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S20.E16: Power of Veto #5


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Bayleigh says, "I look like a little bitch!"  Mad at Fessy because he made her look bad.  I think she's doing a good job of making herself look bad. 

Oh, I wish this conversation between Rachel and Bayleigh was not happening.  By saying she's concerned about Brett's game, it sounds like she's almost offering to go home.

The crow as Kaitlyn was funny.

RockStar looks very weird. Actually they all look strange for Veto. And it's a Flintstone car!! And Bayleigh kisses Swaggy C's cardboard face! I'm trying to figure what's on Tyler's shirt. Pineapples?

OK Sam, a road going nowhere. That works really well. And JC, you need to match up the lines.  Rachel has palm trees on her shirt and Brett has sail boats. So Brett thought of the Flintstones, too.

  • Love 5

Wow, Rachel is over the top. She really just shot herself in the foot. She must annoy her L6 teammates because if Sam, KAycee or Tyler came back with the same bit of info from Bay...they'd all likely believe it. So she must get on their nerves for them to right away distrust her. And Brett was NOT worried when the veto wasn't used. I think Rachel is going home.

By the way...dang, Tyler is good.

Edited by Lamima
  • Love 6

Poor Rachel. She really got the short end of everything in this deal. 

I mean was she suppose to just on what Bayleigh told her? i guess maybe she should have gone to Tyler first. But could've would've should've.  She didn't deserve for that to come back and bite her in the butt.

I just feel bad for her. She seems like a nice person. She probably wasn't built for this game.

Queen Bayleigh was a bit much. One of the worst cases of HOHitis I have seen in awhile.

JC is a genuine grade A shit stirrer. How does none of it float back at him.?

I still like Tyler. I think he's outplaying everyone by a country mile. Was he just looking for an excuse not to use the veto? Very possible. But I think he wanted too. He got scared off by the power app. But I can concede it gave him an easy out.  I was kinda shocked Brett took that so well.    

Edited by vb68
  • Love 6

Is it a sign of OCD when all you notice on the close-up of the Veto medallion sandwich board is that a piece of the red stripe tape is schmutzed up? C'mon production, step it up!

Does Bayleigh actually think HoH stands for Her Only Highness? Is she for real? Can't believe I'm saying this, but Swaggy might actually be too good (or not bad enough) for her. I'd also like a re-vote on her receiving the power app. Then for a message to appear on the living room screen with a special announcement for Bayleigh: the soup nazi screaming "NO APP FOR YOU!"

  • Love 14
5 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Poor Rachel. She really got the short end of everything in this deal. 

I mean was she suppose to just on what Bayleigh told her? i guess maybe she should have gone to Tyler first. But could've would've should've.  She didn't deserve for that to come back and bite her in the butt.

I just feel bad for her. She seems like a nice person. She probably wasn't built for this game.

Queen Bayleigh was a bit much. One of the worst cases of HOHitis I have seen in actual.

JC is a genuine grade A shit stirrer. How does none of it float back at him.?

I still like Tyler. I think he's outplaying everyone by a country mile. Was he just looking for an excuse not to use the veto? Very possible. But I think he wanted too. He got scared off by the power app. But I can concede it gave him an easy out.  I was kinda shocked Brett took that so well.    

I am Rachel in real life, and I kind of suck at life....but I am loyal, and that’s more important! Get out of there and have a little vacation at jury house...read a book, eat some bon bons, at least you aren’t a hosebeast like that other girl who’s a model. 

  • Love 2

Holy shit... Bay has LOST her damn mind. I would have been all "Bitch you woke me up not from a nap but from a deep sleep to be ushered up to the HoH room just to be yelled at??"

Are you psycho? Get the net!" (Wayne's World)

Have we ever seen such a nasty flare up of HoHitis as this? It's out of control.

"Now you brought all this negative energy in here and if people back me into a corner I'm going to snap!" *wide eyes* Yikes. I can see why Tyler didn't use the veto 'cause Bay=Cray Cray.

So crazy in fact that she even considered enacting the vaunted 'Female Alliance' approach which we all know has worked so well in the past.

Oh, and when was the last time we saw Kaycee have a DR? Or was this the first?

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 15

I’m still puzzled by Rachel saying Brett going home is bad for her game because a. why would Bayleigh care and b. what?

And her freakout with Angela was so dramatic I don’t blame Angela for questioning her game sanity.

I just noticed today that Angie (or Rock Star, if you will, which I will not) and Brett are in the same intro section during the opening credits and it made me laugh.

  • Love 5

So, these houseguests (well ,Tyler) are now treating the power apps like baseline hidden immunity idols  -- I can't target that person or I could be going home. The question is whether they will step their gameplay up a level to blindside the person who has it before they can use it.

If I was Tyler, I'd be telling everyone I know about Baylee's power app, so whoever gets HoH will backdoor her to get it out of the game (I don't remember identify theft -- it has to be before nominations, right?)

Rachel seems about to learn -- too late -- that in every big-ish alliance, there are sub-alliances, and she doesn't seem to be in any of them.

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 4
44 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I still like Tyler. I think he's outplaying everyone by a country mile.

Co-sign! And I don't think this is a case of everyone else being idiots, I think Tyler really is that good. That kid has his hands in everything yet nobody ever suspects him and they all believe he's working with them. None of it ever blows back on him. Plus, he's just a likable guy. I wonder how long it'll be before somebody realizes he needs to go.

JC's reaction cracked me up after they revealed Tyler's Veto time, something like: "Did you just throw the streets down and they organized themselves?!"

34 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I would have been all "Bitch you woke me up not from a nap but from a deep sleep to be ushered up to the HoH room just to be yelled at??"

Right?? Faysal must be the most patient man in the universe. Bay is going to stick around all season to annoy me, I know it.

  • Love 11

All the chaos that everyone was trying to create might have worked if Tyler wasn't such a sneaky, sly, pretty-damn-good BB player ! I thought he was in trouble when the girls started comparing notes & then, whadda ya know, he comes out of clean as a whistle ! It's going to be fun to see if he can keep it up all season, but it has been done before (Derrick ?).


I wish they'd evict Rockstar-- every time I see her, I think I'm watching H.R. Puff-n-Stuf in 1973. ( A really dated reference that shows my age, anyone born in the 60's will know what I mean.)

  • Love 23

Wow so the producers finally dusted off Angela to give her the most screen time since episode 2 when Swaggy inexplicably cast her as his arch enemy.

Don't understand why everyone is getting snowed by Tyler...especially Angela thinking that Rachel is lying?  I thought she would have been tighter with Rachel than Tyler. It's making everyone look really, really dumb.

JC was a douche to Fessy when he did in fact save him from the block. He's beginning to remind me of a similar Rat..the Red Haired Andy who would run from room to room playing each sides. Didn't like Andy and don't like JC.

The producers really don't like their former sweetheart Sam do they? Now she's Godzilla?

Several cast members didn't even speak such as Haleigh and Scottie. The show is still grieving the loss of Kaitlyn by bringing her back as a cut-out and constantly lingering on it as well as giving her a voice-over as the bird. They are probably kicking themselves for not making the puzzle even easier. There is a big black hole in BIG BROTHER and its called Kaitlyn. You know its bad when they have to give Kaycee screen time.

I don't like Tyler knowing about Bay's power...he will find some way to get her to waste it. I just know it.

  • Love 4

Has Bayleigh never watched BB before? She knows she won't be HOH next week, right? And that her overbearing behavior is helping to put a target on her back?


Faysal must be the most patient man in the universe.

Faysal strikes me as a guy who can't handle being confronted by a woman. I think that's largely why he got into that weird situation with Kaitlyn. He just couldn't come back at her--not to her face anyway--with the reality of situation. Meanwhile, have he and Haleigh "broken up"? Seem to me like the showmances are weak this season.


The producers really don't like their former sweetheart Sam do they? Now she's Godzilla?  

Wonder if she has any clue of how badly she turned off many if not most of the viewers who had been rooting for her?  I guess there's no way that she could but wow, what huge waste of the goodwill she'd built up when she was arguably unfairly disadvantaged during the robot gimmick.


All the chaos that everyone was trying to create might have worked if Tyler wasn't such a sneaky, sly, pretty-damn-good BB player ! I thought he was in trouble when the girls started comparing notes & then, whadda ya know, he comes out of clean as a whistle ! It's going to be fun to see if he can keep it up all season, but it has been done before (Derrick ?).

Forget Derrick, at this point I'm almost putting Tyler up there with Dr. Will. I just wonder how much of this is his own gameplay and how much is being steered by production. Now that they seemed to have dumped their support of Sam they might be going full in with Tyler's amiable surfer boy vibe.

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Don't understand why everyone is getting snowed by Tyler...especially Angela thinking that Rachel is lying?  I thought she would have been tighter with Rachel than Tyler. 

IMHO it’s less about believing in Tyler, and more about believing in the L6 L5 alliance - and I think the reasons for Angela’s negative reaction to Rachel’s allegations regarding Tyler were twofold:

  1. Angela was more than a little upset about Rachel unquestionably accepting the word of Bae (a member of the “opposition”) in incriminating Tyler, a dependable member of Rachel and Angela’s own alliance.
  2. Rachel’s allegations did not jibe with Angela’s personal experiences with - and judgement of - Tyler.  Truthfully, this rather impressed me about Angela: she does not allow her own internal game “compass” to be automatically swayed by unsupported allegation - not without at least questioning it, anyway.

I think it is rather telling that Kaycee’s reaction upon hearing Rachel’s allegations was virtually identical to Angela’s reaction.  This may be all she wrote for Rachel’s game.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

Given her penchant for condescending lectures, including my (very least) favorite "don't you EVER” tactic, I'm going with Her Oratorical Highness.

I'd agree, but that would assume HGs know what "oratorical" means. (Which would make a great build-your-own snot-nose scrabble-word veto answer.)

Bayleigh's imperial behavior might make it more appropriate to say Her OuttaHereOnceYou'reDeposed Highness.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Does Bayleigh actually think HoH stands for Her Only Highness? Is she for real? Can't believe I'm saying this, but Swaggy might actually be too good (or not bad enough) for her. I'd also like a re-vote on her receiving the power app. Then for a message to appear on the living room screen with a special announcement for Bayleigh: the soup nazi screaming "NO APP FOR YOU!"

10 points for the Seinfeld reference.  ROFLMAO

2 hours ago, Eolivet said:

If I was Tyler, I'd be telling everyone I know about Baylee's power app, so whoever gets HoH will backdoor her to get it out of the game (I don't remember identify theft -- it has to be before nominations, right?)

Me too!

2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

JC's reaction cracked me up after they revealed Tyler's Veto time, something like: "Did you just throw the streets down and they organized themselves?!"

I was giggling too.

I don't know why people don't throw the Veto comp if they don't want to make waves.  Six minutes and some seconds?  WOW!

Is it bad that I only heard of Rachel last show and now she is, to me anyways, a pretty bad game player?  Kaycee?  Kaycee who?

  • Love 3

Tyler is a selfish, disloyal piece of shit.  At this point, I'm rooting for Rockpile over him. 

Not once did he even try to push a non-L5 member as a replacement.  And his "brilliant" strategy of using "reverse psycholgy" to get Scottie OTB might have worked a little better he'd bothered to tell his supposed allies, so that they didn't think they were getting stabbed in the back.

On top of all this, he and Angela the Walking Quaalude can't be bothered to consider the possibility that if Rachel is saying that Bayleigh said that Tyler said something he didn't actually say, it doesn't necessarily mean that Rachel is lying.  (What benefit would there be for Rachel to try and create discord between Angela/Tyler when she needs them voting together, after all?) It's equally likely that:

a) Bayleigh is lying, to fuck up a "side" she has announced as her unwavering target, or

b) things just got garbled in translation

But no, they immediately turn on Rachel.  Because she has emotions, I guess.  FFS.

3 hours ago, JD5166 said:

I am Rachel in real life, and I kind of suck at life....but I am loyal, and that’s more important! Get out of there and have a little vacation at jury house...read a book, eat some bon bons, [etc.]

Unfortunately, this week's evictee isn't making Jury.  This is the last pre-Jury boot.  Whoever gets it is missing out on weeks and weeks of stipend and peace, not to mention the chance at the almost-certain Jury buyback re-entry comp coming up later on.

4 hours ago, springbarb said:

It amuses me that JC keeps trying to create chaos and problems for other people in the house (like with the stray Kaitlyn vote) and it just doesn't work.

It might amuse me if the result wasn't so much safety for the people JC was trying to fuck up (Scottie) or for his own somewhat-suspected ass, but rather continued targeting of the "other side" by our monomaniacal HoH "Queen Bay".  For all of Farty's emotional self-destructive tendencies, neither Scotteigh nor Bayleigh has ever given a thought to pulling a Kaitlyn and truly changing up the game.  Instead, they robotically target Brett and anyone they perceive to be close to him, with Tyler somehow not on their radar because…reasons, I guess.

I mean, you would think that Scottie backstabbing Chris and doing it to throw Haleigh/Angie under the bus might piss Bayleigh off, just a little bit, wouldn't you?  Nope, it's "get the pretty people, this is a recording, blah-blah-blah."  Hey, Miss Missouri-USA, you're pretty, too!  Honestly.  I mean, Haleigh can be insecure about the Alien about to burst out of her forehead, but seriously, you could chill a bit, O Queen.

4 hours ago, springbarb said:

And you have Bayleigh mischaracterize her conversation with Tyler--I don't think she even really thought much about how she said it to Rachel, and it creates all this discord in L6.

Yeah, I can't believe who is luckier…Tyler or those bums in the (theoretically) opposing alliance.

All that said, I don't think Rachel is necessarily a Dead Showgirl Walking.  There are only three L5 votes available to be cast; even if Angela and Kaycee decide to undercut the possibility of a female alliance by keeping Brett, Rachel still needs only five votes to stay.  And Bayleigh has four loyal minions who should be voting to keep Rachel.  (Which is another reason why it would have behooved L5 to axe Angie last week, but that's old news.)

So it comes down to Sam and JC, neither of whom are particularly close to Brett (remember, JC campaigned to keep Winston in Week 3), and Rachel only needs one of them.  Does JC listen to Faysal…or is he still Tyler's puppet? Does Sam actually believe in "female empowerment"…or is Rachel just another Shameless Hussy, needing to be sent to the convent until she covers up?  Tune in tomorrow!

Meantime, I think I'm going to be sick.  Sigh.

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, GalvDuck said:

You know, at first, I was thinking we were actually spared from hearing anything from RS tonight and that she was only shown for a few moments.  

Then I remembered.  She did that annoying “Yaaaaassss!” a couple of times.  Kelly Clarkson does that.  As much as I love Kelly Clarkson, I HATE when she does that.

/rant over

I did not think it was possible to find something else to hate about Rockstar and then she did that yassss!  Granted it was not a yassss queen slay, but still.  Why does a woman in her mid-30's feel the need to talk like a teenager?  I just...oh hell...it's annoying.

Edited by BK1978
Because I did not put to hate in the post. That was the whole point of the post.
  • Love 6

Fessy continues to be an arrogant douchebag. I actually thought his pleas to Bayleigh to save JC might have painted a BIGGER target on JC's back, and one on Fessy's as well. So when he started basically begging JC to thank him, all I could do was laugh. 

And I was LIVING for JC relaying that to Bayleigh and her getting all irate with Fessy. I mean, she woke his dumb ass up in the middle of the night to school him. It was hilarious! The more cracks in that group, the better. 

I also think Rachel is losing her shit and getting sloppy. First, I do NOT think it was a good strategy to go to Bayleigh with her concerns about being on the block, losing Brett, etc. Has she SEEN how Bayleigh has been handling this HOH so far? Lay low and kiss her ass is the only way to go. 

I did feel kind of badly for Rachel about the Angela thing, though. Because it wasn't actually RACHEL who was spreading mis-information. Bayleigh relayed it to her incorrectly. Tyler was merely guessing at who a replacement nom was, in order to suss out Bayleigh's plan. And Bayleigh relayed it as if Tyler was demanding Angela's head on a platter. I'm glad Tyler's other teammates didn't believe him, but it kind of sucks that Rachel was just trying to protect Angela and got caught in the crossfire. 

I think her main issue continues to be that she gets too heated, though. She needs to be more calm and analytical. Talk to people, don't just assume shit. 

I think it's time for Rachel to go. She seems tired of her group; she views them as some sort of albatross that got her nominated. She was swearing her complete allegiance to Bayleigh by the end; and I believed her. Given that Tyler didn't change noms (which I hope the rest of L5 gets and doesn't hold against him), I think Brett could swing the votes to stay. Tyler, Angela, Kaycee, and Sam would all vote for Rachel. And maybe they could pull in JC? 

Only problem is, Bayleigh could just put Brett back up next week. How EXACTLY does that power work? Does she have to use it at a certain point? Can they backdoor someone with Veto and then Bayleigh waltzes up and changes that? I need more details, because her power makes me very nervous. 

I kind of wished Tyler HAD used to Veto. I wanted to see if her reverse psychology plan to get Scottie nominated would have worked, damnit! 

  • Love 3

When did this "Kaycee" person arrive?



I don't think I've ever seen anyone act so entitled, based on so little.  Don't question me, don't speak my name to others, don't presume to advise me, wake and attend me when I summon you, I am the HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD.

In the Big Brother game.  For a week.

Where did you learn this imperious attitude, little girl?

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, vb68 said:

Queen Bayleigh was a bit much. One of the worst cases of HOHitis I have seen in awhile.

For sure. Did you notice the way she was staring straight ahead (presumably at the monitors) the entire time Rachel was talking to her? Wouldn't even make eye contact.


7 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Tyler is a selfish, disloyal piece of shit.  At this point, I'm rooting for Rockpile over him. 

Not once did he even try to push a non-L5 member as a replacement. 

That would have never flied with Bayleigh. Not for one minute. There would be no point in trying that. Look at how she's bristled any time ANYONE (including Fessy, who is ostensibly on "her side") has tried to throw ideas out there. This is HER HOH and no one is going to embarrass her by trying to run it. Tyler, IMO, did the right thing by going very very subtle with her. 


50 minutes ago, D.CBies said:

Angela is very jealous of Rachel. Period, that’s her motive.

Based on what?

  • Love 8
16 minutes ago, D.CBies said:

My ears and my eyes. She’s very obvious. 

Okay. Thanks for the helpful answer. It may not be obvious to everyone. It's certainly not obvious to me. So I was simply wondering if someone was seeing something I was not. I am not sure what exactly Angela would be jealous OF. But if you don't want to expound on your statement, that's cool. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 5
11 hours ago, mojoween said:

I’m still puzzled by Rachel saying Brett going home is bad for her game because a. why would Bayleigh care and b. what?

When Rachel was first on the block, Bayleigh said that she was a pawn and she wanted Brett to go home. So Rachel was assuming she'd be saved by POV and Bayleigh would put someone else up that was a pawn in order to send Brett home.

1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Aren't the Flintstones (tv series/movies) before Brett's time? 

Yes, but Brett called himself Fred Flintstone before he got into the car.

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