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Season 7 Discussion

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43 minutes ago, jennylauren123 said:

Oh, yeah. I'm finding that there are all sorts of rules for older folks. As always, I am ignoring them. Our hair should not be too long, it should not be too dark, we shouldn't party, we shouldn't wear shorts, we shouldn't wear shorter dresses, we shouldn't wear bright make up, and we shouldn't take up space or make noise or have strong opinions or speak too loudly--but those rules go for women from the time of birth, actually.

Eff that nonsense.


As a person that is moving into that old age group - I'll say I've earned the right to do what I please, but I also have the maturity to know there are costs. And I have enough confidence to stop caring about what others think. I've developed enough of a moral and ethical compass to know whether or not my actions will truly harm others, and long hair and shorts will not do that. 

As for this episode - I don't get what Mike was so upset about? That he slept with someone? Isn't that a logical conclusion when everyone else is back, and when they wake up you have not slept in your bed?

Why did Neema and Shervin go early and then not walk Gigi through a pitch? She has a great story - between her hearing and RA issues, and a reason to start her company. Did she not even watch a repeat of Shark Tank? I don't get why she is so unprepared. 

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MJ is wearing that dress to walk down the isle and get married. Then I think I heard Reza say that she was changing into a jumpsuit because “girl can rock a jumpsuit”. I’m glad she has a doesn’t give a rat’s ass about what other people think and just goes for what she wants and likes. That’s bravery to me. 

I think that GG was trying to get prepped and then got stoned. She had that stoner grin on her face when she got onstage. It’s a shame she couldn’t pull off her marketing approach because I would have liked to see her succeed at her pot business. You can only make that first impression once and I don’t know that she will ever have a bigger audience of willing financial backers again. 

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6 minutes ago, nenya said:

I don't get why she is so unprepared. 

Because she is vapid AND vaped.  So much that she actually thinks some cannibussers haven't heard of inhalers.  Such an entitled fucking twit, that one.  She deserves to be the only pot entrepreneur in California who doesn't succeed.

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28 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

MJ is wearing that dress to walk down the isle and get married. Then I think I heard Reza say that she was changing into a jumpsuit because “girl can rock a jumpsuit”. I’m glad she has a doesn’t give a rat’s ass about what other people think and just goes for what she wants and likes. That’s bravery to me. 

I think that GG was trying to get prepped and then got stoned. She had that stoner grin on her face when she got onstage. It’s a shame she couldn’t pull off her marketing approach because I would have liked to see her succeed at her pot business. You can only make that first impression once and I don’t know that she will ever have a bigger audience of willing financial backers again. 

Where in the world did GG get the idea that she’s Queen Shit?! Her parents did her no favors if they enabled such entitled ridiculousness.

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25 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

Because she is vapid AND vaped.  So much that she actually thinks some cannibussers haven't heard of inhalers.  Such an entitled fucking twit, that one.  She deserves to be the only pot entrepreneur in California who doesn't succeed.

Well that proves how out of it that I am. I didn’t know about inhalers. Just the kind you get for wheezing like Albuterol. Here you can’t even get medical marijuana which is stupid since my state grew really good tobacco back in the day. We have some of the worst school systems and teachers aren’t paid a living wage. All that taxable income could do so much for so many (besides line the pockets of our crooked politicians). GG not succeeding does not bother me. Someone will always enable her but it sure isn’t going to look cute in 10-20 years when she loses her figure and looks. 

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1 hour ago, jennylauren123 said:

Oh, yeah. I'm finding that there are all sorts of rules for older folks. As always, I am ignoring them. Our hair should not be too long, it should not be too dark, we shouldn't party, we shouldn't wear shorts, we shouldn't wear shorter dresses, we shouldn't wear bright make up, and we shouldn't take up space or make noise or have strong opinions or speak too loudly--but those rules go for women from the time of birth, actually.

You have a point to a point.  These people are aged 37 (GG) to their mid 40s (Mike, Reza and MJ).  If my 21 year old acted like this I would have a big problem.  It's not cute of funny when you are on the wrong side of 40.  They get stinking drunk, fight, argue, and I am sorry but dress like crap.

33 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:
46 minutes ago, nenya said:

I don't get why she is so unprepared. 

Because she is vapid AND vaped.

At my next circle, ala That 70s show, I am using this statement.  Thank you.

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6 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Well that proves how out of it that I am. I didn’t know about inhalers. Just the kind you get for wheezing like Albuterol. Here you can’t even get medical marijuana which is stupid since my state grew really good tobacco back in the day. We have some of the worst school systems and teachers aren’t paid a living wage. All that taxable income could do so much for so many (besides line the pockets of our crooked politicians). GG not succeeding does not bother me. Someone will always enable her but it sure isn’t going to look cute in 10-20 years when she loses her figure and looks. 

She's already lost her looks, IMHO.

Oh, and how stupid is a state that sanctions cancer sticks, but not the miracle medicinal plant that could help a person dying from the ravages of said product?  My mind boggles ...


1 minute ago, jumper sage said:

At my next circle, ala That 70s show, I am using this statement.  Thank you.

You are ever so welcome.  Vapid is a sorely underused term, and vaped is seriously over-used.  Perfect harmony.  :-)

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3 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Sorry, still stuck on the presentation. I realize that being on reality TV =/= making business pitches or public speaking, but you’d think that after six seasons (plus this one) of being on TV, GG would be at least minimally aware that the people watching you will make judgments about you, and that mayyyyybe she should try to put her best foot forward. She’s all about never working a day in her life and now being THE BOSS, but not ACTUALLY putting any work in that real successful bosses do. 

Nema seems actually vaguely together and I think GG is gonna grow tiresome for him pretty soon.

She was high, wasn't she? And I do agree that Nema is going to grow tired of her immaturity.

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6 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

She is always high.

And yes, haven't we all tired of her immaturity by now?

GG's whole "pitch" was basically:

Hi it's me GG, don't you know who I am. I'm high AF right now and you should be too, here are some pretty pictures and numbers behind me. Give your money to me!

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9 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I guess I'll have to choose GG, because she was mean to her cat.

I've been meaning to say this about GG's cat, maybe it's been said? I'm surprised that there hasn't been  more SL made of it by GG.


That cat, I believe is a Bengal. They are a shitshow to own. I've met one in person once myself. It was the day of my son's father's funeral. We'd had the wake at the huge nursery the family owned and outside in the carpark, waiting for a cab home, there appeared this sensational cat. They are amazing to behold with their sleek bright markings and incredible eyes. On enquiry, as this wasn't a residential area, I learned that the cat had adopted the nursery, that sometimes it slept in certain 'locked'equiptment sheds and that it had attacked a worker already who had tried to feed it. I mean ATTACKED. Flew at a human at head height that it perceived was a threat. i love cats and freaks (I have polydactyl maine coons when I have cats), so I wanted to take it home. But the nursery had collectively recognised it as a 'wild thing' and sort of adopted it and its fiest as a kind of mascot. in another situation, this cat would have been removed and destroyed. They don't do well as pets. It's a fact. This one had run away from a domestic situation as they are rare here. 

I'm SURPRISED Gigi hasn't made a big deal of having a 'wild' cat cos she's a wild girl. On a sadder note, the other Bengal that I know of was given to a 'no kill' shelter.  It was the only cat they ever destroyed when it pulled the same move as the cat from the nursery. It needed help and flew repeatedly at the shelter owner's head when she tried to enter the enclosure. That cat was shot. I would not be surprised to suddenly stop seeing Gigi's cat next season. They are hard work and they're not tame. I think this is why so much footage has been recorded of the cat because production have probably seen or heard it in action. 

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Crapballz.  Shoudl've sent the wildcat my way.  I let them be, and their best selves eventually emerge.  Poor damned kitty deserved better (said the person who has been to urgent care more than once for cat-related injuries!).  ;-)

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This from a forum question about a Bengal cat described as 'unmanageable':

" Your cat will "calm down" when, instead of just feeding her, prior to feeding time, you play with her for about 20 minutes with a fishing pole toy such as "Da Bird". Drag it along the floor and get her to chase it. Then pull it up in the air so she'll jump after it." Bengals have a pronounced 'hunt/eat/sleep cycle and his is exactly what we are seeing Gigi addressing with her cat. Using the 'rod' with the object on the end for the cat to chase and catch. It looks like Gigi knows about the breed, because there are so many towers around also, and these cats are 'arboreal' ie. like to be up high. It really confuses me why she's not even referred to the breed. 

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21 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Sorry, still stuck on the presentation. I realize that being on reality TV =/= making business pitches or public speaking, but you’d think that after six seasons (plus this one) of being on TV, GG would be at least minimally aware that the people watching you will make judgments about you, and that mayyyyybe she should try to put her best foot forward. She’s all about never working a day in her life and now being THE BOSS, but not ACTUALLY putting any work in that real successful bosses do. 

Nema seems actually vaguely together and I think GG is gonna grow tiresome for him pretty soon.

Well look at who she comes from.  The Father gives in to her every whim .. it’s unbelievable. Who showers her with gold, ap@rtments, clothes, etc. Her sister is a worker and is disgusted with her.  What does this Father do by the way .. make money in the basement?  Between her not working and temper, she is a disaster,  and if she keeps up with the cosmetic surgery, she’ll wind up ugly altogether.  And the love of knives .. that’s another story.  No wonder Asa doesn’t bother with them anymore since the baby.  I don’t blame her.

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On 10/12/2018 at 2:18 PM, nexxie said:

Where in the world did GG get the idea that she’s Queen Shit?! Her parents did her no favors if they enabled such entitled ridiculousness.

If she had RA as a child, her parents my have tried to make other things “easier” for her. Back when I was a high school teacher, I remember a bright girl who had had open-heart surgery as a little girl. The girl’s mom had been spoiling her ever since, and the bright girl dropped out because she simply didn’t feel she had to make any actual effort to do school assignments.

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On 10/12/2018 at 12:49 PM, jennylauren123 said:

Oh, yeah. I'm finding that there are all sorts of rules for older folks. As always, I am ignoring them. Our hair should not be too long, it should not be too dark, we shouldn't party, we shouldn't wear shorts, we shouldn't wear shorter dresses, we shouldn't wear bright make up, and we shouldn't take up space or make noise or have strong opinions or speak too loudly--but those rules go for women from the time of birth, actually.

Eff that nonsense.

Perfection. You are the queen!

Ha, I'm 51 and I didn't take offense.  I didn't take that comment as ageism, but just when you party non-stop and to the point of drunken antics, you'd think you would have outgrown that by now.  On the hair too long, too dark, bright make-up...admittedly I make comments like that all the time when I watch these shows.  I see a Kyle from RHOBH and want cut her hair to shoulder length and lighten it up.  I want to take all of the false eyelashes off all of the older women as I think it ages them!  For me, it's not so much rules for the elderly, but about styling yourself such that you look more youthful.  Long hair on older women, tons of makeup, Forever 21 clothing tends to age them when that is not what they are really hoping for!

On 10/12/2018 at 2:39 PM, politichick said:

She was high, wasn't she? And I do agree that Nema is going to grow tired of her immaturity.

I don't think Nema even really likes her -- just a showmance.

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On 10/12/2018 at 6:54 PM, queenjen said:

This from a forum question about a Bengal cat described as 'unmanageable':

" Your cat will "calm down" when, instead of just feeding her, prior to feeding time, you play with her for about 20 minutes with a fishing pole toy such as "Da Bird". Drag it along the floor and get her to chase it. Then pull it up in the air so she'll jump after it." Bengals have a pronounced 'hunt/eat/sleep cycle and his is exactly what we are seeing Gigi addressing with her cat. Using the 'rod' with the object on the end for the cat to chase and catch. It looks like Gigi knows about the breed, because there are so many towers around also, and these cats are 'arboreal' ie. like to be up high. It really confuses me why she's not even referred to the breed. 

Maybe she's being responsible in not drawing attention to the breed?

People see a movie or tv show and lose their minds.  I'm just going to come out, say it and endure the wrath that may follow. 

Generally speaking.  Some breeds are not meant for the masses.

Bengals are not meant for the everyday household.  This is not a cat that you can leave alone for 8 hrs a day.  They require huge amounts of stimulation and can be terribly destructive.

Confession.  I have a wolfdog.  He's low to mid content and he's terrific!  I adore him and he's well mannered.  But that didn't just happen.  We knew what we were adopting.  Most people do not or will not devote the time needed, to have a calm and confident wolfdog. 

So when people in public rave about him and inquire how to get one, I lie.  I lie to the vet so he can get a rabies vaccine.  I lie and say he's malamute and white shepherd and leave out the timber and tundra wolf. 

I lie because there are too many wolf dogs stuck at sanctuaries. Deemed unadoptable. Because people completely underestimate their ability to care for an animal.

Pitbulls, Dalmatians, Chihuahuas, shoot any dog breed featured in a hit movie or tv show (Game of Thrones references and Red Riding Hood get thrown at me all the time) is almost a guarantee to overwhelmed rescue groups being more overwhelmed. 

So.  To end my long rant.  Don't get a Bengel until you have fully read up.on them and honestly assess your patience level and training skills.


Edited by dosodog
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@dosodog, hear hear. I really wondered about the absence of mention of this cat and I hope you are right. With respect to wolf hybrids, i'll never forget an episode on Cesar Milan's show devoted to them, first I'd heard about them. A guest expert that Cesar had to speak to the 'not having them as pets' side of the argument, simply looked the camera right in the eye and said with great emphasis 'nature. does not. belong. in a cage'. He had them, but they were not treated like domestic canines. I'd love to see a real wolf. We don't have them here.

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For the record, we didn't seek out a wolfdog.  Before Doso, there was Oso.  We thought Oso was Malamute and Husky.  The vet clued us in when we took him in for his puppy shots that he was also wolf. 

Jim had a natural way with animals, but I went into research mode and had to change some of my ways.

When Oso died we wanted to stay with the Northern breeds, but could not find any rescue groups that were willing to adopt out an older dog mal or husky to a home with a cat and they rarely get puppies. 

A customer introduced me to the girl we got Doso from.  We had to have vet references, a meet and greet, pictures if our home and yard and sign contracts releasing him back to her if we didn't treat him right.  We decided that since we raised Oso successfully, we could be a good forever home for a wolfdog and lower his chances of being sent to a sanctuary. 

She keeps track of us on Facebook.

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On 10/13/2018 at 10:42 PM, NYCFree said:

If she had RA as a child, her parents my have tried to make other things “easier” for her. Back when I was a high school teacher, I remember a bright girl who had had open-heart surgery as a little girl. The girl’s mom had been spoiling her ever since, and the bright girl dropped out because she simply didn’t feel she had to make any actual effort to do school assignments.

This is similar to Aviva Teichner Drescher. Admittedly her injury was far more traumatic than GG's RA, but Aviva's parents turned her into a monster by indulging her. I think, academically, Aviva's family expected certain things from her, which is why she has a masters and a juris doctorate, but she's never worked outside of the home. She has to travel with her husband at all times and why her family bought an island in the Caribbean so that she could swim and be on the beach without people looking at her prosthetic.

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On 10/13/2018 at 8:43 AM, hatchetgirl said:

Ok, did we hear Reza call Mike a blanking jew? I thought i heard that, gasped but didn't rewind. Then Mike said something like "your half jew?" How could they not cut that out? 

I think Reza is considering himself more than half Jewish or maybe even all Jewish.  I think that only because Adam just converted. 

Does anyone know for sure??

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I’m still not understanding how GG was mean to her cat?  Because when he jumped up on the table she came toward him and hollered at him to get him down?  If that’s animal abuse , someone please call animal control on me now.  

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MJ and Tommy take the final steps in prepping for their wedding. GG throws the official launch party for WüSah with Nema's guidance but is unsure if it will spark the attention she wants. Mike continues on his path toward self-improvement with a little help from his father. Reza and MJ say goodbye to Shams.

Airs October 18, 2018.

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Not just this show, the Bravo Network is seriously slipping.  I was a big Bravo fan but lately shows I once enjoyed aren’t even worth watching.  The only show I still enjoy watching is Below Deck.  I do miss Real Housewives of NY.  I’m off to Netflix.

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1 hour ago, Emmeline said:

Not just this show, the Bravo Network is seriously slipping.  I was a big Bravo fan but lately shows I once enjoyed aren’t even worth watching.  The only show I still enjoy watching is Below Deck.  I do miss Real Housewives of NY.  I’m off to Netflix.

Oh good. It ISN’T just me!!!

Oh and MJ - that prenup is bullshit.  Tommy should walk the fuck away from you.   “It’s his money I”m interested in.”

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Reza can be vain and obnoxious and bossy.  But when he comes through for a friend, it's with his whole heart: gently pushing Destiney and her mom to get to the truth; traveling to Malibu to help MJ say goodbye to her dad, with grace and good humor.  This is GoodReza.

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2 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I’m off to Netflix.

Made in Mexico is awesome. It's like a Mexican Southern Charm. It's mostly subtitled in Spanish, but there are a couple of gringas in the cast, which gives them the opportunity to also have a lot of dialogue in English, which these people can do effortlessly because they are really educated and interesting, for the most part.  I'm only digressing from the topic at hand because there doesn't appear to be a place to discuss Made in Mexico. I hope there are more like it from Netflix....[edited to add that since I last checked, there is indeed a Made in Mexico thread! Thanks @OnceSane)

And to make this post relevant: this was a complete wash of an episode. Obviously Morgan's lease was up and we won't see her again. It's too late for Asa. Destiney is so wet. I have vague compassion for her SL, but it just isn't intriguing with her melting with tears everytime the topic comes up. Who is Destiney? What does she do? The 'Party Planner' Destiney with the interest in vintage cars was kind of intriguing, but the reality? Not at all. 

We were told episodes ago that MJ's wedding was in 2 weeks. Apart from Vegas, so much of this is filler. Even Mike managed to dial down his vilery and hypocrisy this episode, mainly because he didn't get much screentime outside of the scene with his Dad, where he is going to behave. Was MJs prenup scene just comic relief? I'm glad Tommy saw the humour in it.

Tommy was the star of this very lame episode.


ps. i take it that Golnesa's crowd were rented by Nema? Because her ascent from COO to CEO didn't make sense, as she again did not pitch, explain or mention her product on stage. And the 'Green???' people inviting her to take it to the next level? Inviting her to invest another 100+k, more like it. Also, I am in total agreement with Tamara Tattles: the isssue with this ring is that it is hired or leased. It never made sense that flaky Shalom could afford a $165k ring for his 2nd wife and most importantly, it's her wedding and engagement rings. They do NOT go back to the man at divorce. I thought the 'men' in this show were just being their usual misogynist loser selfs, trying to talk her into 'giving it back' and 'stop tormenting' Shalom. If this ring is leased, then yeah, I can see GG putting him through 7 hells refusing to return it and knowing how humiliated he should be feeling. NOT taking Shalom's side here, but this is the only story that makes sense to me: the ring being hired. 

Edited by queenjen
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Considering they both saw their lawyers, I wonder what agreement they came to on the prenup. I think that her visit was manufactured and scripted. 

MJ’s pups are cute and I like that she’s thinking of doing a line of collars and leashes that a portion of the profits will support animal shelters. Very different from GG who thinks her cannibus business is going to make her rich. Nema seriously wants to get into her pants. They are very playful together and such teasers. 

Destiney was much more fun on the People’s Couch. She’s a Debbie Downer on this show. 

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It seemed like MJ was pretending through the whole pre-nup thing.  She looked like she was trying not to laugh when she and Tommy were talking about it at the park.  Or maybe I just projected that because I can’t believe she would be so ridiculous.

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9 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

It seemed like MJ was pretending through the whole pre-nup thing.  She looked like she was trying not to laugh when she and Tommy were talking about it at the park.  Or maybe I just projected that because I can’t believe she would be so ridiculous.

I hope you're right on that - maybe they agreed between themselves to have some "drama" with the prenup like Kandi and Todd in the runup to their wedding.  In Kandi's case though, I was on her side.  She's a huge success and had real assets to be protected.  MJ has what - her Bravo paycheck?  Does she even do real estate anymore?  Did she EVER?  

Looks like we get a glimpse of Asa next week.  Must be wanting to sell us something.

I've been wondering what that whole "Bravo Home" label is about.  Wonder if they are going into begin dropping the less popular "Housewives" and perhaps the "Shahs" for shows that are fun, that break the fourth wall and actually look like FUN to watch.  

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15 hours ago, queenjen said:

Made in Mexico is awesome. It's like a Mexican Southern Charm. It's mostly subtitled in Spanish, but there are a couple of gringas in the cast, which gives them the opportunity to also have a lot of dialogue in English, which these people can do effortlessly because they are really educated and interesting, for the most part.  I'm only digressing from the topic at hand because there doesn't appear to be a place to discuss Made in Mexico. I hope there are more like it from Netflix....[edited to add that since I last checked, there is indeed a Made in Mexico thread! Thanks @OnceSane)

Thanks for the tip QueenJen, I’ll check that out.  I had shoulder surgery and am watch lots of television.  Something new on the roster is greatly appreciated!

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1 hour ago, retiredviewer said:

I'm not sure where to post this question. Why was the timeline changed to show that MJ's father died before the wedding when in reality he died about 10 days after the wedding?

I don't think anyone quite knows when Shams died. She didn't announce that he died until after the wedding. However on the show and in interviews since it started airing, she's saying that he died before the wedding, but she didn't announce until afterwards. Who even knows at this point. And if he did die afterwards, all of this fake fuckery to reframe it is ridiculous and distasteful.

This show is a Ryan Seacrest Production. His reality shows (all of the Kardashian shows) are notorious for faking stories and timelines. There's a recap on NYMag called Keeping Up with the Continuity Errors, which recaps KuwtK, but with a strict accounting of when the scenes were actually filmed. They can be filmed as long as a year apart. 

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MJ's dad died before the wedding, but no announcement was made until after the wedding.

I loved Reza and MJ saying goodbye. Laughter and tears, that's how I want to be remembered.  And I liked Mike wanting to make sure MJ remembers she's loved by those who remain.  Meanwhile, Reza taking time to call out Vida as a hater was hilarious.

GG looked less stoned at her event, but why didn't her assistant (or whoever that chick was) tell her the crew quit 24 hours earlier?  Sounds like producer shenanigans to me.

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On 10/15/2018 at 9:52 AM, dosodog said:

For the record, we didn't seek out a wolfdog.  Before Doso, there was Oso.  We thought Oso was Malamute and Husky.  The vet clued us in when we took him in for his puppy shots that he was also wolf. 

Jim had a natural way with animals, but I went into research mode and had to change some of my ways.

When Oso died we wanted to stay with the Northern breeds, but could not find any rescue groups that were willing to adopt out an older dog mal or husky to a home with a cat and they rarely get puppies. 

A customer introduced me to the girl we got Doso from.  We had to have vet references, a meet and greet, pictures if our home and yard and sign contracts releasing him back to her if we didn't treat him right.  We decided that since we raised Oso successfully, we could be a good forever home for a wolfdog and lower his chances of being sent to a sanctuary. 

She keeps track of us on Facebook.

This info is all so interesting & I had not one clue. Good on you! xo

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18 hours ago, OnceSane said:

I loved Reza and MJ saying goodbye. Laughter and tears, that's how I want to be remembered. 

I also love how Reza mentioned in a TH he had recently lost his beloved kitty of 16 years, and could not begin to imagine the pain and loss MJ was feeling.  

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