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Season 3 Discussion

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8 hours ago, magemaud said:

Russ’s hair reminds me of that scene in Seinfeld when Jerry and Kramer use the “low flow” shower head. 

As far as Pao going back to Colombia for her abuela’s funeral, WHY? She saw abuela, albeit briefly, while she was alive and said her goodbyes. She lit a candle and prayed. She just saw her family, so why the pressing need to return for a funeral mass? 

And finally, not to be picky, but the country Paola comes from is Colombia (no U.) Every time I see a mention of her going to “Columbia,” I think of the Ivy League university. 

Maybe they used Winter’s house to film the disastrous dinner

they said Chantal was staying at her sisters, i just assumed it was Winters place..

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Did Molly really say something to the effect that it might not be the last time she chose a man over her kids when talking to Olivia?  Her apology sounded very hollow and insincere. Like I’m sorry you felt that way....she felt that way because it was that way, stupid cow.

Speaking of stupid cows, Nicole has the gall to say in her talking head that she’s worried they won’t want to pay the money again for the wedding.  I was so ashamed and embarrassed how she could just sit there with her stupid ass face and and make not real attempt to make amends.  She’s a worthless piece of garbage.  

Pao is totally auditfor a telnivela and I’m sick of her gaslighting Russ and Russ just taking it.  

Pedro and Chantal, just no.  Everyone is acting like trash in that family and what, Winter has her own place?

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1 hour ago, renatae said:

She did mention several times that she had begged him to take the test over the years but he had refused. It doesn't sound as though she suddenly came after him when Anfisa showed up. It seems like, as everything else with Jorge, he did nothing and nothing and nothing over the years except what he felt like doing.

Jorge was completely obnoxious when he was talking to her on the phone. I can understand why the woman quickly became irritated at his thick-headed attitude!

And I believe her when she said that he's promised to take the test before.  Jorge is just a lying liar with, like, zero character.  

It must be really difficult for her to listen to him without smacking him alongside the head.


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4 hours ago, magemaud said:

Jorge to Anfisa when she asked if he had contacted his ex about paternity. "I like, didn't get around to it." (he put the word LIKE at least once in every sentence.) 

Between Jorge and Azan it is a close contest of who likes like more.

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5 hours ago, magemaud said:

Azan's math skills appear to be as lacking as his acting and poker face. Azan's sister claims they spent six million "dirhams" on the wedding which he says was $ 6000 in American Dollars. But the conversion chart I looked at says that is roughly the equivalent to almost $ 635,000 USD! My guess is that Sister Azan meant six THOUSAND dirhams, roughly $ 635.000. Still probably a fortune to them! 


In Morocco, especially the south, it is common to still use older measures of money like franks for prices.  I lived in Marrakech and many of the people I encountered never used nor understood  prices in dirhams, even though the money they are using to pay clearly has the dirham amounts on it. Most likely the price Aza’s sister gave was not in dirhams.  $600 would probably not go very far towards wedding plans, especially toward a Moroccan wedding which are generally quite elaborate multi-day affairs. 

Edited by rayna0215
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Regarding Nicole... 

I am a caseworker for people with intellectual disabilities (even when joking around, the word retarded is never cool) from mild to profound, and I don't think Nicole has any kind of ID. It seems to me she just has indulgent parents who simply throw up their hands or put up mild protests when she does dumb stuff. People without intellectual disabilities do stupid things every day.

That being said, Nicole was a little too calm for the situation, so it may be hitting her that living in Morocco while the visa process may not be all it is cracked up to be. And could Azan at least pretend to care that they aren't getting married? The only genuine concern on his part was how much money his family spent/lost on the wedding.

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It was so tacky of Robalee to wear that open shoulder shirt in Morocco. I'm not saying she should wear a burka but have a little respect and some awareness of your surroundings. 

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I can't stand Anfisa and do believe she was doing some "webcam" work.  She gives gold diggers bad names.  But she's not smart or else she would have realized Jorge was full of stuffing when she first started talking to him.  Sometimes I think Jorge and Anfisa make most of this shit up for the cameras, I mean TLC pays them to be on this show and we all know Anfisa loves money.

The reason I'm behind Chantal's family is because I think she's dumb as a pile of rocks, she's probably relied on her looks for everything.  Her family knows this and that's why they think Pedro is taking advantage of her, that's why they're so fiercely protective of her.  Pedro however loves Chantal, and he was right when he said she was the cause of everything by telling her family what was going on between the two of them.  I watched the fight again and I don't think River called Pedro the "N" word, because I really don't think Pedro would have been ready to throw down for River calling him that.  However, if River called him the "F" or the "S" word, I can see Pedro getting upset.  I read a post here where someone stated that Pedro was pushed to fight.  That's interesting because if someone said "she provoked her husband and that's why he hit her" everybody here wold be up in arms.  Pedro did tell Chantal that the reason he stood up was when River hit the lamp in his direction.  Honestly I blame production, as they should have stopped the fight the second both River and Pedro were on their feet.  They did nothing until there were women on the floor.  Maybe they were hoping for good TV, I don't know.

A lot of folks here don't like Paola but I get her.  See, people have different boundaries, and it's neither wrong or right, just different.  I used to date a guy like Russ, sweet but a closed person, nothing wrong with that, his boundaries were just high.  But to Pao, Russ doesn't feel anything, he doesn't care.  Someone needs to explain to her that not everybody expresses themselves the same way.  When Pao visited Columbia, she saw the difference and it made her even more dissatisfied with Russ.  She has to realize that Russ isn't like her friends and family in Columbia, Russ may be more reserved, but that doesn't make him unfeeling.  She needs to explain to him what she needs and wants, not expect him to just know because he's her husband, that's not fair.

I don't know what Azan and Nicole are on.  Why did Nicole even have to bring that copy of the police report? (what was that for anyway?) I mean, she's getting married in a foreign country, how would they know she's been arrested? 

I hope Molly goes away before she becomes another Dani.  I shake my head every time I see her on some incarnation of "90 Day Fiancé" but I think it's because she's a trainwreck everybody wants to see. 

David and Annie should just go back to Thailand.  Period, end of story. 

Edited by Neurochick
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1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

Doesn't Chantal have an older sister that has refused to be on the show?  If so, that may be the sister she stayed with.

There seems to be an older brother, Royal Christopher (ugh!) but I don't recall any mention of any other sister besides Winter. 

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5 hours ago, magemaud said:


I loved how Azan told Robbalee that after two weeks, he realized Nicole was "the one." Yes, she must have been the most desperate and persistent so he knew he had found his mark. 

Ha! She was the only one with a paycheck willing to send money to him.

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8 hours ago, gingerella said:

Because we all think that David, lose that he is, hasn't sent in her paperwork because he knows once she gets a green card, she'll likely dump his fat ass and move on.

What I really want to know is this - How is it that Azan\Hassan's sister/family have $6k to splash out for a full blast wedding, yet A/H claims he cant get a proper job, unless that $6k is directly from saved up Nicole money she sent?

He did say that his sister is working. I don’t remember when but they had a fight and he said.  Also where is his dad? He is probably also working. The only one not working is him. She didn’t have to have send him money but she did it anyway 

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4 minutes ago, vimsa3 said:

Also where is his dad?

I thought last year Azan's mother said something like after her husband had passed away Azan became "the man of the house." Does this ring a bell with anyone else? 

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10 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Not to defend David, but, how would he work a full time job and film the show?  Are there any other cast members who are employed with full time jobs?  It seems that those who do have jobs either, have their own business, so they have flexibility or they take a leave of absence? You can't start a job and immediately take a leave of absence, so, waiting until the show wraps up filming, does make sense.  Of course, he didn't say that, but, it makes sense to me.  

Russ works and Jorge does something.  Josh and Molly work .  Devar and Elizabeth both work too.  Lots of them work so I don't think filming interfers with their jobs.  It's a second job to many.

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3 hours ago, renatae said:

Yes, she thinks he is a mind reader. And beyond that, when she finally tells him these things are bothering her and he tries to talk with her about them, she tells him to shut up. There is no pleasing her, and she is done with him?

I so wish Roos would leave Pao all alone in that sad, pathetic little shithole in Miami. She can pay for it all by herself, modeling her tits and ass with nobody to nag at her. Let's see how long it will take her to hook up with some sleazy sugar daddy.  

12 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Nicole doesn't looks so good in the last few episodes.  I was sitting her thinking about her being pale and emotionless and the thought came to me 'could she be pregnant'? 

They're not having sex, are they?

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1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

Doesn't Chantal have an older sister that has refused to be on the show?  If so, that may be the sister she stayed with.

Is she adopted? There cannot be a blood relation to these people we are watching. It’s impossible.

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1 minute ago, bichonblitz said:

I so wish Roos would leave Pao all alone in that sad, pathetic little shithole in Miami. She can pay for it all by herself, modeling her tits and ass with nobody to nag at her. Let's see how long it will take her to hook up with some sleazy sugar daddy.  

They're not having sex, are they?

Well they are in separate rooms but who knows what Miss Nicole has up her sleeve.   I think she's anxious and where there's a will there's a way.  Maybe he is able to evade her advances???   Anyway it only takes once and boom preggers.  I read around and no mention of it anywhere.  She just looks drawn and not made up.  Not even lipstick. 

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Does anybody else find it eerie that Nicole is so calm this time around in Morocco? Like, she can't have acquired that much self-control in such a short amount of time. Makes me wonder if Azan's family might have tuned her up when the cameras weren't around? I think Nicole would do anything to get at Azan's d*ck at this point, and that might include taking a beating or the threat of a beating.

She was off the hook last time around because she thought he was cold and withholding (well, he is).  But she was throwing him around in the street like a rag doll!

Then, she was screaming at him on the phone when she found the text messages.

Then, when he tells her that it's even worse, that there were more women, what's her reaction? Does she blow? No. We get demure tears.

Azan's alleged girlfriend once said that when she said something he told her quite seriously, "If you were here right now I would smack you across the face." (It was in an interview with Auntie's Advice.) And, she seemed to be far more subdued and reasonable than Nicole (not that it would be hard to do).

I know the rules are different over there. It's not like men are beating their wives all the time, but behavior like Nicole's would not be tolerated.

Perhaps they are not tolerating it? (I would imagine it's the same over there as it is over here. Some guys are abusive but most of them are not.)

Maybe they had a family meeting, and then they laid down the law and told her that if she breathed a word about it to anyone she would never see Azan again? 


Edited by CoachWristletJen
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I’ve noticed that Nicole seems more compliant and subdued this time in Morocco. She’s dressing more appropriately and when Azan told her they had separate rooms at the hotel in the Blue City she just nodded and said, “Okay.” Then later in the hall as they said good night, they just hugged before going into their rooms. She has tried to hold his hand in public, but not being all clingy like the first time. I think somebody has read her the riot act. 

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5 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I’ve noticed that Nicole seems more compliant and subdued this time in Morocco. She’s dressing more appropriately and when Azan told her they had separate rooms at the hotel in the Blue City she just nodded and said, “Okay.” Then later in the hall as they said good night, they just hugged before going into their rooms. She has tried to hold his hand in public, but not being all clingy like the first time. I think somebody has read her the riot act. 

I think so, too. And it makes me wonder what kind of riot act would have actually gotten through to her to cause her to change so drastically. It's actually kind of worrisome. 

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12 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I don't know why Chantel thinks Pedro did anything wrong. Her brother called Pedro the n-word! Then he made the p*ssy move of hitting the lights which is like saying, "I'm trying to start a fight, but I'm too much of a wimp to throw the first punch because I know I'm gonna need mom and dad for backup in this."

Pedro wasn't even going after little brother with all his might or that dude would have been splattered on the floor.

I agree 100 percent i am team Pedro

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Do you think Chantel is able to watch the show and see a different prospective??  Do you think she continues to close her eyes and believe what her family wants her to believe (despite what is clearly recorded).

Chantel Mommy laid the groundwork, and River started the fight.  So yeah...there was an ambush.

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1 hour ago, WallStreetDuchess said:

Regarding Nicole... 

I am a caseworker for people with intellectual disabilities (even when joking around, the word retarded is never cool) from mild to profound, and I don't think Nicole has any kind of ID. It seems to me she just has indulgent parents who simply throw up their hands or put up mild protests when she does dumb stuff. People without intellectual disabilities do stupid things every day.

That being said, Nicole was a little too calm for the situation, so it may be hitting her that living in Morocco while the visa process may not be all it is cracked up to be. And could Azan at least pretend to care that they aren't getting married? The only genuine concern on his part was how much money his family spent/lost on the wedding.

Azan will probably pressure Nicole to reimburse his mother and sister for the wedding and since she has said her funds are limited, I can see her fleeing back to the US ( she can only stay 90 days as a tourist) to avoid that. I only hope her sister who she is allegedly living with in FL now, charges her substantial rent. She needs to grow up and have to start supporting herself and her child without handouts or discounts because she’s a dumb fuck. (Which I dont really think she is. She’s really dumb like a fox, and a pro at scamming her own family, she just can’t recognize when she’s getting scammed)

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2 hours ago, WallStreetDuchess said:

Regarding Nicole... 

I am a caseworker for people with intellectual disabilities (even when joking around, the word retarded is never cool) from mild to profound, and I don't think Nicole has any kind of ID. It seems to me she just has indulgent parents who simply throw up their hands or put up mild protests when she does dumb stuff. People without intellectual disabilities do stupid things every day.

That being said, Nicole was a little too calm for the situation, so it may be hitting her that living in Morocco while the visa process may not be all it is cracked up to be. And could Azan at least pretend to care that they aren't getting married? The only genuine concern on his part was how much money his family spent/lost on the wedding.

I still say she is extremely emotionally slow!! Seriously 

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7 hours ago, magemaud said:

What were your favorite quotes from last night? There were so many I know I'm missing a lot, but these jumped out at me...

Jorge to Anfisa when she asked if he had contacted his ex about paternity. "I like, didn't get around to it." (he put the word LIKE at least once in every sentence.) 

Mother Chantel: "We were having such a nice dinner!"

River: "He broke my shirt." 

Pao: "I sacrificed SO much!"

Dont forget Annies-I want to die ???

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1 minute ago, Lynnlynnlynn586 said:

Dont forget Annies-I want to die ???

And who can forget David speaking the words none of us ever thought we'd hear come out of his mouth:  "OK, I'm going to work now."

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11 hours ago, Bugfrey Von said:

OK.  So shit.  What an episode:

1.) The River and Pedro fight:  What a load of bullshit.  Pedro is an asshole who needs to stop sending his mom and sister superficial bullshit that they don't need.  It would be different if he was sending money for them to eat or have a roof over their head, but they want things to move them into another echelon of society and it's fucking stupid and wasteful.  He's married now and can't keep you in flat screen tvs.  So sorry.  Having said that, they fight was instigated by Family Chantal and. River, the little bitch.  He threw the paper at Pedro's face and started the physicality.  They (Nicole and Pedro) should have gotten up and left as soon as that idiotic family started to instigate a fight.  Mother Nicole is a hard core moron, a painful idiot who needs to be muzzled by her family.  Calling for deportation?  In this political climate?  Fuck.  You.  You're not where the buck stops, and you're not the keeper of the keys to America.  Shut the fuck up.  Muy malo.  What a fucking moron.  Who ripped out Nicole's weave?  10 bucks says it was Winter - this is her moment in the sun and now she's got a war trophy.  I know there is all this talk about Nicole and Pedro not being siblings. but Chantal is crying over her brother like they straight broke up.  Also, petty but her crying is weird as fuck.  My dog kept looking over at television inquisitively (judgmentally, perhaps?) when she was screeching.  

2.) Nicole and Azan:  LOL.  He doesn't want to marry you, dawg.  Does not.  Want to Marry.  Like, at all.  Was Nicole going to let her family come and see her and NOT tell them the wedding was (lol) postponed?  What a piece of dog shit that Baby Huey is.  Her mother is just as stupid, she created this beast.  The little smirk that she had during his conversation with his mom and sister, good lord.  My blood was boiling.    Sister Azan, welcome to the Nicole shit show.  That pile of pudding your brother is engaged to will always be a drain on your lives.  I hope his mother and sister take him aside and tell him that America is not enough of a prize to put up with a gigantic toddler for the rest of their lives.  Thank god that the papers she needed weren't in the pile, take it as a sign and move on.  Robalee and her come to Jesus talk with Azan was pointless, you're not protecting your little flower of a daughter from a big bad Moroccan, lady.  Your daughter screwed some dude while in a relationship as well.  Also, now you're going to have to plan a new trip and spend thousands of dollars because she is completely worthless and useless in every way.  Huzzah.  

3.) Fucking David and Annie.  Girl.  You're smart.  You didn't see through those penguin tears?  He is never, EVER going to do anything to help his family.  He wants a cushy office job that doesn't exist.  He's gained back every ounce he's lost, too.  His money sure isn't being skimped when it comes to the groceries, if you know what I mean.

4.) Molly:  OMG, THEY HAVE HOT WHEELS IN GEORGIA?????  That place was where it was AT in Miami in the early 90's.  I see that they still haven't changed the carpets or skates - it's a little heartwarming!  Molly thinks everyone owes it to her to raise her kids, especially the little one.  The minute Olivia came into the skating rink, she started barking orders to help her with Kinsley.  Olivia is a better person than me, because I get the feeling that Molly does this sort of thing ALL THE TIME.  How many times has she changed the locks on her doors?  Maybe she has a punch card and the 10th new lock is free?

5.) Roos and Pao are a fucking joking.  You know what's always a good idea?  Heavy drinking before and during a conversation about something tragic.    Pao is done with Roos.  He dropped a little bombshell tonight saying that he was the reason that they were able to live in Miami.  You mean that Pao's sad topless modeling isn't enough to afford an apartment?  No freaking shit.  I don't know what the heck was going on with the fight.  Is she mad because she doesn't want to talk to him?  Is she mad because he didn't want to talk to her?  Is she mad because he doesn't care about the miscarriage?  Is she scared because he's bland and not engaging her and fighting?  I think that this is just who Roos is and Pao, after being married to him for a few years, should know that this is who he is.  

6.) Anfisa, you know what I find hilarious?  To buy clothing and school supplies for random kids and pretend that they are mine.  LOL!  SO FUNNY!  Everyone is better off if Jorge just slinks off into the night.  

Next week is gonna be goooooooood!


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6 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

And who can forget David speaking the words none of us ever thought we'd hear come out of his mouth:  "OK, I'm going to work now."

We'll see how long it lasts.  He swept out a storage locker and he feels like a martyr.  

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1 minute ago, AZChristian said:

And who can forget David speaking the words none of us ever thought we'd hear come out of his mouth:  "OK, I'm going to work now."

My favorite....Annie “ I want to die”

#2. River “they broke my shirt”

#3 Jorge “ so I bought some gifts, I was  just being like a nice guy... not like a father”

#4  Jorge “ if it’s not one thing, it’s another”


Next weeks fav so far:

Jorge “ don’t talk to my fucking wife that way”

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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:


A lot of folks here don't like Paola but I get her.  See, people have different boundaries, and it's neither wrong or right, just different.  I used to date a guy like Russ, sweet but a closed person, nothing wrong with that, his boundaries were just high.  But to Pao, Russ doesn't feel anything, he doesn't care.  Someone needs to explain to her that not everybody expresses themselves the same way.  When Pao visited Columbia, she saw the difference and it made her even more dissatisfied with Russ.  She has to realize that Russ isn't like her friends and family in Columbia, Russ may be more reserved, but that doesn't make him unfeeling.  She needs to explain to him what she needs and wants, not expect him to just know because he's her husband, that's not fair.


Roos is working 80 hours a week!  He doesn't have time for a pity party in the park.    He's married to a narcissistic attention whore who gets off on keeping everything inside, apparently just so she can berate him when he doesn't pry it out of her.  The guy can't win.

2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

David and Annie should just go back to Thailand.  Period, end of story. 

Annie's family did say they wanted a second water buffalo.

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11 minutes ago, millennium said:

Roos is working 80 hours a week!  He doesn't have time for a pity party in the park.    He's married to a narcissistic attention whore who gets off on keeping everything inside, apparently just so she can berate him when he doesn't pry it out of her.  The guy can't win.

Annie's family did say they wanted a second water buffalo.

Buy David a yoke and a couple buckets and let him haul water, if they pin a tail on him from the rear he’ll pass.

Russ showed more emotion and caring for Pao’s grandmother than she did. He should have thrown in her face the fact that she spent more time being sexy, spicy Colombian (mean girl) Pao, hanging with her old crew, than she did with her dying granny or family, who merely got a drive by farewell as she went to the airport.

and I still don’t believe she had a miscarriage. Russ should check those medical bills.. if there are any. I bet he was conveniently out of town or at work and she didn’t contact him   till it was over because “she didn’t want to upset him. “

Edited by iwasish
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12 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I figure David hasn't paid $1 of rent to stupid Chris, nor did he sign the lease. Otherwise, Chris wouldn't legally have been able to evict them in two days.

Again, Chris is stupid to keep enabling this manipulative man, unless his endgame is to try to hurt him at this point? Surely he doesn't plan on paying his nursing home bills while David sits and looks back on a life of nothingness and Annie rubs his feet?

Seriously, Chris, if you think it's hard for David to find a job at 50 (psst, it's not!), imagine him trying at 55, or at 60? 

David needs to get a job from someone he can't manipulate.  That means no more Fantasy Thailand. No more storage unit melodramas. Just cut the freak lose.

Somebody needs to get Chris's brain and put it back into its brain box where David can no longer get his grubby hands on it.

The crazy thing is, at least in some states, squatters have rights. Especially with no lease. If someone has been living somewhere for some time, it's not always easy to kick them out. (Not sure if this applies to true squatters or just those who were offered a place to stay.)

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12 hours ago, islandgal140 said:


Chantal has a great figure but in profile she has the posture of Springfield's 123 year old billionaire.


Right? Slap some long hair on this and add big boobs, swap out the suit for spandex, and it's Chantel. Which makes total sense, since her "little brother" is Side Show Bob. 

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1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Does anybody else find it eerie that Nicole is so calm this time around in Morocco? Like, she can't have acquired that much self-control in such a short amount of time. Makes me wonder if Azan's family might have tuned her up when the cameras weren't around? I think Nicole would do anything to get at Azan's d*ck at this point, and that might include taking a beating or the threat of a beating.

She was off the hook last time around because she thought he was cold and withholding (well, he is).  But she was throwing him around in the street like a rag doll!

Then, she was screaming at him on the phone when she found the text messages.

Then, when he tells her that it's even worse, that there were more women, what's her reaction? Does she blow? No. We get demure tears.

Azan's alleged girlfriend once said that when she said something he told her quite seriously, "If you were here right now I would smack you across the face." (It was in an interview with Auntie's Advice.) And, she seemed to be far more subdued and reasonable than Nicole (not that it would be hard to do).

I know the rules are different over there. It's not like men are beating their wives all the time, but behavior like Nicole's would not be tolerated.

Perhaps they are not tolerating it? (I would imagine it's the same over there as it is over here. Some guys are abusive but most of them are not.)

Maybe they had a family meeting, and then they laid down the law and told her that if she breathed a word about it to anyone she would never see Azan again? 


It would not surprise me at all. She is way too chill. The only other explanation is if she has finally woken up to the truth that he's not that into her. She hasn't been the same since she heard the recordings of him, when she was still home. It's possible that she had been suppressing doubts for some time, and that made her doubts very real.

Whatever it is, she does seem a bit depressed and possibly fearful.

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10 hours ago, Bou said:

I thought so too!  Also one guy  looked like   the really hot annoying dude from Amsterdam, who hooked up with the short lady with the talons,  and bad black hair extensions, who kept badgering him for an engagement ring.

You might be right!

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I’m sorry for posting this late and if someone already posted this, sorry; but when Chantel and Pedro are talking, you hear Pedro bring up divorce twice and him trying to be like, top dog about it. He keeps poking Chantel about it and both times, she’s like “go ahead, I’m done”. In that very second, Pedro changes to “oh shit, I was joking! She’s for real!”. Pedro was trying to, in a way, force Chantel on to his side, by pushing the divorce option. But Chantel put her guns up and said divorce was a good option, thus forcing Pedro to admit defeat, take the fault, and diffuse the divorce talk. I don’t know, that’s what I got, maybe I went over my head. 

Edited by Anfisawillbemine
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3 hours ago, Emkat said:

It was so tacky of Robalee to wear that open shoulder shirt in Morocco. I'm not saying she should wear a burka but have a little respect and some awareness of your surroundings. 

Speaking of...I admittedly know little about Morocco, but did anyone find it interesting that the marriage license clerk was not covered and had visible tattoos?

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Pao is a colossal bitch.

Chantel is colossally delusional.

Molly is a colossally shitty mom

Jorge is a colossal liar.

David is a colossal loser.

Nicole is just colossal.

Edited by Dobian
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5 hours ago, iwasish said:


Everyone in the Family Chantel had their instructions in the fight... Father Chantel broke rank and tried to cover the chicken wings. He’s being re-indoctrinated.

If they're Wing Stop, I get it. 

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1 hour ago, Splithair said:

Speaking of...I admittedly know little about Morocco, but did anyone find it interesting that the marriage license clerk was not covered and had visible tattoos?

Morocco is a very liberal Muslim country. Not many women are covered and it is not in the law to do so. Ether azans family is very traditional or they are doing it just for the cameras. 

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1 hour ago, Anfisawillbemine said:

You might be right!

@Bou I thought so too!  Also one guy  looked like the really hot annoying dude from Amsterdam, who hooked up with the short lady with the talons,  and bad black hair extensions, who kept badgering him for an engagement ring.


Yes, that’s Jesse, Darcy’s boy toy who works as a personal trainer.

Their situation is a supreme shit show too and I am not going to lie: I cannot wait to watch Darcy fall into bushes, Jesse tell Darcy where to put her clothing in her own home while he monitors her alcohol intake, only to have her lash out at him in a drunken stupor later.

Edited by Bridget
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