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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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I didn't watch the videos, but just from reading the little bio blurbs, I can say with complete confidence that JonnyMac the Rock Star Dentist is going to be the bane of my BB existence until he's gone. I don't actually see anyone I can really root for, except perhaps (and that's a big perhaps) Da'vonne, the wrestler (though I'm going to have a hard time looking at him as I can't stand facial hair,) and maybe Meg, who allegedly swears by the "girl code." It sure would be nice to have a season where the women aren't stupid doormats.

Yup.  Pretty sure I already hate them all.  I suspect the transgendered one is pretty full of herself, since her bio is easily three times as long as everyone else's.  The demented dentist is going to be reeeeeeeally annoying.  I can tell already.  I'm getting "Coach" (from Survivor) vibes from the professional wrestler with the unorthodox upbringing and the Masters in Medieval Studies.   Aaaaaaand, no way grocery-boy has a girlfriend.  No.  Way.

My early favorites are definitely Da'vonne and Vanessa. I know first impressions are always wrong (Amanda was my early favorite in BB15) but I have a good feeling about those two. Overall I still feel like the women are way, way stronger than the guys. I definitely don't see a Brigade forming anytime soon.


I think John will be first out. There's no way he's not going to drive people crazy.

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I like Audrey, Vanessa, and Da'vonne based on their interview.

Austin looks like Seth Rollins.

There was rumor of a TAR cast member being cast. I can't see the list so can anyone see if Jeff Weldon is in the cast. Could the twist be players from different reality shows?

I read about that. There also a suspicion around that Sarah from a season of Oxygen's Bad Girls Club would be on this season due to a recent vlog she did. CBS having someone from an NBCUniversal show seems unlikely but it could happen.
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My early favorites are definitely Da'vonne and Vanessa. I know first impressions are always wrong (Amanda was my early favorite in BB15) but I have a good feeling about those two. Overall I still feel like the women are way, way stronger than the guys. I definitely don't see a Brigade forming anytime soon.

I think John will be first out. There's no way he's not going to drive people crazy.

Agreed with your post. I would love for an all women alliance finally but we know how these tend to work. Women can be real catty and jealous I hope it changes this year.

John had me reaching for the excedrin! My head was hurting with that tone deaf voice of his. And did he reminded anyone of this guy when he started that laugh of his


Plus he also looks like Boogie.

And I sure in hell wouldn't let him work on my mouth as a dentist. Just no.

Austin looks like Seth Rollins.

Yes. But I thought Dan just hes hairy.

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I was kinda eh about the cast while reading their Bios but liked some of them ALOT more after watching the Live Feed Interviews!

Right now really liking Vanessa, Stephen, Audrey and Jace. This could ALL change once those feeds come on!!

There has to be 2 more players. No way it's just 14 this season is WAY to long for just 14 players!

Audrey won some online version (role playing?) game of survivor called Isurv1vor. I've never heard of this, is this a thing?

Just because many many of the former HG were racist, homophobic, sexist, transphobic, and antisemitic. Doesn't mean HG will marginalize or bully her. I hope. I really really hope. Because I am so sick of the bigotry and sexism of HG.

In an interview Liz didn't acknowledge she had a twin so paranoid/speculators thing the twin twist is happening again. I sure am curious about the possible twist(s) the have been almost always horrible.

Audrey won some online version (role playing?) game of survivor called Isurv1vor. I've never heard of this, is this a thing?


I honestly don't know if its a 'thing' or not, but if it is, I've been trying to imagine what the rules/guidelines and "challenges" are for something like that....  Every thing that pops into my brain is more ludicrous than the last.  I mean, what, one of the challenges is something like having to navigate through the most websites before your clicker finger cramps up?  *chuckles*

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Audrey won some online version (role playing?) game of survivor called Isurv1vor. I've never heard of this, is this a thing?

Just because many many of the former HG were racist, homophobic, sexist, transphobic, and antisemitic. Doesn't mean HG will marginalize or bully her. I hope. I really really hope. Because I am so sick of the bigotry and sexism of HG.

In an interview Liz didn't acknowledge she had a twin so paranoid/speculators thing the twin twist is happening again. I sure am curious about the possible twist(s) the have been almost always horrible.

Rafe and Colton from Survivor both participated in online survivor role playing games before they went on Survivor. Rafe even hosted one.

And, sadly, racist and homophobic tweets from Clay have already surfaced. It's going to be a long summer.


Sigh. Are there sources, though I almost don't want to know. I guess it's not surprising that there will always be racist, sexist and homophobic tendencies when casting occurs, but I hate when other contestants are subjected to overt hostilities/bullying in the house. Watching Aaryn go after Candice wasn't fun, and watching Dick & Jen wasn't fun (IMO).


I always swear I won't get sucked in to this lame show, but here I am yet again. I am passing on the feeds this year though, unless there are some halfway decent personalities and some actual gameplay going on (no more voting with the house every week!)


And please, please, please - no more Frankie.


So far, I semi-like James, Vanessa (she could be really interesting to watch play), and Da'Vonne. This will be a showmance heavy season, I predict.

Edited by CrazyDog
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I don't know what this means, but apparently guests and twists every week?  I feel like that has the chance of getting stale within a month.  I wonder if fans will go in one week?



“This is going to be the biggest Big Brother ever!"


Gee, where have we heard that before? Oh right.  Every time.

  • Love 2

... Clay ... racist/homophobic tweets.  


... some guns and other things. 


Oh great, sounds like great potential for getting another BeastMode Cowboy on our hands. 


Which is pretty sweet, cause I've really missed stuff like that great 'bananickle'!  [/heavy sarcasm]

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 3

And please, please, please - no more Frankie.

This. I've watched since Season 1, I've seen the best and the worst over the entire run. If they want to give us a twist every week, I'll grit my teeth and deal with it. If they want to re-do the twin twist, have at it. Play favourites? I'm used to it. But for the love of God, keep Frankie the hell away from us. Far far away. 

  • Love 8

This. I've watched since Season 1, I've seen the best and the worst over the entire run. If they want to give us a twist every week, I'll grit my teeth and deal with it. If they want to re-do the twin twist, have at it. Play favourites? I'm used to it. But for the love of God, keep Frankie the hell away from us. Far far away. 


I would expand the list of past HG to "keep the hell away from us" to about 90% of both the entirety of S15 & 16's full cast lists.

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Sigh. Are there sources, though I almost don't want to know. I guess it's not surprising that there will always be racist, sexist and homophobic tendencies when casting occurs, but I hate when other contestants are subjected to overt hostilities/bullying in the house. Watching Aaryn go after Candice wasn't fun, and watching Dick & Jen wasn't fun (IMO).

There are, and I've seen the tweets personally. I just figured I'd spare you all from them.

I'm withholding judgement on the twist until we know more details. I'm guessing it will be some déja vu thing where each week uses a twist from a previous season. Jodi would come in and announce the "day one eviction" twist from BB14, Annie would come in and announce a saboteur, Elissa would come in and announce the MVP twist, stuff like that. There seems to be an unusually high amount of houseguests who have actually watched the show, so most of them would be familiar with the twists.


No matter how silly the twists are, I'm sure I'll keep watching. Unless the final two houseguests are Amanda and Frankie.

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I hate this 'special guest with a new twist ever week' twists. It's literally just a way for Grodner to heavily rig the game for her faves. Although I guess she does that every season anyway.

You didn't know! Allison has her favs she secretly wants to win and give advantages to every year. I can't wait to see weekly who will be her fav this year.

He's like Beetlejuice. If you say it two more times...

God if he returns I might just turn my tv off

I will whole-heartedly endorse any twist that prevents the "voting with the house" bullshit that started the last several seasons.  Amanda more or less cemented that in stone when she would go on her rampages and witch-hunts to find out who dared, dared vote against Queen Amanda and make the house a living hell.  I don't necessarily blame the hamsters that season for going along to get along and getting a little peace in the house by not voting their hearts when the numbers clearly weren't there, but there's no excuse for last season.  No excuse.

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Even worse than "voting with the House" was people "Making the nominations the House wants" which then of course leads us to the other recent BS "not wanting to get any blood on my hands" which should also be banished!


If these weekly twists will all be based upon the twists of BB past I bet the two extra people will be representative of the twin twist and both will come in to fill out the numbers at the end of that "twist week".

Edited by Wandering Snark

Like all of the twist it doesn't last long.


And yet the BOTB twist, which is arguably the worst they ever had, went on forever.


I will whole-heartedly endorse any twist that prevents the "voting with the house" bullshit that started the last several seasons. 


I think this 'new twist every week' thing will just encourage this mentality because everyone will play scared.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I think my most anticipated dynamic this season will be how Da'Vonne and Vanessa interact with one another. And, to see if Da/Vonne recognizes Vanessa. If she does, will she go up to her and tell her straight up about her job and say that she recognize her. Could they set up a "Poker Face" alliance with one another or could we see them try to out strategize each other on opposite alliances? Both situations could be very appealing to watch.

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