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4 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

That family doesn't live particularly well. Considering that there is an income from a nurse. an adult daughter (whatever she does), child support for the kids and Social Security for the ill Mother - that's not exactly peanuts. I would imagine that much of their income goes to cigarettes, booze, fast food and lottery tickets. 

True.  But I'm still amazed how these rednecks have any money to spare at all on plane tickets.  And I thought she was a nurse's assistant in Hospice.  Not sure that would pay all that well.  Does her daughter live with her in that small house?  Didn't she mention having six grandkids? Are they all her daughter's kids?

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1 hour ago, Barbara Please said:

Paul. Oh were to begin with this guy? Karine is definitely taking him on the green card ride. I'd worry for her if things go south because with Paul's prior history she might end up dead in a ditch somewhere. He gives off the creepiest vibes. 


It looks like she's already playing around on him.  She's just another online scammer.  She milks Paul for gifts while she looks for a better prospect to marry.  And on a side note, I cringe every time he says Kareen-y, the way he enunciates it is creepy.

Edited by Dobian
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50 minutes ago, LocalGovt said:

Oh, I knew that from the very beginning...those pictures she sent him -- in the water, were very provocative.

and if you'll recall, they could barely communicate and she kept pressing him for when they could be "intimate" maybe she thought she needed that to seal the deal.  But I can't imagine she was so hot for him as soon as he got there with his fully body condom that she had to have him, especially when they couldn't even say hello to each other in each other's language...btw, has Pole learned any Portuguese since he's left Brazil?  Or is this great love affair still being conducted via google translate???

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3 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

Are people really willing to appear this stupid on TV? The money must be real good.  

Given the amount of people vying for spots, the invasion of privacy and harsh criticisms, it has to be more than the $1,000 per episode that is being bandied about.

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I actually think that if Paul enacts any retaliatory plans towards Karine if they break-up that her father would have no problem disappearing Paul.  I love that the dad wants to see his criminal records.  Paul may be returning home much sooner than originally planned.

I don't think that any of these couples will make it.  Rachel and John may appear to be a real match (especially as he is paying for Lucy's day care), but I think the depth of his criminal record and potentially related issues will prevent him from being able to come to the U.S. even if Rachel continues her relationship with him.

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12 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Marlboro Angie is very excited about that big age difference. She's very proud of this! Sometimes she tries to sound like a little girl but it's a huge strain on her tar-coated vocal chords, she quickly reverts to her ordinary unpaved-road voice. Where does she live again? Sandusky, GA? She is one of these people that know nothing, aren't curious about anything, but have the hubris to argue with other people like they're experts.  She argues with her daughter about "the law" while claiming, falsely, that she's "not a dummy." "We was married 5 years" "I'm fiddy-two!" Brilliant. What do you think Africa will be like? "Hot!.... and.... er... strange?" Her daughter asks her what she'll eat over there (hopefully thinking about food safety an parasites!) but the idiot doesn't want to think about this inconvenient detail. Thinking hurts! What if they're serving possum? Did you know that Nigeria is a state in the great country of Africa? Its flag the perfect sheet cake frosting design for celebrating Nigeria in a white trash dive bar.  That sure was an incongruous scene. It's fascinating how these scammers motivate these room-temperature IQ morons to do complicated things like get a passport and vaccinations.  Not that they can afford any of this, in her rush to propose to a man she's never met, she hit the pawn shop for a ring under $300 and had to put it on lay away.  Cultural question: is "she's got a big heart" the new "bless her heart?"

Rachel Here's another superficial one.   He's hawt! Let me show his picture! Oh so he can't get a visa because his physical violence puts people in the hospital. He's hawt! Don't get me wrong, that little girl is precious, but Rachel's carelessness about important things like contraception doesn't speak highly of her decision-making abilities. Jon does seem to care for her (he's the one sending her money!), but there is no way this guy doesn't have a temper. Speaking of good decisions, wiping carrot puree off a baby's face is always appreciated.

Ricky please. He also makes terrible life decisions by walking straight towards whatever direction his boner is pointing. His daughter is already parenting him, and he's asking her questions like she's his life coach, then ignores her advice. If he's going to trouble his child with his romantic adult issues and painfully obvious bad decisions, at least he should pay heed, but no, he only wanted validation. From. His. Child. She says, "take the time to know her" and he blurts out "I got a ring I'm going to propose!" That little girl needs to give him a pad of paper and make him copy "I am still legally married" 500 times. He actually pretends to believe that this ho (I mean nurse) that he's never facetimed with is going to be a "mother figure." Facepalm. His erection is sending her money every week because it wants to make sure she doesn't pay attention to other dicks, and Ricky wants to put a ring on it before she changes her mind. "Why the resistance?" wonders Ricky's penis, when "Melissa" answers "ok" to everything now that he's coming, instead of the expected "I can't wait to see you." "She's just nervous!" says Ricky's hard on. I hope he's getting catfished, the viewers need to see that. Especially the ones that are probably being catfished as we speak.

Pole and Karine Karine is seriously stupid, or the two of them are sexually into her infantilisation. She's making this idiot sail up the Amazon with poop emoji pillows and unicorn novelty garbage. Really? There's nothing practical she actually needs? Is she mentally 8 yrs old, or is she playing this up for Pole's benefit? Given some of his unsavory past history, some of which is wisely not alluded to on the show, I'm betting on the latter. The show also didn't explain why Pole has abandoned the K1 visa in favor of marrying Karine in Brazil, but your first guess is probably correct. I'm embarrassed for Mother Pole for finding his sex toys - I'm gonna say, a sparkly, pastel rainbow unicorn horn dildo, and a butt plug decorated with Mickey Mouse pictures.

Darcey I approve of your French accent. I believe the Silva twins are trust fund babies and their "business" is just a front to make it look like they're earning it. Darcey's cousin sure  isn't a marital counselor "Don't bend," she advises her, wrongly. Is the basis  of a good relationship "no compromise?" STFU. The boutique encounter was such an obvious setup, Darcey walks in with red bottoms and a Louis Vuitton scarf, she was not shopping at what probably was, for her, the store equivalent of Goodwill. She did look great, congratulations to her dermatologist, and her makeup was trendy and on point. Jesse is a condescending pedant, but she handles him in the worst possible way by immediately getting upset instead of brushing it off, or giving him an intelligent answer - intelligent answers may be above her pay grade. She knows he's not into makeup, she asks him how he likes her makeup. Why is she asking him this question when she knows the answer will pain her? She could tell him she put makeup on for TV and she'll tone it down later. He's impatient because she doesn't recognize the stadium off the highway? She could explain how New York is a huge city and you don't know every building, and Jeebus, make some conversation about the things you do know about the city, or the landmarks on the road back home. She's  not very smart, and has a victim complex which is the perfect foil for Jesse's testy arrogance.

Excellent Post! 


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17 hours ago, DVDFreaker said:

Rachel sending Jon her umbilical cord is creepy!!

Between that, the daycare Jon covers, and hearing he tried to rush to the birth...something isn’t right with this couple. I am having a hard time buying that her traveling to London is her first time meeting this guy. I am very skeptical.

Jesse is an asshole. Darcy lives in CT - not every person in CT knows NY well. Darcy didn’t even know they were in Queens so why was Jesse pointing out random buildings and asking her to identify them? What a dick.

Angela and her ignorant friends...wow. The comment about Nigeria being a state was just so offensive. Why do people have no interest in basic geography? And then Michael in the previews wearing a MAGA hat. I just can’t. 

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25 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Angie and her daughter look almost the same age.  And I'm not saying Angie looks young.  Both apparently don't know what a dentist is.  And how do people so stupid have enough money to send anywhere?  Are they not paying their own bills?  How can you be that stupid and survive?

Did I miss the part where Angie said she was sending money to the guy from Nigeria? I was listening for it because I was sure that was the scam but didn't hear. 

I also thought she had dentures and once I noticed it became distracting. 

Was also waiting for the appearance of booze and cigarettes and she held that drink and smoke in one hand like a pro. 

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15 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

I reside in Ohio.  On behalf of many many many wonderful sane residents of the Buckeye State, please don't judge us as a whole by the participants on this TV show!  I realize that areas of my fine state may be harboring and nurturing some of these train wrecks but I assure you, great people of the internet both US based and worldwide,  that most Ohioans are NOT the Danielle/Ricky/Seans of the world.

I love you all and thank you.


Yeah! What Happy said!

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3 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

esse is an asshole. Darcy lives in CT - not every person in CT knows NY well. Darcy didn’t even know they were in Queens so why was Jesse pointing out random buildings and asking her to identify them? What a dick.

Whoever once told this ball gargler that he's mankind's gift to women did us all a disservice, most particularly Darcy.  She is dumb as a box of rocks to put up with his shit.  He's not handsome, he's an asshole and he probably can't even tickle her box right.  Wouldn't surprise me if he was actually sexually fluid.

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10 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

Between that, the daycare Jon covers, and hearing he tried to rush to the birth...something isn’t right with this couple. I am having a hard time buying that her traveling to London is her first time meeting this guy. I am very skeptical.

Jesse is an asshole. Darcy lives in CT - not every person in CT knows NY well. Darcy didn’t even know they were in Queens so why was Jesse pointing out random buildings and asking her to identify them? What a dick.

Angela and her ignorant friends...wow. The comment about Nigeria being a state was just so offensive. Why do people have no interest in basic geography? And then Michael in the previews wearing a MAGA hat. I just can’t. 

That is what I'm thinking. Something more is up. 

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2 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

You don't come off of an international flight looking or smelling fresh unless you fly on one of the Emirates suites with the private showers.

Jesse always looks like he smells bad, plane or no plane.

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5 minutes ago, CafeAuLait said:

Whoever once told this ball gargler that he's mankind's gift to women did us all a disservice, most particularly Darcy.  She is dumb as a box of rocks to put up with his shit.  He's not handsome, he's an asshole and he probably can't even tickle her box right.  Wouldn't surprise me if he was actually sexually fluid.


How could he be anything but an asshole - step daddy is a HUGE asshole. They are both full of themselves and think they are God's gift to the planet. Step daddy thinks he's soooo eccentric and creative when in fact he is creepy & weird ala Pole.

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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

Yes! And in those pictures of him wearing a suit, all I could think of was the Geico Caveman Lawyer. Maybe he's just not MY type, but I don't get all Rachel's "he's SO good looking!" and "I never thought a guy this handsome would be attracted to me," comments. 

Thanks to whoever mentioned that she used filters on the karaoke app, I couldn't figure out why she looked different on it than in real life. I guess that's what all the teeny boppers are doing nowadays. 

Rachel seems like she has incredibly low self esteem. John looks like the brother of Niv on Catfish. Rachel also looks kind of "post-partem" to me ... why is she on karaoke apps ?? It sounds so lonely. :/

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14 hours ago, magemaud said:

I guess I missed my big chance. One day a Facebook message popped up from someone I didn’t know that said I was pretty and he (?) would like to get to know me better. 

Oh and I SWORE to myself I wouldn’t watch anymore. 

 I get those all the time on Facebook.  Very creepy and I always delete them.  She seems to be very naive for someone in her 50’s.  

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1 hour ago, Barbara Please said:

and liberally spritzing herself with perfume before the Angry Dutchman entered the scene was kind of sad.

Wasn't it Darcey who doused herself in perfume in the rest room at the Amsterdam airport after she got off the plane when she was meeting Jesse in person? She just looks like the type who always wears really strong perfume and reapplies it frequently. 

edited to add: She probably also spritzed herself in the rest room at JFK, before the flight. If so, I pity her poor seat mate. 

Edited by magemaud
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I couldn't stop staring at Angie's gray teeth. They aren't yellow. They're gray. Can you imagine her breath from all the booze and cigarettes? The Nigerian prince/scammer will plead Ramadan as soon as she arrives as the reason he can't touch her or kiss her. Shades of Mo and Azan using their religion as the reason for no physical contact. 

The baby is really cute. I felt sorry for her as she was getting packed off to England with her crazy Mommy. Poor little thing. She didn't ask for any of this.

The blow-up doll in Columbia is a catfish for sure. It will be interesting to see who shows up to meet Ricky.

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34 minutes ago, PinkFlamingo said:

Did I miss the part where Angie said she was sending money to the guy from Nigeria? I was listening for it because I was sure that was the scam but didn't hear. 

I also thought she had dentures and once I noticed it became distracting. 

Was also waiting for the appearance of booze and cigarettes and she held that drink and smoke in one hand like a pro. 

If those are dentures then she has a HUGE lawsuit against the dentist!

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3 minutes ago, nr65000 said:

That was my first thought as well.  I also think the following: 1) Jon is also making good use of the filters on the lip synching app, the preview of next week showing the two of them together made it seem like he wasn't exactly as attractive as he appeared while crooning his lip sync, a little googly eyed maybe?  2)  If I am flying to England to meet the love of my life I am probably not wearing an old pair of jeans and sweatshirt...I mean Rachel doesn't have to go full Darcy but she could maybe change out of her house cleaning duds and 3) speaking of Darcy..I was really struck by how fast Jesse went from "OMG LET ME TOUCH YOU" in the airport to "makeup isn't for everyone" ice cold in the car.  Chilling.

I know what you mean, he seemed so happy to see her and hold her in his arms..... and then bam! insult. 

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14 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Darcey allows Jesse to treat her that way. Except for visiting America, I have no idea what his game is right now. He too needs to deal with his own issues and 'fix' himself. I would haul him off to Times Square and leave him there - hopefully his visit to the US is short and he can find a cheap place to stay, see the sights, and go home.

I think Darcy likes it. In a 50-shades-of-gray sort of way.

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6 minutes ago, Matty said:

I couldn't stop staring at Angie's gray teeth. They aren't yellow. They're gray. Can you imagine her breath from all the booze and cigarettes? The Nigerian prince/scammer will plead Ramadan as soon as she arrives as the reason he can't touch her or kiss her. Shades of Mo and Azan using their religion as the reason for no physical contact. 

The baby is really cute. I felt sorry for her as she was getting packed off to England with her crazy Mommy. Poor little thing. She didn't ask for any of this.

The blow-up doll in Columbia is a catfish for sure. It will be interesting to see who shows up to meet Ricky.

That would be interesting, considering Angie prayed for "A Christian man."  I'm assuming "Michael" claims to be Christian.

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16 hours ago, Deni said:

I thought that was why they showed the photos of his parents. To me he was saying that they had a happy marriage because they were from the same culture. That, paired with the photos of his ex wives who appear to be white, and that he said that his name is Ricardo. 

My husband's family has Hispanic roots.  He is "white".  "White" is a race.  His culture, however, is Hispanic, much like my culture is Czech. But we are both "white."  Hispanic/Latino is not a race.

Edited by LocalGovt
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5 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

I watch this show to point and laugh at trashy lunatics who choose to embarrass themselves on reality TV, not to see someone's poor mother paraded in front of the camera as she is dying of cancer.  That broke my heart.  Don't do that again, TLC, you sickos.

I know, right? Also how does Georgia mama find the time to go to Nigeria when her poor mother is near death? 

Speaking of TLC being sicko's, leave the 12 year old out of the TH's, please. All by herself, no less. That is uncalled for. Poor child has no business being involved in her stupid dad's shennagins. Where is the mother of this child?

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1 minute ago, bichonblitz said:

I know, right? Also how does Georgia mama find the time to go to Nigeria when her poor mother is near death? 

Speaking of TLC being sicko's, leave the 12 year old out of the TH's, please. All by herself, no less. That is uncalled for. Poor child has no business being involved in her stupid dad's shennagins. Where is the mother of this child?

He said that his daughter lives with him, so many the mother isn't able to be around or lost custody. 

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56 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

Between that, the daycare Jon covers, and hearing he tried to rush to the birth...something isn’t right with this couple. I am having a hard time buying that her traveling to London is her first time meeting this guy. I am very skeptical.

Ah, true.  I actually thought the baby looked like him.

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

True.  But I'm still amazed how these rednecks have any money to spare at all on plane tickets.  And I thought she was a nurse's assistant in Hospice.  Not sure that would pay all that well.  Does her daughter live with her in that small house?  Didn't she mention having six grandkids? Are they all her daughter's kids?

I am pretty sure she said that she’s a nurse’s assistant. She also said she worked many hours to afford the trip to Nigeria. My cousin makes $18/hr as an assistant and she lives in a huge city. I bet Angela isn’t making much in her area.

Edited by trimthatfat
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2 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

I am pretty sure she said that she’s a nurse’s assistant.

Unfortunately, nurse's assistants make very low wages. Too low to be buying engagement rings and flying to Nigeria. 

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17 hours ago, emjohnson03 said:

Darcy lives like 30 minutes from me and that's both funny and odd. Like girl, Jesse is NOT into you. What was up with him in the car? What a douche.

HI neighbor. I'm about 30 minutes away too. I was surprised by her house. I imagines her living in what we call Condo Hell in Middletown. I work in Rocky Hill and coworkers

call it that.

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6 hours ago, fountain said:

Jesse is an ass.  If someone says to you that you need to fix your issues to make him happy that is a no go

Jesse is a verbal abuser. If they spent any real time together it would turn in to physical abuse. He has gaslighting down to an art.  Yes, Darcy, it's all you. YOU are the crazy one, YOU need to change, YOU need to fix yourself, YOU need to look right, dress right, talk right, kiss my ass right, etc etc.  My bigger problem is with her. She keeps coming back for more. What is making her think and hope things will change? This woman has some serious issues and if she says Jesse is the love of her life one more time I'm going to throw something at my TeeVee. 

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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

Wasn't it Darcey who doused herself in perfume in the rest room at the Amsterdam airport after she got off the plane when she was meeting Jesse in person? She just looks like the type who always wears really strong perfume and reapplies it frequently. 

Yes! She ran into the Duty Free and doused herself in perfume and freshened up with every.single.open.tester. She bottle in the cosmetic section.

I would’ve killed Darcey for using her fragrance as an air freshener/body spray at the airport if I was nearby. What about consideration for the other people around her?

Chanel fragrances last all day long for a reason. Darcey was literally covering up some of her insecurities as she doused herself with freakin perfume. I swear I could taste it through my TV. 

One of my biggest pet peeves is when clueless idiots apply fragranced products in  an enclosed area in a public place. The scent lingers, causes headaches and everyone ends up tasting it. I was also taught that any type of grooming is to be done in the bathroom/at home, not in public. She is such a 14 year old girl on the inside in so many ways and it’s sad. (Ask me how many bottles of body splash & scented hand lotion are in the bag of the average high school female and I will tell you.) 

I agree with the poster(s) who said Darcey allows Jesse to treat her horribly. She lets him get away with the shit that he does and says nothing about it. She can think all of the positive thoughts she wants, but he’s not a mind reader. Good luck with that communication choice.

I thought Darcey was pissed off at Jesse because he didn’t initially “oooh and aah” over her weight loss & toned down make up.

Now that I think about it, and it pains me to say anything nice about Jesse, but if he does actually like her, he could be one of those guys who simply doesn’t care how much she weighs, hence no “oohs and aahs” over her losing weight. 

He might also simply want to be with someone who has the brains to wear cross trainers to ride bikes/spend the day walking around a city instead of sky high heels, yet he’s still dumb enough to think that person might be Darcey.

Edited by Bridget
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9 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

My bigger problem is with her. She keeps coming back for more

We teach people how to treat us.  If she had shut it down at the beginning it would be a different story today but that of course would have meant she would not have gone any further with her relationship with her Dutch Boy.  But we all know that she is like a dog with a bone and will not let go of Jesse no matter what.  I guess with her bad attention is better than no attention.

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4 hours ago, hisbunkie said:


And Darcey...nobody likes it when people spray themselves with perfume!  Especially young men—another grandma thing.  Stop that!

THIS!  I was gagging and choking just watching her spray perfume all over herself at the airport. 

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27 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Unfortunately, nurse's assistants make very low wages. Too low to be buying engagement rings and flying to Nigeria. 

It's beyond stupid.  

When her mother will need money to pay for treatment or food for her family (and I'm sure Mr. Nigeria will not be sending her money even though he has professed his undying love for her) but somehow she will always have a way to buy an airplane ticket or send him money.

I bet he pawns any ring she would buy him and then tell her some story about being mugged. 


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Although I think Darcey probably hopes for romance to blossom again, I feel like she and Jesse are really doing this for the $$ and fame that TLC brings.  I believe HE thinks he comes off as being some deep guy by telling her that make-up isn't important and that beauty comes from within. He has his "Applied Pyschology" biz branding he's working on.

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2 hours ago, Rabithed said:

Rachel also has a 7 year old?  So she has the 7 year old and baby Lucy? 

Yup.  And lucky for the seven-year-old her father is willing to watch her while Rachel is out of the country so the she doesn’t have to be so involved in this mess.  If the child’s dad was really smart he would put his foot down and demand that his child not be involved in this show or shown on camera at all.

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1 hour ago, nr65000 said:

That was my first thought as well.  I also think the following: 1) Jon is also making good use of the filters on the lip synching app, the preview of next week showing the two of them together made it seem like he wasn't exactly as attractive as he appeared while crooning his lip sync, a little googly eyed maybe? 


I thought the same thing!  He looked handsome on the app, not so much IRL.

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19 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

Ricky is Jorge. Is Melissa Pao or Anfisa? I was right, recycling stories. Plus bad reception like Nicole and Azan. Plus Ricky's daughter is smarter than he is just like Molly's daughter.

I have to say, I actually think Ricky is a good guy, I just think he's been looking for love in all the wrong places. He seems like a good father, but some of these guys are just so naive.  Instead of looking at the hot t&a, they need to look more to the character of the girl, and they just don't...

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50 minutes ago, Bridget said:


He might also simply want someone who has the brains to wear cross trainers to ride bikes/spend the day walking around a city instead of sky high heels, yet he’s still dumb enough to think that person might be Darcey.

No. He's an abusive jerk. There are plenty of strong, athletic women he could date, but they wouldn't put up with his crap. So he went for an insecure older primadonna. He gets off on it. It makes his tiny weenie get hard. 

Edited by Barbara Please
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Did none of these newbie’s not watch past seasons of this show? Angela and Michael are the new Molly and Luis. If it smells like a scam, looks like a scam, then it’s most likely a scam! This will not end well. 

I’m hoping Jon keeps getting refused a Visa. He sounds dangerous, what’s scary is the little 8 month old baby her stupid mother is exposing her to this man of questionable character. 

I can’t understand why Darcy puts up with Jesse. He’s such an asshole. Darcy is a pretty girl, she could probably get a nice guy here. And she knows this guy is not treating her right so why think it’s a good idea to have him around her daughters? 

Kareenie is still desperate for a green card. What other reason to hang on to Pole. Stuffed animals? Unicorn shoes? Sex toys? Ew! 

Ricky seems like a nice guy but he’s looking for love in all the wrong places. Why would he think that someone flashing their boobs all over the internet would be a good stepmom for his daughters? I don’t understand these people who are parents at all. 

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Just now, Straycat80 said:

Did none of these newbie’s not watch past seasons of this show? Angela and Michael are the new Molly and Luis. If it smells like a scam, looks like a scam, then it’s most likely a scam! This will not end well. 

I’m hoping Jon keeps getting refused a Visa. He sounds dangerous, what’s scary is the little 8 month old baby her stupid mother is exposing her to this man of questionable character. 

I can’t understand why Darcy puts up with Jesse. He’s such an asshole. Darcy is a pretty girl, she could probably get a nice guy here. And she knows this guy is not treating her right so why think it’s a good idea to have him around her daughters? 

Kareenie is still desperate for a green card. What other reason to hang on to Pole. Stuffed animals? Unicorn shoes? Sex toys? Ew! 

Ricky seems like a nice guy but he’s looking for love in all the wrong places. Why would he think that someone flashing their boobs all over the internet would be a good stepmom for his daughters? I don’t understand these people who are parents at all. 

I was thinking the same thing---- this is the person you want to help raise your daughter? She looked like you could rent her for the night! 

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12 minutes ago, PityFree said:

 Stuffed animals, adult onesies, and sex toys sound like a cam girl kit.  I think I know how she’s going to make money when she dumps Paul.

You are a bonafide genius. That's it! And so gross if she is playing out some pedo pre-teen role playing. She should watch Anfisa's experience with that. 

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