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Season 3 Discussion

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2 minutes ago, Sofiyya said:

That wasn't rice; it was couscous.  The sauce is called amlou.  It's made with argan oil, almonds and honey.

Thank you so much! I found the recipe including a tutorial on YT. And I've also learned that couscous comes in a variety of grain sizes, which I didn't know. The one that I buy at the Turkish market is tiny. 

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

I didn't say Russians don't value education.  I said I don't believe Anfisa is going to school to study statistics.  Huge difference!

I wasn't suggesting you didn't believe Russians value education, just stating that it is a very big part of their culture so Anfisa taking statistics would not at all surprise me and I don't think the person who believes it is gullible as you suggested.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, magemaud said:

Nicole knew all along that by moving to Morocco she would have to give up her free motel room/apartment, so no sympathy here. Plus with her family connections to that church, she probably could get it back if there’s a vacancy. 

I think I read her grandfather is dead (her connection) so she may have been grandfathered in and allowed to stay but once she left it would go to someone else.  

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

So let's see the sequence of events. I'm going by memory, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Nicole arrives in Morocco with $6000, Azan must have known this.

Nicole has missing paperwork, and the wedding is postponed. Azan's family couldn't have anticipated Nicole's screw up. Wafa claims to have lost $6000.

  1. Is it unfair to assume they were expecting Nicole to reimburse Wafa, but she didn't offer?
  2. Did Wafa actually lose money?
  3. What would the scam have been if Nicole had brought the right paperwork? Go through with the wedding, or not?

For the second planned wedding, they try reception hall food, dresses... was this spurred by TLC? Or did the family do this to look very convincing?

Talk of cancellation arises again, this time because of a supposed lack of money (why didn't they realize this after the first wedding attempt?).

The money shortage was brought up to Robbalee.

  1. Did they expect Robbalee to give them more money to get it over with?
  2. What would the scam have been if Robbalee would have dropped a few grand? Go through with the wedding, or not?

After Robbalee doesn't take the bait, the marriage is now postponed until never.

Now Azan doesn't have Nicole's money through reimbursement of Wafa, or Robbalee's money to help pay a wedding that is more expensive then he expected (or pretended to expect).

  1. Is that when they concocted the makeup shop story? To somehow get at the money, which not-coincidentally is also $6000?
  2. What would the scam have been if Nicole wouldn't have given the money? Go through with the wedding, or not?

Reading Nicole's face, she knows what's going on.

She's up to her neck in Sunk Cost Fallacy. The miisconception: You make rational decisions based on the future value of objects, investments and experiences. The truth: Your decisions are tainted by the emotional investments you accumulate, and the more you've invested in something the harder it becomes to abandon it.

Bingo. I completely agree with your assessment, except that I think she did not have $6000 when she arrived in Morocco. I think, as other posters have said, that the bulk of that money was likely her tax refund. I think at the time she left for Morocco, the refund was forthcoming, but she hadn't yet received yet. I think it took longer than she expected, which could explain her whimpering phone call with him at the airport about why she only sent him $200, because they needed the rest of the amount she told him she'd send for expenses. 

I also don't think Azan and his family were ever out any amount of money for anything. I don't think the wedding would ever, or is ever, going to take place. They would find some reason to postpone/cancel it. I think they knew that she was arriving with the ability to produce $6000 at some point during her stay, and they set their sights on getting it. I think if Nicole refused to turn over the money they would have continued to host her while still working on her, through guilt or whatever and, if unsuccessful, put their heads together to concoct a new scheme after she returned to America. Their goal was to extract the money any way possible. This is nothing but a scam and they are all in on it. 

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, booboopbedoo said:

Why does Pedro not speak better English after 3 years?

Good question.  I wonder if the people he works with all speak Spanish?  It's hard to imagine living three years and working what? two of them? without learning the language pretty well.

And I nominate Elizabeth's family as the new Family Sea Cucumber.  They are horrible and totally up in business that is none of theirs.

And I do admire Azan--while admitting he's an awful person--for so completely fleecing his too-willing victim without getting married to her.  I once saw Bobby Orr skate against the Flyers--the most artful skating I'd every seen--and Orr had nothing on Azan for slipping through impossible barriers.  What an excellent sleazeball Azan is!

Why hasn't anyone suggested marriage counseling to Pedro and Sea Breeze?  They really need--make that *she* really needs--an objective voice to straighten them out.  Sure, Family Pedro is disgusting, but they don't live next door.  If Pedro is going to have to live with Family Sea Change, he needs for his wife's eyes to be opened by a professional.

  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, Saje81 said:

Bingo. I completely agree with your assessment, except that I think she did not have $6000 when she arrived in Morocco. I think, as other posters have said, that the bulk of that money was likely her tax refund.

$6,000 tax refund on part time minimum wage earnings at Starbucks? Maybe with TLC earnings combined. Still, that's a big refund especially when she doesn't own her own home so no interest or property tax deductions. I think the $6,000 was solely from TLC paychecks. 

  • Love 7

I forgot to say this:  Did everybody love the counseling Cortney (notice, guys, no "u" because somebody is stupid) got from her parents?

Mom:  "Actions speak a lot louder than words." and

now goddammit I can't remember what her father said, but it was in the same vein.  Maybe "A stitch in time saves nine."  And then she said "I'm going to take my parents' advice."

I thought Antonio was truly sad Cortney dropped him.  And I understand why he was reluctant to have her come to NY--he was there only two days, and sure, we saw him walking around taking selfies, but if she'd shown up, imagine what he would have had to do to keep her happy--and he was there only two days.  Just managing to meet her someplace after she arrived might be a problem since neither of them lives anywhere near NYC and probably knows the landscape.  Then what to do?  His schedule might not permit time for a romantic dinner or lunch.  I'm Team Antonio on this one.

And Cortney sure wears a lot of makeup to sit at the kitchen table with Ma and Pa.

Danielle is as willful as Nicole, and damn near as stupid.  At least she waited until her daughters were older to start making a fool of herself.

  • Love 7
37 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

d her grandfather is dead (her connection) so she may have been grandfathered in and allowed to stay but once she left it would go to someone else.  

Yes her pastor grandfather passed away in 2016 but someone in her family (possibly her widowed grandmother) is married to a relative of the current pastor (and whose wife was the pastor Nicole met with) 

Edited by magemaud
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

I can’t even find Azan and Nicole amusing because all I can think about is May. 6K is nothing to sneeze at and Azan gleefully accepted that money knowing Nicole is one second from living in the streets if she is kicked out of her housing. What a coincidence that he needed 6K (the exact amount his sister claims to have lost) for a business that Nicole hasn’t seen. She’s an idiot and he’s an asshole. Poor May. Send her to grandma!

YES. Agree on all counts.

I cheered when Nicole's stepdad told Robbalee "Bundle up May and come home." Because, honestly, short of locking her up in a room and taking away her phone, they will not be successful in saving Nicole from herself. Nobody can. May is the unfortunate casualty in this mess. Their situation is brutally disgusting, upsetting and not at all entertaining. 

  • Love 14
6 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

And, just because we all hate the same people doesn't make us all a part of a "hive."

We all hate the same people?  Not what I'm seeing.  This is a free-for-all hatefest, and I think we're adorable for getting along so well when we disagree about who's more despicable.  I mean, who else is Team Azan?  It's lonely out here!

  • Love 16
55 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

I didn't say Russians don't value education.  I said I don't believe Anfisa is going to school to study statistics.  Huge difference!

Maybe she was studying the statistics regarding the success/failure of K1 marriages. Or the chances that Nicole will ever marry Azan. Or the likelihood that Jorge will end up in jail.

  • Love 5

It made me laugh when Robbalee put it on her husband when she asked Nicole about a possible scam.  That way she doesn't present herself as criticizing Azan.  I also think Nicole had some gall to tell her mother that the finances weren't any of her business.  I would wager that Robbalee and Nicole's father both have subsidized her when she said she needed things (especially as she was sending her money to Azan.  The slow reveal of the full scam was a thing to behold during this episode.  Azan was like a surgeon with the precision of his cuts.  As other viewers have noted, he would have kept applying a $6,000 cost to any thing that occurred while Nicole was there in order to separate her from her money.  I also think a previous poster was correct that he was waiting for a tax-refund in his long con.  I wonder how many other women he had perfected this con with.

I'm surprised that Robbalee didn't point out to Nicole that Azan hadn't worked in over 2 years, yet he thought he could now be a business owner.  Yep, there's no business, only a scam.

  • Love 15

So sad that there is not 1 couple to truly root for:

  • Nicole/Azan - Wow, what else can be said.  He strings along this emotionally immature, extraordinarily needy child-woman until her $6000 finally comes through, with his entire family's help.  He plays Classic Abuser, by isolating her from friends and family, playing her for this pathetic fool.
  • Molly/Luis - At least she's divorcing him.  But idiot Molly, you knew you'd be on the hook for 10 years.  Don't act all shocked.  Bringing this lowlife into your home, with your 2 daughters, you should be ashamed.
  • LowFlowShowerhead Russ/CartoonCharacterPao - Can't you see Russ, that she's a Narcissistic Sociopath, who always needs to triangulate you with someone, anyone, so she can watch you "fight" for her?  First it's her a-hole best friend, now it's Anfisa, next it's ???  She's already trashing your family, and she's already isolated you from them, forcing you to move her to Meeeami or she'll pull one of her "I'm going back to Colummmmbia" threats.
  • Jorge/Anfisa - Anfisa, I hope you enjoy discount shopping for designer knockoffs while your overweight, slurring criminal husband sits in jail. 
  • Anddddlllllei/Elizabeth - Pack your bags and move to Moldavia if you want a fighting chance, the both of you.  Get yourselves away from her heinous, hateful family.  Your family in Moldavia sounds nice, from the little Skype call we watched.  Go live with them, get a nice job, have babies.  But here, close to Elizabeth's family and her nasty, snarling father, and the sisters who so desperately want his approval they pig-pile onto every disgraceful thing he says?  You don't stand a chance.
  • Pedro/Chantal/Family Chantal - I'm one of the few who actually likes Family Chantal.  They seem like a close-knit family who, while yes they insert themselves possibly a bit much into daughter Chantal's love life, obviously care for her very much.  I enjoy the family-unit, vacationing, dining together, etc.  But Chantal, girl, please view yourself speaking, and open your mouth and move your jaw while you use words.  I do envy your body, my gosh.  Pedro, get a 1-way ticket back to the DR and eat all the chicken feet you want with your attitude-filled sister and mother.
  • Baby Huey David/Annie - Annie, go back to Thailand.  A grass hut and a team of oxen are better than living in this sh*thole, with this loser.

           Heard on a Sirius talk show that the new "apartment" also smells disgusting, as the previous inhabitant had ferrets, so there is ferret crap all over.  The     production crew was gagging.

Edited by Sterling
  • Love 9
20 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

$6,000 tax refund on part time minimum wage earnings at Starbucks? Maybe with TLC earnings combined. Still, that's a big refund especially when she doesn't own her own home so no interest or property tax deductions. I think the $6,000 was solely from TLC paychecks. 

Could very well be from TLC paychecks. I'm Canadian so I don't know much about the US tax system, but it sounded like single, low income mothers get a lot of tax credits or whatever, kind of like our Canadian system. Just interesting how she and Robbalee called it "savings". I kind of figured she probably had a little saved, enough to give him $200 and some living expenses for a month or so, but was waiting on the bulk of the money to come through. Could be TLC paychecks though. Or all of the above.

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, Mothra said:

We all hate the same people?  Not what I'm seeing.  This is a free-for-all hatefest, and I think we're adorable for getting along so well when we disagree about who's more despicable.  I mean, who else is Team Azan?  It's lonely out here!

I have been on Team Azan although my membership may be lapsing.  He has really had to scramble and come up with new plans on the fly as Nicole kept pushing and moving forward with her plans whether or not she had talked to Azan about them.  She informed him, rather than discussed with him, her move to Morocco in order to get married there and he had to make-it-work (tm Tim Gunn) and readjust his plans.

  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, Lily247 said:

I just realized that Molly reminds me of Amber from the original Teen Mom... I've been trying to put my finger on it all season

I posted that same thing somewhere back there, but, I don't think most knew who I was talking about. It's uncanny really.  They act alike and even resemble. Here's a link:  (Did you know that Amber was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder? Hmmm.....she says that in this video.

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

I have been on Team Azan although my membership may be lapsing.  He has really had to scramble and come up with new plans on the fly as Nicole kept pushing and moving forward with her plans whether or not she had talked to Azan about them.  She informed him, rather than discussed with him, her move to Morocco in order to get married there and he had to make-it-work (tm Tim Gunn) and readjust his plans.

I embrace you, my sister.  You really do have to admire his skills; I've never seen anyone accomplish the long con *on TV* with family trying desperately to save the mark, and as you say, with conditions constantly shifting like the Moroccan sands.

  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, Mothra said:

You really do have to admire his skills; I've never seen anyone accomplish the long con *on TV* with family trying desperately to save the mark, and as you say, with conditions constantly shifting like the Moroccan sands.

I think I'd applaud him if there weren't any casualties involved. But since the money could have gone towards May's future (not that it would ever occur to Nicole to put her daughter's needs before her p*ssy's siren call), I can't help but feel like vomiting. Azan and his family have spend a lot of time doting on the little girl only to not only screw over Nicole, but May as well. That's ice cold. 

  • Love 12
19 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

It made me laugh when Robbalee put it on her husband when she asked Nicole about a possible scam.  That way she doesn't present herself as criticizing Azan.  I also think Nicole had some gall to tell her mother that the finances weren't any of her business.  I would wager that Robbalee and Nicole's father both have subsidized her when she said she needed things (especially as she was sending her money to Azan.  The slow reveal of the full scam was a thing to behold during this episode.  Azan was like a surgeon with the precision of his cuts.  As other viewers have noted, he would have kept applying a $6,000 cost to any thing that occurred while Nicole was there in order to separate her from her money.  I also think a previous poster was correct that he was waiting for a tax-refund in his long con.  I wonder how many other women he had perfected this con with.

I'm surprised that Robbalee didn't point out to Nicole that Azan hadn't worked in over 2 years, yet he thought he could now be a business owner.  Yep, there's no business, only a scam.

He can’t work. He needs to be available 24/7/365 to coo and woo in Nicole’s ear    and talk about kissing and how he knows “she wants it”

Even Pedro “ The Harvester” worked while plying his pitiful “scam” on Chantel. 

Mother Chantel? Take note. Pedro may not be perfect, but he’s no Luis or Azan. Too bad you take his devotion to his family as something sinister, but Chantels blind loyalty to her family is somehow noble. 

  • Love 11
21 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

I felt like David and Annie got more of a pass than the other couples.

And even Molly wasn't really grilled about bringing a strange, unstable young man into her home with her young children. And the scene of her and Luis' fight, she appears to be talking to a producer saying she can't do this anymore, gives me the thought that production may have had her bring him back into the home. And she did it for another chance to be on tv.

Agreed. The drama queens / kings sucked up all the airtime and Molly, David, and Annie pretty much skated. Smartest of all? "Louise" -- who refused to participate.

When Molly was yelling at Luis about the loud music and she was losing it, shoving him and repeatedly saying that she was "about to snap," I remember thinking that it wasn't too smart for her to display that behavior and mindset on camera should legal issues be involved down the road (and that was BEFORE I knew that domestic abuse is one of 3 reasons a green card recipient can stay in the U.S. post-divorce -- if that info is even true). Molly is taller and bigger than Luis -- domestic abuse isn't restricted to males abusing females. Just what was shown ON CAMERA would make me wonder about what happened in private -- not that I don't think Luis is a snake who would make up stories to save his ass. I think the point is moot anyway -- he seems to want to go back home.

Edited by ChiMama
  • Love 6
Just now, Morrissey said:

I think I'd applaud him if there weren't any casualties involved. But since the money could have gone towards May's future (not that it would ever occur to Nicole to put her daughter's needs before her p*ssy's siren call), I can't help but feel like vomiting. Azan and his family have spend a lot of time doting on the little girl only to not only screw over Nicole, but May as well. That's ice cold. 

I thought this as well.  Ice cold since it seems like he has genuine affection for May yet he is taking money away from her (in theory, as this IS Nicole we are talking about.)   However much like Azan and Family Azan I have reconciled that the money solely comes from TLC appearance of which they both have taken part of in the famewhoring expedition.  Even if Nicole loses everything she is plus minus zero.   TLC could have just paid Azan 7K ish directly and then none of this would have happened. 

She had no intention nor...mental capability to ever save that money for a future.  She can just go back to working whereever and cruising the internet for her next love interest.   She will probably remain part of the TLC family like Danielle and we will see her next year with her new Neltson.

  • Love 4
19 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

I felt like David and Annie got more of a pass than the other couples.

It bothers me that all we got was David crying, offering advice like he’s on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, and no real information as to why he’s so lazy and unmotivated. Annie is sitting there smirking about the other couples when she and her husband are professional grifters. It made no sense that David was allowed to just skate by this reunion.


I like Shaun Robinson and have for years, but I want a more hard hitting host. She’s a sweetheart and I need someone who will throw off the gloves. Wendy Williams is the right kind of messy. Kevin Frazier hosts the Little Women reunions and he’s really good, too. They would asked about David’s grifting, Paola’s terrible acting, Jorge being a potential deadbeat, and Molly being desperate for dick.

  • Love 13
11 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

She will probably remain part of the TLC family like Danielle and we will see her next year with her new Neltson.

Who is this Neltson? I've seen him mentioned in a couple of other posts. I'm new to the 90DF community, so I don't know if Neltson is an inside joke or an actual human being/former love interest. 

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

Robyn is terrible. During that whole 3 hours did she even bother to ask David if he was employed or if he and Annie were still living at the storage facility? Yet she lets him freely talk shit about other people having a job or not? I wanted someone to smooth tell David the hell off when he was butting into everyone's business. 

I knew she was hopeless when she repeatedly brought up the DNA testing in the first episode, and lo and behold, there was no on set expose. Family Chantal was ready for a beat down, yet Robyn doesn't question the motives of this "nice" family dinner? Nary a question for David's issues.

  • Love 5

So I'm kind of wondering if Nicole told him about the money because she loves and trusts him, and he spent it all which was why production couldn't reach them for 24 hours. It's more believable that they were hard down arguing because that money was what they were supposed to live off. I'm wondering why the production team didn't reach out to his family or her family. Where was May during this time?

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, AussieBabe said:

So I'm kind of wondering if Nicole told him about the money because she loves and trusts him, and he spent it all which was why production couldn't reach them for 24 hours. It's more believable that they were hard down arguing because that money was what they were supposed to live off. I'm wondering why the production team didn't reach out to his family or her family. Where was May during this time?

They showed production calling his mom and she told them she wasn't able to reach them.

14 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

I thought this was messed up because in part I when everyone was questioning if Annie worked in a BJ bar, Anfisa came to her defense saying it doesn't matter, who cares. Annie is kind of a shit person. 

Good point. I can't believe that I used to like Annie for a hot second, because she has turned out to be a rotten apple. She and David are a match made in heaven with their kid in a candy store attitude when it comes to other people's misery. 

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, Morrissey said:

Who is this Neltson? I've seen him mentioned in a couple of other posts. I'm new to the 90DF community, so I don't know if Neltson is an inside joke or an actual human being/former love interest. 

Nelson is a man Danielle, of the Danielle/ Mohamed duo, met online and who lives in MD.  I believe his name is Nelson; she pronounces it  Neltson.  She drove six hours to see him in last nights episode and he didn't answer the phone. Or the door.  

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

I feel defrauded by Azan my damn self. Don't get me wrong, I knew his ass was a scammer, but I never took him to be a heartless scammer that would bilk a single poor mother out of her life savings.  I could give a damn about Nicole because she is in a sunken place but Azan is literally taking food and shelter from May.  He makes Mohammad look like an angel. 

He sent Nicole home with an empty ring finger and an empty wallet. 

Azan wanting to open a beauty/health shop out of nowhere slayed me. In the land of Moroccan oil, he running around with a dry ass hair and struggle relaxer but he wants to open a beauty shop?! Bitch please. How come Azan didn't mention opening up a business when he was asked at the Tell All  "What just Happened Here"  what he planned to do to support May and Nicole while they were living in Morocco?

I am dying to know where they both disappeared to when the camera crew didn't find them. Did he throw a little D her way to soften the blow?

My eye twitches to think of all the money Nicole's family has lost on plane tickets and hotel rooms with this farce. Stupid costs money

Agreed.  It was one thing for him to use Nicole for a green card, marry her to be brought back to the States another thing to defraud her savings.   I have great sympathy for some of the immigrants that are using their 90 Day Fiance because their lives where they live are so awful, they are essentially resorting to prostitution to live.  Azan, while apparently not having a job, seems to live with a nice family, so does he really need to exit his country?  

That said, I wonder how much Nicole really does have now $$ wise that her relationship with Azan has given her a TLC paycheck.  Perhaps she's still on the upside even though he has grifted her?  I can see TLC seeing another Danielle cash cow with her.  I can see Nicole being encouraged to find another grifter so we can watch her stupidity all over again.  The only reason I think Azan hung in on the con as long as he did was because of TLC involvement and their $.

That's the problem I think with some of these couples.  If it weren't for TLC and their paycheck, I don't think Anifsa would be talking another chance Jorge.  I don't think Pao would still be with Russ.  Both relationships give them the paycheck and the TV exposure.   I believe there is genuine love and passion between Chantal and Pedro but these two both have asshole families.  There are only a few 90 Days couples that seem to legitimately have loved or been in love.  

  • Love 3

We can't forget that Molly is a double dumb-ass. She broke up with Luis because he was being all crazy... then we find out they are married. She is so incredibly stupid. Why did she marry him? So many red flags. She is a stupid, selfish woman who was thinking with her vajayjay.  

I don't have one ounce of sympathy for her. I don't think I have one ounce of sympathy for anyone on this show but May and Molly's girls. 

  • Love 13
28 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

I feel defrauded by Azan my damn self. Don't get me wrong, I knew his ass was a scammer, but I never took him to be a heartless scammer that would bilk a single poor mother out of her life savings.  I could give a damn about Nicole because she is in a sunken place but Azan is literally taking food and shelter from May.  He makes Mohammad look like an angel. 

Except he knows Nicole will never actually spend that money of food and shelter for May.  She will simply spend it on whatever she wants for herself.  He also knows Robbalee will never let May be hungry or homeless (not that I'm saying she should, May is an innocent child.)  If she wasn't sending the money to Azan she would be sending it to another guy somewhere.  If she really wanted to give May a better life or she would have already spent it on her.

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, jackjill89 said:

We can't forget that Molly is a double dumb-ass. She broke up with Luis because he was being all crazy... then we find out they are married. She is so incredibly stupid. Why did she marry him? So many red flags. She is a stupid, selfish woman who was thinking with her vajayjay.  

I don't have one ounce of sympathy for her. I don't think I have one ounce of sympathy for anyone on this show but May and Molly's girls. 

She clearly hasn't learned. She was still sorting through the legal issues with Luis/the divorce/green card and she was already dating someone new and had introduced him to her children. Dumbass, did you not learn?! 

  • Love 4
Just now, jackjill89 said:

We can't forget that Molly is a double dumb-ass. She broke up with Luis because he was being all crazy... then we find out they are married. She is so incredibly stupid. Why did she marry him? So many red flags. She is a stupid, selfish woman who was thinking with her vajayjay.  

I couldn't believe she said she's dating another younger guy. Her daughter made it clear that she wasn't going to be there as the shoulder to cry on this time and indicated Luis wasn't the first.  I hope her daughter never moves back in to that house. It's too much of a burden to expect your daughter to be there to pick up the pieces of your effed up shattered life over and over again. 

  • Love 8

Oh my God Robalee is so afraid she will never see May again that she is too chicken shit to say to Nicole "Nicole,  Azan just literally STOLE every penny of your savings, you stupid shit. I am leaving. You are on your own." She should have flown home w May. Let's see Nicole try to get her daughter back via Morrocan authorities.  

Azan just stole 6k from Nicole. Wtf. Seriously that is a lot of money. Enough for a small mortgage on a condo for their security and future . I am aghast. 

Robalee is enabling Nicole in fear Robalee will lose May instead of giving her the tough talk. I feel sick. Six grand.

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 9
16 hours ago, Lily247 said:

Maybe I can try to explain why viewers root for certain people, but from an objective viewpoint it's definitely not racially motivated. People tend to root for the underdog, and in this case between Paola and Anfisa, it was Anfisa. She just looked like she had had enough of the nasty comments Paola had been giving out to her previously. Paolas behavior is reminiscent of a high school bully who thinks she can get away with anything. The other cast members seem to have sided with Paola because they might be a little bit afraid of her, like Russ is.

And the reason people tend to side with Pedro rather than Chantels family is because of how ridiculous her family has been.... the P.I..... harvesting the US dollar... a marriage ring ..... Honestly, I thought that whatever had come out Rivers mouth that was bleeped out that set Pedro on fire was a racial slur.

I feel badly for Pedro because he is all alone in the US and only has Chantal, and her family chose not to embrace him as their son in law. To be honest, I did not even realize that her family is black, I am not from the US and I had assumed they were Native American, because of the way the mother speaks and looks and the nature like names of the children, I guess I misread that one but it doesnt matter either way. 

Such a good post.  

Chantel was asked about her parents' ethnicity and said that they are Cherokee, West Indian, Cuban, Irish, African-American, Caucasian and Jewish.  

  • Love 7

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