Ramona's thing is that she's a self-made woman who came from nothing, so stick it to her by saying "when you become successful call me," and don't show up to her business launch.

Dorinda is a drunk. If you black out and you need to drink to function and you have messed up many of your relationships because of how you are when you drink, then you have a drinking problem. All of them have said it. I don't know why the rest of the cast are now in denial and act like she just drinks a little. Dorinda should be embarrassed, not doubling down.

37 minutes ago, MMLEsq said:

I'm not saying that to be incendiary; it's just what narcs do.

Perfectly put. Was with one for 7 years. 

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Agree.  And, lunchtime poll:  Does anyone who posts here actually drink her alcoholic creations and like them?

Haven't had the booze but tried the protein shakes (individual bottles) and a box of protein bars, both of which I found at T.J. Maxx or Marshall's. I actually liked the protein shakes enough to buy them a second time, but the protein bars were so-so. Neither good nor that bad.

After seeing SG chapstick in a Dollar Tree store, I wondered "is there anything Bethenny *won't* slap the SG label on?"

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1 hour ago, Persnickety1 said:

And from her own line, no less.  Even if it's just buying and reselling items from Wayfair or Overstock (whatever the rumor is), she's apparently found a niche, so good for Sonja.  

Isn't this what every drunk ass pulled over on Cops says?  "I've only had two drinks" as they epically fail the field test.  "Two drinks" seems to be the go-to amount for some reason.

Yeah, I noticed that too...I'm not sure if Dorinda actually meant that as a dig at Sonja but...LOL at the editing maneuver!

"Poo flinging" (or leaking) is apparently on next week's agenda.  

Considering we were subjected to watching Ramona walk around sloshed for 2-3 seasons as she attempted to "promote" her wine, I would expect this reaction from Ramona.  Hell, if I recall correctly, Ramona was tossing back glasses of her swill any time the camera was around.    

If I recall correctly, a few seasons ago when Josh (Kristen's husband) tried to meet one-on-one with Sonja and she rattled off all of those ridiculous nonexistent "business" ventures in which she was involved, most (if not all) of the other ladies were concerned for her at that point because she was coming off as completely delusional.  Even Josh threw up his hands at trying to talk any sense into her.

And Bethenny wasn't even in that particular season, so, as per the usual, these women are completely hypocritical (and full of shit).  

For all of the outstanding work Bethenny has apparently had on her face, those implants are just dreadful.  

Didn't Tamra on OC try to have her implants removed way back in the day and go natural, but ended up having to have smaller implants inserted because of the sagging issue?

Yup.  I worked with a woman who had a massive headache every single fucking day...which miraculously went away when she got home that night and drank a couple of bottles of wine.

Yet she never made the connection between her nightly routine alcohol consumption and the subsequent predictable headache the next day.

Denial and deflection are things of beauty, apparently.



1 hour ago, Persnickety1 said:



1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

Ramona should have just said I was really hurt that you didn't come to my event. I was even more hurt when I approached you after Luann's show and you dismissed me. Unfortunately, the Idjit Brigade egged her on and she got flustered.

I think Carole tried to portray that image as soon as she started promoting the writing of Widow's Guide.

Widows Guide?  What could she possibly say in that book?   Most women aren’t in her position .. where she lives, how she lives, her money, etc.  most don’t have access to what she does to keep busy as a widow or opportunity to meet men, or have children to contend with.  Is she going to give tips?  I just can’t imagine what she would say.  Her money would allow her to do things that most widows couldn’t.

Edited by Gem 10
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51 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Best thing to happen to Carole...whether she quit or was fired. This franchise is just a bunch of menopausal (except for Tinsley) bitter bitches that engage in cat fighting and the tearing down of each other. It isn't fun anymore...even when they go on their trips they fight almost the entire time. The excessive drinking, the drunken brawls, the back stabbing..all qualities that I hate seeing being exploited by Bravo and Andy Cohen. I understand you need some drama to make these shows a ratings success but at what point is it over the top exploitive women trashing women? I'm having trouble supporting this particular Housewives show anymore, especially after this sad season.

One of the biggest reasons I stopped watching NJ. Around the time of Theresa flipping the table. It just got so out of hand that it wasn't entertaining anymore. 

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5 hours ago, DrSparkles said:

Regarding B's awful boobs, she's got so much money, why not have them redone? (Aside from having to be put under & then the recovery period!) She needs to get a referral from Ramoaner's dr bc nutty as R is, her face & skin look pretty damn good.

She needs a referral for her face too.  When they were showing the cast prepping for the reunion there was a shot of Bethenny having her make-up applied and she had some obvious crepey wrinkles under her eyes which I thought looked pretty severe for someone her age.  Ramona is 14 years older than her and looks better.  Ramona's boobs look better too, they're just too big for her.  Too bad Ramona isn't good at conveying what she wants to say.  I think when she brought up Bethenny's fake boobs it was probably because of the way Bethenny has made several derogatory references to Ramona's on camera despite having those horrible bolt-on breasts on her own chest.  The dress she was wearing at the reunion highlighted the imperfections.   

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22 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

One would think that there were exactly 10 eligible men in the NYC dating pool.

That may be all there is on the UES - especially men that meet all the criteria - mature, wealthy, single, own their own home(or homes--in the correct addresses, of course) grown children, and willing/interested in a relationship with a woman of a certain age, rather than someone young enough to be their daughter.    ;-)

Edited by njbchlover
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4 minutes ago, DBAAT said:

One of the biggest reasons I stopped watching NJ. Around the time of Theresa flipping the table. It just got so out of hand that it wasn't entertaining anymore. 

Carole should wear her firing, if that is what indeed did happen, as a badge of honor.

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1 minute ago, DBAAT said:

One of the biggest reasons I stopped watching NJ. Around the time of Theresa flipping the table. It just got so out of hand that it wasn't entertaining anymore. 

I’m right there with you I stopped OC just caught the first episode in forever last week and Atlanta I’m down to NY & Dallas (crazy Leanne super fan) and BH. The New York cast seriously needs a complete shake up it’s just getting like a chore to watch lately 

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1 hour ago, Lady of nod said:

TA. For all her crazy, Ramona looks amazing for 60, and Sonya is a beautiful woman. Gotta give em that.

She is beautiful and she does look incredible, but nobody has as few wrinkles as Romona unless she is using botox and filler. I don't care, but she can't claim it's all lifestyle and skin care.

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Widows Guide?  What could she possibly say in that book? 

Maybe Carole feels like she left her news days behind and isn't interested in revisiting them, but I would be more interested in reading essays about her work and travels to Cambodia, for instance. I don't think she's a rom-com kind of writer. Maybe she thought she had to keep things light and girly, after appearing on RHONY? I don't know. It seems like as each season transpires, Carole loses some depth. I really liked her initially, but I also felt that way about Sonja, Dorinda, and Bethenny. When I watched last night, I had a weary feeling of "I don't care which way this goes."

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1 minute ago, DBAAT said:

She is beautiful and she does look incredible, but nobody has as few wrinkles as Romona unless she is using botox and filler. I don't care, but she can't claim it's all lifestyle and skin care.

You forgot Pinot Grigio.

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Just now, DBAAT said:

She is beautiful and she does look incredible, but nobody has as few wrinkles as Romona unless she is using botox and filler. I don't care, but she can't claim it's all lifestyle and skin care.

Seeing as how we saw her get a very expensive laser treatment on her face.......And she has admitted (in the past anyway) to using whatever help science has to offer.

In addition to routine touch ups they are all shot through filters, good lighting etc. They don't look like this in person.

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1 minute ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I’m right there with you I stopped OC just caught the first episode in forever last week and Atlanta I’m down to NY & Dallas (crazy Leanne super fan) and BH. The New York cast seriously needs a complete shake up it’s just getting like a chore to watch lately 

In fact, there has been talk of adding some much younger women to the cast since this particular franchise has more women over 50 who are no longer married or housewives.  Andy Cohen’s visible irritability was on full display last night...I think he’s feeling some pressure to get this particular franchise back on track. And that won’t be easy. If I had to predict, I would say LuAnn might be let go and possibly Ramona or Dorinda. Bethenny won’t be let go...she and Andy are BFF’s. Look for at least two new faces next season. I could be wrong...stay tuned.

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34 minutes ago, Sunfield said:

Different perspectives make the world go round. I see in Bethenny a woman who took responsibility for her life and dared to strive to support herself and be successful so she was safe and had a healthy happy life without toxic mean people. Everyone she leaves behind is pretty terrible. She has lots of friends but they’re  all independent women, even the married ones. Eg. Kyle Richards on RHOBH ... 20-30 years friends. Kyle is also successful. See? B leaves bad people, not decent people who own their actions and genuinely try to be kind and true. 


So why why all the toxic people in Bethenny’s life? Well, look at all the clips on this episode of her being kind and supportive of each of the women at different times. She had no filter. Bethenny was there for everyone, even toxic people. Problem is when someone is in pain right in front of you, it’s hard to not want to comfort them right? So Bethenny did, and those same people have all gone on to trash her. I’ve never liked this false claim about people having no friends. Women leave abusive relationships often and often lose everyone they knew in the process. Considering everything about B, she’s good in my book. Onward... 


I’ve finally watched this episode and it’s tiring. So much fighting. To me it looks like everyone except Sonja and Tinsley are unhappy that Bethenny doesn’t let them get close or at least not anymore. The universal exclamation they uttered when Bethenny thanked them for donating to her foundation despite hating B was something to see. They don’t want to be held accountable for their own failings and accusations but they expect Bethenny to be. They call her a name, toss an accusation, Bethenny usually addresses it, takes responsibility, and apologizes if it’s needed.


That’s the problem it seems. Bethenny can dish it AND take it but they can only dish it, so it makes them feel bad about themselves. This is why both Sonja and Tinsley aren’t in the fray. They can also dish and take it and now, so does Lu. I hope next season for some cast changes.


Got it now. Team B all the way here. She’s not a narcissist as much as they want her to be. This is entertainment tv and she’s keeping it alive right now. If they want their jobs to continue, they have to show they deserve them. I think Carole got fired because she clearly showed she can’t take it. Smart firing. Ramona tends to turn if it seems feasible so it will b interesting to see if she tries, again, to apologize to B. Problem is, Bethenny is wise to Ramona now and she’s not playing. That’s why Ramona is upset.


I don't think Ramona is the slightest bit worried about her apple and doesn't need B for screen time. I would watch 1000 turtle time scenes over one of Bethenny's fast talking tirades any day. And I don't really like Ramona all that much . 

Bethenny talks fast and likes to interrupt with "can I speak" so she doesn't have to take it. She's very weak when it comes to any criticism pointed in her direction. 

And I found it interesting that the clips of her "being there" for others were more of the others actually being/sitting alone and B approaching them and starting the discussion. She inserts herself into things and then when people engage with her she uses it as an example of how she's so wonderful to everyone. What I didn't see was anyone seeking out B because they were having a rough time and needed a shoulder to cry on. It all seemed like a matter of convenience and not the overly concerned friend Andy tried to make her out to be.

As far as them attacking her while she "thanked" them on behalf of her foundation,  first of all, she has others running and working that foundation with her so she knows she better mind her Ps and Qs. And even her thanks were half-assed....oh Carole, even though you didn't support me and come to PR, you gave money so thank you very much. Oh Dorinda, even though you insulted those people at dinner, thank you so very much. Kinda like how she mocks Ramonas sorry-not-sorry apologies, B knows exactly how to thank someone while reminding them she thinks they coulda done better. And the women knew it, and called her on it.

Edited by hottesthw
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4 hours ago, mwell345 said:

And apparently Jill went along with it.  She has even defended Bethenny on twitter after some claimed Bethenny's"I'm alone too" comment was insensitive.

Jill Zarin Retweeted INQUISITR Entertainment

"Don’t be hard on her. Who knows what to say in situation like that? She was trying to make me feel better and never took it as selfish. Her coming meant the world to me and Ally but especially Bobby who was only 10 feet away if you watch the videos the press took."

Jill has also thanked Andy for the tribute to Bobby.

With Carole gone and the rest of the girls so anti-Bethenny, I think Jill just might get her apple back.

I think that's probably exactly what Jill is aiming for.

As I'm reading the comments here about the pile up on Bethenny, I'm reminded of the season 4 reunion where Jill was involved in her own pile up, I believe on Alex.

I remember Jill, Lu, Kelly, and the ever-forgettable Cindy really just being completely obnoxious and not letting Alex get a word in.

I didn't even like Alex but I was pretty appalled at the way Andy seemingly let the 4 on the opposite couch run roughshod over her.

But then here came season 5 a few months later with 3 of the 4 on "Team Jill" absent and I believe LuAnn discounted (bad pun intended) to "friend of."

I'm curious to see how this clusterfuck of hatred and bitterness translates to next month's cast.

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56 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

And also, since accountability and self awareness are terms of the day, when does Bravo have or take some level of responsibility when one of their cast members shows big red flags of addiction?  I am a big fan of personal accountability, but if it takes a village, then maybe Andy needs to do some reflecting of his own.  Example:  The WWHL which reran directly after the 10pm viewing of the reunion.  Dorina and Isaac M were the guests, and directly after quizzing Dorinda about her drinking and the buzz surrounding it, Andy pops up and announces that it's time for a shotski.  After the commercial break, he apologizes for the questionable timing, but you must know that was prompted by staff, not because of any conscience on Andy's part.

Exactly! I read an article recently where some unnamed former Housewives from various franchises complained about the amount of alcohol always present everywhere they stayed or went. They seemed to imply that it was pushed on them to be inebriated and that there were no limits set. Every hotel suite had unlimited alcohol already set up, same for the houses they stayed in and even the restaurants they ate at...keep it flowing, it makes great TV. How the hell will LuAnn ever be able to stay sober in that kind of atmosphere? Nice work there Andy...

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On 8/22/2018 at 9:04 PM, knitta please said:

So, Carole, Dorinda, and Ramona were all over Bethenny for being filmed at the funeral, yet they were pissy about her not thanking Dorinda for the GD nutcracker on film?  

They can't have it both ways. 

Dorinda is a drunk. Full stop. I 100% believe that she gets up in the morning and has a Bloody Mary to bridge the hangover from the previous night's slurring binge. She is clearly struggling with something and is self-medicating with alcohol. Which is no excuse for her behaviour and the words she speaks. Her vicious reaction to being told she is "turning" and then the demand for clarification over whether Bethenny said she was a drunk or that she was drunk just smacks of textbook denial. I've seen enough episodes of Intervention to know what's going on with her behaviour.

Carole is such a Bitter Betty. It is not a good look on anyone, much less someone who is already struggling in the looks department. People who engage in revisionist history despite being filmed make me laugh. She has really shot herself in the foot. And she puts her own outfits together. I'm shocked. Just shocked.

Yes, Dorinda is a full on drunken alcoholic and it’s sad that BravHo thinks it’s appropriate to capitalize on that but then again, it IS Andy and his BravHos and they have shown time and again that they have no qualms about making money showcasing people with mental, emotional and domestic and/or substance abuse issues. 


I think Dorinda is, and has been, struggling with her grief over losing a husband and partner who was someone she looked up to, and has been lost ever since. From what has been shown on the show itself (from her descriptions) it appears as though she ‘married up’ with Richard. I say it like that because I think Dorinda’s other deep-seeded issue that is driving her drinking problem is her self loathing and shame over being with John now because compared to what we know about Richard, she is ‘coupling down’ now, and I don’t really think she looks up to John the way she looked up to and idolized Richard. I think she looks down on John and hates herself and her life because she went from this very distinguished, sought after and admired (careerwise) mate to...John, dry cleaner to the Park Avenue set. He might be a really nice guy, but from how she’s spoken about and portrayed Richard, there’s no way he lives up to her husband - not in looks, not in career, not in the perception /admiration of others about him, etc. - and I think she hates herself for being with him. I think if she dealt with THAT, she might be on her way to a life where she’s didn’t get blotto drunk and abusive. She comes off as very angry that her life is no longer what it once was, and that’s really a shame because it seems like she has many years left to live, and she seems to be financially secure, so what a waste of a life if this is how it’s going to go for her...

Edited by gingerella
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5 minutes ago, hottesthw said:

I don't think Ramona is the slightest bit worried about her apple and doesn't need B for screen time. I would watch 1000 turtle time scenes over one of Bethenny's fast talking tirades any day. And I don't really like Ramona all that much . 

Bethenny talks fast and likes to interrupt with "can I speak" so she doesn't have to take it. She's very weak when it comes to any criticism pointed in her direction. 

And I found it interesting that the clips of her "being there" for others were more of the others actually being/sitting alone and B approaching them and starting the discussion. She inserts herself into things and then when people engage with her she uses it as an example of how she's so wonderful to everyone. What I didn't see was anyone seeking out B because they were having a rough time and needed a shoulder to cry on. It all seemed like a matter of convenience and not the overly concerned friend Andy tried to make her out to be.

As far as them attacking her while she "thanked" them on behalf of her foundation,  first of all, she has others running and working that foundation with her so she knows she better kind her Ps and Qs. And even her thanks were half-assed....oh Carole, even though you didn't support me and come to PR, you gave money so thank you very much. Oh Dorinda, even though you insulted those people at dinner, thank you so very much. Kinda like how she mocks Ramonas sorry-not-sorry apologies, B knows exactly how to thank someone while reminding them she thinks they coulda done better. And the women knew it, and called her on it.

Bethenny has mastered the fine art of passive aggressive condescension.

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15 minutes ago, DBAAT said:

She is beautiful and she does look incredible, but nobody has as few wrinkles as Romona unless she is using botox and filler. I don't care, but she can't claim it's all lifestyle and skin care.

I'm close to Ramona's age. I don't have that many wrinkles except for my neck. Ugh! Biggest teller of age. I use Great Lakes Collagen powder in my tea every single day. I've used it for over 5 years. I think most skin care lines are the same except the price. I don't find the more expensive ones to work any better than the cheaper lines. I wouldn't mind getting a neck lift, but no botox or filler for me.

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1 hour ago, kicksave said:

I don't care about Bethenny's trashy SG company...but what I can tell you is that she didn't build it herself. It was her vision and her recipe for a skinny margarita that propelled her business but others were instrumental in making it the success it is. If she doesn't want to credit Jason and others for being a part of the success then that's what she chooses to put out there but let's not be naive...it took a village to get her the deal she got that made her a multi millionaire.

It ALWAYS takes a village to build a success. ALWAYS. The notion that anyone who calls themselves self-made or who demonstrates pride in what their vision and hard work has accomplished as though they literally did it all by themselves seems so unrealistic (because it is), that is just seems like nitpicking by the listener who chooses to take the comment that literally. Admittedly, I do not go around reading up on articles and reading interviews of Bethenny and am speaking strictly from how she speaks on the show and a handful of non-RH appearances she's done (I didn't really ever watch her talk show), so maybe there's a whole lot I'm missing but again, the literal sense of someone claiming to be solely responsible for ALL of their success in life just seems so far-fetched to even have any opinion on. Now if Bethenny had a famous last name where she simply piggy backed off of someone else's vision and work by slapping her name on it and promoting it, then that's an example of where I would certainly take exception to the claim that she built an empire by herself when in actuality, everything was already in place for her.

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