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S10.E03: Til Brunch Do Us Part

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32 minutes ago, Lady of nod said:

This may well be true. But when she mentioned burying her husband and Sonya said "we've heard that a thousand times" , that was the instant catalyst. 

But she said THAT in response to Doris saying Sonja has talked about her divorce a thouand times. Granted, it was a crappy thing for Sonja to say, but I'm reading some posts here like Sonja brought that up out of the blue which she didn't.

They all talk about their dead or ex-husbands. Every single one of them.  Maybe they ought to sit down and decide on a quota of how many times you can mention a former husband before Doris starts flailing her arms around and saying that her pain is so much worse and there can be no comparison.

  • Love 11
8 hours ago, film noire said:

You can stop that from happening,  JD.  But you have to WANT to stop it.

My name is film noire, and I am a howife defender. In the last three weeks, I've been binge-defending -- Carole (twice) and Lisa Rinna (too often to count) and then I got so stressed with work and life --and everybody else was doing it on every housewife thread -- and I felt so lost and confused and next thing I knew, I was defending Bethenny Frankel.

That's when I knew I had to get sober.

I'm trying to stay clean but I might defend Ramona in this post.


She's so gangster (literally:  like Tony screaming at Christopher).

I understand it in this case, though, because Sonja is maddening.  She's like a gerbil on a wheel.  Except the wheel has been transferred into your own head and there's no way out of the wheel once Sonja gets going -- all pursed lips and narrowed eyes and trilling voice and (just to make you run truly mad) when she's not yelling, she's talking just UNDER  everyone else    -- so that you can't quite make out what she's saying only that she's saying it with the relentless commitment of pizza rat  --  and then you start cheering Dorinda Soprano on because WHY IS NOBODY THROTTLING SONJA INTO SILENCE? 

And that doesn't even address the insane content of what Sonja actually says, so -- yeah, I get Dorinda losing it.


Eggs a la MomSez!


Agreed  -- and I'll take Tinsley's rich daddy over Sonja marrying a sugar daddy any day of the week. 


Eggs a la Freze

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

THEN..... minutes later Bethenny is as euphoric, joyful, happy, pleased and exuberant as I’ve ever seen her when she heard someone say to her “you were right Bethenny.” Very telling. Being right is her oxygen,  apparently. 

Bethenny's eyes literally sparkled. She had an endorphin rush in that moment. I'm surprised she didn't take to a corner and stand on her head. I have hope against hope that that concession from Lu is enough for Beth. But I wouldn't bet the ranch on it.

1 hour ago, backhometome said:

OMG that whole sequence of Sonja getting on the bus was so fucking hilarious. The fact that she kept calling it a jitney was what made the whole thing.

That's what everyone calls the bus to the Hamptons. It's the name of the company. 

Or are you saying she kept repeating it? I wasn't paying 100% attention.

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, bosawks said:

I’m going to start responding to texts with “Thnx” and see who freaks out.

I think it’ll be a good vetting measure for my friends and family, I mean you can never have to few....


4 hours ago, jennylauren123 said:

Hey, if you had spelled out "please," I'd be right there. But because you spelled it "pls," no way!

Laugh Out Loud

  • Love 13
15 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

I think Dorinda is still really angry over the loss of her husband and the fact is that Sonja was very flippant when she mentioned Richard’s death and she meant to be a bitch.   Dorinda can’t control herself in arguments that have nothing to do with Richard, but shit her emotions are going to be charged at the mere mention of him.   There was no way Dorinda wasn’t going to go crazy under those circumstances.  I can’t remember if Dorinda sees a therapist, but it may help her if she’s not.

Dorinda could benefit from therapy, because it's clear she has issues surrounding the death of her husband. I can see being overly emotional for a period of time, but it's been something like 7 years. I'm not putting a timeframe on grief, but that's a long to to go and still flip out when his name is brought up. 

2 minutes ago, Luciano said:

Yes, he's married to Connie (Holst) Morgan. He seems to have a type.



He looks like a freaking corpse!

  • Love 17

It looks like John ADAMS Morgan and Corinne are supping in a room decorated with that infamous wallpaper from “Scarface.”   That would be considerably more awesome than an actual sunset in a beautiful setting.

LuAnn looked really good when she was wearing a white plaid shirt, with her hair pulled back. (The scene where she gifted Sonja the Ninja.) 

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 7

Sonya still maintains that her townhouse is a luxurious mansion ~ I had a good laugh when they showed the exterior and how it is connected to a parking facility!! Sonja really is an odd duck- and she seems to be getting worse with age. Watching her pack for the weekend trip was like watching a 3 year old pack. 

Luann is a good hostess, probably because she has done her share of crashing at friend’s homes. She had to be pissed that Sonja brought Red Poodle to her house. It looked like Sonja was holding the dog on her lap a lot- probably at Lu’s insistence so Red Poodle didn’t doodle all over the house! 

  • Love 9
12 hours ago, BloggerAloud said:

I love how everybody kept criticizing people for the flaw they most exhibit themselves. You had Bethenny saying Carole can't take criticism, you had Luann calling Tinsley spoiled and you had Ramona telling people they should be more considerate of others feelings.

Yup. These women have no self awareness whatsofuckingever. 

  • Love 5
13 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I know everyone is thrilled to see the cracks with Beth and Carole; I'm not. I do think they tended to bring out the worst in each other, but it still makes me a bit sad. FTR, I don't think it was any one thing, or that either of them did something wrong. I think the fracture sort of started when Tinsley began dating Scott. Because he is friends with Adam. They were all hanging out, doing couple stuff. Tinsley and Carole just got closer. It's natural. But it's also natural for B to be hurt and jealous. I get it. 


Yeah, it's sad to me as well. I like their friendship because it's very rare there is a genuine off camera friendship on these shows. I hope it can be repaired.

Just happened to me except I'm the Carole in this situation.  I got engaged and became a grandmother last year and just didn't want to hang out anymore on weekends at bars and restaurants. It unfortunately put a dent in the friendship. We are not at B and C level but we hardly see each other anymore because I moved about an hour outside of town (apparently your husband expects you to live with him WHO KNEW!) and I'm obsessed with my grandson -who is the fluffiest baby EVER. Any free weekend I'm speeding down the highway to get him and sit and hold and kiss those cheeks all day. 

  • Love 18
15 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Holy Shitake Mushroom!

I didn't know he re-married. Did everybody know but me?

Do you know when they tied the knot?

His Wikipedia entry says 2010, but there's no source. There are photos of them together from 2008, so they were a couple from back then.

There's not much news on-line about her, just some society photos and an article about his island from 2016 in which she is quoted and referred to as his wife.

Edited by Luciano
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, SheTalksShit said:

Agreed, Sonja is very perceptive. She may not always have her facts 100% right, but she sees people for who and what they are, she is very aware of people and their intentions. 

And agreed about Dorinda, she's not one to fight other people's battles, she doesn't fight unless she feels she's been slighted, herself. Otherwise, she takes a very hands-off, neutral approach. But when she feels slighted, she overreacts and says extremely fucked up, reckless things. And keeps getting away with it, it bugs me. 

And yes, her husband died and Sonja's did not, but in a way, it's almost more hurtful if he leaves you for someone else, bc that's a shot to your ego, your pride, and you have to go on and make a new life for yourself, knowing that he is now living that life w/someone else bc he'd rather do so with them and not you. When the love of your life dies, it's very sad, but at least there's not the added feeling of betrayal that they are still here, they just don't wanna be with you anymore. There's no shot to the ego involved there, there's just sadness from the loss. 

But he's not dead. Not dead. Not leaving your child fatherless. Still alive. I've often joked/said it would be easier if my ex would have died,  for the reasons listed and more,  but it wouldn't,  especially if he had died while we were happily married. 

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I think the only reason that Lu is her "friend" is because she has no one else if any of the other ladies she thought she could cozy up to she would ...Sonja is the only thing holding her on in the show right now in the "friends" department she is using Sonja trust and believe

She also needs a place to stay while she "apartment" shops in the city. I don't see any of the other ladies inviting her to stay at their places for weeks of filming,

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

But he's not dead. Not dead. Not leaving your child fatherless.

Yes. My brother was 13 and had a really rough few years after my dad died. He may have had problems if there was a divorce, but being the baby, the only child left at home and losing dad was devastating. He's now 40 and feels like he barely knew his father. 

  • Love 12

I just LOVE the NYC gals.  I love their homes, their clothes/style, I love them traipsing around the Hamptons, I love their insanity, I love their second homes, I love that (for the most part), they're intelligent and self made.  I would love a Truman type show about them....I'd watch them all day long.

WTF with Sonja saying that Ramona was in love with her contractor Mario?  Also, someone upthread said that Sonja said that Quincy might take a year off.  I thought I heard that is she doesn't get into Harvard or Yale, she will take the year off.

  • Love 15
9 hours ago, snarts said:

Not true.  From the Bravo special, Luann was a self-supporting nurse, then model, then Italian TV star before meeting the Count. 

No. I never said Luann had never achieved anything without the Count. I said wealthy and connected men and that's pretty much true for Luann too. She was an LVN at a nursing home. She entered a beauty pageant and didn't win, but someone there suggested she model. She, herself, describes the high point of her modeling career was landing the cover of Playgirl. The low point was handing out flyers. Her modeling career was going nowhere in NY. A rich lover of hers took her to Europe. She got rejected by every agency in Milan. It took her 2 or 3 years to land the Italian tv gig, which she only got because another rich male acquaintance, Egon Von Furstenberg, suggested her for a small TV job. Backstage, Silvio Berlusconi was in attendance. Berlusconi is the one who gave her the tv soccer gig.


I'm not saying Luann never worked. She did. I'm not saying she's Wig or Marlo who have only achieved their wealth from being in repose.* She didn't. But Luann is very lucky that her rich connections allowed her to skip past the casting and audition lines.

*This is the polite way to describe their decision to lie back and think of Black Cards as a means of employment.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 14
3 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I only watched this once, pretty late at night, but can someone confirm that Dorinda definitely said that Sonja had sex with someone other than Morgan while in St. Tropez or somewhere in France? I DEFINITELY would believe that Sonja would cheat on Morgan, but I only heard Dorinda yelling that Sonja “f - - ked around,” as in, was gallivanting around, partying, footloose and fancy free- - when she should have been at Morgan’s bedside while he was ill.

Sonja didn't land Morgan until she was in her mid 30's. She wasn't an innocent naive girl. I think she thought she hit the jackpot and made sure to get pregnant as quickly as possible.

As soon as she had the kid, she went off and did her own thing trying to be sneaky, but failed miserably. I don't think she was ever attracted to Morgan for anything other than his bank account. She probably thought he would die and she or their child would inherit everything.

Sonja is attracted to men of a certain age - 20's - 30's. She hasn't outgrown that but she can't afford the young ones anymore.

  • Love 16
12 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

WTF with Sonja saying that Ramona was in love with her contractor Mario? 

God, I sound like a Sonya apologist today, but here goes nothing. I didn't take what she said about Ramona's contractor like that. Remember, Ramona is the woman who tells men that she's not really in love with, that she loves them.

Case in point, last episode at lunch with Carol to the party planner:  "I loove you" into the speakerphone, while batting her eyelashes. She comes on to any male that's breathing that will do something for her. She probably told the artist after he finished hanging the art that she loved him. The housewives voted her hands down the biggest flirt. Sonya saying that Ramona loves Mario the contractor is just more of that.

She was saying what she knows about her longtime friend's behavior and way of speaking to men who are doing her a solid.

  • Love 6
50 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Dorinda could benefit from therapy, because it's clear she has issues surrounding the death of her husband. I can see being overly emotional for a period of time, but it's been something like 7 years. I'm not putting a timeframe on grief, but that's a long to to go and still flip out when his name is brought up. 

He looks like a freaking corpse!

Dorinda lost the love of her life and by most accounts I’ve heard, Richard was a really special guy.  I think in a lot of ways she has moved on, but any mention of him is going to set off a trigger.   It’s been nearly 35 years since my father died, but if someone spoke in a dismissive manner about him, I’d probably go off too....not Dorinda level, but I’d go off.  

  • Love 19

oh Ramona's blog lol


I was surprised Carole didn't stay with Bethenny that weekend. Carole expected to be there, but Bethenny had Dennis with her and didn’t want Carole around. Carole has developed a close relationship with Tinsley, and Bethenny seems to have a problem with that. In true friendships, people understand that you can concentrate on more than one friend — Bethenny doesn't comprehend that concept. It seems like Bethenny is resentful of Carole’s bond with Tinsley and the fact that Carole is not totally focused on her. Carole is the least needy woman I ever met. Complete opposite of Bethenny.

The lunch at Luann’s was surreal. Again, we see Sonja not making sense. She brings up such nonsense about me and then goes on about things that happened in her life 10 years ago. When will Sonja live in the moment and stop fabricating?



  • Love 5

This episode finally made me register, so I could join the discussion.

While I agree that Sonja’s divorce can’t be compared to Dorinda’s experience of losing a husband in death, I never heard Sonja ever say that it was. Did I miss something? What I heard was LuAnn saying that Sonja has gone through hard times and then Dorinda yelling at Sonja for daring to compare their situations. How can Dorinda demand an apology for Sonja merely agreeing with LuAnn that her divorce was difficult on her? It seemed to me like a case of, “You’re not allowed to be upset about YOUR problems, because MY life is worse!” YES, I completely agree that Sonja brought these problems on herself, if she was cheating on her husband; but that still doesn’t mean that she can’t talk about the hard times she’s had since her poor life choices. They can BOTH acknowledge each other’s pain. True that the loss of Dorinda’s husband had nothing to do with bad choices, but I don’t think that Sonja was ever implying that her situation was equal or worse than Dorinda’s. 

What a normal calm person (not ambiguously drunk Dorinda) might have said in this situation is, “Yes, Sonja has been through some hard times, but she made certain choices that led to her divorce and current situation. I only WISH I had been given the power to CHOOSE whether Richard remained in my life. He was taken from me.” 

  • Love 22
4 minutes ago, Momofgreengables said:

What a normal calm person (not ambiguously drunk Dorinda) might have said in this situation is, “Yes, Sonja has been through some hard times, but she made certain choices that led to her divorce and current situation. I only WISH I had been given the power to CHOOSE whether Richard remained in my life. He was taken from me.” 

Welcome ..... :)


I think Sonja kinda sucks out the being calm in everyone you always start off that way (calm) with her but then she just lives in some fantasy world and refuses to leave it when discussing anything so after a while it wears you down and you end up shouting at her or just walking away like someone just did a dive by with you lol just my 2cents

  • Love 12

What the hell was Sonja going on about regarding Ramona’s contractor?  Sonja kept saying "she (Ramona) loved Mario ....the contractor! "  it was so freaking odd.

First because I've watched this show from the start and know what a snob Ramona is, she isn't dating her contractor. It felt at least to me that Sonja just wanted to keep saying the name Mario. She is a mean friend....I can't stand Ramona but I believed her and would have been pissed as well that Sonja was acting like she knew there was a relationship there.

Lu singing, oh lord I busted out laughing. 

I don't think Dorinda was drunk, I just think she had it with Sonja. I'm glad she said you're still talking about a divorce that happened almost 20 years ago. Everytime Sonja adds the divorce into laundry list of reason she's stressed or whatever,  I think damn how long ago was that damn divorce,  move the f on. 

  • Love 15
18 minutes ago, Momofgreengables said:

This episode finally made me register, so I could join the discussion.

While I agree that Sonja’s divorce can’t be compared to Dorinda’s experience of losing a husband in death, I never heard Sonja ever say that it was. Did I miss something? What I heard was LuAnn saying that Sonja has gone through hard times and then Dorinda yelling at Sonja for daring to compare their situations. How can Dorinda demand an apology for Sonja merely agreeing with LuAnn that her divorce was difficult on her? It seemed to me like a case of, “You’re not allowed to be upset about YOUR problems, because MY life is worse!” YES, I completely agree that Sonja brought these problems on herself, if she was cheating on her husband; but that still doesn’t mean that she can’t talk about the hard times she’s had since her poor life choices. They can BOTH acknowledge each other’s pain. True that the loss of Dorinda’s husband had nothing to do with bad choices, but I don’t think that Sonja was ever implying that her situation was equal or worse than Dorinda’s. 

What a normal calm person (not ambiguously drunk Dorinda) might have said in this situation is, “Yes, Sonja has been through some hard times, but she made certain choices that led to her divorce and current situation. I only WISH I had been given the power to CHOOSE whether Richard remained in my life. He was taken from me.” 


I think the big trigger was when Sonja told Dorinda,  paraphrasing here,  that she always talked about her dead husband. The sentiment and delivery was beyond thoughtless. There was a reaction shot of Luann right after that mirrored my face,  it was a huge, oh shit! face. 

Edited by ShawnaLanne
  • Love 15
14 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

I swear...if this were 70ish years ago Ramona would totally be a slave owner and be like "I'm not like the other slave owners, I'm a cool slave owners, they're like my friends! part of my family!" "what are you doing? move that couch!" the girl loves her help and it isnt even hired help at that! 

70 years would have been more Jim Crow era than slavery but I could see Ramona down with the separate but equal (not) times.  I had the exact same fleeting thought. In fact, I was thinking of the scene in To Kill of Mockingbird when Tom Robinson is asked to come in and "bust up a chiffarobe" for Mayella. 

  • Love 8
18 minutes ago, Momofgreengables said:

While I agree that Sonja’s divorce can’t be compared to Dorinda’s experience of losing a husband in death, I never heard Sonja ever say that it was. Did I miss something?What I heard was LuAnn saying that Sonja has gone through hard times and then Dorinda yelling at Sonja for daring to compare their situations. 

I heard what you heard. 

Welcome aboard.

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I think it's interesting how people, especially Andy Cohen, kind of laughs at Dorinda's drinking.  It has become a joke, and I think it is a joke because, we, the audience are watching her on TV, we're not dealing with her every day, we don't have to clean up after her.  I remember at the party, she couldn't even walk out under her own power, her boyfriend practically had to carry her out.

If you were walking down the street and saw some homeless, drunk woman screaming some bullshit at the top of her lungs, you'd get out of her way, I know I would.  But I, we, all of us laugh because somehow she doesn't seem real, and she was just screaming at Sonja, so I guess that was okay. (especially since Sonja's a crazy drunk herself)

I have wondered about this kind of thing as well, both specifically on the show and in real life. I think the lines of alcoholism have been blurred depending on class. I know people who get as drunk as people invision a homeless person on the street being. But, because they are upper middle class moms or can still go to work on time (most of the time), everyone behaves as if it's okay. As long as people appear functional 50% of the time, social circles seem to keep quiet about their drinking.

  • Love 9

before the fight started

Luanne : you been through a lot my love and you.....

Dorinda : oh stop with this Bologna I buried a husband ok

Sonja : Like we haven't heart that a thousand times .....flying arms

Dorinda :you got divorced how long ago 15 years two decades ago and we talk about sonja morgen like it just happened yesterday



Sonja took that shot first the fight was on her at that point

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 10
5 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

before the fight started

Luanne you been through a lot my love and you.....

Dorinda oh stop with this Bologna I buried a husband ok

Sonja Like we haven't heart that a thousand times .....flying arms

Dorinda you got divorced how long ago 15 years two decades ago and we talk about sonja morgen like it just happened yesterday



Sonja shot that first the fight was on her at that point

I disagree. Why did Dorinda have to open her trap just because Lu was giving Sonja attention?

We don't even know that Lu was sympathizing with Sonia about. She could have been saying that Sonya had been going through a hard time because she was seeing a psychiatrist, had to go away to clear her head, was on antidepressants. That moment really wasn't about Dorinda. But she made it so it was. Because she was a woman with a plan and a mission.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, ryebread said:

I disagree. Why did Dorinda have to open her trap just because Lu was giving Sonja attention?

We don't even know that Lu was sympathizing with Sonia about. She could have been saying that Sonya had been going through a hard time because she was seeing a psychiatrist, had to go away to clear her head, was on antidepressants. That moment really wasn't about Sonya. But she made it so it was. Because she was a woman with a plan and a mission.

Because in the next breath she brings up her divorce again telling a woman who’s husband DIED that comparing it to a divorce 20 years ago is bull

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 5

Ramona for all protestations, since she divorced as been pretty by crazy.  Talking about date, date, date and then flipping the script last year and claiming her divorce from Mario was the reason for her bitchiness.  I remember Carole and Bethenny being incensed and others giving her the cold shoulder for taking the restaurant owner away from their scintillating  conversation.  Then there were her rights to Tom who had dated her.  Ramona puts it out there she is a heart breaker.  I have at least 10 more examples but I don't want to be redundant.

I am guessing Dorinda would not have the balls to tell Bethenny to stop talking about her divorce and how it effects her after such a short marriage and the passage of time.  Sonja's actual separation from Morgan may have been years ago, but it was only recently she finally got a settlement.  Add to the fact her daughter spends time with her dad and her remarried a friend.  They busted Luann up for continuing to call herself Countess after she and Alex split up and any mention of her life with Alex.  They continue to bring up Countess behavior.  Bethenny, Luann, Sonja and Ramona all have something in common-they have children with their exes.  Neither Luann or Sonja compared Sonja's divorce to Richard's death.  Dorinda did that all on her own.

First and last-these women have to stop telling each other what they can talk about and how they should feel.  When Sonja is downright delusional-the John John stuff-let her know when she sobers up she gets sloppy and unreal-don't save it for the Reunion.  I have heard plenty about Richard-and it seems last year Carole was knocking Dorinda and her attachment to Richard memory-claiming the Berkshires' house was spooky because of all the Richard stuff remaining.  All the while Carole has some of her late husband's ashes in her living room.  Carole and Dorinda have  found new love(s) in their lives.  It is time to live in the present.  Dorinda has said it and now she and Carole need to live it.   Dorinda hitting a man in a restaurant and then claiming it was emotional because it was her late husband's birthday is just something perhaps she needs therapy for now and for a very long time.  This is twice now Dorinda has had one of these pre-planned attacks on Sonja.

Ramona is the weasel she has always been.  She should have calmed Dorinda down.  Carol is so fake-she has detested Ramona for years and now they are BFFs?

So these well heeled, politically correct and culturally sensitive women continue to call each other out for mental illnesses and then proceed to scream it out of them?  Shame on Carole, I didn't think she would use intervention and confinement for mental illness as an insult.

  • Love 8
14 hours ago, pieinmyeye said:

Why does Sonja have a car in the Hamptons when she doesn’t even have a house there? She practically lives on top of a parking garage in the city. She could keep it there and not have to ride the bus. Meanwhile, the jingle from the old Greyhound bus commercials is running on a loop through my head. LMAO!!

Because she probably can park it for free in someones driveway as opposed to spending 1K a month on parking in Manhattan 

  • Love 11
15 minutes ago, red12 said:

I have wondered about this kind of thing as well, both specifically on the show and in real life. I think the lines of alcoholism have been blurred depending on class. I know people who get as drunk as people invision a homeless person on the street being. But, because they are upper middle class moms or can still go to work on time (most of the time), everyone behaves as if it's okay. As long as people appear functional 50% of the time, social circles seem to keep quiet about their drinking.

This. Dorinda has gone on tirades drunk, and not drunk, probably close to a dozen times at this point? The first time I remember her doing it, but surely it wasn't the first, was when she went off at Heather for using the f bomb. And I thought it was funny for all the arm flailing and spit flying. But the thing is, now I'm starting to look at her like I did Kelly Bensimon. Something is wrong with her. And if I'm wrong, and that's just the way she rolls, I think she's a nasty bish and am glad I have noone in my life that remotely resembles her. Life is too short to go around having friends that you're afraid of.

I hope she gets the help that she agrees she needs. Maybe Sonya could hook her up with her psychiatrist.

  • Love 13
21 minutes ago, ryebread said:

No, she didn't.

yes she did

Sonja :my husband didn't leave me I left my husband ...

Dorinda dont ever compare your husband to mine dying yours left you

Sonja he didn't leave me I left him

Dorinda: you were fucking around in the south of France

Sonja :he was in a terrible accident 

Dorinda : he married your friend 



i think dorinda was done with the lie that she left him when clearly he left because she was cheating and something to do with his accident 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 8
2 hours ago, janie2002 said:

thats is an old ass car, no way it's Quincy's. That's has to be a car Sonja got in the settlement 15 years ago, at that time is probably brand new.

It could be Quincy's if Sonja put it in her name to protect it from being taken in her bankruptcy. Or it could be a car that Morgan had in his collection and gave it to her when she turned 16.

2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I believe she said she did it when she was 38. Still not the freshest eggs but better than nothing. 

Which makes me not believe Tinsley. She was with Nico partying it up and NOT listening to anything her mother said.

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, ryebread said:

This. Dorinda has gone on tirades drunk, and not drunk, probably close to a dozen times at this point? The first time I remember her doing it, but surely it wasn't the first, was when she went off at Heather for using the f bomb. And I thought it was funny for all the arm flailing and spit flying. But the thing is, now I'm starting to look at her like I did Kelly Bensimon. Something is wrong with her. And if I'm wrong, and that's just the way she rolls, I think she's a nasty bish and am glad I have noone in my life that remotely resembles her. Life is too short to go around having friends that you're afraid of.

I hope she gets the help that she agrees she needs. Maybe Sonya could hook her up with her psychiatrist.

I think almost all the viewers have remarked that there is something off with Dorinda, especially when she drinks. Her reactions aren't normal. Furthermore, her ability to go from zero to Slurinda is worrisome. It never seems like there is a slightly buzzed state or that she can stop herself at that point in her drinking. So many of the comments mention that Dorinda needs therapy and to stop drinking.  Richard's death seems as fresh today to her as it was when he died. While I can find her raging at Sonja somewhat entertaining, I can also find what it took to get Dorinda to that point troublesome.

  • Love 15

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