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S14.E06: Week 6: Richmond, Virginia

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14 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I originally liked him, but more and more he looks like he has a bit of a flat affect.   He can also give the impression of crushing boredom by the way his eyes are perpetually almost closed.  Otherwise, I think he looks as high as a kite, or on massive doses of Benadryl for environmental allergies.

This guy has a bad case of vocal fry and flat affect.  

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I have to say, Chris was very articulate in his apology post. No one deserves death threats for just being on a dumb reality show. While I was ambivalent toward him on the show, I give him big props for his well-written post. As we know, most bachelors don't even have a basic command of the English language. So, good on Chris for that anyway.

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2 hours ago, leighdear said:

See, I think she does have in very, very, very bad extensions.  I think her natural hair is very fine & thin and they put extension in that are getting very ratty and badly maintained.   

And of course, the last comments with George & Abe were slams to Arie.  I never stopped liking him, but by the show constantly harping on how evil Arie is in EVERY episode, they just make me like him more and boring Becca less.  And I didn't like her much to begin with. 

Nah, she has a ton of nicely textured hair.  Not thin at all.  That’s the style-the hair is waved, but the ends are left straight.  That’s what is making her hair look straggly.  Believe it or not, this is a deliberate look.  Beach waves.

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5 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

No one deserves death threats for just being on a dumb reality show.

Seriously. That makes me very worried about this world. I remember Kaitlyn got death threats too and while she was annoying beyond belief, she didn't deserve that. No one does, except perhaps people who make death threats.

I will talk shit about these people here, on this forum in a "that character sucks" kind of way but I would never attack them personally on their accounts or in real life. To me, who they are on the show is a character of their best or worst (depending on how much production likes them) qualities reflected under a microscope for us to pick apart. Any time I say I hate Corrinne or Lincoln or any of them really, I don't mean I want to hunt them down and destroy their lives. I just mean I hate the person they are being portrayed as on TV. If I ever met most of them I would give them the benefit of the doubt before forming a real life opinion. But some people do think this is all they are, what we are seeing in a few recorded hours of a pressure cooker experiment. That scares me. That was very long winded. Sorry.

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I didn't really care for this one. I didn't like the way the script was written. They made Chris look like a dangerous psychopath, when in reality, that's just what his handlers told him to do/how they made him act.


Let us not forget. This crap ain't real. This is as scripted as any other show on television.  None of this is real. The lead has their top 4  or 5 night one and the rest is scripted by the powers that be. Let's not ever forget to remember that. Saves all the death threats and name calling.

last night was way too much.


And I may be in the minority but Leo does nothing for me. Too skinny to be fine, and without "the hair" he'd be invisible.

And that plane (helicopter? I quit paying attention) ride? So quiet. No touching, no talking, nothing. I knew then she was so not into him but keeping him cause he's 'sweet'


I still want Wills to be the next bachelor. He WON'T BE of course (Jason will if he loses or Brett if HE loses), but I think it would be interesting.

I think Wills is smarter than he looks/acts, and most of the time he's bored out of his mind.

I think the girls have it easier in the harem. We like to talk talk talk and interact and feel things, so they end up making lifelong friendships. Dudes? Dudes just want the WOMAN. Sitting around in a house filled with other dudes all dating the same girl for most must be boring as hell and weirdly weird.

Hate to say it but I miss "Millie the Model."

He made the game fun.

Bahamas...woo...way to stretch the budget there...

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20 minutes ago, hnygrl said:

I think Wills is smarter than he looks/acts, and most of the time he's bored out of his mind.

That's my impression. Boy is just bored out of his mind being stuck with these idiots, being forced to have specific conversations. Remember, this is the guy who had the nerve to sit and read a book! hahahaha I just can't imagine, with them being constantly herded together and given topics of discussion which range from Becca to who is currently with Becca to who said what to Becca, that he is getting the mental stimulation he is probably used to.

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3 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I think it is different because they were in Becca's hotel suite. I can't imagine having people in my home (even if it's a temporary home) and not walking them out. Her mistake was *saying* that she would walk him out. She should have just gotten up from the couch and started walking towards the door once she was ready for him to leave.

I think her mistake was "asking" if she "could" walk him out, instead of stating that she was going to walk him out. If you give someone the appearance of a choice, then you have to be prepared for them to respond negatively. She asked, he said no thanks, then she insisted that she was going to do it anyway.

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I'm still new(ish) to the franchise so for me to see these men articulate how they are falling in love with Becca just astounds me.  They've spent so little time with her!  I can believe that some of them might be interested to actually date her... or be fairly certain they would like to have sex with her at this point.   To say that they can "honestly" see her as their wife etc seems....ludicrous.  "I'm falling in love with you".....ridiculous.   I would give any of these guys serious side eye if they said that.

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52 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

I'm still new(ish) to the franchise so for me to see these men articulate how they are falling in love with Becca just astounds me.  They've spent so little time with her!  I can believe that some of them might be interested to actually date her... or be fairly certain they would like to have sex with her at this point.   To say that they can "honestly" see her as their wife etc seems....ludicrous.  "I'm falling in love with you".....ridiculous.   I would give any of these guys serious side eye if they said that.

A lot of it is because the show is designed to make as many of them develop intense feelings for Becca as possible.  They don't get anything to do outside of dates, so they just sit around and drink and think about Becca.  They also can't just leave the room whenever people start arguing, which is why you see so many of the guys staring off into space looking like they wish they were dead.  Getting to see Becca is pretty much one of the few bright spots in their day, especially if they aren't getting along with the other contestants.  Some will also get so obsessed with winning that they'll convince themselves that they're developing feelings.  The producers will also lead them to feel like there is something wrong with them if they aren't falling in love with Becca.  If they don't say "I love you" in the last few episodes, they're convinced that there's something wrong with them or that it's the result of some trauma.   That usually doesn't become obvious until hometowns, when the contestants will start freaking out about their horrible and shameful family secrets, like having divorced parents.  A lot of them will come to their senses once they get home.

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20 hours ago, TiredMe said:

there is something about this Jason that rubs me the wrong way but I just cannot out my finger on what it is. Maybe someone else feels,the same way.

I never liked Jason ever since he took such joy in Lincoln crying over Conner breaking his picture. 

Now I know Lincoln is a tool but I still didn’t like it.

He’s just not cute with his big nose and slicked back hair. He looks like he is full of grease. 

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I was okay with her walking Chris out. She needed him to leave, he wasn't getting the hint, and she was trying to be kind. In lieu of "GTFO", it worked. He went away. 

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54 minutes ago, Diana Berry said:

I hope Lincoln and sweaty beard end up on BIP or better yet Amazing Race.

I hope to never see either one again, ever, IRL or on my teevee. Especially Mr. Convict Lincoln. Bah-bye forever.

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2 hours ago, laschifosavita said:

A lot of it is because the show is designed to make as many of them develop intense feelings for Becca as possible.  They don't get anything to do outside of dates, so they just sit around and drink and think about Becca.  They also can't just leave the room whenever people start arguing, which is why you see so many of the guys staring off into space looking like they wish they were dead.  Getting to see Becca is pretty much one of the few bright spots in their day, especially if they aren't getting along with the other contestants.  Some will also get so obsessed with winning that they'll convince themselves that they're developing feelings.  The producers will also lead them to feel like there is something wrong with them if they aren't falling in love with Becca.  If they don't say "I love you" in the last few episodes, they're convinced that there's something wrong with them or that it's the result of some trauma.   That usually doesn't become obvious until hometowns, when the contestants will start freaking out about their horrible and shameful family secrets, like having divorced parents.  A lot of them will come to their senses once they get home.

Men don't seem that gullible??  I do get the winning thing....there are times I have felt they just want to win her as the prize ,devoid of that whole "marriage" thing LOL.   But it seems inconceivable to me that you can just sit around in house arrest and fall in love with a woman just because it's the only thing to do. 

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I think Jason is the best-looking of the remaining (I like his Guido look, and as I'm of Sicilian heritage,  I'm allowed to say that! ?), but Jeez Louise, the OTT reaction to seeing his buddies! NOT ready for marriage, IMO. 

Both Chris and Lincoln, as with David and Jordan, had to go. Truth or lies, right or wrong, didn't matter. Becca wanted to have all the dissension gone. 

I liked Leo on his date. However, the date itself wasn't exactly designed for romance. But then, despite the aphrodisiac myth,  I hate oysters!

I don't believe Wills for a second.

All the rest of the men, to a one, are Blandford "Whitebread" McBlanderson III. 

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30 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Men don't seem that gullible??  I do get the winning thing....there are times I have felt they just want to win her as the prize ,devoid of that whole "marriage" thing LOL.   But it seems inconceivable to me that you can just sit around in house arrest and fall in love with a woman just because it's the only thing to do. 

It happens on both the Bachelor and Bachelorette.  I've always assumed it was because of the unfailing wisdom and charisma demonstrated by the leads...

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45 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

But it seems inconceivable to me that you can just sit around in house arrest and fall in love with a woman just because it's the only thing to do. 

Study up on Stockholm syndrome. It's very real.

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40 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

I think Jason is the best-looking of the remaining (I like his Guido look, and as I'm of Sicilian heritage,  I'm allowed to say that! ?), but Jeez Louise, the OTT reaction to seeing his buddies! NOT ready for marriage, IMO. 

Oh, dude was stuck in a tacky mansion/stuffy hotel room etc for 6 weeks with a bunch of narcissists and meatheads and two pairs of bickering bitches - no wonder he was overjoyed to see real people.

I reckon he's as ready as any of these remaining 'suitors'. With 100% less lies, if you factor in Colton, Garrett, and probably Wills who is starting to sound dubious.

I can't believe there are only 6 men left. So much dramah, and meanwhile she's cleaved off cute guys, marginally cute guys, and those with non-speaking roles, left right and centre - and is probably honing in on the meathead of her choice, Lamb Chop Colton. At least, if he wins, she'll get to pat a nice black lab for a few months before it all goes to hell...

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Dear God, this was a horrible and boring episode.  Richmond, VA, - really?  I've always known it as the tobacco "capital of the world" so expected the gang to be learning to roll cigarettes.

Chase and Lincoln, get over yourselves and get off of my screen!

Why was it called a debate when it was a Q&A and why did the mayor agree to appear?  Doesn't he have better things to do?

Leo gave me JP vibes, trying to calm Becca when she was down.  But he is clearly "friend-zoned".  Too little, too late.  And why were they in that freezing cold river shucking oysters?  How romantic - NOT!

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chrisrandoneMany times we’re quick to find excuses or avoid taking ownership for our actions. My time on the Bachelorette brought up cringeworthy situations. Now that my journey has concluded and going through the thousands of hate mail, death threats, and negative comments made about my mother. I finally found it within myself to post a response. I’m not mad or upset with any hatred that’s been thrown at me because it’s been a nightmare for me to watch this journey as well. I finally watched the episodes from the eye of a viewer and I understand why all these negative things were said. Just like you, I could barely watch the latest episodes in full without cringing and I’m truly sorry you had to endure that pain alongside with me. I take full responsibility for my actions on the show. I spiraled down and let my emotions get the best of me. To put it best, I failed. Knowing how strong minded I am and to see how weak I was really disappointed me. Yes, I was on a reality tv show and the dynamic is completely different than the real world but no matter what, you still have control. I lost control and it’s something I own up to and send sincerest apologies to my family, friends, and viewers. Seeing this unfold over the past few weeks helped me understand many flaws and imperfections I have that needed to come to surface in order for me to become a better version of myself. Many times in life we’re judged or looked at based on how we respond/react to certain situations and in this case, I dropped the ball, heavily. I lacked emotional intelligence which led to my disrupting behavior that was uncalled for. I was insecure which was unattractive. Thinking I was entitled was not only embarrassing but a disgusting mindset. Now that this journey has come to an end, I can only move forward and learn from my mistakes. I can now say goodbye to this journey knowing there’s a positive in all of this and it’s knowing I can become a better version of myself, which is something I’m extremely grateful for. And to @bkoof I’m extremely sorry. I know you’re not the greatest fan of me at the moment but you’re an incredible person and I’m happy to know you found someone that’s amazing. #ownit

Uh, this was an Instagram post, where it's usually about one or two line caption describing your dinner or the sunset.  I don't think Chris has changed; dude can't ever shut up about what he's feeling, even if it is an apology. I was glad when Garrett shut him down and told him he was ruining it for everyone. Geez Chris, every other guy there was going through the same feelings of rejection at one time or another and they managed to control themselves.  I loved when Becca said she could never see him as the father of her children.  But he sure made some good tv! I wonder if he'll show up in Paradise because it seems like it was filmed and in the can before his psycho behavior was aired.

Colton continues to be the fakest ever.  I like Jason the most; Blake was pushed to the background this episode so was forced to brood.

Even though I laughed at the idea of going to Richmond, VA, I really liked it. They had some beautiful background sets and I like a good American historical setting.  Felt like a good, old-fashioned 8th-grade field trip to D.C.

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13 hours ago, Suzysite said:

I have to disagree with this.  I've known people who act like Chris.  They are narcissists, but they don't tend to stalk.   They expect everyone to fall all over them with heaps of praise and adoration, and if that doesn't happen they get angry and storm out.    But they don't actually care enough about the other person to stalk them.    On to the next person who will adore them. 

Eh, we'll have to agree to disagree.  I have dated two guys like Chris before during my early 20s.  Both stalked me.  There were three men in my mid 20s whom I never dated, but simply served at a restaurant.  They had egos the size of the earth just like Chris.  Their rage became obvious when I refused to date them.  They also ended up stalking me. Not all narcissists stalk, of course, but stalking is quite common among this group.  Just google it.  There are numerous websites that discuss this.  Hopefully, Chris seeks help to deal with his issues and leaves Becca alone.  

Stalkers are frightening to deal with.  They are not usually physically violent, but given the right circumstances, they certainly can be.  One of my friends was stabbed by a guy who acted just like Chris (she survived and is doing well).  

I'm definitely not a fan of Chris, but I don't like the fact that Becca didn't respect Chris' wish to leave on his own. Not everyone wants to be walked out after a breakup.  People gave Chris hell for not being respectful of Becca's wishes (as they should), but Becca needs to learn to respect the boundaries of others as well.  It was nice that she offered to walk him out, but once he refused, she should've backed off immediately and let him leave.  

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9 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

That's my impression. Boy is just bored out of his mind being stuck with these idiots, being forced to have specific conversations. Remember, this is the guy who had the nerve to sit and read a book! hahahaha I just can't imagine, with them being constantly herded together and given topics of discussion which range from Becca to who is currently with Becca to who said what to Becca, that he is getting the mental stimulation he is probably used to.

Thank you.  I really want to defend Wills here because it seems like most of the criticisms amount to "He has really small eyes", which, hello?  People can't help.  I always find narrow eyes kind of hot personally.  Bedroom eyes.

As per Google


Bedroom eyes refer to a heavy-lidded or half-shut eye, reminiscent of a hazy, dreamy look shared during intimate moments. It's also sometimes used to describe when a person looks at another with sexual longing or a method of putting on eye makeup that makes a woman look seductive.


@PhysNerd, I'm with you.  I've had stalking and harassment issues in the past with guys like Chris after not acting even 1 percent interested in them.  But I'm very very very impressed that Chris owned up to his entitled behaviour. That's a big difference.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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1 hour ago, PhysNerd said:

I'm definitely not a fan of Chris, but I don't like the fact that Becca didn't respect Chris' wish to leave on his own. Not everyone wants to be walked out after a breakup.  People gave Chris hell for not being respectful of Becca's wishes (as they should), but Becca needs to learn to respect the boundaries of others as well.  It was nice that she offered to walk him out, but once he refused, she should've backed off immediately and let him leave.  

I would imagine her reason for insisting on "walking him out" was more about her safety, since it was her place and they were downstairs.  If they had been in a public place, like a restaurant, I doubt she would have insisted.  But in this case, given the state he was in, I definitely think she did the right thing.   

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15 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

At least I finally have something nice to say about him. He has a nice dog. haha It's like he read The Rules: Bachelorette edition. Everything he says and does seems so calculated. The bachelorette this season could have been Grandma Moses and he would be saying and doing all the same things he is now. This seems to be 100% a contest for him and he is in it to win it.

I really do like Becca, but I loathe her taste in men. She really does gravitated towards the meathead type.

I see that with her ex and some of the guys she's keeping.  But Arie, there was something effeminate about him and I never saw him as a meathead.  Maybe Arie was the fluke?   I don't know, but he always creeped me out.  It didn't help that he always held his mouth in the same way the Olsen Twins always posed for pictures - by silently saying prune.

Edited by RedheadZombie
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3 hours ago, piewarmer said:

ENUNCIATE, Wills!  Maybe you're boring, I can't quite tell.

This is my issue with the guy, everything he says just ambles together into a mishmash of words. He uses near zero inflections as well.

3 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

Uh, this was an Instagram post, where it's usually about one or two line caption describing your dinner or the sunset.  I don't think Chris has changed; dude can't ever shut up about what he's feeling, even if it is an apology

Great point. He's never at a loss for words... about himself.

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6 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

Uh, this was an Instagram post, where it's usually about one or two line caption describing your dinner or the sunset.  I don't think Chris has changed; dude can't ever shut up about what he's feeling, even if it is an apology. I was glad when Garrett shut him down and told him he was ruining it for everyone. Geez Chris, every other guy there was going through the same feelings of rejection at one time or another and they managed to control themselves.  I loved when Becca said she could never see him as the father of her children.  But he sure made some good tv! I wonder if he'll show up in Paradise because it seems like it was filmed and in the can before his psycho behavior was aired.

Colton continues to be the fakest ever.  I like Jason the most; Blake was pushed to the background this episode so was forced to brood.

Even though I laughed at the idea of going to Richmond, VA, I really liked it. They had some beautiful background sets and I like a good American historical setting.  Felt like a good, old-fashioned 8th-grade field trip to D.C.

Oh, the instagram post must be what Ms. Blue Jay was referring to when she said Chris owned up to his behavior! I was confused when she said this because Chris certainly didn't own up to anything on the show.  I don't use Instagram. I really hope he is being sincere and changes his ways, but I have yet to see guys like Chris change their ways.  They often "apologize" but it's all just pretty words and nothing more.  Hopefully, it's different in Chris' case for the sake of anyone who interacts with him. 

I guess it's fitting that their trip to Richmond felt like an 8th grade trip to D.C; some of them were acting like middle schoolers.  Lol.

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On 7/2/2018 at 9:54 PM, saber5055 said:

Connor has Gumby hair.


So Connor and Lincoln leave together. Will they pull Lincoln's picture out of the pool before they share a taxi to the airport? Only TPTB know.

Connor has Bob's Big Boy hair:


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13 hours ago, deSchenke said:

Leo gave me JP vibes, trying to calm Becca when she was down.  But he is clearly "friend-zoned".  Too little, too late.  And why were they in that freezing cold river shucking oysters?  How romantic - NOT!

First thing I thought of! However, the similarities end there.

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9 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

But Arie, there was something effeminate about him and I never saw him as a meathead.  Maybe Arie was the fluke?

I think her attraction to Arie was partly the Stockholm Syndrome effect. Because, yeah, he is 100% not her type. Her type wouldn't give him the time of day. Maybe she was trying to get away from her type, fell for Arie, got kicked to the curb in the most humiliating way possible and ran back to her meathead comfort zone this season. Pity. I do think she should be aiming a bit higher than she seems to be.   

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I think Becca would have gotten engaged to any of the guys who were the bachelor because when they sign up for the show , they don't know who the bachelor is going to be . So I wouldn't go too deep into what her type is or any of the contestants for that matter because they all claim to be in love with their bachelor / ette of the season 

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11 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

I would imagine her reason for insisting on "walking him out" was more about her safety, since it was her place and they were downstairs.  If they had been in a public place, like a restaurant, I doubt she would have insisted. 

Sure, Becca and Chris were alone in her place ... with all kinds of camera people and PAs from the show following them around and getting in their faces.

"Walking you out" is what this show makes you do. All the rejects get "walked out." Well, except the ones left on an island, kicked off a train, left in the desert.

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7 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

"Walking you out" is what this show makes you do. All the rejects get "walked out." Well, except the ones left on an island, kicked off a train, left in the desert.

That's more what I think happened. I have a feeling walking him out was the last thing she wanted to do, but as lead you have to play the game at least to some extent. The show wants to get those last few awkward moments out of the lead and the reject. I don't think she particularly wanted to walk him out but it is a sign of "respect" in Bach Nation that she felt she had to do. Like dry humping a guy you like while simply hugging those in the friend zone. Bach Nation has it's own odd rules of etiquette. 

One of my favorite things about Becca is she really can't hid her feelings for these guys. I know for some it makes for a boring season because they want to be surprised by who she ends up with, but for me I love it. I don't care about being spoiled so it doesn't bother me that it is painfully obvious who has been friendzoned, who production is making her keep for the drama, and who she actually wants there. Girl has no poker face at all. I think she just unloaded the last of productions choices and the remaining guys are all guys she liked either as friends or potential lovers. I think only two are actually in the running to be potential hubby material. 

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3 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

The show wants to get those last few awkward moments out of the lead and the reject.

Yes. TPTB want to milk as much drahmah on camera and on tape as they can. I remember they drove one rejected bach around in the limo ride of shame for six hours, priming him with drinks and trying to get him to spill some juicy scoop.

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On 7/3/2018 at 2:05 AM, backformore said:

Nick and Jared's take on the episode

Although I honestly expected Wills to be gone by next week I was still a little surprised to see him on this. Guess we know for sure he wasn't picked, huh? Funny little sketch with him though. He's having fun with it.

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2 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

Maybe she was trying to get away from her type, fell for Arie, got kicked to the curb in the most humiliating way possible and ran back to her meathead comfort zone this season.

"Meathead comfort zone."  This cracked me up.

48 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I remember they drove one rejected bach around in the limo ride of shame for six hours, priming him with drinks and trying to get him to spill some juicy scoop.

"limo ride of shame."  Cracked me up too!

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I don't dislike meatheads, they can be likable and fun, just not my type.  However, Becca strikes me as a female version of a meathead so I can see why she'd be attracted to them.  

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3 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I don't dislike meatheads, they can be likable and fun, just not my type.  However, Becca strikes me as a female version of a meathead so I can see why she'd be attracted to them.  

Yes!!  Becca loves her some meathead because she's not the brightest person in the world.  Not by a long shot.  She's just so dull and empty.  All the smart guys she sent home are likely happy they dodged that bullet!

God, even Chris's apology is long and rambling.  The guy's a total nutcase.  Delusional nutcase.

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12 minutes ago, Token said:

God, even Chris's apology is long and rambling.  The guy's a total nutcase.  Delusional nutcase.

I looked at this forum on my phone and the post of his apology required me to scroll and scroll and scroll. That was his problem on the show: emotional diarrhea. Maybe the reason his dad never responded to his "letter" is that he isn't done reading it yet.  

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3 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

Maybe the reason his dad never responded to his "letter" is that he isn't done reading it yet.  

Or maybe he didn't put enough postage for the 56 page hand written letter inside...

What I loved the most of the interaction with Chris was how she kept saying 'What are you doing here?' while she was trying to process that the producers had set her up, again. I was waiting for her to say "No, seriously, the FUCK are you doing here?!?" but she kept her composure.

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33 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

What I loved the most of the interaction with Chris was how she kept saying 'What are you doing here?' while she was trying to process that the producers had set her up, again.

She must have known that something was going to happen because there were camera people and producers in her room and she was still wearing her clothes from the date. Most women don't lounge around in tight sequined minidresses and spiked high heels, they change into something more comfortable the minute they get home.

Edited by chocolatine
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9 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

That's more what I think happened. I have a feeling walking him out was the last thing she wanted to do, but as lead you have to play the game at least to some extent. The show wants to get those last few awkward moments out of the lead and the reject. I don't think she particularly wanted to walk him out but it is a sign of "respect" in Bach Nation that she felt she had to do. Like dry humping a guy you like while simply hugging those in the friend zone. Bach Nation has it's own odd rules of etiquette. 

One of my favorite things about Becca is she really can't hid her feelings for these guys. I know for some it makes for a boring season because they want to be surprised by who she ends up with, but for me I love it. I don't care about being spoiled so it doesn't bother me that it is painfully obvious who has been friendzoned, who production is making her keep for the drama, and who she actually wants there. Girl has no poker face at all. I think she just unloaded the last of productions choices and the remaining guys are all guys she liked either as friends or potential lovers. I think only two are actually in the running to be potential hubby material. 

I also think she dumped everyone she saw as drama.  Lincoln, Chris, and Connor who had broken Lincoln's picture.

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1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

She must have known that something was going to happen because there were camera people and producers in her room and she was still wearing her clothes from the date. Most women don't lounge around in tight sequined minidresses and spiked high heels, they change into something more comfortable the minute they get home.


She may have been having Arie flashbacks.  If I were her I would be terrified any time the cameras showed up with an unannounced bachelor visitor.  And Arie wouldn't leave either.

Edited by call me ishmael
Incomplete thought.
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1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

She must have known that something was going to happen because there were camera people and producers in her room and she was still wearing her clothes from the date.

I was wondering if she was filming some of those talking head interviews in her room after she got back.  Otherwise, yeah, why would she still be dressed? And I think the producers told Chris, "She's back in her room and the crew will be there for thirty more minutes. If you want to see her get over there now."  Then they called the limo driver and said, "we're gonna need you tonight in front of Becca's hotel."

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On 7/3/2018 at 7:48 PM, HappyDancex2 said:

Men don't seem that gullible??  I do get the winning thing....there are times I have felt they just want to win her as the prize ,devoid of that whole "marriage" thing LOL.   But it seems inconceivable to me that you can just sit around in house arrest and fall in love with a woman just because it's the only thing to do. 

I don't think they actually fall in love with her as much as cave to pressure by producers to say they're developing feelings for all by Week X to continue whatever established narrative about that particular dude. A lot of them will eagerly jump whenever the crew snaps their fingers to increase their chances for BIP/The Bachelor/other franchises (oh hey, Jasmine and Chase on Ex on the Beach) or just straight up Instagram whoredom. Frankly, I think most of them realize that getting paid to sit around resorts and drink with an endless parade of hot people to have sex with is just more fun than a traditional job. Mentally, none of them seem to develop past 22, and it's not like you can go back to your office/teaching job after the nation sees you fucking topless in the ocean or talking about your boner or whatever.

Add taking away their phones, cutting them off from news/social media, and the fact that at least 85% have major drinking problems in an sea of free daily booze and yeah, I'd buy some of them maybe thinking they're in love with the lead after a few weeks out of sheer social deprivation and infatuation out of boredom. It's all psychological smoke and mirrors by design.

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On 7/3/2018 at 1:45 PM, hnygrl said:

And that plane (helicopter? I quit paying attention) ride? So quiet. No touching, no talking, nothing. I knew then she was so not into him but keeping him cause he's 'sweet'

I agree. Her body language was obvious. She clearly isn't interested in Leo. She looked bored. They were holding hands but their bodies looked stiff. I wish Leo would cut his hair so I could see what he really looks like. He seems like a nice guy. Interesting that Chris didn't get an exit speech in the car.   

   ON 7/2/2018 AT 7:05 PM,  SALLYALBRIGHT SAID: 


First thing I saw: Leo in Birkenstocks. Can't unsee that and really wish I could. 

Ha! Same for me. I don't like men in Birkenstocks, red pants or skinny jeans. I'm old school though. : )

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