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S08.E30: Road Rage


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Jenelle:  Holy shit.  Those kids, including little Royal Worcester, are in danger.  What clearer demonstration do you need of Jenelle's lack of judgment than seeing her follow a guy who has already been aggressive toward her to his home?  With a child in the car?  With a loaded (I assume) weapon?  This action was beyond stupid and dangerous--it was insane.  Why would you pursue a man who has shown you he wants to hurt you?  Did she think his slamming on the brakes at 70  mph was a joke?  How in the hell can she retain any sort of visitation rights when this appears on TV?  We knew UBT was batshit violent; now we see that Jenelle is all up in that shit, too.  If she is *ever* allowed to have Jace in the car again when she is driving there is no justice in the world.

And look at poor Jace's face and his body language.  This kid needs to be kept away from Jenelle and UBT--supervised visits *maybe*--and taken off tv.  This show is child abuse imo, but I wouldn't want it not shown because otherwise how would anyone know how abusive Jenelle is?

  • Love 22

Can you imagine being in Jace's little 9-yr-old (8?) shoes and have to sit watching first while some crazy man attempts to tailgate your mom and then slams on  his brakes right in front of your car (as an adult that alone would scare me to death, not knowing what kind of rage-filled lunatic I might be dealing with) but then your batshit crazy mom actually pulls off the road to follow him?  And then gets trapped on the guy's Land?  With the guy screaming at your mom?  I literally cannot imagine how scary that would be for him.  That film clip alone should be shown to CPS to show just how unstable Jennelle is.

  • Love 24
7 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I fear for Jenelles kids - kaiser is an explorer that may get angry at ubt one day and lose it. Ubt will wake up to a teenage kaiser at the foot of his bed pointing the gun at him saying “stop me from using the bathroom now you little bitch! - bang!”

I fear for them too, but I think the greatest danger is the possibility that any of those kids finds an unsecured gun and shooting it, injuring or killing one of the others. I think its very, very doubtful that David will still be around by the time Kaiser's a teenager! He'll be dead or in jail, or at the very least have dumped Jenelle (literally or figuratively) once the Teen Mom gravy train leaves the station. After cleaning out her bank account. If there is one.

  • Love 15
6 hours ago, nikita said:

I personally believe David wasn't upset that Jenelle followed the road rage guy because it's an unsafe thing to do.  I think, like most controlling abusers, he was (irrationally) afraid somehow she would have sex with him. Yep, I think he's that bonkers. It would be interesting to know what his reaction would've been had the driver been a woman.

LOL, I didn't think about that. But I think his outrage was more because he knew she was filming and was worried about how things would look. 

I do think David is a despicable human being, but I think he is slightly better at controlling how he comes across than Jenelle is. 

48 minutes ago, nikita said:

Guys, I'm a bit worried. The two times Chelsea said "I love you" to Cole, when he replied "I love you" he touched his face. That can be a sign of deception. He did it both times :/

Cole has a beard. As does my husband. My husband rubs his hands across his facial hair a bazillion times a day. I don't think it's anything to worry about. 

  • Love 21
On 7/23/2018 at 10:26 PM, Scarlett45 said:

No the cop saw it. He said “I see your firearm, I ask you not to touch it” and she said “okay” and crossed her arms and then started her lies. 

Thanks - I hope he did. It was hard to understand what he said with the warbling they did to cover his identity. Hopefully they just edited out him securing it (like they did her pulling it).

If I’m not mistaken - Jenelle retrieved her gun from under her seat way before the guy blocked her in? Maybe shortly after she decided to follow him?

Don’t really have a dog to hunt in the gun thing. I’m seriously apolitical at this point. 

Though Mr. DC and I liked to tell our more liberal Capitol Hill friends (many) when the Supreme Court struck down the DC law (it was obvious though we’re not lawyers) that we were going to rent a limo to Walmart in Virginia to buy guns. We thought it was funny (we didn’t BTW).

But she’s really fucking with the Second Amendment. I don’t like that. I’m still from Capitol Hill (25 yrs now right after college - I’m getting older?).

Edited by Jennifersdc
Edited to add - I’m a big believer in the Constitution. I’m protective of all the Amendments.
  • Love 3
19 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

It's hard to care about Briana's struggle with elective ass deflating surgery when we just watched Janelle play Russian roulette with Jace's life via dash cam.

Was anyone else concerned that Jace said "If he gets out and tries to hurt you, I'll [pistol] whip him with my nerf gun"? How sad that he already knows what pistol whipping is and also that he thinks that's an appropriate response to conflict (even child vs. adult) AT 8??? The poor kid will be locked up by 13.


That kid is doomed. I've never heard such a young child talk like that in my life. And then on last week's episode Barb told Nathan that Jace calls her "motherfucker" on a regular basis. He's been in therapy for a while and it doesn't seem to be doing him any good.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, YankeeIrish said:

This is my first time posting on here but I started coming to this message board back in April. I'm probably one of the few men on here bit my wife and I have watched Teen train wreck ... I mean Teen Mom since the beginning. I only watch it anymore because of the snark on this site.You guys make everything better and it's amazing but I totally agree with almost everyone on here. 

That being said, Janelle made a huge mistake when she followed the guy to his house and pulled out her gun especially in front of an eight year old.This isn't the wild west anymore and this could have been a great time to teach Jace how to respond in a tense situation. What did she think she was going to do have a shootout at the guys' house? And how bad do you have to screw up where David ends up being the voice of reason? Just get the drivers' plate number and turn off. WTF   

I know, right? I think David is a pig, but he was so right when he told her, "You don't follow a fucking grown ass man to his house." Translation: He could beat your fucking ass, girl.  And then she's lying like crazy to the police. Jace was secure in his seat and his head came nowhere near the dash. I'm glad he had the good sense to call Barb to let her know what was going on, but it was sad to hear him get all stuttery. There has to be some fallout from this, though. Barb can add it to her calendar list of the many ways that Jenelle fucks up and is unprepared to care for Jace full-time. Hopefully in the next year or two he will have too many activities and friends to want to go to The Land of the Crazies.

I suspect Ali's aide will be with her till the end of the school year, but it's unfortunate that she has to adjust to someone new. And so sad that her health appears to be deteriorating so quickly. I know Cory and Leah are trying to do their Holler best, but I do think that they should have started using the wheelchair much more frequently years ago AND said, sorry, but you cannot do cheer and T-ball. That hurts but your body can't take it and we will hook you up with whatever other activities that you would really enjoy that won't stress your body and limbs. It sucks to be treated differently, but the fact is that you are.

  • Love 17

I'm watching the road rage incident now, and Jesus fucking Christ, the cop left a child in the car with a loaded weapon half a foot away?!!! Good grief.

I have zero fucks to give about Briana being in pain after her surgery. She should've just gone to the gym instead of electivey having her body chopped apart and stitched back together. 

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 15
10 hours ago, Lemur said:

I see her point, and more importantly, I see it with my friends who are divorced.  Too many of them go for child support just to find out their contractor/landscaper ex-husband and/or sperm donor when from making really good money to working 15 hours a week on the books.  It's hard to sympathize with Kail, who apparently has money to wipe her bulbous ass with, but not so hard to sympathize with the second grade teacher or the physical therapist or the secretary who suddenly finds herself trying to support a kid or three on one pay check when previously there had been two incomes in the household and someone's getting back at the other for getting a divorce/not wanting to be together/cheating.  (Which, interesting to note, Kail pretty much said the only reason she'd filed on Chris was because he'd cheated on her.  We all know that's a lie though.  She's got her lawyer on speed dial.  The minute Chris stuck his toe out of line, she was gonna slap him with a child support order.  It's how she operates.  She uses her kids for leverage adn emotional blackmail.)

I agree that it sucks and I feel for mothers and fathers who are pushed into a desperate situation when a partner does not pay their share, but I have zero sympathy for Kail. When she cheated on Jordan way back and he was telling her how wrong it was, her attitude was, "Well, what can I tell you?" I think that would totally be her attitude if the shoe was on the other foot. She'd be a lazy bitch and work off the books as a server or do whatever she felt like and say, "Too bad," and not give a shit. She's quite willing to proclaim herself the victim when she doesn't like something but is first to treat others like absolute shit.

If Kail is pulling down six figures and Chris works stocking shelves at Walmart or Target making $11/hr., Kail would be pissed and expect him to get a second job and pay as much as she pays for the kids. That is just not how it works. She said there is a formula that is used. I don't have kids so I have no clue what the formula is, but I don't think it's a matter of the guy getting "off the hook" because of [Kail's] income. It's a matter of the guy having to pay a percentage of his earnings and his amount is smaller is because he makes less money than Kail does.  

I know there are abusers of the system out there who work off the books to avoid paying anything and then go on to have kids with other women, etc. I will save my sympathy for the victims of those people, not Kail. Bitch should be glad that she's able to provide a nice life for the kids on her own with help from Javi and Jo. There are mothers who are at this very moment wondering if the should buy milk or spaghetti with the $3.00 they have left on their SNAP card, so cry me a river, Kail. 

Edited by configdotsys
  • Love 18

Regarding the child support, Kail's bitching and blathering is irrelevant to me. Chris is a deadbeat loser when he wants nothing to do with her, and Prince Charming when he throws some dick her way. She's completely full of shit. 

The other eye-rolling moment for me this episode was Chelsea's faux outrage over the visitation center. She was positively thrilled to replace Adam with Cole, so I don't believe for one second she really gives a damn whether he spends time with Aubree or not. Aside from giving her something to gleefully bitch about, Adam is pretty much irrelevant at this point.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

He's been in therapy for a while and it doesn't seem to be doing him any good.

Therapy isn't magic - it's probably helping him from spiraling further out of control.  It's got be a positive that there's a place where he can say what's on his mind rather than just turning it over in his own head without anyone else's input (other than the people whose reactions he needs to be wary of, and that includes Barbara - not that she's a bad influence, although I think she could do better, but because he no doubt worries about what she will think and so will probably only tell her part of what's on his mind).  

  • Love 20

Thanks Druzy for the translation. I work at a school site with multiple aides and paraprofessionals. Most of our aides and paras are  parents of students at our school. So when the child of our staff person transitions to another school, often the parent leaves our site in order to keep the same hours or facilitate transportation for their own school child. In addition, working in a sped classroom, especially a multi handicapped or Autism Spectrum class is exhausting and generally low-paying for the aide. If we get someone to stay two or three years we're ahead of the game. I call shenanigans on Leah, I think this is just a way to embellish a storyline. Of course it would be awesome if Ali could have the same aide year and year out but it just doesn't usually happen that way.

  • Love 6

Leah seemed pretty genuinely upset. I can't see that she was lying.  It sounds like they could have done a better job of explaining things to her, although if she was upset when she heard the first attempt to explain, she might not have taken much in after that, but I'm glad that she's ready to be mad and do something to protect Ali should the school district in fact not provide what she needs. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, nikita said:

Guys, I'm a bit worried. The two times Chelsea said "I love you" to Cole, when he replied "I love you" he touched his face. That can be a sign of deception. He did it both times :/

I mean I don't want their relationship in trouble for Aubree and Watson's sake but on the other hand.....FINALLY an interesting storyline! plus I want Cole for myself.

10 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

The whole touching his face thing is REALLY reaching to me. People just want something to be wrong with this relationship. 

Not really. I want Chelsea to have the happy ending she cried to Randy about all those years ago. But I was taken aback by Cole's body language both times he replied "I love you." I found it interesting. Of course it may mean nothing, but at least I got a hearty laugh out of SnarkEnthusiast's reply =)

  • Love 6
33 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

The whole touching his face thing is REALLY reaching to me. People just want something to be wrong with this relationship. 

Don't worry, I think it's more self-deprecating than anything. I was only teasing. It's a commentary on the strength of their relationship that a face touch is the most "out of place" thing. The Cole thirst is real so we're just making shit up to give ourselves false hope. ;)

13 hours ago, Kellyee said:

As a professional writer, I take issue with Kailyn referring to herself as an "author". Working with a ghost writer doesn't make you an author. Getting on the Bestseller list because of your fame whoring isn't the same as being Stephen King. Selling books because of your reality fame is fine, but it doesn't make you a talented writer or professional author. I have no problem with Kail as long as she owns what she really is: MTV Reality Personality. That's it. And I'm really glad that at least one of these idiots managed to get their college degree, but she hasn't really done much with it beyond the podcast. And Communications is still on that list of degrees you should avoid because they don't really get you all that much in the job market.

I did laugh really hard when she bitched about the child support. That's the way it works. If the situation were turned around, Kail would have no problem taking as much money from Chris as she could get. 

I hear you. My first book was released in 2003 and, since then, I've had more than 20 releases. The industry has changed so much over the years. People are now literally buying their way onto the NYT and USA Today best-sellers' lists and anyone who reaches #1 in their Amazon subcategory is referring to themselves as a "bestseller." Almost every day I see some chump who has written a 15-page pamphlet about the latest dietary fad slapping the thing up on Amazon and then calling themselves an "author." For those of us who have spent years attending and teaching writing workshops, getting English degrees and MFAs, writing tons of short stories and chapbooks and rough drafts of novels that will never see the light of day, querying endless agents and editors, and actually putting effort into what is an actual art form, it's beyond frustrating.


I am friends with the ghostwriter who wrote Jenelle's book. Jenelle didn't write a single word of it-she did interviews over the phone and sent the ghostwriter voice files and, yet, she's also referencing herself as an "author." 

  • Love 21

I need to get a life and stop thinking about this show. I think it’s possible Brianna got the surgery because she knows that she is unpopular and the show will likely get rid of her at some point. Therefore, it’s better to get her discount surgery while she still has some “star” power. 

As someone said earlier, if Kail didn’t want these problems she could have babies by men who have the same type of income. The problem is that those men likely aren’t giving her the time of day. I wouldn’t doubt she spends a lot of money on the men she dates because otherwise I can’t see why anyone would want to be in her company. Honestly, other than Chelsea, none of the teen moms are anyone most parents would want their sons to bring home.

 I always give Leah a pass because I think she is dumb as a post but doesn’t mean any harm. She at least tries but is easily overwhelmed. I cannot imagine what would happen to Ali if she was Jenelle’s child. Then again, Jenelle would probably gladly hand her over to Barb.  As much as we snark on these moms, Jenelle’s kids are the only ones who seem to live in fear and who I worry for their safety. I don’t like Kail or Briana but I don’t doubt their kids will always be well taken care of and loved. 

Edited by MakingBacon
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1 hour ago, Maharincess said:

Believe me, there are a lot of people who really want something to be wrong with their relationship.  Maybe not you two but I see it way too much.  I honestly don't think him touching his face meant anything more than his face itched. 

I don't think anyone WANTS there to be something wrong, but a lot of us feel like we don't know what their relationship is really like. However, I think they have been acting a lot more normal this season! We have seen them get a little snippy, like normal couples (and even just friends), talk about actual issues, and interact in a more typical way. It's unrealistic that every conversation would be like, "please pass me the butter, my amazing, beautiful, perfect, smoking hot, sensuous, illustrious, out of this world wife." I think they are loosening up now and showing what their relationship is really like, which IMO seems good, since it's more real. I don't think anyone is cruelly rooting for them to fail...we all saw what she went through with adam...but we want to understand it better, and feel it can't be fairies and unicorns 24/7. 

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, configdotsys said:

I agree that it sucks and I feel for mothers and fathers who are pushed into a desperate situation when a partner does not pay their share, but I have zero sympathy for Kail. When she cheated on Jordan way back and he was telling her how wrong it was, her attitude was, "Well, what can I tell you?" I think that would totally be her attitude if the shoe was on the other foot. She'd be a lazy bitch and work off the books as a server or do whatever she felt like and say, "Too bad," and not give a shit. She's quite willing to proclaim herself the victim when she doesn't like something but is first to treat others like absolute shit.

If Kail is pulling down six figures and Chris works stocking shelves at Walmart or Target making $11/hr., Kail would be pissed and expect him to get a second job and pay as much as she pays for the kids. That is just not how it works. She said there is a formula that is used. I don't have kids so I have no clue what the formula is, but I don't think it's a matter of the guy getting "off the hook" because of [Kail's] income. It's a matter of the guy having to pay a percentage of his earnings and his amount is smaller is because he makes less money than Kail does.  

I know there are abusers of the system out there who work off the books to avoid paying anything and then go on to have kids with other women, etc. I will save my sympathy for the victims of those people, not Kail. Bitch should be glad that she's able to provide a nice life for the kids on her own with help from Javi and Jo. There are mothers who are at this very moment wondering if the should buy milk or spaghetti with the $3.00 they have left on their SNAP card, so cry me a river, Kail. 

I love this post!!! I think Taylor would be the perfect example. I don't worry about Chelsea not getting child support, as unfair as it is, because she comes from money, gets paid handsomely by the show, and has Cole. I worry about taylor because she was a struggling single mom for years (I know she is now engaged or married, which is awesome!). I've always felt that adam was bitter about Randy's money, as he used to make derogatory comments all the time about Chelsea's dad buying this and that, or paying for her so she can "sit around and play with Aubree all day" (rich from a guy who contributes zero to Aubree), or that Chelsea didn't need child support, etc. However, what's his excuse when it comes to Taylor and Paislee? I guess it's possible that taylor comes from money, but those would be some crazy odds. Adam is a POS and Kail should count herself lucky that on Chris's worst day, he will still be a much better parent than Adam!

  • Love 9

I think that Cole still isn't totally comfortable on camera, and was already feeling dysregulated because of the nature of their trip to the visitation center. He showed more anger and emotion than he usually lets go of when the camera's there. If his nerves showed when he was comforting Chelsea, I think it's understandable. 

  • Love 17

So much has already been said (and more eloquently than I could have!) but I don't think this has been mentioned yet- When Jenelle was whining about having kids who make her car messy, she was picking French fries out of HER OWN seat.... so clearly she's the reason they are there.  I don't think any of the kids are sticking food underneath her ass while she's behind the wheel. She's eating while driving, dropping her own food and blaming the kids in the back seat for it.

  • Love 24
7 hours ago, configdotsys said:

I agree that it sucks and I feel for mothers and fathers who are pushed into a desperate situation when a partner does not pay their share, but I have zero sympathy for Kail. When she cheated on Jordan way back and he was telling her how wrong it was, her attitude was, "Well, what can I tell you?" I think that would totally be her attitude if the shoe was on the other foot. She'd be a lazy bitch and work off the books as a server or do whatever she felt like and say, "Too bad," and not give a shit. She's quite willing to proclaim herself the victim when she doesn't like something but is first to treat others like absolute shit.

If Kail is pulling down six figures and Chris works stocking shelves at Walmart or Target making $11/hr., Kail would be pissed and expect him to get a second job and pay as much as she pays for the kids. That is just not how it works. She said there is a formula that is used. I don't have kids so I have no clue what the formula is, but I don't think it's a matter of the guy getting "off the hook" because of [Kail's] income. It's a matter of the guy having to pay a percentage of his earnings and his amount is smaller is because he makes less money than Kail does.  

I know there are abusers of the system out there who work off the books to avoid paying anything and then go on to have kids with other women, etc. I will save my sympathy for the victims of those people, not Kail. Bitch should be glad that she's able to provide a nice life for the kids on her own with help from Javi and Jo. There are mothers who are at this very moment wondering if the should buy milk or spaghetti with the $3.00 they have left on their SNAP card, so cry me a river, Kail. 

There is a formula. Both parent's incomes are taken into account and the percentage each one is responsible for is calculated. Hulk makes so much more than Chris, she's responsible for a much larger portion of what it costs to raise Lil Soapy. When my best friend went through the divorce from hell, her ex didn't make much money so his support for their four daughters was pretty small. He moved in with and eventually married a woman who makes over $150k a year and still claimed he was barely scraping by. So much so that he was able to not have to pay one red cent for college for any of his kids. Only the parent's income is considered. If Chris moved in with a sugar mama, he still wouldn't have to pay more. Now, THAT would fry Hulk's ass!

  • Love 7

I think it’s possible Brianna got the surgery because she knows that she is unpopular and the show will likely get rid of her at some point. Therefore, it’s better to get her discount surgery while she still has some “star” power. 

The surgery was paid for by a different show, right? Were they filming two shows at one time? I don't like Brianna, but she is right to get the perks of being an MTV personality for as long as she can get it, since it won't last forever. I just hope she's saving up some money, since both her baby daddies are deadbeats.


There is a formula. Both parent's incomes are taken into account and the percentage each one is responsible for is calculated. Hulk makes so much more than Chris, she's responsible for a much larger portion of what it costs to raise Lil Soapy. When my best friend went through the divorce from hell, her ex didn't make much money so his support for their four daughters was pretty small. He moved in with and eventually married a woman who makes over $150k a year and still claimed he was barely scraping by. So much so that he was able to not have to pay one red cent for college for any of his kids. Only the parent's income is considered. If Chris moved in with a sugar mama, he still wouldn't have to pay more. Now, THAT would fry Hulk's ass!

I have seen so many people go through this with both child support and alimony that I really think there needs to be a class in high school on what will happen if you marry or make a baby with someone who has low income potential. If the relationship doesn't work, you are going to pay for it. Kail probably wouldn't have listened anyway, but its  a hard lesson that I have seen many people learn. Whoever makes less profits more when things go bad. Didn't Javi want to hit Kail up for more child support too?

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, Grandma Saracen said:

I think that Cole still isn't totally comfortable on camera, and was already feeling dysregulated because of the nature of their trip to the visitation center. He showed more anger and emotion than he usually lets go of when the camera's there. If his nerves showed when he was comforting Chelsea, I think it's understandable. 

I think you're right. I also think that he is probably a bit more relaxed in the car because they are dashboard cameras and not a crew of people with gigantic equipment walking around, boom mics hanging and all the chaos that accompanies any camera crew.

9 hours ago, CDC said:

So much has already been said (and more eloquently than I could have!) but I don't think this has been mentioned yet- When Jenelle was whining about having kids who make her car messy, she was picking French fries out of HER OWN seat.... so clearly she's the reason they are there.  I don't think any of the kids are sticking food underneath her ass while she's behind the wheel. She's eating while driving, dropping her own food and blaming the kids in the back seat for it.

And she was saying in a sing-song way about all the crap in her seat. Unless the kids are throwing fries at her, it's she that is the pig here. 

  • Love 9
17 hours ago, politichick said:


I suspect Ali's aide will be with her till the end of the school year, but it's unfortunate that she has to adjust to someone new. And so sad that her health appears to be deteriorating so quickly. I know Cory and Leah are trying to do their Holler best, but I do think that they should have started using the wheelchair much more frequently years ago AND said, sorry, but you cannot do cheer and T-ball. That hurts but your body can't take it and we will hook you up with whatever other activities that you would really enjoy that won't stress your body and limbs. It sucks to be treated differently, but the fact is that you are.

I assume also that Corey and Leah are doing that more for themselves than for Ali. Maybe she does in some instances but we’ve never seen her care all that much about cheer or T-ball on some personal passionate level. I think it’s all part of their “pretend it’s not happening” thing they both have going on. 

I haven’t commented on the Jenelle situation yet because it honestly left me so shaken. From her slow, creepy smile when she lifted that gun to the immediate switch when she was pulled over, to Jace’s breaking voice when he called Barb...yikes. I mean, wow- we are watching trauma unfold before our eyes, literally.

I know it’s an unpopular opinion but Barb is really in the wrong in not pushing harder for Jenelle to never see Jace at all. Jenelle is really evil.

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 6

The saddest part of this whole situation is that while we here are aghast and terrified by what we saw, the two people in the car had no real emotional reaction to what was going on. This is regular life to them. Confrontations, screaming, cursing, breaking and throwing things, punching walls, violence and living in fear. That's their daily. And it makes me so sad. Everyone here, imagine sitting in your house with broken stuff and holes in the walls and having that to look forward to on an almost daily basis? Is that insane or what?

@luvbadtv posted upthread that if she was carrying on like Jenelle, her kids would have been hysterical in the car. I can say that my nephews at that age would have done the same. I would bet all of the parents here would say the same about their kids. But not these kids. There's no fix for it either. Jenelle is not going to morph into a responsible, loving parent. David is never going to accept another man's kid as his own so there will always be an air of fear in that house and Jenelle will not side with the kids. I can just see her saying to Kaiser, "Well, don't make him mad." It's infuriating to watch this unfold on television.

On 7/23/2018 at 11:25 PM, luvbadtv said:

Jace has seen some S**t.  If either of my kids had been in the car with me when they were 8 years old, and I was acting like Janelle, they would have been crying hysterically and asking me a ton of questions about what was happening.  He just sat there in silence except for when he was helping her justify her behavior.  My heart breaks for him.

Edited by configdotsys
Added the quote about hysterical kids in the car.
  • Love 15
32 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

The saddest part of this whole situation is that while we here are aghast and terrified by what we saw, the two people in the car had no real emotional reaction to what was going on. This is regular life to them. Confrontations, screaming, cursing, breaking and throwing things, punching walls, violence and living in fear. 


It really is crazy. I don't know if Jace has seen so much bad shit he just retreats into himself when Jenelle flies off the handle, but you'd think even the most jaded kid would get agitated when his mother is brandishing weapons and fighting with a grown man. He just sat there, resigned and stone-faced. If this is the kind of stuff that's captured while Jenelle is "behaving" for the cameras, can you imagine what goes on when they stop rolling? It's frightening to think about.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 14
3 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

I have no experience with this, but can Barb legally pursue no visitation at all? Even Adam and Ryan (TM1), who are both admittedly unstable and using drugs, get visitation despite their problems. 

I admit ignorance in this area regarding the legalities as well, so I could very well be wrong. 

I just feel like she cooperates with her quite a bit not only for Jace but because she has a longing for reconciliation. Which is TOTALLY understandable as a mother, but I just really fear for Jace.

  • Love 7
17 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

I mean I don't want their relationship in trouble for Aubree and Watson's sake but on the other hand.....FINALLY an interesting storyline! plus I want Cole for myself.

Have at it.  He's a nice guy and all, but I'd lose my mind after about five minutes of his vocal antics and feel the need to slap him silly.  

19 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I'm watching the road rage incident now, and Jesus fucking Christ, the cop left a child in the car with a loaded weapon half a foot away?!!! Good grief.

This is still pissing me off.  Seriously, if she wasn't a five-foot-nothing, hundred-and-nothing pound white female Deputy Pixel there would have had her out of the truck, cuffs behind her back for officer safety, calling Barb to come get Jace so they can get him out of there while they tear the car apart looking for drug paraphernalia, residue, etc. 

2 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I haven’t commented on the Jenelle situation yet because it honestly left me so shaken. From her slow, creepy smile when she lifted that gun to the immediate switch when she was pulled over, to Jace’s breaking voice when he called Barb...yikes. I mean, wow- we are watching trauma unfold before our eyes, literally.

You can always tell when Jenelle is up to some shit, as she gets that "cat that ate the canary" smile on that smug little face of hers.  

23 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

I have no experience with this, but can Barb legally pursue no visitation at all? Even Adam and Ryan (TM1), who are both admittedly unstable and using drugs, get visitation despite their problems. 

I don't think Jenelle has met the criteria for severing her parental rights (i.e. ending her visitation).  It's a really high (dismally low?  you get the picture) standard to meet including severe or chronic neglect, sexual abuse, abandonment, long-term mental illness or deficiency, long-term drug and/or alcohol induced incapacity, failure to support or maintain contact and conviction of certain felonies.  For as shitty a parent as she is, she someone manages to just flirt with these standards and not actually check the box. They can severely limit her visitation and force her to have it at the visitation center like Chelsea though.

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On my drive into work today (I live in Houston - millions of people - horrible traffic) and behind me was a F250 riding my butt the whole way down I-10.  Before we hit the big bottleneck of traffic that stops all of us, we were moving at least 10 miles over the speed limit, and I had other cars in front of me, so I wasn't holding him up.  But I thought of Jenelle and how she'd be pointing her gun at everyone down here because this is the daily routine!

As others have commented, she did this knowing the cameras were rolling, and she didn't seem agitated before all this went down, so I wonder if she points that gun at people all the time when someone gets in her way.  I do think David is with her and driving most of the time, so that has probably squashed a bit of her anger issues.

If I ever run into this crew, I'm buying Kaiser and Ensley fries because I think they're throwing them at Janelle and David!

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On my drive into work today (I live in Houston - millions of people - horrible traffic) and behind me was a F250 riding my butt the whole way down I-10.  Before we hit the big bottleneck of traffic that stops all of us, we were moving at least 10 miles over the speed limit, and I had other cars in front of me, so I wasn't holding him up.  But I thought of Jenelle and how she'd be pointing her gun at everyone down here because this is the daily routine!

I drive on the turnpike to work every day during rush hour. I've almost been run over multiple times by semis, trucks, etc. I've seen people do crazy reckless shit during a blizzard with 6 inches of snow and ice on the road. And I've never even thought about following someone home. Jenelle has a huge impulse problem. She didn't even hesitate to follow the guy and pull out the gun. Was Jenelle diagnosed as bipolar at some point, or am I thinking of Amber? I really think Jenelle has some kind of mental illness that impacts her ability to make decisions and control herself.

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Just a curious semi off topic question from someone who doesn’t watch the show but does like reading the post.  Do any of these girls have any chance of making it if MTV ever decides to outright cancel the show?


on a side note i was watching some of the entertainment news channels.  I think TMZ but maybe not.  Everyone was commenting on how dangerous and illegal what Janelle did was and she had her eight year old son like three feet away.  One person commented that this is the stuff she is handing in to MTV.  You wonder what she isn’t.   

Edited by Chaos Theory
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I haven't posted here in a while because I haven't had anything to say that hasn't already been said a million times. And I know it has already been talked about to death but OMG THE ROAD RAGE SCENES! I have never felt worse for Jace. The phone call to Barb was so heartbreaking and sad. The stuttering, the blinking, all his tells for being super stressed...I just can't. At least with every other boyfriend Jenelle had the most dangerous weapon at her disposal was a glass mason jar. Someone is going to get killed on The Land and it is only a matter of time. She is SO lucky the other guy didn't shoot.

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On 7/25/2018 at 6:09 AM, mamadrama said:

I think David is a psychopath, but in comparison to Jenelle he does seem to put more effort into thinking about some of these things. Doesn't make him a good guy or anything, most psychopaths know exactly what they're doing and plan accordingly, but Jenelle is just becoming completely unhinged. I hate them both. 

As a gun owner and a parent, this whole exchange with her in the car made me sick. She was completely irresponsible and irrational in every decision she made. I can't believe she was waving around with what I assume was a loaded weapon with her kid inches away while DRIVING. It is idiots like that who get the attention and make it look like those of us who own firearms are insane. It just goes to show, too, that she's delusional and has no idea what she's doing. Nothing in the way that she handled the gun or the incident in general screamed "responsible adult and gun owner" or even just "adult."

People die that way here in Atlanta all the time. Some legal owners, some not, if ya know what I mean, but I don’t think Jenelle should be allowed to own a gun. She’s too impulsive, no self-control, no coping skills, no ability to de-escalate a situation. She’s like the female version of George Zimmerman. 

  • Love 8

I have been hearing about the road rage incident for months now and finally watched the episode. It was actually worse then what I thought. Janelle is such a piece of shit (Jace shouldn’t be talking like that, but it seriously is the best way to describe her). I pray Barb uses this to completely ban Janelle from Jace’s life. That poor kid. His reaction to it all was so telling. He’s used to this kind of shit! It’s normal behavior for Janelle and UBT. So disturbing and sad. 

  • Love 7
On 7/24/2018 at 4:36 PM, Bridget said:

In California, not every student's IEP meeting is held in the same month. Very much like how no one has the same exact date to renew their car registrations as someone else, an IEP meeting date is made up of several factors. I am not comparing your student to a car registration date, please know that! :)

The annual (or triennial) IEP meeting is based on when the student was originally officially deemed eligible for services, usually after the initial IEP was held. Sometimes that's in October, February or even as late as May. The spacing out of IEP meetings works well to make sure everyone should make it to the meeting. Between trying to get a parent to commit to attend on a date (knowing there's a chance they might flake and re-schedule), sadly, many support personnel (psychologists, speech/lang paths) either work a contract that's less than 100% or they shuttle back and forth between more than one site. Due to the actual length of IEP meetings (and they should be long!) and the input of professionals, there's no way all IEP meetings can all be scheduled before the start of a year.

A parent or Case Manager can call for an IEP meeting at any time during the school year though. 

I have a dear friend who works as 1:1 with a student and has been with her since grade 6. Student is headed into grade 11. That's how it is meant to work: the 1:1 moves with the student as they reach new grade levels and/or schools.  My friend is also in constant contact with the student's parents, even if it's to clarify HW or keep them up to date on deadlines.

Students have a 1:1 for a reason. No one takes the 1:1 away without having a backup plan. I bet Leah stopped listening the minute she heard the words "Ali's aide is leaving." Why didn't she ask what the "transfer" paper meant?

Maybe the aide wanted to work somewhere closer to home, put in a transfer request at the end of the last year and it was approved when Leah was in Hawaii. 

Maybe the aide really didn't want to work with Ali anymore since her two nincompoop parents refuse to open their eyes to the situation. 1:1 aides are typically the most patient people I know, so to see Ali's idiot parents having her play softball and not using her chair, she might've just cut ties with Ali because she was OVER Leah and Corey's choices. 

Regarding Ali, I get where Corey and Leah are coming from bc it’s also about Ali’s quality of life, not just her safety, you need to mix both in. She wants so bad to be able to do the things other kids do and if they completely forbid any activity outside of the wheelchair, I think Ali would be very, very unhappy. I think it’s important she is also able to enjoy herself. 

I do think Leah ought to join a support group for parents with kids who have MD, not just to help Leah, but also, for Ali, bc I think it would be helpful for Ali to have some friends who struggle with the same thing she does, so she won’t feel so left out and different all the time. She needs some friends she can relate to, especially as she gets older and Grace starts going out with her friends all the time and isn’t home around the house as much. 

  • Love 4
22 hours ago, BitterApple said:

That kid is doomed. I've never heard such a young child talk like that in my life. And then on last week's episode Barb told Nathan that Jace calls her "motherfucker" on a regular basis. He's been in therapy for a while and it doesn't seem to be doing him any good.

IDK how Jace knows about pistol-whipping but I wasn’t too surprised. I’ve heard worse. With the video games they have nowadays and what not, kids learn all sorts of bullshit. 

I do get the “future criminal” vibe from him, tho. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

It really is crazy. I don't know if Jace has seen so much bad shit he just retreats into himself when Jenelle flies off the handle, but you'd think even the most jaded kid would get agitated when his mother is brandishing weapons and fighting with a grown man. He just sat there, resigned and stone-faced. If this is the kind of stuff that's captured while Jenelle is "behaving" for the cameras, can you imagine what goes on when they stop rolling? It's frightening to think about.

Yup. And to be fair I don’t think the other driver behaved like a saint, either, he was in the wrong for trying to break-check her like that, but it was crazy for Jenelle to follow him like that. For what? I don’t get these psycho road rage ppl. I never get like that, I don’t see the point, I don’t care enough, I never have to see them again, they’re not nearly important enough for me to take time out of my day to detour from where I was originally going just to confront them. That’s insane, to me. Like let it go and move on, so you not have enough going on in your life? 

I actually feel like people who act like that should have their license suspended for at least a year and be required to complete some anger-management classes. 

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