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S09.E07: Risking Arrest

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Only an hour in this episode and (segue....Janelle’s bathroom is a mess!) holy cow!  Drama queens!   The police won’t be there specifically  to round them up and arrest them.  

Shut up Robyn. “Talk to the wives, how much they love their husbands, how strong they are.”  Argh! 

Over reacting much?  

There is not enough wine to get through the last 45 minutes of this mess.  

  • Love 7
23 minutes ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

Kody's response to the women who showed up, who were victims of abuse and against polygamy, was " why are they here? I wish they would just go away and shut up"

Yep. And they wish YOU would go away and shut up, Kody.

Kody's view is the only CORRECT view. Everyone else is wrong. He can't just say someone else has the right to disagree with him, they have to be WRONG.

And he is going to shove it down your throat for as long as he has the TLC soap box to preach from.

In last week's thread, I said that without even seeing this episode, I thought four things would need to be said: FU Kody, Shut up Robyn, Take it down a notch Christine, Wake Up Janelle, and Stop Crying and Whining Meri.

I was wrong about Janelle...she was awake, and even fired up.

But I think the rest was pretty close to the mark. Especially FU Kody. :-)

3 hours ago, MoodyGirl said:

Wow—Robyn was looking rough in the kitchen with no makeup. 

She really, really did. Wow. Turns out muppet brows are a better look on her than no makeup at all. Bring on the caterpillar eyebrows, I guess.

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Openness has blessed them how exactly? 


Meri - divorced and Kodyless, and catfished.  

Janelle - jobless. With her boomerang daughter and son in law 

Christine- Truely almost died. Mykelti married at a young age to FT 

Robyn. Enough said 


So, they want polygamy  because it’s their religion and it should be respected. But, hey, Caleb and Maddie go against your religion to publicly support us. 

Except it appears they are Living the Dream compared to the morons on Seeking Sister Wife?

  • Love 7

I found this episode very interesting. 

Love Paedon. I knew Hunter and Maddie had a rough time with the LV move, but I didn't know Paedon suffered that much. Poor kid - good for him for knowing his own mind and standing his ground. 

At the same time, I also give kudos to the kids that showed up. Meri and Mariah hugging and crying was very touching. Cool that Audrey and their other friend came too. Logan would probably sooner flee the country than live a polygamist lifestyle, but he loves his family. 

Interesting to see Drew and Angela from Seeking Sister Wife there, and the pawn shop couple. 

It makes sense that many polygamist families would not want to attend the rally and/or appear on camera. 

I liked Christine's speech, and I like Janelle's passion on the subject. 

While Kody was house-hopping, I wondered if he would hit Meri's- no surprise that he didn't!

  • Love 10

I believe that Robyn is sincere in what she’s expressing. I do wonder where she gets her statistics and if/how any of us can learn how many polygamist families really exist. We know the FDLS types are secretive but what about the “functional” ones that someone alluded to? 

I also wonder how many sister wives can or honestly say that they love their lives. Some are no doubt OK with it (like Janelle). Others may believe they are living correctly according to their religion and that’s that. Obviously the truly abused will be reluctant to speak. But how many are like Meri: disappointed but believing they have no options? Or really DON’T have options like financial resources or support available to divorced wives? 

In short, how the hell does anyone know what’s really happening with polygamists?

What is Utah doing about baby daddies with various moms. Or non-married couples of any type who refer to their partner as husband or wife? Plenty of people live as if married but don’t feel the need for the legalities. 

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I believe that Robyn is sincere in what she’s expressing. I do wonder where she gets her statistics and if/how any of us can learn how many polygamist families really exist. We know the FDLS types are secretive but what about the “functional” ones that someone alluded to? 

I also wonder how many sister wives can or honestly say that they love their lives. Some are no doubt OK with it (like Janelle). Others may believe they are living correctly according to their religion and that’s that. Obviously the truly abused will be reluctant to speak. But how many are like Meri: disappointed but believing they have no options? Or really DON’T have options like financial resources or support available to divorced wives? 

In short, how the hell does anyone know what’s really happening with polygamists?

What is Utah doing about baby daddies with various moms. Or non-married couples of any type who refer to their partner as husband or wife? Plenty of people live as if married but don’t feel the need for the legalities. 

I believe Robyn is sincere too, and all of them, when it comes to how they feel about polygamy. They were all quite emotional. I wonder though, too, how many women in plyg families are truly happy. Then again, unhappy marriages aren't exclusive to polygamists. 

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, MakingBacon said:

Someone needs to sit these people down and tell them they aren’t felons unless they have been convicted of a felony. I am convinced they don’t know what felon or felony means. 

Mr. Gothish said the same thing to me as we were watching...unless you've been convicted, you're not a felon.

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

I'm so glad that minorities, women, LGBT, we have all our rights, and poor Kody is the second classcitizen.

Thank you for mentioning this.  Mariah stated that she is still discriminated against.  I am unaware of any legally supported discrimination, although personal opinions may vary...that that holds true for ANY "group" of people (LGBT, Eskimos, short people, people with angry eyebrows(joking!), etc.) and that is just life and can't be legislated away.  What actual discrimination do you think she faces?  

I was drifting in and out of sleep, so if I was dreaming this...sorry.  Was squinchy-faced Robyn carrying on about one of the beautiful things about sister wives is that Christine had legal papers drawn up so Robyn could take custody of the children if something happened?  If so, I want to tell Robyn that I had a will made up with the same safeguards for my child with a woman who wasn't sleeping with my husband....i.e. my BFF.   Sister Wife scenario again not needed.


On the other hand, I hope they don't cancel this show.  It can be boring, but I love getting together afterwards to dissect it.  

  • Love 19

I felt that this was the most emotional episode to date.  The fear, angst, frustration and PAIN was palpable.  I thought what we saw was raw emotion from the Browns and others about their plight and I was touched.  I do feel empathy for them and I am impressed with their PASSION.  Man, imo, they do really believe in plural marriage and I honestly believe that they do so, due to their religious belief.  (Keep in mind that it is the LDS church who are doing things differently than the Mormon Church founders.  So, they shouldn't hold their noses to high when it come to the polygamist.)  I respect the Brown's position, HOWEVER, I feel that there are reasons for not sanctioning plural marriage.  With me, it's not a morality issue, but, one of concern over public safety and welfare of our communities.  Even if you leave out the issue about child abuse, you have other issues, which I won't go into here in depth on these boards.  So, while I do empathize, I'm not sure that there is a right to have multiple spouses.  Should they be prosecuted? I'm not sure about that.  To me, it is a complex issue and there may be no simple answers.  

What intrigued me about this episode was the failure of any of the Brown adult children to really invest into this march. One of them seemed interested at first, but, then where did she go? I wonder if the lack of spending time with other polygamists in Nevada, after the move, prevented them from this. Even Mariah, though she showed up, isn't in support of them. Kody and the mothers must find this intolerable.  So, how do they explain it?  How can Christine explain that while she grew up loving and supporting polygamy, her children will not take take that position.  (We'll see what Truly says in another few years.) 

I sense the reason that Kody was not fond of the people who showed up to protest the Liberty March, was that they were interrupting the speaker and you are supposed to get a permit for a march.  So, the Liberty marchers had their permit.  I bet the protesters did not, since it's unlikely the city would have granted 2 permits for different things in the same location.  So, I get his frustration.  This issue means a lot to him, but, he got the protesters point. He's always deplored the Jeffs type abusers and is very clear about that. 

I do think Christine did a great job in her speech, only she doesn't realize that people who watch tv and see polygamists families, don't just see the love, but, the warts and the seeming unhappiness of the wives and husbands.  So.......it's hard to buy what she's selling. Sorry, Christine.  

Kody and the wives praying together was the most genuine thing I have sever seen on their show.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 7

I'll probably be deep in the minority, but I actually liked this episode. Well, I liked the second half. I thought the adults were playing up the "danger" of attending this march WAY too much in the beginning. All this talk of being arrested and power of attourney? Give me a break. And I found it odd that Christine was so scared to go, but then was practically insistent that her kids go. I was like, "wait, what???" So you WANT to put them in what you perceive to be a dangerous situation??? 

In the end, I was glad they let Paedon make his own decision. At first he came off seeming like a bit of a smug little punk. But when you dug deeper, it made sense that he didn't want to bring up all the bad feelings he had about having to leave Utah. I guess I just never realized how hard he took it. I remember them focusing a lot on Hunter's unhappiness after the move, but not Paedon. 

But I actually really enjoyed seeing the march and speeches. I'm a big supporter of free speech and the right to protest, and it makes me happy to see ANYONE using these means to address perceived government wrongs. While I could never be involved in plural marriage, I 100% support polygamy being decriminalized. As long as all involved are adults and consenting, what business is it of the governments what they do? I get the indignation. It's ridiculous. 

IMO, the Browns shouldn't even have to prove how "functional" they supposedly are (because....let's be real....). Plenty of monogamous families are insanely dysfunctional. That's not the point. And, actually, I fee like LESS abuse would go in if polygamy was legal. Because of the fear of law enforcement these families grow up with, they're not likely to report ANY wrong doing. If they aren't hidden away so much from society, less abuse will go on. 

And I liked the way Joe Darger respected the rights and feelings of the counter-protesters, and how Kody was able to admit he was wrong about their presence. 

I was glad Mariah came to support her mom, after Meri going to NYC. I do agree with Mariah about the signs referencing gays, but I can also see the poly point on this. Over the past few years they've seen gay people be allowed to finally legally marry, and they still can't. While that doesn't speak to OTHER forms of discrimination, it is one right they have over plural families. Again, I just don't think the government should be in ANYONE'S marriage. So I get it. 

I even teared up a bit at Christine's speech. I thought she did a great job, and it was cool to see her kids being so proud of her. At the end of the day, these people can be very overdramatic and it's annoying, but I support the overall idea behind the cause. 

  • Love 11
29 minutes ago, Brutus Buckeye said:

Mariah dragged Meri and Janelle across three time zones to support her lesbian-feminist cause, and she had reservations about driving across town to return the favor? 

That's just downright selfish right there. Glad she finally came around. 

Yea, it really bothered me that she said something about it not being "her fight". Well, Meri didn't exactly support everything the women's march was about. But she went. For you. If Mariah had actually stayed home I would have been really irritated. 

  • Love 9
9 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I'll probably be deep in the minority, but I actually liked this episode. Well, I liked the second half. I thought the adults were playing up the "danger" of attending this march WAY too much in the beginning. All this talk of being arrested and power of attourney? Give me a break. And I found it odd that Christine was so scared to go, but then was practically insistent that her kids go. I was like, "wait, what???" So you WANT to put them in what you perceive to be a dangerous situation??? 

In the end, I was glad they let Paedon make his own decision. At first he came off seeming like a bit of a smug little punk. But when you dug deeper, it made sense that he didn't want to bring up all the bad feelings he had about having to leave Utah. I guess I just never realized how hard he took it. I remember them focusing a lot on Hunter's unhappiness after the move, but not Paedon. 

But I actually really enjoyed seeing the march and speeches. I'm a big supporter of free speech and the right to protest, and it makes me happy to see ANYONE using these means to address perceived government wrongs. While I could never be involved in plural marriage, I 100% support polygamy being decriminalized. As long as all involved are adults and consenting, what business is it of the governments what they do? I get the indignation. It's ridiculous. 

IMO, the Browns shouldn't even have to prove how "functional" they supposedly are (because....let's be real....). Plenty of monogamous families are insanely dysfunctional. That's not the point. And, actually, I fee like LESS abuse would go in if polygamy was legal. Because of the fear of law enforcement these families grow up with, they're not likely to report ANY wrong doing. If they aren't hidden away so much from society, less abuse will go on. 

And I liked the way Joe Darger respected the rights and feelings of the counter-protesters, and how Kody was able to admit he was wrong about their presence. 

I was glad Mariah came to support her mom, after Meri going to NYC. I do agree with Mariah about the signs referencing gays, but I can also see the poly point on this. Over the past few years they've seen gay people be allowed to finally legally marry, and they still can't. While that doesn't speak to OTHER forms of discrimination, it is one right they have over plural families. Again, I just don't think the government should be in ANYONE'S marriage. So I get it. 

I even teared up a bit at Christine's speech. I thought she did a great job, and it was cool to see her kids being so proud of her. At the end of the day, these people can be very overdramatic and it's annoying, but I support the overall idea behind the cause. 

You make some great points.  I just think there are some valid reasons to consider when sanctioning polygamy.  I wouldn't go into it here, but, maybe, something could be worked out.  Like, you still have one legal spouse for contract reasons, but, can purport that other people are also your spouse, as long as there is no actual marriage, with state sanctioned license, but, you won't be prosecuted criminally for it. I think that's what they are going for. Still......I can see it both ways. Hmmm.......

  • Love 4

Kody's hair looked even more frizzy and bizarre than usual.  Does he do that on purpose?

35 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I even teared up a bit at Christine's speech. I thought she did a great job, and it was cool to see her kids being so proud of her. At the end of the day, these people can be very overdramatic and it's annoying, but I support the overall idea behind the cause. 

I agree.  Just because polygamy isn't for ME.... if it is becoming more acceptable for people of the same sex to marry than these guys should be able to collect wives of LEGAL age.  But I think the problem seems to be that so many don't seem to SUPPORT these families financially.  What DOES Kody do in the way of ..... (gasp).... I'm going to say that awful four letter word...... "work"?

  • Love 8
On 2/24/2018 at 10:02 PM, Kohola3 said:

And, again, this is just old news.  This crap went on long ago, we already know that there was no arrest, we already know there was no drama.  How gives a fuck about what happened over a year ago?  I certainly don't.  

Neither did I. I barley could stand 5 mins of the crap and decided to wait for all your lovely comments people! Sorry you wasted your time!

12 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Meri’s take on it:

Now here is a liar liar pants on fire!!!

8 hours ago, windtrix said:

I am five minutes in and I can’t take hearing this whole story again! I hate these fucking people and I am so glad this show is almost over forever so I can stop torturing myself by watching it.

This x10000!

  • Love 6
29 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

Kody's hair looked even more frizzy and bizarre than usual.  Does he do that on purpose?

I agree.  Just because polygamy isn't for ME.... if it is becoming more acceptable for people of the same sex to marry than these guys should be able to collect wives of LEGAL age.  But I think the problem seems to be that so many don't seem to SUPPORT these families financially.  What DOES Kody do in the way of ..... (gasp).... I'm going to say that awful four letter word...... "work"?

I agree on that. But I see a lot of abuse of the system from non-plural families as well. I say, punish people who actually DO abuse the system, who don't provide for their kids, etc. On an individual basis. But I'm not okay with pre-emptively punishing entire groups of people based on what they MIGHT do. 

  • Love 11
15 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

OK.  It's Monday and my coffee hasn't kicked in yet.  Can someone explain to me in easy-to-understand words just WHAT Robyn hasn't been able to be open about before joining the Brown family?  Her first marriage was monogamous.

Robyn Sullivan Jessop Brown was raised in a polygamist family — her mother was her father’s second wife. Robyn decided  at a young age, that she wanted to live the principle of plural marriage. She married at 21, and became the wife of David Preston Jessop. Jessop is Christine Brown’s cousin, and Kody’s third cousin. Robyn writes that their marriage was never strong enough to invite another woman to join their messy relationship.

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, kicotan said:

Robyn Sullivan Jessop Brown was raised in a polygamist family — her mother was her father’s second wife. Robyn decided  at a young age, that she wanted to live the principle of plural marriage. She married at 21, and became the wife of David Preston Jessop. Jessop is Christine Brown’s cousin, and Kody’s third cousin. Robyn writes that their marriage was never strong enough to invite another woman to join their messy relationship.

Thanks . . . I read facts in what you've written, but still hear "drama queen" with every word out of her mouth.

  • Love 17
7 hours ago, MakingBacon said:

So someone help me out. I wasn’t paying close attention in the beginning. Did Kody really say to his attorney something about fixing it so polygamists can hold office, i.e. being a politician? Please tell me I misheard and he isn’t that stupid to think polygamists can’t be politicians. 

I'm pretty sure that the idea was put into Kody's head by the Head Honcho of the Darger Clan who started a campaign last year to run for mayor of his town.  One of his opponents in the race pointed out that in order to hold office, he'd have to take an oath to uphold the state's constitution/laws and if he's a polygamist he wouldn't be able to take the oath.

Edited by kicotan
  • Love 8
8 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

I believe Robyn is sincere too, and all of them, when it comes to how they feel about polygamy. They were all quite emotional. I wonder though, too, how many women in plyg families are truly happy. Then again, unhappy marriages aren't exclusive to polygamists.

Sadly true, but a polyg wife  has fewer options and less support for getting out, if she can even bring herself to believe that leaving is OK. I wonder if they don’t lie to themselves more that mono wives do  

Personally, I don’t care how people structure their families as long as everyone is treated with love and respect.*I was mainly musing on Robin and wondering how much she was upset or defensive due to misinformation or non-issues. I will never know! But I did dream last night that she and I were off on some (non-LDS) mission together and she confessed that she would like to stop and have a beer and talk to me!

ETA: *and the sexual relationships are between consenting adults. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Thanks . . . I read facts in what you've written, but still hear "drama queen" with every word out of her mouth.

Oh she most definitely is.

I'm assuming that the intense dramatic fear that they express is most likely rooted in their childhoods ~ the ones that grew up in polygamist families.  That would be Meri, Christine & Robyn for sure, I don't think Kody and Janelle grew up that way, but I could be wrong.

When Christine talked about her fear that her father would be arrested when she was growing up, it dawned on me that her childhood fears could be the cause of her reactions that folks interpret as overreacting.  Either that, or it's all just a scripted soap opera with very little genuineness, just lots of modeling behaviors & creating drama that the producers believe will keep folks tuned in.

  • Love 4
19 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

OK.  It's Monday and my coffee hasn't kicked in yet.  Can someone explain to me in easy-to-understand words just WHAT Robyn hasn't been able to be open about before joining the Brown family?  Her first marriage was monogamous.

If she wasn't open about wanting to become a sister wife, how did Kody and Meri catch her in their net?

Um....yeah.  Her courtship and marriage were on TV.  Her honeymoon ( well at least the first one) was on TV.  Her kissing Kody while he was on his way to be with Christine, who was having a baby, was on TV.  She had two babies on TV.  How much more open do you want to be?

No amount of coffee will help with revisionist history

  • Love 15
10 hours ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

Kody's response to the women who showed up, who were victims of abuse and against polygamy, was " why are they here? I wish they would just go away and shut up" 

Are you freaking serious?  That's the most disgusting thing I have ever heard and that's saying something.  I hope there is a special place in hell for this pile of shit.

  • Love 12

First off, bored silly by this story line and have been for 6 + years.  Bring me the relationship drama next week.

So I can see where a man has a legal wife, on paper.  they file taxes jointly, and he supports them and they are his dependents.

But then the murky water - he also has 3 other "wives" - spiritual, not legal.  They are considered single, or head of household, with many children dependents.  This would probably qualify the spiritual wives, who don't work much or at all, for government assistance?  SNAP?  Medicaid insurance? 

But then they are going on tv and making money.  How does that affect their financial situation?  If Kody claims 19 kids on his tax return with Robyn, would that raise some IRS red flags?  

Maybe this is part of the "felony" they are always in fear of.  Who knows.  Tax fraud?

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Let's just call them The Brown Family Felons. 

I turned it off when Christine started bawling.  

The highlight was when Kody, in his usual dramatic fashion,  said he was aching. LIKE REALLY ACHING IN HIS HEART Y'ALL!  Then Janelle said she was a itchin'.  Isn't there a cream for that?

Edited by Ravenna
  • Love 13
26 minutes ago, MV713 said:

But then they are going on tv and making money.  How does that affect their financial situation?  If Kody claims 19 kids on his tax return with Robyn, would that raise some IRS red flags?  

Only 5 of the 19 are with Sobbin so I don't know how he could possibly do that. But then again, it's Kody and we all know Kody ain't too bright...

That was a pretty pathetic turnout at the Rally. Kody was right, it was mostly family and a few polyg friends and their families. 

Edited by bichonblitz
17 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I am personally rooting for a surprise ending where Kody gets dragged away in handcuffs with Janelle and Meri clutching his ankles, sobbing.  Between the four wives they can't come up with enough money to bail him out, and it's revealed he is still being held in a Utah jail to this day. Cut to scenes of all his wives much happier without him around and getting along a thousand times better. The end.

Except that it would more likely be Christine and Robyn hanging onto Kody's ankles, sobbing. I'm fairly sure that they're the only two wives "getting any." Meri and Janelle would be standing off to the side, pretending that they don't notice, playing on their phones, selling LLR and Strive. 


SO, what IS Strive with Janelle? Doesn't look like an exercise plan. 

  • Love 3

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