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90DF Live Chat: Rice-A-Roni & Google Translate

Message added by Meredith Quill

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Just now, Auntie Anxiety said:

But was it sexy?

Sadly, no. I didn’t lookie like a millionaire like Colty. 

That Kia they were looking at was nice. I tried to persuade my mom to get one. She also didn’t find it sexy.

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Fernanda seems really prone to violence. Her friends had to hold her back just because a girl looked at him? And she doesn't listen when he tells her he didn't initiate contact with this random blonde and tried to explain he was engaged. Not a fan of Jon, but is he now going to become a battered spouse as this evolves?

Larissa can't seem to control her acquisitiveness and doesn't care. Still acting like Colt is made of money. She reminds me of my son - to him, nothing is too expensive. He is not rooted in reality regarding money and neither is she. But, he is not a thirty-something who should know better.

The baby scenes were so cute. I am really rooting for this couple. That baby definitely has a huge head! Looks like much more than 11 cm., lol.

Edited by renatae
Wrong name cited
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5 minutes ago, Lillith said:

I'm fascinating by the "e" sound Larissa adds to each sound. Do these two even like each other? At all? 

You couldn't tell from that "kiss" they shared in the car.  I get the feeling that Coltee goes to town on Larissa while she just lies there.

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So Ashley gave up her best friend for a guy who tells his bestie that he wouldn't be marrying her if he could get to the US without her. Why am I not surprised? She needs to stick to the US for her losers; much less expensive and time consuming.

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Just now, HappyDancex2 said:

Can anyone weigh in on this area?  I live in the mostly white burbs but no one would stare at a black guy and a white girl.   Seriously no one cares.

I agree that no one cares. They are walking around the market with a camera crew, for goodness sakes. 

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11 minutes ago, Mercolleen said:

Was Stephen's father not in his life because he was a deadbeat or because he's dead? If the former, why is he naming the baby after him?

Yup, I am baffeled too and they named the baby Richie, not Richard and use the shortened version? 

I got all teary but I did not love the up close c section action shots.

I need a grandchild.

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I’m starting to feel sorry for Larissa. EVERY WEEK let’s trek this girl on a shopping trip and then laugh in her face when she actually wants to buy the thing they came out shopping for. This is this season’s “fighting in restaurants.” Tune in next week when Colt and Larissa fight over a shower curtain in Bed, Bath, and Beyond!

Steven crying over little Richie was very sweet. We didn’t need to see the entire C-section, though! Jeesh, they would barely let Steven in, but pile in a whole camera crew in a “sterile” OR environment, no problem!

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West Shore F. Market is great!  I love it there.  Ashley speaks very nicely to Jay.  Point to make...Jay, you are walking through a market on the "white shore" and nobody is bothering you.  What does that tell you?

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3 minutes ago, Lillith said:

Isn't the point of friendship for them to support you when you need it and kick you in the ass when you need it? She's delusional. 

Because she knows this relationship is doomed. She already said she doesn’t want him hanging around her all the time.

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I had an 11-pound baby in the mid 1980s and three years later a ten-pound one. Both were c-sections. The first one was unplanned. I ended up in a guest room in the hospital with a bath down the hall. Wearing the hospital gown and pulling the ID pole down the hall to use the toilet wasn't a lot of fun. Looking back, the Russian hospital didn't look so bad to me. 

I wish Steve and Olga the best. 

Edited by BradandJanet
clarity. I was in a Massachusetts hospital, not a Russian one
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Okay if Ashley and Jay don't stop at the taco place in the market, I'm going to call bullshit on this entire market scene.  

I've never heard the West Shore called "the White Shore".  It's usually "West Shore/Best Shore" but I've always lived downtown or on the east shore.  Where, yep, it's more diverse, but there are definitely pockets of different cultures AND COLORS, JAY.  

The West Shore Farmer's Market is definitely full of Amish people hawking their wares and a great taco place.  It isn't super diverse, but the food is delicious. 

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1 minute ago, greekmom said:

Was there any one of colour ??? 

Yes.  I live in NJ now and while it is certainly more diverse than that area of PA, there were people of all colors in the area.   She's not far from Harrisburg which has a large black population.

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2 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Yup, I am baffeled too and they named the baby Richie, not Richard and use the shortened version? 

I got all teary but I did not love the up close c section action shots.

I need a grandchild.

I need one, too! I'm forever soaking up all the baby scenes I can!

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Just now, lucy711 said:

Yes.  I live in NJ now and while it is certainly more diverse than that area of PA, there were people of all colors in the area.   She's not far from Harrisburg which has a large black population.

I love it when ppl on the boards point out what a lying liar that ever was lying they are!!!

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Perhaps I am not as heartless as I think I am. I tuned in just in time to see Steven's baby being born. I'm not a baby person and the only child I ever really liked was my own, but the tears just came. How sweet. Lord, I know it is going to be tough for these two, but keep them in your loving embrace.

When I watch them, I have to keep in mind that guys came home from WWII and got married w/o dating for long periods of time. Missionaries come home and many pretty much get married shortly thereafter. People used to do it - and they didn't wait until they had a house or fancy job, they just got together and worked it out. 

Shoot, I think I knew my late husband for about 3 months before we got married - and it lasted 14 yrs until he passed away. My son dated his ex for 2 yrs and the marriage didn't last that long. So, who knows!

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I still don't get Kalani's thought process....she quit her job knowing Aseulo can't work and now she's whining she can't afford the Air BNB anymore...I mean...why are you in the Air BNB to begin with? What happened to your apartment? I can't stand her.

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