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S06.E21: Welcome to TomTom

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On 01/05/2018 at 11:52 AM, Jel said:

Giggy tummy sighting!


I was very surprised to see Rob walking in with Scheana! We suspected they'd broken up! How cringe were the scenes of her in the pink hard-hat?!  Someone a while back said that they suspect the editors are having great fun this season with Scheana's ridiculousness... and it certainly does seem that way! Haha.  That cackle she does though??? EEK!!

I too am very impressed by James, and have come to find him quite endearing (used to hate the sight of his face). I loved his interaction with Ken and glad they seem to have patched things up. 

As someone who has been in an emotionally/verbally abusive intimate relationship, I was extremely uncomfortable with the dynamic between Patrick and Stassi this episode. I've found it quite interesting to see Stassi, someone I deem intelligent, possessing potential, and (pardon the pun), with sass, falling for this type of crap.  This is by no means to insult anyone else who has been through domestic violence, but in my own situation I've always accepted that I was susceptible to it because I was weak and a pushover. I never saw Stassi that way, but here she is!  I almost think that it's scripted, because it's just so hard to believe.  Again, I don't mean to offend anyone by this!

Someone said a few episodes ago, that Jax struck them as more Borderline Personality Disorder than Narc/Socio.... and I tend to agree, because of the 'scrambling' sort of thing he always does. Scrambling and talking fast to explain, to get things back to normal again, to move past whatever he's done.  There's a real desperation in that, and it does strike me as rather Borderline.  But she's taken him back!!!! SMH

Can't wait for the reunion! If only for the inevitable Roast of Scheana!  

EDITED to add more than simply an appreciation of Giggy's heavenly tummy! 

EDITED AGAIN to add that I don't intend armchair psychiatry! A year ago I was diagnosed with CPTSD, and understand that this is sometimes used synonymously with BPD. I certainly recognise some of my traits in BPD, and indeed in sweaty ol' Jax.  

Edited by beccatexture
  • Love 9

I find Brit's constant "You're such an asshole! I deserve better!" so exhausting.

Just leave him already.  I almost find her more pathetic than Scheana -- at least Selfie MacGruder has her delusions to keep her warm.  Brit is voluntarily choosing to stay with someone who treats her badly, despite him saying even he has had enough of his own treating Brit badly! But still, there she is. Please, Brittney, get some flipping self-respect. You are ruining Feminism.

It's not healthy to be treated badly, and it's also not healthy to be told you're an asshole every day.  Nothing good is going to come of this.  

  • Love 16
On 4/30/2018 at 9:41 PM, ivygirl said:

Without him, it’d just be “Tom”?

My real theories:

• He will be the schmoozer

• Lisa knows he’s a draw and that people will come to see him 

• It’s kind of a favor to Katie (whom she loves)

It’s all I could think about. Schwartz brings nothing to the table! His THs were just pissing me off. ‘Favor to 

katie’ gets my $. And like you all said, Stassi is sad. Give up the zanax & open your ? girl!

  • Love 8
16 hours ago, Batwings said:

Apparently, last night Scheana was hanging out with Ronnie from Jersey Shore (among others). If anyone isn’t familiar with him & his latest shenanigans, oh please pretty please Google him. Trainwreck. 

Something was definitely off with what we saw of the Lisa/Stassi/Patrick conversation. Wonky editing? Otherwise Stassi appeared under the influence of something that made her unable to form a full sentence any time Lisa spoke to her. 

Stassi's behavior was definitely pathetic but I also think she was probably very tipsy.

  • Love 2
17 hours ago, KnoxForPres said:

100% co-sign.   

I felt we missed something with their convo with Lisa. Next scene Stassi is apologizing and breaking up is even mentioned?  Huh?  Though her Xanax haze may not have interpreted what happened-very weird scene.

I figured Stassi mentioned breaking up because Patrick probably prefaces every outing he deigns to show up for by threatening to leave her if she does anything to embarrass him. As bad as he is on camera, I imagine him 10 times worse off. 


16 hours ago, Batwings said:

Apparently, last night Scheana was hanging out with Ronnie from Jersey Shore (among others). If anyone isn’t familiar with him & his latest shenanigans, oh please pretty please Google him. Trainwreck.

Ronnie is JUST who Scheana deserves. 

  • Love 14
22 hours ago, sadiebyuca said:

Busboy or DJ - I agree he's just glad to have restored their faith in him.  

LVP's son is a busboy, so it's not like she's treating him worse than her own kid. 

Granted, Max is no Pandora, but are any of us? ;)


Thank GOD!  She has a face like a frying pan.



16 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

There's something familiar to me about Patrick's face - he reminds me of Garth from Wayne's World.  And no, that's not a compliment.0*crni9JJkQaRcuG-e.jpg.e47b08bffc2db45085060ccb00f42f69.jpg

HAHAHAHA yes!  Maybe it is the chin or jaw???


16 hours ago, Batwings said:

Something was definitely off with what we saw of the Lisa/Stassi/Patrick conversation. Wonky editing? Otherwise Stassi appeared under the influence of something that made her unable to form a full sentence any time Lisa spoke to her. 

She took a XANAX to CALM DOWN!!  (tm Ramona from Real Housewives)

I could tell that she took more than one - or maybe she is not used to taking them and mixed with alcohol.  She definitely had the Xanax blank out.

  • Love 9
32 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I figured Stassi mentioned breaking up because Patrick probably prefaces every outing he deigns to show up for by threatening to leave her if she does anything to embarrass him. As bad as he is on camera, I imagine him 10 times worse off. 


Ronnie is JUST who Scheana deserves. 

Whenever I read a post that I love, more often than not, I scroll up and see that you wrote it, ghoulina!

I googled Patrick. There’s a rumor that he  only got back together with Stassi to improve his podcast fanbase. 

  • Love 10
On 5/1/2018 at 11:45 AM, whydoievencare said:

Jax is such a deep person:  "when you love someone you set them free".  God, he's such a sweaty tool.

He's the stupid dickhead who told Stassi that she's a million times hotter than a bottle of vodka.  WTF??!!!  Yeah, real romantic, dipshit.


On 5/1/2018 at 11:56 AM, ivygirl said:

Oh good grief, Jax. “That’s a lovely dress you’re wearing tonight, Mrs. Cleaver Vanderpump.”

I hate the way he deflects by saying “I’m awful. I ruin everything.” He doesn’t really mean it and he’s just saying it to get sympathy and “oh, you’re not that bad!”

The way he was burying his head in his hands and 'crying'.  What an effing tool.


On 5/2/2018 at 4:27 AM, RHJunkie said:

Lisa, you're absolutely right, everyone gives Jax a free pass...including you. Why has the man been employed for as long as he has given the lack of professionalism and reliability he's provided over the years?

He has also stolen from you.  Countless times.  Lisa's just as bad as the others who let him get away with everything.  Every. Time.


Mike was the only man who could put up with Scheana's shit for the rest of her life and he's the one she dumped.  No man will ever love, or want to love you, Scheana.  They'll get sick of you within two minutes.

  • Love 10
48 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Whenever I read a post that I love, more often than not, I scroll up and see that you wrote it, ghoulina!

I googled Patrick. There’s a rumor that he  only got back together with Stassi to improve his podcast fanbase. 

Why thank you! 

And that figures. Poor Stassi. She deserves a lot of the crap that comes her way, but not this douche nozzle. 

10 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Ha, Scheana will morph into Sammy while Ronnie clogs up toilets, only for Scheana to blurt out, Ronnie is ammaaaaaazing, he took the biggest shit in the world in under 4 minutes causing the toilets to be clogged, I know this because I timed him

I wonder if she'll brag about how fast he can get a BJ from a random club groupie. 

  • Love 9

Stassi uncomfortably reminded me of when I was in my late teens/early 20s and would apologize to my boyfriend at the time for HIS behavior. But I also didn't know any better since I'd only had like one other relationship and had low self-esteem, but Stassi's in her 30s (right?). She should know better by now. Even if she was holding onto Patrick to have something for the show to focus on for entertainment purposes, I'd think it wouldn't be worth it, but oh well.

Also, fascinated by the amount of makeup Brittany plastered on her face. I'm jealous their faces don't break out from all that makeup! 

  • Love 6
On 4/30/2018 at 9:11 PM, Duke2801 said:

He’s the literal embodiment of The Worst. 

Followed closely by Jax.

Stassi sure knows how to pick ‘em! I did LOL at the flashback to her colorful explanation of how she would kill Jax. 

In hindsight, I appreciate how mean she was to that jerk in seasons 1-2.  He deserved all of that, and more. That’s why it’s so odd to me that she seems to let Patrick and his douchiness steamroll right over her. 

You can't forget Frank, who showed Stassi's sex tape to everyone. Stassi has cartoonishly bad taste in men. Peter is the only half decent guy that she's ever dated.

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I cannot believe that Katie, who was the worst last year, is the one who I had no problems with this year. Whatever she is dong keep it up. 


Jax loves nothing more than playing victim. And of course the Toms enable it. He will never learn with them around. 


Patrick is such a douche. I dont know why Stassi is so neurotic about him. Seems like a complete asshole who takes himself too seriously. 


Brittany is finally saying the right things about Jax. Too bad it seems like she goes back to him. What an idiot. 


I wonder if Scheana will feel embarrassed watching the season. Rob couldn't be less into her. :D She is so self involved I dont know if she is capable of feeling embarrassment. 

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, backhometome said:

I cannot believe that Katie, who was the worst last year, is the one who I had no problems with this year. Whatever she is dong keep it up. 


Jax loves nothing more than playing victim. And of course the Toms enable it. He will never learn with them around. 


Patrick is such a douche. I dont know why Stassi is so neurotic about him. Seems like a complete asshole who takes himself too seriously. 


Brittany is finally saying the right things about Jax. Too bad it seems like she goes back to him. What an idiot. 


I wonder if Scheana will feel embarrassed watching the season. Rob couldn't be less into her. :D She is so self involved I dont know if she is capable of feeling embarrassment. 

You're being kind to Brittany since it appears she went back to that loser! Scheana's in her own little world; scripting out every moment to come concerning marriage, having kids, and buying a home! She's guaranteeing disappointment IMO since life doesn't work like that no matter how delusional or affluent! If she's watching these episodes and doesn't see how Rob really feels, she deserves being disappointed! She's too old to be that vapid and empty! Even Lala's getting her act together when I thought she was the most empty due to her own delusion dealing with her buds and lying to their faces about things! She's in a great place now at the end of this season; on the show anyway! Not really keeping up with the drama of her beau, his divorce, and her demanding NDA's to be signed concerning him! ;-)

Edited by Fiero425
  • Love 3
On 5/2/2018 at 1:55 AM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

So many comical moments in this episode, Sheana repeating at least 3 times to Rob about the pink construction hat, clearly he seemed he wanted to bang that drink rather than Scheana.  I aslo noticed the tons of makeup Brit was putting on, seems an awful lot for a young girl, but then again partying and putting up with Jax must take its toll.  Patrick was a complete douche and I wanted to slap Stassi for apologizing,  Stassi had me fooled into thinking she was this tough no nonsense gal but she is a moron for dating Patrick.

Katie, sorry honey the closest thing you will get to a Bentley is maybe a matchbox car.

Or if they have a child and name him/her Bentley.

Max looked like a zombie trying to avoid the camera at TomTom! There was a moment when LVP brushed past him to confront someone and she didn’t make eye contact but she put her hand on his back and ushered him past. He looks to have gained a bit of weight ( as happens to most as they get older). It can’t be a cake walk being a shy, quiet guy in a family of shining stars. 

I keep waiting to see a baby bump on Pandora. Wonder if they are having fertility issues? 

  • Love 1
On 5/1/2018 at 8:12 AM, ghoulina said:

I'm one who thinks Patrick is worse than Jax. Even if Jax is faking, he can sometimes be nice to people. He has made me laugh before. Patrick has never been decent to one single person, never made me laugh. He brings absolutely nothing to the table. So I find it ironic to see Stassi questioning Brittany's refusal to leave Jax, when Stassi seems to have done the impossible and downgraded. 

Jax also at least acted like he was in love with Stassi. Granted he had a shitty way of doing it and he's the one who sabotaged them with the cheating in the first place, but he did seem legit crazy about her (and still kind of does). Patrick treats Stassi like gum on his shoe. In general, I found this season super uncomfortable because of three women in the main cast slobbering over men who treat them like crap. 

On 5/1/2018 at 11:07 AM, WhosThatGirl said:

I kind of actually feel pain for Stassi. Whatever her relationship is with Patrick isn’t anything good or healthy. Also he is not at all what he was presented to us in the past. Also.. remember how Stassis family, especially her little brother loved Patrick? Why? Stassis little brother likes his  sister being talked to this way? Ugh.

Patrick reminds me very much of both Stassi's dad and Nikolai to a lesser extent.

  • Love 10
On 4/30/2018 at 8:13 PM, ivygirl said:

I kept looking at their makeup to figure out what they used... I spied some Too Faced Peach, plus Makeup Forever. :)

I was watching in awe. My makeup routine is eyeliner and chapstick, and here they were putting all sorts of stuff on in all sorts of places. It was pretty cool to observe (as through a glass, heh).

On 4/30/2018 at 8:38 PM, Steph J said:

Does anyone know what Schwartz's actual role at TomTom is supposed to be? Sandoval, I think, could perform a managerial role (and, I assume, he's also going to be bartending - at least while the place gets off the ground?) but I wouldn't trust Schwartz to manage his own sock drawer, let alone a business.  What is he bringing to this aside from his investment?

It was only this ep that this same question finally crashed in on me. Can he bartend? Or just be a face with $$ to invest?

On 4/30/2018 at 8:40 PM, whydoievencare said:

Patrick is totally obnoxious...to everyone.  What an ass.


On 4/30/2018 at 9:51 PM, Marley said:

Patrick is such a douche. I don’t see what Stassi ever saw in him. He’s an arrogant dick who thinks he’s smarter and better then everyone but he’s not. Why was Stassi apologizing to him so much? It’s like an abusive relationship. Glad they are no longer a couple.

 That was such a triggery scene. I could see Stassi diminish even further. Whether or not she was tipsy and with Xanax, I think she still would have acted that way--when you're in an abusive relationship and the parts of you that want you to survive know that this isn't right, when someone asks you point blank if you're all right because you're not acting like yourself, I can see a combo of not knowing what to say because there's so much going on in your head, plus asking it in front of the abuser when you know you'll pay for it one way or another later... it was horrifying to be on this side of it, witnessing, so to be on the inside where Stassi was, well, I'm just really glad she got away from him finally, however it happened.


And yes to the below. Plus I was thinking, Brittany, if even your manipulator feels bad about being such an ass and tries to offload you, TAKE THE CHANCE AND RUN.

On 5/2/2018 at 8:07 AM, Jel said:

I find Brit's constant "You're such an asshole! I deserve better!" so exhausting.

Just leave him already.  I almost find her more pathetic than Scheana -- at least Selfie MacGruder has her delusions to keep her warm.  Brit is voluntarily choosing to stay with someone who treats her badly, despite him saying even he has had enough of his own treating Brit badly! But still, there she is. Please, Brittney, get some flipping self-respect. You are ruining Feminism.

It's not healthy to be treated badly, and it's also not healthy to be told you're an asshole every day.  Nothing good is going to come of this.

On 5/2/2018 at 2:36 PM, heatherchandler said:


Thank GOD!  She has a face like a frying pan.



HAHAHAHA yes!  Maybe it is the chin or jaw???

Cue Louis Jordan's "Pan Pan" song. (Pan=face):


  • Love 5
On 5/1/2018 at 10:36 AM, JenE4 said:

Back in the heyday of VH-1 trashy reality TV—before Bravo picked up the mantle—there was a show called “The Pick-up Artist” featuring this guy named “Mystery” who taught geeky men how to pick up women doing exactly that. It was called “negging” where you put a woman down and this was supposed to assert your dominance or make her fall all over herself to try to win you over? It didn’t seem to work so well on the show, but the negging has gotten Stassi twisted for sure! Oh, Mystery’s other big tip was to dress absolutely ridiculously with “peices of flare” (such as fuzzy hats, gaudy jewelry, and makeup—all this on the men) that would get people’s attention from across the room and be a conversation starter, I guess? Patrick 100% comes from the pick-up artist school of dating. I think once you trap the woman you’re probably supposed to stop negging, though? The show never really got beyond how to get a girl’s number. 


It’s an entire movement now. If you feel like making yourself angry, go over to:  https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/

im pretty sure Patrick subscribes to that bullshit. 

  • Love 2
19 hours ago, HouseofBeck said:
On 4/30/2018 at 7:13 PM, ivygirl said:

I was watching in awe. My makeup routine is eyeliner and chapstick, and here they were putting all sorts of stuff on in all sorts of places. It was pretty cool to observe (as through a glass, heh).

I've been into makeup since the '80s and still would have no idea where to begin with all that stuff they were using! 


4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

And why the hell does Patrick care that Stassi puts a lot of Cholula on the mac & cheese?! What kind of crap thing is that for a BF to judge his GF on? It just didn't sound like "fun mocking"; it sounded like he viewed it as a character/maturity flaw.

Oh that made me so mad! Hot sauce rules all! 

  • Love 8

Rob is done listening to Scheana because it's the end of filming.   Yes, please Scheana, just wear the hard hat to bed but I won't be there.  While I don't think he was quite as aggressive as James in pursuing camera time - I think it helped keep him in that relationship.


If Tom and Tom are paying 50k for 5% of the ownership then how much are Ken and Lisa shelling out?  That's an expensive ass restaurant. It will do well and it's in an area that it makes sense that it would be that expensive but sheesh!!!  For the record I'm truly asking how much Ken and Lisa are putting into it because I'm too stupid to figure out what it is.  500,000 or 1 million? 

  • Love 2
48 minutes ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

From watching the reunion last night it was explained by them and a million bucks is nuts even for that area.  I like the FI pointed out it didn't have to be that expensive and the deal seems all around shady.   

They're doing a down to the studs development of a property that has never been a restaurant/bar and have been leasing the property for almost two years (they got the space before Schwartz and Katie's wedding) so the costs don't actually seem outrageous to me.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 2
On 5/2/2018 at 2:36 PM, heatherchandler said:

She took a XANAX to CALM DOWN!!  (tm Ramona from Real Housewives)

I could tell that she took more than one - or maybe she is not used to taking them and mixed with alcohol.  She definitely had the Xanax blank out.

HAHAHAHA Stassi is used to taking everything with alcohol!

On 5/2/2018 at 4:20 PM, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Stassi uncomfortably reminded me of when I was in my late teens/early 20s and would apologize to my boyfriend at the time for HIS behavior. But I also didn't know any better since I'd only had like one other relationship and had low self-esteem, but Stassi's in her 30s (right?). She should know better by now. Even if she was holding onto Patrick to have something for the show to focus on for entertainment purposes, I'd think it wouldn't be worth it, but oh well.

Also, fascinated by the amount of makeup Brittany plastered on her face. I'm jealous their faces don't break out from all that makeup! 

She turns 30 next month. 

On 5/3/2018 at 11:43 AM, Juliegirlj said:

I keep waiting to see a baby bump on Pandora. Wonder if they are having fertility issues? 

Plenty of people have speculated her husband is gay...does that qualify as a “fertility problem?” 

On 5/6/2018 at 1:08 AM, IDreamofJoaquin said:

If Tom and Tom are paying 50k for 5% of the ownership then how much are Ken and Lisa shelling out?  That's an expensive ass restaurant. It will do well and it's in an area that it makes sense that it would be that expensive but sheesh!!!  For the record I'm truly asking how much Ken and Lisa are putting into it because I'm too stupid to figure out what it is.  500,000 or 1 million? 

They said it all will cost $2.5M so the $100k for 10% is generous.

  • Love 2
On 5/1/2018 at 9:24 AM, nexxie said:

Considering Tom Schwartz’ drinking problem, none of these people are thinking about his future when encouraging him to keep working in bars - not his boss, not his best friend, not even his wife.

To be fair, I think most of the cast have drinking problems. His problem is more in our face because of blacking out. He did seem to try to reign it back only to have the others constantly saying, Oh come on... I know Schwartz comes off stunned, but I find that when it comes to assessing what's going on, he's generally bang on. He sees things that often surprise me. He's aware without appearing so. As for him making out with another, and blaming it on booze, I am surprised he hasn't ever messed around more (during their fights especially in the beginning) as they were so young.

On 5/1/2018 at 11:45 AM, whydoievencare said:

Jax is such a deep person:  "when you love someone you set them free".  God, he's such a sweaty tool.

I actually expected something like that from Schwartz. He used to just quote clichés in the earlier seasons.


On 5/1/2018 at 11:49 AM, rho said:

That's my thought. Sandoval is putting A LOT of effort into the cocktail menu. Schwartz basically saunters around repeating what everyone else says.

But I do think he'd be okay as front of the house. And hopefully he will learn. If Lisa does her job alright, Schwartz should be able to handle all the day to day stuff she and Ken don't want to deal with anymore. He needs to be the Guillermo/Nathalie of TomTom.

He's like those topless men who used to stand at the front of Abercromie & Fitch. Schwartz is just the face and model of TomTom, so will continue to be objectified, because he doesn't know how to actually do anything.

  • LOL 1
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On 5/1/2018 at 11:14 PM, nexxie said:

Well, we finally see that Stassi’s bullying mask was covering up extreme self-loathing and insecurity - now that she’s put the mask down (good on her!), she needs xanax to get through normal life. Stassi needs a talented therapist, not just a better boyfriend.

A Reiki master?? A hypnotist? 

On 5/1/2018 at 11:41 PM, chenoa333 said:

I'm surprised JaxAss hasn't repeatedly told Brittany how HE paid for her breasts. I'm not sure if Brittany is pretending to be dumb or if she really is dumb. But now that she's got those beautiful fake boobs she needs to set her sights on a man who treats her with respect and stop dating older loser guys like Jax. She could probably find a better bf standing in line at her local 7-11.

She could take the implants out and throw them in his face, and after recovering, use her own money to get a new pair if she wants.  She has enough money to buy whatever she wants.


On 5/1/2018 at 11:43 PM, Duke2801 said:

I thought Lisa V. looked very pretty at the TomTom opening.  She looked... softer somehow.  

I still wish she had throat-punched Patrick though.  Insufferable asshole that he is. 

Yes! I felt like there was a softness filter over her.

I always get so frustrated whenever Lisa talks about kicking someone's ass, because she never really does and it's never satisfying enough. You can evicerate someone with your words without cussing and stay classy.  So, why doesn't she do that??


On 5/1/2018 at 11:58 PM, hoodooznoodooz said:

The only other time I have seen Stassi look so uncomfortable and helpless is when Jeremy was getting handsy with her at Katie’s wedding. 

Was there a book or a men’s magazine article that advised men to give women backhanded compliments if they wanted to seduce them? I feel like Patrick read that and took it to the nth degree with everyone.  He has a lot in common with Erika Jayne/RHoBH. Someone hurt him really badly when he was a child. So he will hurt you before you have a chance to hurt him.  And then try to feel superior about it. 

There are PUA (pick up artists) websites like Return of Kings and on-your-way-to-becoming-mgtow sites which give instructions on how to 'handle' and 'subdue' women.  I mean, women do it too.  It's just endless shit-testing to see how much of your bullshit the other person is willing to take.


  • Love 1
On 5/1/2018 at 9:12 AM, ghoulina said:

I'm one who thinks Patrick is worse than Jax. Even if Jax is faking, he can sometimes be nice to people. He has made me laugh before. Patrick has never been decent to one single person, never made me laugh. He brings absolutely nothing to the table. So I find it ironic to see Stassi questioning Brittany's refusal to leave Jax, when Stassi seems to have done the impossible and downgraded. 

100% Jax is not husband or boyfriend material, but I can at least see being friends with him because he can be nice, thoughtful, and funny. 

Jax says a lot of things I don't love, but Patrick almost seemed to be going out of his way to be disrespectful towards his girlfriend and Lisa Vanderpump. Lisa has a naughty humor herself and I get the impression she's flattered when the young guys still consider her hot. But Patrick took it too far talking about her body like that. She handled it well. I bet if Ken were there, he would have wanted to kick Patrick's ass. 

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