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S20.E18: Nominations #6


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Fessy is so clueless. How is he even still in this game?

Looks like production must've gotten tired of Bayleigh and her Queen Bay act.

Seemed a little on-the-nose to me for the hacker comp voice to have a Russian accent. Not sure I think that's cute.

"In there like swimwear." Hmm, do I want to know where "there" is, Kaycee?

Seems to me the hacker comp would tend to have favored people who read a lot, women since they're generally more verbal, and people better at keyboarding. Wonder who Production expected to win?

Buh bye, Rockstar. No way you're outfoxing Tyler unless you win the veto. (Or he wins and Bayleigh gets backdoored.)


I cracked up when he typed "anal lice" during the competition.  Really Brett?  You thought that was the word they were going for?

Oy, Freud would have a field day with that, even if he was trying to be funny.

I'm sure this has been asked before and I'm sorry for doing it again, but what the hell is in "Rockstar's" hair? Coupled that with her glasses, she looks like a clown. The "eyelash" in the diary room made me gag a little. With all that stuff off, she actually looks pretty. I can't take her seriously with all that stuff on.

Never knew Angela's name before she won the HOH. Same thing still applies to the female football player.

Don't get Bayleigh mad at you. Good luck there C. I know this is from the last ep, but him meeting her parents is just crazy to me without her being there. Do they live in the same city or something?

Props to Haleigh for winning the hacker comp. And more kudos to her replacing Scottie with Tyler.

Funny how the other side of the house keeps getting blindsided 3 weeks in a row.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Thalia said:


Hey y'all!  I have a great idea!  I know the creators/moderators of this site want people to be snarky, but that's just mean!  [stomps foot]  Why don't y'all just quit posting, and let me be the only one who comments on episodes!  'K?  I promise I won't ever say anything mean about no one, never, cross my heart and hope to die!  That'll show 'em! 


Thalia you have to suddenly demand a house meeting first. How can we take your great idea seriously when you haven't forced us to gather round to hear it and admire your brilliance and selflessness?  

Edited by Neveragain
  • Love 7

Well, cool, now that I no longer have any rooting interest in the season, I can just do the "notes on a scorecard" version of posting, rather than trying to enjoy the episode/plot developments.

Brett unleashes his inner asshole in his DR.  And it's "la cucaracha", as anyone who's ever heard the song knows.  Cockroaches are female; hope that doesn't give you any issues.

Rockpile should know better than to seek solace from Tyler, since he's one of those who flipped the vote.  Then again, given the math she displayed in the HoH tiebreaker ("30x60=1200"), she may not be able to count to "five" and realize that it pretty much has to be Tyler.

Wow, that Angela/Brett hammock convo is really making me hate both of them.  Not only was Bitchela all giggly over the idea of fucking over someone who considered that rancid whore her best friend and F2 partner, but she even took a moment to sneer at Rachel for being 30.  Oh, horrors!  Well, don't worry, Princess Pole Vaulter, with any luck you'll never have to worry about aging…still plenty of time for you to go die in a fire before then, after all.

(And a big BOO! to the editors for intercutting Angela's mean laughter at Rachel with shots of Rachel laughing goodheartedly and louder in the house;  clearly they were trying to mute Angela by comparison and make her not look so spiteful.  Fuck you, editors.)

Brett doesn't know why Bayleigh is upset that he outed her power in his speech; after all, he was on the block and had to "defend" himself.  Except that we know he had the votes to stay…he'd had them since last Sunday, in point of fact.  So he's just lying to us in that DR.  Don't do that, dick.  We see you.  We see everything.

Hey, Fessy, you ever think the guy who calls you "Stupid" (JC) really does think you're stupid and is lying to you?  Nah, Fessy doesn't think.  Thinking hard.  Thinking hurts!

Kaycee turns out to be a spiteful bitch, too.  Hey, girl, Rachel didn't even "lie" to you about Tyler saying your name; that was Angela's gripe, not yours.  And here she is celebrating Tyler saving Brett when Kaycee herself was closer to Rachel.  Man, Tyler's farts really must smell like rosewater…if Kaycee crawled any further up his ass, you wouldn't be able to see her ugly sense of "fashion" any more.

And now we get DR after DR after DR of Tyler complimenting himself about how awesome he is for being able to put on "the right face" and keep Fessy and Rockstar in the dark.  Er, "genius", you do understand that this has been three allies in a row that have been evicted, right?  That's the very reason that Fessy and Rockstar are still there for you to mock.  Also, confusing those two isn't exactly a high bar to clear.  I'm just saying.


Oh, and "comrades".  Go fuck yourselves, again, some more.

Wait a second, FESSY is the one to point out that Brett's claim that Rachel told him about Bayleigh's power makes no sense?  Geez, how stupid are you if FESSY is demonstrably smarter than you?

Sam's "throw it to me" pitch is the stupidest thing since…the last very stupid thing.  And omg, if you'd told me that I'd be saying "go, Rockstar!" for calling out Sam's nonsense, I'd never have believed you, but…go, Rockstar.  And Sam can join the "go fuck yourself" group, now.

Points to the editors for playing the "rattlesnake" noise over a shot of Tyler, though.

Brett really shouldn't congratulate himself for "voting together" as much as the others in L4 are.  Two of the five votes, you were on the block and didn't vote, and Kaitlyn and Chris were evicted by large margins.  The only case where your vote made a difference was the Sam v. Steve eviction, and you and you Bro, Winston, broke a promise to Steve which is why his pal, Scottie, had you on the block two weeks later.  Calm your pecs, dick.

Bayleigh, why on earth would you clear up the one remaining misconception that Angela has about your power?  (That it can't be used after nominations, only before.)  Oh, right, because Bayleigh is deeply stupid, that's why.  And here I thought her fucking Saggy D showed only poor taste, not idiocy.  Any more of this, and I'll start thinking Fessy is the "brains" of that side, honestly.

Angela can't even wait until Bayleigh's out the door of the HoH room before rolling her eyes and sticking her tongue out at Bay's retreating back.  I had no idea we were doing Big Brother: Middle School this year.  (Well, the kids are on summer vacation, it's true.)

Angie looking confident before the Hacker comp.  Must be thinking that spelling and typing plays into her skill set.  Well, I doubt that much else does.

"Alliance" is a hard word, Bayleigh?  I mean, for Brett apparently "cat" would be hard, but still.

Sam-bot finally scores with "punishment", lol.

If Tyler wins this, I'm gonna hurl.

"I need to get this last point because if I win this competition…" says Haleigh, while "competition" is visible over her shoulder.  I grant you, my utter brilliance at this comp (I was an easy 7-for-7) is partly due to my not being under any pressure at all, but that's still amusing to me.

Well done, Hacker Haleigh! Gig 'em!!!  Scottie down, Brett up, perhaps?  Although I'd love it if she threw Tyler up there.  Then put Scottie back in the Veto, to pin the comp win on him.

Oh, excellent!  Get the bastard, Haymaker!  Knock him out!  (Yes, yes, veto and vote still to come.  But let me have a moment of joy.)

And here's another gloating DR from "genius" Tyler.   Yeah, you're not that far from having your side eat it for the fourth week in a row.  An entire month of losing, loser.  Enjoy it.

I know I would.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

where is all this Rachel hate coming from long after she’s out of the house?

Well, Bayleigh was just trying to suck up to the HoH ("Now that Rachel's gone, I can have more time with you!") in the approved manner.  I don't have a problem with that.

Angela is just a sour little brat, though.  I liked her a lot better when she was invisible.  You get those, every now and then.  See Basic Becky Burgess (BB17), for example.

  • Love 5

We'd seen Tyler gathering the votes earlier in Thursday's episode.  The only one we didn't see him confirm was JC's, but it was obvious that the other four wouldn't have voted to evict Rachel if they weren't confident they had a fifth.

And in this episode, we saw Tyler lying to Bayleigh about his having "just found out about" Bayleigh's power from Rachel.  So with proof that he was lying as part of a ploy, it's fairly plain, IMO, to conclude that Brett's speech was also a ploy, and not his "defending himself" out of desperation, or any such thing.  Especially as we saw on Wednesday's episode how the votes turned against Rachel, and it had nothing to do with her telling Brett any intel (an explanation so stupid even Fessy can see through it), but rather that she told Angela, who told Tyler.

So yes, when Brett does a DR to act offended that Bayleigh is calling his speech out for being unnecessary and not the Hail Mary he's trying to pass it off as, we know he's contradicting evidence that we've seen in the past three broadcast episodes.  No feeds or BBAD info required.  (Except for the time-specifics, that is.  And the Angela/Brett hammock convo segment from this latest episode pushed the planning of the speech back to Tuesday, anyhow.)  But JMO.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Something about seeing the HGs walk down what looked to be an actual indoor, studio hallway with a totally different type of lighting in front of their terminals

Same here. I turned to the hubby and said, "Where are they? What is that hallway with all the doors? We've never seen anyplace like that in the house before!"

11 hours ago, HighMaintenance said:

Damn, Rockstar!  You are quickly becoming more of a crier than Waaaamber from BB8.  I forgot that you were kidnapped and forced to go on Big Brother.  "I don't know what color my baybee's hurr is, I don't know what its gender is, I don't know if it knows me anymore, etc."

Love this^ - especially your addition of her slang "baybee's hurr"...lol

1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

IMO, clearly production is interfering in the game, because Faute (or whatever the fuck that group is called) doesn't have the sack to play the game or think outside the box.  The problem is that production has become too heavy handed.  This Hacker crap is a joke and makes the HOH useless.  Way to fuck up the game assclowns (production).

My friend and I were discussing this after the show and said that if they had to choose to do just one of the three hacks, it would have been better. This really does just give the hacker way too much power. I bet production is kicking itself now that Haleigh is the hacker and not who they were trying to have be the hacker.

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Just when I stopped really gunning for anyone on this show, (RIP sweet Rachel), Haleigh surprised me and has me rooting for her! I think it was super smart to take Scottie off, knowing he is seen more as an outsider to the house and the hacker competition win could easily be pinned on him.

And then she goes after Tyler, which is a huge move! I thought she may target Sam, but then that may be obvious it is her with the power given their history.

and on a side note, fuck you Bayleigh for making me feel badly for that moron Rockstar. If Bayleigh ends up going home, I will be cheering. So close to being a genius but you can’t put together word jumbles that all fall under the same theme of your summer???

Double side note? Brett and his bro-ness pisses me off, but I was giggling at anallice.

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NonStar's crying. Oh my word. Girl, if you're going to be a basket case every day, maybe don't put so much eye makeup on?

"I don't even know if Isaac has hair or what color it is!!!!" - What in the what what???


So it was all Angela's idea to throw Rachel under the bus right before eviction. And it wasn't even strategy it appears. She just sounded so gleeful and catty. WTF is her deal? She went from complete anonymity to being a hardcore bitch. Even when she was explaining to NonStar why she nominated her she sounded like a total wench - "I was scraping the bottom of the barrel." I know she meant there were slim pickings on that side, but the way she put it....damn. 

I was happy with her being HOH, though, simply because I thought it would keep Tyler safe. Bayleaf didn't use her power! Yay! I was hoping someone from L4/L5/L6 would win the Hacker position and successfully put up Bayleaf without her knowing who was responsible. 


Freaking Haleigh wins and puts Tyler up! I have to say, as much as I don't want to see him on the block, I do respect her for making that move. 100% She's the only one with any sense on her side of the house (except - "Brett made a whole discourse"). And I think it was even smarter to pull Scottie off over NonStar. It casts a lot more doubt as to who is behind it. 


I just hope Tyler can win Veto. Otherwise this is going to be very very close. Scottie, Bayleaf, Haleigh, and Fessy will vote him out. If Haleigh pulls a vote - you've only got 3 votes to keep Tyler. You in danger, boy! 

Sam crying over his nomination was a bit much, though. Also, can we talk a minute about her brilliant plan for everyone to throw the Hacker comp to HER? Bahahahah! WHAT was she thinking??? She is either really naive, or so fucking power hungry that her judgment was clouded. Because I've seen some dumb shit over the years on BB. I have never seen an entire house throw a comp to one person. She doesn't even actively work with half the house. Did she really think the likes of Hay/Bay/Fay plus NonStar and Scottie would be fine with KEEPING Angela's noms the way they are? In the interest of peace? Girl, please. Go try out for some baking competition on TLC. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

We'd seen Tyler gathering the votes earlier in Thursday's episode.  The only one we didn't see him confirm was JC's, but it was obvious that the other four wouldn't have voted to evict Rachel if they weren't confident they had a fifth.

And in this episode, we saw Tyler lying to Bayleigh about his having "just found out about" Bayleigh's power from Rachel.  So with proof that he was lying as part of a ploy, it's fairly plain, IMO, to conclude that Brett's speech was also a ploy, and not his "defending himself" out of desperation, or any such thing.  Especially as we saw on Wednesday's episode how the votes turned against Rachel, and it had nothing to do with her telling Brett any intel (an explanation so stupid even Fessy can see through it), but rather that she told Angela, who told Tyler.

So yes, when Brett does a DR to act offended that Bayleigh is calling his speech out for being unnecessary and not the Hail Mary he's trying to pass it off as, we know he's contradicting evidence that we've seen in the past three broadcast episodes.  No feeds or BBAD info required.  (Except for the time-specifics, that is.  And the Angela/Brett hammock convo segment from this latest episode pushed the planning of the speech back to Tuesday, anyhow.)  But JMO.

Bayleigh has zero right to get on Brett for his speech. She's convinced everyone should have some odd loyalty to her, which seems to include the person she put on the block and targeted for eviction. Why shouldn't Brett have called her out? He was playing the game. I'd be offended, too, about Bay trying to make me feel bad about that. And the fact that Bay also turned on Rockstar for no apparent reason shows how indiscriminate Bay is about these things. Brett was awful about Rachel and his DR was annoying, but he was 100% in the right to be annoyed at Bay's reaction to his speech.

  • Love 19
13 hours ago, JD5166 said:

Does Bayleigh just expect everyone to play FOR HER? I can’t wait for her to be gone she is a gross bully! I hate that threatening hand smacking thing....

I don't even like NonStar, but the way Bayleigh was yelling at her to "SHUT UP!" made me really uncomfortable. 


14 hours ago, Cherry Cola said:

I liked the Hacker comp.  It was fun!

I always love a word game. This one, and the one where they have to spell the longest word, would be comps that I might actually do well at. 


14 hours ago, Ceeg said:

I did like Tyler’s reaction in the DR. Which was to say, ‘good job you got me but now I’m coming for you.’ It’s so much better than the “how dare you”s and “idk what I did to deserve this” type reactions. 

Exactly why I continue to like Tyler. He SHOULD be targeted; he's a damn good player. Instead of getting all bitter and taking it personally, he's going to buck up and figure out what he needs to do next. 

  • Love 16
12 hours ago, Mumbles said:

That bitchy remark tonight, about if she were in Rachel’s shoes at 30, she would be questioning her choices in life? Screw you. 

YES!!! I knew there was something besides the "bottom of the barrel" comment that I found horrendously bitchy. Thank you! She's 26 and a fitness model. Rachel is only 3 years older and is an entertainer in Vegas. Please, someone, tell me what the large difference in their lives is??? What moral ground does Angela have to stand on here???

  • Love 17

Sandi Griffith can suck me with that ‘I’m so naïve/What’s a penis?/You’re as beautiful as rain on a summer’s day’ cornpone bullshit.  And crying at the end with Poodlehead’s nomination?  She turned into Ivette when Cappy got nominated.  FOH.  This heiffa just wants constant attention….during that meeting I would have told her to fuck herself with a craft object, if I would have been at the meeting at all.

I hope there is hardcore Karma for Angela and her mustachioed ass.


RS won't fight back like another house guest might.

Ironic, since Angie’s all about the blaccent and shit….I would have gone off if I were told to shut up like that, alliance or no alliance.  I can’t wait for it to sink into Bayleigh’s stupid skull that her golden man fucked her royally.

I love Hayleigh for being the only one that’s on to the Poodle….too bad he’ll likely get her out before him.

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I wish they would get a different announcer for this show. It really annoys me the way he says "tonight on BIG BROTHERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" He sounds like he's announcing a Monster Truck rally. "GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLE!"

Bayleigh really seemed to forget she wasn't HoH anymore. And her voice, oh God. Remember that Seinfeld episode where Mary Hart's voice gave Kramer a seizure? I think I'm reaching that point with Bayleigh's shrill, nasal voice.


This comp was so easy and made for Brett. How could he blow it?

You mean . . . because he's a "cyber software engineer?" Please. And I'm the CEO of Microsoft.


Not true.  Non-feed watchers and those that don't watch "Big Brother: After Dark" and those that don't read spoilers  like myself didn't know Brett had the votes.

The fact remains he was being disingenuous in the diary room. That's how far up his own ass this guy is. I have no problem with him lying to Bayleigh or anyone else in the game but when you start lying in the diary room you've bought into your own bullshit. Either that or you're so stupid you forgot people watch you on the live feeds.


Scottie, Bayleaf, Haleigh, and Fessy will vote him out. 

I'm not sure  Bayleigh would vote Tyler out and Scottie might not either. This guy is like Teflon. He's got most of the house wrapped around his finger. Sam was crying for Pete's sake. And while I'll give deserved credit where credit is due, it doesn't really take a great player to have this kind of affect on other HG's. See: Cappy, Jesse, etc. Sometimes weird fangirls just start deifying whatever guy they latch onto. It's a weird BB phenomena. 


I did like Tyler’s reaction in the DR. Which was to say, ‘good job you got me but now I’m coming for you.’ It’s so much better than the “how dare you”s and “idk what I did to deserve this” type reactions. 

Except, he doesn't know who the Hacker is so how is he going to come after them? Tyler might be getting a bit of swelled head.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, llewis823 said:

Same here. I turned to the hubby and said, "Where are they? What is that hallway with all the doors? We've never seen anyplace like that in the house before!"


The Hacker set was just that, a set.  Not rooms in the house.  A set built in the backyard no doubt.  You can tell because the one "wall" was missing so the BB cameras could do those tracking shots up and down between what was glorified booths.  The darkened mood lighting helped sell it too as being an actual hallway with rooms at first so kudos to the BB set designer for giving this one a good look and atmosphere.

Edited by green
  • Love 7

Because I've seen some dumb shit over the years on BB. I have never seen an entire house throw a comp to one person. 

They threw one to Christmas last year. It was some race and all the others just stood there and watched her win hobbling on crutches. I think that's how it happened.


ETA: she was on her scooter, not crutches.

Edited by Lamb18
  • Love 4
22 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

The fact remains he was being disingenuous in the diary room. That's how far up his own ass this guy is. I have no problem with him lying to Bayleigh or anyone else in the game but when you start lying in the diary room you've bought into your own bullshit. Either that or you're so stupid you forgot people watch you on the live feeds.

Most of the crap they say in the DR are fed lines and production leading them to extract certain reactions. But Brett was speaking in the DR as if he were speaking to Bayleigh. He said: "Bayleigh, you put me on the block, and now you're mad that I defended myself to get myself off the block." 

  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

The fact remains he was being disingenuous in the diary room. That's how far up his own ass this guy is. I have no problem with him lying to Bayleigh or anyone else in the game but when you start lying in the diary room you've bought into your own bullshit. Either that or you're so stupid you forgot people watch you on the live feeds.

The only way Brett’s remarks would be considered disingenuous would be if he knew the had the votes locked up solid - and even if they think they know that, no HG ever truly knows that, ever.  Not until after the Vote, anyway.  Don’t believe me?  Ask Rachel - or Kaitlyn - or Winston - or Scraggy - or Steve, for that matter.  Every last one of them knew they had the votes to stay - right up until they didn’t.  And Brett’s latest Block salvation came on a 5-4 vote, which means one flipped vote would’ve sent him home.  

So no, I don’t think the premise Brett was lying in the DR because he “knew” he had the votes to stay is a defensible position - far from it, in fact.

  • Love 13
32 minutes ago, green said:

The darkened mood lighting helped sell it too as being an actual hallway with rooms at first so kudos to the BB set designer for giving this one a good look and atmosphere.

Echo echo - shades of The Matrix scenery, that.


14 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

Most of the crap they say in the DR are fed lines and production leading them to extract certain reactions. But Brett was speaking in the DR as if he were speaking to Bayleigh. He said: "Bayleigh, you put me on the block, and now you're mad that I defended myself to get myself off the block." 

See now - much as I enjoy BB, this is why I would probably be shit at actually playing it - when somebody’s acting a damn fool in my face, my immediate go-to is to tell them to (a) stop acting like such a damn fool and (b) get out of my face with your simple-minded bullshit.  

I mean, what exactly was Bae’s issue here?  That after Bae put Brett OTB AND campaigned to get him evicted as her primary target, he - fought to stay, and didn’t adjust his struggle for Game survival to give due consideration of how his survival tactics might reflect ON HER...??? Screw you, bitch.  Reap, sow, and shut the fuck up.  :P

  • Love 10

Just watched the ep, all my neighbors heard was me shouting, “YAS, QUEEN! YAS, QUEEN!” when the new nom was revealed to be Tyler. Way to go, Haleigh!

And I agree with someone upthread, something about this ep’s DRs made Angela’s mustache pop. A ladystache is NBD (got a nice one, myself) but considering how into her looks she is, I found its prominence surprising.

  • Love 1
31 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

So Tyler spoiled it before the eviction, telling Baileigh that news about the power app had spread.  Way to spoil things Tyler.

No he "spoiled" his vote in an effort to NOT have Bay target him after that move.  It was brilliant game play on his part. 

As far as Bay knowing the vote outcome?  I don't know if she did at that point.  She sure didn't know JC was voting against her wishes as well. 

In fact she thought she had Angela and Kaycee on her side. 

And Tyler's telling her was that Rachel had told him directly so she didn't know if Rachel had run her mouth to the others at all and/or they would change their votes because of same.  Tyler spun it as having to vote against Rachel because Rachel betrayed his Queen and he had to vote to protect her from Rachel the Betrayer before his wonderful Queen could become endangered.  Tyler has played the Dumb Doofus so well that Bay probably just lapped it up as "ahhhh, my good loyal minion, Tyler" at that point.

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, green said:

No he "spoiled" his vote in an effort to NOT have Bay target him after that move.  It was brilliant game play on his part. 

As far as Bay knowing the vote outcome?  I don't know if she did at that point.  She sure didn't know JC was voting against her wishes as well. 

In fact she thought she had Angela and Kaycee on her side. 

And Tyler's telling her was that Rachel had told him directly so she didn't know if Rachel had run her mouth to the others at all and/or they would change their votes because of same.  Tyler spun it as having to vote against Rachel because Rachel betrayed his Queen and he had to vote to protect her from Rachel the Betrayer before his wonderful Queen could become endangered.  Tyler has played the Dumb Doofus so well that Bay probably just lapped it up as "ahhhh, my good loyal minion, Tyler" at that point.

He spoiled it as Bayleigh didn't know Rachel had run her mouth at that point, I know he has tactics (obvious ones) but we don't really want that if we want interesting TV at a ceremony.  And there is a viewer's entertainment perspective, and it is important for the show.  It's like saying James spoiled every blindside in a previous season and wasn't it so brilliant of him to ruin things for us just so his game might look  better.

Edited by amazingracefan
7 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

He spoiled it as Bayleigh didn't know Rachel had run her mouth at that point, I know he has tactics (obvious ones) but we don't really want that if we want interesting TV at a ceremony.  And there is a viewer's entertainment perspective, and it is important for the show.  It's like saying James spoiled every blindside in a previous season and wasn't it so brilliant of him to ruin things for us just so his game might look  better.


We aren't playing for a half million; he is.  Also we got our super duper blindside and more with Rachel's major freakout on live TV as the blood flowed on the coliseum floor for us.  (Maximus: "Are you not entertained!").

Edited by green
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I wish they would get a different announcer for this show. It really annoys me the way he says "tonight on BIG BROTHERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" He sounds like he's announcing a Monster Truck rally. "GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLE!"

Awww, boo!  I love Clayton!  Especially when he gets to work in a good "All HAYYYY-ELLL breaks loose" as well.

3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I'm not sure  Bayleigh would vote Tyler out and Scottie might not either.

Over Rockpile?  Even if they can't see through Tyler's "oh, I'm so poor and wounded since my dear Kaitlyn left" bullshit, he's obviously more of a comp threat and more of an F2 threat than NonStar is.  

3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Sam was crying for Pete's sake.

Sam actually said, when pledging Tyler her vote last week (as we saw in the "Previously…" segment) that she'd do whatever Tyler and his #1 wanted.  So she's not even playing for second place.  She's just kissing his ass because she hates women just that much.  I know her brother got his heart broken by a girl (allegedly), but Get Over It, ffs.

2 hours ago, Nashville said:

[All of the evictees thought they were staying.] So no, I don’t think the premise Brett was lying in the DR because he “knew” he had the votes to stay is a defensible position - far from it, in fact.

Fine, you want to take it down to "Brett thought he had the votes to stay", feel free.  That's still a far cry from Brett's BS position of "I had to make that speech to rally votes because I had no idea if I was going to stay."  As we saw in the episode, Brett was actually supremely confident he was staying, and only made the speech at Angela's instigation as a way to humiliate Rachel and make her suffer, and perhaps sow some confusion on the other side.

If the speech is unnecessary from a practical standpoint, and Brett wasn't actually using it to rally votes, it then makes perfect sense for Bayleigh to be upset he chose to damage her game that way.  (She may not have much cause to complain, as noted upthread, but again that's Brett burning bridges without need to do so.)  For him to then turn around and claim the speech was nothing more than the Hail Mary pass that we know it was not (and which we were being shown video evidence to the contrary) is him being both disingenuous and odious, IMO.


Saw a clip last night of Angela giddily practicing her good-bye message with Brett, where she concluded "[Rachel] is going to cry for months and months."  Oh, get over yourself, Regina Bore-ge.  Anyhow, Brett sure didn't seem nervous about his fate in that clip.  He had three alliance votes locked down and Sam is Tyler's slave and JC always wanted Rachel gone.  Even Rockpile could do the math on that one.

10 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I grew up playing Scrabble and solving Jumbles.  That was about an easy a competition there is.  That said, it is  a lot easier solving the words on my comfortable couch.  It is a heck of a lot harder (more pressure) solving them on a reality show.

The key to this comp was figuring out what kind of words they were looking for. Viewers were told the answers after each round, but any of the HG's with early success should have been able to knock off the remaining ones fairly easily.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

You're right. I forgot about that. I don't think THAT house was evenly divided as this one is, though. 

Didn't they also throw one to Paul last season for some god-only-knows reason?  Everyone saying they were going to let Paul win.  I've tried to blot it out but some details are poking through....

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1 hour ago, LoneHaranguer said:

The key to this comp was figuring out what kind of words they were looking for.

Didn't they say at the start they were words relating to Big Brother ("a scrambled Big Brother word"), and there are only a few well used Big Brother words.  They may have given them a couple or so test run words first.

Edited by amazingracefan
1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

Awww, boo!  I love Clayton!  Especially when he gets to work in a good "All HAYYYY-ELLL breaks loose" as well.

Agreement ensues.


1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

Fine, you want to take it down to "Brett thought he had the votes to stay", feel free.  That's still a far cry from Brett's BS position of "I had to make that speech to rally votes because I had no idea if I was going to stay."  As we saw in the episode, Brett was actually supremely confident he was staying, and only made the speech at Angela's instigation as a way to humiliate Rachel and make her suffer, and perhaps sow some confusion on the other side.


IMHO it was maybe 5% of one and 95% of the other, but YMMV.

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1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

Over Rockpile?  Even if they can't see through Tyler's "oh, I'm so poor and wounded since my dear Kaitlyn left" bullshit, he's obviously more of a comp threat and more of an F2 threat than NonStar is.  

I tend to agree; but after the way Bayleigh was yelling at NonStar, I wouldn't be shocked if she voted her out.


6 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

Didn't they also throw one to Paul last season for some god-only-knows reason?  Everyone saying they were going to let Paul win.  I've tried to blot it out but some details are poking through....

Yea, that season was a pack of lemmings following their lemming king. It was so gross. We've got some morons and sycophants this season; but I don't think it's anything compared to Paul 2.0. 

Just now, amazingracefan said:

Didn't they say at the start they were words relating to Big Brother ("a scrambled Big Brother word"), and there are only a few well used Big Brother words.

Well, maybe the filth they let the BB house fall into WOULD give one anal lice.

1 hour ago, amazingracefan said:

Didn't they say at the start they were words relating to Big Brother ("a scrambled Big Brother word"), and there are only a few well used Big Brother words. 

Some of them weren't even uniquely Big Brother words -- I mean, I never think of "blindside" as Big Brother, it's Survivor first and foremost. "Alliance," "competition," really? Not like they had "blood on my hands" or "expect the unexpected" or "ewe reap what ewe sow."

51 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Some of them weren't even uniquely Big Brother words -- I mean, I never think of "blindside" as Big Brother, it's Survivor first and foremost. "Alliance," "competition," really? Not like they had "blood on my hands" or "expect the unexpected" or "ewe reap what ewe sow."

Those are phrases rather than words. 

Competition is used all in the time in BB, though it tends to be abbreviated to Comp much of the time.  I suppose they have to create alliance names on the show, blindsides aren't as prevalent on BB though this season we've seen a few, Angela seemed to get that word quite quickly.

8 hours ago, green said:

The Hacker set was just that, a set.  Not rooms in the house.  A set built in the backyard no doubt.  You can tell because the one "wall" was missing so the BB cameras could do those tracking shots up and down between what was glorified booths.  The darkened mood lighting helped sell it too as being an actual hallway with rooms at first so kudos to the BB set designer for giving this one a good look and atmosphere.

You also saw them enter back into the house from the backyard when the competition was over.

I got every one of those words almost instantly when I saw the jumbled letters. I didn't even have to think about them. I used to play a lot of word jumble games so I guess that helped.

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