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S20.E02: Season Premiere (Part 2)


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Well that's all kinds of bull. Steve being put up is good and all but to put up Sam, who has been semi stuck as a robot and then BB not even using her actual pic is all kinds of crap.

And not to sound mean or anything but does Sam remind anyone else of the Marvel character Squirrel Girl? For that matter, Aura Girl looks like Mtv's The Challenge's Veronica

  • Love 9

Oh how I would love for Swaggy C to be backdoored this week.  It would serve him right for thinking he should be running Tyler's HOH.  Also, a big fat whatever to Kaitlyn saying that she hadn't really spent time with Sam this week as one of her justifications for targeting her during the HOH comp.  Here's a thought Kaitlyn:  It wasn't exactly Sam's fault seeing as she was swapped out for a robot version of herself.  Maybe Kaitlyn could have used her third eye to connect with Sam.

  • Love 24

 Angela looks like someone Joe Friday would have interrogated on Dragnet.  If she finds out Steve is a cop I fully expect her to start referring to him as "the fuzz".    Ion the other am referring to Winston as "the fuzz" since he's the only guy in the house with chest hair.

 Am I the only one bothered by Tyler's cray eyes?

 Sam should be fine.  The DR will push to get the old guy eliminated first.

Edited by Maverick
  • Love 4

Rooting superhard for Sam. I don't think she's long for this game, though. But she's so genuine and seems very sweet. I even felt bad for her that they used the Robot picture for noms.

Don't like Winston, Angela, or Bayleigh. It's ironic that Bayleigh called out Swaggy for being too intense when she seems hella intense herself.

I was on the fence about Tyler, but he did come off a little fake with Sam.  Also, I realize it was the smart thing to say, but it really sticks the knife in to tell the two nominees it was because they were out first when that was only because they were ganged up on.

  • Love 12

I really don't want to spend a summer watching JC gyrate all over my screen. I ma sorry but it gives me the creeps.  Maybe if he had more clothes on......

Tyler is turning out to be pretty sharp. Playing things pretty well right now.

I was surprised I was a little turned off by Sam's whining and talking about being a good person, etc. Way to early for that. Convince people to keep you over Steve.

Swaggy C is an interesting player. Be fun to see how this turns out.

Kaitlyn, can I hold your hand while we talk ? Thats how I roll. No no and no.

And Angie, good stink eye at Tyler to close the episodes after he doesn't carry out you instructions, oh, suggestions for the nominations.

  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, zorak said:

Oh how I would love for Swaggy C to be backdoored this week.  It would serve him right for thinking he should be running Tyler's HOH.  Also, a big fat whatever to Kaitlyn saying that she hadn't really spent time with Sam this week as one of her justifications for targeting her during the HOH comp.  Here's a thought Kaitlyn:  It wasn't exactly Sam's fault seeing as she was swapped out for a robot version of herself.  Maybe Kaitlyn could have used her third eye to connect with Sam.

He can't because he's safe for the week. However, as much as I love Tyler calling Chris out for his attempt.....Chris ain't wrong in wanting to put up stronger players this week. Angela and Winston will become dangerous players down the line that'll hinder Tyler's game, even if he doesn't see it now. I am disappointed in Tyler seeming to choose the Popular Group. Not that he should have chosen Swaggy C and his crew either, but Tyler should be smart enough to see that he probably is the low man on their totem.

I have to feel bad for Sam this week. This is not a good week for her. Hey Angela (I think it was Angela and not Kaitlyn), what a lame ass reason to target poor Sam. "She's a weak competitor and we never bonded so she's gotta go from this comp". Uh....what? Are you stupid? This is the second questionable move you've made in strategy! You don't decide to target a weak player, and also, Sam never bonded with you BECAUSE she lost the first comp that got her isolated for hours, stuck as a robot, and now unable to really campaign for herself half the time, as she's a freaking robot.

Like I said, my previous opinions can change with a houseguest. It's not that these people are actually bad people, but I'm not here for the Populars vs the Outcasts with the outsiders stuck without alliances for the first two weeks. I know it'll implode sooner rather than later, but I'm sick of the cliches. Rachel, to my surprise, is alright. She did get to comfort Sam while she was human. Kaycee is a non-entity, so I really have no opinion of her.

Bayleigh can also stuff it. I would not care if she got evicted first. She decides to pick a fight with Tyler when he puts a ball in her tube. Literally, the moment he does that, she acts like he stabbed her in the back. Girl, you've known the guy for a couple of days. He owes you nothing! She's really acting like a spoiled brat, and I really wanted to like her. But non-DR Bayleigh is irritating me as much as DR Bayleigh is.

Seriously, Tyler, you better get the chance to backdoor someone and I hope it's the right choice, here. 


  • Love 9

When I read the spoilers about Tyler's reasoning behind his nominations, I thought, "well, since they fell first, it's not outrageous to keep one's Hands Clean." Then to see that they didn't fall but were targeted by the "pretty" fucking people was sickening. And asshat Tyler gives that as a reason?? I'm really hoping that Chris brings out some of his swag next week and wins HoH so some of the beautiful people can go on the block and one out the door.

Did virgin guy even get a word this episode? I completely forgot he was there!

Poor Sam. If you're gonna nominate a person, you should be required to look her in the eye. I've nothing against Steve, but do hope he goes if it's down to these two nominees.

I wasn't about to rewind for a second look, but does cyber security guy have freakishly little calves? I understand that's a notoriously tough part to men to build, but whoa - it looked like a funhouse mirror.

Between the accent and the spontaneous arm-pumping dancing, JC reminds me of Charo, and I'm not hating it. (Yet.)

MVP: The adorable kitty utensil holder in the kitchen.

  • Love 8

Well, I generally don’t comment on the first episode, because so much of it is scripted nonsense to turn these people into “characters” instead of real people, but after tonight I can safely say half of these people suck ass. Starting with Winston and Angela, who clearly see themselves as the power couple who will run the house while being smug about how great they look. I have zero tolerance for that bullshit. Winston’s little line about their alliance, which he was clearly proud of “Brains, brawn and bikinis”? HEEEELLLLLL no. 

Not really feeling Assy C’s alliance either. Kaitlyn is kind of awful, and everyone else is just there. And Assy C is a week three boot, I can see it now.

Oh, Sam, I just love her so much, and she is clearly not long for this game. 

  • Love 10

So just out of curiosity, since half the house couldn't be nominated due to Swaggy C's choice about which 2 groups to keep safe and since Tyler is now in an alliance with 5 other people who he would presumably not nominate, does anyone know who that left for nomination choices?  I don't necessarily agree with Tyler's choices but he himself raised this very point in the DR after he was approached about being in the alliance.

  • Love 1
54 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Between the accent and the spontaneous arm-pumping dancing, JC reminds me of Charo

Now that you say that, I can't un-see it! 


54 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Then to see that they didn't fall but were targeted by the "pretty" fucking people was sickening

Yes, I thought that was really low, especially after his conversation with Sam.

Edited by vb68
  • Love 5

I kind of do feel Samantha overreacted about getting the balls in her tube...plenty of others did too...it was the nature of the game. Saying she was being ostracized might have been a bit overblown (based on evidence shown on screen) anyway at the end of the day I kind want to see her and Tyler hook up.

Really worried for  Bayleigh right now. Despite what Tyler thinks about her being Swag's minion...everything presented on screen seems to suggest she has no friends or alliances. She was not in any of the two we saw highlighted tonight. I feel she may not be long for the game.

If Steve goes home he could have a great future doing Cosplay for Fred Flinstone because man he looks like the live action version.

I can see right now there are a couple of schticks that are going to get old really quick...JC being "on" 24/7 is tiring...he needs to chill and Scottie's "I'm a geek" bit is also tired already.

Texan girl was little more than a walk-on tonight.

Somebody posted they thought Rockstar was unattractive...I disagree. She's a fine looking woman even with the hair.

Speaking of hair Bayleigh is one of those rare people whose beauty is based on her hair. She looked smoking hot during her convo with Tyler at the end but when it cut to confessions and it was in some weird braid her hotness dropped by 50%.

So, the inevitable "Bro-ing Up" has begun.

I'm sure that BB thought it would be funny to ad special effects to the meditation session but all that did for me was serve to remind me just how far the show has strayed from its classic roots in season 2 & 3. When you start adding special effects for laugh...you simply don't qualify as a "reality program" any longer. I suppose BB hasn't truly been a reality show for some time now.

  • Love 4

Sam is my favorite and i’ll be so mad if she goes home. I was so excited that someone from my state was on here.


I originally didn’t have a problem with anyone other than kaitlyn but now I have a list of people who can suck it: Winston, Rachel, Angela, still Kaitlyn and Tyler. I will be adding Kaycee and Brett if they don’t come to their senses soon. 

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, North of Eden said:

I kind of do feel Samantha overreacted about getting the balls in her tube...plenty of others did too...it was the nature of the game. Saying she was being ostracized might have been a bit overblown (based on evidence shown on screen) anyway at the end of the day I kind want to see her and Tyler hook up.

I think, for Sam, she was the first one specifically targeted. It wasn't so bad when it was just Angela; I think once Winston started teaming up and helping Angela take out Sam, I could see how that would make her paranoid. Plus, we know that, from Angela's DR, it WAS more than just game. Or, really, it was just shitty gameplay from her. That being said, Sam probably did overreact a bit, but I still felt for her. You could hear in her voice how dejected she was for the rest of the episode.

  • Love 8

Rachel’s DR about how awesome the BB house is and how she’s chilling with her friends was odd and a little pathetic.  You’ve known these cats for an entire week.

And I don’t believe for one second she is a super fan since she hasn’t mentioned Rachel 1.0 once, unless the editors scrubbed it out.

Tyler looks one million percent better when the Hair is under control.

There is an epidemic in the house!  Multiple people are speaking in the third person!  It must stop.

Punishments are one thing.  But actively torpedoing people's games, like making Kaycee sit outside during noms, is not cool.

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Caseysgirl said:

I’m actually onboard with getting rid of Angela & why must all the pretty people be in an alliance?

The Rise of The Beautiful People instantly torpedoed any joy I had from the opening episode... I hate that shit, and it always targets the least popular or "in" people in the group which tend to be the people I enjoy watching/cheering for. They so already have that King and Queen of the House vibe going it makes me sick. It also gives me severe High School PTSD. Ugh.

Is it just that nobody give a crap about keeping their word this year? Chris went back on his then Tyler tells the adorable robot, of all 'people' to lie to, that she's safe and nominates her anyway. WTF?

I found it interesting that Chris allied with all the women in the house. That seemed like a wierd grouping but I prefer that to the Beautiful People Alliance. He kinda got the shaft from Tyler too claiming he had 'sent in his minions' (oh damn, let me choose a different word!) umm his people before him to talk for him when it doesn't seem that was the case!

I think this robot thing is the cruelest punishment they've ever handed out. Usually they are funny/annoying to the people given the punishment but they aren't usually mean spirited which is what I feel the robot persona is. It's an almost impossible to overcome hurdle. I mean you're already trapped in the house with strangers with nothing to do. To be further isolated into some closet talking into a microphone and watching through a monitor as people lie to your "face", it's a little much for me.

1 hour ago, North of Eden said:

I'm sure that BB thought it would be funny to ad special effects to the meditation session but all that did for me was serve to remind me just how far the show has strayed from its classic roots in season 2 & 3. When you start adding special effects for laugh...you simply don't qualify as a "reality program" any longer. I suppose BB hasn't truly been a reality show for some time now

The editing has gone the way of Bachelor in Paradise, making fun of the contestants with edited in sounds and effects. Not a good development. It makes it wayyy too easy to see the wires attatched to everything they can manipulate. Okay so she's a freak with outside the norm thoughts/actions but they don't have to make fun of what are her beliefs and make her the butt of their edited in jokes either. Not cool show. Will they later make fun of Faysal's praying in the same way? Would that be out of bounds? Yeah, not down with basically this entire hour of "entertainment" tbh.

And to end a serious post with some fluff, did I see Winston putting ground pepper on watermelon?? I've heard of salt before it's one of those sweet & salty things, but pepper?? The hell?

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, RandomWatcher said:

Well that's all kinds of bull. Steve being put up is good and all but to put up Sam, who has been semi stuck as a robot and then BB not even using her actual pic is all kinds of crap.

And not to sound mean or anything but does Sam remind anyone else of the Marvel character Squirrel Girl? For that matter, Aura Girl looks like Mtv's The Challenge's Veronica

That is mean...lol.  Squirrel Girl is hands down one of the worst comics out there and they draw her so horribly.

1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:


When I first read in that Sam and Steve were the two nominations in the Live Feeds thread and it was because they were the first two out of the competition, it made some sense to me.  However, unlike Steve who absolutely failed at the competition, Sam was doing good she just was targeted early on through no fault of her own.  That makes Tyler look even weaker in my book for making such a decision.

1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

I kept telling Kaitlyn to shove her Namastes up her ass by the fourth one of the episode (in the first ten minutes!). Bayleigh can be next in line. I would not be opposed to Bayleigh being the post-Veto nom and evictee. 

This does not have anything to do with the show but your comment made me laugh because my sister just got finished doing a therapeutic yoga class for her Masters Degree and she said the nearly the same thing about her instructor who constantly said Namaste. 

41 minutes ago, zibnchy said:

Here in Rhode Island if you showed a picture of Steve and asked people what he does for a living the ONLY two answers you would get are 1. cop and 2. mob lawyer

I'm going to be really pissed if Sam stays this week and morphs into Christmas.

Shoutout to a fellow Rhode Islander!  Steve reminds me of a jacked-up version of Buddy Cianci.

I know there are some Big Brother Canada viewers on here.  I was wondering if anyone else thinks that JC could be the third Paquette brother.  To me he looks just like them.

  • Love 2
20 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Is it just that nobody give a crap about keeping their word this year? Chris went back on his then Tyler tells the adorable robot, of all 'people' to lie to, that she's safe and nominates her anyway. WTF?



Did Tyler actually tell her she was safe though?  I was sort of half paying attention but I think he told her she wasn't the target, which isn't the same thing as telling her she was safe from nomination.  I viewed it almost as his way of acknowledging that she was probably going to be nominated but that she wasn't necessarily the one he was targeting to get the boot.  However, we have seen many an HOH tell someone who's going up that they are not the target and it's either a lie or it backfires and that person gets voted out.

Edited by zorak
  • Love 2

Angela comes across to me like she can't believe she has to walk amongst these mere mortals.

I think Rachel looks so much better without all the hair extensions but a lot of her personality seems  to rely on them.

Winston has a really low vibe to me. It's almost like he doesn't really want to be there and is just going through the motions based on some BB Cliff Notes he read before the show. I bet he actually wanted to be on Survivor and like Angela perhaps regards BB as the poor relation. (Though neither would turn down the $500K, I'm sure.)

"I never thought I'd be on the verge of tears talking to a robot." First nomination for line of the season.

And then he turned around and put her on the block! Tyler's nominations were chicken moves, IMO.

  • Love 8

I kind of feel bad for Sam because I think part of her emotion is the fact that most of the time she has to be the robot so she's isolated from the HG's and can't build those crucial early game connections. I think it's by far the worst punishment BB has given. I also think Tyler is handling his HoH pretty well. First HoH is not the time to piss off the entire house. Steve and Sam were safe nominations.

  • Love 5

I swear, if we lose the robot first, I'm coming over the table at someone


Best damn thing this show has done in years. Imagine you were flipping channels and never saw the show before and came across that. 

The one thing I’ve learned about this show is to never pick people to root for/hate based on the first few episodes. If you told me last year that I would be jumping off the couch when Josh won, after his initial few weeks, I wouldn’t have believed it. So while my inner voice is like, Gawd, I hate the cyber-whatever bro, who knows how I will feel in a few weeks if he’s around. I will probably still hate him, but who knows.

  • Love 6

Okay I kind of liked Tyler last night but tonight joining Gun Nut Winston and Arrogant Angela and Bratty Brett he is dead to me joining the Trio of Evil like he did.  I don't know if the football woman is really "in" because that is who she wants to be with or she got offered a deal on the spot she didn't dare refuse the way they approached her in that clip.  Who is the 6th one?  Is it Vegas woman?  Token Muslim dude?  I forget.

I hope Sam survives ... and even Steve.  But if Sam goes the whole season turns into the "cool kids" versus the rest of us.  It looks like Swaggy of all people is the only one so far that can save us from a mean-spirited and annoying season. 

And I'm liking Swagging more and more what with him letting Aura Girl off the hook and showing not a mean bone in his body so far.  Swaggy has put together the weirdest alliance ever and I'm loving it even though I don't like Rock Star etc.  But he doesn't let personal tastes and need to only be seen with the "cool kids" get in his way.  Hey Swaggy, don't forget the nerd guy.  He is floating loose still.  And save Sam while you are at it please.

  • Love 10

I despise this type of competition because invariably I root for the under dog, and the underdog always loses to the cliques.  The only time this comp is good, IMO, is when the pecking order is revealed within a clique, and it's way too soon to suss that out.

It's amazing to me how everything comes down to the high school experience.  The meat heads and bikini brigade always team up,  It seems almost instinctual.

  • Love 10
6 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I despise this type of competition because invariably I root for the under dog, and the underdog always loses to the cliques.  The only time this comp is good, IMO, is when the pecking order is revealed within a clique, and it's way too soon to suss that out.

It's amazing to me how everything comes down to the high school experience.  The meat heads and bikini brigade always team up,  It seems almost instinctual.

Totally.  That's all their reptilian brains know how to do and that's the only brains they have it seems.

  • Love 9

Would love to think Tyler has a plan to backdoor someone. He's now aware of two different allied groups. He could choose which he wants to align with and use it to help him backdoor someone from the other group. Would he make that move?  Probably not. But it would be fun.

Sam seems to be pretty popular with fans. Hopefully she'll get an app to help her.

And DD was spot on making the JC/Charo connection.

  • Love 6

I called it, Sam is struggling in there.

The point of competitions, like immunity in Survivor, is that it should give individuals a chance to save themselves.  When this is disrupted by allowing people to work together it damages the game.  This happens on The Amazing Race as well when they allow co-operation at challenges against some outsider it ruins the balance.  And good entertainment is when it isn't one sided.

It's become traditional now to just go for easy targets early on, but it becomes very predictable and people act like there isn't a choice.  That needs to be shaken up.

It feels like there's even more heavily scripted DRs than normal.  Sometimes they don't make sense, like JC saying he doesn't want to win HoH when he would be a 1/7 chance of going ho9me

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, missyb said:

I really don't want to spend a summer watching JC gyrate all over my screen. I ma sorry but it gives me the creeps.  Maybe if he had more clothes on......

Nope - more clothes wouldn't help. Everytime I see him on the screen, he reminds me of those little creepy Halloween decorations you see at Spirit stores that look like demon children. I bet we're stuck with him all summer though. I'll just have to keep my puke bucket handy.  Just eeeewwwwweeee...

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I kind of feel bad for Sam because I think part of her emotion is the fact that most of the time she has to be the robot so she's isolated from the HG's and can't build those crucial early game connections. I think it's by far the worst punishment BB has given.

I agree. I think it might have been a fun punishment further into the game where the person would have already made connections. But right at the beginning? And it really makes me mad because I called Sam as my favorite (probably of all BB houseguests) from the minute she opened her mouth. I really want to see her stay on here awhile.

  • Love 8

God, why do I watch this show?  Because it is summer and it's a freakshow train wreck, most likely.

Is JC a dwarf or just tiny?  Either way he's way odd and I'm afraid of his dance moves.  

Sam is Kellie Pickler v2.0 .  She's kind of sweet, but seems dumb as a box of doorknobs.

It's a shame that this season doesn't include anyone over the age of 40.  I guess this show is just for the olds to watch and not participate in.

The rest of the cast is the same top heavy boobalicious bimbos, frat douche bro male models, and socially awkward weirdos.

Oh, and "Rockstar"?  Nakomis already did your act 10+ years ago.

The technology theme is a mildly interesting idea, but would have been more so if it had been done say, 10 years ago.  But CBS is not known for innovation and bleeding edge.

Overall, I'm starting to lose interest in the show after the first 2 episodes.  BB please introduce Daleks into the house so they can EX-Ter-MIN-ATE 75% of the cast.

  • Love 17

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