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36 minutes ago, eatsleep said:

Not sure what kind of "sacrifice" it is for Hazel? She's ready to jump on the first thing smoking to the US. Whereas, Tarik is on the hook for 10 years for her and prbly her child, too. 

She should know that he would be expecting her to play a huge part in raising his child, who, as I mentioned, has special needs.  Many people would be hesitant to jump into a situation like that. As for her being "ready to jump on the first" guy to bring her to the US- we don't know that. Seems she had been canvassing for someone online and is not jumping into bed with the guy right off; she was hesitant wondering if he was truly committed. I don't agree that it's all about riding the American Gravy Train for her; she is thinking of her son and she's done due diligence in introducing her to the family and taking the physical part slowly.

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2 hours ago, KateHearts said:

Funny how this conclusion is drawn regarding Hazel yet when Ricky's #2 squeeze wants to sleep together after 5 minutes, she comes under scrutiny as well.

I'm not convinced Ximena and Ricky actually slept together. Yes its possible, but its also possible she wanted him to lay with her with no sex. And she seemed to be attracted to him. I don't see the same reaction from Hazel, in fact she seemed repulsed by him (I think she even alluded to him being fat). The more I see her the more cool she seems toward him.

 I think what she finds attractive about him is a green ticket to the US and away from the poor area in which she resides.

Edited by Stacee
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1 minute ago, Stacee said:

I'm not convinced Ximena and Ricky actually slept together. Yes its possible, but its also possible she wanted him to lay with her with no sex.

So, literally "sleeping together" vs the implied meaning.  Still pretty advanced for someone she's spent literally minutes with.

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I don’t think Tarik was clear that he had full custody of Ari. It appeared to me that he shares custody with Ari’s mother, though I could be wrong. Regardless, his home is Ari’s home, and if I was Ari’s mother, I would have a huge problem with this unvetted, complete stranger being in my child’s home. 

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21 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

She should know that he would be expecting her to play a huge part in raising his child, who, as I mentioned, has special needs.  Many people would be hesitant to jump into a situation like that. As for her being "ready to jump on the first" guy to bring her to the US- we don't know that. Seems she had been canvassing for someone online and is not jumping into bed with the guy right off; she was hesitant wondering if he was truly committed. I don't agree that it's all about riding the American Gravy Train for her; she is thinking of her son and she's done due diligence in introducing her to the family and taking the physical part slowly.

"Jumping on the first thing smoking" doesn't mean jumping on a penis. It means getting out of Manila (the thing smoking is a ship or a train or a car or plane or whatever). I'm not talking about her sexual morality. I'm taking about her being clear that she WANTS to leave Manila. So it's not much of a sacrifice if someone is actively advertising themselves on a marriage site. Like if I was on a local dating site and a guy asked me out on a date, I could hardly complain that I was making a huge sacrifice to go out w/ him, as that was my hope and intent all along. 

Tarik is the one with everything to lose - 10 yrs of financial support and his daughter's stability - if Hazel isn't who he hopes she is.

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On 9/3/2018 at 11:26 AM, Pondlass1 said:

Once established in the US  Hazel will bring over her family one by one.  I don't know if she has brothers and sisters, but they'll all end up in the States, mom and dad too.  She probably would be a decent hard working girl once she gets her green card and maybe a good mother to the children.  But this is not love.  This is charity work, same as sponsoring a child in a poor country.

Yeah that’s not happening. Beyond the fact that it can take decades to bring adult sibilings or parents over, the wait is even longer for those wishing to bring family over from the Philippines beyond bringing a spouse or minor children. Same with trying to bring family from Mexico - they have the two longest wait times and it’s decades.

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1 hour ago, Kangatush said:

Another reason Dean might have been so fierce with Hazel about her parenting skills is that he sees his brother raising a special needs daughter all alone, so presumably her mother has big character flaws and he wants to make sure his brother isn't just playing out the exact same scenario with another woman.  He still needed a better approach.


27 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

I don’t think Tarik was clear that he had full custody of Ari. It appeared to me that he shares custody with Ari’s mother, though I could be wrong.

I didn't hear him say he had full custody, either, and I definitely don't see any basis for presuming Ari's mother has big character flaws.  In fact, I think it's really unfair.

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50 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

So, literally "sleeping together" vs the implied meaning.  Still pretty advanced for someone she's spent literally minutes with.

Maybe, I don't know. I don't see the big deal with laying side by side, its similar to sitting next to someone for an extended length of time. Maybe she felt comfortable enough after having spoken and chatting with him online. 

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1 hour ago, eatsleep said:

Who said otherwise? I'm assuming they both know about each other's kids. Tariq has questions...and relatives not afraid to ask. Hazel doesn't seem to have any questions...or relatives interested in asking. The fact Hazel's not asking any questions could suggest she's in it only for the short term. At least Tarik is trying to fill in some blanks.


Not sure what kind of "sacrifice" it is for Hazel? She's ready to jump on the first thing smoking to the US. Whereas, Tarik is on the hook for 10 years for her and prbly her child, too. 

Tarik has piss poor judgment but that's actually not Hazel's fault. He's the one who dumped his special needs child to take five planes to see someone that he met online two weeks ago. What kind of person does that? It wasn't because he was so in love with her personality, either, he found an Asian woman who looked like Angelina Jolie. As an American citizen who has  grown up with more money and more opportunities than Hazel has, why is he doing this? There aren't any Asian women in Virginia Beach? Hazel is trying to improve her station in life using whatever means that she can, and I will not judge her. I've witnessed incredible poverty around the globe, the likes of which citizens from rich Western countries cannot imagine.

Tarik has the upper hand in this situation, which is exactly the way that he wants it. Same with Paul and Karine. If Paul and Tarik end up being taken advantage of by their international brides, so be it. They're idiots and deserve whatever is coming to them.

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12 minutes ago, Stacee said:

Maybe, I don't know. I don't see the big deal with laying side by side, its similar to sitting next to someone for an extended length of time. Maybe she felt comfortable enough after having spoken and chatting with him online. 

Hazel slept in the same bed with Tarik.  She put the pillows between them as a barrier and she made it clear there would be no hanky panky. The cameras never got past the bedroom door with Ricky and his girl so we can only speculate. 

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2 hours ago, Kangatush said:

My friend is half Filipino.  Her dad was in the military, met her mom there, and they moved here.  Her sister is actually her cousin.  Because of the perceived much greater opportunities in America, her parents legally adopted her cousin so she could live in the states.  No abuse, or neglect, was happening, just poverty.  It was all about what was in the best interest of the child.  I don't judge Hazel for not having custody.  I'll judge her integrity until I know she's been clear with Tarik about her motives.  All her honesty so far has been during THs, not in conversations with him. 

Another reason Dean might have been so fierce with Hazel about her parenting skills is that he sees his brother raising a special needs daughter all alone, so presumably her mother has big character flaws and he wants to make sure his brother isn't just playing out the exact same scenario with another woman.  He still needed a better approach.

I hadn't thought of that. It makes sense why he went on the offense, but like  you said, he should have had a better approach. 

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Just for shiggles, and to refresh my memory, I re-watched the first two episodes.  Zero mention of Jon being named on Lucy's birth certificate.  He was on the phone when she was born, and Rachael did send him a piece of umbilical cord (puke). 

Tarik and Hazel had been speaking for much longer than two weeks.  He's not specific, but he talks about having been telling her for weeks that he's coming to see her.  He also says that some of his family members are concerned that she just wants a way to the US, but he doesn't believe that.  Since Hazel has said that's her motivation, in so many words, I have to conclude that she's lying and saying she loves him.

Also, the exact custody arrangement he has in place with Ari's mom is unsaid, but it's heavily implied that he has primary custody.  He also says that it was a tumultuous relationship.  That could easily leave Dean with the impression (accurate or not) that she has character flaws.

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1 hour ago, iwasish said:

Hazel slept in the same bed with Tarik.  She put the pillows between them as a barrier and she made it clear there would be no hanky panky. The cameras never got past the bedroom door with Ricky and his girl so we can only speculate. 

Excellent point. 

Edited by Stacee
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9 minutes ago, Stacee said:

And...? Not sure what your point is. 

I was responding regarding my opinion that I did not think Ximenia and Ricky had sex and I stand by that. 

I was actually agreeing with you. People can sleep in the same bed and not have sex. The assumption has been that Ricky and Ximenia had sex, and the way the evening ended for viewers, with them behind closed doors,  made that easy to assume.The Hazel/Tarik situation played out on camera what with the pillows and the discussion.  In both cases we have no idea what happened when filming stopped. 

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1 hour ago, LilaFowler said:

Tarik has piss poor judgment but that's actually not Hazel's fault. He's the one who dumped his special needs child to take five planes to see someone that he met online two weeks ago. What kind of person does that? It wasn't because he was so in love with her personality, either, he found an Asian woman who looked like Angelina Jolie. As an American citizen who has  grown up with more money and more opportunities than Hazel has, why is he doing this? There aren't any Asian women in Virginia Beach? Hazel is trying to improve her station in life using whatever means that she can, and I will not judge her. I've witnessed incredible poverty around the globe, the likes of which citizens from rich Western countries cannot imagine.

Tarik has the upper hand in this situation, which is exactly the way that he wants it. Same with Paul and Karine. If Paul and Tarik end up being taken advantage of by their international brides, so be it. They're idiots and deserve whatever is coming to them.

My concern isn't for Tarik, either, especially. It's more for the kids who might be indirectly victimized by these opportunists.

I would agree the American sponsors have the upper hand *IF* their foreign SOs are truthful about their intentions & *UNTIL* the green cards are firmly in hand. 

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Ricky mentioned his concern about telling woman behind door #2 about his previous woman behind door #1.  I get that.  However, I think the more important topic to bring up is that he's STILL MARRIED.  So, even if they do fall madly in love and have a fairy tale love story, it means nada as he is married.  THAT'S what I think he should be honest about.

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I like Michael well enough, Trump admiration aside, but I do think it's a little much to expect Angela to take care of him financially and for him to be "the man" (dominant partner/decision maker). If that scenario played out between two Americans, most people would (rightly) have some choice words about Michael.  

They're ill suited for each other, but I don't see Angie as the only problem here. 

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1 hour ago, iwasish said:

I was actually agreeing with you. People can sleep in the same bed and not have sex. The assumption has been that Ricky and Ximenia had sex, and the way the evening ended for viewers, with them behind closed doors,  made that easy to assume.The Hazel/Tarik situation played out on camera what with the pillows and the discussion.  In both cases we have no idea what happened when filming stopped. 

Agreed and I came back reread it and edited my post accordingly. Guess I did not change it before you saw my initial reply ?

Apologies for the misunderstanding.

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6 hours ago, Kangatush said:


Another reason Dean might have been so fierce with Hazel about her parenting skills is that he sees his brother raising a special needs daughter all alone, so presumably her mother has big character flaws and he wants to make sure his brother isn't just playing out the exact same scenario with another woman.  He still needed a better approach.

That's what I think as well.  I think that Tarek's ex likely is (or was) not a great mother for some reason and Dean is painting Hazel with the same brush.  However, instead of approaching the topic in a way to get some good information, he let his anger take over and pushed things in the wrong direction.

Edited by EllaDisco
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2 hours ago, iwasish said:

I was actually agreeing with you. People can sleep in the same bed and not have sex. The assumption has been that Ricky and Ximenia had sex, and the way the evening ended for viewers, with them behind closed doors,  made that easy to assume.The Hazel/Tarik situation played out on camera what with the pillows and the discussion.  In both cases we have no idea what happened when filming stopped. 

We actually don’t know what happened before the filming stopped either.   Producers get film and use it to create stories by deciding what to show.  If both Hazel and Ximena said “thanks for having me over but I don’t really know you and don’t want to have sex” the producers would find a way to not tell the same story in both cases since we would find that boring. 


(I know you’re saying this too - with “the way the evening ended for viewers” - just pointing out that we aren’t even getting partial information, we are getting consciously manipulated partial information.)

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1 hour ago, Stacee said:

Agreed and I came back reread it and edited my post accordingly. Guess I did not change it before you saw my initial reply ?

Apologies for the misunderstanding.

No apology needed!!  

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7 hours ago, kewpiedolls said:

What bothered me is certain people going in on Hazel calling her straight up ugly and saying she has a "pug nose". It's not like Hazel was strutting around talking about how smoking hot she is. That was Tarik, so it's not her fault. I took the Angelina Jolie comment as a reference to them both having full lips, not that Hazel was her lookalike, but that's just my interpretation. I do get what you're saying, though.  Maybe I'm being sensitive so I'll stop commenting about it now, lol.

The pug nose was Rachel.  She looks like the cover of that King Crimson album.

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On 9/3/2018 at 5:31 AM, Neurochick said:

I don’t get the hate for Dean when Hazel admitted she only wants Tarik to come to the US.  Hazel is a vampire.  She marries Tarik, first she brings her son over, then her parents, then maybe other relatives and Tarik will be the fool sponsoring all of them.  All this does is take away from his daughter.  I do not see Hazel as this poor innocent woman.  Just because she’s a woman doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve an interrogation, especially when we all know she’s disgusted by Tarik.

Same.  I have very little sympathy for her. I also had no sympathy for Annie and for some reason, she was also a fan favourite for victimhood/ circumstances 'forcing' her to go for a man she clearly has no attraction towards. 


I think Hazel may still with the father of her child and is scamming Tarik. She is not innocent and being upfront her intentions does not make them any more honorable in my opinion.  I guess it is not very PC  but I will say this...yes, a lot of these men have outdated and gross Asian women fetishes, but to act like a lot of these Asian women are not playing into the stereotypes if it will benefit and help them get to America is silly. Dean had every right to ask why she was avoiding eye contact and stalling on questions. If you tell the truth, you don't have to think and you also don't avoid eye contact.  His approach could have been much better but I am also glad he did not back down. His brother Tarik is an imbecile who seems a bit touched and clearly needs the situation spelled out. I only wish Dean had brought up how Tarik also decided to abandon his little girl to go chasing a woman he only knew for two weeks.

Edited by Empress Josephine
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4 hours ago, Owwwww ma leg said:

It will have to be steak on the bias with a side of snails, damn you low carb diet

I'm also relatively low carb AND I don't buy packaged, processed foods. I just had to do this for 99DF, though, and I'm not sure what that says about me hahaha.


3 hours ago, magemaud said:

“Tiny-Like-Darcey Carrot Cake” for dessert! 

Yes! Even though I don't eat sugar normally.

This is really shameful on my part, haha.

Edited by RedBagWithMakeup
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On 9/3/2018 at 4:21 PM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Was that a TEFLON pan they were cooking it in ? GROSS!!!! Rubbery grey steak ewwww I have friends from Europe and when they come they go gaga over our huge portions of thick steak, which is 4X less expensive than there. Jesse picked steak as the entree choice. He is a psycho. She would have picked as it has been said upthread spaghetti and meatballs or chicken of some sort.  I love their Air BnB though that is the only good thing they have brought to this season. Runner up their diet plan of fight and exit. I need that diet in my life.  

OMG these two HAVE GOT TO learn a common language. Duo Lingo app, people!!!! Also I saw Paul wearing a Staehle Fabricating shirt that was blue w/the khakis I think that explains why Paul has this uniform of blue shirt and khakis, this Fabricating place I believe his dad owns, has the Blue top , khakis uniform a la Best Buy. 


I think she knows her daughter is PG. Dad doesn't. Mom does. She is covering for her like Lady Grantham covering for Lady Mary & Mr. Pamuk on Downton Abbey. Mom Kareeenee is trying to get her married pronto. 

Yes! That is EXACTLY how I interpret her tears.  She's not crying because her daughter has hooked her wagon to Paul...she's crying because now her daughter is in the unfortunate situation where *that* is the best choice.

Edited by LocalGovt
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On 9/3/2018 at 6:03 PM, Meowwww said:

I have steak as my dinner entree all the time.  And I live in Wisconsin.  I thought it was normal to have steak as the main entree?

Totally normal ! Darcy says her kids prefer other stuff like chicken & spaghetti /meatballs and they wound up with steaks.  I think Jesse chose . And those huge cattleman steaks were what he likes.  Not the kids. 

4 minutes ago, LocalGovt said:

Yes! That is EXACTLY how I interpret her tears.  She's not crying because he daughter has hooked her wagon to Paul...she's crying because now her daughter is in the unfortunate situation where *that* is the best choice.

Exactly !  And I don't think Father Karine is in the loop. 

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7 hours ago, Empress Josephine said:

Same.  I have very little sympathy for her. I also had no sympathy for Annie and for some reason, she was also a fan favourite for victimhood/ circumstances 'forcing' her to go for a man she clearly has no attraction towards. 


I think Hazel may still with the father of her child and is scamming Tarik. She is not innocent and being upfront her intentions does not make them any more honorable in my opinion.  I guess it is not very PC  but I will say this...yes, a lot of these men have outdated and gross Asian women fetishes, but to act like a lot of these Asian women are not playing into the stereotypes if it will benefit and help them get to America is silly. Dean had every right to ask why she was avoiding eye contact and stalling on questions. If you tell the truth, you don't have to think and you also don't avoid eye contact.  His approach could have been much better but I am also glad he did not back down. His brother Tarik is an imbecile who seems a bit touched and clearly needs the situation spelled out. I only wish Dean had brought up how Tarik also decided to abandon his little girl to go chasing a woman he only knew for two weeks.


While I don't blame Dean because he wasn't going cross cultural for a possible mate before Tarik booked a flight he should have at least looked to see how the cultures diverged.  In this case Hazel is an Asian she is  not Asian American. Filipinos as a rule do not make direct eye contact as Dean does or confront people in public, there is the camera there always, like Dean was demanding, It is rude behavior. And Dean in  tripping over just about every local custom confirmed another ugly American had arrived to a foreign land.

Edited by Raja
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16 hours ago, eatsleep said:

Tarik is the one with everything to lose - 10 yrs of financial support and his daughter's stability - if Hazel isn't who he hopes she is.

Torgo is not the one leaving home and family for a totally alien culture and dependent on one single person for not only her happiness but her very existence.  Torgo is not the one being presented with a child whose special needs I guarantee you are beyond Hazel's ability to cope with without a lot of training, patience and self-sacrifice.  Tardis is not the one being expected to love someone she hardly knows, although Tardis is the one who seemingly equates sex with a young Asian woman with love, so I'm not convinced that Hazel is loved by Torgo in any way I'd want to be loved.  Torgo is not the person who will be totally dependent for her financial security on a person whose life she knows next to nothing about except that her new brother-in-law thinks she's an unfit mother and a scammer.  Torgo is the one who holds all the power in this union:  he can leave and forget about Hazel, and his life will be as good as it ever was.  Hazel has the option of saying no, she won't marry Tardis, and her life will be as hard as it was before.  Saying no is the only power she holds, and she desperately wants to say yes.

She's no saint--who is?--but she's definitely not the person in control here.  If Torgo feels she doesn't love him, all he has to do is leave.  If he can't discern "real love" at his age, or what he's willing to accept as "real love," that's on him, not her.  What could she possibly be lying about that would influence him?  That she abandoned her son so she could live the high life in Manila?  Say that's true--so what?  So she's a selfish, shallow person trying to harvest the American dollar.  If he's too stupid to figure that out, he deserves to be scammed.  He's getting what he wants.  He's an adult, and a father.

Is Hazel capable of ensnaring this unsuspecting round-eyed sucker?  He gets no sympathy from me.

If he allows a bad marriage to disrupt his daughter's life, that's on him.  Nobody is forcing these people to get married, or to stay married.  If he's looking out for his daughter, he should be able to tell within a short time that Hazel isn't good for her.  A loving father then says goodbye to Hazel, and his daughter is fine.  A guy on dick-drive closes his eyes to a bad stepmother, and the daughter suffers--but that's on him, not Hazel.

And it's apparently worth $10,000 to Torgo to sample Hazel's wares.  He's probably spent close to that already on his quest for the goodie.

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18 hours ago, Kangatush said:

My friend is half Filipino.  Her dad was in the military, met her mom there, and they moved here.  Her sister is actually her cousin.  Because of the perceived much greater opportunities in America, her parents legally adopted her cousin so she could live in the states.  No abuse, or neglect, was happening, just poverty.  It was all about what was in the best interest of the child.  I don't judge Hazel for not having custody.  I'll judge her integrity until I know she's been clear with Tarik about her motives.  All her honesty so far has been during THs, not in conversations with him. 

Another reason Dean might have been so fierce with Hazel about her parenting skills is that he sees his brother raising a special needs daughter all alone, so presumably her mother has big character flaws and he wants to make sure his brother isn't just playing out the exact same scenario with another woman.  He still needed a better approach.

It looks like Tarik shares custody with his ex wife. It was shown him giving theirndaughternto her before he left, presumably she is a safe choice for whom to leave the child if he did. 

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Did Darci ever say why they were staying at an AirBnB as opposed to her condo?  Is it because her twin lives with her?  I personally would much rather be in my own surroundings, with my own cookware rather than living out of a suitcase.  The whole steak thing was strange to me.  Why cook a steak in a skillet?  They're so much better on a grill.  And aren't you supposed to cover the rice-a-roni when it's cooking so that it steams?  I'm surprised she even cooked rice-a-roni, as opposed to regular rice.

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6 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Totally normal ! Darcy says her kids prefer other stuff like chicken & spaghetti /meatballs and they wound up with steaks.  I think Jesse chose . And those huge cattleman steaks were what he likes.  Not the kids. 

Exactly !  And I don't think Father Karine is in the loop. 

I have a feeling if he knew someone would be getting beaten up. 

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2 hours ago, Phoebe70 said:

Did Darci ever say why they were staying at an AirBnB as opposed to her condo?  Is it because her twin lives with her?  I personally would much rather be in my own surroundings, with my own cookware rather than living out of a suitcase.  The whole steak thing was strange to me.  Why cook a steak in a skillet?  They're so much better on a grill.  And aren't you supposed to cover the rice-a-roni when it's cooking so that it steams?  I'm surprised she even cooked rice-a-roni, as opposed to regular rice.

She never explained, but I know some reality shows have had issues with filming in certain condos or flat complexes because of management and tenant complaints. It's very possible neighbours weren't going to be on board with a camera crew filming at all hours or even their faces being blurred out. I noticed in Nicole's shoe box, we never saw any of the other residents--even in passing. 

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31 minutes ago, AussieBabe said:

She never explained, but I know some reality shows have had issues with filming in certain condos or flat complexes because of management and tenant complaints. It's very possible neighbours weren't going to be on board with a camera crew filming at all hours or even their faces being blurred out. I noticed in Nicole's shoe box, we never saw any of the other residents--even in passing. 

Also given the layout of her condo, filming might not have been ideal, extra bodies, equipment etc. 

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So Hazel might be trying to harvest the America dollar... 

but then we have Tariq tryin to harvest the Filipino pussy.. 

I’d say things just got a whole lot stupider..

5 hours ago, iwasish said:
6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:


Yeah, I can see Ricky as a quicky

Ya for sure! Especially since he will be fantasizing that’s it’s Melissa...

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I’m pretty sure she mentioned it was because she lives with her sister and she wanted them to have privacy... 

you know Darci doesn’t share attention well, even with her own sister she’d be jealous as all hell. 


I replied to the the wrong person and cannot figure out how to fix it.. this was for aussiebabe 

Edited by Mainer
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