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S10.E02: Running Your Mouth

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7 hours ago, film noire said:

I think you can differentiate between those two things (and choose to support one and not the other) because the support being asked of you involves very different responses, imo.

Carole did not play games with the marathon. Nobody needed to tred lightly or bite their tongue or listen to bullshit excuses in order to cheer her on or acknowledge her victory. Whereas the kind of "support"  Luann seems to be demanding feels pretty codependent to me.  She's not saying "I still don't understand why I made this mess, but I know it IS my mess, and I just need my friends to tell me I'll find answers, and leave it at that right now" -- that's pretty clean, and easy to give -- to me, it looks more like she's demanding some kind of blanket approval, not genuine support. 

And perhaps if she'd had some real friends  -- offering genuine support, not approval -- she might not have ended up in jail.

Why do you think she's seeking approval? Approval of what? Approval for divorcing a man that literally all but Dorinda told her not to marry in the first place? That all of them predicted wouldn't last? We see in the previews for next week that she admits to Bethenny that she was right about Tom. Tinsley is complaining that Luann isn't being honest about what she's going through. She's trying to pretend that things are okay when she knows Luann isn't okay. That doesn't mean that Luann is playing games. It means she's a human being dealing with issues in the way she knows how. Not everyone will deal with it the same way but that doesn't immediately suggest that anyone is 'playing'. Friend or not, when someone is fresh off the heels of dealing with something embarrassing and/or traumatic and/or hurtful, I'm not of the mind that it's a good time to kick them while they're down and make them confess all of their sins and mistakes. If you are 'supportive', those acknowledgements will come in time because that person trusts that your support is genuine. The other women haven't complained about Luann at all. They've only said that they feel bad for her. Luann has or as we see via the previews that she admits to being too caught up and blind to reality that Tom wasn't going to change for her. You can admit you made a mistake or was wrong without specifically saying those words.

The only person that has said Luann is imposing is the one person that Luann did try to impose her situation on by expecting support from Carole. She had no reason to expect that support from Carole but I don't agree that Luann's expectations of Carole can be extrapolated to mean that she's generally playing games and demanding approval. It isn't 'demanding' when others willingly offer without prompting.

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1 minute ago, LIMOM said:

Are the viewers supposed to also follow all of them on SM?

I have followed then unfollowed pretty much all of them.  I still follow Kyle Richards and Bethenny.  Because it’s interesting.  I really wanted Dorinda to give me some house porn but she hardly ever posts and then she friggin retweets anyone that says she’s cool.  During the Bethenny renovation we got a walk through every Monday.  I had NO idea the new office was in the same building.  And we have only seen glimpses of her apartment since she moved in.  I really like that both are in the same building.  It would make me nuts to have my staff in my home, like her first two places.  But if I was a big mogul just going 5 blocks in NYC would make me nuts.

I agree about the new office.  It looked a tip.  And ANYONE that saw the old office or Bethenny’s apartments would know she was going to flip.

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44 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Why do you think she's seeking approval? Approval of what? Approval for divorcing a man that literally all but Dorinda told her not to marry in the first place? That all of them predicted wouldn't last? We see in the previews for next week that she admits to Bethenny that she was right about Tom. Tinsley is complaining that Luann isn't being honest about what she's going through. She's trying to pretend that things are okay when she knows Luann isn't okay. That doesn't mean that Luann is playing games. It means she's a human being dealing with issues in the way she knows how. Not everyone will deal with it the same way but that doesn't immediately suggest that anyone is 'playing'. Friend or not, when someone is fresh off the heels of dealing with something embarrassing and/or traumatic and/or hurtful, I'm not of the mind that it's a good time to kick them while they're down and make them confess all of their sins and mistakes. If you are 'supportive', those acknowledgements will come in time because that person trusts that your support is genuine. The other women haven't complained about Luann at all. They've only said that they feel bad for her. Luann has or as we see via the previews that she admits to being too caught up and blind to reality that Tom wasn't going to change for her. You can admit you made a mistake or was wrong without specifically saying those words.

The only person that has said Luann is imposing is the one person that Luann did try to impose her situation on by expecting support from Carole. She had no reason to expect that support from Carole but I don't agree that Luann's expectations of Carole can be extrapolated to mean that she's generally playing games and demanding approval. It isn't 'demanding' when others willingly offer without prompting.

I agree! I don’t think Tinsley is usually a mean girl.  I think she is easily influenced and Carole has definitely been in her ear about Luann.  If Tinsley wasn’t new bff’s with Carole, she would have never been that hard on Luann at that lunch.  I actually think without Carole involved, I think Tinsley would have been more sympathetic to Lu.  Especially since Tinsley went through a bad breakup too. 

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12 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

So, I don’t understand how she got that cabaret gig. Her music is horrible. The lyrics and melodies are really embarrassing.

I would compare her "act" to one of those old carnival attractions like a bearded lady, giant man....etc.    Her singing is so bad that people go to see her as they would the bearded lady.

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I thought of Dorinda last night when I cashed in my scratch tickets ($22). Huzzah! I love that Dorinda is never too far from being "one of us," whether it's schmaltzy Christmas decorations, curled up to watch Law & Order, or buying scratch tickets.

I like that many HWs are gay-friendly, but wish they'd stop treating gay men as an accessory. 

I get that people don't like Carole, but the comments about her old hands just seems...oddly misogynistic or ageist for a PT board. I'm 50 years old and sitting here with my Weleda hand cream. It's great stuff but there will always be a part of my hand/knuckles that is constantly chapped and reddened. 

Heather is a HW that was gone too soon, IMO. Always enjoy seeing her and her positivity onscreen.

Edited by archer1267
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20 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

I would compare her "act" to one of those old carnival attractions like a bearded lady, giant man....etc.    Her singing is so bad that people go to see her as they would the bearded lady.

Kitsch value?


Or So Bad its Good? I'll admit that I saw The Room hoping that it would be as bad as I had heard it was.

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Call me surprised to see that Bethenny hired an older chunky man as her President. You'd think she'd want another Skinny Girl to keep with her brand. I laughed at the look on his face when she strode in there bossing everyone around about all the clutter.  Hahaha. Anyway, She is really smart to be investing in properties with her $. 

I use to like Lu, and now she straight up annoys me. She's so full of herself. And  Sonja plays with the truth. There might be a tiny whisper of truth to her stories but the rest is made up. I absolutely LOATHE when a person uses the term "My gays" . They aren't a stuffed animal collection, Sonja, they are human beings. 

I enjoyed the bit about Carole's marathon. It's always good to see someone try something new or out of character for them. The fracture in the friendship between her and Bethenny isn't a shock. Bethenny is good at sabotaging any close relationship she may have with another person. She always has to run her mouth, and lets face it, her words are her weapon. 

Dorinda is ready to go off on Sonja again. lol  *CLIP CLIP CLIP* I don't blame her. Dorinda is the kind of friend I'd like to have. She's smart, funny, generous, sentimental, and loyal, BUT if you are disrespectful or disloyal to her...watch out. She's going to go mafia on yo' azz. 

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At this point, Tinsley has managed to bag 3 rich dudes in her age range without having to give any of them a kid.

But, if she wanted the relationships to work, and she wanted/wants to be a mother, then how is that a "win" (if there's some supposed contest between her and Sonja)?

Anyway, it's not a bad thing if Tinsley wants a man to take care of her, and I don't believe Sonja said otherwise. It's the choice to date casually and have no-strings sex that turns these women into judgmental rageaholics.


Everybody talkin' like being an heiress is a bad thing.

"Everybody", who?

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2 hours ago, Kaia40 said:

I agree! I don’t think Tinsley is usually a mean girl.  I think she is easily influenced and Carole has definitely been in her ear about Luann.  If Tinsley wasn’t new bff’s with Carole, she would have never been that hard on Luann at that lunch.  I actually think without Carole involved, I think Tinsley would have been more sympathetic to Lu.  Especially since Tinsley went through a bad breakup too. 

I don't think Carole is grooming Tinsley but it's not uncommon that if two people start building a bond, they are more likely to be more sympathetic to each other's perspective and are quick to defend one another. I don't think Tinsley is being manipulated at all, but I do think that she's letting the bias of her friendship with Carole motivate her outspokenness toward Luann. Also, this is Tinsley's second season. It usually takes the first season to figure out how the game is played and now she knows. If she wants that paycheque without being the centre of the drama then she'll figure out when to take her shots without getting too involved.

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On 4/12/2018 at 11:49 AM, diadochokinesis said:

He said, "What?  It was a really long time to run without snacks!  I got hungry!"  LOL. 

Is it bad of me to be in love with your husband? I did the NYC marathon myself years ago and the hunger is real! Wish I had thought to bring hot dog and pretzel money. 

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1 hour ago, Barbara Please said:

Call me surprised to see that Bethenny hired an older chunky man as her President. You'd think she'd want another Skinny Girl to keep with her brand.

You must have missed the controversy surrounding her remarks at the Project Entrepreneur event for female founders of businesses. Hiring an older white guy is consistent with her advice.


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5 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Why do you think she's seeking approval? Approval of what?

Approval of everything she chooses to do around this, with nothing but applause (aka "support") given to her every choice -- and given the circumstances, that is not as simple as cheering someone running a marathon, imo.


 I'm not of the mind that it's a good time to kick them while they're down and make them confess all of their sins and mistakes.

Where did I say people should kick Luann?

I'm not endorsing anything like Tinsley's ham-handed methods (she was out for camera time, period)  but if Luann asked me to validate her take on everything (which seems to be, pre-arrest, that she loved too blindly, and just happened to pick badly) when the life cycle of that relationship (meeting/ engagement/ marriage /divorce at the speed of light)  is proof there's some very deep crap floating around in her psyche, I would not feel comfortable doing that. 

And (to get back to my original point) whatever you think Luann is doing versus what I think she's doing, all support being requested of someone is not the same --  I will happily applaud  a hard-won & forthright athletic accomplishment (even if I don't like you) because there's nothing murky in that, whereas Luann's approach right now to what she calls "support" feels pretty sticky to me. 

Edited by film noire
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28 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

You must have missed the controversy surrounding her remarks at the Project Entrepreneur event for female founders of businesses. Hiring an older white guy is consistent with her advice.


Wow. That's a shame - and, I'd like to think, overly cynical. (I work in education so for all I know, B shared an uncomfortable truth.) But I was looking at the executive leadership recently of a cosmetics company - I think it was Estee Lauder - where only 1 or 2 members of the executive leadership team were women. (I looked just now at the leadership of Avon, and the top four executives are all male.)

It's strange that a woman wouldn't be at or near the top in companies that cater exclusively to women. But if B depends on investors and venture funding, she may have a point - there have been articles recently in the local paper about how VC firms are far more likely to entertain pitches made by male entrepreneurs.

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Surprised to hear on Wendy William's Show, Lu  was getting shit by some blk women about her braids and  cultural appropriation

If they were Bo Dereck  '10' braids I would say they have a point, but....

Re: old hands

Joan Rivers in her 70's had gorgeous hands

Edited by sheetmoss
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13 minutes ago, sheetmoss said:

Surprised to hear on Wendy William's Show, Lu  was getting shit by some blk women about her braids

Re: old hands

Joan Rivers in her 70's had gorgeous hands

I don’t see why not. It is cultural appropriation. 

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2 hours ago, archer1267 said:

I thought of Dorinda last night when I cashed in my scratch tickets ($22). Huzzah! I love that Dorinda is never too far from being "one of us," whether it's schmaltzy Christmas decorations, curled up to watch Law & Order, or buying scratch tickets.

I like that many HWs are gay-friendly, but wish they'd stop treating gay men as an accessory. 

I get that people don't like Carole, but the comments about her old hands just seems...oddly misogynistic or ageist for a PT board. I'm 50 years old and sitting here with my Weleda hand cream. It's great stuff but there will always be a part of my hand/knuckles that is constantly chapped and reddened. 

Heather is a HW that was gone too soon, IMO. Always enjoy seeing her and her positivity onscreen.

or roasting a chicken and opening 2, no 4 bottles of wine.....

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14 minutes ago, sheetmoss said:

Surprised to hear on Wendy William's Show, Lu  was getting shit by some blk women about her braids and  cultural appropriation

If they were Bo Dereck  '10' braids I would say they have a point, but....

 Do you think it was just because of the braids? Or was it the build up of a lot of cultural insensitivity over a number of years? Luann has said and done things that are horribly ignorant and insensitive. To my mind, the braids are the least of her transgressions. Perhaps it was the straw that broke the camel's back for Wendy's audience.

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5 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Tinsley is complaining that Luann isn't being honest about what she's going through. She's trying to pretend that things are okay when she knows Luann isn't okay. That doesn't mean that Luann is playing games. It means she's a human being dealing with issues in the way she knows how. Not everyone will deal with it the same way but that doesn't immediately suggest that anyone is 'playing'.

I do agree that we all handle things differently, and we can't expect LuAnn to deal with the aftermath of her divorce in a certain way. But I don't think Tinsley was complaining per se. I thought she was just relaying that the other women were talking about it; they were wondering how LuAnn was doing since she went from blabbing about him non-stop to radio silence. 


25 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

I don’t see why not. It is cultural appropriation. 

How? Greek and Native American cultures were seen with braids in the hair back before cultures mixed enough to borrow from each other. I don't think any one culture owns braids. 

2 minutes ago, Jel said:

Didn't Viking ladies wear braids? A thousand years ago?

Yup. Them too. The men as well. It was common, to keep it out of your way. 

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10 minutes ago, film noire said:

Approval of everything she chooses to do around this, with nothing but applause (aka "support") given to her every choice -- and given the circumstances, that is not as forthright or clean as cheering someone running a marathon, imo.

And I'm not endorsing Tinsley's ham-handed methods (she was out for camera time, not drawing a positive boundary for herself)  but if Luann asked me to essentially validate her take on everything (whihc seems to be, at least pre-arrest, that she loved too blindly, and picked badly) when the marriage melting down in less time than it takes to have a baby is proof there's some very deep crap floating around in her psyche, I would not feel comfortable doing that. 

And (to get back to my oriignal point) all support being requested of you is not the same -- whole- heartedly applauding a marathon is easy compared to giving Luann what she wants right now(pre rehab in the show's timeline).

But your entire argument and attempt to differentiate is based purely on your assumption of Luann's intent when she shares information about her marriage or her choices, NOT based on what Luann has explicitly asked of her support system. Luann making a statement that she picked badly and loved too blindly doesn't in turn pose an obligation to you as the listener to validate that. It's statement, you aren't obligated to respond at all if you didn't want to. Change the subject, provide a teaching moment, there are many things you can do besides validate or attack. It's not a one or the other situation. I have never validated the bad choices of my friends yet I still have solid and loyal friendships. The notion of Luann wanting blind approval is based on a conversation with Tinsley and her reaction to Tinsley but it disregards the fact that Tinsley was probing about things that Luann didn't want to talk about and then lecturing Luann because she didn't want to talk about it. Tinsley's approach generated a negative reaction out of Luann and to agree with you, I would have to follow a chain of assumptions to arrive at the same general conclusion that you have. Now don't get me wrong, you may very well be right but at this point in time, I think it's taking some significant reading between the lines and drawing general conclusions at this point in time. One example does not a theory make. The only reason you see a difference is because you're willing to see one side's perspective at the detriment of assuming things about the other side.

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29 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

I don’t see why not. It is cultural appropriation. 

White European women  have been braiding their hair for centuries

Also, Lu is Native American, they braid too.

Edited by sheetmoss
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3 minutes ago, Jel said:

Didn't Viking ladies wear braids? A thousand years ago?

Meh. Luann should attempt to be culturally sensitive  Or face the consequences.

either ways wrong braids.

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10 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

 Do you think it was just because of the braids? Or was it the build up of a lot of cultural insensitivity over a number of years? Luann has said and done things that are horribly ignorant and insensitive. To my mind, the braids are the least of her transgressions. Perhaps it was the straw that broke the camel's back for Wendy's audience.

It was WW Show staffer and maybe a few others - Wendy wasn't bothered by it. 

I'm sure it coming soon after  Lu wearing the afro wig and tan  didn't help

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3 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

Meh. Luann should attempt to be culturally sensitive  Or face the consequences.

either ways wrong braids.

As short as her hair is, she can't really braid it any other way. 

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51 minutes ago, sheetmoss said:

Surprised to hear on Wendy William's Show, Lu  was getting shit by some blk women about her braids and  cultural appropriation

If they were Bo Dereck  '10' braids I would say they have a point, but....

Re: old hands

Joan Rivers in her 70's had gorgeous hands


I'm surprised they would reference the braids and not her stupid Halloween costume. I don't watch the show so maybe that was referenced last week. It's a bit ironic  that they were offended that a white woman wore braids that they deem is exclusive to black culture, while they were on a show where they were sitting right across from a black woman with fake blonde hair. Again, don't watch the show so this could be a build up of things but hair is not proprietary, there are so much other things that they could have (and should have) used the platform to call Luann out on. Her hairstyle wasn't one of them in my opinion.


36 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

I don’t see why not. It is cultural appropriation. 

Braids aren't owned by a culture. Dreadlocks (and similar derivatives of that style) are culturally unique but other than that, it's not cultural appropriation. Native and Viking women are known for braided hairstyles.

Edited by RHJunkie
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5 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

As short as her hair is, she can't really braid it any other way. 

I see that but at this point, I would refrain in being culturally iffy on tv, imo.

Why risk offending viewers?

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4 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I'm surprised they would reference the braids and not her stupid Halloween costume. I don't watch the show so maybe that was referenced last week. It's a bit ironic  that they were offended that a white woman wore braids that they deem is exclusive to black culture, while they were on a show where they were sitting right across from a black woman with fake blonde hair. Again, don't watch the show so this could be a build up of things but hair is not proprietary, there are so much other things that they could have (and should have) used the platform to call Luann out on. Her hairstyle wasn't one of them in my opinion.


Braids aren't owned by a culture. Dreadlocks (and similar derivatives of that style) are culturally unique but other than that, it's not cultural appropriation. Native and Viking women are known for braided hairstyles.

On a previous WW show the Halloween costume did come up  and it was discussed,  but Wendy couldn't get worked up about that either.

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1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

You must have missed the controversy surrounding her remarks at the Project Entrepreneur event for female founders of businesses. Hiring an older white guy is consistent with her advice.


There are people who win by playing the game and there are people who win by reinventing the game. That article is strong evidence of how Bethenny chose to use her resources to create opportunities for herself. As a minority, I certainly don't need anyone to confirm to me that my tanned skin is a natural deterrent to my success and that the solution is to make the world think I'm some old rich white man. I really hope attendance to that event was free, lol.

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Every culture has worn braids.

17 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I do agree that we all handle things differently, and we can't expect LuAnn to deal with the aftermath of her divorce in a certain way. But I don't think Tinsley was complaining per se. I thought she was just relaying that the other women were talking about it; they were wondering how LuAnn was doing since she went from blabbing about him non-stop to radio silence. 


How? Greek and Native American cultures were seen with braids in the hair back before cultures mixed enough to borrow from each other. I don't think any one culture owns braids. 

Yup. Them too. The men as well. It was common, to keep it out of your way. 

As far as I know. All cultures have worn braids. 


1 minute ago, LIMOM said:

I see that but at this point, I would refrain in being culturally iffy on tv, imo.

Why risk offending viewers?

How could one possibly behave in a way not to offend somebody especially knowing that braids on the wrong  person is now deemed offensive? 

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1 minute ago, Higgins said:

Every culture has worn braids.

As far as I know. All cultures have worn braids. 


How could one possibly behave in a way not to offend somebody especially knowing that braids on the wrong  person is now deemed offensive? 

well now it is known. Same as the Blackface. 

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2 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

There are people who win by playing the game and there are people who win by reinventing the game. That article is strong evidence of how Bethenny chose to use her resources to create opportunities for herself. As a minority, I certainly don't need anyone to confirm to me that my tanned skin is a natural deterrent to my success and that the solution is to make the world think I'm some old rich white man. I really hope attendance to that event was free, lol.

I didn't see that talk she gave. Was she being sardonic there? Or was she presenting that as actual advice?

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1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

You must have missed the controversy surrounding her remarks at the Project Entrepreneur event for female founders of businesses. Hiring an older white guy is consistent with her advice.



1 hour ago, Barbara Please said:

Thanks. I did not know about that!

Way back when this was being discussed in the Bethenny thread I took a hit for the team and actually listen to a recording of her comments. She did not advise anyone that they need to go out and hire an older white man to run their company. She was responding to a question from a woman who explained she had encountered resistance in the business world and it had been suggested to her that she consider hiring a white man to run her company in order for her to be able to get her foot in the door. Bethenny said if she felt the need to do that to go right ahead and beat these people at their own game. She was not advising women of color that they have to have white people run their businesses for them.

As far as her hiring the man shown on the show,  it is entirely possible she hired him to run Skinnygirl because he happened to be the most qualified person for the job.

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7 minutes ago, sheetmoss said:

On a previous WW show the Halloween costume did come up  and it was discussed,  but Wendy couldn't get worked up about that either.

Wendy can be pretty harsh and she's always come across pretty thick skinned to me so it doesn't surprise me in the least that she wouldn't have been bothered by it. I know a lot of people don't like her but I find it entertaining when she can't be bothered to give people the reaction they want. If there's evidence of her losing her cool, I would love to see it, lol.

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29 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I do agree that we all handle things differently, and we can't expect LuAnn to deal with the aftermath of her divorce in a certain way. But I don't think Tinsley was complaining per se. I thought she was just relaying that the other women were talking about it; they were wondering how LuAnn was doing since she went from blabbing about him non-stop to radio silence.

I thought Tinsley's point was fair but there's a time and place for things and there's also the way you choose the words and how you deliver them. It all matters. Luann involved everyone in her marriage by constantly talking about Tom. She involved the world by allowing cameras to document her relationship. When things don't go the way as planned, everyone wants to know what happened. When you see a girl posting about the love her life every damn day and then one you day you noticed that her entire social media page has been wiped clean of any evidence of the 'love of her life', of course you're curious as to what happened, lol. I don't think Tinsley was being malicious but I do think that was being nosy. She wanted the inside track on what was going on but she doesn't have that relationship with Luann. The only person that I think Luann would consider being honest with is Dorinda and Dorinda is the only one who I don't think would proposition Luann to reveal more than she's ready to. I do think there's more to it then just the cheating though. Dorinda made the comment something along the lines of 'he just became a whole other person after the wedding, huh?' They all knew Tom was a cheater BEFORE the wedding. They saw evidence of it. He tried to involve Dorinda in a cover up after Bethenny outed him. That was old news. So I'm curious to what else happened that drove Luann's decision to file for divorce. With her history with the Count and then with Tom and still marrying him, it doesn't seem like infidelity is an obvious deal breaker for Luann. 

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 Luann has said and done things that are horribly ignorant and insensitive. 

Remember when Andy questioned LuAnn's comment about how the Count would be surprised that she was dating "a Jew" (Jacques)? (During a Reunion show years ago.) LuAnn gave some vague, non-committal answer as to what she'd meant, but I could tell from Andy's face that he wasn't convinced.

As for cultural appropriation and blackface, I'd have had some respect for Lu if she'd dressed as Barry White instead. After all, she once referred to herself as "the female Barry White." And look, Barry White even stole her hairdo!

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15 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:


Way back when this was being discussed in the Bethenny thread I took a hit for the team and actually listen to a recording of her comments. She did not advise anyone that they need to go out and hire an older white man to run their company. She was responding to a question from a woman who explained she had encountered resistance in the business world and it had been suggested to her that she consider hiring a white man to run her company in order for her to be able to get her foot in the door. Bethenny said if she felt the need to do that to go right ahead and beat these people at their own game. She was not advising women of color that they have to have white people run their businesses for them.

As far as her hiring the man shown on the show,  it is entirely possible she hired him to run Skinnygirl because he happened to be the most qualified person for the job.

Thanks for clarifying that though the article said the session wasn't recorded. Is it the same event or a similar speech that was given at a different event? Going back and reading the tweets, it was several tweets from the same few individuals. but does that also mean that the controversy was more from the article then it was from participants that came back and spoke about it? In a room full of people, it's understandable if some people misinterpreted the message but if many of them did, then she needs to revise how she delivers it. Based on your report of her comments, I don't see anything wrong with what she said. And I agree with you about why she may have hired the man.

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On 4/12/2018 at 1:08 PM, AuntieDiane6 said:

Put fillers in them so they're soft and cushion-y!  Some celebrities have had that done--including the late, great Farrah Fawcett... 

And Joan Rivers. She had very pretty plump hands that looked like a 25 yr olds. It always amazed me that a woman close to 80 had hands like that. I always wanted to know what procedures she had done. I, for one, am in the ugly old lady hands group. Too much baking in the sun in the 70's and 80's have my hands looking like they need to be stripped and re-finished. 

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My white son wears those same braids all football season to keep his locks tucked in his helmet.  I think that Lu's braids were left over from her wig the night before.  Instead of a cap, she got her hair braided.  I'm sorry, but are braid seriously becoming culturally offensive?

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20 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I loved Tinsley's lunch with Luann. Bravo to Tinsley for pointing out to Luann that her marriage was much shorter than Carole's relationship with Adam. And whether Adam and Carole's relationship was a casual one or not, it was a much more committed one from what I could see than Luann and TomCat's ever was.  I actually laughed out loud when Luann told Tinsley that her relationship to Scott should not be this hard, so early into it. Does this woman ever listen to herself speak? Her fiance of what, two minutes, (and boyfriend of less than three months) had his tongue stuck down and ex girlfriend's throat. Now if that is not a huge red flag of an example of a relationship that is "hard", I don't know what is.

And I see Luann is still crowing about the fact that Tom married her, as proof that her relationship was more valid than Carole's. Lu honey, anyone can get someone to marry them if they set their standards low enough. And you did. 

As many have said, congrats to Carole for running the marathon. What an amazing accomplishment. I also teared up, seeing her finish and her friends and family there to congratulate her. 

I don't believe that Luann and Tom fell madly in love and got married.

I think Luann and Tom both thought the other was financially very solvent.

There is nothing wrong with marrying for financial stability but don't shove it down everyone's throat that you're absolutely madly in love.

Somehow I picture them post coital and Tom saying we should do this all the time - to which Luann heard forever and a proposal

I also believe the reason why they divorced so quickly and it went uncontested by both parties was because they found out the other didn't have much.

I believe if Tom were rich - she would have stayed with him and turned the other cheek for as long as she could.

I believe if Tom were rich - he'd have married someone much younger and traded in for a new model every few years.

Luann said to Sonja and Dorinda - he didn't change. So this means not only was he fucking around after they married, he was doing it when they first hooked up and during the entirety of their engagement. They were engaged longer than they were married.

Luann needs to stop the I was a poor innocent naive girl who was blindsided by a scoundrel act - not working for me

I loved what Tinsley said too

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22 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Thanks for clarifying that though the article said the session wasn't recorded. Is it the same event or a similar speech that was given at a different event? Going back and reading the tweets, it was several tweets from the same few individuals. but does that also mean that the controversy was more from the article then it was from participants that came back and spoke about it? In a room full of people, it's understandable if some people misinterpreted the message but if many of them did, then she needs to revise how she delivers it. Based on your report of her comments, I don't see anything wrong with what she said. And I agree with you about why she may have hired the man.

The talk Beth gave WAS recorded.  All these stories just blew up like a bad game of telephone based on the complaint of I think it was just one woman before anyone ever heard for themselves what Bethenny said.

Here is a link to it ... the comments in question come in the last ten minutes.


She says some other dumb shit during her talk trying to be cute (she's Black because she's loud or something like that ... I am not going to listen to it again to make sure, I've suffered enough!).  But her comments on hiring a white guy have been taken out of context over and over, so listen for yourself and judge.

I don't want to derail the thread with this, so perhaps any more discussion about it should be moved to Beth's thread. 

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7 hours ago, LIMOM said:

Even when she was “poor”, she had great taste. Watching and enjoying this hoes is starting to become a full time job.

Are the viewers supposed to also follow all of them on SM?

I really appreciate the people who like you, let me know what is going on, on their SM!

It's a crapshoot. I also follow Bethenny and Kyle at this point, but have unfollowed a bunch because they were boring. Both B and K post interesting things that don't always have to do with the show. SM was a real problem for me with Carole actually. I used to like Carole a lot until I made the mistake of following her on Twitter and Instagram. Carole and I have pretty much the same views politically, but I couldn't stand her political posts, I found them embarrassing. Her Instagram turned me off even more. Oh, I forgot, I also follow LVP on Twitter which is not the most interesting, but not boring enough for me to unfollow.

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4 minutes ago, Otherkate said:

It's a crapshoot. I also follow Bethenny and Kyle at this point, but have unfollowed a bunch because they were boring

I believe we might be twinsies.

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On 4/12/2018 at 6:54 AM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

This  (bolded) is why Sonja is beating up Tinsley. Sonja is bitter and jealous. It is sad. 

I'm waiting for Sonja to go into total panic meltdown mode - her delusions are going to be bigger than ever as the deadline approaches.

How old is Quincy now? I think the "trips" Sonja takes happen when her daughter goes on vacation and she tags along because she needs to be there for her minor child. She also probably got money when Quincy lived with her in the townhouse.

Once Quincy reaches a certain age, all this will go bye bye. Any money Mr Morgan gives can go directly to his daughter. Any apartment/dorm he sets up for her - monies will go directly to the apt/home owner or university.

Sonja put her Townhouse up for sale but I don't she had any bites. I'm not buying this my advisors told me to rent it out. Who wants to rent a moldy house that smells like dog and cat shit? Has leaking walls and ceilings, a non working elevator, and a fridge that dispenses doody ice?

Edited by KungFuBunny
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3 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Luann making a statement that she picked badly and loved too blindly doesn't in turn pose an obligation to you as the listener to validate that.

Maybe not to you -- to me, it does -- especially since Luann is not asking for people to sit by neutral and unresponsive to her claims.  (From her reaction to Sonja at their lunch, Luann clearly welcomes the kind of support that blames it all on Tom's tom-catting and Luann being forced to finally, bravely leave her husband of 210 days.)


The only reason you see a difference is because you're willing to see one side's perspective at the detriment of assuming things about the other side.

Yes, that must be it -- I have suddenly and blindly bonded with Carole (who I have loathed for years) against Luann (who I mostly like) because I am incapable of rational thought!

Edited by film noire
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