Lamb18 July 29, 2018 Share July 29, 2018 Who will win Head of Household this week and who will that person nominate for eviction? And how do the house guests react to Kaitlyn's utter failure to put together an 8-piece puzzle and her subsequent eviction? Stay tuned . . . Link to comment
Lamb18 July 30, 2018 Author Share July 30, 2018 I guess RockStar doesn't miss Kaitlyn as she drivels away in some weird fake accent. Plus there's a guest appearance by Rosie the Riveter. I think Sam thinks Tyler feels worse than he really does. Sam does look very pretty as Rosie the Riveter. Now I wonder if that's why she's wearing the outfit because she hosts the HOH competition. What is DM? And is this all there is for HOH? Wow, what a challenge! An 8-second roller board ride. 3 Link to comment
PaperTree July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 5 minutes ago, Lamb18 said: And is this all there is for HOH? Wow, what a challenge! An 8-second roller board ride. Another total crap shoot. Ugh. 1 Link to comment
Skycatcher July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 (edited) This HOH "comp" is the lamest thing I've ever seen. Bayleigh? I don't like her and I don't know if I can listen to her mouth for the next week. Edited July 30, 2018 by Skycatcher 15 Link to comment
Lamb18 July 30, 2018 Author Share July 30, 2018 Wow, Tyler's ride on the glider was pretty dismal. Thank goodness JC lost. Rockstar's goddess pose - ha! more like the anti-goddess. 1 Link to comment
Lamb18 July 30, 2018 Author Share July 30, 2018 Tyler, what a good faker! Time to manipulate another woman! Ha! Tyler is wounded - ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Way to keep safe, Tyler! 7 Link to comment
Lamb18 July 30, 2018 Author Share July 30, 2018 They must be scraping for content w/that Fessy and JC bit. And there was a wonderful scene from the feeds that could have been used. Well, I guess it is Empress Bayleigh. I'm surprised people aren't prostrating themselves in her presence. 1 Link to comment
Popular Post Suzysite July 30, 2018 Popular Post Share July 30, 2018 Bayleigh is power mad. You don't threaten to cut someone open and lay out their intestines if they go against you. Psycho. 45 Link to comment
JD5166 July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 Why are people ignoring the “pretty” people alliance? Ugh I am so frustrated!!! 2 Link to comment
Popular Post Thalia July 30, 2018 Popular Post Share July 30, 2018 I wish I'd known how many times Bayleigh would literally say literally in this episode. I might have literally started a drinking game. With literal drinks. 35 Link to comment
Popular Post Callaphera July 30, 2018 Popular Post Share July 30, 2018 Symptoms of HoH-itis include (but are not limited to): demanding everyone to be on "your team" even if they've never been on your team before using aggressive language when talking to other HGs ("I will kill you. I will chop you into piece and pull your intestines out, etc.") calling yourself by a regal nickname when it's undeserved snooty "nose in the air" bitchy DR sessions, complete with *whip* sound effects when you toss your hair like a Valley girl telling people they don't have to kiss your ass and then basically demanding them to kiss your ass. Symptoms are apparent and visible to others as soon as the HoH competition is over. If symptoms persist for longer than one week, please contact your doctor. This is going to be a painful week filled with many Queen Bayleigh DR sessions. Oh, and hey, check it out. There are two other HGs this season, a Rachel and an Angela. Where did they come from? 38 Link to comment
Lamb18 July 30, 2018 Author Share July 30, 2018 So there are two kinds of Magnum commercials tonight. I think the ice cream one looks better. I feel like there's too much "Oh, JC is so cute!" stuff in this episode. Goodness, Empress Bayleigh is quite the dictator! OK Fessy, stick up for yourself! And S6 is fracturing into tiny bits. That's the way to get a guy on your side - boss him and tell him everything he does and says is wrong. Tact always wins. 4 Link to comment
Cutty July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 Bayleigh is such a tyrant it's making me almost root for Brett. Almost. 8 Link to comment
Skycatcher July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 (edited) Oops, wrong thread. Edited July 30, 2018 by Skycatcher Link to comment
mojoween July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 (edited) 1 hour ago, Lamb18 said: What is DM? Direct message. It’s a Twitter (and possibly Instagram?) thing where people “slide into your DM’s” oftentimes in the hopes of a hookup. Why did JC have a pile of hot dogs on a cookie sheet? What was he doing with them? Edited July 30, 2018 by mojoween 2 Link to comment
Dewey Decimate July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 Holy shit, I NEEEEEED Jordan Peele to play Bayleigh in an upcoming episode. 11 Link to comment
Mumbles July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 One of the more annoying trends on this show and Survivor is the concept “blood on my hands.” I wince every time I hear it. But I don’t think Baleigh knows what the phrase means. As in, “if you get voted off there is no blood on my hands because you were nominated before.” Huh? Production feeding lines in the DR is especially apparent when your HG doesn’t get the line out correctly, like JC and his “Kardashian” mangling. 16 Link to comment
diana July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 Faysal is the worst in the DR. So unnatural and obvious he’s reading lines. But then he says “unrational” ... are they trying to make him look stupid (it does not take much, nor does he need any help). I wanted to like Bay, I really did, but her voice drives me nuts, and yes, the HOHitis (now including death threats?!) is not a good look. I also could not believe how easily she bought what Tyler was selling. He is not a great actor or liar to me, but everyone buys everything he sells and I have no idea why. 8 Link to comment
Nashville July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 48 minutes ago, mojoween said: Why did JC have a pile of hot dogs on a cookie sheet? What was he doing with them? Is this a question you REALLY want answered? 14 Link to comment
willco July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 I see I wasn't the only viewer that noticed Baleigh playing the dictator role. Geez, you might want to tone it down just a bit. These people get power for one week and they act like they are immune and safe til the end of time ! And saying you are going to gut someone like you are Hannibal Lector ( even when you are being overly dramatic about it) I just don't see how that endears anyone to help you. Again, you will be out of power next week. Although she does have that Power app, which I had completely forgotten about. That should make it interesting, if nothing else does. 6 Link to comment
Mumbles July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 Quote Faysal is the worst in the DR. So unnatural and obvious he’s reading lines. But then he says “unrational” ... are they trying to make him look stupid (it does not take much, nor does he need any help). I wanted to like Bay, I really did, but her voice drives me nuts I winced when I heard him say “unrational.” He’s a substitute teacher, right? Egads. As for Bay’s voice, I was looking at something else when she started one of her diatribes and thought, just who is this basic bitch? 8 Link to comment
North of Eden July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 (edited) Yeah, you could tell there was definitely a spark missing with the absence of Kaitlyn and Samantha being demoted back to the occasional walk on. I have no love for Kaitlyn but both Tyler and Fessy dissing her while she's back home on her couch still recovering is just no class. Angela is TRYING to stay under the radar? Honey, nobody in America including the other houseguests knows you are on the show. Ah, come on Bayliegh! Why would you tell an enemy about the power AP? She'll sell that information down the river the minute it she can use it to her advantage. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if once Tyler finds out about it he will manipulate it so that she toasts it, someone, how. Plus I feel like she is making a lot of enemies with this whole prima donna routine. Speaking of Tyler he's snowing everyone just like Paul did last year. These people need to wake up. It seemed like Rockstar was on to him a couple weeks ago but nothing came of it. Laugh tracks can make ANYTHING funny. Some of the funniest videos on YOUTUBE are "To Catch a Predator" with a laugh track and Scenes from Friday the 13th part 3 set to a laugh track. Look 'em up. Ha Fessy! No sooner then you evict squeeze number one...squeeze number two looks ready to check out on the whole quasi-showmance. How soon before he macking all over Samantha...she'd be down with it. Edited July 30, 2018 by North of Eden 3 Link to comment
Blissfool July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 11 minutes ago, North of Eden said: Ha Fessy! No sooner then you evict squeeze number one...squeeze number two looks ready to check out on the whole quasi-showmance I guess Hayleigh was just in it for the competition. Hay vs Kaitlyn. She won but doesn't really care for the prize. 4 Link to comment
sara416 July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 46 minutes ago, Mumbles said: I winced when I heard him say “unrational.” He’s a substitute teacher, right? Egads. As for Bay’s voice, I was looking at something else when she started one of her diatribes and thought, just who is this basic bitch? I don't know about where he is from, but in some states the only requirement to be a substitute teacher is having a GED and passing a background check. Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 But ya are, Fessy, ya are. I'm glad Bayleigh won HOH but something about it seemed fishy to me. Fishy like "fixed" or like they knew how long it generally took her to do the slide and they used 8 because that would most likely let her win. Were the houseguests allowed to do dry runs ahead of time? OMG, Tyler is so good. He worked Bayleigh like a pro with those sad puppy dog eyes. How naive is Bayleigh? Has she never watched this show before? Everyone lies in this game, right to your face. People are only loyal until they aren't. Quote He is not a great actor or liar to me, but everyone buys everything he sells and I have no idea why. He's so pretty and everyone underestimates him because of it. 5 Link to comment
backformore July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 (edited) 17 minutes ago, sara416 said: I don't know about where he is from, but in some states the only requirement to be a substitute teacher is having a GED and passing a background check. Most States require a bachelor's degree. __________________________________ When I see so many of the women petting Tyler's hair, this is what I think of: Edited July 30, 2018 by backformore 11 Link to comment
Wandering Snark July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 (edited) Wow, get on your high horse much Bay? And then there's Hay who is practically waggling her head and snapping her fingers in agreement with everything Bay says to poor confused Faysal... I think Hay actually has HoHitis By Association! Wanting undying devotion in return for being a pawn is a funny way of going about getting said devotion. I think she could do with more mention of 'cooperation' and less of evisceration. Edited July 30, 2018 by Wandering Snark 13 Link to comment
backformore July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 Bayleigh is out of control. "Do Not question me! your loyalty is to me!" I don't understand the obsession with knowing HOW everyone voted. once a vote is over, it's over. they keep re-hashing who voted for whom, like it makes a difference. WHy does it matter which HG vote4d to evict RockHead? 7 Link to comment
vb68 July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 (edited) So why did Bayleigh tell Rachel about her power app? That was the most random thing ever. Bayleigh makes me laugh as HOH. She has such a terrible read on people. She bought Tyler's little act about being heartbroken. I was actually hoping JC would be nominated. That would have been fun. But then I was also kinda hoping that Kaitlyn would come back as a spirit to haunt these people. The show was definitely missing something without her. Rockstar is useless. And I'm halfway convinced Fessy got confused and thought he was going on some dating show. He has no real idea where is or what's going on. Edited July 30, 2018 by vb68 10 Link to comment
jumper sage July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 2 hours ago, North of Eden said: I have no love for Kaitlyn but both Tyler and Fessy dissing her while she's back home on her couch still recovering is just no class. Oh! Thanks for reminding me....I have to jump down the rabbit hole and find out her reaction to her family/bf seeing her on the feeds. 46 minutes ago, backformore said: Bayleigh is out of control. "Do Not question me! your loyalty is to me!" I don't understand the obsession with knowing HOW everyone voted. once a vote is over, it's over. they keep re-hashing who voted for whom, like it makes a difference. WHy does it matter which HG vote4d to evict RockHead? I don't get it either. 2 Link to comment
alegtostandon July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 So, it's "Bay, Hay and Fay"..I can't stand any of them. I laughed when Fay was talking in his DR about his saving JC & says 'hey! I'm playing Big Brother!' I told Mr Tostandon that the HOH comp seemed fixed to me. 2 Link to comment
Wandering Snark July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 1 hour ago, alegtostandon said: I told Mr Tostandon that the HOH comp seemed fixed to me. Magnets. That's my thought on it. 5 Link to comment
elsie July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 By the end of this episode the sound of Bayleigh's voice made me want to stab myself in the ear, Figuratively (note to Bayleigh: That's a thing) 20 Link to comment
Popular Post mojoween July 30, 2018 Popular Post Share July 30, 2018 One thing that made me laugh, when Bayleigh was on the podium during HOH and I think Rachel was up?, Bayleigh said “my heart is in my chest” and yes, yes it is. THAT would have been the time to bust out a literally, Bay. (I can only assume she was thinking “my heart is in my throat”) 26 Link to comment
Jeanne222 July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 I like bayliegh much more than Sam last week. She has everybody's numbers except Tyler. Kind of slipping on that one. I wonder who she'll backdoor? I was shocked she told Rachael about the power ap! She could get rid of two big males this week and next! Link to comment
Mumbles July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 Quote I like bayliegh much more than Sam last week. Oh yeah, she’s bossy and crazed with power, but she’s not sanctimonious. She yelled at Fessy, and that’s definitely not cool, but they *are* allies and he was being kind of dumb. She didn’t single out two other people and shame them based on her own old-fashioned view of morality. 1 Link to comment
ghoulina July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 I had to laugh so hard at myself; because, when the HOH comp was explained I said - "Damn, this is really going to suck for the first few contestants". Then Bayleigh nailed it on the first try! Shows what I know. I was okay with a Bayleigh HOH at first. Other than Tyler, I'm not super attached to L6 (or is it L5 now?). So as long as HE stays safe, I'm actually good with the power shifting back and forth. Plus, while I didn't love Bayleigh or anything, she hadn't supremely annoyed or pissed me off yet. YET. One minute as HOH and she turns into a mad dictator. I get wanting to feel people out and try and work with those who can offer you something. Promises are often made during HOH reigns. That's how it goes. But, damn. Bayleigh was practically demanding people sign over their first born child or she was going to put their asses on the block. Also, given her misuse of the word "literally" she is now dead to me. She tells Rachel, "I'm literally weighing my options". I don't see no scales in your hands, bitch! Then she tells Scottie that she will LITERALLY cut him into pieces, gut him, and lay him out??? Maybe I've been listening to too much "My Favorite Murder" podcast, but I feel like we all need to watch out for that girl! Well, all that really matters is that Tyler stayed safe again. I was a bit worried after JC revealed he did the hinky vote, in the hopes to stir up paranoia. I was certain that THIS TIME it fall on Tyler, given his closeness with Kaitlyn. But it seems as if the prevailing idea is that Scottie did it. Which, isn't THAT far-fetched given his Swaggy vote. I thought Tyler just played Bayleigh brilliantly, though. She ended up feeling sorry for him, not wanting to kick a dog when he's down. Plus, she considers him a "free agent". It's all continuing to work well in his favor. I WAS a bit surprised that Sam wasn't even mentioned as a possible nominee. After all, she was the one who put Bayleigh's apparent best friend, Haleigh, on the block just the week before. She's impossible to manipulate and she's won at least one comp. But whatever. I'm fine with Brett and Rachel being nominated. Brett because he just thinks he's so much smarter than he really is. And Rachel because....well....I feel like I know basically nothing about her. Other than that she owns the world's most unflattering dress. 6 Link to comment
ghoulina July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 10 hours ago, backformore said: Most States require a bachelor's degree. My sister is a sub. She has a bachelor's degree. I love her to death; she's a big hearted person. But she's fucking dumb. Just straight up clueless. 8 Link to comment
D.CBies July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 I hope and think Tyler will win HOH this week, but don’t know who he’ll put up yet. I also think that it was in very poor taste for big brother to let the HG watch Kaitlyn try to put the puzzle together, they should have just let them see it later on. It was humiliating for them to see it live. They were very mean and some laughed. I mean more humiliating for Kaitlyn and her family and friends when they watched it. When Kaitlyn got out and saw that they watched it while she was trying to do it. 1 Link to comment
Writing Wrongs July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 (edited) 12 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said: Holy shit, I NEEEEEED Jordan Peele to play Bayleigh in an upcoming episode. Thank you for this. I can't stop watching it and laughing. It is so Bayleigh. Edited July 30, 2018 by Writing Wrongs 4 Link to comment
D.CBies July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 No, if you will look back at Sam, her intro was her trying to act like woman of empowerment and has done it all the way through. Sam had a plan to do that all through the show with hopes it would really make her look like a strong woman and get as much fame out of it as she can. You see, she thinks all of America still thinks she is the bomb of all the players that’s ever been on B.B. Wow!! Is she in for a dose of reality when she gets out. I think she may be Bypolar. ? JC say’s literally in a very cute way though! It is hillarious!! ???? 1 Link to comment
D.CBies July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 Lol! ??? Rules of HOH according to Baylee. ????? Love it! ????????? 1 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 Quote ETA: The "U" and the "I" are right next to each other on the keyboard. I wouldn't be at all that shocked if it was spelled wrong on a teleprompter. Faysal has to be reading his lines off of something. He doesn't sound the least bit natural when he is talking in the Diary Room. But Faysal supposedly has a college education. He has to know "unrational" isn't a real word. (Well, actually it is a word but probably the people who use it are the same ones who say "irregardless.") If he read that straight off the teleprompter or cue cards or whatever then he's liitle more than a robot AFAIC. And production knows it and is using it to make him look like an idiot. 1 Link to comment
D.CBies July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 Yes, I caught that too about Balee when she said since you was put on the block before then she doesn’t have blood on her hands, what a goof ball. 1 Link to comment
LADreamr July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 13 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said: Holy shit, I NEEEEEED Jordan Peele to play Bayleigh in an upcoming episode. OMG, this is exactly her. With Jordan taking off his earrings as he threatens to cut EVERYONE. 2 Link to comment
Amy Beth July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 4 hours ago, mojoween said: One thing that made me laugh, when Bayleigh was on the podium during HOH and I think Rachel was up?, Bayleigh said “my heart is in my chest” and yes, yes it is. THAT would have been the time to bust out a literally, Bay. (I can only assume she was thinking “my heart is in my throat”) I think she was mangling the saying “My heart is beating out of my chest”. As in beating so hard it feels like it could leave your body. 1 Link to comment
springbarb July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 Bay was going nuts as HOH. One of the many things that frustrates me about that alliance was illustrated when Fessy was trying to talk to her about JC; he was laying out a rational reason for not nominating JC, but all Bay heard was "You aren't just falling in line immediately with what I'm saying." The other alliance works decently well because they can have conversations debating the best move. I think they made the wrong decision in getting rid of Kaitlyn, but at least it was a decent discussion. The attitude of Bay and Hay towards Fessy was obnoxious--and I don't even really like the guy. 8 Link to comment
Vixenstud July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 5 minutes ago, springbarb said: The attitude of Bay and Hay towards Fessy was obnoxious What pissed me off was the heiffa pointing in his face while giving her obnoxious speech….if I were Fessy I would have been like ‘Bitch, unless your finger is a loaded gun you’d better get it out of my fucking face!’ And putting her hand up as to dismiss him? Shiiiit, she would have put me on the replacement block by the time I had reamed her basic ass out. 7 Link to comment
laurakaye July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 (edited) I was actually glad to see Haylieeeigh talk back to Fessie in the HOH room - since Fessie was all, "if I save you, you will be my woman!" Good to know she's not into that. And Bayleeighee? LEAVE SCOTTIE ALONE. That is all. Edited July 30, 2018 by laurakaye 5 Link to comment
HighMaintenance July 30, 2018 Share July 30, 2018 13 hours ago, Thalia said: I wish I'd known how many times Bayleigh would literally say literally in this episode. I might have literally started a drinking game. With literal drinks. This. LITERALLY! She really did come off as some power-mad asshole in this episode. Threatening people with bodily harm, LITERALLY! And demanding no loyalty to anyone but her. LITERALLY! Has she been asleep for the last month? Does she know that HOH has power over the hamsters for only about half a week? LITERALLY? Once POV is played and a replacement NOM is up, she's done. I'm hoping that all of the ass kissing done by the house-guests is just a big put on and she finds herself without any alliance once she's back among the peons. 12 Link to comment
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