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Rachel & Jon: Bearded in Britain

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I’ll never forget Jorge accusing Anfisa of doing “prostatutorial” work. But we’ve gotten way off topic here. Maybe we need a separate forum just to discuss the way the American half of couples  mangles the English language. 

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On 10/16/2018 at 10:45 AM, AussieBabe said:


For $30 Rachel or Jon will wish you a happy birthday, anniversary, etc. I can't with these two. Charging "fans?" You're not famous...

Rachel does have a lovely smile. 

Lulz @ Fans ???

Jon seems like a low IQ Neanderthal.

NO. I won’t be making a purchase thanks.

Edited by DNR
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My pet peeve: "He had went..."

I hope we never see the likes of Jon and Rachel again. How exciting can it be if for the next 2 years, and possibly forever, if Rachel and Jon aren't even married or in the same country? I can't foresee the relationship working though. I think Jon will cheat on Rachel and blame alcohol. I take that back. I think Jon will cheat and Rachel will take him back. 

Never want to see Ricky again. 

Never want to see the Christian stripper again. (Don't even remember her name.)

Darcy and Jesse? Ugh. Hate both of them. 

I'd like Rachel's address so that I may send her a box of my granddaughter's beautiful hand-me-downs. 

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It would be really difficult for Rachel to get a visa to live in the UK. Jon would need to earn at least £18000/year. It may be even more with Lucy and other daughter. 

I’m an American married to a Brit and we live in the UK. Fortunately there wasn’t a financial requirement when I moved over here 15 years ago as Mr Pud and I weren’t making very much as we had just graduated from university. 

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On 9/5/2018 at 5:11 PM, AussieBabe said:

@Kareem I heard him say that, and it set off alarm bells. So even after getting kicked out of uni, seriously injuring someone, and having four other assault charges throughout the years, he was apparently still fighting. He's in his early or mid 30s, and if he went to uni somewhere between 17 and 22, it doesn't seem like he changed that much or learned any lessons. I don't know if he can't hold his liquor, has anger issues, or has no impulse control, but obviously he needs to change something. He tried to paint himself to be some noble, white knight gentleman. Once? OK. People will challenge you, and you have to defend yourself. Five assault charges and 50-60 fights? I wonder if Rachel has his full history like Pole gave to Karine's parents. You have a problem, sir. Maybe he needs to stay out of the bar. It's one thing to be fighting when you're young, dumb, and a drunk college student. It's another to be fighting as a grown man who needs to keep a job. What employer would employ a hot head? How challenging would it be for him to even get into the States on any type of permanent or long term visa with so many convictions? He couldn't get a tourist visa, so how will he secure a spousal visa? In keeping with that same thinking, how hard would it be for him to land employment with such a colourful record? Rachel obviously isn't thinking about any of that which explains why she married him in Cornwall. She probably thought it would improve his chances of getting a spousal visa. 


Re: Jon's alleged number of fights over the years.  Has the possibility been considered that he engages in street fights as a form of entertainment?  Some English travellers (a/k/a Romany, gypsies, gipsies) have been known to take to the streets and go all in for bare-knuckles brawls, sometimes planned in advance and other times occurring impulsively.  Spectators from their community will cheer their favorites on, similar to a pro (okay, semi-pro) boxing match.  It would not be a leap to think that TLC might distort or misrepresent  this past time of Jon's in order to convey something more dramatic and risky for the sake of a good story line.  Of course, Jon and Rachel would be required to play along, but I think we've seen that the benchmark is pretty low for reality-show participants.

I'm not by any means suggesting that Jon is, in fact, a traveller or associated with their community, but it is something to think about when all of those fights were discussed on the show.  

For what it's worth, I found this little flyer from 2015 advertising 24 affordable traveller and gypsy caravans (or pitches) for rent in Jon's hometown of Weston-super-Mare.  https://www.homechoicensomerset.org.uk/Data/Pub/PublicWebsite/ImageLibrary/GT leaflet.pdf

Edited by StayingAfterSunday
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1 hour ago, StayingAfterSunday said:

Re: Jon's alleged number of fights over the years.  Has the possibility been considered that he engages in street fights as a form of entertainment?  Some English travellers (a/k/a Romany, gypsies, gipsies) have been known to take to the streets and go all in for bare-knuckles brawls, sometimes planned in advance and other times occurring impulsively.  Spectators from their community will cheer their favorites on, similar to a pro (okay, semi-pro) boxing match.  It would not be a leap to think that TLC might distort or misrepresent  this past time of Jon's in order to convey something more dramatic and risky for the sake of a good story line.  Of course, Jon and Rachel would be required to play along, but I think we've seen that the benchmark is pretty low for reality-show participants.

I'm not by any means suggesting that Jon is, in fact, a traveller or associated with their community, but it is something to think about when all of those fights were discussed on the show.  

For what it's worth, I found this little flyer from 2015 advertising 24 affordable traveller and gypsy caravans (or pitches) for rent in Jon's hometown of Weston-super-Mare.  https://www.homechoicensomerset.org.uk/Data/Pub/PublicWebsite/ImageLibrary/GT leaflet.pdf

Could be this and also underground (meaning non-sanctioned) boxing. There's a hilarious movie about both, Snatch, with Brad Pitt, Jason Statham and many others.

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Rachel is as big an idiot as Nicole. Jon is never coming to America and she’s totally fucking with that baby’s head. She thinks her daddy is a talking head on a computer. Wait til she goes to school and tells that to the other kids. 

And Rachel’s pants are so hot she’s willing to piss away what little savings SHE(not he) has managed to squirrel away for her visa quest on a short term trip to England. After a week or two of conjugal bliss and karaoke she’ll return to the USA possibly pregnant and back to square one. And Mr Can’t keep his hands to himself is puttering around the house making tea and cultivating his beard. 

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12 hours ago, iwasish said:

Rachel is as big an idiot as Nicole. Jon is never coming to America and she’s totally fucking with that baby’s head. She thinks her daddy is a talking head on a computer. Wait til she goes to school and tells that to the other kids. 

And Rachel’s pants are so hot she’s willing to piss away what little savings SHE(not he) has managed to squirrel away for her visa quest on a short term trip to England. After a week or two of conjugal bliss and karaoke she’ll return to the USA possibly pregnant and back to square one. And Mr Can’t keep his hands to himself is puttering around the house making tea and cultivating his beard. 


So she spends the money for an airline ticket thus pushing their financial goal further behind, what will happen again in 6 months...the little bit of money they saved will go to another airline ticket, rinse and repeat!

If Rachel is the one making the money why is Jon telling her how much they have?

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If Rachel is the one making the money why is Jon telling her how much they have?

She said he got a job so they are both working. If he's still living with Mom, he might be saving more than she is.

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7 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

She said he got a job so they are both working. If he's still living with Mom, he might be saving more than she is.

That’s if he stays out of the pubs at night and doesn’t get himself arrested again.

She says he’s working... Azan said he was opening a shop...and we know there’s no shop

Hopefully Jon won’t have to quit this job in order to have time off with Rachel and the baby.

Rachel said its 11 k to get the visa process started and no guarantee. 

Her dad is another one who pulls his punches and pussyfoots around instead of just telling her she’s a fool. The only good thing is he has no money to give her. 

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CHEESES Mary and Joseph. I will NEVER (after this) say another thing about the Walters. She has some SERIOUSLY rabid fans on several sites. She posted a “le sigh, merp merp gotta pack to go AHHHgain merp merp” let it suffice the 25yo power moms have had their coffee. It was like some kind of secret Surrogacy Club. “SHAEEE WEEEL NOT BE MOOOVING TA EEENGLAND-AH” I’m all 😳 geez Barbara, and Jade I’m sorry you’re all alone with your 6 kids... just wow. Rabid tread lightly 

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That Jon is one angry little man! I simply stated on a fanpage  that Rachel is nothing more than a fancy prison wife to Jon. He'll never live in the States and she'll never move abroad. This angry hobbit of a man replied to my comment with "absolute retard". Now, I'm not sure if he was saying I was a retard (his term) or if my theory was absolutely retarded. Iono. But his reply was so swift and mean. 

I asked him to point out where I was wrong about what I stated...no answer so far.😏

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Rachel’s a Nicole/Ashley hybrid, no luck finding a decent guy in the states, so they go overseas and pick winners there. And refuse to listen to any kind of common sense. Both of them are literally wasting valuable years of their lives and fucking up their daughters for life. 

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I don't really understand why they haven't done the marriage visa yet. I know on the show they say it's because it's really expensive, but that still doesn't make a whole lot of sense. They've been together for what feels like forever-just putting a little back each month would help. I'm assuming TLC paid for her to fly over there both times we've seen the trips, but if she's going over there at all on her own then staying home and using that money for the visa would pretty much pay for it. I don't think it's the cost ($535 plus around $600 in administrative fees, medical exam, etc). You CAN hire an attorney to help, but you don't have to. We didn't.  I think they applied and he got denied so cost is their excuse. 

I haven't watched the update show so I'm basing this post on old information. Things may have changed. 

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6 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

I don't really understand why they haven't done the marriage visa yet. I know on the show they say it's because it's really expensive, but that still doesn't make a whole lot of sense. They've been together for what feels like forever-just putting a little back each month would help. I'm assuming TLC paid for her to fly over there both times we've seen the trips, but if she's going over there at all on her own then staying home and using that money for the visa would pretty much pay for it. I don't think it's the cost ($535 plus around $600 in administrative fees, medical exam, etc). You CAN hire an attorney to help, but you don't have to. We didn't.  I think they applied and he got denied so cost is their excuse. 

I haven't watched the update show so I'm basing this post on old information. Things may have changed. 

Yeah unless she has horrible credit she could get a cash advance for that amount.

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10 minutes ago, Spike said:

Yeah unless she has horrible credit she could get a cash advance for that amount.

Or use her stimulus check for it! (No judgment there, honestly.) The way they keep talking makes it sound like financing a new car or buying a house. It's really strange. 

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Rachel is always touching her face and eyes with her bare hands (versus a tissue) when she's wiping her "tears." She better stop ASAP in order to lessen her chances of coronavirus.

Just sayin'. We all need to be careful. 

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On 4/6/2020 at 12:47 AM, mamadrama said:

I don't really understand why they haven't done the marriage visa yet. I know on the show they say it's because it's really expensive, but that still doesn't make a whole lot of sense. They've been together for what feels like forever-just putting a little back each month would help. I'm assuming TLC paid for her to fly over there both times we've seen the trips, but if she's going over there at all on her own then staying home and using that money for the visa would pretty much pay for it. I don't think it's the cost ($535 plus around $600 in administrative fees, medical exam, etc). You CAN hire an attorney to help, but you don't have to. We didn't.  I think they applied and he got denied so cost is their excuse. 

I haven't watched the update show so I'm basing this post on old information. Things may have changed. 

Maybe trying to milk the TLC money (and online fame) for all it's worth? 

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On 4/8/2020 at 7:20 AM, greekmom said:

Maybe trying to milk the TLC money (and online fame) for all it's worth? 

I think both are weirdly happy with just being long distance, even with kids. 

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1 hour ago, Takitaki said:

I think both are weirdly happy with just being long distance, even with kids. 

Maybe so. My mom hasn't been in a relationship in 39 years. Her dating philosophy is "Live close by, visit often." She has zero desire to share a home with them or see them every day.

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These two drive me nuts because I sponsored my husband for a green card. 

Tonight she claimed that they started the marriage visa process. There's no guarantee he'll be admitted with a criminal record. She doesn't have the income to sponsor him, and I'm going to assume that she doesn't have someone to co-sponsor. 

She doesn't seem to understand how the visa process works. She thinks it makes him a US citizen. It doesn't. It does mean you can get your green card right away, though, and work. Speaking of which, "college" in the UK doesn't mean quite the same thing. It could mean what we would consider community college or technical college, not a degree (which would be university). 

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I wanted to smack him when he told Rachel that he’d “pick up the slack” in the money department. He clearly is letting her finance the whole operation and  who knows what he’s doing while she toils away here. He looks like he gained a few pounds. Can he even get a spousal visa and come to the USA if he owes a settlement to someone or the government as a result of his criminal record? 
Rachel says she won’t leave the older daughter behind, I think she’s using that as an excuse. It seems like as soon as she gets a bit of money set aside, instead of being excited to be closer to her goal of the visa, she suddenly “needs” have a visit with him in jolly old England. I think she’s insecure as to what he’s up and scared he’s got someone else.!

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On 5/24/2019 at 8:50 AM, Brooklynista said:

That Jon is one angry little man! I simply stated on a fanpage  that Rachel is nothing more than a fancy prison wife to Jon. He'll never live in the States and she'll never move abroad. This angry hobbit of a man replied to my comment with "absolute retard". Now, I'm not sure if he was saying I was a retard (his term) or if my theory was absolutely retarded. Iono. But his reply was so swift and mean. 

I asked him to point out where I was wrong about what I stated...no answer so far.😏

I know your post is from a year ago but if it makes you feel any better he called me word that rhymes with bundt on IG.   The fact that he tosses around the "R" word shows what a low life he is.  


16 minutes ago, iwasish said:

I wanted to smack him when he told Rachel that he’d “pick up the slack” in the money department. He clearly is letting her finance the whole operation and  who knows what he’s doing while she toils away here.

I agree! What are you going to do, exactly?  Find another job?  Sell you kidney?  We need details, man!


On 4/9/2020 at 2:01 AM, mamadrama said:

My mom hasn't been in a relationship in 39 years. Her dating philosophy is "Live close by, visit often." She has zero desire to share a home with them or see them every day.

That is how I used to feel, too - I was like, you have your space, I have mine - let's keep it that way.  I think women tend to feel this way more than men, especially if they did most of the indoor work of owning/living in a home.  Ya, thanks but no thanks to another adult I need to pick up after, cook for and let me guess:  He hates housework, right?  (Sorry I come off as sexist, but I am 55 and know of no woman my age who wants to get married again.  They all say:  Men this age want a nurse or purse.....pass.")

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Rachel “lost her job” or was fired?

1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:
On 5/24/2019 at 8:50 AM, Brooklynista said:

I know your post is from a year ago but if it makes you feel any better he called me word that rhymes with bundt on IG

Now I am craving Bundt cake.

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1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I know your post is from a year ago but if it makes you feel any better he called me word that rhymes with bundt on IG.   The fact that he tosses around the "R" word shows what a low life he is.  

He called you a "runt"?


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12 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I know your post is from a year ago but if it makes you feel any better he called me word that rhymes with bundt on IG.   The fact that he tosses around the "R" word shows what a low life he is.  


I agree! What are you going to do, exactly?  Find another job?  Sell you kidney?  We need details, man!


That is how I used to feel, too - I was like, you have your space, I have mine - let's keep it that way.  I think women tend to feel this way more than men, especially if they did most of the indoor work of owning/living in a home.  Ya, thanks but no thanks to another adult I need to pick up after, cook for and let me guess:  He hates housework, right?  (Sorry I come off as sexist, but I am 55 and know of no woman my age who wants to get married again.  They all say:  Men this age want a nurse or purse.....pass.")

That's all really interesting to me. My mom comes from a family of 13 and not a one of her sisters remarried after being widowed. Neither did my grandmother. It's not so much that we're one-man women, we seem to be one-marriage women. My husband tells people that when he dies (he prefers to believe that he's going first) he just assumes that I'll move in with my BFF and have a non-sexual partnership for the rest of my life. 

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I'm not sure if I was hearing things. Did Rachel say that Jon is on their schedule meaning that he has to go to bed when she does in order to be able to face time/ communicate/see his daughter on a regular basis? There is a 5 or 6 hour time difference between where she lives and England. How effed up is that? So if she goes to bed at 10pm he has to stay up until 3 or 4 am England time so that they are on the same schedule. And he really agreed to do that?? How does he go to work everyday? Does this loser really even have a job? These two are insane. 

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32 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I'm not sure if I was hearing things. Did Rachel say that Jon is on their schedule meaning that he has to go to bed when she does in order to be able to face time/ communicate/see his daughter on a regular basis? There is a 5 or 6 hour time difference between where she lives and England. How effed up is that? So if she goes to bed at 10pm he has to stay up until 3 or 4 am England time so that they are on the same schedule. And he really agreed to do that?? How does he go to work everyday? Does this loser really even have a job? These two are insane. 

I agree, it's weird. While we were waiting for my then fiance's visa to come through there was a short period where I had to live alone with our son in the US and he had to be in England. We'd lived together in the UK for two years by that time and had a six weeks old kid, so our relationship wasn't just an online one. At NO time did it ever occur to us for him to follow my schedule in the US. I know all couples work differently but that's just weird. Like they're forcing something that isn't there.

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12 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

I agree, it's weird. While we were waiting for my then fiance's visa to come through there was a short period where I had to live alone with our son in the US and he had to be in England. We'd lived together in the UK for two years by that time and had a six weeks old kid, so our relationship wasn't just an online one. At NO time did it ever occur to us for him to follow my schedule in the US. I know all couples work differently but that's just weird. Like they're forcing something that isn't there.

Didn't Nicole make Azan quit his job so he could be on the phone with her 8 hours a day?  Angela did the same with Michael too, I love my husband but I don't have 8 hours worth of conversation in me, what are they talking about for 8 straight hours?  These people set themselves up for financial failure and unreal expectations...if they allowed these guys to work then maybe they would have money for Visa's and apartments. 


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48 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I love my husband but I don't have 8 hours worth of conversation in me

With everyone a smart phone zombie these days I wonder how many minutes the average couple talks lol.

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31 minutes ago, greekmom said:

I don't rememeber. Is Lucy her only kid? Or does she have another??

She has an older kid, the father won’t let her be on the show.

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Did Rachel finally let the cat out of the bag?  She said she's been with Jon for 4 years and married for 2 years.  But, didn't Lucy just celebrate her third birthday (or even second) in the recent quarantine episode?  If so, then Lucy IS Jon's biological child...

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How can these two idiots even consider having another child. And Jon clearly doesn’t want his “mum” asking questions. That whole bit with Rachel reading a book while Jon played “daddy” was a joke. I wouldn’t leave him alone with  toddler, ever. I can easIly see him losing it and smacking her in a rage. Just seeing how he goes off on anyone who challenges their perfect love story on the internet, shows he doesn’t have a grip on his anger. He’s getting flabby and lazy living a fantasy life via a computer screen. 

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31 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

This has been pointed out before but Lucy sure does resemble Jon.  Was the official story that she was the product of a one night stand?

No - I think the original story is that Rachel was pregnant in the US when she met Jon online. Lucy's father isn't in the picture and I think never has been. Apparently the first time Jon and Rachel met in person was in England, when Lucy was several months old.

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I know it's not a popular opinion, but I actually like Jon. I don't like a lot of the things that he's done, but overall I do like HIM. I find Rachel a little vapid, and I enjoy making fun of their "fairytale", but I don't despise them like I do some of the others. I don't even care if Lucy is his. I do think, however, that a big part of them prefers this kind of relationship. They have companionship over the wires and get to see each other a couple of times a year. I'm not so sure that they want anything else. 

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43 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

I know it's not a popular opinion, but I actually like Jon. I don't like a lot of the things that he's done, but overall I do like HIM. I find Rachel a little vapid, and I enjoy making fun of their "fairytale", but I don't despise them like I do some of the others. I don't even care if Lucy is his. I do think, however, that a big part of them prefers this kind of relationship. They have companionship over the wires and get to see each other a couple of times a year. I'm not so sure that they want anything else. 

I've had two youthful divorces and 20+ years of working my ass off to make the marriage I'm in work while raising two (now adult) children. Add to this weeks of "stay home stay safe" with my (admittedly wonderful but also human) husband while I work (I'm a writer/editor/author who works 50+ hours a week from home during non-pandemic times and have worked even more in recent weeks because book deadlines). Then toss in being unable to travel every other month as is customary for us, and I'd say the Jon and Rachel arrangement sounds AMAZING. But I'd deny it if Mr. Whammies discovered this post and asked me if I'd written it. 🙂

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9 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

I like the idea of spouses living in separate homes but nearby.  But it may not be cost effective.

My mom prefers it. She's never lived with a man, not even when she was married many moons ago. She prefers her own space. She likes having someone to talk to and to occasionally be physical with, but she doesn't like the idea of having to get someone's input on what's for dinner, living room paint color, etc.

Edited by mamadrama
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