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On 8/1/2018 at 7:16 PM, iwasish said:

Like Scarlett O’Hara she doesn’t want to think about it today, she’ll think about it tomorrow and figure a way to get him to marry her” After all Tomorrow is another day”

I thought of Scarlet O’Hara as well!!!And we all know how that turned out. She never got Ashley Wilkes!

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On 8/1/2018 at 6:12 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

If she said that then it makes me very suspicious of a scam going on. I really don't think his family has that kind of money. If they did, Azan wouldn't be messing with Nicole to get the small amount of money she has to offer.

I am having trouble understanding how family Azan lost so much money when the wedding was canceled.  In the US, they would have lost any deposits they'd made for the venue and food, but I don't think they had arranged for Nicole's dresses to be made yet because we were led to believe that she had not yet chosen what she wanted.  Would deposits for venue and food really be as much as $6000?

And about Annie turning on Anfisa with her remark about the webcam girl ("it really looked like you"):  I think Annie's accent and inflection made that remark sound nasty when I'm not sure Annie meant anything more than a neutral comment. 

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1 hour ago, Mothra said:

I am having trouble understanding how family Azan lost so much money when the wedding was canceled.  In the US, they would have lost any deposits they'd made for the venue and food, but I don't think they had arranged for Nicole's dresses to be made yet because we were led to believe that she had not yet chosen what she wanted.  Would deposits for venue and food really be as much as $6000?

We only have Azan’s word for his family losing the money on the wedding cancellation, and that has proved to be worthless. And isn’t it a huge coincidence that it’s exactly the $6,000 that Nicole brought with her and she is now expected to pay for wedding #2? So it’s obvious Azan is lying and his family didn’t lose a cent. There were no deposits put down on anything and nothing was purchased. What I can’t wrap my head around is how Nicole never questioned what the family claimed they lost and just meekly agreed to pay for the rescheduled wedding. 

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2 hours ago, Mothra said:

I am having trouble understanding how family Azan lost so much money when the wedding was canceled.  In the US, they would have lost any deposits they'd made for the venue and food, but I don't think they had arranged for Nicole's dresses to be made yet because we were led to believe that she had not yet chosen what she wanted.  Would deposits for venue and food really be as much as $6000?

And about Annie turning on Anfisa with her remark about the webcam girl ("it really looked like you"):  I think Annie's accent and inflection made that remark sound nasty when I'm not sure Annie meant anything more than a neutral comment. 

That reaction was out of order. 

I  tried 3 different devices to look at those pictures, only 2 that would open and it does look like her. I tried to enlarge the screen and the furniture behind her does look like it is covered with grandma type  tchotchkes.  Didn't see a stacking Russian doll though. 

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3 hours ago, Mothra said:


And about Annie turning on Anfisa with her remark about the webcam girl ("it really looked like you"):  I think Annie's accent and inflection made that remark sound nasty when I'm not sure Annie meant anything more than a neutral comment. 

 I also think there is a lack of sensitivity in Annie. I suspect she has had an extremely difficult life and that it makes her a little hardened.

We all know that women have to do terrible things sometimes just to survive, and I would never hold that against them. But it can make you lack empathy for others.

I am probably reading into this too much, because a friend of mine was trafficked as a child in Cambodia. While she's a perfectly nice person, there's a coldness in her. E. G. She couldn't really express sympathy for a mutual friend when her mother died.

Edited by NoSpam
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14 minutes ago, NoSpam said:

 I also think there is a lack of sensitivity in Annie. I suspect she has had an extremely difficult life and that it makes her a little hardened.

We all know that women have to do terrible things sometimes just to survive, and I would never hold that against them. But it can make you lack empathy for others.

I am probably reading into this too much, because a friend of mine was trafficked as a child in Cambodia. While she's a perfectly nice person, there's a coldness in her. E. G. She couldn't really express sympathy for a mutual friend when her mother died.

I hope your friend is doing ok. 

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If Nicole and Azan had a wedding reception at one of the swankiest places in Morocco, they may be looking at a hefty cancellation fee. However, venues like that would be booked months or a year in advance. Doubt that happened.

There would also be signed contracts with any information about deposits required, cancellation fees (if any, and if there are date restrictions). Why did he not present her with the contracts? And encouraged her to find a translator and then a notary who could translate them for her and her family, plus note that they are certified translations - so that no one was being dishonest? It is her wedding and she did not ask to see any information about the venue, the food, decorations and the total *cost*? It would certainly *smell*. For food, numbers are due 48-72 hours before the meal, so there won't be much of a deposit on that part. At least her parents should have shown some interest in the wedding and reception plans.

The con went on way too long for the amount of money Azan got from his target.  Be upfront, and say, sorry not interested in any long term relationship or marriage. Maybe he feels some shame that an innocent little girl was collateral damage; maybe not.

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13 hours ago, Kareem said:

I find the whole money thing confusing. She said they were going to live on her savings the year they were waiting on his visa. Then it became the money they would put towards the 2nd planned wedding because his family paid and lost money on the first bash. Then he said they needed more money for the wedding and seemingly talked her into going into a half assed business with him even though she would be back home. Was paying back the sister something they ever said, or an opinion?  I get that the amounts were the similar but there seemed to be a list of things this money could have been used towards, according to them.  It was also said by someone on the show that in Morocco, the man's family pays for the wedding.  I didn't think he was given that money before she got there.  

She didn't like when he told the producer that the wedding was canceled because she felt it was only postponed, she said. 

I'm also not getting why she's so fine with all this. She looked like she had lost her pound puppy when they returned from wherever to discuss the wedding being off.  I thought for a moment there that she would agree with her mom about the countless red flags and what the stepfather said and yet she suddenly turned into a haughty she-beast and called the mom's interference stupid.  Curious but not enough to hope they bring them back for another season.  

When they caught up with and finally spoke with Nicole. It seemed Azan was watching her closely to see if she was sticking to the script of what he told her to say. Imho

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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

We only have Azan’s word for his family losing the money on the wedding cancellation, and that has proved to be worthless. And isn’t it a huge coincidence that it’s exactly the $6,000 that Nicole brought with her and she is now expected to pay for wedding #2? So it’s obvious Azan is lying and his family didn’t lose a cent. There were no deposits put down on anything and nothing was purchased. What I can’t wrap my head around is how Nicole never questioned what the family claimed they lost and just meekly agreed to pay for the rescheduled wedding. 

She doesn't think about those things.

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38 minutes ago, LisaWl7TR said:

She doesn't think about those things.

Because she “chooses to trust Azan”

Admitting it was all a scam means she was made a fool of and that he doesn’t care about her or May and will never marry her. 

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Five of them are over weight, with horrible personalities..Molly, Danielle, Nichole, David and Jorge. All three of the women were discarded by their partners, and yet the two men are still in their relationships... why I wonder? If you are over weight and horrible I guess it is better to be male than female?

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8 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

That reaction was out of order. 

I  tried 3 different devices to look at those pictures, only 2 that would open and it does look like her. I tried to enlarge the screen and the furniture behind her does look like it is covered with grandma type  tchotchkes.  Didn't see a stacking Russian doll though. 

I saw the pictures back when they were first mentioned, and the woman does look like Anfisa, but so what?  She says it's not her, and I don't understand why it's important to shame her even if it is her.  She's the only one of the fiances male or female--if it is her--who has shown initiative and energy enough to try to make some money before it's legal!  If it is her, I think George ought to be proud.

But the fact remains that she says it's not her.  The other couples can roll their eyes all they want.  How are they planning to prove it's her, and for what purpose?  Just so they can say I told you so?  One thing I don't understand about everyone on this show is how emotionally immature they are--I guess that's what qualifies them to be on the show?

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8 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

There would also be signed contracts with any information about deposits required, cancellation fees (if any, and if there are date restrictions). Why did he not present her with the contracts? And encouraged her to find a translator and then a notary who could translate them for her and her family, plus note that they are certified translations - so that no one was being dishonest? It is her wedding and she did not ask to see any information about the venue, the food, decorations and the total *cost*?

Sadly, I don’t think that Nicole had the intelligence to ask to see the contacts (although I’m sure if asked Azan could have provided her with something written in his language that she wouldn’t have able to translate). With all of their (her) legal issues I’m also wondering why she hasn’t engaged an attorney in Morocco who could help her with so many things and keep Azan on the straight and narrow. It seems she goes through life with her heads in the clouds (or buried in the sand). 

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Family Chantel is horrible. Obviously, while Chantel is at fault for not being straight up with them from the beginning, I think she didn't tell them the truth because she knew she'd get all sorts of grief for it. That being said, while they are rotten people, Chantel plays right into their hands. She goes running to them to stoke the fires, goes with them to the PI and whenever she's trying to smooth things over or make things right between her family/Pedro or her family/Nicole, she gets right in on the arguments. Clearly these people do not have any idea how to build relationships.

Pedro and Chantel have no clue how to communicate or how to be married. They don't talk about important things. He sends the money -- which I think is fine -- but why doesn't he talk to his wife about it so she understands and they are on the same bag?  He talks in circles. I think part of it is language and part of it is him being provocative. He is fed up with Family Chantel, and I don't blame him, but if he really wanted to mend fences, he and Chantel would have talked about a game plan for that cabin trip and had each other's backs. Instead, he shuts down, acts like a child, says things to rile them up then later claims he never said them.

Between Family Chantel, Family Pedro and the "happy" couple, they are such dysfunctional communicators it's not even funny. That's why they are in this mess. I'm not a fan of either Chantel or Pedro. I don't think he's scamming her, but there's something sketchy/smarmy about him. She's a spoiled, entitled brat. They are both immature. Neither one can have a direct, clear conversation with the other. They are doomed. Getting the families involved only makes it worse.

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1 hour ago, Mothra said:

One thing I don't understand about everyone on this show is how emotionally immature they are--I guess that's what qualifies them to be on the show?

You have to be emotionally immature to be on this show, at least after the first season.  I remember back then, one of the participant's told someone he was in a  documentary.  Now, anyone who has seen an episode clearly knows what the show is really all about.  Anyone with any sense would never agree to go on this show.

11 minutes ago, jackjill89 said:

Between Family Chantel, Family Pedro and the "happy" couple, they are such dysfunctional communicators it's not even funny. That's why they are in this mess. I'm not a fan of either Chantel or Pedro. I don't think he's scamming her, but there's something sketchy/smarmy about him. She's a spoiled, entitled brat. They are both immature. Neither one can have a direct, clear conversation with the other. They are doomed. Getting the families involved only makes it worse.

Now that I think about it, no wonder Chantel and Pedro are bad at communication.  Look who raised them!  I missed the shows down in the Dominican Republic so I've only seen the scene they kept repeating this season, but if Family Chantel is your example of how to treat others, so wonder she can't figure it out!  They probably deserve a little credit just for trying, no matter how bad their efforts are.

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On 7/29/2018 at 10:29 PM, Sofiyya said:

I'm not convinced that he put in $500.

Technically, AFAIK, his money all came from Baby Huey in the first place.  If that’s true, and he “put $500 in”, it was money that she sent him.  However, his grousing as she was getting on the plane that she didn’t send him as much as she said makes me feel like he’s taking and spending - not saving.  So he either put $ in that came from Nicole, or he put nothing in at all (more likely).  I have a very simple, very literal granddaughter with aspbergers (high functioning but still...) who could hear Azan tell the story with no embellishments and call him out on it.  Soooo incredible to me that Nicole doesn’t wake up.  Wake up wake wake UP!!!!!  It’s almost painful to watch her be scammed over and over.  How long before he ghosts her?   He’s slicker than I gave him credit for.  I thought he was shocked when she showed up in Morocco - shocked to the point of regrouping.  And he stepped up his game, in my mind, when he made her accept the store.  The store she’s only seen thru pics that are now deleted, btw.


Bobbalee must be grinding her cerebral brain spheres like rocks.  The problem is Nicole is very limited in her critical thinking skills.  What BH wants, BH gets.  It’s just that heretofore, her wants probably included a car or an apartment, a new phone case... this is bigger and nobody seems to know what to do to stop the train.  

And as far as Bobbalee/Robbalee - David the Doughboy calls Anfisa AnnaFisa.  

Shaun.  Please read all the negative comments and be embarrassed enough to step aside.  You are ridiculous.  (Where did she COME from???  Can’t we get judge Judy, just for the tell all sessions?   You know they could do that whole story with us, the viewers, in a small audience asking the questions.  All she’s interested in is stirring the pot on old grievances.  The viewer questions:  what happened?  What now?  What’s the plan?   Are you still in the storage unit, David?  Annie, how would you be able to acquire the money you’d need to get back to Thailand?  And what would you expect life to be like once you returned?  Anfisa, WHY???  What’s the real hold he has over you that keeps you with him?  David, do you have some clue at all how much America at large hates your guts?

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3 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

Can’t we get judge Judy, just for the tell all sessions?   

I would pay-per-view to see JJ look at Azan and say, "You're a scammah . . . " and then look at Nicole and say, "You're an IDIOT!!!"  

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4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Sadly, I don’t think that Nicole had the intelligence to ask to see the contacts (although I’m sure if asked Azan could have provided her with something written in his language that she wouldn’t have able to translate). With all of their (her) legal issues I’m also wondering why she hasn’t engaged an attorney in Morocco who could help her with so many things and keep Azan on the straight and narrow. It seems she goes through life with her heads in the clouds (or buried in the sand). 

 ..because she is lazy(Azan's words).

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4 hours ago, LisaWl7TR said:

 ..because she is lazy(Azan's words).

She’s not going to ask to see contracts because she knows he won’t show them to her, so not asking is an alternate way of sticking her fingers in her ears when she doesn’t want to deal with Robalee’s questions.

When Robalee asked to see pictures of the store, Azan said they were there, but now deleted but he was pretty sure they were there. Even his lies to Robalee are unconvincing. That she just  accepts them I don’t get, she’s a 50/60 ish woman, open your mouth and demand some answers! Nicole says Azan doesnt want anyone to see it til it’s up and running.. I bet he told her  same thing. She knows he’s done with her, that the money is gone and there’s no wedding ever happening. All she wants is to stick out the two weeks so she can figure out how to spin the mess when she gets home so she doesn’t look like a total fool” 

What needs to happen is that Robalee and the rest of them need to hammer her with questions and not let up until she breaks and tells them exactly what went on.  Until she’s forced to face the facts, she’s going to continue with her fairy tale. Her face is on TV already so another scammer-con has all the preliminaries done, he just has to make contact and start the sweet talk. He may have to bang her to loosen up the purse strings but as sex and love starved as she is that’s about it.

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17 hours ago, LisaWl7TR said:

What I can’t wrap my head around is how Nicole never questioned what the family claimed they lost and just meekly agreed to pay for the rescheduled wedding. 

Because she has the brains of a Manatee

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9 hours ago, jackjill89 said:

Pedro and Chantel have no clue how to communicate...

I think it's far more important for Pedro to improve his English than for Chantel to learn to speak Spanish. He's been here for two years and working manual labor jobs where I imagine he is with other Spanish speakers all day. When he gets home, he has to listen to Chantel trying to communicate in Spanish again and neither of them corrects the other when they make mistakes. The rule should be "English only at home" for both of them if he wants to improve his skills enough to go to school, or get some training for a job that the Family Chantel will consider worthy of their daughter. Learning to speak English is a necessity for him, Spanish is a luxury for Chantel. I forget, was it ever mentioned that he has a career in mind like Devar going to diving school or Andreiii becoming a truck driver or was it only "going back to the DR to start a business?" 

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21 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I think it's far more important for Pedro to improve his English than for Chantel to learn to speak Spanish. He's been here for two years and working manual labor jobs where I imagine he is with other Spanish speakers all day. When he gets home, he has to listen to Chantel trying to communicate in Spanish again and neither of them corrects the other when they make mistakes. The rule should be "English only at home" for both of them if he wants to improve his skills enough to go to school, or get some training for a job that the Family Chantel will consider worthy of their daughter. Learning to speak English is a necessity for him, Spanish is a luxury for Chantel. I forget, was it ever mentioned that he has a career in mind like Devar going to diving school or Andreiii becoming a truck driver or was it only "going back to the DR to start a business?" 

It's really only partially a language barrier. They have no idea how to communicate as a married couple, or any clue how to be married, either. 

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While I think improving his English would make his life easier, the idea that they should ditch the Spanish altogether doesn't sit well with me.  There is already a power imbalance between Chantel and Pedro and that would make it worse.  He could take English lessons in the community or get a job that is similar to what he's doing, without Spanish co-workers, to improve his language.

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You’re right, local English classes where he would actually be TAUGHT the language and practice using it with people other than his wife would be a great idea. And I admit I’m just assuming he works in a Spanish speaking environment 

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11 hours ago, Mothra said:

I saw the pictures back when they were first mentioned, and the woman does look like Anfisa, but so what?  She says it's not her, and I don't understand why it's important to shame her even if it is her.  She's the only one of the fiances male or female--if it is her--who has shown initiative and energy enough to try to make some money before it's legal!  If it is her, I think George ought to be proud.

But the fact remains that she says it's not her.  The other couples can roll their eyes all they want.  How are they planning to prove it's her, and for what purpose?  Just so they can say I told you so?  One thing I don't understand about everyone on this show is how emotionally immature they are--I guess that's what qualifies them to be on the show?

Totally agree with you .  

I thought they were implying it was recent as I have to admit I was wondering how she was affording to live in southern Ca without George cash. 

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21 minutes ago, EllaDisco said:

While I think improving his English would make his life easier, the idea that they should ditch the Spanish altogether doesn't sit well with me.  There is already a power imbalance between Chantel and Pedro and that would make it worse.  He could take English lessons in the community or get a job that is similar to what he's doing, without Spanish co-workers, to improve his language.

IMHO,  his learning to speak English would give him much *more*power in the relationship.  Right now, he might rely on Chantel to translate things for him and there aren’t a lot of doors open to him for employment.  If he learned English, he could meet other people outside Chantelle’s family and navigate American society better —  including advancing his education. He is fortunate in one respect because so many people in Florida speak Spanish. He would be very powerless and a very isolated if they lived somewhere where there were fewer Spanish speakers.

 Fair or unfair, English is the language of economic success in our society.  Not knowing it is a huge disadvantage.

 I don’t think they should give up all the Spanish but that is an “extra“ — not a fundamental need at the moment. 

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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

I think it's far more important for Pedro to improve his English than for Chantel to learn to speak Spanish. He's been here for two years and working manual labor jobs where I imagine he is with other Spanish speakers all day. When he gets home, he has to listen to Chantel trying to communicate in Spanish again and neither of them corrects the other when they make mistakes. The rule should be "English only at home" for both of them if he wants to improve his skills enough to go to school, or get some training for a job that the Family Chantel will consider worthy of their daughter. Learning to speak English is a necessity for him, Spanish is a luxury for Chantel. I forget, was it ever mentioned that he has a career in mind like Devar going to diving school or Andreiii becoming a truck driver or was it only "going back to the DR to start a business?" 

I think that he mentioned on the first season he was on that he wanted to something with aviation and train for that.  I don't quite remember what he said but he indicated he wanted to train as something .  Maybe my brain is just making that up, but for some reason I think he said that or Chantel told someone that!  The Atlanta area has a high number of Spanish speakers.  ESL classes are readily available there (for free or for a low cost) at churches and community centers.  he should take advantage of that.


ETA: I googled him and on their first season Pedro explains that he wants to study aviation mechanics.  And I think Chantel interviewed the same info.  Who knows if he is still pursuing that or maybe he is saving up money to pay for schooling?  He hasn't mentioned it since.  It's likely that it's on the back burner for now until Chantal graduates from nursing school?  Shawn should have asked a question like that because it has to do with the accusations of him being a harvester.  If he's there to work to pay to go to school and train for a career eventually it would seem like he wanted to be in the US longterm ; long enough to start a career .

Edited by doyouevengohere
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39 minutes ago, mimionthebeach said:

I'm dubious that it was a bite. With Sister Pedro's braces, that damage could have been the result of impact during the melee. 

If it were a bite Chantel would have said something about it. That’s too  juicy a bit of info to just drop.

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12 hours ago, PityFree said:

IMHO,  his learning to speak English would give him much *more*power in the relationship.  Right now, he might rely on Chantel to translate things for him and there aren’t a lot of doors open to him for employment.  If he learned English, he could meet other people outside Chantelle’s family and navigate American society better —  including advancing his education. He is fortunate in one respect because so many people in Florida speak Spanish. He would be very powerless and a very isolated if they lived somewhere where there were fewer Spanish speakers.

 Fair or unfair, English is the language of economic success in our society.  Not knowing it is a huge disadvantage.

 I don’t think they should give up all the Spanish but that is an “extra“ — not a fundamental need at the moment. 

I agree that it would benefit him to learn more English, which is why I said he should take classes or look for work in an all-English environment.  I don't know Atlanta, but someone else mentioned that ESL classes are not hard to find there.  Which is how he should improve his English, not by turning his home into a Spanish-free zone.  

I agree that it is difficult to manage somewhere that you don't speak the language.  I worked with a family a couple years ago who had a child with severe medical needs and the only one available to take him to most appointments was his mom, who barely spoke English.  I saw how much she struggled, which convinced me that if I ever lived somewhere else, I would want to learn the language. Pedro does speak English and his English has improved since he arrived.  I think it gets worse when he is upset, and that is usually when he's having a disagreement with Chantel and her family.  I could see him doing fine at a doctor's appointment or something like that.

Your language is a core part of your identity.  I disagree with the idea that it is an "extra."  Chantel is already blabbing all their problems to her family and setting up ambush dinners.  The one way she is supportive is by sometimes speaking Spanish with him.  The idea of suppressing your mother tongue to learn a new language is really not considered best practice in the field anymore.

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On 8/5/2018 at 9:46 AM, Happyfatchick said:


Shaun.  Please read all the negative comments and be embarrassed enough to step aside.  You are ridiculous.  (Where did she COME from???  Can’t we get judge Judy, just for the tell all sessions?   You know they could do that whole story with us, the viewers, in a small audience asking the questions.  All she’s interested in is stirring the pot on old grievances.  The viewer questions:  what happened?  What now?  What’s the plan?   Are you still in the storage unit, David?  Annie, how would you be able to acquire the money you’d need to get back to Thailand?  And what would you expect life to be like once you returned?  Anfisa, WHY???  What’s the real hold he has over you that keeps you with him?  David, do you have some clue at all how much America at large hates your guts?

After this last Tell All, I don't know that I still place all the blame on Shaun. When someone came out and gave her the blue cards (more than likely written by the producers) and Shaun reacted as if that was her first time seeing them, I questioned why the producers would keep such a narrow scope in the line of questioning. And why did they leave that scene in with the delivering the blue cards. That normally would be edited out. It adds nothing to the show. When I finish watching the show, I like for all, or at least, most of my questions to be answered. Shaun fails at this completely.  I consider myself the average viewer so most people questions are probably not being answered. New host and new producers needed!

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On 8/4/2018 at 8:15 PM, Mothra said:


And about Annie turning on Anfisa with her remark about the webcam girl ("it really looked like you"):  I think Annie's accent and inflection made that remark sound nasty when I'm not sure Annie meant anything more than a neutral comment. 

I agree, and I also think it was edited to seem nasty.

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On 8/5/2018 at 2:36 PM, winsomeone said:

Five of them are over weight, with horrible personalities..Molly, Danielle, Nichole, David and Jorge. All three of the women were discarded by their partners, and yet the two men are still in their relationships... why I wonder? If you are over weight and horrible I guess it is better to be male than female?

This has always confused me about women. There was some data analysis done on all the member data in OK Cupid. They found some interesting trends, one of them was that women considered a 80% of men to below average in attractiveness. Compared to the men, who found something like 50% of women to be above average. So women are very picky with regard to looks', or at least how they rate mens looks, so I guess they settle for less, more than men do...  (me giving my wife side-eye now... :-)  )

Edited by BabyDaddy
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On ‎8‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 7:36 AM, winsomeone said:

Five of them are over weight, with horrible personalities..Molly, Danielle, Nichole, David and Jorge. All three of the women were discarded by their partners, and yet the two men are still in their relationships... why I wonder? If you are over weight and horrible I guess it is better to be male than female?

The US women all bullied and physically assaulted their husbands, demanded sexual favors and housework from them and they concealed criminal records as well. David and Jeorge are dopes but they aren't creating nightmares of sexual abuse and violence. 

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1 hour ago, BabyDaddy said:

This has always confused me about women. There was some data analysis done on all the member data in OK Cupid. They found some interesting trends, one of them was that women considered a 80% of men to below average in attractiveness. Compared to the men, who found something like 50% of women to be above average. So women are very picky with regard to looks', or at least how they rate mens looks, so I guess they settle for less, more than men do...  (me giving my wife side-eye now... :-)  )


That’s because in a heteronormative frame work men’s resources/earning potential matters more than his looks regarding relationships. To quote Marilyn Monroe “A man being rich is like a woman being pretty. You don’t marry a girl because she’s pretty but it certainly does help.”

An average looking woman is willing to “settle” or entertain a man who’s less than average in attractiveness if he’s got other attributes (like earning potential or personality) but she’s still objective about how he rates looks wise. A man isn’t going to entertain a woman he doesn’t find to meet a certain level of attractiveness. Also women do more things to alter their appearance (like hair and makeup) than men do. 


Of couse there are exceptions to EVERYTHING and beauty is in the eye of the beholder but these are social trends. 

Edited by Scarlett45
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They need to re-vamp the whole format of the tell-all show.  I don't blame Shaun (much) because the biggest problems are beyond her ability to fix.  I want to learn what couples are up to now and have questions answered that weren't answered on the show.  Instead, I get a re-run clip show with the occasional question, that we already know that answer to, thrown in.

The only interesting part about this show was when Anfisa and Paola had their blow-up about the crew member trying to get Jorge's attention.

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Some things Shaun could have fixed.  She could watch the show to prepare, for example.  Whenever she asks a direct question to a participant, it’s the bland throw-away voice she uses - not so different from Alex Tribek when he asks his contestants about their families or some interesting tidbit about their life.  Like she doesn’t really have an inkling what may be behind the question on the card.  I’d LOVE to see somebody with some guts.  “You really thought that was ok when ____?” Or “How are you going to pay for _____?” Or “What’s your family saying about all this?”.  Or (top of my list) give David the big fat stink eye when he’s pontificating.   

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I love Anfisa! She’s so blunt and honest! Pao didn’t know what to do she was so caught off guard that she couldn’t use her eyelashes to distract her, she thinks she’s so hot, isn’t she actually old? Like get over yourself...pfft!

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On 8/5/2018 at 10:51 AM, AZChristian said:

I would pay-per-view to see JJ look at Azan and say, "You're a scammah . . . " and then look at Nicole and say, "You're an IDIOT!!!"  

Let’s not forget “ you know why it doesn’t make sense?? Cause it’s a LIE!!”

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On 7/10/2018 at 6:41 PM, Brooklynista said:

Pedro cannot win with these people. Where is the scam? A green card? He has it already. Money? He's working two jobs. He sends what? $75 a week back home. And on top of all of that, he's still eating shit shoveled by Family Chantel.

Perhaps I need harvesting explained to me because this seems like the dumbest hustle ever.

First off - I wish those people would stop saying that Pedro is trying to harvest the American dollar because I don't know what that means and I feel it probably doesn't make sense.  And really the word "harvest" should be used only for kidneys and crops.

Second -- I'm fantastically confused as to why Pedro's family needs his money?  His mother is an immigration attorney, is an attorney something different in the DR?   She can't afford a television?    Her rent?  I had assumed she was some blue collar worker who was broke.  Like with devars family.

It's bizarre to me that a grown woman with what should be a pretty good career needs to take money from her son who is working a basic blue collar job in a warehouse.

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On 6/24/2018 at 5:41 PM, Vandy10 said:

I must be living in a strange world, because in my world, it’s well known and normal for immigrants to send money back to their families in poor countries. It’s also normal for adults, even married ones, to password protect their phones. Either this is for the cameras, or this PI is stupid as hell.

Chantel’s family still sucks.

It is normal, but not when your mom has a good career that should bring her a decent income.

My parents are immigrants and most of the time the people they are sending money to are poor.....however my parents have a friend who makes a ton of money in their relatively poor country (he got in early on ecotourism) and that guy sent his kids to expensive American colleges and would never ask them for money.

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On ‎7‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 1:25 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

River and Winter are actually extras, lol.  It is weird how they are always right there, the whole family stays together unit like a school of fish, work and school schedules be damned, they could be called upon to pile on Pedro at any moment!

I know this is from last year but I am just cracking up at this!  

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18 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I know this is from last year but I am just cracking up at this!  

Thank you.

It's funny 'cause it's true, I have never seen a group of people more willing to skip class or call in sick or whatever!  

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On 7/8/2018 at 6:07 PM, greekmom said:

David you stupid idiot. You put Annie to work the storage facility and you find a freaking job with your freaking master's degree. (btw. what's his master's degree in?)

No tea, no shade to David, but America is full of people with masters degrees in nearly every subject.  

David is older, not particularly healthy looking and he has spent the last four years out of the job market.   

I don't see why any employer would want to hire him when they could hire someone younger with the same degree and more recent and relevant work experience.

If he wants to get back into his field he needs to volunteer and join some organizations and start networking.  He probably isn't going to get a job through monster.

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