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S20.E14: Live Eviction #4. Head of Household #5

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14 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

Damn, I unexpectedly found myself really rooting for Kaitlyn to get back in. And that puzzle was so easy! Nerves definitely got the best of her. If only she hadn't had that mini-breakdown towards the end, she probably would have made it. I mourn the drama that could have been if she had returned to the game.

You...and the producers!

  • Love 9

Kaitlin is such a drama queen....what was with the crumpling to the floor and weeping when Julie said the power app was in play? She knew damn well about the power app....and then the breakdown at the last 30 second mark of the competition. Pull it together Kaitlin! can't stand the girl, and I was actually rooting for her to come back in and cause havoc. Oh well!

I feel like so much of the first 4 weeks has revolved around Kaitlin. I don't even know what to expect now. 

  • Love 16
1 minute ago, Jess14 said:

Kaitlin is such a drama queen....what was with the crumpling to the floor and weeping when Julie said the power app was in play? She knew damn well about the power app....and then the breakdown at the last 30 second mark of the competition. Pull it together Kaitlin! can't stand the girl, and I was actually rooting for her to come back in and cause havoc. Oh well!

I feel like so much of the first 4 weeks has revolved around Kaitlin. I don't even know what to expect now. 

I feel like Sam will provide the crazy from now on.

  • Love 7
8 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

I feel like Sam will provide the crazy from now on.

But not the fun kind of crazy that Kaitlyn was. That was the great thing about Kaitlyn as this season's TV villain. She was harmless for the most part, it was just batshit insanity that poured out of her mouth. Sam isn't a fun villain that you want to root for.

  • Love 9

This is funny.

4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

But not the fun kind of crazy that Kaitlyn was. That was the great thing about Kaitlyn as this season's TV villain. She was harmless for the most part, it was just batshit insanity that poured out of her mouth. Sam isn't a fun villain that you want to root for.

True. Although I feel like the editors have been having a great time editing Sam this week. You could practically hear the giggles in the production room during last night's episode.

  • Love 20

So let me understand this...the time that could have been saved  for interviewing Kaitlyn was wasted on a filler segment of the "Yin Yang" debate which contributed what?

Fessy really was a rat right up to the bitter end...couldn't even throw a pity vote. At lest Kaityln now knows that Fessy AND Tyler are lying liars.

In principle the puzzle looked easy...must have been the stress...overall the producers have to be disappointed the AP was pretty much a Flop. I have to believe number one they had wished it had come into play earlier to make a big dramatic situation...then when it went to the automatically bestowed phase I am sure they wanted Kaitlyn to win so she could bring drama to the game.

Now with her cray cray gone I think the entertainment quota is going to drop significantly.

How long before Samantha takes Kaitlyn's place in Fessy's bed?

Okay everyone lets take a moment and picture what end of August/early September is going to be like as far as lack of entertaiment...because we are probably looking at a house that will contain mostly Angela, Kaycee, Rachel, JC, Brett and Tyler....not a stellar line up if you are looking to be entertained.

Bayleigh looked stunning tonight. Love her straight hair.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 2
54 minutes ago, GalvDuck said:

Yeah, she’s done it before.  I think it’s cute.


JULIE: “Kaitlyn, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house unless you can complete this challenge.”

KAITLYN:  “Namaste.”

CHALLENGE:  “No, you’re not gonna ‘ste.”


Rosie The Riveter



I think she looked adorable too. #teamsam

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

I'd like to see all the other puzzles - there's probably one for each house guest.

Hah... that would be fun to see, but I'd guess they did them last minute so they only had to make a couple.

I can't belieeeeeve that she screwed up that puzzle the legs not standing just mind scrambled her. If she had the time from her mini-meltdown back she could have pushed her puzzle together at the end there. Way to stay on task. She needs a life coach.

I still hate Sam but she looks awesome as Rosie the Welder.

Less extra chatter in the vote tonight but yet another birthday shout-out? And what kind of compliment is 'You look extravagant tonight Julie!" supposed to be?

I hope Kaitlyn now realizes that telling people they HAVE to do things doesn't make them actually DO said things. Telling Faysal 'You better vote to save me!' didn't make it so. Dude is so blinded by Hay right now there was no chance he was keeping Kaitlyn. I was confused that he got a bad version of the Bachelor Handshake in the storage room, I guess Hay doesn't know the 'wrap your legs around his waist so you're not just hanging on his neck' part?

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

I knew she'd find a way of rationalizing her eviction. It was only for the highest good. Somebody out there really needs her!!

That was ridiculous.  All about her.  It seems to me that a more zen/namaste/whatever response would have been that it happened for a reason, and someone else in the house probably needed to win more than she did so it's all good.  But no - She made it about her own importance.  

24 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

I'm glad Kaitlyn's gone.  Her constant crying drove me crazy.

Me too!  Especially because she's a life coach with all these spiritual beliefs.   Over-reacting, falling apart, sobbing, sulking, and flinging herself onto various surfaces (beds, floors) ad nauseum is not a good look for someone who is supposedly on some kind of higher spiritual level.

And also - It's a game.  Sure, emotions run high and low, but no one in there owes anyone anything.  They're all there to play and to win, so you need to focus on your own game and roll with the punches as best as you can.   She's nowhere near as smart or savvy as she thinks she is.   I am SO glad she's gone, and I really hope there's no awful twist that brings her back.

  • Love 11
3 minutes ago, Orillia said:

When I saw what the challenge was I said to myself " could they possibly have made this challenge any easier ? "       When it was over I said " why didn't they make it easier ? "

She seems to have gotten tripped up on the four or so torso pieces that had a lot of notches and she didn't know how they went. The funny thing is she could have kept those pieces together and slid them through that way but she was all freaked out and trying to move as fast as she could. Way to stay zen.

  • Love 12

When this week started, I thought it was gonna be a wash HoH and so did Tyler to honest. 

Turned out, Sam’s HoH has given us the the best week since the game started. By eviction time, there was so many flips, turns and drama then I knew what to do with it. And to top it off, production’s work and the power app was no match for Kaitlyn stupidity and need to cry every second. Lmao! Bravo! 

  • Love 7
8 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

She seems to have gotten tripped up on the four or so torso pieces that had a lot of notches and she didn't know how they went. The funny thing is she could have kept those pieces together and slid them through that way but she was all freaked out and trying to move as fast as she could. Way to stay zen.

You do wonder how much of the puzzle she could have kept together before putting in the door?! I know she was told to take it apart and put it in the front door but she might have gotten away with some still intact, right?

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

You do wonder how much of the puzzle she could have kept together before putting in the door?! I know she was told to take it apart and put it in the front door but she might have gotten away with some still intact, right?

Exactly. She failed basically in the disassembling and then pushing them all through will nilly. A little mindfulness shall we say would have served her well. She was acting like she had 30 seconds to do the whole thing. If she could have calmed herself she'd have had it no issue.

  • Love 4

To be fair, I also don't think that they expected it to wobble as much as it did. That made her think she had to put it together on the floor, which fucked her.

So that was the real "mistake" by production, as clearly they did not want her to fail at putting it together. Mistake in quotes because, come on, even with that slight issue, she should have easily completed the puzzle. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, RandomWatcher said:


Message for Swaggy--

It's not always about you.  I hope someday you get that.

Man, after all the buildup, that was anti-climatic.  Bummer.

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Message for Swaggy--

It's not always about you.  I hope someday you get that.

Just that message from Chris,

Still speaking in third person self-named alter ego, makes me feel so indebted to Kaitlyn for riding us of that clown! Also that Chris has learned nothing from his time in the house.

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, mojoween said:

My husband only watches the show when he happens to be in the room, which he is now, and every time Kaitlyn whines he barks at the television to try to get her to stop talking.  It’s amusing the hell out of me.

To be honest, I was kind of doing the same thing.  :>


2 hours ago, mojoween said:

Kaitlyn knew about this comp, did she not?  So why did she just drop to the floor like she was shot in the stomach?



2 hours ago, zibnchy said:

Well, that was embarrassing. Did she even look at the puzzle pieces as she was taking it apart?

Well, that’s kinda the thing; unless Special K did so during the station break, she never looked at the front of the puzzle - the side facing the camera, with the puzzle’s face view.  From K’s starting position she only had a view of the puzzle’s back side, which had FAR less detail than the front.  When the comp timer started, K immediately started disassembling the puzzle from that back-side view - so unless she did take a peek while off-broadcast, she had zero clue what the completed face side was supposed to look like.


2 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Bye Kaitlyn. Why is Sam dressed like Lucille Ball?


Uhhh... sorry, Rosie; apparently Kaitlyn couldn’t.  :D

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 4
20 minutes ago, green said:


How can someone fail to put EIGHT freaking puzzle pieces together.  Count them.  EIGHT!!!   In two and a half minutes!!!  Two legs, check.  A head, a chest, check.  And three smaller pieces.  How how how.  Two legs, obvious.  Head and chest, obvious.  Just put the damn tummy and nether regions together.  God it was so easy even Rockstar could have done it.


They should have made it 3 pieces. ( 2 would have been too obvious. ) Excellent Rockstar line

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, green said:


BB and I (yes I prefer I over me when I like the sound better so live with it, Grammar Police) both weep for the loss of Kaitlyn and her crazy contributions to BB so far this season.  It will get a lot duller now. 


No Police needed. That was correct usage of the pronoun I.


How embarrassing of RS to go to Brett, pleading for a vote. I would not have done it if I was her.


I thought it was a good idea for Kaitlyn to solve the puzzle on the floor first. She wasted too much time, though.

I don't think she would ever have solved it if she tried it upright.


Does JC pronounce his name Yay C?

  • Love 6

Was Sam allowed to have told them in advance that the evicted HG would have a chance to return? It seemed to me that after the eviction was announced, and the electronic voice announced the app reward on that big screen it was supposed to be a surprise.

Also, the puzzle was 6 pieces but Kaitlyn got mixed up because the pieces had graphics on both sides and all the pieces had to fit together and face in the correct direction.  

  • Love 1

Trying to assemble the puzzle on the floor was a good idea, since it was wobbling while on the stand, but she didn't seem to realize it was double sided. When the pieces were not fitting on the legs, she needed to turn them around but freaked out instead. As someone above said, I think she was thrown by the vote and became scattered. 

Her voice drove me nuts and I could only stand it for a few minutes on the live feeds, but she caused a lot of drama in the house and I don't see anyone who can step into her place to continue it. Chris was obnoxious and arrogant, which I didn't find enjoyable, and I'm glad he's gone. The jury's out on Kaitlyn.

  • Love 4

CBS was tweeting that an unaired scene would be posted to the website, so I went to see if I could find it. They posted Kaitlyn's challenge. You can see that she has the face pointed toward her but the legs were posted the other way. However, it looked like it should fit together the way she had it, the hip area just needed to fit together, and I'm guessing it connected by sliding them together instead of just forcing them like she was doing.

Kaitlyn's puzzle challenge

ETA: Kaitlyn's Interview with Julie

Edited by Christina
  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Jess14 said:

[Kaitlyn] knew damn well about the power app

No, she knew what Sam had told them.  For all they knew, Sam could have been lying.  (And there was speculation that, because Sam had declined to use the power on herself, there would be a BattleBack with all the evictees.)

Damn it, this is waaaaaay too soon to lose Kaitlyn's crazy ass!

And how did the vote flip?  All week long, it was going to be Nonstar out the door, JC's objections and Brett's doubts to the contrary.  Way to choke at the end, Tyler/Angela/Rachel!

And speaking of choking…you'd think Little Aura Annie could see that the purple part of the hips went with the shirt, not the blue pants.  Aargh!

I found Sam's Rosie-the-Riveter drag…confounding.  Is she looking to seduce Kaycee?  I know the show is desperate for more showmances, but even so.

Damnit, Kaitlyn…now fucking Nonstar's gonna be there all summer!!!!!  Son of a beach.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Only 2.5 minutes to complete the puzzle of herself. I'd like to see all the other puzzles - there's probably one for each house guest.

I wish I could remember where I saw it before, but there was a preview pic of it (maybe here somewhere?) and it was a headless puzzle.  So they either had several versions of the HGs heads made up or one head piece and several versions of a graphic sticker to paste on it once the eviction was announced.

  • Love 1
16 minutes ago, mojoween said:

In Angie’s desperate grovel for Brett’s vote, she uttered “game recognizes game” several times and I’m still trying to figure out who exactly she is referring to.

What the hell was she talking about? I was waiting for her to say, "A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat. Nudge, nudge. Say no more."

  • Love 13
23 minutes ago, mojoween said:

In Angie’s desperate grovel for Brett’s vote, she uttered “game recognizes game” several times and I’m still trying to figure out who exactly she is referring to.

I think what Rockhound meant was in spite of their obvious personality clashes, she and Brett should be able to collaborate because each could recognize the other’s elevated level of gameplay.

Well... she’s HALF-right, anyway....

  • Love 7

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