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Season 3 Discussion

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2 hours ago, CafeAuLait said:

Just when I thought I couldn't dislike that bitch, Pao, any more than I already do, she gives me reason to loathe her Woody Woodpecker looking ass even more.  The fake indignation walk off was a planned move to get us all to look at her body in that sausage casing.  I'm not mad at the view, but damn, at least try to disguise how phony you are.  

Little bitch, Juan, dropped her shit out for the public to see.  Wouldn't surprise me in the least bit if he is orchestrating hook ups with boyfriend back home behind hayseed farmer , Roooossss's back   He's such dumb motherfucker.

Speaking of dumb motherfuckers...... if Chantel had as much brain as she does boobs and ass she'd be a Rhodes Scholar.  Instead, she hangs her tits out for the world to see while her mind hibernates.  Seriously woman?  Pedro is so invested in HIS family that he could give two shits less about yours.   He gets on my last nerve too; sick of both of them.

Molly is a lost cause.  I guess she needs a younger, stronger man to handle all that rack she's sporting.  Al least she isn't dangling them out like bait, something three of the other ladies should take note of.

Dick Pocket David is equally lost and that daughter, Ashley,  is a real piece of work.  I get she's hurt, but don't take it out on Annie, it's not her fault.  Who is she to judge any damn way?  It's not like she has lived such a pious life.  If Annie did work in the sex trade, so?  She's not doing it now; what's the problem?  

Anfisa and her sorry ass husband.   I never thought it would be on her side, but once I realized that she is the most honest and open of all the people on the show, I saw her in an entirely different light.  Glad she shunned that bitch Pao, who trashed her when she had her back up, that fucking Loren.  Gawd, I hate Pao.  I hate everything about her to include her irritating ass voice, shitty demeanor, and fucked up ways.  But, I digress, fuck Jorge too. Fat as he's gotten, his name should be gorge.  His family is equally shitty to Anfisa, especially Lourdes.  She should mind her own damn business.

Lastly, get that stupid fucking Shaun Robinson off the set, now and forever.  Do not, under any circumstance, replace her with that other idiot who hosted the "Live" shit show.   Hell, hire Steve Harvey, the worst he could do is call out the wrong name.


  • Love 1

You know you are 4 feet lower than a snail's turd when the ENTIRE cast of characters on this sorry ass show thinks you are crap.  And, that's what they clearly showed towards AZAN!  Even the dimmest in the bunch sees through his lies and distraction.  If Nicole really does marry him, she'll get her just deserts.  I do not believe he has ever touched her in an intimate way and I don't believe that he ever would.  So, we'll see how that works out for her if she signs up for a life of celibacy. 

David has major issues, but, he did make some good points. And, who cares about what Annie did. I don't know if she was in the business of sales, like they say, but, if her husband is okay with it, then, it's water under the bridge.  People do what they have to in order to survive.  Don't shame someone for trying to make a living. 

Molly has deep issues that I don't think she'll ever resolve.  No self-awareness and always in need of a man.  OMG, it's sickening. But, I did agree with her on why divorce someone because they had a kid with someone 10 years ago.  There are plenty other reasons to divorce Jorge.   He appears to be a pathological liar and completely untrustworthy. That would be a more valid reason to leave.  I don't care for either one of them.  

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, trimthatfat said:

I honestly think she just wants her dad to admit he was a shitty, negligent father. Annie is just the easier person to attack. I do wish Ashley would focus on what her dad did. He was an ass before Annie was in the picture.

Watching Annie gleefully say it did look like Anfisa on the webcam, I had to roll my eyes. Was she not offended when she was shamed for allegedly participating in sex work? None of these women are better than the other.


Ashley's doing the Dance of Anger, getting mad at Annie when she really should get mad at her loser dad. 

Ashley looked cute in the interview! Whatever she's doing, it's working.

Anfisa wasn't about to shame Annie for being a sex worker. It's pretty poor of Annie to jump in there and shame Anfisa.

Both of them were probably underaged when they started working. Really sad.

And I'm keeping CafeAuLait's nickname for her husband. Gorge. Gorge looks bigger every time we see him! Munchies much? As does David Pour who obviously can afford groceries!

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, millennium said:

I haven't watched all three hours yet, I'm about halfway.   But honestly, I'm bored shitless.   Lame questions, long, lingering gulfs of silence before people answer, Jorge and Anfisa walking off with TWO PIZZAS (from "Gotham Pizza" which by the way lends even more credence to David being The Penguin) ...

How is it possible to produce a boring show with a roomful of trainwrecks?

I liked that scene because it showed how bargain basement TLC's budget is for this show.  They won't even spring for a gourmet buffet lunch for these people, they order pizza lol.

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, Eme said:

Again Josh -- Thanks for the heads up that Joe is no longer in the picture.  Joe was tough to watch.  Kudos on them having their own place -- it looked quite nice.  

I've seen that brawl a few times and it looks like to me that BrotherChantel was talking smack to Pedro.  Pedro got up to beat his chest.  BrotherChantel then got up and swung the light fixture at Pedro. That, to me, was the first aggressive move.  BrotherChantel started with the talk then aggressively hit the light fixture -- not caring if it hit Pedro.  Pedro THEN stormed over and challenged BrotherChantel.  Not saying Pedro was right in any of this, but BrotherChantel needs to check himself.  He is constantly challenging his brother in law and he needs to Just Quit It.  Whatever FamilyChantel thinks of Pedro they are not hurting Pedro -- they are hurting Chantel.  They need to Stay In Their Lane and let Chantel figure out if she likes AmericaPedro or not.  FamiyChantel is just confusing the situation.

Here's how I saw it. Pedro kept telling father chantel to shut up. River said very quietly "Don't talk to him like that." Pedro is the first to stand up and say "what did you say?" HE provoked it, River got mad stood up and threw a paper towel in to the light fixture which swung and hit Pedro. Then PEDRO came around the table to for a physical fight>  Pedro was itching for ANY chance to get hold of River. Pedro is the reason the physical fight started.  The real one to blame was Mother Chnatel for having this little "nice dinner" knowing it would be explosive somehow.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, AussieBabe said:

Pao and Russ aren't worth the mention.

Shaun Robinson is TERRIBLE. Good grief.

Jorge is just an ass. He won't take a DNA test. I don't think the ex is really after fame or anything. She doesn't want her name or face revealed. A true thirst bucket would've showed up when asked to come to the tell all instead of asking that her privacy be respected. It sounds like she might have been older. I picked up on that when she said Jorge was in high school. Someone who was the same age wouldn't have said that. I can buy that he was evading her. His BS excuse about giving the ex money and buying the child school clothes/supplies and saying it was a joke let's me know he's lying. He's claiming he's 100% sure he's not the father, but if you had sex, there's a possibility. Obviously someone failed biology and sex ed.

Pedro was killing me with his meme worthy faces and head tilts. His face when Azan was spewing his BS was pure comedy. 

Azan...I refuse to believe they have sex. This man goes Casper pale at the mention of a wedding (and the subsequent wedding night and every night after). He doesn't want to marry her. He likes the money and the fact that he doesn't have to work. What job does he think he's going to get in the States? It doesn't sound like he has a formal education. He doesn't seem to have any discernible skills or talent. The fact that he hasn't had a job in two or more years is going to be a red flag to most employers, and it might have been a problem with the government. You have no visible means of taking care of yourself or supporting yourself. Why would the US government let you in when you're not bringing anything to the table they bought? Other than prowling and preying on needy, insecure, desperate women like Nicole, what else does he have going on? Nicole was a barista at Starbucks, and eventually the TLC money will run out--if she hasn't sent most or all of it to him. Judging by her mum and stepfather, it sounds like she's sent thousands of dollars over the past 2-3 years. I can believe it if she was sending $200 at a time. That adds up fast. She wouldn't even let him speak because she knows his lies will be painfully obvious. How are you "pretty sure" someone is the one? I'm hoping it will implode on that wedding preview/special this coming Sunday. 

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Here's to hoping her stepfather was right about them 86ing the wedding and her being back home in Florida.

I hoped that Shaun would pull a Maury and bring out a DNA test! Jorge does not want one because he knows that he is the father.

Shaun really is the lousiest host EVER. Like, EVER. "What's going on here?" "What just happened?" Somebody bring the host up to speed, please.

Anfisa has seen photos of the little girl so she knows, too.

Also, Jorge is a hopeless lying liar!

Anfisa recognizes she is too selfish to be a stepmom. Good for her! Unlike Molly who doesn't recognize she is too selfish to be a mom mom.

Azan knew Nicole was 'the one' because she was so painfully stupid and horny that he figured he could make her do anything he wanted, and, he needed a very, very willing victim because he's just not very good at things.

I'm guessing by intimacy, he means the kind of intimacy Mo and Dani had. "We kiss." "We hug." WOW.

If they get close to broke in Morocco, Nicole's mom will send money because of May. She's not totally with it. After all, she was wearing cold shoulder shirts in Morocco. While the shirts were flattering and she looks lovely for her age, it was MOROCCO!

Pedro really is delightful! And, Chantel would do anything for him. I think Chantel was blessed with great rack as an apology for what was missing in the brain department. A body like that means, "Thank you, God! I don't have to go to school!" But then she married Pedro. And she is ate up with him! If he wanted to, Pedro could absolutely turn her completely against her family, but he doesn't because he truly loves her. 

Also, she survived Mama Chantel who is a brute. Seriously. If there were problems with Nicole, the answer is to invite her over to dinner, and GET TO KNOW HER! Be friends, and make the friendship bigger than any disagreements. As an older woman, it's up to her to be the mature one and not run around like a banshee with her fake hair in her hands, but I digress...

  • Love 18

I agree with Coachristletjen, WHY didn't they have the DNA test ready and waiting for Jorge.  They could have taken his sample, by a qualified person right there on the set and that would have been the end of it.  The results would have been mailed to Jorge AND the child's mother.  So, Jorge could lie if it wants, but, the mother would have the document to confirm it. 

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, CafeAuLait said:

Just when I thought I couldn't dislike that bitch, Pao, any more than I already do, she gives me reason to loathe her Woody Woodpecker looking ass even more.  The fake indignation walk off was a planned move to get us all to look at her body in that sausage casing.  I'm not mad at the view, but damn, at least try to disguise how phony you are.  

Little bitch, Juan, dropped her shit out for the public to see.  Wouldn't surprise me in the least bit if he is orchestrating hook ups with boyfriend back home behind hayseed farmer , Roooossss's back   He's such dumb motherfucker.

Speaking of dumb motherfuckers...... if Chantel had as much brain as she does boobs and ass she'd be a Rhodes Scholar.  Instead, she hangs her tits out for the world to see while her mind hibernates.  Seriously woman?  Pedro is so invested in HIS family that he could give two shits less about yours.   He gets on my last nerve too; sick of both of them.

Molly is a lost cause.  I guess she needs a younger, stronger man to handle all that rack she's sporting.  Al least she isn't dangling them out like bait, something three of the other ladies should take note of.

Dick Pocket David is equally lost and that daughter, Ashley,  is a real piece of work.  I get she's hurt, but don't take it out on Annie, it's not her fault.  Who is she to judge any damn way?  It's not like she has lived such a pious life.  If Annie did work in the sex trade, so?  She's not doing it now; what's the problem?  

Anfisa and her sorry ass husband.   I never thought it would be on her side, but once I realized that she is the most honest and open of all the people on the show, I saw her in an entirely different light.  Glad she shunned that bitch Pao, who trashed her when she had her back up, that fucking Loren.  Gawd, I hate Pao.  I hate everything about her to include her irritating ass voice, shitty demeanor, and fucked up ways.  But, I digress, fuck Jorge too. Fat as he's gotten, his name should be gorge.  His family is equally shitty to Anfisa, especially Lourdes.  She should mind her own damn business.

Lastly, get that stupid fucking Shaun Robinson off the set, now and forever.  Do not, under any circumstance, replace her with that other idiot who hosted the "Live" shit show.   Hell, hire Steve Harvey, the worst he could do is call out the wrong name.

I don’t think Olivia will scarifice her choice of college to stay close to Kensley,  she didn’t call or visit her while she lived at the boyfriend’s parent’s place.

  • Love 5

If I were Anfisa and found out the child was Jorge's, I'd divorce his ass immediately too (I don't think I would have hung on as long as she already has!). It's not about the kid, it's about Jorge -- yet ANOTHER lie and the fact that he obviously doesn't care about the fact he was a dad -- for 10 years. This says so much about Jorge. Ultimate jerkiness.  

  • Love 24
10 minutes ago, jackjill89 said:

If I were Anfisa and found out the child was Jorge's, I'd divorce his ass immediately too (I don't think I would have hung on as long as she already has!). It's not about the kid, it's about Jorge -- yet ANOTHER lie and the fact that he obviously doesn't care about the fact he was a dad -- for 10 years. This says so much about Jorge. Ultimate jerkiness.  

She also said she didn’t want to have a  child with him because he could just turn around and deny it in the future. Just because a DNA test determines parentage, it doesn’t mean the parent will actually be a loving caring parent all the child’s life. After all David dumped 3 kids for close to 5 years probably without so much as a phone call or birthday card in all those years .


Why do I think Pao and Russ are auditioning for another reality show.... maybe Marriage Boot Camp?

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 18
2 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

I honestly think she just wants her dad to admit he was a shitty, negligent father. Annie is just the easier person to attack. I do wish Ashley would focus on what her dad did. He was an ass before Annie was in the picture.

Watching Annie gleefully say it did look like Anfisa on the webcam, I had to roll my eyes. Was she not offended when she was shamed for allegedly participating in sex work? None of these women are better than the other.

Ashley seems much more upset with David Poor for being a deadbeat, lazy, pervy Dad who married a prostitute than at Annie for being a prostitute who married her Dad.  I agree that she probably just wants him to admit he was a lousy father.  Instead, he does all the weaselly non-apologies saying things like, "I'm sorry you FEEL hurt, betrayed, neglected, or whatever." 

  • Love 15

I thought that David admitted that he was a lousy father a long time ago. Maybe, he just needs to do it more often to please his daughter.  I can't see him being any different with a new child though.  I sense that he knows that, but, Annie is just too insistent and doesn't think about how he's likely to be.  Of course, if she has a child, she would likely qualify for more benefits, so there is that.  

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Eme said:

Annie talked smack about David's daughter then she stood behind her comments.  Annie is no joke.  

All Ashley has are innuendos, hopes and wishes. The “youdontknowme” defense doesn’t quite fit Ashley. 

She had a child at sixteen,check. Her children have different fathers,check. She’s “three cents short of a dollar”, check.

No one has shown proof of Annie’s sex work history. 

Annie’s age has nothing to do with David not spending time with his children. He left them long before Annie came into the picture. 


And i I agree with Pedro.Chantel will miss him and the relationship once he is gone. Her family’s issues are with Chantel not Pedro. They don’t trust or respect HER. Pedro is just on the top of the list at this time. 

  • Love 18
15 hours ago, Anfisawillbemine said:

If Jorge’s ex doesn’t want anything from him, why bother him? What was the whole point of that?

The ex is crazy as hell. She throws a tizzy about Jorge taking a DNA test, but also said she told him to “live his life” after she had the baby.  Jorge is a doof and a bastard, but she can’t have it both ways either.  

Edited by Ijustwantsomechips
  • Love 6
49 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I thought that David admitted that he was a lousy father a long time ago. Maybe, he just needs to do it more often to please his daughter.  I can't see him being any different with a new child though.  I sense that he knows that, but, Annie is just too insistent and doesn't think about how he's likely to be.  Of course, if she has a child, she would likely qualify for more benefits, so there is that.  

Annie just needs to go to the nearest sperm bank and take whatever is fresh. There's nowhere to go but up....

  • Love 12
8 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Chantel and her family will eventually succeed in driving Pedro away. Its just a matter of time. How long can he  stand up against all of them? The look on his face at times broke my heart. He looked so sad. Even after seeing the video Chantel clings to the "Pedro and his sister came over with a plan to attack my brother" story. She's too far gone.

Honestly . . . it was Mother Chantel who was pulling off her rings just the episode before, in an apparent threat of physical violence against Pedro and/or his sister.  THEN she says, "We're going to have them over here for dinner."  Pedro and Nicole did NOT invite themselves to the Family Chantel's AirBnB for a meal; it was the equivalent of a command performance.  

  • Love 14
10 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Agreed on both points. Annie has shown remarkable unflappability thus far. On the one hand Ashley says they have a relationship, they hang out sometimes, she's had them over for dinner. Then she spits out these horrible spiteful accusations. If I was Annie I'd spit in her food.

Chantel and her family will eventually succeed in driving Pedro away. Its just a matter of time. How long can he  stand up against all of them? The look on his face at times broke my heart. He looked so sad. Even after seeing the video Chantel clings to the "Pedro and his sister came over with a plan to attack my brother" story. She's too far gone.

It really is sad. I think he genuinely loves her. And, he would protect her! She needs protecting in this world because she's dumb as a brick.

I'm holding out hope that these two will make it because there's something in Chantel that really seems as though she would do anything for Pedro. It could be wishful thinking.

Pedro, if you ever read this, THANK YOU FOR GOING AFTER RIVER! I know you held back and you could have absolutely pummeled him out of existence, and you did not. I wish you had done a bit more to his wiry little frame, but still, Gracias! 

22 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:

I don't have much to say about this tell all.   I did like the dresses Nicole was looking at in the preview, they were really nice, that's all I got.

I liked them, too. Did they seem like they would fit? They appeared on the small side to me.

  • Love 17
12 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

To me, when Nicole says that she and Azan are working on their issues, that translates into, I'm finding more and more disturbing information about this devious person, but, I'm managing to ignore it, stay in denial and be a sucker anyway.  

I thought it was a hoot when Azan tried t o peddle his non employment on "needing to be here for Nicole."  Really?  You can't work because you need to be available to chat with your girlfriend??  Get a job, Azan, and hire David while you are at it.

  • Love 14
45 minutes ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

The ex is crazy as hell. She throws a tizzy about Jorgetaking a DNAtest, but also said she told him to “live his life” after she had the baby.  Jorge is a doof and a bastard, but she can’t have it both ways either.  

She might have been afraid that Gorge was underaged when they hooked up.

Also, she kept saying, she didn't want to get involved, and Anfisa rightly pointed out that she was involved. 

Molly expected kudos for pointing out that at Anfisa's age she was getting pregnant with kids she was too self-absorbed to take care of although I'm sure she was a good provider... working three jobs, going to school, and most likely, hotly pursuing every man she could find would leave little time for her daughter.

  • Love 6
14 hours ago, champsdelavande said:

Ok, If Paola and Russ can not afford two tickets to Columbia for her grandmother's funeral, how they can both afford a pair of Louboutin shoes?!? The are usually a minimum of $600  per pair and I highly doubt they were sponsored to wear those shoes... and they don't appear to be used because there are no scuffs. 


Update: I have no life and looked up the shoes. Russ's cost $995 (I may be slightly off on the style, but oh my lord that's ridiculous). 

I don’t buy for one second that they couldn’t afford a plane ticket. People make room for what they want in their budgets. Designer shoes are obviously a priority and grandma isn’t. Russ and Paola may not be wealthy, but they aren’t broke. Russ has long implied that he is frugal.

  • Love 13

My take on Pedro and Chantel is that they are like a movie scene stuck on repeat.  They both keep repeating the same old lines, over and over, but, they act like they hate each other.  I've never seen any sign of love from one to other, except in their fake words.  Maybe, they are in love with some idea in their mind of what the other person is, but, it's not based on any reality of them as real people or their situations.  If they keep it up, someone may get really hurt or arrested.  Neither one seems to be smart enough to know that or maybe, they just don't care.  Some people thrive on drama and maybe, that's who they are.   

  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

It really is sad. I think he genuinely loves her. And, he would protect her! She needs protecting in this world because she's dumb as a brick.

I'm holding out hope that these two will make it because there's something in Chantel that really seems as though she would do anything for Pedro. It could be wishful thinking.

Pedro, if you ever read this, THANK YOU FOR GOING AFTER RIVER! I know you held back and you could have absolutely pummeled him out of existence, and you did not. I wish you had done a bit more to his wiry little frame, but still, Gracias! 

I liked them, too. Did they seem like they would fit? They appeared on the small side to me.

That’s thenext delay, they have to alter her dresses. And suddenly there’s a thread shortage in Morocco.

Did she say she was able to get her police document... does she have the marriage license?

Edited by iwasish
9 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Pao is doing her best bitch act for the camera. I bet she watches tons of reality TV and decided the bitch on the show is always the most “popular”. I guarantee she’s looking for a reality show gig.

I agree 100%. I mean pretty much they all do but she has more of an air of ruthless desperation about it. 

  • Love 9

I have a theory about Puss’ hair.  It depressed, lifeless and flacid just like his life and his manhood.  I wonder if Pao, with the help of Juan, convinced him it was flattering so they could sit back and laugh at him behind his back.  Is his hairless receding or what? There’s no way you look in the mirror each morning and think that looks good.  

Pao is a sneaky, shady bitch and an asshole, and Puss even more so for trying to ride on her coattails.  You don’t even have the balls to stand up to Juan’s bitch ass, so what exactly are you gonna do Puss? I wish Jorge would have shoved him one good time.  He probably would have cried.  I can’t wait til  she leaves him for the next highest bidder.  When she can do better, she will.

Jorge is a jerk, but at least he checked Puss. If I was a guy, you wouldn’t talk to my wife like that either.  Especially when your own wife punks you every chance she gets.  As for Anfisa, she’s more mature than the other cast members even though she’s younger.  And she really doesn’t talk about anyone else.  She also gets extra points for  her clapback game. The “c*** from Columbia” was priceless! From here out, Her Majesty Anfisa will be known as the Queen of Clapback. 

Molly is a fucking idiot, but she looked very beautiful and classy.  I like the darker hair color.  The other three should take notes.  They dress like wanna be reality tv celebrities and it’s pathetic.  These tricks look thirsty.  

Nicole is an idiot, but she was clearly enjoying the mess and drama.  Chantal isan idiot, and Pedro is such a smarmy little bastard.  He wouldn’t be able to threaten me with divorce. I’d have the papers drwn up as soon as I got back the ATL.  

Dos anyone else think Devar is drinking his troubles away? He’s probably miserable being isolated as the only black man in town.  Either that or Punkesher his baby mama/wife sister said time’s up, come home.  Whata weasel he is for acting like this after thr baby arrived.  Melanie is annoying but that’s a low blow.  

I was glad to see Kirlyam and Allen.  He’s a super doofus but they seem to love each other and be happy.  And his mom is gonna be an awesome grandma!  She seems fond of Kirlyam, who really is a natural beauty unlike Pao and her fraggle- red hair and wax lips.   

  • Love 10
57 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Hahahahaha. If those were real Louboutins I'll eat my hat. Probably knockoffs and she painted the soles herself. I love how she sat with both soles showing so we'd all know they were Louboutins. I see you Pao, you pretentious self serving little twit.

Maybe she spilled some of her hair dye on the floor and stepped in it.  

6 hours ago, Sienna said:

Molly has absolutely NO self-awareness.

First, she defended David by saying that she knows what it's like to criticized for having with a much younger spouse. How exactly is that younger man working out for you, Molly? You and Luis are not exactly shining examples of how to overcome an age difference, you're more like a cautionary tale. Then she commented on Jorge's situation by bringing up her own absent babydaddies (not something I'd want to remind the world about). When she got snippy with Anfisa about how she working three jobs to raise a baby alone at 22, I prayed Anfisa would hit back with "Good for you, but I know how birth control works."

And when Olivia made the comment about how she didn't want Molly to move anyone else in, Molly's jaw dropped to the floor, as though she couldn't fathom why that might not be a good idea. This just minutes after watching video of her confrontation with Luis, and what it took to get him out of her house. She'll be DAMN lucky if he really does go quietly back to the DR. When she made the comment that he hadn't followed up with his Green Card paperwork, Pedro shot her a seriously disbelieving look, I wonder if he knows something she doesn't.

Molly, do yourself a favor and find a coping mechanism that isn't booze, fuckboi, or using your children as emotional crutches.

Yeah, Molly clearly doesn't get that dating/marrying younger men who want her only for her money and/or ability to get them green cards is not good for her, her daughters or her relationships with her daughters.  

  • Love 18

What was Pao talking about when she was insisting to Anfisa that she wasn't giving her the finger? She said that she was trying to get someone's attention and let them know that someone was calling them.  Who was she talking about and why would someone be calling out to a member on the set during an interview?  Was she just making this up?  Don't all of them have earpieces so that they are being fed instructions from the director throughout the taping? 

Per Nicole and her documents:  I am about to start a new job which means a trip to HR.  This means I bring my SS card, my birth certificate,  my marriage license*, my teaching license, my passport, all originals plus a friggin' stool sample if they ask.  To fly VERY FAR from home with copies because "I thought they would work" shows how self centered and entitled Ms Mannatee really is.

 Seriously I was watching that with my 20 year old son and I'd like to think he wouldn't be in this position but if he had been I would have told him sorry son you're on your own.   Then again he looked at me and said are people really that dense?  Yes, son, some people are.....

*= name change 

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Guess Pao had to switch from fancy professional hair dye to Splat Red from Walgreens.

Hey, don't diss my Splat! I'm offended!

16 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

During sound check Nicole used her real voice , not her whiny baby voice.   She's slipping.

She sounds to me like she's over this whole charade she created.

16 hours ago, Anfisawillbemine said:

Look, as a man WITH ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE OF FASION, I dress what feels comfortable on me and I don’t care what it is. But these women (apart from the 2 hippos) are dressed rather very revealing. Chantel has a dress that’s just letting her breasts be it’s own couple. Anfisa and Paola are wearing a rather revealing dress too? Is that just me or am I correct? Someone with fashion please explain lol. 

You better not  be complaining about that . Or else, username does NOT check out. `)

16 hours ago, DVDFreaker said:

Robinson is embarrassing as host asking stupid questions 

She's worse than the one we got on the live show. As soon as any answer to a question starts getting interesting, she cuts in with a "We'll get back on that" BICHTE NO! Finish HIM!

16 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Azan initiates sex?  Tell me another story please....

A genuine lolwut moment. *A la Maury Povich* Lie detector test proved... THAT was a lie.

16 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

If Softball Shawn doesn’t have the results of a DNA test in that stack of papers in her hands, I really don’t care anymore.  This is nuts.  

I read that in Molly's voice. 

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While watching the extra hour part after the tell-all (it really all just runs together...) When Danielle talked about traveling to MD, my husband and I looked it up and yup our town is almost exactly 6 hours from Sandusky OH.....hmmm wonder if I can figure out if this Nelson person actually lives around here lol.  I was looking more at the background as she was driving hoping to see something familiar lol

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16 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:


Maury wouldn<t have any of this nonsense. We would have had the results... After the break.

15 hours ago, champsdelavande said:

Ok, If Paola and Russ can not afford two tickets to Columbia for her grandmother's funeral, how they can both afford a pair of Louboutin shoes?!? The are usually a minimum of $600  per pair and I highly doubt they were sponsored to wear those shoes... and they don't appear to be used because there are no scuffs. 


Update: I have no life and looked up the shoes. Russ's cost $995 (I may be slightly off on the style, but oh my lord that's ridiculous). 

There was a shot of Pao walking backstage with her shoes in hand and what appeared to be sanitary pads under her feet. She was cleaning the floor, I guess.

15 hours ago, Gobi said:

This is looking more and more like pro wrestling.

Jerry Lawler: OMG PUPPIES! 

Jim Ross: And here comes Anfisa from the top rope with a flying dropkick, that Anfisa, Tougher than a 2$ steak...

Jerry Lawler: PUPPIES!!!

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