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S06.E11: Planning For The Future

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Ryan doesn't want a wife, he wants to keep a wife, sort of like a pet he plays with when he feels like it, then keeps caged up while he's busy doing other things.


1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

On decision day, I just hope Jackie takes off the wedding ring and gives it to Ryan without a word.  And, I hope Jon does the same with Molly, then takes Jacklyns hand and walks off  into the sunset on an adventure.  Then Ryan can go to the bar and throw down a few, and Molly can go get her hair & nails done, and they both will feel better.

That would be a MAFS story book ending...


Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Booger666 said:

I’ve been known to rag on the “experts” but I loved when Cal so clearly pointed out to Ryan that the problem isn’t Jac - it’s Ryan.  Ryan kept raising his voice and going on and on about how Jac is the one creating problems, such bullshit.  My fav part was when Cal said he was being passive aggressive.

Cal was getting mighty frustrated and pissed off. First time I have seen him like that. I enjoyed it.

  • Love 20
14 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Jaclyn is appearing desperate.  Ryan is so obnoxious, I wanted to SMACK that motormouth of his.  Can't she see it, or is she stupid?

What's with Molly all of a sudden with the mixed signals?  Jon had nothing to say about anything .. He's embarrassed.

I like Jepthe the best.  He makes sense.  Shawnice has to calm down a bit.

Jaclyn is desperate because Ryan is being a jerk. And maybe because she's one of those people who actually believe that married sex means something special, because you've made a "lifetime commitment". (Obviously, the problem with that is, although they're legally married, they're really just part of a two-month TV social experiment.) 

(...And even if they had been together 5+ years before tying the knot, they'd still have less than a 50% chance for 'to death do us part'.)

Jon is stoically keeping his mouth shut, and it's working out well for him. When Molly gets to do all the talking, she seems much happier with being 'married' to Jon. She cozies up closer to him, and (once) she even gave him a peck on the lips!! I don't think that is any indication that their marriage will be a success, however. Nor does it prove that Molly "did the right thing" by 'saving' her platinum vagina from Jon [even though she told Jon she's been very sexually promiscuous with men she did find instantly attractive, in the past]. Like Jaclyn, I think Molly believes that married sex has to mean something very special --and in her case, she's using that rationale to refuse it.

I kind of like Shawnice, and she's the most attractive of the 3 women. I completely disagree about Jephte, though. He walks out the moment he starts to get angry, muttering about how "things will get ugly" if he's "pushed". He seems like he's afraid of his own anger, which is a very bad sign. To me he seems like he could be a potential (and possibly, even a past) physical abuser. Rhianna might be everybody's idol but mine-- I think a wise woman is one who gets out of a situation like that before it 'gets ugly'.

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Ryan is borrowing trouble to the nth degree. And his terror that she'll leave him alone and go off gallivanting is hilariously off the mark. HE'S the one who wants his space and the time to do exactly what he wants. Even the specter of a mate who has her own wants and needs sends him spinning off into the stratosphere! Because there can't be two people in the marriage with desires and ambitions! That is strictly Ryan Territory. His wife should be content to stay home and make him a sandwich, on demand.

That's a good point.  It's not that Ryan wants to be with his buddies.  It's that he wants to be with his buddies ALL the time BUT is scared of Jaclyn's "gypsy soul."  Meaning he can do whatever he wants but she better be sitting home waiting for him.  

Cal was trying to tell him that if you want to be married you HAVE to change.  My late good girlfriend only called me when her husband wasn't home, and though I hated that because, fuck I have a life to girl, I realized that it was because her husband was ALWAYS up on her and she didn't mind.  That was just their dynamic, it worked for both of them.  Because couples have whatever dynamic that works for them; some people might live in separate homes and see each other on the weekends, if that works for them, it's cool and it's not anybody's business to judge because it works for THEM.  But Jaclyn wants something different in a marriage and Ryan doesn't get that at all.  He wants to do what he wants to do and Jaclyn be damned.  That's a problem and she should leave him.  

I laughed when Ryan said he never compromised in any relationship and Cal basically said, "how's that been working for you."  If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten....or is that had?

I think they should make these people watch an entire season of Discovery's "Naked and Afraid."  To me, it's a relationship show disguised as a survival challenge;  but it's a show about relationships and how people work together.  It's amazing to see the partners who can't work together versus the ones who can.  I'd ask Ryan, "how would you feel if your partner was better at making fire than you, or a better hunter?"  A man who is sure of himself, would think that was awesome, but Ryan would probably freak out, he'd be a nightmare of a partner on that show, just as he's a nightmare of a partner on this show.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 11

The couples have a cooling off period after D Day before they can file for divorce as per the M@FS contract.

If after all the divorces are final Jackie and Jon become scuba and adventure buddies that blossoms into something more then that would be a happy ending.

Don’t want to break the bro and gf codes to date others’ spouses so quickly.....

Jeohte and Shawniece would be stuck in the middle since they are Switzerland.

Ryan will not be hanging with any affiliated with the show except the sound guy he embraced so lovingly in the boat...

  • Love 2

Is Ryan really a firefighter?  He states he has a full time job as a construction worker then certain hours at firehouse.  Is he a volunteer ?  

He also says how much he has put into this marriage. He has no idea of what he looks like on tv.  Really liked it when Jephte said he was petty.  Of course Jephte needs a class or two on behavior.  

Remember he is a teacher.  Never had any use for Cal, this week he looked as though he tried.  I hope they had a better talk after the 20 second clip 

Also,  cant the powers that be find anyone that doesn't say " me and ___?"  

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

On decision day, I just hope Jackie takes off the wedding ring and gives it to Ryan without a word.  And, I hope Jon does the same with Molly, then takes Jacklyns hand and walks off  into the sunset on an adventure.  Then Ryan can go to the bar and throw down a few, and Molly can go get her hair & nails done, and they both will feel better.

I am bowing down before you right now. That would be the single greatest moment of reality teevee EVER.

1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Didn't asshat Ryan also smugly say something like "she was mad I was going out, so I stayed out longer"? What a complete A-hole!

And he knew she was sick, too. Selfish to the core.

  • Love 13

Every time a student started a sentence with “Me and____” my 7th grade English teacher would slam a text book as hard as she could with both hands on her desk and we all would jump....

I still get ready for an ear shattering slam when someone on TV says it.....

Edited by humbleopinion
  • Love 12
1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

On decision day, I just hope Jackie takes off the wedding ring and gives it to Ryan without a word.  And, I hope Jon does the same with Molly, then takes Jacklyns hand and walks off  into the sunset on an adventure

The producers likely have other plans for them to say they want to stay married.  I think that is the new "normal for the finale".

Why on earth would have Sonia / what's his name and Danielle/Cody wanted to stay married?

  • Love 2

The faithful viewers would stand up and slow clap if Jackie said I demand a divorce from the selfish prick that the experts saddled me with for 2 months.

If Jon could blindside Molly...you know she will make him promise to not divorce her on the Decision show, but he pulls the trigger and dumps her bony ass.

She may even pale under her 5 coats of makeup....

Edited by humbleopinion
  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, OnTime said:
2 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

On decision day, I just hope Jackie takes off the wedding ring and gives it to Ryan without a word.  And, I hope Jon does the same with Molly, then takes Jacklyns hand and walks off  into the sunset on an adventure

The producers likely have other plans for them to say they want to stay married.  I think that is the new "normal for the finale".

Why on earth would have Sonia / what's his name and Danielle/Cody wanted to stay married?

Can't take credit for that - @Gem 10 wins for that lovely image.

I can't imagine any offer being good enough to stay with Ryan, but unfortunately it's possible.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Booger666 said:

I’ve been known to rag on the “experts” but I loved when Cal so clearly pointed out to Ryan that the problem isn’t Jac - it’s Ryan.  Ryan kept raising his voice and going on and on about how Jac is the one creating problems, such bullshit.

I was impressed with Jackie during their macaroni talk.  She was calm, she didn't raise her voice, she was clear about what she was feeling and what she was concerned about.  It was a mature approach tot he situation, even though Ryan called it fighting and said it was fighting just to fight.  No, Ryan, YOU were fighting.  Jackie was being mature and having a discussion about something important.

  • Love 19
7 minutes ago, OnTime said:

The producers likely have other plans for them to say they want to stay married.  I think that is the new "normal for the finale".

Why on earth would have Sonia / what's his name and Danielle/Cody wanted to stay married.

1 hour ago, Gobears said:

Ryan: I'm not bringing any baggage into this relationship

Also Ryan: I work 2 full-time jobs, paintball on 2 different teams, play video games intensely, like to drink with my buddies every night, go out even when my wife is sick, and gaslight people. 

      How classy of Ryan to call Jackie's deceased fiancé "baggage".  Very nice for his family to hear that.

  • Love 7

I don't even know what to say about Ryan. I initially thought they were a lock for remaining together. Now I am not so sure. He has shown himself time and time again to be nothing but selfish. If I heard him correctly the evening the 3 men met with Pastor Cal, he went to work, then went out with the guys after work to unwind, then met with Pastor Cal, then came home to find Jackie sick and then decided it would be a good idea to go out yet again with the guys to clear his head or whatever nonsense he was spouting? He doesn't want to change or give an inch. I call baloney on his excuse that he is holding back b/c he is afraid that Jackie will one day decide to up and move and leave him alone with any children they may have. Projecting much? All she said was that she had a Gypsy soul. When he did finally speak to her about it, she said well yes, she does like to travel but that's why she wants to make sure they get a lot of traveling done before children come. Crisis solved. Ryan does not how to communicate at all. I'm wondering if he has a drinking problem. He goes out a lot after work and he ain't drinking diet Cokes, that's for sure. Plus, I notice at meal times at home he is drinking beer. Now, I know that is not unusual for a segment of the population but as I am married to a non-drinker and I am barely what one would call a social drinker, I find it odd that he is always drinking. Plus, whenever they are having a discussion he always looks like he is looking right through her and his eyes are glazed over. I don't feel he 'listens' at all. He is quick to jump to the defensive at the least bit of criticism from Jackie. And IMO she wasn't even criticizing. She truly wanted to know if there was room in their marriage for her. She was fine with giving him some slack but it seems as if he just doesn't want to spend any time alone with her at all. He wants his life to remain exactly the same and doesn't want to give an inch. All that posturing with Pastor Cal was silly "I have never been submissive, blah blah blah."

I have done a complete turnaround and Shawniece is my favorite. She puts a smile on my face. Their segment when they were sitting on their front steps talking about their future was the best part of the episode for me.

Still not sold that Molly is all in. She said she would try to be more affectionate and Jon got a little birthday kiss! He seemed pleased with his gift certificate to his favorite store and he was looking at her with such 'love' when she was exiting the trapeze. He definitely is smitten with her but looks fade. They do seem to get along and he is a nice looking man imo, so I don't quite understand why she is not attracted to him.

  • Love 10
59 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

Plus, I notice at meal times at home he is drinking beer.

In fairness, Jackie had a glass of wine in front of her at their dinner and Jon and Molly seem to have wine with their dinners at home. (I haven't noticed if Jephte and Shawniece do.) I don't think having an alcoholic beverage with dinner is a big deal - but I do think Ryan was drunk at the meeting with Pastor Cal and the guys.

59 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

Still not sold that Molly is all in.

Not at all. She didn't even look into that birthday peck she gave him.

Edited by Empress1
  • Love 3

I am suspicious about Ryan being a firefighter and, if he really is one, how much longer he will be on the force.  Coming from a line of firefighters (grandfather and father), I know that their job is all about running towards danger in order to save others.  They put their lives on the line every time they are called to a fire or to some other emergency.  Ryan is so adamant about not doing anything he doesn't want to do (which was one of his first statements at the grooms gathering which was quickly shot down by Pastor Cal), and not sacrificing anything at all in his life,  I just don't see how he would do his job as a firefighter if he isn't willing to put someone/someone else's life ahead of his own.  I think he will be getting some "words" from his supervisors if he really is a firefighter. 

  • Love 4
25 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

Ryan does not how to communicate at all. I'm wondering if he has a drinking problem. He goes out a lot after work and he ain't drinking diet Cokes, that's for sure. Plus, I notice at meal times at home he is drinking beer. Now, I know that is not unusual for a segment of the population but as I am married to a non-drinker and I am barely what one would call a social drinker, I find it odd that he is always drinking. Plus, whenever they are having a discussion he always looks like he is looking right through her and his eyes are glazed over.

My husband and I both feel Ryan DEFINITELY has a drinking problem.  I also wonder if he's struggling with his sexual orientation - he strikes me as someone who desperately wants to think of himself as a straight "manly" man, who has a wife at home waiting for him while he works two jobs to be a provider.  He really bristled at the talk of being submissive ("I don't know what you guys do in the bedroom, but that's just not me!" or whatever he said), and it seemed that this was the part of the grooms/Pastor Cal discussion that upset him to the point he needed to go right back out for more drinks with his friend, rather than staying home and attending to his sick wife.  There's definitely something not right with that guy, and whatever it is, Jaclyn should run, fast and far as her gypsy soul will take her.  I hope he doesn't get violent. 

  • Love 18

The "gypsy soul" was Ryan's "out of the marriage excuse" except that all the guys shot it down as being ridiculous.  He's going to have to come up with something else.  He's preparing since he realizes he can't do everything he used to do being married.  Of course Jacyln will probably beat him to the D word.

Just like that one bride picked the cigarette/pot smoking as her "out" even though her husband said he wouldn't do it again. And another bride's was her husband (Dave, I believe) email to a co-worker" where she proclaimed he was cheating on her, which was most likely way exaggerated. Then there was the other one who called it quits immediately because her husband raised his voice once and then there was not even a chance after that (jeez that never happens in a marriage).

I still think that Molly is going to wait too long to start showing Jon any affection.  He's most likely going to bail, He's already said he does not want a friend. Unless she is just really uncomfortable with the cameras and everyone knowing WHEN they have sex for the first time and that is why she is waiting.  Then again, why go on a show like this if you don't want the world to know your business.

  • Love 4
22 minutes ago, Mlle. Kitty said:

 I also wonder if he's struggling with his sexual orientation - he strikes me as someone who desperately wants to think of himself as a straight "manly" man, who has a wife at home waiting for him while he works two jobs to be a provider.  He really bristled at the talk of being submissive ("I don't know what you guys do in the bedroom, but that's just not me!" or whatever he said), and it seemed that this was the part of the grooms/Pastor Cal discussion that upset him to the point he needed to go right back out for more drinks with his friend, rather than staying home and attending to his sick wife.  There's definitely something not right with that guy, and whatever it is, Jaclyn should run, fast and far as her gypsy soul will take her.  I hope he doesn't get violent. 

Yes, I wondered this last week when he was so uncomfortable with the nude male model at the painting session that he refused to even look at him and based his painting off of Jaclyn's. Doesn't he regularly see other nude men at urinals, locker rooms and the firehouse? I felt like he was over-compensating for something. The podcasters questioned his sexual orientation as well. 

Edited by Gobears
  • Love 8

After every assignment or occasion, Molly says something about winning, or aceing it. It just seems odd, like she thinks they are on The Amazing Race. SMH

3 minutes ago, Gobears said:

Yes, I wondered this last week when he was so uncomfortable with the nude male model at the painting session that he refused to even look at him and based his painting off of Jaclyn's. Doesn't he regularly see other nude men at urinals, locker rooms and the firehouse? I felt like he was over-compensating for something. The podcasters questioned his sexual orientation as well. 

When he pursed those lips at the guys dinner, I thought hmmmm.  I’m not bashing, but Jackie shouldn’t be a beard unless she agrees to it.

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, Gobears said:

Yes, I wondered this last week when he was so uncomfortable with the nude male model at the painting session that he refused to even look at him and based his painting off of Jaclyn's. Doesn't he regularly see other nude men at urinals, locker rooms and the firehouse? I felt like he was over-compensating for something. The podcasters questioned his sexual orientation as well. 

I admit that I dozed off during last week's episode, so I don't recall his discomfort.  Interesting!  I need to listen to the podcast.  I'm glad it's not just me who's wondering about this.  :-)

  • Love 2

Wish I could tell Jackie to quit wasting anymore time and effort trying to get Ryan to put you first or think he’s going to eventually figure out what a marriage should be. I’ve been married for 14 years to a “Ryan” who only cared about what he wanted to do and when he wanted to do it and put my feelings well below his friends. 14 years later I’m now in therapy to help me decide to leave this shit or not. Don’t be me Jackie! Don’t re-live my life. Find someone who wants to give a shit. 

  • Love 17
On 3/21/2018 at 10:02 AM, Booger666 said:

It took 39 days and we *finally* see a genuine smile from Molly.  Of course, it is because Jon tells her she is the hottest wife.

Molly is the type of person who needs constant flattery. She'd probably soften a lot towards Jon if he blew smoke up her ass all day. I'm glad he doesn't, though, because I still ship him and Jackie. I think she's adorable and likely looks even better in person than on TV, but my hopes will be dashed if Jon's not attracted to her.

Ryan, in addition to his other problems, seems to be unable to sit still or relax. Everything is go, go, go with him, including his mouth. Probably staying in to watch TV or read a book is a night of torture. I'm not trying to diagnose or label him, but there may be medications that can help.

My other advice to Ryan is to try to find a low-level gold digger who is content to be supported financially but prefers to do her own thing. Perhaps a mail order bride would suffice.

Edited by 2727
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, 2727 said:

Ryan, in addition to his other problems, seems to be unable to sit still or relax. Everything is go, go, go with him, including his mouth. Probably staying in to watch TV or read a book is a night of torture. I'm not trying to diagnose or label him, but there may be medications that can help.

He's definitely ADHD...   Annoying-Dysfunctional-Hardhearted-Douchebag.  No meds cure that unfortunately.

  • Love 13

Everything you all said re: Ryan, I agree.  I couldn't like posts fast enough! 

If Jackie decides to stay, I would caution her to pay close attention to his drinking. While I've seen "angry drinkers" to a level Ryan hasn't even come close to matching, he does seem to get combative when he drinks. 

But ...

I'd be done if I were Jackie. Ryan has way too many red flags. He may be ready some day, but I think he has a selfish nature, so who knows.

Ryan's "me and Jackie" was bad enough, but he topped it with "ek-specially".  

  • Love 9

Ryan is taking Jaclyn for the emotional abuse ride. Things were bad but we 'came back together' just fine again - 'like we were'. Yeah, that's how it starts.

She needs to remember well those feelings of being dismissed, lonely, frustrated, hurt, gas lighted, blame shifted, & just plain done & tired, because if she stays on this Ryan ride he will suck the life right out of her. It's already happening but she's bouncing back. Eventually she won't be able to bounce back as well, if at all, anymore.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 13
On 3/20/2018 at 10:21 PM, Neurochick said:

I think Ryan wants the idea of marriage but not marriage itself.

I agree - he wants a wife without having to be married!

13 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Producers need to bring the wise sage, Jephte Whisperer...Antonio...Tony...to replace the useless experts associated with the show currently.

If you start a petition for that I will sign it :)

8 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Every time a student started a sentence with “Me and____” my 7th grade English teacher would slam a text book as hard as she could with both hands on her desk and we all would jump....

I still get ready for an ear shattering slam when someone on TV says it.....

My personal pet peeve is the "with ___ and I" over and over again like they're sure they have it right!


3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I don’t think Ryan has a problem with his sexual orientation, I think Ryan is extremely immature and selfish.  He is unable to see anyone who is not him as a fully formed human being.  The way he acted with the nude model is how an immature eight year old boy would act.

I think the way he acted with the nude model is how pretty much anyone who is not an artist/art student would act.  I'm a 50 year old straight woman who would feel incredibly uncomfortable if I were told to look at a naked man in public and draw a representation of his penis, especially if cameras were on me and everyone I knew could watch, DVR, discuss, and replay to embarrass me until they got tired of it.  I also don't think he is necessarily abusive, gay or alcoholic.  IMO he's just immature and into himself and his busy life, and while he thought having a wife would be great it turns out he just wants to have one, without doing any of the things it takes to get and keep one.

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, stuckin60s said:

Also,  cant the powers that be find anyone that doesn't say " me and ___?"  


11 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Every time a student started a sentence with “Me and____” my 7th grade English teacher would slam a text book as hard as she could with both hands on her desk and we all would jump....

I still get ready for an ear shattering slam when someone on TV says it.....

LOL, we had the same exact childhood!  This bothers me so much I've brought it up with my husband and friends.  Hubbie says if there was an adult within a half a mile they would hop on a bus just to come over and correct you!  I am conditioned like one of Pavlov's dogs to react in horror every time I hear "me and", and it happens all the time on this show.  I don't remember any of the participants on this show ever getting it right!  Did kids stop paying attention to their elders somewhere along the line or did the elders stop correcting them?  I don't have kids so I have no idea.

Another pet peeve of mine is when they say "doing good" or "did good" instead of "doing (or did) well".  None of them get that one right either!

  • Love 3
22 hours ago, Booger666 said:

I’ve been known to rag on the “experts” but I loved when Cal so clearly pointed out to Ryan that the problem isn’t Jac - it’s Ryan.  Ryan kept raising his voice and going on and on about how Jac is the one creating problems, such bullshit.  My fav part was when Cal said he was being passive aggressive.  I get the feeling Ryan has compartmentalized any past GFs so that when he bitches about them his friends just nod their heads in agreement.  Cal and the other husbands have met Jac and Ryan and are clearly Team Jac.  I also was glad Jac said he was being toxic.  She was spot on and I hope she remembers that if she gets any pressure to stay with Ryan.

It took 39 days and we *finally* see a genuine smile from Molly.  Of course, it is because Jon tells her she is the hottest wife. She couldn’t muster a genuine smile for his actual birthday or anything.  Molly is painfully superficial.  Girl needs to experience something in life other than getting her hair and nails done.

Molly's hair seems to mean everything to her.  It's her signature "look at me" look.  Perfectly coiffed at all times, not a hair out of place, even when she goes to bed.  I just can't see Jon messing it up.

  • Love 4
20 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Ryan doesn't want a wife, he wants to keep a wife, sort of like a pet he plays with when he feels like it, then keeps caged up while he's busy doing other things.


That would be a MAFS story book ending...


LOVE IT !    Maybe Molly will see fireworks if she sleeps with Jon ... Or not.     Ha ha

  • Love 1
On 3/20/2018 at 10:40 PM, Yeah No said:

Wait a minute - Asshat Ryan leaves Jackie alone when she's sick for drinks with his bros and HE's worried SHE'D leave their kids alone while she runs all over the world traveling?  WTF?  She sits at home every night while he's out with his buddies and he's worried that she'd leave HIM for a life of travel just based on one thing she said?  What's wrong with this picture? 

What a total baby Ryan is!  Even Jephte was giving him looks like he's out of his mind!  And Pastor Cal was spot on.  This guy is so transparent it's ridiculous.  He's showing himself to be a knee-jerk and not that bright.  It looked to me like Jackie is resigned at this point that this is not going to work out.  Her attitude was like "whatever, I'm over it".  I don't blame her.  I just think she should have waited before jumping in the sack with him.

Speaking of jumping in the sack, it looks like there's some cause for hope between Jon and Molly.  I know they have flip flopped a lot but my fingers are crossed.


On 3/20/2018 at 10:52 PM, Gem 10 said:

Asshat is so busy babbling over Jackie like a spoiled child, he didn't hear what she really said.  She meant she wants to travel BEFORE the kids come.  Yeah .. Like she would leave the kids with him.  He'd probably take the kids to the bar.


On 3/20/2018 at 11:01 PM, humbleopinion said:

During the macaroni dinner Ryan was seeing red and he couldn’t hear what Jackie was saying because of the blood rushing through his head so he made the fighting comment.

That is a bonehead comment a person makes when they aren’t listening and they are losing their poise in an argument.

Ryan purses his lips when he is reaching his boiling point, dude is incapable of listening.

The show is exposing Ryan as insensitive, selfish, thoughtless, controlling, stubborn, egotistical, an out of touch Neanderthal (I’ve never been submissive...Ryan, try it, you may like someone smarter than you driving the bus) who has little regard for a woman who is trying to find reasons to love him.

Ryan cannot and will not stand for his wife or anyone confronting or defying him...two giant red flags waving back and forth.

Jackie, follow the signs to the nearest exit.....


On 3/20/2018 at 11:09 PM, answerphone said:

I certainly hope any woman who's interested in Ryan in the future watches this episode. (I'm assuming poor Jackie will have some sense and walk away)

Is anyone else bothered when Ryan speaks like a seven year old little boy?

"When me and Jackie got married" and so on. I'm not a formal person, but his use of proper vocabulary is pitiful.

I think Ryan's hiding a scared, wimpy personality beneath that firefighter/construction worker, beer drinking exterior.


On 3/20/2018 at 11:43 PM, humbleopinion said:

Thinking Ryan is a mean drunk and he admits he needs to blow off steam probably bashing Jackie with his friends who “get” him...

Another big red flag waving at you, Jackie...

The tease has Ryan’s mom toasting with champagne... not so fast...you are about to be the sole Mrs. Buckley again when Jackie jumps out of the moving car to get away from your son...


On 3/20/2018 at 11:50 PM, gonecrackers said:

Ryan has been a thorn this season; haven't seen this yet & will keep all hard objects away to keep my TV intact. 

The 'experts' paired Jaclyn with a bumbling verbal idiot, selfish man-child. She needs to give him the boot come decision day - a spiky one right up his nasty ass.

While she's at it each 'expert' can bend over too.


On 3/20/2018 at 11:57 PM, PityFree said:

 Seriously! How on earth did the experts let Ryan slip through? It’s painfully obvious that he doesn’t want to make room in his life for a wife nor does he want to change a thing. He was not ready for marriage at all. Bad job, experts!


On 3/20/2018 at 11:57 PM, bichonblitz said:

He's using the travel thing as an excuse. He wants out. He knows damn good and well what she meant.  I only hope Jaclyn leaves first. 

At the dinner with the guys and the pastor while Ryan was bitching and running his mouth constantly,  I was watching Jon. He sat there so cool and calm just shaking his head from side to side. I LOVE JON. He belongs with Jaclyn. How did these idiot coaches get it so wrong?


On 3/21/2018 at 12:15 AM, humbleopinion said:

When Ryan was complaining how Jackie’ gypsy spirit makes her want to pull tent and live in another country for a few years...you could see the thought cloud over Jon’s head...I would love to have a wife who would be adventurous and want to live in another country...and have sex with me from day 1 of our marriage....

Did anyone else see the wave of envy in Jon’s face?


On 3/21/2018 at 12:34 AM, valdawn said:

Can we please just put Jackie and Jon together now and call it a damn day on this season already??? Put them all out if their misery! 


Actually while we’re at it, let’s try Molly and Ryan together and see how fast she runs back to Jon begging him to get her away from crazy ass Ryan! 


On 3/21/2018 at 7:32 AM, SabineElisabeth said:

I think Ryan's problem is that he is stupid.  Really, really stupid.  Quite possibly the least smart person I can remember seeing on this show yet.  And one of so many things resulting from his stupidity is a complete lack of self-awareness.  If he had even a glimmer of insight into his own feelings, he would have realized that what he really meant by his stupid, stupid rant about Jacklyn running away with their kids to travel (WTF?) is that he's feeling overwhelmed and freaked out by the thought of giving up his single life/freedom, etc.  Holy crap, what an unbelievable dumbass.....


22 hours ago, Booger666 said:

I’ve been known to rag on the “experts” but I loved when Cal so clearly pointed out to Ryan that the problem isn’t Jac - it’s Ryan.  Ryan kept raising his voice and going on and on about how Jac is the one creating problems, such bullshit.  My fav part was when Cal said he was being passive aggressive.  I get the feeling Ryan has compartmentalized any past GFs so that when he bitches about them his friends just nod their heads in agreement.  Cal and the other husbands have met Jac and Ryan and are clearly Team Jac.  I also was glad Jac said he was being toxic.  She was spot on and I hope she remembers that if she gets any pressure to stay with Ryan.

It took 39 days and we *finally* see a genuine smile from Molly.  Of course, it is because Jon tells her she is the hottest wife. She couldn’t muster a genuine smile for his actual birthday or anything.  Molly is painfully superficial.  Girl needs to experience something in life other than getting her hair and nails done.


20 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Ryan doesn't want a wife, he wants to keep a wife, sort of like a pet he plays with when he feels like it, then keeps caged up while he's busy doing other things.


That would be a MAFS story book ending...



20 hours ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

Jaclyn is desperate because Ryan is being a jerk. And maybe because she's one of those people who actually believe that married sex means something special, because you've made a "lifetime commitment". (Obviously, the problem with that is, although they're legally married, they're really just part of a two-month TV social experiment.) 

(...And even if they had been together 5+ years before tying the knot, they'd still have less than a 50% chance for 'to death do us part'.)

Jon is stoically keeping his mouth shut, and it's working out well for him. When Molly gets to do all the talking, she seems much happier with being 'married' to Jon. She cozies up closer to him, and (once) she even gave him a peck on the lips!! I don't think that is any indication that their marriage will be a success, however. Nor does it prove that Molly "did the right thing" by 'saving' her platinum vagina from Jon [even though she told Jon she's been very sexually promiscuous with men she did find instantly attractive, in the past]. Like Jaclyn, I think Molly believes that married sex has to mean something very special --and in her case, she's using that rationale to refuse it.

I kind of like Shawnice, and she's the most attractive of the 3 women. I completely disagree about Jephte, though. He walks out the moment he starts to get angry, muttering about how "things will get ugly" if he's "pushed". He seems like he's afraid of his own anger, which is a very bad sign. To me he seems like he could be a potential (and possibly, even a past) physical abuser. Rhianna might be everybody's idol but mine-- I think a wise woman is one who gets out of a situation like that before it 'gets ugly'.


13 hours ago, 2727 said:

Molly is the type of person who needs constant flattery. She'd probably soften a lot towards Jon if he blew smoke up her ass all day. I'm glad he doesn't, though, because I still ship him and Jackie. I think she's adorable and likely looks better in person than on TV, but my hopes will be dashed if Jon's not attracted to her.

Ryan, in addition to his other problems, seems to be unable to sit still or relax. Everything is go, go, go with him, including his mouth. Probably staying in to watch TV or read a book is a night of torture. I'm not trying to diagnose or label him, but there may be medications that can help.

My other advice to Ryan is to try to find a low-level gold digger who is content to be supported financially but prefers to do her own thing. Perhaps a mail order bride would suffice.

I really like Jackie and Jon, but I think she does not fit some of his more superficial requirements. When he said that "he had the hottest wife", I do think he was only half joking. I think Molly is his type physically and that is why he is even still in the game. She loves having the upper hand on him and that is just the way it is when one person cares less in a relationship.

Standing on a shallow box, I actually think Jackie's ex-fiance was way better looking than Jon and I do not even have to mention how homely looking Ryan is in comparison.

Ryan was a guy that wants to say he his married because being married is seen as a certain sign of status. He is freaking out about Jackie daring to have an opinion and now is pulling at any lame excuse to make Jackie look bad. The truth is Jackie seems to be a wonderful person and Ryan got really lucky to be paired with her but he is too much of an idiot to see that.

Also, Ryan loves to pretend that he has all those jobs and is providing most of the money for the family. From what I remember during the apartment hunting episode, Jackie and Ryan make about the same amount of money...I could be remembering that incorrectly. Also, it does not matter who makes more money...love and mutual respect are the foundation of any relationship.

  • Love 8
On 3/20/2018 at 7:52 PM, Gem 10 said:

Asshat is so busy babbling over Jackie like a spoiled child, he didn't hear what she really said.  She meant she wants to travel BEFORE the kids come.  Yeah .. Like she would leave the kids with him.  He'd probably take the kids to the bar.

What bothered me about all that was he never took the time to ask what she mean when she said she had a "gypsy soul".  He just decided what he though it meant, then punished her for feeling like he assumed she did.  Never asking her for clarification.  Not a good trait in a spouse.

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, qtpye said:

Also, Ryan loves to pretend that he has all those jobs and is providing most of the money for the family. From what I remember during the apartment hunting episode, Jackie and Ryan make about the same amount of money...I could be remembering that incorrectly.

Another insecurity tweak for Ryan - he has to work twice as much to even out with Jaclyn's 9-5 job.

2 hours ago, lh25 said:

What bothered me about all that was he never took the time to ask what she mean when she said she had a "gypsy soul".  He just decided what he though it meant, then punished her for feeling like he assumed she did.  Never asking her for clarification.  Not a good trait in a spouse.

The "it's all about me" Ryan ASSumed because "this is what it means to ME" & "ME" is all that matters to Ryan. He is a ME Monster.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 7

I had assumed that Jaclyn's talk of exploring other countres/states was just idle conversation, the kind you make when you say you want to join the Peace Corps or go live in Paris. I see a lot of comments pinning Ryan as emotionally abusive or a little bit homosexual. I don't see that at all, especially since "abuse" is such a loaded term that people like to throw around an awful lot. It was NOT nice for him to go out with his friends when his wife was home sick. He does need to learn to grow up though. 

I used to have the same exact situation like Jaclyn. My husband used to go out almost every night with his friends to drink or just hang out and I was home alone. It really frustrated me. Then I realized I had to use a different tactic than nagging or even just expressing my feelings to him. Whenever he left, I would tell him to go have fun and that he would have a plate of food waiting for him when he got home. He began returning home after 1 hour. Now he still hangs out with his friends on a regular basis, but doesn't stay out late anymore. I created an environment that he wanted to come home to. Now MAFS is different because these people barely know each other an you would expect that in the "honeymoon phase" (first couple months of a relationship) the guy would be eager to spend extra time with her. 

  • Love 5

Ryan cannot fathom taking a 2 week vacation because of his paintball team practices, his paintball park and he gets antsy if he is away from his firefighter buddies too long. 

He couldn’t even entertain what Cal had to say about an extended vacation for Jackie.

Can you imagine him at a corporate event for Jackie’s job?

He’ll play the firefighter card so he will dominate the cocktail chitchat with his exploits. No one will get a word in edgewise. People will flee the convo because he is off putting and a braggart.

He’ll wear those ridiculous suspenders instead of a jacket.

He will drink too much and talk too loud.

Jackie will go to future events alone.

  • Love 8

I don't see any of the three couples staying together. I think only part of is the fault of the therapists who brought them together; some of these people may have just lied about their real feelings and their reasons for being on the show. I think Ryan is a very insecure guy for whatever reasons and wants a wife he can push around psychologically. He seemed really into Jaclyn at first, but when she started to reciprocate, he backed off. So many people have this thing where they don't want someone who wants them back and it is so destructive. Molly is the same way. I think Molly is a wanna be actress since she never ever apppears without her hair and makeup perfect. No one lives like that all of the time. She like Ryan, doesn't want Jon because he wants her. I really like Jon and his light hearted personality and hope he gets to go on second chances.

Shawnniece is one of my favorite poeople on the show-she is sweet, smart and trying hard to work on her marriage. Things seem to be going well now but I just don't trust Jephte. He seems to be just playing along for the paycheck to me. I think he wanted a more intellectual woman, possibly another teacher. He just makes little comments that make me think he doesn't really care about his wife. I hope I'm wrong because I hope these two work out. 

  • Love 7

They should have paired Ryan with someone who is a pilot, emergency room doctor, or with an exceptionally busy career who is fine with a see you when I can kind of marriage or see you when I can make time for you. He doesn't want to change anything to fit a wife or marriage into his life. No way he can give up beer crawls at 11 PM, two paintball teams, or the other seven jobs just because his wife wants quality time or is sick. He screams Hallmark commercial and card all day. I've thought that since the first episode. Lots of words flowing out of that one, but the actions, body language, and nothing else supports the shit he is spewing.

Molly and Jon. Poor Jon learned that to get through to Molly, he just needs to be stoic, nod, and be a dutiful little Mr. I happen to agree with others who said she wants to wear the pants and have the upper hand. She was fine when she could do all the talking, and I was shocked when she genuinely smiled and seemed happy. 

I want Shawniece and Jephte to work out. I like his friend Antonio or Tony? Then again, I'm that friend that will call you to the floor and let you know my observations, too. I think he does like her, but his lack of experience with relationships, communication style, and what seems to be disinterest in being in front of the cameras, makes it seem like he doesn't care. One thing that can't be denied is Shawniece glows when she's around him. Her whole demanour changes in a good way. He must be doing something right.

Edited by AussieBabe
  • Love 9

Ryan’s life changes not one whit whether Jackie is around or not.

He just won’t have to make the 11pm courtesy call/text that he’s going out for drinks after shift ends.

He will have no problems rehooking up with his condom less partners again for meaningless, loveless, but no strings attached sexy time.

Jackie will ride away on an awesome unicorn to find a great guy worthy of her love.

Edited by humbleopinion
  • Love 6
On 3/21/2018 at 12:40 PM, Neurochick said:

Meaning he can do whatever he wants but she better be sitting home waiting for him.  


This.  This is exactly what Ryan wants.  He is a gorilla banging on his chest, isn’t he? Even when she told him about her ex dying, he wasn’t compassionate or willing to empathize at all - and it sure seemed to me that’s what she wanted/needed.   Nope, nothing but “but what does this mean for ME???” (Chest bang).  This is the mismatch from hell, for sure.  He is very competitive, and I’m thinking he’s been pissed off from the get-go that Jacque (is that right?) holds her own.  He has this false sense of manhood (gorilla-hood) that just wont allow him empathy or warmth.  I bet she can outrun him, bench press twice as much as him, earns more than him, and is generally a far more likeable person than him.  Maybe he’s self sabotaging because psychologically he knows he’s way out of his league... and he could never hope to keep her in the long term.  Pre-separating, if you will.  I hope she lives up to his expectations for the rest of us to keep our sanity.

one other thing - the silly/stupid/immature rant he had while out with the guys... and the “thing” about being afraid she will galavanting around the world, leaving kids with him... see... no.  It would never ever in a billion years happen that way.  Ever ever ever.  Because “if” they had kids together, gorilla man will NOT be available for any part of child rearing.  He will never change a diaper, never clean baby puke off his shirt (or baby slobber off his chin), never warm up the spaghettios, never run forgotten cleats to the middle school or schedule his day around ortho appointments.  Just.Aint.Happening.   He’s far too self absorbed and far too important for all that.

i don’t like him much, can you tell?

Jon’s donkey bray laugh makes my ears bleed.  

Shawniece (wow, that doesn’t look right...) is my girl.  I LOVE this girl.  I was so afraid (because she is tender with her feelings) that she would be steamrolled, but she’s so much stronger than even SHE thought she was.  But she does have 2 distinctly different looks, right?  Sometimes she is almost unrecognizable in the TH scenes.  Somehow a little makeup does wonders for her, but also tones her down a notch.  She’s so spontaneous and off the chain, I just love her.

  • Love 16
On March 21, 2018 at 1:41 AM, Chalby said:

Jackie gives Ryan far too much credit. She's always looking for a glimmer of decency in him to justify the 'experts' decision. I have to ask viewers... did anyone else think, Meh when they saw Ryan as Jackie's match? I saw nothing in him, and when he was picking out a ring I had to chuckle because appearances are clearly everything to him. The man has yet to critically look in a mirror, though.

I'm surprised Ryan went for the more expensive ring as he looks cheap to me.  Remember when he was haggling for a few bucks at the straw market on the honeymoon?  The seller is trying to make a few bucks, and Asshat is low balling him.  Low class big shot from Boston.

  • Love 11
Just now, Gem 10 said:

I'm surprised Ryan went for the more expensive ring as he looks cheap to me.  Remember when he was haggling for a few bucks at the straw market on the honeymoon?  The seller is trying to make a few bucks, and Asshat is low balling him.  Low class big shot from Boston.

He does what makes him look like the “big guy”. Buying a bigger ring than his other grooms, and “winning” over a seller in a craft market are both wins to him. He’s a bully.

  • Love 21
On 3/21/2018 at 1:06 PM, stuckin60s said:

Is Ryan really a firefighter?  He states he has a full time job as a construction worker then certain hours at firehouse.  Is he a volunteer ?  

He also says how much he has put into this marriage. He has no idea of what he looks like on tv.  Really liked it when Jephte said he was petty.  Of course Jephte needs a class or two on behavior.  

Remember he is a teacher.  Never had any use for Cal, this week he looked as though he tried.  I hope they had a better talk after the 20 second clip 

Also,  cant the powers that be find anyone that doesn't say " me and ___?"  

My bil was a fireman many years ago.  He worked 24 hours then off 48.  So most of the firemen had second jobs.

I think Ryan flips houses on his own so he can chose his hours.

I too loved when Pastor Cap asked Ryan "how's that working out for you"?

  • Love 5

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