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S05.E10: Family Ties 2018.06.07

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On 6/8/2018 at 9:26 AM, stacyasp said:

I think Craig has a drug problem, always late , he flits from one project to another, his house is a disaster, very thin ....something ain’t right?

I have been rewatching the seasons since I have hulu and it seemed in season 1 he was enjoying the white stuff.  His mannerisms reminded me of a lot of things I remember seeing often in the 80's :).  I have to say, upon rewatching last season I think both Naomi and Craig are jerks.  I totally believe he is a liar and maybe THAT is why Naomi has been a so awful to him this season.  So her behavior towards him this season may have a justification (maybe).  She needs to stop stalking him via phone though.  That tells me she has a few screws loose.

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@SunnyBeBe and @RHJunkie The home that we saw Chelsea return to (or not be emotionally able to return to) was not on Hilton Head Island.  It was in Bluffton, which is the first town on the mainland after crossing the bridge to/from HHI.  In this episode, she tells us that they had to leave the Bluffton house when she was eight years old, which would put it about 1993.  In other episodes, she says that she grew up on Hilton Head.  We also know that she knows Shep from Hilton Head, so her family most likely moved to an apartment on HHI in '93.  If her mom was working three jobs, it would have made sense for them to live on Hilton Head back in the nineties because that's where the jobs would have been.  Bluffton was a sleepy little southern town at that time with a population of perhaps 5,000.  It has grown exponentially since then, with the population of greater Bluffton now being around 25,000 and the town annexing large tracts of land that have now made Bluffton (in area) the fifth largest township in the state of South Carolina.  Chelsea mentioned this to the others in the car as they were driving in; that when she lived there, most everything was woods.  Now, there are more jobs in Bluffton than there are on Hilton Head as most of the retail and service jobs have moved over to the mainland.  The jobs on HH are predominantly in hospitality, which makes sense as it's a resort town.  Also in the '90s, middle schoolers and high schoolers from Bluffton went to schools on Hilton Head.  So if Chelsea's mom wanted her kids to be closer to the schools, living on Hilton Head made more sense.  

As for the riding lessons and horse competitions, there are several equestrian centers both on HHI and on the mainland with the mainland ones being much more reasonably priced even today.  As long as they weren't buying her a horse of her own and having to board the horse, her mom would probably have been able to afford lessons at one of the mainland centers or as RHJunkie said, perhaps her father paid for some of it.  Also, Chelsea may have had friends with money who owned their own horses and allowed her to ride.  That is far from uncommon on HHI.

As I read this, there's probably a lot more information here than anyone's interested in but I'll leave it up anyway!

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On 6/9/2018 at 8:52 AM, walnutqueen said:

I've had dental surgeries and "surgery surgeries" - the anesthesia with both left me lucid thereafter.  But then, I'm the one who had "laughing gas" during several root canals in my youth - one time the equipment failed, and while my dentist & his nurse were discussing how to move me to another room, I got up (gas mask firmly held against my mouth & nose) and walked into that other room under my own steam - pulling the gas machine behind me.  (Why yes, I AM a beast - we all have a special talent!).  ;-)


One of my favorite moments.  He was ALL about the sandwich, and when she threatened to stay in Santa Barbara, he nonchalantly said "Go ahead".  Bye, Felicia!

As a local Santa Barbara gal, I was curious if she was going to say anything about what was going on in her home town at that very moment.  We were on fire.  HUGE GD fire!   If she is from Montecito as her bio mentions, she may not have had a house to go back to or was under evacuation (even I was under evac warning for weeks) and it was weird to me she made no mention of it.   And then 2ish weeks later the mudslide happened.  I know if I were that far away I would have been really worried.

On 6/9/2018 at 10:01 AM, escatefromny said:

Thanks for the tip on the podcast ITSADRYHEAT.

For those that didn’t get a chance to listen:

The gossip item said that Landon has worked as an “escort” in LA and met her husband and Ashley through that service (or whatever).  Ashley has apparently been a gold digger for ages, she’s had several much older, weathy “boyfriends.” Landon apparently made the introduction to Thomas and they made some kind of arrangement.  However, when Thomas didn’t sign his contract to be on the show Ashley threatened him (with exposure?).  Following the allegations against Thomas, she is basically blackmailing him to keep her around under threat of spilling all the tea.

Not sure what to make of this.  If she allegedly has the power, why allow yourself to be shown as a desperate, psycho, doormat?

WOW!  Good one.  Thank you for recapping.  There is a blind item that sounds really similar that I saw today.  

On 6/9/2018 at 2:42 PM, itsadryheat said:

Thanks for the Recap Escatefromny!  I didn't include because I wanted to listen again for accuracy as I was walking my dogs when I heard it first time.  Since I took notes I'll share the first scoop. A woman who is from Santa Barbara (where Ashley is from) shared that she is a known local golddigger, reminded everyone as  Anna Nicole Smith, always flirty and with very old men as boyfriends. One a restaurant owner and one a nightclub owner-both much older and very wealthy.

Hard to imagine Landon as an escort - but loving everything about this Thomas/Ashley "romance" and this so juicy Ashley scoop. Looks like old long faced Thomas is receiving a big dose of Karma.

Highly recommend Juicy Scoop podcast (twice a week) but agree with heatherchandler that the live episodes aren't as enjoyable. The Hot Dirt on Ashley episode is # 242 Live From Philly.

Did it mention which restaurant or nightclub owners?  I know people who may know people and I am willing to ask some questions.  HA!  

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1 hour ago, Rlb8031 said:

As tired as I am of this, I find Whitney's dressing like an 11-year old boy all the time to be equally exhausting. The trucker hats and his "cool" hipster/rocker outfits are ludicrous on a 50+ guy. All of his clothes feel highly curated, like they are fresh out of a stylist trunk, and not clothing he actually owns and wears regularly.

Honestly he looks pretty CA.  I see men dressed like this a lot.

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On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 11:40 PM, movingtargetgal said:

Me.  I had an outpatient procedure and was given one of those "good drugs".  After the surgery I was mesmerized by the cool bubbles in my styrofoam cup of Diet Coke and insisted that I be allowed to wear my surgical hat home.  My husband stopped at the supermarket on the way home.  As he slowed down to turn into a parking space, I shouted "I want bagels" and hopped out of the car while it was still moving. I was still wearing the cap. By the time my husband caught up with me I had FILLED the cart with bagels,, cream cheese and orange juice.  Mr. Moving put back most of the stuff and got me home.  When I went back to the store the following week, several of the store employees had big smiles on their faces and asked me if I was feeling better.  

OMG  That is hilarious~

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On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 12:05 AM, Gem 10 said:

I just read this to my husband and we’re cracking up.  I had a procedure done Memorial Day and was acting nuts on the way home.   I blamed the anesthesia.  Haha.  That cap is charming btw and I wore the surgical socks to bed.

 Just realized when I had rotator cuff surgery, I was in the hospital for a couple days because I was not breathing properly they said.   So not a day surgery.  But I went home in a hospital gown because in no  way was I able to juggle the new brace and getting dressed like a normal human being.    I did not have the cap though, I feel cheated.  I was sort of a space shot for a couple days from the anesthesia but mostly just tired and in minimal pain (the drugs helped, along with the ice bag).  Friends drove me directly home, no stops.   I had no clue what planet I was on basically.  Just wanted my own bed

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On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 12:57 AM, lunastartron said:

The logical conclusion is FAS. This has not been established definitively but text messages leaked from custody battle court documents a year or two ago in which Thomas alluded to medical issues afflicting "poor Saint." He attributed them to Kathryn's substance abuse. 

It certainly makes sense. On the other hand, Thomas IS an inveterate liar and I don't believe the aforementioned documents included any of Kathryn's responses to Thomas. 

Not sure what FAS is, but I thought I noticed a rather odd shaped face or cranium this episode.  My gut reaction was mental retardation of some sort.  I hope it was just a camera angle or something.   I did not notice so much that he was non verbal, but my grandson spoke practically nothing and was a very happy child.  When he finally spoke, he talked in sentences and paragraphs.   No baby talk for him.  His Dad insisted he was too busy absorbing everything in his world to bother talking!    And I think he was right.  The patches/scratches on his face was face painting....in reply to an earlier poster

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5 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

If I remember correctly, Chelsea's mother remarried and they moved to the home that we saw in Hilton Head. Her stepfather died when she was 8 and because her mother wasn't legally married to her stepfather, they lost everything. So they had to move into a really small home and her mother worked 3 jobs to get by. I don't know if the duplex was also in Hilton Head but I get the impression that it was more humble than the home she was living in with her stepfather.

As far as the money for riding lessons and competitions, maybe her father sent money to them that went toward those expenses, or maybe her mother worked those 3 jobs so that she could afford to continue supporting her children's passions. I can't say the latter is what her situation is, but generally speaking, I think it's believe that a parent would make that kind of sacrifice in order to keep some sort of normalcy in their children's lives when it's being disrupted with chaos and/or changes that can be traumatic.

But a couple shows back Chelsea said her mom “owned” an equestrian center. I remember thinking, hmm...her beginnings weren’t as modest as she says. Equestrian sports/owning horses is one of the most expensive hobbies out there!

So I’m confused about the duplex story and sharing a twin bed with her sibling. Maybe her mom owned the equestrian center with the stepdad? But Chelsea only mentioned her mom owning it so where did that money go? They did move off of Hilton Head to Bluffton. 

I wonder why Danni is so bone thin? I hope she doesn’t have the same issues as sniffling Craig. 

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54 minutes ago, oceanview said:

Not sure what FAS is, but I thought I noticed a rather odd shaped face or cranium this episode.  My gut reaction was mental retardation of some sort.  I hope it was just a camera angle or something.   I did not notice so much that he was non verbal, but my grandson spoke practically nothing and was a very happy child.  When he finally spoke, he talked in sentences and paragraphs.   No baby talk for him.  His Dad insisted he was too busy absorbing everything in his world to bother talking!    And I think he was right.  The patches/scratches on his face was face painting....in reply to an earlier poster

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  When a mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy.  If that is the cause of Saint’s problem.  If this is true about him, you would think TomAss and Katherine would make him their priority instead of running around getting drunk, and dealing with Ashley.  Just my opinion.

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2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

As a local Santa Barbara gal, I was curious if she was going to say anything about what was going on in her home town at that very moment.  We were on fire.  HUGE GD fire!   If she is from Montecito as her bio mentions, she may not have had a house to go back to or was under evacuation (even I was under evac warning for weeks) and it was weird to me she made no mention of it.   And then 2ish weeks later the mudslide happened.  I know if I were that far away I would have been really worried.

WOW!  Good one.  Thank you for recapping.  There is a blind item that sounds really similar that I saw today.  

Did it mention which restaurant or nightclub owners?  I know people who may know people and I am willing to ask some questions.  HA!  

No other info on Ashley's sugar grandpa's. Heather was reading info submitted by an anonymous fan. It was during a Live performance so there was a lot of background noise and she was fast-talking during this topic. She appears to go more in depth during her regular podcasts.

Hoping more dirt appears on the Landon / Ashley "friendship". 

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YMMV but I have always thought that Saint looked as though he has a tinge of Down’s Syndrome. Something in the eyes and facial shape. If that is correct and it is a chromosomal issue I’d say that the blame (if you can ascribe blame to this situation and I also am willing to believe that it’s more than one specific thing at play here) lies more on TRav being the older parent. Just MHO 

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4 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

As a local Santa Barbara gal, I was curious if she was going to say anything about what was going on in her home town at that very moment.  We were on fire.  HUGE GD fire!   If she is from Montecito as her bio mentions, she may not have had a house to go back to or was under evacuation (even I was under evac warning for weeks) and it was weird to me she made no mention of it.   And then 2ish weeks later the mudslide happened.  I know if I were that far away I would have been really worried.

That was horrific, and I watched it all go to HELL too goddamned fast.  We also had the Lilac fire down here in SD County, and the horse trainer who was so severely burned trying to rescue her babies at San Luis Rey Downs JUST NOW got out of the hospital.  :-(

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14 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

That was horrific, and I watched it all go to HELL too goddamned fast.  We also had the Lilac fire down here in SD County, and the horse trainer who was so severely burned trying to rescue her babies at San Luis Rey Downs JUST NOW got out of the hospital.  :-(

OMG. We don’t get much news about your fires on the west coast but that does sound horrific and as a horse lover that one kicks me in the gut. 

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3 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

OMG. We don’t get much news about your fires on the west coast but that does sound horrific and as a horse lover that one kicks me in the gut. 

Consider yourself lucky you didn't read about THAT horror.   I'm a horse lover and still have nightmares ...

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2 hours ago, Sage47 said:

But a couple shows back Chelsea said her mom “owned” an equestrian center. I remember thinking, hmm...her beginnings weren’t as modest as she says. Equestrian sports/owning horses is one of the most expensive hobbies out there!

So I’m confused about the duplex story and sharing a twin bed with her sibling. Maybe her mom owned the equestrian center with the stepdad? But Chelsea only mentioned her mom owning it so where did that money go? They did move off of Hilton Head to Bluffton. 

I wonder why Danni is so bone thin? I hope she doesn’t have the same issues as sniffling Craig. 

Hmm...the more I think about it, the more I think it makes less sense to me too, lol. 

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13 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Honestly he looks pretty CA.  I see men dressed like this a lot.

Does not make it Right. . no excuse for looking like a Douchebro.

Edited by ozzy
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11 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  When a mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy.  If that is the cause of Saint’s problem.  If this is true about him, you would think TomAss and Katherine would make him their priority instead of running around getting drunk, and dealing with Ashley.  Just my opinion.

THEY are  " Running around getting drunk?" Correction..KATHRYN is NOT getting drunk. This is Clinically proven by the state courts due to scientific tests.

 Thomas, however,  is Wet brain drinking for 2.

10 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

YMMV but I have always thought that Saint looked as though he has a tinge of Down’s Syndrome. Something in the eyes and facial shape. If that is correct and it is a chromosomal issue I’d say that the blame (if you can ascribe blame to this situation and I also am willing to believe that it’s more than one specific thing at play here) lies more on TRav being the older parent. Just MHO 

Plus Thomas has a mentally handicapped  brother. Genetics, yo.

Edited by ozzy
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Chelsea’s story of being poor after their mother’s boyfriend died, then all of a sudden they are living in that really gorgeous home..... something is missing. Or being embellished. Maybe Mom didn’t really have to work 3 jobs, but it plays better on TV?? I don’t know, something weird there.

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2 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Chelsea’s story of being poor after their mother’s boyfriend died, then all of a sudden they are living in that really gorgeous home..... something is missing. Or being embellished. Maybe Mom didn’t really have to work 3 jobs, but it plays better on TV?? I don’t know, something weird there.

You have that backwards, I think. They lived in the gorgeous home WITH the mother's boyfriend. Since they never married, when the boyfriend died, Chelsea's family had no claim to the house and had to move out. At that point her mom had to work 3 jobs. 

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14 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

No other info on Ashley's sugar grandpa's. Heather was reading info submitted by an anonymous fan. It was during a Live performance so there was a lot of background noise and she was fast-talking during this topic. She appears to go more in depth during her regular podcasts.

Hoping more dirt appears on the Landon / Ashley "friendship". 

DANG!  I know a few bouncers and a ton of DJ's (who work at various clubs, they bounce around) so I am going to find a way to ask so they don't think I am a total nut.  I also have a friend who is close with the owner of a sports bar here (where Michael Jordan likes to hang out when here so there are a ton of thirsty gals in that bar) who may know something.  I would totally believe that item.  She chose a good profession to find men to bilk out of their money, she says all the right things to alienate these men from anyone who cares about them, and she is pretty.  Dangerous combo for a scam artist.  

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13 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

That was horrific, and I watched it all go to HELL too goddamned fast.  We also had the Lilac fire down here in SD County, and the horse trainer who was so severely burned trying to rescue her babies at San Luis Rey Downs JUST NOW got out of the hospital.  :-(

AWFUL!  I really worry about all the animals affected by this.  PEOPLE can leave but animals are at the mercy of their owners.  I hope the trainer gets better.  Terrible.  What is upsetting here is there are animals that have never been claimed including a horse.  I hope they have found a home.  A friend has been working on the bucket brigade helping remove mud (dried now) from Montecito and her her main fear was coming across a lost animal.  She figured the still missing people weren't going to be there (prob washed to the ocean) but really was afraid of finding someone's beloved pet.  On a lighter note, there was a really funny comment heard from the fairgrounds where animals were kept.  They had an Emu and someone said something like watch out for the Emu he is fast and an asshole.  

To remain on topic:  I enjoyed that Thomas basically told Ashley to back off when speaking about the mother of his children.  She needs to work on that part of her scam.  

4 hours ago, ozzy said:

Does not make it Right. . no excuse for looking like a Douchebro.

Your douchebro is someone elses norm.  I don't agree that the way he dresses is not right.  You may not like it but its the way it is.  Looks really normal to me.

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5 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

AWFUL!  I really worry about all the animals affected by this.  PEOPLE can leave but animals are at the mercy of their owners.  I hope the trainer gets better.  Terrible.  What is upsetting here is there are animals that have never been claimed including a horse.  I hope they have found a home.  A friend has been working on the bucket brigade helping remove mud (dried now) from Montecito and her her main fear was coming across a lost animal.  She figured the still missing people weren't going to be there (prob washed to the ocean) but really was afraid of finding someone's beloved pet.  On a lighter note, there was a really funny comment heard from the fairgrounds where animals were kept.  They had an Emu and someone said something like watch out for the Emu he is fast and an asshole.  

To remain on topic:  I enjoyed that Thomas basically told Ashley to back off when speaking about the mother of his children.  She needs to work on that part of her scam.  

Your douchebro is someone elses norm.  I don't agree that the way he dresses is not right.  You may not like it but its the way it is.  Looks really normal to me.

I agree! What is Whitney supposed to wear? A buttoned up polo shirt like Austen? Now THAT would make him look like a douche. It would be all wrong and quite frankly creepy on Whitney. The preppy thing is so not his vibe and I find it refreshing to see rocker tees on this show where everyone else is Lilly Pulitzer-ed. 

Edited by Sage47
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4 minutes ago, Sage47 said:

I agree! What is Whitney supposed to wear? A buttoned up polo shirt like Austen? Now THAT would make him look like a douche. It would be all wrong and quite frankly creepy on Whitney. The preppy thing is so not his vibe and I find it refreshing to see rocker tees on this show when everyone else is Lilly Pulitzer-ed. 

I kinda liked at golfing he just wore what he wears normally.  While he doesn't showcase it much on the show he does fancy himself a musician so completely normal.  Heck my 63 year old musician brother in law doesn't dress much differently!  Frankly the way the men on this show dress isn't my thing.  But its the way they dress so not my business.

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2 minutes ago, nexxie said:

I enjoy Whitney’s offbeat personality and style, but it’s funny how he cleans up for events with his mother.

That’s when he’s dressing for her expectations, not his lifestyle. 

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20 hours ago, ProudMary said:

@SunnyBeBe and @RHJunkie The home that we saw Chelsea return to (or not be emotionally able to return to) was not on Hilton Head Island.  It was in Bluffton, which is the first town on the mainland after crossing the bridge to/from HHI.  In this episode, she tells us that they had to leave the Bluffton house when she was eight years old, which would put it about 1993.  In other episodes, she says that she grew up on Hilton Head.  We also know that she knows Shep from Hilton Head, so her family most likely moved to an apartment on HHI in '93.  If her mom was working three jobs, it would have made sense for them to live on Hilton Head back in the nineties because that's where the jobs would have been.  Bluffton was a sleepy little southern town at that time with a population of perhaps 5,000.  It has grown exponentially since then, with the population of greater Bluffton now being around 25,000 and the town annexing large tracts of land that have now made Bluffton (in area) the fifth largest township in the state of South Carolina.  Chelsea mentioned this to the others in the car as they were driving in; that when she lived there, most everything was woods.  Now, there are more jobs in Bluffton than there are on Hilton Head as most of the retail and service jobs have moved over to the mainland.  The jobs on HH are predominantly in hospitality, which makes sense as it's a resort town.  Also in the '90s, middle schoolers and high schoolers from Bluffton went to schools on Hilton Head.  So if Chelsea's mom wanted her kids to be closer to the schools, living on Hilton Head made more sense.  

As for the riding lessons and horse competitions, there are several equestrian centers both on HHI and on the mainland with the mainland ones being much more reasonably priced even today.  As long as they weren't buying her a horse of her own and having to board the horse, her mom would probably have been able to afford lessons at one of the mainland centers or as RHJunkie said, perhaps her father paid for some of it.  Also, Chelsea may have had friends with money who owned their own horses and allowed her to ride.  That is far from uncommon on HHI.

As I read this, there's probably a lot more information here than anyone's interested in but I'll leave it up anyway!

One of my late sister's friends and her husband retired there from NJ (they were J&J retirees).  Bluffton is getting popular.  Not only did they film SC there, but a season or two ago, they filmed a date or two from the Bachelor franchise.

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32 minutes ago, politichick said:

He dresses for the occasion. Do you think she never sees him in his other get ups?

Sure, but it’s easy to imagine her sending him upstairs to change before her friends arrive.

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20 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

OMG. We don’t get much news about your fires on the west coast but that does sound horrific and as a horse lover that one kicks me in the gut. 

We live in TN and these fires were on the local and national news every day for weeks. They were horrifying. Where do you live that you didn’t get much news about them?

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10 hours ago, esco1822 said:

You have that backwards, I think. They lived in the gorgeous home WITH the mother's boyfriend. Since they never married, when the boyfriend died, Chelsea's family had no claim to the house and had to move out. At that point her mom had to work 3 jobs. 

But the house they stayed in for the group visit that was filmed, that was from Mom’s last husband/boyfriend. The first house, they never stayed in, filmed in, etc. That was long gone.

So, Mom worked three jobs and luckily met another rich man who’d take them in?

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1 hour ago, Major Bigtime said:

But the house they stayed in for the group visit that was filmed, that was from Mom’s last husband/boyfriend. The first house, they never stayed in, filmed in, etc. That was long gone.

So, Mom worked three jobs and luckily met another rich man who’d take them in?

The house they stayed in was a VRBO/AirBB rental. Nothing at all to do with Chelsea & her family. 

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1 hour ago, snarts said:

The house they stayed in was a VRBO/AirBB rental. Nothing at all to do with Chelsea & her family. 

Yep. Chelsea even mentioned that she had only seen pics of it online but looked cool.

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13 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Yep. Chelsea even mentioned that she had only seen pics of it online but looked cool.

Glad she was able to avoid a 50 Cynt shituation with the VRBO, it looked awesome. ? 

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On 6/11/2018 at 5:46 PM, Natalie68 said:

Ambien and other sleep aids have caused people to sleep eat.

That, or being in recovery makes your brain crave sugar.  I know recovering alcoholics who always had candy bars around as the chocolate was their "thing" once they'd stopped drinking.  They also preferred Pepsi to Coke, again because of the sugar.

Unrelated to that, I sleep eat, usually peanut butter.  I when I was on Ambien, and I ate one of those mini-jars of peanut butter.  I also tried to drive my car.  I don't take Ambien anymore.

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40 minutes ago, Lemur said:

That, or being in recovery makes your brain crave sugar.  I know recovering alcoholics who always had candy bars around as the chocolate was their "thing" once they'd stopped drinking.  They also preferred Pepsi to Coke, again because of the sugar.

Unrelated to that, I sleep eat, usually peanut butter.  I when I was on Ambien, and I ate one of those mini-jars of peanut butter.  I also tried to drive my car.  I don't take Ambien anymore.

I have heard of that!  Man, thank goodness I don't take any of that stuff any longer.  I do not need to wake up with chocolate smeared all over my face (most likely it would have been powdered sugar from all the mini donuts I would be shoving into my mouth!)!  I used to take Ambien occasionally but apparently I said really weird stuff.  

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On 6/9/2018 at 1:00 AM, walnutqueen said:


Bottles for 2 year olds and the dreaded tooth rot?  Not much of an outrage for me. Baby teeth fall out no matter what a toddler sucks in their very early years.  Now, if he's still sucking on the tit like Robyn Arryn (GoT) as an adolescent, I'll revisit the issue.  ;-)

With tooth rot and decay, the baby teeth do fall out, but they can also cause severe problems in the gums and beyond before that happens.  I think when a parent fails to prevent something serious like that, it is akin to child abuse.  I am not saying that this is happening here, but parents that do not care if their child's tooth is rotting - that is not a good parent.

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Not to mention, this is painful for the child. One of my young students' family got a visit by CPS, PARTLY because of his mouth full of cavities. Neglect. 

Sometimes as a parent one has to do things--like take away a bottle, for the child's own good. Some don't want to deal with the inevitable crying, but it's only temporary.

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Andy today on his Sirius talk show:  Thomas will not be on the Reunion show.  He didn't elaborate further, but my suspicion is that we have seen the last of TRav.

A caller asked about Ashley/Kathleen drama, and Andy said to hold on tight, there is major drama to come.

If these allegations of sexual assault are true, Bravo will be done with Thomas forever.

WRT the discussion of Saint still drinking out of the bottle and tooth decay, etc., it's been mentioned that Saint is possibly developmentally delayed, hence the need to remain bottle-fed.  I certainly hope (and personally believe) that he's receiving proper medical and dental care and guidance.

Edited by Sterling
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Hmm, there is a twitter account missashleyjac1 that is claiming to be Ashley. Said account is also claiming that Trav is going to be pardoned for his felony by Trump and then is going to run for senate again.

Edited by Hockey Addict
Incorrect spelling
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8 minutes ago, Hockey Addict said:

Hmm, there is a twitter account missashjac1 that is claiming to be Ashley. Said account is also claiming that Trav is going to be pardoned for his felony by Trump and then is going to run for senate again.

She has two accounts (one is private) and that isn’t one of them. Also, she is leaning into the rumors because she changed her bio to Call Girl living in South Carolina.

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9 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

She has two accounts (one is private) and that isn’t one of them. Also, she is leaning into the rumors because she changed her bio to Call Girl living in South Carolina.

I realize that you typoed.  lol

It's Cali Girl.  

Doctor Freud, is that you?

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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I could not understand Kathryn's birthday party outfit.  White with long sleeves and paint?  Did she only pretend to be doing stuff when the cameras were on her because she was completely clean.  It just seems uncomfortable.  I didn't think much was wrong with Saint until I realized this was his 2nd birthday party. He's very behind.  

I like Ashley getting dragged and I like everyone joining forces against her.  I never get to see a pure villain that everyone rallies against.  They always have 1 or 2 people who support them or they seem to get away with the behavior  (Kristen from VP, Jenelle from TM2, Brandi from RHoBH). It's cathartic to me.  

Thought it was funny when Shep wanted to call Cam and Craig goes "did she have the baby yet?" and Shep says "well, no, Craig".  Like her having the baby would have just flown under the radar.  

Thomas again insisting that Kathyrn want them to still be a family.  He did this with Landon last year.  

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2 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

Thomas again insisting that Kathyrn want them to still be a family.  He did this with Landon last year.  

That’s the only storyline he’s got since he’s not running for office. Every woman wants him. *gag*

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On 6/11/2018 at 8:38 PM, Gem 10 said:

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  When a mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy.  If that is the cause of Saint’s problem.  If this is true about him, you would think TomAss and Katherine would make him their priority instead of running around getting drunk, and dealing with Ashley.  Just my opinion.

I should have known that.  Thank you for explaining.  (Hitting my head on  the wall! )   Every now and then abbreviations come up and I wear myself out   trying to guess  what they mean, as I am not a Twitter person and I am OLD.         Some one nicely asked what SMH meant and I was so happy.  I  had no clue and  was "shaking my head" regularly at some of the dumb things people say or do    LOL

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6 hours ago, oceanview said:

I should have known that.  Thank you for explaining.  (Hitting my head on  the wall! )   Every now and then abbreviations come up and I wear myself out   trying to guess  what they mean, as I am not a Twitter person and I am OLD.         Some one nicely asked what SMH meant and I was so happy.  I  had no clue and  was "shaking my head" regularly at some of the dumb things people say or do    LOL

Are you kidding?  I don’t know anything and I am old also, lol.  I just look everything up on “Ask.com”, that’s all.  Or, I have to ask my grandchildren ,, they know everything, haha.

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On 6/8/2018 at 12:13 AM, FrankieTankie said:

I can’t stand Craig ... he goes around acting as if he knows all.... telling Dani which crab to pick.... them it was bbqing at shep’s ... then at life coach meeting where he says he has a gift to read people and steer them where he wants .... when in actuality he’s a piece of shit loser who can’t hold a job and sits around sewing. Pretty much all the guys on this show are d bags .... Thomas is a dirt ball who’s got criminal charges going against him... shep is worthless just lives off family money and looks like a haggard beaver .... Austen is a typical new aged male ..... doesn’t want to work .... just be a pretend entrepreneur and is a sissy through and through .... I don’t see why 2 good looking girls are after him .... he’d just leech off them ..... Whitney is just strange and creepy and is only in love with a mirror 

I don’t get the girls paying for Austen’s drinks, food.  Why do they even?  I’m surprised that Chelsea did that.  He’s such a moocher.  Who does he think he is .. Gods gift to women?  He gets paid from the show, so what’s his problem.  His parents even gave him start up money for that beer idea.  A guy like that would turn me off completely.  He brings nothing to this show.

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On 6/8/2018 at 11:20 PM, SimonSeymour said:

Not really important, but a Jimmy John’s number three is a tuna sandwich. They clearly showed Thomas eating a Vito, aka a number five, as it had salami. Why would get that wrong?!!  Lol

That “Jimmy John’s” looks exactly like “Jersey Mike’s” up here in New York which came here recently.  I noticed the salami myself, lol.  BTW, buy one, get one free with coupon, haha.  They are giving “Subway” a run for their money.

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On 6/7/2018 at 9:54 PM, Neurochick said:

 I don't like the dragging of Ashley on this board, but if she can't see that even though Thom-ass and Kathryn have a fucked up situation and are trying to make the best of it, then she needs to step aside. 

I'm still perplexed about this.  What is it about her that seems to make you defend her?  I've seen nothing that seems there is anything even remotely genuine about her.

On 6/11/2018 at 8:59 PM, Mindthinkr said:

YMMV but I have always thought that Saint looked as though he has a tinge of Down’s Syndrome. Something in the eyes and facial shape. If that is correct and it is a chromosomal issue I’d say that the blame (if you can ascribe blame to this situation and I also am willing to believe that it’s more than one specific thing at play here) lies more on TRav being the older parent. Just MHO 

I have though the same thing until Kathryn is without makeup and then I think he looks to be the spitting image of her!

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