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Season 3 Discussion

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1 hour ago, Chickabiddy said:

If Pedro is so far below Chantel, why is he the best SHE can do? 

Surely, by 26, with her looks, family background, and bourgeois aspirations, she could have nabbed a dentist or optometrist with his own little business by now.

Maybe her personality and insufferable family prevented her from punching at her weight or above. Maybe those things forced  her to seek out love a thousand plus miles from home, and in a foreign country where the language barrier helped to obscure her true character. 

Maybe, just maybe Pedro and Chantel deserve each other....and that is why they both seem so unhappy.

Just a thought. ;-) 

That’s really funny too. Thanks!

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On 6/25/2018 at 11:17 AM, monagatuna said:

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought so. His big smile when he saw her and his attention to May, if you didn't know, you might actually believe that he genuinely cares about these two.

May is his tiny buffer to not have to touch Nicole.  It makes me sick that her dumb ass taught May to call him Daddy.

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On 6/24/2018 at 6:44 PM, iwasish said:

And no signs that she just had a miscarriage a few weeks ago. Not even a mention of it

and why was her hair covering her tits the whole photo shoot?

Because Russ was there. He probably said something or she had promised him that her tots would be covered. I actually did really love the images, the color, the texture, creative concept all around. The photoshoot would have been a lot better without Russ and his sout mug and comments, ruining her spontaneity and draining her energy. Hope she chooses not to have him come to any more of her shoots, especially if she’s getting paid—-no client wants the model’s husband having that much input for their creative. He may be one of he reasons her opportunities  have dried up...besides her age of course.

On 6/25/2018 at 12:27 PM, seniorpatriot said:

I got the feeling this "PI" was pushing to just get the job no matter what by telling Family Chantel what they wanted to hear?

It may be normal for immigrants to send money back to families, but Pedro is a married man and all his loyalty should be to Chantel, NOT worrying about going to a hotel with his sister because she thinks she is too good to sleep on a sofa. I wanted to slap her. But the main thing is Pedro doesn't even support his wife emotionally when it comes to his family. Even if it is "normal" Pedro chose to live in America and he needs to get with OUR cultures, not the other way around. And OUR culture says a married man and wife take care of each other before all others. 

Speaking of Annie, I noticed the most scary thing of last night's show. Even with all the crap going on everywhere. That "priest" in the Thai Temple was BEYOND creepy as hell. Anybody see that?

Yes, it is normal and in some cultures expected. It may be hard for Americans to understand, but is many countries, what he is doing is the norm. We have a more communal family oriented culture than the individualistic one of the USA.

For example, in my family, we all supported each other. You bring your family up together, it’s a joint effort for your family’s success. When you do well, you pay it back or pay it forward, as the case may be. My parents and 3 younger sisters worked from 16 years old to help me pay for nursing school. Once I started working as a nurse, I contributed to their college tuitions until all of them had their first degree. We all now have our Masters degree, and 1 Sister even has a PhD. None of us have student loans, and we all have successful careers and are earning six figure incomes. Which would not have been possible if we hadn’t all helped each other out through the hard times in our lives. We also have a group chat throughout the week, as well as a weekly family phone call every Sunday that we have had for over 15 years. Even though miles separate us, we are still family. 

 Your family obligations never stop just because you get married. You are expected to provide for both your new family and your family of origin. You provide monthly stipends to both sets of inlaws, and financial support gifts to your extended family during crisis or celebrations.  In fact, when you marry, your family obligations increase, because you are now considered settled. Also, since he is the first born, male, especially if the father is no longer in the picture as in Pedro’s case, he has to take a greater role as the family leader. Even though both my parents are retired, and all my siblings are married with kids of our own, we still send money home MONTHLY for our parents. We are their 401K/retirement/social security. Your parents raised you up, took care of you, paid for your school, bills, all your obligations etc. so in their old age, you take care of them. Circle of family life. Him sending $300 is actually a low amount, which is why he includes gifts as well. On top of the monthly stipend I send ($500), I bought my mom a car last year ($5,000), and put solar panels on their house ($4000), gave them a portion of my holiday bonus, my tax returns, and sent extra money back (if they ever needed anything). I would scrimp and cut back on my lifestyle here if I needed to, to make sure my family was safe, secure, spoiled, and well provided for. You are considered a horrible person if you do not provide for your family, esp if you have any measure of success. Even Trevor Noah sends money back home monthly. 

My hubby is not from my culture, he’s American. This family obligation thing was hard for him to wrap his head around at first, but after 13 years, he gets it now. What I spend on my family comes from my efforts, and if I have to work OT or cut back on clothes shopping to provide for my parents, I will do what I have to do. We split our bills 50/50, with joint savings goals and individual pocket money. My husband spends his extra $$$ on music gear, and I choose to send my pocket-money home to my parents. What I send home for my parents comes from my sacrifices, my budget, my earnings, and my hard work. Pedro does have a full time job at the warehouse, so he makes at least minimum wage 40/hrs. It’s not like he’s taking Chantal’s money and sending it to his family, so I don’t understand why Family C has their panties in such a bunch. They were the ones that were so gungho about the pre-nup and separate finances. Pedro is just playing by the rules they set up. It’s his earnings, and he can choose how to spend it and on whom. It’s none of their business. 

On 6/25/2018 at 12:59 PM, Dobian said:

I hear the "it's my culture" excuse a lot on this show.  No, it's not your "culture" to gift your mom laptops and big screen TV's and other non-essentials when you and your wife are poor and barely getting by in a one bedroom apartment.  And it's not your "culture" to be a vain, self-absorbed mean girl who disrespects your husband in public.  We have a lot of those in the U.S. too.

See above.

The exchange rate also plays a huge factor in it. He may just be sending home $300 but in DR, due to the exchange rate, that is enough to buy a flatscreen and laptop. The mom also works too, so it’s not like they don’t have their own money and are just fleecing Pedro. Rent is probably a lot cheaper there than it is in uptown ATL.  If C wants to bitch about finances, she should look at how much she is spending on her beauty regimen monthly. The nails, eyelashes, hair etc, definitely costs her more than $300/month. Yes, she’s in school so her parents cover a lot, but it’s his money. His decision how he wants to spend it. 

On 6/25/2018 at 1:03 PM, seniorpatriot said:

Have you not noticed that pedro calls the shots on the marital money together. And even on Chantel's money. Such as him saying last night that his video gaming system comes BEFORE a sofa. And Chantel let him get away with it! She needs to speak up and say "we are NOT buying a 1K couch just because your sister is coming. We will buy a good normal couch. And even tho she is a guest in Pedro and Chantel's home, be frickin grateful! I can't stand that sister and her bratty rude ways. 

Chantal said she was going to toss the gaming system so that the couch would fit.  She wanted to start Casually tossing the one thing that he has which he enjoys. Another example of her selfish Princess mentality. Maybe get a smaller couch Princess? So he told her no, she can’t throw away or move his gaming system. She picked the couch out together with him. He wanted a darker couch, she wanted the light colored sectional. She’s also the one that got all those tables. Chantal conveniently blames Pedro and his family for EVERYTHING. I know it comes mostly from her family, but she is going to have to get a backbone if she wants this marriage to work. 

The sister is just paying Chantal back for how C and her family treated Pedro. She probably heard about the cabin trip, and she came to fight and defend her brother. Chantal has her whole cult clan to fight for her, Pedro has no one except his wife, who is so wish washy and afraid of conflict that she can’t even stand by her man consistently. Sister came to show Chantal some pepper. She actually would have slept on the couch if Chantal presented it better. Chantal’s presentation was rude, which is what ticked the sister off. Pedro could have handled it by choosing to sleep on the couch and letting the 2 women have the bed....would have made them closer too probably. 

On 6/25/2018 at 1:22 PM, Carly13817 said:

Anyone else kind of confused why Pedro's sister was laughing so long and hard after the confrontation with Chantel? That was just weird.

She was happy that she got under Chantal’s skin and made her mad. She “won” that round because even when Chantal went outside for her pity party, and Pedro came to comfort her, she only had 1 minute because Sister upped the ante and went to the parking lot, Pedro came to Sister instead of his wife.  Hence, she won. She was also probably really tired after traveling all day long. Travel exhausts me bone deep and all I want is a shower and bed. She also claimed she had a headache. 

13 hours ago, magemaud said:

Because Luis was "The love of her life" and her "esposo precioso." I think it's interesting we never hear of Luis having any family back home, only at least one brother in NJ. 

I still don't understand why she was against Luis calling the police that night, she was in her own house. I would have said, "Good, call them and they'll get your lazy scamming ass out of here!" I'm surprised she didn't call the police on HIM and instead packed up Kensley and left him to have the run of her house. 

Yeah, I thought that at first, then I realized she’s trying to limit her negative exposure. Calling the police puts her personal business out there for the neighbors to gossip about, mayhap will affect her business negatively, and frequent police calls affects the property value if she’s trying to sell. Also if she’s going through any custody hearing, her Ex could use the police statement to angle for custody stating that her home is unstable. So many reasons on her end why having the police visit at night is not a good idea unless the fight escalated or got physical. 

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12 hours ago, KBrownie said:

As soon as Chantel puts her husband first instead of choosing to function as a unit with her family.

It works both ways.  People act as if Pedro should bow down and thank his lucky stars for Chantel and give all his loyalty and life to only her, but she can just do whatever she wants.  What's good for one is good for all.  

Yes ? times agree. Marriage and relationships, it takes two to tango. Chantal and her family want a different set of rules for their precious Princess and want to treat Pedro and his family like they are trash.  They are partly to blame for this mess due to their ethnocentric, ego and elitist mentality. If all of them were in the same country, the playing field would be equal, since Pedro’s mom is a lawyer, they would be in the same upper middle class as Chantal’s family. Just because you have a blue American passport doesn’t make you better than everyone else. Pedro has been quite accommodating and compromising, even though CC has shown him little to no regard. If Pedro’s family insisted on investigating Chantal...oh my...??‍♀️they all would be livid pearl clutchers. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. 

Chantal had promised Pedro that she would have his back during the cabin family trip, but she caved to Clan C almost as soon as they got there. The whole week her family was bashing Pedro and she only defended him half-heartedly ONE TIME, the whole week, and it’s cos he got so upset and went to the basement. Yet he has to cut off his family for her, when she can’t even stand by her man for 1 day? Gimme a break ?

i honestly don’t know how she is going to make a good nurse. You spend so much of the day as a nurse communicating and trying to fight for your patients. How will she be able to stand up to a doctor to fight for a her patients when she can’t stand up to her mom over her husband?  Yeah, I just don’t see it at all. 

8 hours ago, Eme said:

Russ was pressured into giving up a lucrative engineering job by Pao because she didn't want him to leave her for 3 months.  I recall he said (much to his detriment) "I can get another engineering job, I can't get another Pao."  Well, he has her and she has no respect for his opinions.  It is painful to watch. I think it is reasonable for him to have reservations about all those very seedy photo shots -- and there is no talk of the $$$ she is bringing in.  Their relationship, at least at the beginning, was such that she did not "allow" him to make a living so what is good for the goose and all that....

Chantal calling him out in front of his sister was a Bad Scene.  No way can his machismo allow him to let her yell at him in front of his sister -- he will be the laughingstock of DR in no time.  Chantal might know that if she paid any kind of attention to his culture and the expectations of men in it.  She can't be bothered to do that since she is constantly trying to appease her family -- when she's not lying to them about something.  Family counseling for those two with a Latino Counselor is what is needed asap.

Oh yes, I had forgotten about that job. But wasn’t it earlier in their relationship, when Pao had just arrived to Oklahoma? I think now if Russ had that opportunity, Pao would tell him to take it, so she can go off to Miami or Colombia while he is gone. 

I know most of you detest Pao but I’ve always liked her. She is one smart cookie, and she is living her best life, no matter what challenges are thrown her way. I feel that Russ is the controlling, domineering one, he did the very first bait & switch on this show. She thought she was coming to the US, somewhere she could pursue her modeling, not DeadEnd, Oklahoma. First he controlled her with the K1 visa, telling her he wouldn’t marry her if she didn’t do XYZ, she did everything, jumped through all of his hoops, started dressing more conservatively, spending time with his family/friends in OK, dimming her light so as not to outshine his dour self, spending more time at home instead of going out, talking less to her people in Colombia, speaking less Spanish and more English, etc. Once they married, Russ then financially controlled her, until she figured out a way to make money herself. Fast forward 3/4 years married and still Russ keeps trying to change her into what he thinks she should be. Whenever she figures out a way to get out from under his rigid control, he finds another way to control her. Which is why Pao just does her own thing and deals with his ire later.  She must really love him to put up with his constant demands and criticism. 

You should never go into a relationship trying or wanting to change the other person. You can’t change anyone, you can only change yourself. That’s why his comment of regular Pao vs Colombia Pao was so offensive and insulting. Pao has not changed. She’s always been clear on what she wants and what her dreams are. She’s always been snarky and witty.  Shes always been the center of attention, life of the party. She’s always been an overtly sexy, borderline exhibitionist who sees her body more like a canvas for creative expression than a possession of her husband. The side of Pao that Russ claims Juan brings out...that side was always there, just buried under mi amor in Oklahoma. I’ve always felt that Paola has been significantly hindered by Russ and her marriage to him. She compromises a lot for him frequently, and I rarely see him do the same.  I actually still watch this show waiting for them to divorce and her to be free, wild, naked, and crazy Pao. Russ keeps trying to mold her into his ideal Mormon wife and it’s just not going to happen. Maybe the miscarriage was a blessing in disguise. Having a child for Russ, it will be another form of control. I can see him saying, “You are a mom now, you can’t do xyz...”


And your comment about Machismo...yes so true! ? spot on. Chantal said something to the tune of, “he only acts like this when his mom and sister are around.”  He seems more assertive, patriarchal, domineering and demanding when he slips into his Machismo mode. He seems to go there whenever he feels vulnerable, emotional, upset, or angry.  Has Chantal done any reasearch on her husband’s culture at all? Even I know that Latin males don’t like to be disrespected by their women, especially in public. All her yelling, crying, histrionics, and carrying on, outside...she was doing the most and trying to get Pedro’s attention off his sister and back into her. She likes to be the center of attention at all times, those eyelashes tell us that. 

They are such a cute couple, I know the odds are against them but I remember when they said their wedding vows, and how much in love they were. I hope that their love is strong enough to survive the storm that is two controlling families who don't like each other, the other spouse, and who both think they are right.

I think Pedro was on to something when he suggested they move away——most of their issues are due to their family influences, both negative and positive. They probably can’t move now because if she is officially in nursing school, it’s not transferable. But perhaps planning to move once she graduates, if they haven’t found their footing yet as a married couple. Although, 100 miles isn’t enough, it has to be far enough that they can’t drive and get there in under 12 hours. Maybe even move cross country so it’s a whole days trip. 

They don’t stand a chance if they can’t find a way to Leave & Cleave. It doesn’t have to be permanent, just for a couple of years until they have built a strong foundation in their relationship without family interference. They can’t even fully settle into life as newlyweds with the family constantly dissecting all of Pedro’s decisions, actions, and motives. Maybe moving away from Clan Chantal might help Chantal find her own voice and become her own person, not an extension of her parents or the clan, but her own person. She is so enmeshed and codependent, and her parents know just what to say to manipulate her. 

Even though most of these people I can’t stand and some of it is fake, I still really enjoy this show. Can’t wait for next episode. 

Edited by Spiderella2
Forgot first point
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So I know Pao is not very popular on this board, but I'm sorry, the way Russ talks about "allowing" her to do things and constantly acting like he should have veto rights over everything in her life is just creepy. And the whole "Colombian" Pao vs "American" Pao is also creepy.

Honestly, they're just not a good match. Both of them have said some horrible things to each other. I don't think Russ is really trying to control. Paola. They just have two completely different sets of values. They want completely different things. They can't even agree on geography. Russ is right in my opinion that Paola is more mean-spirited when she is in Colombia with Juan than when they are not with Juan. They need to get divorced and go their separate ways. Paola needs to find someone who is more liberal and risk-taking like her, and Russ needs to find a conservative woman back in Oklahoma.


Russ was pressured into giving up a lucrative engineering job by Pao because she didn't want him to leave her for 3 months.  I recall he said (much to his detriment) "I can get another engineering job, I can't get another Pao."  Well, he has her and she has no respect for his opinions.  It is painful to watch. I think it is reasonable for him to have reservations about all those very seedy photo shots -- and there is no talk of the $$$ she is bringing in.  Their relationship, at least at the beginning, was such that she did not "allow" him to make a living so what is good for the goose and all that....

If I remember correctly, Russ was actually laid off from his job, and the only other job he could find was far away in some place like Seattle. Paola didn't make Russ quit his job. And she was working to make money for them while he was laid off, which puts her way ahead of other people on this show as far as at least not being a gold digger.

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1 hour ago, Spiderella2 said:
16 hours ago, magemaud said:


I still don't understand why she was against Luis calling the police that night, she was in her own house. I would have said, "Good, call them and they'll get your lazy scamming ass out of here!" I'm surprised she didn't call the police on HIM and instead packed up Kensley and left him to have the run of her house. 


Yeah, I thought that at first, then I realized she’s trying to limit her negative exposure. Calling the police puts her personal business out there for the neighbors to gossip about, mayhap will affect her business negatively, and frequent police calls affects the property value if she’s trying to sell. Also if she’s going through any custody hearing, her Ex could use the police statement to angle for custody stating that her home is unstable. So many reasons on her end why having the police visit at night is not a good idea unless the fight escalated or got physical. 

Maybe she should have thought about “negative exposure” before she signed on to tell her story on a nationally televised reality show! 

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If Luis had called the police, Molly would have been in trouble.  She broke into a locked room and got physical.  Not awesome for someone with a record.  If Molly had called the police, they wouldn't have done a thing.  What would be the complaint?  My husband is trying to be alone in a room and playing music loudly to drown out me yelling at him?

1 hour ago, Kellyee said:

Honestly, they're just not a good match. Both of them have said some horrible things to each other. I don't think Russ is really trying to control. Paola. They just have two completely different sets of values. They want completely different things. They can't even agree on geography. Russ is right in my opinion that Paola is more mean-spirited when she is in Colombia with Juan than when they are not with Juan. They need to get divorced and go their separate ways. Paola needs to find someone who is more liberal and risk-taking like her, and Russ needs to find a conservative woman back in Oklahoma.

If I remember correctly, Russ was actually laid off from his job, and the only other job he could find was far away in some place like Seattle. Paola didn't make Russ quit his job. And she was working to make money for them while he was laid off, which puts her way ahead of other people on this show as far as at least not being a gold digger.

Russ changed his job to be in OK with Pao, instead of doing all the travelling.  Then he was laid off.  Pao was very specific on where he could look for a new job, and she vetoed him trying for Seattle.  I've seen Pao be more dictatorial in their relationship.  Russ had made requests.  Please don't pose in lingerie, that's a line I'd prefer you not cross.  It's not like he's demanding turtlenecks and ankle length skirts.  And she wasn't a model when they met, she was a shoe designer.

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10 hours ago, Kangatush said:

Just a comment on this whole sending money home thing in regards to Pedro and Devar.  It's not just because they are in the US, both of them are the only men in their families.  There's a huge expectation that the man will provide, where they are from.  They would still be doing it if they were still in their own countries.  It was probably never mentioned as a thing for Luis because he's not the only male.  We know he at least has a brother.

This is absolutely true. Maybe Father and Mother Chantal's real problem with Pedro sending money home is the realization River (the only male child in THEIR family) isn't likely to ever help them out financially (should they need it in the future). Jealousy, perhaps?

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3 hours ago, Spiderella2 said:


Yes, it is normal and in some cultures expected. It may be hard for Americans to understand, but is many countries, what he is doing is the norm. We have a more communal family oriented culture than the individualistic one of the USA.

For example, in my family, we all supported each other. You bring your family up together, it’s a joint effort for your family’s success. When you do well, you pay it back or pay it forward, as the case may be. My parents and 3 younger sisters worked from 16 years old to help me pay for nursing school. Once I started working as a nurse, I contributed to their college tuitions until all of them had their first degree. We all now have our Masters degree, and 1 Sister even has a PhD. None of us have student loans, and we all have successful careers and are earning six figure incomes. Which would not have been possible if we hadn’t all helped each other out through the hard times in our lives. We also have a group chat throughout the week, as well as a weekly family phone call every Sunday that we have had for over 15 years. Even though miles separate us, we are still family. 

 Your family obligations never stop just because you get married. You are expected to provide for both your new family and your family of origin. You provide monthly stipends to both sets of inlaws, and financial support gifts to your extended family during crisis or celebrations.  In fact, when you marry, your family obligations increase, because you are now considered settled. Also, since he is the first born, male, especially if the father is no longer in the picture as in Pedro’s case, he has to take a greater role as the family leader. Even though both my parents are retired, and all my siblings are married with kids of our own, we still send money home MONTHLY for our parents. We are their 401K/retirement/social security. Your parents raised you up, took care of you, paid for your school, bills, all your obligations etc. so in their old age, you take care of them. Circle of family life. Him sending $300 is actually a low amount, which is why he includes gifts as well. On top of the monthly stipend I send ($500), I bought my mom a car last year ($5,000), and put solar panels on their house ($4000), gave them a portion of my holiday bonus, my tax returns, and sent extra money back (if they ever needed anything). I would scrimp and cut back on my lifestyle here if I needed to, to make sure my family was safe, secure, spoiled, and well provided for. You are considered a horrible person if you do not provide for your family, esp if you have any measure of success. Even Trevor Noah sends money back home monthly. 

My hubby is not from my culture, he’s American. This family obligation thing was hard for him to wrap his head around at first, but after 13 years, he gets it now. What I spend on my family comes from my efforts, and if I have to work OT or cut back on clothes shopping to provide for my parents, I will do what I have to do. We split our bills 50/50, with joint savings goals and individual pocket money. My husband spends his extra $$$ on music gear, and I choose to send my pocket-money home to my parents. What I send home for my parents comes from my sacrifices, my budget, my earnings, and my hard work. Pedro does have a full time job at the warehouse, so he makes at least minimum wage 40/hrs. It’s not like he’s taking Chantal’s money and sending it to his family, so I don’t understand why Family C has their panties in such a bunch. They were the ones that were so gungho about the pre-nup and separate finances. Pedro is just playing by the rules they set up. It’s his earnings, and he can choose how to spend it and on whom. It’s none of their business. 

So much THIS.

I applaud you for making the sacrifices you've made to care for your family.

Many, MANY years ago, when I was in my early 20's, I "discovered" Puerto Rico and made multiple long weekend trips back and forth to visit over a period of a couple of years (I worked for an airline at the time, and thus had flight benefits and hotel discounts, which made these trips possible). Over time, I became friends with many of the locals, who would invite me to their homes. The culture you describe is exactly what I saw in practice.

Family member has an unplanned pregnancy? Giving up the child for adoption was unheard of. If the mother could not care for the child even with help from other family members, another family member would raise the child as their own.

Elderly family member unable to care for themselves? NO "old age" homes - elderly parents/grandparents/great-grandparents lived with younger family members, who provided not only financial support but cared for their physical needs (if any) as well. I visited one family in Ponce that had four generations living under one roof. That was the norm.

Families with members who moved to the mainland US *always* sent back money and/or goods from the US to their family members in Puerto Rico.

It was such an eye-opening experience for me, especially coming from a culture in which many people espouse "family values" and "personal responsibility" and deride those taking advantage of "government handouts" necessary to survival - while at the same time turning their backs on family members in need.

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2 hours ago, Kellyee said:

Honestly, they're just not a good match. Both of them have said some horrible things to each other. I don't think Russ is really trying to control. Paola. They just have two completely different sets of values. They want completely different things. They can't even agree on geography. Russ is right in my opinion that Paola is more mean-spirited when she is in Colombia with Juan than when they are not with Juan. They need to get divorced and go their separate ways. Paola needs to find someone who is more liberal and risk-taking like her, and Russ needs to find a conservative woman back in Oklahoma.

If I remember correctly, Russ was actually laid off from his job, and the only other job he could find was far away in some place like Seattle. Paola didn't make Russ quit his job. And she was working to make money for them while he was laid off, which puts her way ahead of other people on this show as far as at least not being a gold digger.

When Russ and Pao joined the show in S1, Russ was a field engineer for an oil company. This job required him to be away from home for long periods of time and Pao was not understanding about it at all, even though she knew that this was his job when she married him. Near the end of their season, he was away working, she was upset and complaining, and he left the job site (effectively quitting) to return home. After the season ended viewers were told on a title card that Russ had found a new job in another city (Tulsa) and that he and Pao had moved. This is where they bought their big house that he was trying to sell when Pao ran off to Miami without him, and this is the job from which he was laid off. We will never know if he would still have his good job (the one that he had when he started the show) if he hadn't quit for Pao. In most companies, the last one in will be the first one out, which is probably how he ended up being laid off from Job #2.

I agree with you--they are a mismatch. She is incredibly selfish and self-serving. She knew the score when she married him (that he lived in OK and his job required travel) but seemingly didn't care, barged in and the gave him ultimatums until he caved, moved and ruined his career. She has called all of the shots in their marriage since Day 1. It's not all on her though, since Russ is a grown man and no puppet and has made his choices. I guess he thinks that being an accessory to her life in Miami is worth it? It's odd because he could do so much better but whatever.

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For all her bitching, Chantel actually lives in a pretty nice apartment. Its not really that small. I lived in smaller when I first started out. 

I think that private investigator saw a meal ticket. What Pedro is doing is a cultural thing. I know other people who do it. When my friend who is Indian has her in-laws come visit from India, they dictate how long they are staying and when they are leaving. She can't tell them to leave. Its a cultural thing. 

Like Molly, Chantel married her vacation fuck buddy and is now paying the price of getting together with someone who she knew nothing about. I have no sympathy for her.

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12 hours ago, Adeejay said:

With regards to Chantel, as the Brits would say, "Pedro is punching above his weight."  He should thank his lucky stars, indeed.

I don't agree with this at all. If she could get better, she would have better. She has Pedro.

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4 hours ago, Spiderella2 said:

The exchange rate also plays a huge factor in it. He may just be sending home $300 but in DR, due to the exchange rate, that is enough to buy a flatscreen and laptop. The mom also works too, so it’s not like they don’t have their own money and are just fleecing Pedro. Rent is probably a lot cheaper there than it is in uptown ATL.  If C wants to bitch about finances, she should look at how much she is spending on her beauty regimen monthly. The nails, eyelashes, hair etc, definitely costs her more than $300/month. Yes, she’s in school so her parents cover a lot, but it’s his money. His decision how he wants to spend it. 

No it's not his money, it's *their* money.  And his decisions affect *their* finances.  They don't make much so an extra couple hundred a month in the savings account at their age is a huge deal, especially if they want a down payment on a house one day.  If he wants to have total control with what he does with the money he makes, he should be single.  But he's not, so the monthly amount he sends his family should be a joint decision, and luxury items on top of that shouldn't be on the table when they can't afford it.  As for Chantel, if she wants to spend money on beauty products or whatever, that's her right and she doesn't have to apologize for it, because it's for her not someone else.  Pedro spent more on his pc gaming system with multiple monitors than Chantel will spend in the next couple of years on beauty stuff.  And you're right, things are a lot cheaper in DR so mom doesn't need to be getting laptops and big screens on top of the $300+ a month monthly allowance, especially when you don't see a big screen in Pedro and Chantel's apartment because they can't afford one.  And the fact that his family's cost of living is so much less compared to Pedro and Chantel provides much less justification for the amount he is sending them plus the expensive gifts.  We're talking $5,000 a year from a couple who needs the wife's parents' financial help.  And her parents are probably having a cow because they are giving Chantel and by extension Pedro money to get by, but see him sending money and gifts back to DR, so it's their money that is enabling Pedro to fund his own family instead of contributing to his and Chantel's finances.

Edited by Dobian
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3 hours ago, Spiderella2 said:

I know most of you detest Pao but I’ve always liked her. She is one smart cookie, and she is living her best life, no matter what challenges are thrown her way. I feel that Russ is the controlling, domineering one, he did the very first bait & switch on this show. She thought she was coming to the US, somewhere she could pursue her modeling, not DeadEnd, Oklahoma. First he controlled her with the K1 visa, telling her he wouldn’t marry her if she didn’t do XYZ, she did everything, jumped through all of his hoops, started dressing more conservatively, spending time with his family/friends in OK, dimming her light so as not to outshine his dour self, spending more time at home instead of going out, talking less to her people in Colombia, speaking less Spanish and more English, etc. Once they married, Russ then financially controlled her, until she figured out a way to make money herself. Fast forward 3/4 years married and still Russ keeps trying to change her into what he thinks she should be. Whenever she figures out a way to get out from under his rigid control, he finds another way to control her. Which is why Pao just does her own thing and deals with his ire later.  She must really love him to put up with his constant demands and criticism. 

@Spiderella2 I really enjoyed reading your explanation of family expectations and interactions from a cultural perspective similar to Pedro's. I see a lot of "It's not his culture." and "He needs to get over his culture." on this board, and I think it is really helpful and important to have a detailed personal perspective added to the mix.

With that said, I am surprised at the tolerance for Pao given the criticisms of Chantel. Pao doesn't stand by her husband any more than Chantel stands by Pedro. Pao is happy to sit back while her family blames him for HER decision to leave Colombia. Pao sits back and let's Juan treat her husband abominably. If she is really having such a hard time choosing between her best friend and her husband, she should not be married to Rus. 

I noticed a lot of sympathy and understanding for Pedro's machismo culture, yet very little understanding for Russ's conservative values. I don't really see Russ trying to control Pao. I see him trying to find a middle ground to please her and yet be true to himself.  Russ can't help that he is form OK. And he did change jobs to stop traveling so much to be with Pao. Pao wanted Miami and got Miami. Russ went along with it - even though it was not what he wanted. Pao could have tried for a middle ground.  Russ has also acquiesced about how racey Pao's photo shoots can get.  And how much money are Pao's "professional" endeavors really bringing in? I have not seen any real good info on that. 

And if family and family obligation is so important, Pao sucks in this way too. We saw scenes where Pao's family was very upset that she was not in contact at all and did not bother to visit. If Chantel's beauty regimen in Atlanta is costly, we can safely say that Pao's kool aid hair and extension in Miami gotta be costing a good $500 a month. Skipping one month is an easy plane ticket home. And all this blah blah about how she was so sad etc...Pedro put his family first at great cost to his marriage.  Family obligations come before feeling sorry for yourself, right? Further, I was really shocked at Pao' selfishness in spending so little time with dying Abuela - who raised her and sacrificed for her. Raising kids takes time, effort, money and energy - energy that can be very challenging for an older person to muster. And where was Pao while other family members were taking care of grandma in the hospital? Well, she was out riding motorcycles, partying at Andres Carne de Res with Juan the bitch, having coffee with photographer friend, and doing the sexy photo shoots she loves. Frankly, Russ had more tenderness and emotion when talking about Pao's grandmother than Pao did. Why isn't Pao sending money home to buy flowers for her grandmother's room? There is a whole lot more she could do for her family than she does because it's about Pao every day all the time.  And I am not impressed. 

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Are the skin tight dresses, giant giraffe eyelashes, Sharpie marker black eyebrow pencils, cheap red hair extensions, weird wigged-out lawyers and super sized 'pretty' wedding dresses all provided by Production for comic relief?

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Buried in the middle of Pedro and Chantal's arguments over Sister Pedro's visit and sleeping arrangements was a small - but important - question from Chantal.  When he said he was going to go get a blow-up mattress, Chantal said, "That's fine . . . but are you going to pay the rent?"  Pedro looked a bit taken aback.  I got the feeling they have a 50/50 split on mutual bills (rent, utilities, etc.), and that each of them has flexibility with what's left over out of their own paycheck.  So Pedro can send money to his DR family, and Chantal can spend money on cosmetics, tight clothes, etc.  She was NOT going to contribute any extra to the rent so that he could spend part of "their" money on his sister.

It's a mess.  No emotional support from either side of the family which would make the marriage stronger . . . just more people pulling them apart.

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No it's not his money, it's *their* money.  And his decisions affect *their* finances.  They don't make much so an extra couple hundred a month in the savings account at their age is a huge deal, especially if they want a down payment on a house one day.  If he wants to have total control with what he does with the money he makes, he should be single.  But he's not, so the monthly amount he sends his family should be a joint decision, and luxury items on top of that shouldn't be on the table when they can't afford it.  As for Chantel, if she wants to spend money on beauty products or whatever, that's her right and she doesn't have to apologize for it, because it's for her not someone else.  

I feel no sympathy for Chantel. She married someone she visited a few times in another country, and whose culture she doesn't understand or care to understand. She can walk off and get a divorce any time she wants. These people are proof that the K-1 Visa process needs to change.  

I hope they pay for the private investigator and turn up absolutely nothing. 

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19 hours ago, vimsa3 said:

No this is not true. He met pao wile working in Colombia. And they where together there before moving to the us.


In addition this whole modeling thing, being nearly nude and wearing lingerie, as far as we know came up AFTER they got married as well as the Miami thing. She deceived him, unless he did know and we just didn't see it. 

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Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Mow-lee have a suspended licence? So her driving off in a huff ON CAMERA is  a violation of her probation for the DUIs? Also, if Loooooeeeessse had jimmied the locked door, pushed his way in, slapped the phone out of her hand while calling 911 he would have been thrown in jail. But then, it's allllllll about Mow-lee and her need for drama. She is exhausting. I would blast the music also if I had to listen to that nails on the chalkboard voice of hers!! Died laughing when she screeched "and I broke a nail!!" like she had just had a finger amputated. Um, that's kind of what happens when you force your way into a room. And the speaker thing? I would have found the fuse box and shut the power off the to room. But then, I wouldn't have given a second look to Looeeese in the first place, much less bring him home to my DAUGHTERS!!  

Had a coughing fit when the therapist asked Amfisa what Jorges good qualities were....crickets chiriping...utter silence.  Last season I did feel for him cuz she was pretty awful to him, erasing his phone, keying his car, sending him for her red make up bag.. screaming at him. But his true (utter lack of) personality came thru. He lied...and lied....and lied. I mean how stupid do you have to be to lie KNOWING you're being filmed. He just doesn't get it. 

Baby Baluga and Assan AKA My World? Sad...just sad.... 

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16 hours ago, magemaud said:

and why do her oversized drooping grease paint eyebrows look like they'll slide off, too? 

I don't think Black Toupee Attorney said that. He said he was a divorce lawyer, not an immigration one. The immigration attorney (woman) in next week's preview was the one who said she'd be on the hook to support him for ten years. 

It is true. Several times in this show Americans have to be a "sponsor" for their fiancée and it is for over 10 years. In David and Annie's case, friend Chris had to do it. In Baby Huey's case her father and stepmother had to do it. Not enough income to sponsor them on their own. That means that any tax dollars that would have to be spent to medicate them, maybe feed them, etc, would be the sponsor's expense, not the tax payers, for 10 years. 

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

Buried in the middle of Pedro and Chantal's arguments over Sister Pedro's visit and sleeping arrangements was a small - but important - question from Chantal.  When he said he was going to go get a blow-up mattress, Chantal said, "That's fine . . . but are you going to pay the rent?"  Pedro looked a bit taken aback.  I got the feeling they have a 50/50 split on mutual bills (rent, utilities, etc.), and that each of them has flexibility with what's left over out of their own paycheck.  So Pedro can send money to his DR family, and Chantal can spend money on cosmetics, tight clothes, etc.  She was NOT going to contribute any extra to the rent so that he could spend part of "their" money on his sister.

It's a mess.  No emotional support from either side of the family which would make the marriage stronger . . . just more people pulling them apart.

Yeah.  I caught it.  I have to give Chantel props for that.  The look on Pedro’s face was priceless.  

I agree 1000% to the last paragraph.  

Regardless of the money, Pedro should not let his sister talk disrespectfully to his wife. If his goal was to have both women to get along then he should have talked to his sister before she came and expressed his expectations.   Pretty sure that never happened.  

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2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Buried in the middle of Pedro and Chantal's arguments over Sister Pedro's visit and sleeping arrangements was a small - but important - question from Chantal.  When he said he was going to go get a blow-up mattress, Chantal said, "That's fine . . . but are you going to pay the rent?"  Pedro looked a bit taken aback.  I got the feeling they have a 50/50 split on mutual bills (rent, utilities, etc.), and that each of them has flexibility with what's left over out of their own paycheck.  So Pedro can send money to his DR family, and Chantal can spend money on cosmetics, tight clothes, etc.  She was NOT going to contribute any extra to the rent so that he could spend part of "their" money on his sister.

It's a mess.  No emotional support from either side of the family which would make the marriage stronger . . . just more people pulling them apart.

He only bought the sofa for HIS sister.

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38 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

Regardless of the money, Pedro should not let his sister talk disrespectfully to his wife. If his goal was to have both women to get along then he should have talked to his sister before she came and expressed his expectations.   Pretty sure that never happened.  

Kind of like his mentioning to his wife that he had shelled out $700 for his sister to come and visit . . . after it was a done deal.  #dysfunctionalmarriage

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4 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

If she could get better, she would have better. She has Pedro.

And according to Mother Chantel, they are "a beautiful couple." Shallow much? 

1 hour ago, Oldcrone said:

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Mow-lee have a suspended licence? So her driving off in a huff ON CAMERA is  a violation of her probation for the DUIs

I just figured Molly lost her license for a period of time after her DUIs, (not permanently) then it was restored so she could be shown driving again. 

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1 hour ago, seniorpatriot said:

Several times in this show Americans have to be a "sponsor" for their fiancée and it is for over 10 years. In David and Annie's case, friend Chris had to do it. In Baby Huey's case her father and stepmother had to do it. Not enough income to sponsor them on their own.

The 10 year sponsorship law was the reason why many people were questioning how Chantel was able to show enough income to sponsor Pedro on her own without her parents' knowledge or help. 

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12 minutes ago, magemaud said:

And according to Mother Chantel, they are "a beautiful couple." Shallow much? 

I just figured Molly lost her license for a period of time after her DUIs, (not permanently) then it was restored so she could be shown driving again. 

If this wasn’t her first DUI, she knows that the best way to beat it is to refuse to take the breathalyzer and blood tests, thus losing your license for six months.  I would think that was the case.

Molly seems to have a revolving door in lawyers’ offices. 

What I did notice was she was holding and talking on her phone while driving.  In my state,  that is a No No.   


4 minutes ago, magemaud said:

The 10 year sponsorship law was the reason why many people were questioning how Chantel was able to show enough income to sponsor Pedro on her own without her parents' knowledge or help. 

I looked it up and since she works as a CNA, she probably made enough to sponsor Pedro.  As I remember, it wasn’t very much.  

Edited by LGGirl
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I'll post details I found about Molly's DUIs over on the Molly/Luis page which explains why she's able to drive this season AND also insight as to why she wouldn't want Luis to call the police

Edited by magemaud
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9 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

What I did notice was she was holding and talking on her phone while driving.  In my state,  that is a No No.   

in my state, too. I don't know the law in CA, but Jorge was often shown holding his phone while driving. 

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38 minutes ago, DVDFreaker said:

Drivers are allowed to use hand free devices in Georgia though 

Handsfree yes, but a lot of them drive with the phone in hand just using the speaker feature. It’s still distracting to the driver. 

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Handsfree yes, but a lot of them drive with the phone in hand just using the speaker feature. It’s still distracting to the driver. 

Yeah, that's not handsfree.

And every study ever done proves that handsfree is no safer.  It's not your hands that are the problem, it's your brain.

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7 hours ago, Kellyee said:

For all her bitching, Chantel actually lives in a pretty nice apartment. Its not really that small. I lived in smaller when I first started out. 

I think that private investigator saw a meal ticket. What Pedro is doing is a cultural thing. I know other people who do it. When my friend who is Indian has her in-laws come visit from India, they dictate how long they are staying and when they are leaving. She can't tell them to leave. Its a cultural thing. 

Like Molly, Chantel married her vacation fuck buddy and is now paying the price of getting together with someone who she knew nothing about. I have no sympathy for her.

I'm going to admit that my judgment of Chantel has been influenced by her new set of girls (that are proudly displayed in her THs), the giraffe lashes, and her wardrobe of clinging bandage dresses.  This gives the impression that she's living way above her means, but I've noticed that it's not uncommon in the Atlanta area.  I moved here eleven years ago from the Chicago suburbs, and I've never seen people who are so image obsessed.  Women spend fortunes on their mani/pedis, fake tanning, teeth bleaching to a blue degree, extensions/weaves, wigs, designer purses, bikini waxes, designer labels - even on their nursing scrubs!!

But Pedro's gaming system (something else I don't understand) is no less selfish or expensive than Chantel's image-obsession, so I'm trying to see beyond it.  I'm starting to see that Chantel is the most passive one in her family, and she's starting to look a little beaten down.  I understand that some people see her as a princess, but she's looking a little more like the family whipping boy to me.  The family attacks Pedro non-stop, but they are not doing this to defend their sweet Chantel.  They know they upset her, put her in a no-win situation, compromise her marriage, expose her to an angry husband - yet they don't care.   This is not how people treat the cherished princess of the family.  I'm beginning to think that Chantel has had undue pressure placed on her as the sole conventionally attractive person in the family, and perhaps even endured the southern culture of child pageantry.   They all seemed obsessed with her looks to a strange degree, and are overly invested in her romantic life.  I now see her as a very unhappy person, and someone with no true voice within her family. 

7 hours ago, Dobian said:

No it's not his money, it's *their* money.  And his decisions affect *their* finances.  They don't make much so an extra couple hundred a month in the savings account at their age is a huge deal, especially if they want a down payment on a house one day.  If he wants to have total control with what he does with the money he makes, he should be single.  But he's not, so the monthly amount he sends his family should be a joint decision, and luxury items on top of that shouldn't be on the table when they can't afford it.  As for Chantel, if she wants to spend money on beauty products or whatever, that's her right and she doesn't have to apologize for it, because it's for her not someone else.  Pedro spent more on his pc gaming system with multiple monitors than Chantel will spend in the next couple of years on beauty stuff.  And you're right, things are a lot cheaper in DR so mom doesn't need to be getting laptops and big screens on top of the $300+ a month monthly allowance, especially when you don't see a big screen in Pedro and Chantel's apartment because they can't afford one.  And the fact that his family's cost of living is so much less compared to Pedro and Chantel provides much less justification for the amount he is sending them plus the expensive gifts.  We're talking $5,000 a year from a couple who needs the wife's parents' financial help.  And her parents are probably having a cow because they are giving Chantel and by extension Pedro money to get by, but see him sending money and gifts back to DR, so it's their money that is enabling Pedro to fund his own family instead of contributing to his and Chantel's finances.

Is this a known fact or speculation?  I didn't see all of last season, hence my question.

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On 6/26/2018 at 8:25 AM, GuiltiestPleasures said:

THIS. The Family Chantal is SO worried that Pedro is here to "harvest American dollars" that they're going to give those dollars to Private Investigator Barbie's Mom with a terrible dye job instead.

Seriously, I grew up with a lot of Dominican friends in a neighborhood with a lot of immigrants from various countries and sending money home is incredibly common. And, of course, the amount of money needed to rent a two or three bedroom apartment in DR is less than the amount to rent a studio here. How does the Family Chantal not understand basic things like exchange rates? The problem in this relationship isn't that Pedro is sending money back to his family, it's that the two of them are so immature and apparently incapable of communicating with each other on a level that allows them to talk about money and how they spend it. At least, not without getting their families involved. (And I agree with others who say that the Family Chantal created this problem themselves with the pre-nup BS from their first season - they told Pedro "what is ours is ours" so many times and now he's telling THEM "what is mine is mine" and they're shocked and appalled. SMH.

I mean, the Mother Chantal of the tiny hats and the bizarre speaking cadence was so terribly, terribly offended when they were called ugly Americans but...if the shoe fits. I swear to god, these are some of the most xenophobic people I've ever met. *I* was offended watching the episodes of them in the DR and I'm not Pedro's family...or Dominican! Honestly, after watching those episodes, I'm surprised Pedro's first call wasn't to a divorce attorney, I don't think I could stay with someone who just tolerates their family treating me and my family and even "my culture" (which can we tell the writers of this show that not everything people do is because of "their culture" - like this show plays to the worst stereotypes of every country that they feature people from).

But,But, there was that one wild dog at the abuella’s house that might have bit them. and they served chicken feet!!   Lol

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On 6/24/2018 at 11:18 PM, Marilee said:

“Well, things are about to get a whole lot more stupider.”

This my favorite line of the whole series. I have been finding occasions to use it around the house. Husband Lynn is amused.

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On 6/25/2018 at 7:49 AM, greekmom said:

First, why didn't Pedro and Chantel just buy a pull out couch? The kind that you take off the top cushions and it pulls out into a bed?


My mom had a loveseat that pulled out into a bed in her very small apartment living room. It was a comfortable couch and a good bed when my brother or I came to visit her. Why on earth would they buy a huge wraparound couch?

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20 minutes ago, Lynn said:


My mom had a loveseat that pulled out into a bed in her very small apartment living room. It was a comfortable couch and a good bed when my brother or I came to visit her. Why on earth would they buy a huge wraparound couch?

When they went shopping for a couch, it was before Pedro told Chantel that his sister was coming to visit (that's when he told her). I don't think Chantel cared that much whether it would be a suitable bed, she just wanted the couch.

"Well, things are about to get a whole lot more stupider!" Comedy gold!

I haven't seen much of the prior seasons. I thought Russ had lived in Columbia and dated Ka-Pao for a year. In all that time he never met or had problems with her bestest ever friend, Juan?

Edited by Gobi
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On 6/26/2018 at 9:07 AM, Kangatush said:

I loved when sister Pedro was talking about what a vacation is supposed to be like.  Wasn't she on the beach when he called last episode?  I've never heard it mentioned that she has a job, or goes to school.  Bitch, what are you on vacation from?

And yes, beds are great, but over the years I've slept on couches, or even the floor, when visiting my brother and his wife.  I'm not 80, I can handle it, and the discomfort is the trade off for getting to spend time with people I love.

If I had the chance to take a free vacations n. I would sleep on the floor. She’s an ungrateful bitch.

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3 minutes ago, Lucky Santangelo said:

If I had the chance to take a free vacations n. I would sleep on the floor. She’s an ungrateful bitch.

I would tell her, "Oh, I can take you to a hotel, but I'm not paying for it."

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12 hours ago, Spiderella2 said:

I know most of you detest Pao but I’ve always liked her. She is one smart cookie, and she is living her best life, no matter what challenges are thrown her way.

May I edit here?  "I know most of you detest Pao... she is one smart cookie, and she is living her best life, no matter who she stomps on her way. (What challenges has she had? Having to adjust her hair color? Facing losing her "best friend," who belittles and insults her husband, yet who is for some reason not worth confronting? Spending five minutes with her dying grandma before zipping off in her stilettos to take photos despite knowing that it makes Russ uncomfortable?)  Nope, she's the picture of selfishness, not of someone living her life well.  

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12 hours ago, Kellyee said:

f I remember correctly, Russ was actually laid off from his job, and the only other job he could find was far away in some place like Seattle.

No, Russ was feeling guilty leaving Pao when he was sent on a distant assignment soon after she arrived in the States. He voluntarily left the assignment, knowing full well it could cost him his job (and it did), saying "I can get other jobs but there's only one Pao."  The ensuing months resulted in him being broke, worrying about paying his mortgage, and having no success in finding gainful employment.

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40 minutes ago, Gobi said:

I haven't seen much of the prior seasons. I thought Russ had lived in Columbia and dated Ka-Pao for a year. In all that time he never met or had problems with her bestest ever friend, Juan?

I know! There had been no mention of Juan in the year that Russ lived in Columbia?  

Russ must be very busy moving that line that Pao keeps crossing.  Seriously, what is he getting out of that marriage, it's exhausting to always be fighting.  In fact, most of the couples fight so much that I would gladly get on a plane and fly back to my country.  

I had second hand embarrassment for Pao's father, why on earth would you invite your parents to a photo shoot that you knew was going to be espicy hot.  

Chantel should have had the couch made up before Sister Pedro got to the apartment, gotten chicken feet from the local butcher and then she she should have asked her what had she brought her from the DR.  After all, turn about is fair play.

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On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 6:17 PM, bethster2000 said:

Sorry...if my husband had a trash-talking, disrespectful, nasty skank of a sister who ridiculed my very existence, she would not be welcome to stay at OUR house.  Period.  I cannot believe the number of people on this site who are siding with Pedro and his shady family.

It's kind of a lesser of two evils situation.  I hate Pedro's family, but I hate Chantal's family MORE if that makes any sense.   Actually, I hate Chantal's family so much that I kind of enjoy watching Pedro's family be horrible to her because it's like watching karma in action.  If Chantal continues to allow her family to treat Pedro like shit, go with them to the PI with the distracting hair's office and force him to spend 4 days in a cabin with them while they verbally abuse him, then I'm going to giggle to myself with every snotty little dig his sister gives her.  She had it coming.

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1 hour ago, Gobi said:

I haven't seen much of the prior seasons. I thought Russ had lived in Columbia and dated Ka-Pao for a year. In all that time he never met or had problems with her bestest ever friend, Juan?

I'm pretty sure he knew, and never liked Juan.  It's just now that Pao keeps trying to force them to hang out together that it's becoming an issue.  Russ started out saying "I" don't want to be around Juan.  As things have gotten worse, he's added in, "and I don't know why you'd want to be around him either".  

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