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14 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Sorry. I don't get the appeal at all of RSG. 

I thought the first group of texts from B to RSG that were sent at 6 a.m. were referring to meeting for lunch in Miami from a much earlier time period. (But I didn't look at dates.) It seemed to me like there was a series of texts from her to him IRT trying to coordinate a time for that. Then there were the texts between the two about Ramona hijacking the Uber after speed dating. There is a texting gap between the two events. Unless I am misinterpreting.

It really is irrelevant. Bethenney should have just left things lie. (Who, Bethenney?) Now she has presented herself as lying and being annoyed/jealous that RSG enjoyed Carole's company and there's the possibility of a follow-up date (or more.)

Well, come sit by me, Charlizecat, because that was precisely how I interpreted the situation as well.

If I'm interpreting the texts and other info correctly (and there's definitely a chance I'm not), they met up and had lunch but it seems nothing came from that until the speed dating event.

I'm also under the impression Bethenny really didn't care to go on a second date with Red Scarf and he was out of sight, out of mind until he popped up at the speed dating event, switching his story from going there specifically to see Bethenny again but also saying that he went as a favor to the matchmaker hosting the event.

I don't think Bethenny was lying when she said she wasn't interested in dating him.  Sometimes one date/lunch is enough to know a person isn't your cup of tea and you really don't care to continue seeing that person.

But then again, I was one of those sketchy women who would claim to need a trip to the ladies room and instead bolt to my car and leave mid date if things weren't going well, so what do I know about proper dating etiquette.  

If these women aren't screaming over one another at the reunion, maybe we'll all get a better understanding of what actually went on.  

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19 minutes ago, Mozelle said:

I think option B.

Going back to the clip of the women arriving in Colombia, after Bethenny starts reading the texts, particularly the part about Ramona abandoning her Uber, she lies to the ladies that she then responded to Brian's text (that particular portion) about how Ramona isn't a good look so she's going to steer clear. So, I would deduce that once Bethenny actually read Brian's "nice and interesting" remark about Carole, she realized that he was actually interested (confirming her previous comment) and decided to back off. 

Especially given how Bethenny and Brian were playing a lot of text tag that didn't seem to go anywhere at that point only to learn that he found Carole nice and interesting, I guess Bethenny realized it was best to cut and run. 

Thanks, Mozelle-- I'm hauling my ass over to option B!

Looking at it that way, was Bethenny's assumption that RSB was interested in her (bethenny) a reasonable one?

Facts in evidence: (and ;) 

1. RS and Beth had lunch in Miami

2. They texted and agreed to meet again. Both parties seemed interested in finding a way to make a subsequent date happen. (In fairness, we are only looking at the texts he's showing us, but let's assume for sake of argument that that's all there were)

3. At the dating event, he said to Beth, I only came here hoping to see you (words to that effect).

Given that, is it reasonable that Beth thought he was interested in pursuing a relationship with her? I think it is.

So, when she discovers that he's also looking at dating other women, she's taken aback, and thinks he was gaming, given 1, 2 and 3 above.  I've been married for many years, so I really don't remember how this all went. But I know I would have taken 1,2 and 3 as signs he was interested in me.

If that's what Bethenny thought, was she wrong to think so, given what had transpired?

Edited by Jel
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And yes, he has a right to defend himself when she's busting on him on TV for fux sake!

But ultimately, wasn't he doing exactly what they all suspected? Trying to score with a housewife? He went after Bethenny - to the point where he was trying to set up a date, and then decided to go after Carole instead. I mean, he certainly didn't help himself by his performance at the speed dating where he came off kinda sleazy and desperate. (Between you, me, and the air around us? Any man with a modicum of self respect should have backed right the fuck away from Bethenny after her blow job remark.)

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I'm speculating, but what the hell -- I also think he'd have continued to want to see Beth if she hadn't shut it down. (As opposed to I liked you Beth, until I met Carole, now I am tossing you aside for her. )

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23 minutes ago, Ki-in said:

I still don't understand how these texts mean anything other than two people playing text tag and not being able to coordinate a meeting. 

On the face of it, that's how it seems. I'd be cool with that reading if Bethenny hadn't portrayed it as this guy who she had no interest in was going over the top texting her after the speed dating event to the point that she was annoyed. Maybe it was an ego-saving move on her part once she realized that he didn't only have eyes for her? Because they were both engaging in some banter/flirting at the event, but just like with dating apps, a speed dating event (says the woman who's not actually ever participated in one of those lol) doesn't necessarily mean that two people who might've hit it off after the first meeting would already be on the path toward a relationship just yet. 

22 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

Well, come sit by me, Charlizecat, because that was precisely how I interpreted the situation as well.

If I'm interpreting the texts and other info correctly (and there's definitely a chance I'm not), they met up and had lunch but it seems nothing came from that until the speed dating event.

I'm also under the impression Bethenny really didn't care to go on a second date with Red Scarf and he was out of sight, out of mind until he popped up at the speed dating event, switching his story from going there specifically to see Bethenny again but also saying that he went as a favor to the matchmaker hosting the event.

I don't think Bethenny was lying when she said she wasn't interested in dating him.  Sometimes one date/lunch is enough to know a person isn't your cup of tea and you really don't care to continue seeing that person.

But then again, I was one of those sketchy women who would claim to need a trip to the ladies room and instead bolt to my car and leave mid date if things weren't going well, so what do I know about proper dating etiquette.  

If these women aren't screaming over one another at the reunion, maybe we'll all get a better understanding of what actually went on.  

1) So they had that one lunch date in Miami whenever it was--a month prior, a couple months prior, several months prior, I'm not certain. That didn't lead to anything, clearly. They meet up again at the speed dating event. The following morning, Bethenny reaches out to him to make plans. That says to me that her interest was piqued at the speed dating event and she wanted to follow up.

2) I just got a nice chuckle. Thanks!

Edited by Mozelle
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16 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

But ultimately, wasn't he doing exactly what they all suspected? Trying to score with a housewife? He went after Bethenny - to the point where he was trying to set up a date, and then decided to go after Carole instead. I mean, he certainly didn't help himself by his performance at the speed dating where he came off kinda sleazy and desperate. (Between you, me, and the air around us? Any man with a modicum of self respect should have backed right the fuck away from Bethenny after her blow job remark.)

Maybe so, but the way she portrayed it, she made it sound like he was chasing after her big time and she just isn't interested in all.  I read the situation as the opposite --  he might have been interested in her but Beth seemed to be VERY interested in him.  I think Beth likes to make it sound like every man is after her and if it doesn't work out it is not because she's obnoxious AF, but because there's something wrong with him.

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IMO Both Bethany and her Former BFF are overly inflated with their egos and how hot they are.  Carole is always blabbing about her scrawny non existent ass and Bethany is always fake self deprecating. They both love to make digs at other women who they perceive as a threat to that thought process. 

Carole isn’t immune to that no matter how hard she pretends otherwise. 

And I think they are both a little salty at not being 

“the hot girls”  similar to The asshat Vicki Of OC Except those two actually have fashion sense (for all Carole’s misses lately I have always liked her style) and are more worldly than that creature from the love tank swamp of need. If they realized that perhaps they would stop  their shite. And enjoy the blessing of getting older and the sophistication that comes with that. Self acceptance is sexy chicas. Try it. It’s free. 

But then they wouldn’t be entertaining us on this show. 

Edited by lamujerdecente
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If Bethenny herself didn’t think to ask what she was putting in her own mouth that could possibly make her sick, why is Ramoner expected to be more concerned about what Bethenny puts in her mouth?

For real. Beth saw the lunch spread soon after arriving to the house - she could've inquired about the dishes and mentioned her allergy/preferences right then and there (as Ramona did), but she chose not to do so. And, after actually sitting down to eat the lunch, she never asked about the soup that was right in front of her. 

Frankel's supposed allergic reaction got her attention, gave her an excuse to ditch lunch, and she got to puke up her previous meal...all wins in that warped bitch's mind.


When Bethenny says "I'm gonna steer clear" does she mean:

A) I will refrain from commenting on whether or not Carole is nice and interesting?

B) Oh, you like Carole? Okay, I'm going to steer clear of you then, RSG? (I thought you were interested in me, but it seems you are casting a wider net.)

C) Something else?

That line stood out the most to me, and my first thought was option A, because it totally fits Frankel's M.O. of being nasty and manipulative. 

Edited by jaync
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1 hour ago, lamujerdecente said:

IMO Both Bethany and her Former BFF are overly inflated with their egos and how hot they are.  Carole is always blabbing about her scrawny non existent ass and Bethany is always fake self deprecating. They both love to make digs at other women who they perceive as a threat to that thought process. 

Carole isn’t immune to that no matter how hard she pretends otherwise. 

And I think they are both a little salty at not being 

“the hot girls”  similar to The asshat Vicki Of OC Except those two actually have fashion sense (for all Carole’s misses lately I have always liked her style) and are more worldly than that creature from the love tank swamp of need. If they realized that perhaps they would stop  their shite. And enjoy the blessing of getting older and the sophistication that comes with that. Self acceptance is sexy chicas. Try it. It’s free. 

But then they wouldn’t be entertaining us on this show. 

Great post!


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I think In addition to Sonja,  Lu is okay with Bethenny and Tinsley is ambivalent at worst. Yes, she'd have Carole's side in an argument but she's really neutral when it comes to B. I agree however, that if she returns, they have to cast a "ally" for B - such as bringing Jill back, or someone B already knows that would be willing to do the show... I also don't doubt Ramona would come back into the fold if she thought her apple were in jeopardy... 

Maybe Rinna will move to NYC? Her daughter lives there now so it’s not out of the realm. Also I feel like her time on BH has come to a natural end.

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2 hours ago, Jel said:

When Bethenny says "I'm gonna steer clear" does she mean:

A) I will refrain from commenting on whether or not Carole is nice and interesting?

B) Oh, you like Carole? Okay, I'm going to steer clear of you then, RSG? (I thought you were interested in me, but it seems you are casting a wider net.)

C) Something else?

At first, I read it as option A. In rereading, I'm now wondering if it was actually B.

I vote for “B”

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Full disclosure — I just watched the episode but have read every post in this thread, except the last few pages about RSG.  IMO, he is NOT the cause of Bethenny’s obnoxious behavior and fake breakdowns.

Bethenny has reached way past her obnoxious behavior because she feels slighted.   She was a total straight up bitch to everyone, and ruined the entire episode.

1:  She brought up the texts from RSG, and mispresented them.

2:  She had to roll all over her bathroom floor in agony from her “allergic reaction”, but when no one came to coddle her, she recovered amazingly well and appeared downstairs in fresh clothes.

3:  She was a total bitch to Carole by calling her smug, which she was not, and age shamed her.  She is pissed that RSG went to lunch with Carole and Carole did not tell her.  All the ladies were discussing RSG, but it was only Carole that Bethenny had a problem with.  She didn’t care about Ramona jumping in his car, because she doesn’t give a damn about him....she just cannot stand that Carole no longer confides in her.

4:  Naturally, the house is not good enough for Bethenny.  The house has open courtyards, with lots of trees, and expecting it to stay clean is crazy.  Welcome to real life Beth, you psychotic snowflake. Lu should have been wearing shoes if she didn’t want to get her feet so dirty.  Watching Beth’s assistant follow her around with a lint roller was disgusting.

5:  Bethenny was so upset after dinner that she wanted to go back to the house, but as soon as Carole and the others went on without her, Sonja and Lu....she was okay to forge on.  Coincidentally, they ended up catching up with the other ladies.  Perhaps production told Bethenny and company, that they had to participate.....who knows.  However, she had to start shit again with Dorinda.  Now I believe that Dorinda is a shit stirrer, however, it made me sick watching her kiss Bethenny’s ass because she told Tinsley that Bethenny didn’t like the house.  I would have told her to fuck right off with that bossiness. Bethenny truly needs to control the narrative.  

6:  So, they make plans to go shopping, but before they can go, Bethenny has to have another crying nervous breakdown with Dorinda....making sure to tell Lu to get out because she didn’t want to share the cameras, I mean, have anyone else around her.  She was ugly crying about having to go back to her life of torture...say what now?  I am so damn tired of her crying over her divorce and custody agreement.  It’s not like the judge awarded Brynn and all her money to Jason and she has to start selling muffins at the grocery store again.  Come on Beth, you are rich as fuck and completely miserable.....mostly due to your own choices.  Stop it and get a grip.  Find your sense of humor again and be that girl that pulled herself up and became successful with Skinny Girl.  If you can’t find a ray of sunshine, on a free trip, then please leave the show.  

7:  Bethenny is completely blindsided that Carole no longer wants to be her close friend.  I get it, it hurts.  But Beth knew that confidence and loyalty was very important to Carole and Beth betrayed her trust.  She is never going to completely get over it, because Beth puts her down every chance she gets.  It wasn’t necessary to make fun of Carole’s outfit for dinner, on camera, and with the other ladies.  I don’t care if Beth liked it or not, good friends just don’t do that.  Carole is a smart woman, she has a good life with very loyal friends.  Beth has burned every single chance she had to try and repair the friendship.  I don’t know if Beth really cares about Carole that much or if she cares more about “who wins”.  In any event, Beth cannot accept the fact that Carole has moved on, and doesn’t need Beth in her life any longer.  It is eating her alive.  And to add insult to injury, the other ladies, except for stupid Sonja, are getting tired of Beth’s controlling ways and are just moving on with their fun.  She has worn them down and they just don’t care anymore.  I think Tinsley handled Beth perfectly.  She listened to Beth’s tear-filled war story, said she hated to see her cry, and got up and left.  

As if Bethenny didn’t ruin the episode enough, because their last trip was so fun to watch and I was looking forward to this one, we had to deal with the irritation that is Ramona.  I cannot stand to listen to her speak any longer.  Poor baby had to hang up her own clothes, remind the chef she cannot eat butter, and got pushed around in a wheelchair. I loved the way Lu, with nothing but disdain, said that Ramona was such a pain in the ass.  

Sadly, I don’t have much hope for the rest of the trip because Beth is damned and determined to ruin it for everyone.  And even if agreeing with Jason on a divorce issue would bring her peace, she won’t let it happen because she has to win. If she isn’t happy, no one is happy.  How many trip episodes are there?

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 Naturally, the house is not good enough for Bethenny.  The house has open courtyards, with lots of trees, and expecting it to stay clean is crazy.  Welcome to real life Beth, you psychotic snowflake. 

I'm just going to be honest. One thing I like about the trips is the house porn and this really hasn't been one of the nicer vacation homes they've used. I get that Cartehegna isn't going to have Scary Island villas but honestly, compared to the villa on Scary Island, the Mexico place, the riad in Morocco etc, the place in Cartehegna is a lil low rent.

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14 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

I'm just going to be honest. One thing I like about the trips is the house porn and this really hasn't been one of the nicer vacation homes they've used. I get that Cartehegna isn't going to have Scary Island villas but honestly, compared to the villa on Scary Island, the Mexico place, the riad in Morocco etc, the place in Cartehegna is a lil low rent.

True, but this is where the trip is.  Enjoy it or go home.

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2 hours ago, Jel said:

When Bethenny says "I'm gonna steer clear" does she mean:

A) I will refrain from commenting on whether or not Carole is nice and interesting?

B) Oh, you like Carole? Okay, I'm going to steer clear of you then, RSG? (I thought you were interested in me, but it seems you are casting a wider net.)

C) Something else?

At first, I read it as option A. In rereading, I'm now wondering if it was actually B.

I took it as option B, whether solely because of Carole, or because he was in the larger mix just a bit too much.

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2 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

 If these women aren't screaming over one another at the reunion, maybe we'll all get a better understanding of what actually went on.  

I love that you're an optimist!

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16 hours ago, bagger said:

SHes always been a bitter snot (whom I like despite my opinion of her) but in my opinion he’s a whinny wanna be non-reality No one. Neither one of them came out unscathed. 

I suspect he’s a closet viewer. I’ve caught him referencing this or that that’s happened on a show or two but he’s right he denies, denies, denies!

i suspect I’ll come home early from work one day and find him on the couch with a glass of vanderpump rose and binge watching housewives.

I have a feeling a lot of our partners know more about these HW's (or other reality shows) than they are willing to admit.  They would have to talk to us about it if said admission happened!  I am on to you Mr. Natalie!  All it took was one Kadooz or ReGAY (instead of reggae) and I knew your secret!

I believe RSG had every right to give his side of the story but had he not, it may have been forgotten.  I think he wanted some publicity but whatevs.  Both he and B (who I really like) look lame.

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2 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

Full disclosure — I just watched the episode but have read every post in this thread, except the last few pages about RSG.  IMO, he is NOT the cause of Bethenny’s obnoxious behavior and fake breakdowns.

Bethenny has reached way past her obnoxious behavior because she feels slighted.   She was a total straight up bitch to everyone, and ruined the entire episode.

1:  She brought up the texts from RSG, and mispresented them.

2:  She had to roll all over her bathroom floor in agony from her “allergic reaction”, but when no one came to coddle her, she recovered amazingly well and appeared downstairs in fresh clothes.

3:  She was a total bitch to Carole by calling her smug, which she was not, and age shamed her.  She is pissed that RSG went to lunch with Carole and Carole did not tell her.  All the ladies were discussing RSG, but it was only Carole that Bethenny had a problem with.  She didn’t care about Ramona jumping in his car, because she doesn’t give a damn about him....she just cannot stand that Carole no longer confides in her.

4:  Naturally, the house is not good enough for Bethenny.  The house has open courtyards, with lots of trees, and expecting it to stay clean is crazy.  Welcome to real life Beth, you psychotic snowflake. Lu should have been wearing shoes if she didn’t want to get her feet so dirty.  Watching Beth’s assistant follow her around with a lint roller was disgusting.

5:  Bethenny was so upset after dinner that she wanted to go back to the house, but as soon as Carole and the others went on without her, Sonja and Lu....she was okay to forge on.  Coincidentally, they ended up catching up with the other ladies.  Perhaps production told Bethenny and company, that they had to participate.....who knows.  However, she had to start shit again with Dorinda.  Now I believe that Dorinda is a shit stirrer, however, it made me sick watching her kiss Bethenny’s ass because she told Tinsley that Bethenny didn’t like the house.  I would have told her to fuck right off with that bossiness. Bethenny truly needs to control the narrative.  

6:  So, they make plans to go shopping, but before they can go, Bethenny has to have another crying nervous breakdown with Dorinda....making sure to tell Lu to get out because she didn’t want to share the cameras, I mean, have anyone else around her.  She was ugly crying about having to go back to her life of torture...say what now?  I am so damn tired of her crying over her divorce and custody agreement.  It’s not like the judge awarded Brynn and all her money to Jason and she has to start selling muffins at the grocery store again.  Come on Beth, you are rich as fuck and completely miserable.....mostly due to your own choices.  Stop it and get a grip.  Find your sense of humor again and be that girl that pulled herself up and became successful with Skinny Girl.  If you can’t find a ray of sunshine, on a free trip, then please leave the show.  

7:  Bethenny is completely blindsided that Carole no longer wants to be her close friend.  I get it, it hurts.  But Beth knew that confidence and loyalty was very important to Carole and Beth betrayed her trust.  She is never going to completely get over it, because Beth puts her down every chance she gets.  It wasn’t necessary to make fun of Carole’s outfit for dinner, on camera, and with the other ladies.  I don’t care if Beth liked it or not, good friends just don’t do that.  Carole is a smart woman, she has a good life with very loyal friends.  Beth has burned every single chance she had to try and repair the friendship.  I don’t know if Beth really cares about Carole that much or if she cares more about “who wins”.  In any event, Beth cannot accept the fact that Carole has moved on, and doesn’t need Beth in her life any longer.  It is eating her alive.  And to add insult to injury, the other ladies, except for stupid Sonja, are getting tired of Beth’s controlling ways and are just moving on with their fun.  She has worn them down and they just don’t care anymore.  I think Tinsley handled Beth perfectly.  She listened to Beth’s tear-filled war story, said she hated to see her cry, and got up and left.  

As if Bethenny didn’t ruin the episode enough, because their last trip was so fun to watch and I was looking forward to this one, we had to deal with the irritation that is Ramona.  I cannot stand to listen to her speak any longer.  Poor baby had to hang up her own clothes, remind the chef she cannot eat butter, and got pushed around in a wheelchair. I loved the way Lu, with nothing but disdain, said that Ramona was such a pain in the ass.  

Sadly, I don’t have much hope for the rest of the trip because Beth is damned and determined to ruin it for everyone.  And even if agreeing with Jason on a divorce issue would bring her peace, she won’t let it happen because she has to win. If she isn’t happy, no one is happy.  How many trip episodes are there?

Amen to all of this.  I loved Beth her first couple of years, but she's really morphed into the most neurotic, egotistical yet insecure cast member.  I feel like nearly every minute of her filming is so plotted out to give her the most attention.  What I can't figure out is why she seems to think this attention is positive.  

With all that she has, she really does seem to be the most miserable person on the planet.  

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1 minute ago, sasha206 said:

Amen to all of this.  I loved Beth her first couple of years, but she's really morphed into the most neurotic, egotistical yet insecure cast member.  I feel like nearly every minute of her filming is so plotted out to give her the most attention.  What I can't figure out is why she seems to think this attention is positive.  

With all that she has, she really does seem to be the most miserable person on the planet.  

I agree.  It’s frustrating because we don’t get to hear what’s going on in the other HW’s lives.   It’s all Bethenny all the time.  And I think she can be hilarious and real, but only when things are going her way.  I mean, when she gets home, she will be in a new home with everything unpacked for her.  What a blessing.  She is not appreciating what her rich lifestyle affords her.  I wish she could fix her relationship with her mom.....she needs a mom.

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27 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I have a feeling a lot of our partners know more about these HW's (or other reality shows) than they are willing to admit.  They would have to talk to us about it if said admission happened!  I am on to you Mr. Natalie!  All it took was one Kadooz or ReGAY (instead of reggae) and I knew your secret!

I believe RSG had every right to give his side of the story but had he not, it may have been forgotten.  I think he wanted some publicity but whatevs.  Both he and B (who I really like) look lame.

Mr. Persnickety was not only hopelessly addicted to all of the Housewives franchises, he also got me hooked on Vanderpump Rules which I had avoided watching because I wasn't particularly fond of LVP and figured VPR would be "wait staff" straight out of central casting and boring.  Yes, I unashamedly admit I was wrong and now that I'm all caught up via the beauty of Hulu, I still love this show with every fiber of my twisted being.  

Does anyone know when we can expect the much ballyhooed boat trip?  I'm so underwhelmed with the Bethenny/Carole showdown(s) that I'm wringing my hands in anticipation of something really full of shenanigans.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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21 hours ago, film noire said:

Ahem, excuse me, Happy Camper: not just porn, but (per Ramona) porn on a waterbed.


~and it was ramona's scorn for that waterbed porn that drove her to let frankel eat the fish! 

That was one of my favorite moments ever! Ramona seemed so disgusted by the waterbed. The Ramonacoster has some weird issues around sex. I was just impressed someone found a waterbed. I don’t think I’ve seen one since the early 1980s.

So I kind of don’t care one way or the other (I’m not one to get super shocked by nudity. I didn’t care the Kelly was in playboy. I didn’t care about Alex’s photos), but was the movie really soft core porn? I’ve only seen clips, but from that and what I’ve read it was a super low budget thriller where Bethany showed her boobs. That doesn’t really seem that wild to me. Is there more?  Did the porn label come only from Ramona? Because as I said, she has some stuff about sex.

back to the episode, no I don’t think Ramona poisoned Bethany (probably. Maybe) but her lack of empathy is super off putting. She really doesn’t seem to even understand empathy. I have actually been in the situation where someone I could not stand was in pain and it never occurred to me to be smug about it. She does not seem to understand that other people are as important as she is. Even with Avery and Mario. I believe she loves them in her way. I am not sure she understand they exist outside of her needs.

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2 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

3:  She was a total bitch to Carole by calling her smug, which she was not, and age shamed her.  She is pissed that RSG went to lunch with Carole and Carole did not tell her.  All the ladies were discussing RSG, but it was only Carole that Bethenny had a problem with.  She didn’t care about Ramona jumping in his car, because she doesn’t give a damn about him....she just cannot stand that Carole no longer confides in her.

CO SIGN to your entire post! But highlighting this..... B is pissed RSG went to lunch w/Carole and Carole did not tell Bethenny.  BUT BUT BUT...... It's perfectly  OKKKKK in Bethenny's book for Bethenny to ask Adam to photo the PR/Houston relief effort trip for no comp without telling Carole about how THAT all shook out. That is some hypocritical f***king bullshit.  Bethenny is a joke and it is finally time everyone sees her for the POS that she is. 

And I am with Option B. Bethenny was going to "steer clear" of RSG because B feels he is at this point "running game" trying to date serial HW.  I did think the comment was funny that his name should be Dick. Then we'd have Tom, Dick AND Harry dating multi HW!   :-) 

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37 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

I agree.  It’s frustrating because we don’t get to hear what’s going on in the other HW’s lives.   It’s all Bethenny all the time.  And I think she can be hilarious and real, but only when things are going her way.  I mean, when she gets home, she will be in a new home with everything unpacked for her.  What a blessing.  She is not appreciating what her rich lifestyle affords her.  I wish she could fix her relationship with her mom.....she needs a mom full time, in-house, dedicated psychologist.  One with very, very effective pharmaceuticals.


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39 minutes ago, FozzyBear said:

So I kind of don’t care one way or the other (I’m not one to get super shocked by nudity. I didn’t care the Kelly was in playboy. I didn’t care about Alex’s photos), but was the movie really soft core porn? I’ve only seen clips, but from that and what I’ve read it was a super low budget thriller where Bethany showed her boobs. That doesn’t really seem that wild to me. Is there more?  Did the porn label come only from Ramona? Because as I said, she has some stuff about sex.

From what I've seen of the clips, it is not soft core porn. She just shows her boobs and has a really terribly overacted sex scene. I can think of mainstream movies that are way more porny--Eyes Wide Shut, Blue is the Warmest Color, the 50 Shades series, Dame Helen Mirren in Caligula, Secretary, 9 1/2 Weeks, and Wild Things. Kim Cattral in Sex and the City is more scandalous than that movie.

Ariana Madix has done soft core. Scheana Marie has done it too. As has Camille. This is just Ramona being a judgemental prude.

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1 hour ago, Otherkate said:

I'm sure Carole thought long and hard about this before making up her mind.    I didn't dislike Carole;  I didn't particularly like her either but I did think she was boring.    I'm inclined to believe she made the decision to leave early on this season.   I think the very public breakup with Adam was difficult for her.   Whatever she decides to do, I wish her well.    I'm just glad I won't have to watch her chew with her mouth open anymore.

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I think what we see of Carole as it regards Bethenny post-Christmas and definitely in Colombia is likely the catalyst for her leaving. By then, Carole was over it with Bethenny.  

Additionally, I think Carole believed that she and Bethenny were genuine friends, only to realize during this season’s filming that Bethenny was saying stuff about Carole to the other women. Say what you want about Carole, but I don’t remember her talking shit about Bethenny to the others until it came to her attention that Bethenny was whispering behind her back. 

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I’ve only seen clips, but from that and what I’ve read it was a super low budget thriller where Bethany showed her boobs. That doesn’t really seem that wild to me. Is there more?  Did the porn label come only from Ramona? Because as I said, she has some stuff about sex.

It's pretty tame, @FozzyBear,  compared to what's online today, but 24 years ago, this kind of low rent/tacky sex scene would be a bad career move (and whoever advised her to do it -- agent or manager -- was not looking out for Frankel). Link here (not safe for work, so I guess that means it's some kind of porn, or porn adjacent!):


Here's the second scene (Frankel moving in for a near-kiss planted on another woman's lips -- sad to say, this probably dug her grave deeper, back in the extremely homophobic 90s.)


But at least there's no lesbian waterbed, Fozzy!

Edited by film noire
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4 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

IMO, he is NOT the cause of Bethenny’s obnoxious behavior and fake breakdowns. 

(snip just for space)

Your post is a goddamn thing of beauty, Butter Queen ; )

Edited by film noire
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59 minutes ago, film noire said:

Your post is a goddamn thing of beauty, Butter Queen ; )

Why thank you!  ?

2 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Haven’t read the above posts so this may be a repeat.  Today’s ny post p. 6 .. Carole leaving ny housewives after 6 seasons.

NOOOOOOO!!!  ☹️☹️☹️

2 hours ago, AnnA said:

I'm sure Carole thought long and hard about this before making up her mind.    I didn't dislike Carole;  I didn't particularly like her either but I did think she was boring.    I'm inclined to believe she made the decision to leave early on this season.   I think the very public breakup with Adam was difficult for her.   Whatever she decides to do, I wish her well.    I'm just glad I won't have to watch her chew with her mouth open anymore.

I’m more inclined to believe Bethenny made the show unbearable for her.  

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5 hours ago, FeverDog said:

Maybe Rinna will move to NYC? Her daughter lives there now so it’s not out of the realm. Also I feel like her time on BH has come to a natural end.

Please god NO-!  I checked out of BH because of Rinna and Erika.

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5 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

Full disclosure — I just watched the episode but have read every post in this thread, except the last few pages about RSG.  IMO, he is NOT the cause of Bethenny’s obnoxious behavior and fake breakdowns.

Bethenny has reached way past her obnoxious behavior because she feels slighted.   She was a total straight up bitch to everyone, and ruined the entire episode.

1:  She brought up the texts from RSG, and mispresented them.

2:  She had to roll all over her bathroom floor in agony from her “allergic reaction”, but when no one came to coddle her, she recovered amazingly well and appeared downstairs in fresh clothes.

3:  She was a total bitch to Carole by calling her smug, which she was not, and age shamed her.  She is pissed that RSG went to lunch with Carole and Carole did not tell her.  All the ladies were discussing RSG, but it was only Carole that Bethenny had a problem with.  She didn’t care about Ramona jumping in his car, because she doesn’t give a damn about him....she just cannot stand that Carole no longer confides in her.

4:  Naturally, the house is not good enough for Bethenny.  The house has open courtyards, with lots of trees, and expecting it to stay clean is crazy.  Welcome to real life Beth, you psychotic snowflake. Lu should have been wearing shoes if she didn’t want to get her feet so dirty.  Watching Beth’s assistant follow her around with a lint roller was disgusting.

5:  Bethenny was so upset after dinner that she wanted to go back to the house, but as soon as Carole and the others went on without her, Sonja and Lu....she was okay to forge on.  Coincidentally, they ended up catching up with the other ladies.  Perhaps production told Bethenny and company, that they had to participate.....who knows.  However, she had to start shit again with Dorinda.  Now I believe that Dorinda is a shit stirrer, however, it made me sick watching her kiss Bethenny’s ass because she told Tinsley that Bethenny didn’t like the house.  I would have told her to fuck right off with that bossiness. Bethenny truly needs to control the narrative.  

6:  So, they make plans to go shopping, but before they can go, Bethenny has to have another crying nervous breakdown with Dorinda....making sure to tell Lu to get out because she didn’t want to share the cameras, I mean, have anyone else around her.  She was ugly crying about having to go back to her life of torture...say what now?  I am so damn tired of her crying over her divorce and custody agreement.  It’s not like the judge awarded Brynn and all her money to Jason and she has to start selling muffins at the grocery store again.  Come on Beth, you are rich as fuck and completely miserable.....mostly due to your own choices.  Stop it and get a grip.  Find your sense of humor again and be that girl that pulled herself up and became successful with Skinny Girl.  If you can’t find a ray of sunshine, on a free trip, then please leave the show.  

7:  Bethenny is completely blindsided that Carole no longer wants to be her close friend.  I get it, it hurts.  But Beth knew that confidence and loyalty was very important to Carole and Beth betrayed her trust.  She is never going to completely get over it, because Beth puts her down every chance she gets.  It wasn’t necessary to make fun of Carole’s outfit for dinner, on camera, and with the other ladies.  I don’t care if Beth liked it or not, good friends just don’t do that.  Carole is a smart woman, she has a good life with very loyal friends.  Beth has burned every single chance she had to try and repair the friendship.  I don’t know if Beth really cares about Carole that much or if she cares more about “who wins”.  In any event, Beth cannot accept the fact that Carole has moved on, and doesn’t need Beth in her life any longer.  It is eating her alive.  And to add insult to injury, the other ladies, except for stupid Sonja, are getting tired of Beth’s controlling ways and are just moving on with their fun.  She has worn them down and they just don’t care anymore.  I think Tinsley handled Beth perfectly.  She listened to Beth’s tear-filled war story, said she hated to see her cry, and got up and left.  

As if Bethenny didn’t ruin the episode enough, because their last trip was so fun to watch and I was looking forward to this one, we had to deal with the irritation that is Ramona.  I cannot stand to listen to her speak any longer.  Poor baby had to hang up her own clothes, remind the chef she cannot eat butter, and got pushed around in a wheelchair. I loved the way Lu, with nothing but disdain, said that Ramona was such a pain in the ass.  

Sadly, I don’t have much hope for the rest of the trip because Beth is damned and determined to ruin it for everyone.  And even if agreeing with Jason on a divorce issue would bring her peace, she won’t let it happen because she has to win. If she isn’t happy, no one is happy.  How many trip episodes are there?

Agree with everything you said about Bethenny!


Ramona is annoying but I find it funny to watch her try to boss people around and then they just leave. Kudos to that bellhop or whatever they're called for just leaving.

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

I've had a love/hate thing for Carole but I'm truly disappointed she's leaving the show.

Meh. I’ll believe it when next season starts and she’s not there.  

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1 hour ago, film noire said:

It's pretty tame compared to what's online today, but 24 years ago, this kind of low rent/tacky sex scene would be a bad career move (and whoever advised her to do it -- agent or manager -- was not looking out for Frankel). Link here (not safe for work, so I guess that means it's some kind of porn, or porn adjacent!):


Here's the second scene (Frankel moving in for a near-kiss planted on another woman's lips -- sad to say, this probably dug her grave deeper, back in the extremely homophobic 90s.)


But at least there's no lesbian waterbed, Fozzy!

I think one of the biggest knocks against Bethenny's film is that it didn't arise out of the cinematic movements in the 90s. It doesn't fit into the new queer cinema of Todd Haynes, Gregg Araki, and Derek Jarman nor does it fit into the stylized genre pastiches of Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez or the gritty quasi-documentary style of Larry Clark or the gross surreal splatter style of Troma. Bethenny's film is cheap, lazy, and designed to appeal to the base common taste with no hints of skill or artistry. Oooh, boobs, sex scenes, lesbians, and murder. Two years later, the Wachowskis would put out the infinitely better Bound with nearly the same elements (boobs, sex scenes, lesbians, and murder). But the reality is that even if Bethenny had starred in something that was better regarded, Ramona still would have held it against her because Ramona is kind of small minded prude.

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rewatching-ish before the new episode and just noticed at the beginning, they showed the name of the hotel Tins is staying at. One would think that means the suite is comped... aka, coupon boy isn't paying 30K a month for it... or at the very least - nowhere near that amount...

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Those texts don't prove that Bethany initiated the conversation. It's it starts off with her verifying date and time. So what came before that?  It looks like she was trying to pin down a day & time.  However it still doesn't show who initiated the idea to get together. This only prove to me that mr. Brian isn't being entirely honest himself. Also knowing that Bethenny is a time freak, the text a few days later was also to verify that the date or get together, whatever, was still on. That is a smart things to do when getting with somebody that you don't know that well. Therefore these texts don't prove that she was chasing after this guy.

This is also shady on his part because he claims he never saw these shows but then goes on to say that Bethenny has a history of exaggerating (or lying) ?.  How does he know her history if he was not familiar with the show or the women on it.  I think he's trying to save face because B said she was not really interested in him at the speed dating thing.  Yeah, those texts are missing a few links.

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Just caught on rewatch how nasty Bethenny was to Carole about RSG. Calling him a consolation prize that no one wants. I can't stand her. 


Carole is my favorite and I'm not sure how I'll feel about watching the show without her. 

Edited by missy jo
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I’m also rewatching the prior episode and oh lord, is that first dinner a shit show. Rather, Bethenny is a shit show.

First she makes fun of Carol for using the term “it’s not that deep” and implies that Carol is trying to sound young by saying it. Which... wtf? Is that’s a phrase that’s exclusive to millennials?? And yet in that same conversation she herself says that Red Scarf is “running game.” I mean, if I had to choose between those 2 phrases as to which one a younger person (or an older person trying to sound younger) might say, I know I’d choose the latter.  But of course, that’s just me. 

She also bitches that Carol doesn’t initiatally mention that Red Scarf has any association with Bethenny. Then when Carole does say that he and Beth DO know each other, she jumps down her throat. 

Raging dumpster fire, thy name is a Bethenny. ? 

Edited by Duke2801
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4 minutes ago, DelicateDee said:

Those texts don't prove that Bethany initiated the conversation. It's it starts off with her verifying date and time. So what came before that?  It looks like she was trying to pin down a day & time.  However it still doesn't show who initiated the idea to get together. This only prove to me that mr. Brian isn't being entirely honest himself. Also knowing that Bethenny is a time freak, the text a few days later was also to verify that the date or get together, whatever, was still on. That is a smart things to do when getting with somebody that you don't know that well. Therefore these texts don't prove that she was chasing after this guy.

This is also shady on his part because he claims he never saw these shows but then goes on to say that Bethenny has a history of exaggerating (or lying) ?.  How does he know her history if he was not familiar with the show or the women on it.  I think he's trying to save face because B said she was not really interested in him at the speed dating thing.  Yeah, those texts are missing a few links.



4 minutes ago, missy jo said:

Just caught on rewatch how nasty Bethenny was to Carole about RSG. Calling him a consolation prize that no one wants. I can't stand her. 

Actually Carole was the consolation prize. 

And now she's leaving the show.

Bye Felicia!

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Another one rewatching.  Boy Carole for someone that was soooo upset because she thought Bethenny was her friend until she saw Bethenny’s THs you are a real bitch in yours.  So I guess it’s ok for Carole to talk about Bethenny but not the other way around?  That makes sense.  Snobs always think the rules don’t apply to them.  She’s just nasty.

I would say I’m not going to miss her but I don’t believe she’s really leaving.  I bet Dorinda is quaking right now.  She put all her eggs in the the Carole Basket and now she’s got nothing.  

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28 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

I’m also rewatching the prior episode and oh lord, is that first dinner a shit show. Rather, Bethenny is a shit show.

First she makes fun of Carol for using the term “it’s not that deep” and implies that Carol is trying to sound young by saying it. Which... wtf? Is that’s a phrase that’s exclusive to millennials?? And yet in that same conversation she herself says that Red Scarf is “running game.” I mean, if I had to choose between those 2 phrases as to which one a younger person (or an older person trying to sound younger) might say, I know I’d choose the latter.  But of course, that’s just me. 

She also bitches that Carol doesn’t initiatally mention that Red Scarf has any association with Bethenny. Then when Carole does say that he and Beth DO know each other, she jumps down her throat. 

Raging dumpster fire, thy name is a Bethenny. ? 

Just a miserable slag of a person she is.  Unless this is all a reality show act, or even if it isn't, she needs intensive therapy.  

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10 hours ago, Jel said:

When Bethenny says "I'm gonna steer clear" does she mean:

A) I will refrain from commenting on whether or not Carole is nice and interesting?

B) Oh, you like Carole? Okay, I'm going to steer clear of you then, RSG? (I thought you were interested in me, but it seems you are casting a wider net.)

C) Something else?

At first, I read it as option A. In rereading, I'm now wondering if it was actually B.

Good question. I have been wondering that myself!

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a consolation prize that no one wants

Although it's slightly different because Red Scarf Guy is reasonably attractive and I'm assuming not a dolt or weirdo, I'm reminded of Charlotte's admonition to Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice that "Why should you be surprised, my dear Eliza? Do you think it incredible that Mr. Collins should be able to procure any woman's good opinion, because he was not so happy as to succeed with you?"

So just because Bethenny rejected him, or couldn't make a date happen or whatever means his moving on to Carole makes both of them consolation prizes. Hasn't everyone been rejected at some point? Even the most beautiful women in the world have been rejected, cheated on and divorced, it doesn't diminish their beauty or worth.

Bethenny doesn't want something but no one else can have it either. And if they do get it they better not like it if she doesn't give it her seal of approval. 

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1 hour ago, Ki-in said:

a consolation prize that no one wants

Although it's slightly different because Red Scarf Guy is reasonably attractive and I'm assuming not a dolt or weirdo, I'm reminded of Charlotte's admonition to Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice that "Why should you be surprised, my dear Eliza? Do you think it incredible that Mr. Collins should be able to procure any woman's good opinion, because he was not so happy as to succeed with you?"

So just because Bethenny rejected him, or couldn't make a date happen or whatever means his moving on to Carole makes both of them consolation prizes. Hasn't everyone been rejected at some point? Even the most beautiful women in the world have been rejected, cheated on and divorced, it doesn't diminish their beauty or worth.

Bethenny doesn't want something but no one else can have it either. And if they do get it they better not like it if she doesn't give it her seal of approval. 

Well, my dear Ki-in! You have just scored a million points with me. 

First of all I had the same thoughts. 

Secondly, I realize that you are not a Carole fan and are able to defend her! I love that about posters!

Thirdly, Jane Austen! I mean, Jane Austen!

You are awesome!

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