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S14.E05: Week 5: Las Vegas, Nevada

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5 hours ago, backformore said:

But Paradise is so low-rent. It actually looks like a pretty sleazy place. I'm not sure Jordan would be able to keep up with his hair, skin and fitness regimen.

Sad, but his beauty WILL suffer.  The heat won't be kind to his hair or skin, and the salt water can be brutal.  All that sweating is tough on their clothes too.   Bonus though, is the wet sand as an abrasive and substitute for a foot pumice.  A few strolls along the shore & his tootsies will be sooooo silky!  Lemons out of lemonade!!

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4 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

Rarely do I think a guy looks better in glasses, especially those dark-rimmed hipster-ish ones, but wow, Connor went from "not" to "hot" in the brief shot of him wearing them...he should wear them more often!

Which one is Connor? I noticed a guy last night with swoopy dark hair that I don’t recall ever seeing. Is that him? If not, anyone know the guy I’m talking about? I have no recollection of his existence. He looked kind of cute in the background as-is, but if he had glasses, that would catapult him to the top of my list—under Wills, of course.

3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Yep. Her first answer to the weekend question was the obvious and boring, "It depends." Then Jordan's face lit up over the amazing coincidence and he said, "Me, too!"  I thought it was the funniest thing he said all season.  Those two crazy kids may not actually be made for each other, but they come close.  Jordan probably really should marry a fellow model so they can give each other facials,  reassure each other over impending crows feet, and console one another over the heartless glam-shaming they encounter.  

Haha! I’ll give some props to Jordan that his different furrowed eyebrow looks and his somehow making his nose thinner(!?!?) ability was pretty impressive. His “regular face” doesn’t look anything modelish to me, but in that 7 seconds he gave us more face than 6 seasons’ worth of all of the “mactors” on VanDerPump Rules. When he did all that and exclaimed that he wish he had his portfolio, I wished he had it, too.

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7 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

Which one is Connor? I noticed a guy last night with swoopy dark hair that I don’t recall ever seeing. Is that him? If not, anyone know the guy I’m talking about? I have no recollection of his existence. He looked kind of cute in the background as-is, but if he had glasses, that would catapult him to the top of my list—under Wills, of course.

He was the one who threw the picture of Lincoln and Becca into the pool in the second episode, and for that he's staying firmly on the lower end of my list, glasses or no glasses. 

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10 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

He was the one who threw the picture of Lincoln and Becca into the pool in the second episode, and for that he's staying firmly on the lower end of my list, glasses or no glasses. 

Ok, thanks for the reminder. Agreed! Off the list!

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18 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

He was the one who threw the picture of Lincoln and Becca into the pool in the second episode, and for that he's staying firmly on the lower end of my list, glasses or no glasses. 

He threw the photo of a childish floor pooper (and alleged sexual abuser) amusingly into the pool, after said floor pooper rubbed their noses in it (eugh) over and over and over, and would not desist despite being asked to stop flashing and caressing the photo repeatedly?! Makes him a top guy, in my book!

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9 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

The part that really showed his true colors, is that the very first words out of his mouth when he got to sit down with Becca, were something like "You owe me about 50,000 kisses."  That is the attitude he chooses to put forth during his valuable discussion time?  


Ewwwwwwww I forgot.  Ewwwww.  Omg.  LOL.  What a creep!

@peachmangosteen, I agree with everything you said (uhh... a few posts ago.  LOL.)

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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5 minutes ago, violet and green said:

He threw the photo of a childish floor pooper (and alleged sexual abuser) amusingly into the pool, after said floor pooper rubbed their noses in it (eugh) over and over and over, and would not desist despite being asked to stop flashing and caressing the photo repeatedly?! Makes him a top guy, in my book!

Two (or three) wrongs don't make a right. ;)

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I'm watching on Hulu. That is one weird date. Riding on camels to a hot tub. No beverages even? I expected one of the camels to be curious and come up sniffing around the hot tub, then taking a drink out of it. David picks on Jordan so much you'd think he has a crush on him. The bus ride was nice but I was wondering how they were keeping their balance, standing and kissing on a moving bus. Buses jerk around quite a bit.

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41 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Well, no one likes a tattletale.  When you tattle on someone, you're not just telling on them, you're telling on yourself, and by tattling on someone, you're really just telling them "I'm a tattletale."  Sorry...I am just so excited to have a reason to do a quote from The Brady Bunch Movie!! :)

After a brutal day at work, this post made my day. Lol

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Ugh, Garrett is gross - a banana hammock dance-off. Last time I saw Wayne Newton and his estate was during the finale episode of The Amazing Race season 15.

Great, a song-writing competition. This should be funny. Where is Wes when you need him? "Love, it don't come easy."

I don't know whether David or Jordan will go home but I bet the guys will miss whoever's gone and the entertainment their conflict brings to everyone else.  When Chris was singing, at first I thought the background noise was sound effects making fun of the song, then I realized it was birds. I guess the horse was impressed with Leo's efforts.

What is Wills wearing? A plus-size toddler's onesie?

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John sounded lousy but I like how he went for it. Actually all the guys did pretty well, especially Chris. Wasn't there one in the group who could carry a tune? Too bad she sent guitar guy home.

Colton is enjoying the David and Jordan conflict. So Chris is one of those guys who sits around and takes no initiatives? Yes. And he is foiled! Foiled! He sat around, made no effort to talk to her, and is deeply hurt that Blake got the rose. And he is so rejected!!

What a cool date, sitting on the sofa in the desert, sharing your woman with another man! What every guy wants.

Now I wonder who is telling the truth, David or Jordan. Now I feel kind of sorry for Jordan. But everything he says is about himself, it's more like he wants to win than really have a relationship with Becca.

Ha! David says "disingenuous" and Jordan corrects him: "Disingenuine!"  Good-bye, Jordan! Now you and David can squabble together in the sequester house!

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It’s pretty bad when David makes Jordan look pretty good! Actually, Jordan is a bit strange but not a deceiving, hurtful guy. And he was entertaining. 

I agree that Connor looks hot in glasses. 

Still liking Blake and Jason. And now Wills. Man, he was amazing with Chris. 

Speaking of Chris, I thought he was shady from night 1. 

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13 hours ago, Sterling said:

Wills showed poise and patience.  I couldn't have written a better way for him to handle himself.  Straight from the handbook of "Stay Calm while your opponent implodes".

He really impressed me. He was strong, calm and decisive. I liked that he didn't let Chris distort what happened. Wills was right. He didn't say Chris disrespected him and he didn't get upset. He said he was going to give him a couple of minutes and that's what he did. He calmly told Chris his time was up without yelling, posturing or insulting him  And I loved how he walked away when the other guys were jumping into the conversation even though they were backing him up. He wanted no part of it. Wills for the win! 

I would've cut Jordan too. I don't want a man who might filch my beauty products or--even worse--have nicer ones. 

My take is Becca cannot stand Chris. Her body language was telling. She did not touch him, didn't hug him goodbye and tried her best not to look him in the eye. (Has a Bachelorette ever refused to talk to someone like she did Chris? It was awesome.)  I think she was frustrated she had to deal with this jerk. Producers are probably keeping him around for drama since David and Jordan are gone.

The latter part of the episode was rather entertaining to me. I have not seen three guys so annoying (David) and full of themselves (Jordan, Chris) in such a short time span. How can Chris be a sales instructor and be so clueless about how he comes across to people? Does he really think the Bachelorette/star of the show is supposed to pursue him? His entitlement was showing. 

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20 minutes ago, nutty1 said:

It’s pretty bad when David makes Jordan look pretty good! Actually, Jordan is a bit strange but not a deceiving, hurtful guy. And he was entertaining. 

I agree that Connor looks hot in glasses. 

Still liking Blake and Jason. And now Wills. Man, he was amazing with Chris. 

Speaking of Chris, I thought he was shady from night 1. 

Yeah Jordan was harmless and actually became pretty likeable. But not to worry. I'd lay odds we'll see him on BIP.

I initially thought Blake was not that attractive but the more I see him I'm warming up to him. He seems sweet, genuine and like he's really into Becca.

Wills gained a lot of new fans this episode, including me and Jason's been my favorite for awhile now. Hope he's the next bachelor.

Yes, yes yes about Chris. My thoughts exactly. I said I would have sent him home night one for being a tattler along with that loser he tattled on.

Edited by yorklee2
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3 hours ago, violet and green said:

later the two of them were suddenly dressed up and riding on top of a bus (I may have passed out from boredom and missed another riveting portion of date?) through Vegas night lights and kissing, and every time they went under a bridge I hoped it would knock both their heads off!

Hah, I was totally thinking about how high they were compared to the street signs and if they were really safe up there! That would certainly be an interesting end to the season... but they wouldn't have been able to keep that one out of the media... or the previews for the season. They seem to be klassy like that.

David was really obsessed with Jordan and his golden underwear. I'd say that he had stronger feelings for Jordan than he had for Becca. Unfortunately I think we'll see Jordan v David 2 during BiP. I can imagine Jordan finally free of him and getting along/being entertaining and then down the damned stairs comes David. Ugh.

On a separate note, how many songs does one girl need written about her? Recycling ideas already and we're all of 5 episodes in? Not a good sign.

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6 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

David was really obsessed with Jordan and his golden underwear. I'd say that he had stronger feelings for Jordan than he had for Becca. Unfortunately I think we'll see Jordan v David 2 during BiP. I can imagine Jordan finally free of him and getting along/being entertaining and then down the damned stairs comes David. Ugh.

I saw a video on the PEOPLE site that said that David and Jordan were both going to be on Bach in Paradise.   It made me wonder if perhaps, the "feud"  between them was fueled by the producers for that very reason.   Like, "Hey, Becca isn't choosing either one of you, you're both going to be gone this week.  If you want to go out with drama, we can guarantee you each  a slot on Paradise." 

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2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Now I wonder who is telling the truth, David or Jordan. Now I feel kind of sorry for Jordan. But everything he says is about himself, it's more like he wants to win than really have a relationship with Becca.

Ha! David says "disingenuous" and Jordan corrects him: "Disingenuine!"  Good-bye, Jordan! Now you and David can squabble together in the sequester house!

I feel like David was actually projecting his own thoughts about Jordan "settling" for Becca and that Jordan never said that within earshot of anyone in the house (Jordan's stupid, but no one is that stupid!) David was oddly obsessed with Jordan and while I thought David was pretty good looking and shouldn't have been so threatened, it seemed like he was and assumed that Becca wasn't hot enough for the male model. 

That "disingenuine" thing, could that possibly have been real? That's been my feeling about Jordan the whole time, he seems too ridiculous to be real, but that seems like a weird fake-word catchphrase to adopt and he's used it several times. David also seemed a little too "on script" as the obnoxious tattletale, but I always have to ask myself who the hell would sign up for that if it really is a put-on for TV?

Becca seemed to loathe them both before the date even started, but I feel like she clued into my own thoughts about David's assertion about the "settling" remark, plus David could never shut the hell up about Jordan, so I don't blame her for deliberately cutting him first even when she was clearly ready to cut Jordan as well. 



Still liking Blake and Jason. And now Wills. Man, he was amazing with Chris. 

Speaking of Chris, I thought he was shady from night 1. 


Wills has been cracking me up for weeks, the shots of him clearly wanting to beam himself to the moon while Jordan and David were bickering were fabulous. And his brief foray into "drama" with the Chris incident was also handled really well. He stood up for himself, but didn't make it ridiculous. 

As for Chris, he also bugged me from Night 1, but I thought it was just shallow on my part. His face just looks...intense, but he may have also been giving off creepily intense vibes from the start. I'm guessing he was kept for drama purposes because Becca seems utterly over him. 

I'm surprised at how much I'm liking Becca as Bachelorette, she's being tougher than I expected and she seems like she would probably be fun to know IRL. I thought she was bland wallpaper on her Bachelor season, so I wasn't expecting to like her. 

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Good luck to Wayne Newton.  Dude is obviously down to his last horcrux.

Colton needs to not talk about ex-girlfriends to Becca. Remind her of your Tia thing as little as possible. OTOH, mentioning exes does give her an opening to to talk about Arie. ("Wait, you got dumped by Arie? Whaaaaaaaat? Why am I only hearing about this now?") 

Do we think Aly Raisman was the one who broke his heart? Just be happy she didn't leap straight up and kick it through your chest.

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On 6/25/2018 at 10:05 PM, EllenB said:

Does anyone under the age of 60 really get excited over Wayne Newton.

I'm 60 and he was kind of an old-timer when I was young.

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12 hours ago, violet and green said:

He threw the photo of a childish floor pooper (and alleged sexual abuser) amusingly into the pool, after said floor pooper rubbed their noses in it (eugh) over and over and over, and would not desist despite being asked to stop flashing and caressing the photo repeatedly?! Makes him a top guy, in my book!

YMMV.  I just see warning signs.  Also, if I were ABC I would make him clean the glass out of the pool.

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14 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I wonder if Jordan could have mental illness since it’s in his family. 

Seen Hereditary already? 

15 hours ago, Token said:

No.  It means it could have been delivered to anyone, including his dad, who wrote on it "return to sender" and then put it into a mailbox to be sent back to him.  Dad may have even included a message on the envelope, along the lines of "don't write to me again".  I'm not quite sure why this is confusing people.

Ok - well that makes sense.  He just presented it as so definite, but provided no backup to explain it.  Even saying he wrote "Dont contact me" on the letter would have made his story make more sense. 

15 hours ago, Arkay said:

I'm going to disagree with everyone who feels that Chris' dad was right to shun him, and that maybe Chris' stubborn and aggressive behavior is why his father abandoned him. I think it's the exact opposite. 

Im pretty sure no one here thinks the dad was really "right to shun him".  The posts Ive read have been firmly tongue-in-cheek taunting the episodes villain. 

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Did anyone else notice two members of the production crew in the aerial shot of David standing "alone" at the canopy in the middle of the desert?  It really distracted me.

I liked David on the first night, but his obsession with Jordan was OTT.  Did he have anything else to talk about?

There is no way Becca wanted to keep Chris around.  I certain she was following instructions by TPTB when giving him the last rose.  It seemed she couldn't bear to even look at him when Wills said his time was up.  And good for Wills for being calm and unmoving in that situation.  I know Becca appreciated it. 

Sorry to see John go.  He seemed like a nice guy and probably has a good job.

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13 hours ago, backformore said:

It made me wonder if perhaps, the "feud"  between them was fueled by the producers for that very reason.   Like, "Hey, Becca isn't choosing either one of you, you're both going to be gone this week.  If you want to go out with drama, we can guarantee you each  a slot on Paradise." 

Yes, so much this, 100 percent. TPTB manipulates everything on this show, and everyone. You know, for the DRAH-mah. Of course this fake feud was to hook us into BIP. I'll be watching if nothing better -- I know, that's a low bar -- is on the other channel.

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12 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

Ha! David says "disingenuous" and Jordan corrects him: "Disingenuine!"  Good-bye, Jordan! Now you and David can squabble together in the sequester house!

Is there a sequester house for the rejects? I always thought they went home as they don't vote or anything at the end so don't need to be sequestered. If there is one I'd like to see footage, probably more entertaining than the show!

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On 6/25/2018 at 11:05 PM, EllenB said:

I'm well over 60 and I can't think of any singer who sucks more than Wayne Newton.  Ugh.  

So, you couldn’t tell the difference between non sexy and sexy danke Schoen either?

what the fuck, they couldn’t at least get Donny Osmond?  He was at least a teen heartthrob back in the day, and is pretty sexy.  And a Vegas performer. 

Well, they couldn’t afford Britney, bitch. 

I tuned out after seeing Wayne Newton’s soap mummy.  That’s actually scary.  What the hell. 

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9 hours ago, phlebas said:

YMMV.  I just see warning signs.  Also, if I were ABC I would make him clean the glass out of the pool.

It flew into the water, frame and all - those were sound effects of glass breaking added on for drama.

MMdoesV. I see warning signs in skeevy Lincoln, slimy Garrett, sly Colton, and entitled ragey Chris. And I didn't see any warning signs in many of the nice fellows she sent home more or less untouched. So her taste sucks, in my view.

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2 hours ago, violet and green said:

It flew into the water, frame and all - those were sound effects of glass breaking added on for drama.

MMdoesV. I see warning signs in skeevy Lincoln, slimy Garrett, sly Colton, and entitled ragey Chris. And I didn't see any warning signs in many of the nice fellows she sent home more or less untouched. So her taste sucks, in my view.

Why do you think Garrett is slimy? I don’t get that vibe from him. Blake is my favorite and will be the next Bachelor.

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On 6/25/2018 at 5:27 PM, b2H said:

What the hell happened to Wayne Newton's face?  It doesn’t move.  It doesn’t look like he did.  The plastic surgery has destroyed him.  What a shame....

My son saw him and said "woah that is really weird".  He's 9.


Do any of these guys even know who Wayne Newton is??


Becca can fuck off with her frustration on the 2 on 1 date. They always pick the adversaries to go on this and she damn well knows it. She's watched previous seasons, she's been on a previous season. Please girl.


Both she and Chris thought the other should come running to each other.  Both divas. 

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12 hours ago, violet and green said:

It flew into the water, frame and all - those were sound effects of glass breaking added on for drama.

MMdoesV. I see warning signs in skeevy Lincoln, slimy Garrett, sly Colton, and entitled ragey Chris. And I didn't see any warning signs in many of the nice fellows she sent home more or less untouched. So her taste sucks, in my view.

If the glass didn't break in the water, that's lucky, but he's not less of an arrogant brat with rage issues. And his hair is dumb. He looks like Ronald Reagan had a baby with Johnny Bravo.

I'm with you on Colton though. And Lincoln. And Chris. And Garrett. Blake, Jason, and Wills all seem cool enough. Leo will soon slide back into obscurity.

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5 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

Both she and Chris thought the other should come running to each other.  Both divas. 

She's the bachelorette, so she is correct. He should be running after her. She's got a dozen or so guys to manage. He only has to focus on her. That he expected her to come looking for him, to be focused on him and only him is a HUGE red flag for me in this particular situation. That she expects him to make at least the same effort that other guys are making is pretty normal in this situation.

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2 hours ago, phlebas said:

If the glass didn't break in the water, that's lucky, but he's not less of an arrogant brat with rage issues. And his hair is dumb. He looks like Ronald Reagan had a baby with Johnny Bravo.

Yeah, for me it doesn't matter if the glass broke or not. He reacted to Lincoln's deliberate button pushing with a violent outburst. That is as much a warning sign to me as Garrett's "likes", Colton's shadiness and Chris's asshattery. It is not, however, on par with Lincoln's criminal record (which none of them know about at this point in the show, so he gets no points for throwing Lincoln's picture based on the fact Lincoln turned out to be an abuser). I liked him until that moment, but I am not into guys who let others push their buttons that easily. That was such a small thing, I don't want to see how he handles big conflicts. Probably like assault guy Becca cut early. Forget his name but he punched a "friend" for some reason and has an assault charge against him if I'm remembering correctly.

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17 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

what the fuck, they couldn’t at least get Donny Osmond?  He was at least a teen heartthrob back in the day, and is pretty sexy.  And a Vegas performer. 

Well, they couldn’t afford Britney, bitch. 

Maybe Donny or Britney wouldn't be caught dead on this shit show.

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9 hours ago, ByTor said:

Maybe Donny or Britney wouldn't be caught dead on this shit show.

well, Wayne Newton is "Mr. Las Vegas."  

And that reminds me  - every show , Bach/ette, or cooking shows where contestants go to Las Vegas, there HAS to be the shouts of "Vegas, Baby!" and then, of course, going to the hotel and jumping on beds, followed by opening bottles of champagne in a way that half the bottle foams up and spills, while everyone cheers.  At this point, the scene could be from the bachelorette or Hells kitchen, it's exactly the same script .  

I wondered, while Becca is out on a date, it looks like the rest of the guys are sitting around a hotel suite talking about the bachelorette experience - are they confined to their hotel rooms?  Because they were all excited to go to vegas, but did they actually get to DO anything when they weren't on a date?  

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3 minutes ago, backformore said:

And that reminds me  - every show , Bach/ette, or cooking shows where contestants go to Las Vegas, there HAS to be the shouts of "Vegas, Baby!" and then, of course, going to the hotel and jumping on beds, followed by opening bottles of champagne in a way that half the bottle foams up and spills, while everyone cheers. 

Seriously, don't the women on The Bachelor ever go to hotels?  They all jump on the beds like they've never been away from home & never saw a different bed...and like they're 5 years old!

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

Seriously, don't the women on The Bachelor ever go to hotels?  They all jump on the beds like they've never been away from home & never saw a different bed...and like they're 5 years old!

And the fucking screeching they do.  5 year olds for sure.

Edited by Thorkim
Typo discovered 1 second too late cause I'm pissed.
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On 6/27/2018 at 8:55 PM, SoWindsor said:

Why do you think Garrett is slimy? I don’t get that vibe from him. Blake is my favorite and will be the next Bachelor.

I'm curious too. I have a tendency to get home too late to catch the beginning of the shows, but Garrett hasn't set off any alarms for me so far. He seems like a goofy, nice guy that I assume is her first choice based on how she acts with him. Is there some kind of real life drama around him that I haven't heard about? 



So, you couldn’t tell the difference between non sexy and sexy danke Schoen either?

what the fuck, they couldn’t at least get Donny Osmond?  He was at least a teen heartthrob back in the day, and is pretty sexy.  And a Vegas performer. 


Yeah, the Osmonds have held up remarkably well, I guess that Mormon lifestyle keeps the skin young. Whatever Wayne Newton's had done, it has the unfortunate impact of making him look like a burn victim. Then again, I have no idea how old he is, I feel like he's been around forever. 


Becca can fuck off with her frustration on the 2 on 1 date. They always pick the adversaries to go on this and she damn well knows it. She's watched previous seasons, she's been on a previous season. Please girl.

She was clearly forced to keep both of these doofuses around solely for this 2-1 "showdown" so I cut her major slack on that one. She did her best to pretend that either one of those jackasses was staying and only cut David loose after he refused to talk about anything but Jordan, which is what I thought her frustration stemmed from. Even when it was their last chance, neither one of them could stop yakking about the other. 

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1 hour ago, ljenkins782 said:

Whatever Wayne Newton's had done, it has the unfortunate impact of making him look like a burn victim. Then again, I have no idea how old he is, I feel like he's been around forever.

According to the internet he's 76.  I still remember my parents talking about seeing him in Las Vegas when he was a teenager, so he's had an unusually long career for somebody that age.

From what he looked like as a kid, I think he would have aged pretty gracefully, but we'll never know.

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1 hour ago, ljenkins782 said:

Is there some kind of real life drama around him that I haven't heard about? 

In short, yes.*

I also didn't like the way he threw his wife of two months under the bus, accused her of "emotional abuse" on national TV, and gave her the full blame for their marriage ending in divorce.

I think he's a slimeball.

*Check the media thread, I guess. (It's never his fault!)

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8 hours ago, violet and green said:

I also didn't like the way he threw his wife of two months under the bus, accused her of "emotional abuse" on national TV, and gave her the full blame for their marriage ending in divorce.

I think he's a slimeball.

But that could have been a 30 minute conversation edited down to 1 minute.  I always give the contestants the benefit of the doubt on this show.

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9 hours ago, violet and green said:

In short, yes.*

I also didn't like the way he threw his wife of two months under the bus, accused her of "emotional abuse" on national TV, and gave her the full blame for their marriage ending in divorce.

I think he's a slimeball.

*Check the media thread, I guess. (It's never his fault!)

Oh right, I totally forgot about the micro-marriage reveal on the show. Yeah, that's a tough one, I would be left with a lot of questions about how that went down. 


I wondered, while Becca is out on a date, it looks like the rest of the guys are sitting around a hotel suite talking about the bachelorette experience - are they confined to their hotel rooms?  Because they were all excited to go to vegas, but did they actually get to DO anything when they weren't on a date?  

I would guess that they are confined when not on a date. Must be a miserable experience if you don't make any friends in the house.

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8 hours ago, gluttonforpain said:

But that could have been a 30 minute conversation edited down to 1 minute.  I always give the contestants the benefit of the doubt on this show.

Look, I was asked to explain my use of the adjective 'slimy'. I tried to explain. You are welcome to give the contestants the benefit of the doubt, and I will carry on using my ancient life experience, scumball radar, personal preferences and biases. But I really fail to see how you can weave in another, better, uncut version of a conversation that included the accusation of another person as an emotional abuser, rather than any other generic reason a marriage failed so swiftly.

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It's weird but I find Garret very hot, always have. I guess I have a thing for goofy sharks.

Chris somehow has the look of an 80s movie villain who works long hours at a factory, drinks too many beers at home and abuses his wife. NOT saying hie's a wife-beater, but he reminds me of a specific character that I can't quite place.

Bye John, you were totally my type as well. Hope you get some action in Paradise.

SO happy both Jordan and David are gone. 

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On 6/26/2018 at 12:47 PM, TheFinalRose said:

 I love that Becca cannot hide her disgust.... probably because she was so raw and vulnerable from the whole Aire debacle.

Yeah, girl has NO poker face.  

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I just saw a bit of National Lampoon's Vegas Vacation - released in 1997. Wayne Newton has a crush on Beverly D'Angelo's character (Mrs. Griswold) and guess what - he looks halfway normal! The plastic surgery must have begun after that was filmed. He looks okay.

I also saw something else while channel surfing - a helicopter - and thought, right, no helicopters as of yet! I know they are pretty pricey but generally on the guys seasons, there are lots of helicopters. Unless I am completely forgetting a date that they flew to, Becca is not getting high quality pricey dates. It's got to be pretty cheap to rent a warehouse to smash TVs in (not sure if Lil John comes cheap or not). I am finding that I completely forget what they are actually doing on each date, they all seem generic, tossing in a table with food they won't eat, in random locations the crew put together. Poor Becca. The Powers that Be must be putting aside a good amount of $$ for the next Bachelor. I'd be fairly annoyed if I was Becca. Poorly vetted dates, and craptastic locations.

*I think Wills looked fine in that plaid suit. Definitely liked it better than the flowered onesie. That man can definitely pull off fashions that would look hideous on anyone else.

Edited by PreBabylonia
Forgot to add the (poor) Bachelorette in sentence!
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