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S09.E10: Confronting Meri

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24 minutes ago, ThinkerBell said:

Didn't we go through all of this same nonsense when Meri said she felt deliberately left out of Janelle's son's visit when he was in Basic Training? Meri likes finding ways to be the victim, and then pointing out to everyone how mean everybody is to her. Even Robyn isn't putting up with it anymore.

Robin finally stepped up tonight! 

  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, jenifaohjenny said:

Here is what she’s trying to say Meri...you are a miserable cow and no one wants to be around you...so how do we get to a place where we want to have you around? Because right now we don’t. You are annoying AF. 


When no one wants you around at what point do you look inside yourself to see what’s going on here?

And this circles right back to why Meri is so miserable... Because she wants her own man and should leave and make it happen.

  • Love 24
2 minutes ago, jenifaohjenny said:

Here is what she’s trying to say Meri...you are a miserable cow and no one wants to be around you...so how do we get to a place where we want to have you around? Because right now we don’t. You are annoying AF. 

YES! I wish they would say it like the rest of the world instead of dancing around with psychobabble. Either you want to get along or you don't, Meri. She just loves making everyone as miserable as she is.

  • Love 18
4 minutes ago, 80sBaby said:

Meri is vile. She of course had to make Axel's birth about her feelings. This woman is disgusting. Did she want a red carpet up to the bedroom door and trumpeters to announce her and Mariah? Always the victim. Poor Meri...It's exhausting watching, it has to be awful for them. 

She says "My family doesn't trust me..." as if they are wrong for feeling the way they do. She chose to distance herself and lay on her wet bar phone boning "Sam". I don't feel bad for her at all. The evil catfisher took advantage of Meri...GTFOH. Meri was delusional and narcissistic enough to believe this young, hot millionaire was ready to run off into the sunset with her. If Sam was real Meri would have been gone. The other wives and Kodi know it too. Kodi will never have a romantic relationship with Meri again EVER.

I've watched this show from the first episode and Meri has always been an entitled bitch. Go to your "ancestral home/B&B/Mom's house/Escape plan/Example of self entitlement" and GTFO....sick of her shit. LOL Sorry but my goodness she irritates me.

GO CHRISTINE!!!!! I am loving the way she is handling Meri!!!


9 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

They all seem to use the therapist as a crutch. They have showed Kody has gotten out of discussing uncomfortable things before by saying they better not talk about it until they go to the therapist.

OMG, so Christine cannot even ask her how she is doing? Wow. once again, they are SO MUCH nicer to her than she is to them.'

  • Love 23

oh excuse my French, but fuck off Meri.  She wants everything to be happy happy joy joy but she doesn't want to do crap to get there.  She wants everyone to "ohhhhh pooooor Meri", cater to her shit & feel sorry for her.   She doesn't want to do squat to help move everyone forward to a better place.   Someone needs to tell her to fuck off already.

  • Love 23

Please, for the love of all that is holy, Meri, get out, get out, get out.

You are a blight on the blight of this family.  A family can only stand one blight.

if at least you would admit to the cat fishing, what you did, and how you responded to it, this would go a long way to inching toward a relationship in this family.  Your ego, your pride ... will never let you do that.  Got to Parowan and live in your little bubble.  But go away from this blighted family relationship and maintain your own blight away from them.

  • Love 16

Ugh, Meri is such a useless bitch.  She can’t even concede to being asked if she’s okay in the moment in an effort to make her feel better?!  If anyone got played in this entire scenario, it was Meri, but by Robyn.  That woman played her like a fucking fiddle and she doesn’t even see it.  

Oh, and Christine is way too good for these fools.  

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 23

Ugh.  Wasn't that labor too long?  Go to the hospital and get it over with!


I get the impression that the wives minus Meri are just tolerating Kody at this point.  I don't see a lot of love in those relationships.  Meri is done with Kody and I think what really killed it was the divorce so he could marry Robyn.


It seems like Meri is desperate to move back to her grandparent's home.

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Now..besides the obvious, going to put an offer on the house, and "my family not knowing"  Please don't wonder why your family does NOT trust you. Waiting for it to be official...this is why they hate you, well just one of the reasons.

On a lighter note:

Is she selling the Fabulous sweater/shirt with horizontal stripes?  WTF?  

  • Love 18

We get it Meri, you’re guarded. Who would have thought she would have ever used a word more often than ‘fill’ . More importantly, why does she feel guarded all the time? Actual victims should or can feel guarded. Meri isn’t a victim. She was queen wife for how long, got equal resources for her one kid, etc. She then gets screwed over and shamed for a purposeful act, that does not make her a victim that then feels guarded in order to protect herself. Just stop sending banana pics, and telling your family that you’re going to bolt.  That’s how you protect yourself. 

  • Love 22
3 minutes ago, Normades said:

Meri drives off to make an offer on the B&B that they don't agree on without telling the family. Gee, I wonder why no one trusts her??

I think Kody said last week words to the effect that it's on Meri, not the rest of the family.  And the house is in Meri's name alone, so legally she's 100 percent responsible.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Galloway Cave said:

Like Christine said, they were all focused on Maddie and just didn't think about who wasn't there. Meri had said repeatedly she would be back. She's a big girl and can open a door. I hope Nancy shuts Meri down.

I was really hoping to see Nancy do some counseling with these women. Three sessions on this topic and Nancy hasn't helped at all?

  • Love 10
31 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

And this circles right back to why Meri is so miserable... Because she wants her own man and should leave and make it happen.

I agree. However people here feel about Meri I see it a little differently. She married Kody. He decides he's going to start his own "church" and live plural marriage. Who does he choose? Meri's ex-sister-in-law? Come on...that in itself is bizarre. Skip ahead after all that has gone on. I don't think Meri likes plural marriage. I think she stayed because she loved Kody (ugh) and to  be honest I thought Janelle was a bitch in this episode and I thought Christine was a bitch. Meri has done wrong but there is nothing wrong with thinking I'm going to have a husband and a home and babies. It didn't quite work out that way and if I was her, I would leave and find another life. This family is a disaster. They don't want her. I never stay where I'm not wanted.

  • Love 14
43 minutes ago, Galloway Cave said:

Jesus, Meri has been saying she wants the family to trust her, treat her like she is part of the family, etc. Yet when Christine tells her why they don't and what can she do to make her feel safe, Meri says she doesn't know what to do with the conversation then proceeds to tear her head off. Christine is trying so hard and Meri is shredding her for her words. Meri just needs to leave and put everyone out of her misery.

But then, who will pay for her 2nd house? Meri the Martyr will stay and make everyone miserable until the deed is recorded. Just watch.

Edited by JustDuckie
  • Love 6
41 minutes ago, jenifaohjenny said:

Here is what she’s trying to say Meri...you are a miserable cow and no one wants to be around you...so how do we get to a place where we want to have you around? Because right now we don’t. You are annoying AF. 


When no one wants you around at what point do you look inside yourself to see what’s going on here?

Meri  is the first wife. The first wife who didn' want other wives. Merit thinks she should get her way because she is the FIRST wife. Everyone has to do what the First wife wants

I really think that is Meri's problem

  • Love 4

Wait, did Kody get an undercut?? Because when your hair is thining and receding while you desperately try to pretend it’s not, let’s shave off what is typically the thickest part of a balding man’s scalp. Hmm. Sure. Makes sense. 

Guarded, guard, guarded, guarded guarded guarded guardedguaerdedguardedguardedguardeddddddddddddddd

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Facebook groups are blowing up about “poor Meri”.  I got attacked for pointing out that she was emotionally cheating.  Told I was a terrible person and need to get over it.  Uh, I am over it.  I don’t really care.  However, I believe Meri made her own bed.  And I am soooooo over the catfishing conversation.  It was years ago for fucks sake. 

So now I am on a rampage with my opinion that Meri is not innocent.  Haters jumping all over me lol. 

Edited by Meowwww
  • Love 17

Don't generally watch the show but I caught tonight.  Cody's hair?  Balding and a man bun?  He is just ridiculous and thinks he is all that.

Meri - she is exhausting to watch.  Now I am not sure of the time line but did she leave the birth to go to the gay bar?  Did she bring back her daughter and the girlfriend?  I really didn't like the laughter and why would you bring back the girlfriend?  Why is she so set on having her daughter meet that Cheryl person.  Why would her daughter need to work through it when it was Meri who lied and got caught up in her own stupidity?

Now if Meri was upset about the birth because her own daughter probably may not have a child then I could see the legitimacy in that.  That feeling is not out of the realm of someone who finds out their child is gay.  I don't see that at all and I don't even think she cares about anyone but herself.

Scamming Cody?  I am all for it.  The other ladies?  Who knows.  They really give a bad name to "their lifestyle".  Bunch of horseshit.

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OMG THESE PEOPLE!!!  They need to stop seeing the counselor so that they stop trying to psychobabble each other to death and just speak plainly.  I don’t know what the hell Christine was trying to communicate. “You’re a Debby Downer with nerf face and no one wanted to see that during the special birth time?”  I get skin to skin contact but I can’t unsee Corey.  The rest of the show was kind of a blur as I was doing chores...

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, WaterSpirit said:

Now Meri says "something changed" and smirks about Sister Wives Closet...I would bet money she was trying to say it was Robin's fault. Yet she bagged on Robin.

now Christine is giving her truthies...and Meri is implying how dare Christine bring this up in this venue? Vs. what a Circus? 

They seem to think they all need a therapist in order to get through a conversation...and i bet it all starts with Sister Wife One and how she set it up for Janelle and anyone else that followed.

Why can't I slap Meri through my screen? I'd pay!

I wanted to slap that shit eating smirk right off her face when she was talking to Christine.  It seems to be a common response to Meri the Orange.  She is such a bitch.

  • Love 13

Shut the fuck up, Meri. About ALL of it.

The "emotionally abusive" catfish (you brought it on yourself!) - this whole being friends with another woman catfished by the same person, and forcing Mariah to spend time with her and her daughter (let your daughter get past it, in her own way!) - the B&B you're so determined to get at all costs - how you weren't "invited" to the birth - how everybody else is just so mean to you, on purpose, and doesn't trust you (to the point where you have to be so GUARDED all the time)....

It's all BULLSHIT, Meri, so seriously, please just STFU! 

If you want to be a selfish whiny brat, and be such a bitch to your sisterwives when they are trying to reach out to you like Christine did, then how the hell do you expect them to want you around? 

Just STFU, you self-centered bitch. Sign me up for the slap-someone-through-the-tv thing.

Edited by Sasha888
  • Love 22

I hate the way they screw with these shows week after week. I thought labor was last week so I deleted it and my DVR tapes something as new tonight and its rehashed crap. That bathroom is too damn much. I Live alone and have too many cosmetics but I'd have a clean counter if a tv crew was filming and a baby was going to happen in a tub. What's wrong with these people and me for watching?   I feel cells dying. 

  • Love 16

I fucking hate to say it, because Meri is such a lying fraud about the catfish situation, and so passively (and not so passively) aggressively manipulative and all . . . . 

but, I was actually kind of on her side with the Maddie-Labor situation. 

Not that it needed THREE. FUCKING. THERAPY. SESSIONS. to dill with.  But the bottom line, as I see it, is that Christine knowingly violated the boundaries that Maddie and Caleb had established regarding who could be present during the active stage of labor.  (and, I can't keep them straight, was that Christine's mother on the other folding chair pussy-gaping?)

That, to me, is a legitimate gripe.  The plan is that only Maddie, Caleb, the Midwife and (maybe Jannelle?) could be present.  Then it ends up a general admission standing-room-only event.  

And I think the way this episode was edited TPTB were on Meri's side on that issue.

And I thought Christine was ridiculous in her conversation as well.  "It wasn't up to me, but if it was, I wouldn't want you anywhere around, because I wouldn't fill "safe".  What's that?  I'm not being judgmental!  And I rilly want you there when it's my call.  Except that I don't want you there when it's not my call.  So, now.  What can I do to make you make me fill less unsafe?"

The fuck?

If Christine had an actual legitimate point, she wasn't getting it across to me.  I guess she's trying to play Robyn's game, but she's a rank amateur in that regard.  

  • Love 21
2 hours ago, LucyEth said:

While Meri was having an internet affair with Sam, I get the impression she was totally withdrawn from the family and doing her own thing.  Now that it all turned out to be fake, she just expects everyone to treat her as if it never happened.  They all know she was leaving if Sam were real.  How can she expect for everyone especially Kody to just pretend that didn't happen.  

This is exactly the problem! They can't get over what Meri did. They probably never will and I don't blame them. They and we all know she was ready to leave the family and go live happily ever after having crazy monkey sex with the catfish fake. Even Mariah knows it! They are all sick and tired of Meri deflecting and making herself the victim. The problem is that none of them will come clean and tell her the truth about how they really feel about the catfish dill. 

Meri was seething at Christine for calling her over to her house and having that private little meeting in front of the camera's. Christine should not have done that and only added fuel to the fire.  And what did she mean when she kept saying she didn't feel safe around Meri? She had a difficult time explaining herself. She's so damn dramatic. That meeting went nowhere.

  • Love 7

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