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S03.E22: Make It Reign 2018.06.11


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SUPERGIRL PREPARES FOR BATTLE – Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) learns the true depth of Serena’s (guest star Anjali Jay) nefarious plans for Earth. Supergirl, Mon-El (Chris Wood) and Alura (guest star Erica Durance) must devise a plan to stop her before Serena gets to Earth. J’onn (David Harewood) prepares to say goodbye to his father (guest star Carl Lumbly).

Let me just start off saying that I am pissed that they killed off the hot Asian guy. I was wanting more of him! But instead they had to kill him off while everyone just stood there shouting "NOOOOOOOOOO" for no good reason. And then his death was for nothing!

If Reigns whole thing was to help turn Earth into New Krypton, I really wish they had had Reign do things throughout the season help set up a terraforming initiative that set all of this in motion.

It's weird to see Kara so happy about Alex meeting Lara when a guy just died. Even if it was fairly quick.

Feels like its been 84 years since this storyline started with J'onns dad. It has been so bad and so human. They couldn't find anything remotely interesting for the character to do this season so they just had him deal with his dad get Martains alzheimer's.  

  • Love 1

Can someone explain to me why Eart needs to be terraformed in order to be settled by the Three Witches Dark Kryptonians?  Clark and Kara seem to have settled in pretty well on Earth as it is.  If they destroy the Earth and all the plants and animals, what are they going to eat?  Where would they live?  It seems very short-sighted to me.

Also, why would Madagascar be closer to the centre of the Earth than any other point on its surface?

I really like J'onn's storyline with his father but in these episodes it seems like it's cut into the episode from a different show. It pulls the action to a halt.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 8

Am I the only one who thinks the hologram explosion scene was incredibly confusing?  Kara yells it's a trap, the bomb immediately goes off, and somehow both she and Mon-El are standing there and looking perfectly fine. 

I guess Lena didn't hear Kara introducing Alex to her mom even though the door was open and she was standing right there at the tail end of the conversation?  Because you don't have to be a genius to realize Kara = Supergirl at this point.

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

Am I the only one who thinks the hologram explosion scene was incredibly confusing?  Kara yells it's a trap, the bomb immediately goes off, and somehow both she and Mon-El are standing there and looking perfectly fine. 

Yeah that scene didnt make much sense. Same with the other Kryptonian being stupid and not realizing that the Alura she was going after was a hologram and when she goes in to super punch her, she just happens to lightly tap the console that can teleport Kara and co. back when she should've shattered it.

  • Love 1
30 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

I guess Lena didn't hear Kara introducing Alex to her mom even though the door was open and she was standing right there at the tail end of the conversation?  Because you don't have to be a genius to realize Kara = Supergirl at this point.

In fact, Lena not figuring it out yet makes makes her seem pretty dense.

Was Winn packing up to leave the DEO when the three Kryptonians arrived?

Is M'yrnn going to bond with the earth and stop the terraforming?

Edited by statsgirl
10 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

It's weird to see Kara so happy about Alex meeting Lara when a guy just died. Even if it was fairly quick.

A lot of Kara's decisions this season have been pretty bad, not gonna lie. She comes back to help save Earth and stop Reign once again, but she tosses the blood toward Selena and her sisters, and then basically shrugs off the death of a fellow agent. All season hasn't shown Kara in a favourable light; look at how fast she peaced out once she found her mom.

That explosion scene really was dumb. They made no effort to show Kara or Mon-El even attempting to shield themselves from the blast, and then suddenly, there was a hard cut to Alura and the other woman. 

This was a whole lot of frustration. First off, once again, Kara pulls the stupidest move of the episode by tossing the blood toward the bad guys instead of destroying it away. I knew her so-called plan to taunt Selena wouldn't work, and how Kara thought it was a good move is beyond me. No, you turn and lazer the blood out of existence, you fool. This is almost as dumb as the moment when everyone patted themselves on the back for getting rid of two Worldkillers as Reign gets hit with two uberlights and starts floating and glowing. 

Winn loses a friend, and nobody seems to give a shit, not even the show itself. They get to show him be sad in one shot, and then instead of getting to talk to Alex or Kara, we get James to pop in for a scene to listen to Winn feeling guilty over his friend's death, despite the fact that he probably gave him a couple more seconds of life. He would have died either way! Plus, with Winn's hundreds of successful plans, he finally has one plan that fails. It was bound to happen sooner or later, but this is also what happens when J'onn decides to ban all lethal weapons and forces their star team member, who already does a lot, to basically start weapon building from scratch in a short amount of time for, presumably, dozens of employees. 


I'm putting this here just in case, but with the rumours of a bunch of cast members leaving, including Jeremy Jordan, if they are true, this is the absolute worst set-up ever to get rid of Winn. So, they're hinting at him possibly leaving due to one plan out of hundreds of successful plans going wrong? If this is the way they get rid of him, they did a horrible job at setting it up. 

Erica Durance was marginally better in this episode, though they really gave her a lot to do. 

Yeah, everyone's asking for more Karamel, right? ...Right? Seriously, I like Mon-El and all, but I'm really, really not interested in his relationship with Kara. 

So, they're resetting up Alex adopting Ruby just as they took that thought away. Because this show should have more kids and Alex being taken away from the DEO to either care for a teenager, or care for a baby. I will forever reiterate this: NO KIDS IN THESE DC SHOWS UNLESS THEY'RE GOING TO BE SHIPPED OFFSCREEN WITH NANNIES AND BABYSITTERS. Kids work in some shows; they don't work in these shows. 

I do like Sam, and I'm rooting for her. Unfortunately, the issue is that she comes with Ruby; Emma Tremblay is a fine child actress, but Ruby is annoying as hell. 

I do like the J'onn/M'yrnn stuff. I just felt like it was kind of odd to have it take up several scenes in this episode.

  • Love 8

Overall I enjoyed the epi.. But yeah Lotta weird moments.... Another heroic minority death this week... And we all know myrnn is gonna die a hero next week so hooray... Although as a man I appreciate it.. Why is Lena always in a tight dress and high heels... Same with felicity on arrow.. I mean I get it.. But after so many seasons you figure someone woulda said somn by now.. Even a throwaway line about it... Like all the dangerous stuff ahead gets up to in her various labs you think she'd be prepared to book it if need be... But ahead ain't outrunning nobody shuffling round in them 5 inch joints... But ah well... 


I kinda wish I hadn't just read an article about white feminism in the arrowverse because that scene when Sam was about to get shocked to go to the dark valley.. The optics were jarring... 


I did like Mon-el and Winn's talk... Woulda liked it more if somebody had mentioned that mans wife... 


J'onn and his pop was good... M'yrnn and Alex was great... And as usual... J'onn and Alex was the best 

James got to show up and fill the quota I guess of him propping up whichever white character is currently drowning themselves in a self pity pool... This time it was winn (who managed to make a guy who took 3 heatvisions flush to the chest while completing his mission all while having 3 good aliens just look on frozen apparently by something so they couldn't offer more than a halfhearted "noooo")  all about him .... Also great job Kara demos gets killed getting you the blood.. And you don't crush it... Or give it to somebody behind you.. Or freeze it or burn it... Or fly away... No you throw it at the ppl who wanted it like this was a bad King full flick... Oh my maybe I didn't like this episode 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Can someone explain to me why Earth needs to be terraformed in order to be settled by the Three Witches Dark Kryptonians?  Clark and Kara seem to have settled in pretty well on Earth as it is.  If they destroy the Earth and all the plants and animals, what are they going to eat?  Where would they live?  It seems very short-sighted to me.

This is my constant question. Earth has none of the geological or seismic instability that caused Krypton to blow up. The natural minerals of Krypton impacted by radiation have managed to turn kryptonite toxic to its people. While the sun and Earth's atmosphere literally gives Kryptonians superpowers. What's so great about Krypton again?


Also, why would Madagascar be closer to the centre of the Earth than any other point on its surface?

Is National City secretly in the Himalayas?


I really like J'onn's storyline with his father but in these episodes it seems like it's cut into the episode from a different show. It pulls the action to a halt.


I really like J'onn's storyline. In the midst of all of this world killing nonsense, it's nice to get something grounded and human so to speak.

Hi hot Asian guy who has apparently had this off screen antipathy for Winn! Bye hot Asian guy. It's also bullshit that they give him just enough backstory to make you imagine how he would fit in at the DEO.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 5

Will Supergirl find out Alex had some kryptonite and give her the "talk"?

Good job tossing the blood to the enemy Kara! Why not take the blood and quickly fly away to the fortress or tire out those old witches with a long chase.

Which new god's bandwagon will Coville hop onto next week?

What was Ruby's plan by dropping the tray?

Is that shield DEO property? Winn could make a nice chunk of money on the market.

Ok, the entire Earth is in major jeopardy and nobody even bothers trying to call Superman? I call major bs on that.  The moment Kara got within communications range should've been an emergency call to cousin Kal. Also again, the stakes this high, you call in backup as in Team Flash and the Legends. Hell, it'd be worth it just to see Constantine put a whammy on the Kryptonian Witches.

  • Love 6

Going into the final week, here's my order: Legends, Flash, Supergirl, Arrow. Supergirl hasn't dragged like Arrow, but I kinda want the season to just end, telegraphed deaths and all. Like Winn's Agent Friend who basically tried to use Brainiac 5's canon force bubble against the Kryptowitches. Three of them. Yeah, what did expect would happen?

And yeah, would it be too much to send Kara's cousin off somewhere for the bulk of the season? Also capable o settling everything inside three minutes: Cat Grant.

PS: I watched Black Lightning as well, but I'm not sure where to put it. Maybe in the second position?

8 minutes ago, madhacker said:

Ok, the entire Earth is in major jeopardy and nobody even bothers trying to call Superman? I call major bs on that.  The moment Kara got within communications range should've been an emergency call to cousin Kal. Also again, the stakes this high, you call in backup as in Team Flash and the Legends. Hell, it'd be worth it just to see Constantine put a whammy on the Kryptonian Witches.

We have World Killers, no Kal. We find out that there are Kryptonians still alive on Argo, still no Kal. We find out that Kryptonians are terraforming the Earth, where the fuck is Kal. I wish they had said he was with the Legion on a cultural exchange visit to the future or visiting Cisco or off hanging out with Tlano on Zur-En-Arrh.

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24 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

We have World Killers, no Kal. We find out that there are Kryptonians still alive on Argo, still no Kal. We find out that Kryptonians are terraforming the Earth, where the fuck is Kal.

AND his second-closest relative is not only still alive, but she also just arrived on Earth along with Kara, yet no one has bothered to break that bit of news to him so he can meet her.  Granted, Alura is his aunt by marriage rather than by blood, but she's still family -- not cool to keep that bit of information from him, Kara!

  • Love 7

Seriously, a villain is attempting to remake the entire planet so it is more Krypton-friendly -- this is a all hands on deck event starting out with an 8.0 earthquake, so where the hell is anyone else from Earth 1, let alone Superman.

Is Supes off planet or something ?  Kara should at least have a throwaway line indicating WHY he isn't available.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Also, why would Madagascar be closer to the centre of the Earth than any other point on its surface?


1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

Is National City secretly in the Himalayas?

https://www.antipodesmap.com/ .  Madagascar is the closest land to the opposite side of the earth from Los Angeles National City.  It's the same idea as the World Engine in Man of Steel.


While this was better than last week's episode, having that scene with Alex, Alura, and the others standing around the big round table at the DEO before the official introduction of Alex to Alura was weird.

2 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Why is Lena always in a tight dress and high heels..

I listen to a podcast that has a segment called, "Lena Luthor: Boardroom or Ballroom?"

  • Love 2

Regarding the spoiler-tagged part of Lady Calypso’s post:


If Jeremy Jordan doesn’t come back next year, neither will I. This show has pretty much systematically destroyed any interest I had in every other character. Like Kara as a kind, strong heroine who genuinely wants to help people? How about if she’s an arrogant, egotistical loudmouth with a god complex? Alex the smart, tough secret agent is now Kara’s sycophantic yes-man. Jonn the super badass shape shifting alien is only a step above set dressing. James basically is set dressing. Winn is the only character to come through this season without being trashed or sidelined, imo, and they *finally* started giving JJ a few chances to shine. So without him there’s not going to be much left to interest me. I just hope the buzz isn’t true.


Add me to the list of people wondering why the Kryptonians would want to terraform earth if they get awesome powers here. WTF, Kryptonians?

RIP hot Asian guy, you shall be missed.

Random thoughts: you would think Superman would notice an 8.0 earthquake, even if no one called him.

Once again it was Kara that screwed up.  You heat vision the blood in your hand, not toss it in the air.

Alex got to be a badass even if her kryptonite was expired.

I'm pretty sure when they were fighting the Daxumites last year they said a transmat didn't need another one on the other end.

The Martian story was cool.  Could the show be the Martian Manhunter featuring Supergirl?

A few thought of my own off the top of me pointy head.

I am glad I wasn't the only one who was confused at that scene where the "It's a trap!" took place.  Mon-El and Kara looked perfectly fine after that explosion.  I thought they would give a throwaway line that Mon-El's cape or possibly some future device shielded them from some of the force of that explosion.  But...nothing was said.

And I did have to chuckle that the week after they introduce "Non lethal methods", naturally someone at the DEO dies.  Poor little DEO redshirt.  We hardly knew ye.

Yes, I know the show is "Supergirl".  But we have seen Superman on the show before.  You would think they would mention his name in passing or tell us why with the entire planet in peril, that he's not available for whatever reason(s).  And that yeah, a really close relative of his is on Earth now.

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So, what has tonight taught us?  That there is quite a downside to "nonlethal" tactics and sometimes Kryptonite can be a good tool!  Well, granted, the Kryptonite Alex was using seemed to be complete weak sauce, but it did slow them down at least a little bit.  And while I felt bad for Demos, I still kind of laughed when someone was all "They killed someone!", because you would have really thought that the Dark Kryptonians; who are suppose to be the worst of the worst; would have had way more of a bodycount here.

Hey, Kara?  If you somehow manage to get possession of something the bad guys really need for their grand plan and it needs to be destroyed, maybe do it quickly and don't dramatically toss it in the air for cool point, OK?

Honestly, I actually think there could have been an interesting idea here if instead of just Reign and a bunch of one dimensional villains (I mean, they're called Dark Kryptonians of all things), the antagonist was a Kryptonian that was driven to madness and grief over the lost of Krypton, and had an obsession over trying to resurrect the planet.  Someone who still needed to be stopped, but his or her motivations were understandable.  Instead, we've got "Destroy Earth because we're a crazy, evil cult, y'all!"

Yeah, that explosion at the beginning was bizarre and just hilarious.  Dramatic "It's a trap!", explosion, and then Kara, Mon-El, and Alura all still looking like a million bucks, while Thara/Esme Bianco only looks like she fainted and seemed to walk it off in a few minutes.

James one scene is to now comfort Winn.  Seriously, who did Mehcad Brooks piss off at one point or another?

I guess it is nice to see Alex be all badass since next season will probably be her getting her mother on when she adopts Ruby.  Because that is so happening.  Barf!

Bye, Chad Lowe!

Carl Lumbly and David Harewood are still bringing it.

Finale is finally here next week.  Honestly, I'm most interested to seeing what kind of an excuse they'll have for Superman not to help out this time.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Hi hot Asian guy who has apparently had this off screen antipathy for Winn! Bye hot Asian guy. It's also bullshit that they give him just enough backstory to make you imagine how he would fit in at the DEO.

Didn't they attack each other in the episode where Mrynn's psychic powers were acting up?

Also, I agree with James about Wynn's shield. It withstood three Kryptonians heat visioning it for a few seconds. That is more than anyone could ever expect - and more than enough for most alien threats.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Hi hot Asian guy who has apparently had this off screen antipathy for Winn! Bye hot Asian guy. It's also bullshit that they give him just enough backstory to make you imagine how he would fit in at the DEO.

We kind of were hinted at this rivalry between the two in past episodes. Hot Asian Dude (I guess his name was Demos?) has been around since last season, but they never really grew him as a character. Winn and Demos fought in 3x15, and I can't remember if they hinted at a rivalry before that, but he certainly made his feelings clear about Winn. That being said, this episode seemed to make it clear that it went from legit hostility to more like banter between two frenemies.

  • Love 3

Ugh, more Reign? I knew we weren't through with this. It just feels like they've been dragging this Reign/World Killer thing out forever. I'm not saying they need to have a different villain every single week, but this has gone on way too long. I'm so sick of it.


Feels like its been 84 years since this storyline started with J'onns dad. It has been so bad and so human. They couldn't find anything remotely interesting for the character to do this season so they just had him deal with his dad get Martains alzheimer's. 

Ditto. At first I kind of enjoyed J'onn's father when he first arrived on earth but I haven't been able to connect with this Alzheimers thing at all. It felt like it came out of nowhere and we never got to know the character well enough for it to have any impact. Plus, it seems to be gone now? So . . . whatever? (Also . . . when you've lived for hundreds of years, you're bound to forget a few things, right?) His death just isn't having the emotional impact it should because he's still so relatively new.



Can someone explain to me why Earth needs to be terraformed in order to be settled by the Three Witches Dark Kryptonians?  Clark and Kara seem to have settled in pretty well on Earth as it is.  If they destroy the Earth and all the plants and animals, what are they going to eat?  Where would they live?  It seems very short-sighted to me.

That doesn't make any sense either. It would make more sense for them to try to exterminate all the humans, a la "Independence Day." But the show just wanted spectacle, logic be damned. 

  • Love 2
52 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

That doesn't make any sense either. It would make more sense for them to try to exterminate all the humans, a la "Independence Day." But the show just wanted spectacle, logic be damned. 

Wouldn't more Argo City folks want to live on Earth as it is?  I sure wouldn't mind having all of those superpowers.  That's actually the logical plot thread - the idea of a city full of Kryptonians who weren't raised by humans wanting to move to Earth and the threat it could represent.

2 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

What if Alura calls Supergirl Kara in front of Lena? Did they tell her she has a secret identity?

Well, one is Kara Danvers, regular human, and one is Kara Zor-El, Kryptonian.  It's obviously a complete coincidence that most of Kara's friends are DEO folks.

  • Love 10

This episode felt chaotic and rushed.  After a back-half season that seemed to meander and stall, suddenly everything happened starting in the last five minutes of the last episode.  And yeah, what the actual fuck is with "terraforming" earth?  It is established that Earth is an acceptable environment for Kryptonians and our yellow son, which has nothing to do with the terra or terraforming, will have a positive effect either way... unless this terraforming is designed to block the sun for some reason which utterly escapes me.

I was never anti-Mon-El the way many on this board are, but I am genuinely confused as to why he is now one of the only characters not actively making me want to slap him.  Lena has become an a-hole, Kara is obnoxious and intransigent on nearly every front, Alex is suddenly vaguely discontented and ambivalent about everything (or so it seems), and J'onn is (understandably, but drearily) ever-sad.  James and Winn are much as they ever were.  But since I never managed to be terribly interested in either of them, meh. 

Edited by RachelKM
  • Love 3

Well, one is Kara Danvers, regular human, and one is Kara Zor-El, Kryptonian.  It's obviously a complete coincidence that most of Kara's friends are DEO folks.


I must jump on the bandwagon with all those complaining about the lack of any mention of Superman. It wouldn't be such an egregious omission if the show hadn't actually featured the character on this show. It really speaks to the sheer laziness in the writing not to address it. Otherwise, they should have never included the character or had him appear on this show. We could at least then speculate about this being a different universe or whatever, although Supergirl's backstory has been unextractably linked to Superman's since Day 1. Either the writers simply don't think we'll notice, or they themselves have failed to notice. And I'm not sure which of those options is worse.

I can't overly express how absolutely asinine it was for Supergirl to actually throw the vials of blood at Selena. 

  • Love 4

Wow, that whole "get rid of all lethal weapons" plan is working out super well already! I guess this is what happens when you ditch almost all your weaponry and have one guy to make a bunch of non lethal stuff in the middle of an ongoing crisis. 

Goodbye, hot Asian guy! I hope Winn doesn't beat himself up over this, the guy has saved probably thousands of lives at this point, and this was definitely something he couldn't have done much else for. It was nice for him and James to have a nice scene again. 

I also continue to like the M'yrnn and J'onn stuff, even if it seems to exist in an entirely different show. Looks like we are heading for a M`yrnn heroic sacrifice, which wraps up his arc pretty well I guess. A neat little memory losing bow. 

Seriously, why the hell has no one texted Clark?! Shouldn't someone have at least mentioned giving him a call to let him know his aunt is alive, the world is in danger, and a whole city of his people is still around? They couldn't have even made up some bullshit about him being off world or in another universe dealing with some other threat, and is out of communication? If they are that desperate for him not to be around? This is just ridiculous at this point. 

Know what else is ridiculous? Kara tossing the blood right to the evil witch trio! I expected Selena to thank Kara for handing it right to her! She couldn't have just crushed the stupid blood? With her super strength? What was she thinking beyond "the script needs them to get the blood." 

Isn't this plan the exact same plan that General Zod had in Man of Steel? Yeah, I wouldn't be rushing to copy that movie, unless you want Kara to finally snap Reigns neck to stop her from killing some randos or something. Its almost exactly the same! And how does that make sense anyway, are they just a crazy death cult, thats thats why they want to start all over again, even if it makes more sense to just take over the place, the way Mon-Els mom tried to do last season? 

Let's just take a step back and think about the Witches:

1. They seem to be working based on some prophecy/knowledge that Krypton was dying

2. They decide to breed 3 Worldkillers to kill worlds? and send them to Earth

3. For whatever reason, they don't go to Earth themselves before Krypton's destruction.

4. For whatever reason, they stick around Argo City and at least one has some level of witchy communication with Reign (and therefore, presumably, the others)

5. They never tell any of the Worldkillers what to do unless it's in the most cryptic and useless of fashions

6. They let two of the Worldkillers kill each other because they suck at control/communication

7. They luck into Supergirl bringing a ship that they can use to go to Earth (because apparently they didn't have any other means to do it.

8. They give Supergirl a mineral that figures into their plan and luck into no one realizing it will make Reign a separate entity because reasons; also, when the council could have just as easily have voted against them

9. They perpetuate at least one needless attack on Supergirl and get away with it only because Argo City PD is ineffective

10. They decide to leave Reign graffitti behind to taunt Supergirl instead of just taking the ship.

9. They also apparently take more of this precious mineral without anyone noticing

10. They can't actually handle this mineral on Earth, which is something they didn't plan for

11. They luck into a human who apparently knows what they're up to and sign up to help

12. They figure out that to make Reign great again they need blood from the other two Worldkillers for reasons

13. For some reason the DEO decided to save Purity and Pestilence's blood

14. There's apparently none of that good artificial Kryptonite stuff around, despite the DEO having recently dealing with Reign.

15. One of them is so stupid that despite having superhuman senses she can't tell that Alura is just a hologram and punches thru her, which for some reason doesn't destroy the transmat device.

16. Turns out that Reign is going to Krypton-form Earth, which I guess is killing it in a sense. 

17. All that stuff about justice and sinners and stuff...gone

18. Oh we're going to kill the human too because reasons. 

  • Love 8

Eh, I don't need Alex or J'onn to explain to me what Superman is doing during any given crisis.  If he's not here then he's busy doing something else - that's the assumption I always made when I was reading comics as a kid, and I feel it works here too.  I mean, we as viewers already know he's not going to show up, so why make the show jump through a bunch of hoops?  Besides, it seems like these writers have enough trouble giving their actual characters relevant stuff to do - I don't need them to worry about why that other guy can't be there too.

I agree that "terraforming" probably isn't quite what the show thinks it is, in terms of the Dark Kryptonians' plan.  They come from Argo City, which looks like a friggin' Microsoft campus- you'd expect their home to be more like the Krypton from, well, Krypton, if they want to change the environment.  What they actually seem to want is a global genocide - which, I suppose squares with the "I judge all humans to be unworthy, so let's block out the sun," business from a few weeks ago.  Still, not exactly terraforming.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Chyromaniac said:

Eh, I don't need Alex or J'onn to explain to me what Superman is doing during any given crisis.  If he's not here then he's busy doing something else - that's the assumption I always made when I was reading comics as a kid, and I feel it works here too.  I mean, we as viewers already know he's not going to show up, so why make the show jump through a bunch of hoops?  Besides, it seems like these writers have enough trouble giving their actual characters relevant stuff to do - I don't need them to worry about why that other guy can't be there too.

I agree that "terraforming" probably isn't quite what the show thinks it is, in terms of the Dark Kryptonians' plan.  They come from Argo City, which looks like a friggin' Microsoft campus- you'd expect their home to be more like the Krypton from, well, Krypton, if they want to change the environment.  What they actually seem to want is a global genocide - which, I suppose squares with the "I judge all humans to be unworthy, so let's block out the sun," business from a few weeks ago.  Still, not exactly terraforming.

The thing of it is: what is so important that Superman says "This looks like a job for Superman....but that doesn't"? He intervened when B-lister Reactron was beating Kara, but he has done nothing when Reign kicked the crap out of his cousin, and all the rest of the events of the season. With the comics, it's something you can buy that during X event, the other characters are busy. But then, the show covers months rather than any given day or such. So while it makes sense that Superman's dealing with some other set of problems on a given episode, can he really be that busy for months?

Since he's 2-for-2 in being hypnotized by Kara's Big Bads, maybe he just doesn't want to show up? 

My thought on the terraforming: It's been established in Supergirl, as well as Superman I and Superman Returns that Kryptonian crystals can create those funky structures. Perhaps what is being done is making it easier to produce more of those crystals or to make them more efficient. Something like that.

2 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

2. They decide to breed 3 Worldkillers to kill worlds? and send them to Earth

3. For whatever reason, they don't go to Earth themselves before Krypton's destruction.

4. For whatever reason, they stick around Argo City and at least one has some level of witchy communication with Reign (and therefore, presumably, the others)

5. They never tell any of the Worldkillers what to do unless it's in the most cryptic and useless of fashions

What would have happened to the Worldkillers if Argo City was destroyed and Selena and her henchpeople never survived ?

And despite the fact that there were hundreds of habitable worlds available, how come everybody seems to have headed for Earth, a planet seemingly never visited otherwise they would know about the whole superpowers aspect, like it was the Krypton after party ?

2 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

6. They let two of the Worldkillers kill each other because they suck at control/communication


12. They figure out that to make Reign great again they need blood from the other two Worldkillers for reasons

13. For some reason the DEO decided to save Purity and Pestilence's blood


That seems like really shitty planning if this was a requirement to resurrect Reign

And Kara trying to look cool, in super slo-mo no less, by destroying the blood vials just out of reach of Selena was just so stupid.

2 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

17. All that stuff about justice and sinners and stuff...gone

18. Oh we're going to kill the human too because reasons. 

Yeah, what happened to that ?  Reign was just randomly killing sinners for shits and giggles.  Did people stop sinning in National City ?

And can we get more scenes of Sam laying down ?  Couches, hospital beds, floors, etc.  I don't think there are enough of those shots per episode (bonus points for a coma).

On 6/11/2018 at 8:55 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Seriously, a villain is attempting to remake the entire planet so it is more Krypton-friendly -- this is a all hands on deck event starting out with an 8.0 earthquake, so where the hell is anyone else from Earth 1, let alone Superman.

Is Supes off planet or something ?  Kara should at least have a throwaway line indicating WHY he isn't available.

What "anyone else from Earth-1"?  Kara and Kal live on Earth-38.  Of course, the point still stands about Kal.

Edited by legaleagle53
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Yeah, I think the "terraforming" thing was just lazily lifted from Man of Steel without anyone in the Supergirl writers' room acknowledging that the movie at least set up the plot point that the two planets' atmospheres were different enough that it was a struggle for even Kryptonians to acclimate themselves to breathing Earth air. In Supergirl, by contrast, Kryptonians are all "Feel the power coursing through my veins!" the instant they arrive.

I don't watch all the Arrowverse shows, but of the ones I've seen, their problem with Lazy Writers Syndrome has been steadily growing across the board, to the point that consistency and logic are now getting cast aside almost every time a scriptwriter needs to resolve a plotline. Cartoons do better than this.

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I mean, we as viewers already know he's not going to show up, so why make the show jump through a bunch of hoops?  

Because he has shown up before? They have established a precedent by having Superman visit Supergirl and help her out. Had they never done that it would be more palatable for the show to simply ignore him. Further, I'm not asking the show to jump through hoops. A simple line of dialogue explaining his unavailability isn't something I'd consider hoop jumping. The show's choice to blatantly ignore the issue is just unforgivably lazy, incompetent, or arrogant. Take your pick.

Edited by iMonrey
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And so this never-ending season continues.

I know these are supposed to be cartoon villains, but even cartoon villains can have some depth.  Even on Gotham the villains have more complicated motives and reasons for what they do than "POWER...POWWWWERRRR!!!!"  Hell, the villains on Scooby Doo were infinitely more complex than his.  Every female villain on this show this season, from Reign to Selena, has the depth of a piece of rice paper.  Maybe in the offseason they can find some writers who can come up with a villain who is actually interesting.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Because he has shown up before? They have established a precedent by having Superman visit Supergirl and help her out. Had they never done that it would be more palatable for the show to simply ignore him. Further, I'm not asking the show to jump through hoops. A simple line of dialogue explaining his unavailability isn't something I'd consider hoop jumping. The show's choice to blatantly ignore the issue is just unforgivably lazy, incompetent, or arrogant. Take your pick.

But as a viewer, I know he's not going to be here now.  He hasn't been in any other episode all season, he's not in the previews for the finale, there's no rumors of him doing a cameo...  I guess Tyler's name could show up in the credits on Monday - then sure, I'd expect the cast to talk about what's up with Superman.  But until that happens, no - I don't think it's worth even a simple line of dialogue to explain away his absence, when I know there is a 0% chance of him showing up anyway.

Look, I enjoyed the episodes with Superman last season - I thought Tyler did a great job, and overall it was the best portrayal of Superman we've had in years.  At the same time, I got the impression that the primary purpose of his appearances was to demonstrate that Kara was strong enough to handle these kinds of threats on her own (the DEO crew not withstanding).  I mean, she beat him one on one.  Now, if you don't think the show has done a good supporting that since the start of season 3, I'm not necessarily going to disagree.  They keep having her do stupid stuff like basically handing the blood vials to the baddies, and all of the characters keep getting sidelined by their personal BS.  But at the same time, I don't think the answer is to have the characters wondering if it's time to bring in Superman again - at that point you're basically just digging the hole even further.  Instead I want to see Kara written as a more capable (ha ha) character in her own right.  Here's a thought - I want a show where she's the hero that he calls when he has a problem that he can't handle.

I don’t mind that they aren’t explaining why Superman isn’t helping with the Worldkillers. There is so much crap going on in most superhero worlds, I can just assume he’s busy with something else, and Kara can handle it. What I do mind is no one even mentioning talking to him about his aunt being alive, or a city of his people! Or Kara’s mom asking how her nephew is, now that she knows he’s alive? That’s not even a superhero thing, that’s just a family thing! Just one throw away line where Kara said she called him would be fine, he doesn’t even have to show up! It’s just weird.   

  • Love 5
On 6/11/2018 at 9:15 PM, Primal Slayer said:

Let me just start off saying that I am pissed that they killed off the hot Asian guy. I was wanting more of him! But instead they had to kill him off while everyone just stood there shouting "NOOOOOOOOOO" for no good reason. And then his death was for nothing!

Yes, Kara and Mon-El were amazingly non-reactive.

On 6/11/2018 at 9:15 PM, statsgirl said:

Can someone explain to me why Eart needs to be terraformed in order to be settled by the Three Witches Dark Kryptonians?  Clark and Kara seem to have settled in pretty well on Earth as it is.  If they destroy the Earth and all the plants and animals, what are they going to eat?  Where would they live?  It seems very short-sighted to me.


On 6/11/2018 at 9:19 PM, cambridgeguy said:

Am I the only one who thinks the hologram explosion scene was incredibly confusing?  Kara yells it's a trap, the bomb immediately goes off, and somehow both she and Mon-El are standing there and looking perfectly fine. 

Big yup.  It was poorly filmed.

On 6/11/2018 at 9:51 PM, UNOSEZ said:

Also great job Kara demos gets killed getting you the blood.. And you don't crush it... Or give it to somebody behind you.. Or freeze it or burn it... Or fly away... No you throw it at the ppl who wanted it like this was a bad King full flick... Oh my maybe I didn't like this episode 

I kept thinking that Demos should have drunk it!  Disgusting, I know, but it might have worked.  And why was he hanging out in the lab holding the vials while Alex was fighting like mad, until she told him to run?

On 6/11/2018 at 11:09 PM, Lantern7 said:

Like Winn's Agent Friend who basically tried to use Brainiac 5's canon force bubble against the Kryptowitches

Yeah, in the comics, Brainiac 5 invented the force field belt.

On 6/11/2018 at 10:13 PM, HunterHunted said:

Hi hot Asian guy who has apparently had this off screen antipathy for Winn!


On 6/12/2018 at 2:53 AM, bros402 said:

Didn't they attack each other in the episode where Mrynn's psychic powers were acting up?

Yes, Winn pulled a gun on him. There's a history between them, probably because Winn preens like a peacock when he does something he's proud of.

On 6/11/2018 at 10:20 PM, mxc90 said:

Which new god's bandwagon will Coville hop onto next week?

I don't think Coville will be hopping anywhere.

On 6/11/2018 at 10:20 PM, mxc90 said:

What was Ruby's plan by dropping the tray?

She intuited that Demos was in the lab to find the blood, so she wanted to distract the Worldkiller who was there for the same reason.

On 6/11/2018 at 11:00 PM, madhacker said:

Also again, the stakes this high, you call in backup as in Team Flash and the Legends. Hell, it'd be worth it just to see Constantine put a whammy on the Kryptonian Witches.

Well, Alex didn't think the situation was "dire" enough to interrupt J'onn.  How would they reach them?  Doesn't Cisco pop over to get Kara?  Would be cool, though.

Random thoughts:

Why did J'onn order an evacuation? Where would people be evacuated to?  Wasn't this a worldwide phenomenon?

II thought we might get a memory of J'onn's daughters through his father's eyes.  Sad that there is no one to accept J'onn's memories when it's his time to die.  HE should try to upload a copy of them somehow.  Maybe Winn could work on that.

Did Kara and Mon-El almost miss their chance to go through the portal because they were off changing clothes?

FINALLY:  Alura to Kara (paraphrased):  "Tell me about Mon-El.  You two seem very close.  Are you a couple?" Kara: "It's complicated." "He's married to someone else! And has no way to get a divorce!"  (Although technically, his marriage won't take place until a thousand years from now.  Imra, however, is actually married in her time period.

  • Love 2

I know these are supposed to be cartoon villains, but even cartoon villains can have some depth.  Even on Gotham the villains have more complicated motives and reasons for what they do than "POWER...POWWWWERRRR!!!!"  Hell, the villains on Scooby Doo were infinitely more complex than his.  Every female villain on this show this season, from Reign to Selena, has the depth of a piece of rice paper.  Maybe in the offseason they can find some writers who can come up with a villain who is actually interesting.

That's a good point and another problem with making Reign a season-long villain. The character development of Sam mostly amounted to "she's a Mom." That's about it. The character development for Reign was basically nil. She's just evil, period. That's fine for a villain of the week (although even then you want them to have a little more depth to understand where they're coming from) but ultimately, Reign has turned out to be little more than an inhuman tool to be used by the evil Kryptonian trio of women. She might as well be a robot or a drone - there's just no there there. We never got a sense that she had any kind of self-determination, she's just sort of programmed to destroy.

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