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S22.E10: Week 9


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35 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

Great observation! I enjoyed your post. I am trying to think how the English language is supposed to express this idea. "I think about all the things that can go wrong a lot"- is that what it means? "I worry about everything in our relationship might not work out".  Or: I'm in my head! I know you're always in your head! I can't help but be in my head all the time! ha ha ha ha ha

I think "in my head" describes the difference between experiencing what is going on in the moment, and evaluating that experience with some criticism or doubt. 

As it relates to the Bachelor, it might be the difference between "I'm in love", and "I feel like this could be love, but am I letting myself be manipulated by this fairy tale, the exotic locations, and the idea that I am competing with other women for this guy who is supposed to be a prize?  if I met him at a bar I my  hometown, would I even give him a second glance, let alone compete for a proposal?"  

If that is the meaning, all of these women need to spend a lot more time "in their heads."  

And I, apparently LIVE in mine. 

  • Love 11
56 minutes ago, backformore said:

There's not enough time to show everything, so how about not showing so much kissing? 

My theory is (and I rarely watch these shows) that when one of the two participants is extremely boring (dumb?), there's MUCH MORE KISSING.   I also don't buy the "all we did was talk" scenario.  Arie would simply be staring into the victim's eyes with nothing to say until it occurred to him...MORE KISSING!

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

I also don't buy the "all we did was talk" scenario.  Arie would simply be staring into the victim's eyes with nothing to say until it occurred to him...MORE KISSING!

If Arie and Lauren didn't do anything but talk in the FS that must have been the loooooongest night of silence imaginable.

I totally agree about the reason for excessive kissing. Arie doesn't strike me as a scintillating conversationalist so...he shoves his tongue down their throat hoping they won't notice how much he actually doesn't want to get to know them. lol He's not the only one guilty of this. I think it happens, surprisingly, more when the guy/gal already knows who their final one is and feel awkward talking to the walking dead. I mean, really, say you're sitting with Kendall, you know she's not going to last but she's asking all these questions about the future and love and stuff. What are you going to do? Lie to her or make out with her? I think Arie found making out easier.

I can't honestly say how I would be in this situation, which is why I would never put myself in this situation. Would I get caught up in the hype? Would I believe all the lies the bachelor had to tell me to keep the show moderately interesting? Would I get caught up in the gang mentality?

I mostly watch this show as a psychological experiment. I don't much care who he ends up with (which is why I read the spoilers, I find it more entertaining when I know what is really going on vs what production is trying to make me think is happening), I don't care about all their sob stories. I'm just fascinated by the Stockholm syndrome that seems to overtake even the more sensible, intelligent women like Sienne and Jacqueline. I expect the sad and desperate women like Krystal and Tia to fall head first down the rabbit hole. It's more interesting to watch someone like Sienne, and wonder WTF she was thinking going on here? Are even the most intelligent of internet generation so addicted to insta-fame that they would shame themselves in this way?

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Rainsong said:

Onto the contenders…one internet sleuth spotted a swimsuit photo of Lauren who displayed some impressive washboard abs.  Her little crop-top number in the episode hints at it.  Some of the Bachelorettes eg Jenna and, of course, Krystal have made a big deal out of being gym rats but Lauren has been doing her share of crunches it seems.  

Speaking of the “late” Krystal ... from the media thread, this is insane!

  • Love 6
14 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

I mostly watch this show as a psychological experiment. I don't much care who he ends up with (which is why I read the spoilers, I find it more entertaining when I know what is really going on vs what production is trying to make me think is happening), I don't care about all their sob stories. I'm just fascinated by the Stockholm syndrome that seems to overtake even the more sensible, intelligent women like Sienne and Jacqueline. I expect the sad and desperate women like Krystal and Tia to fall head first down the rabbit hole. It's more interesting to watch someone like Sienne, and wonder WTF she was thinking going on here? Are even the most intelligent of internet generation so addicted to insta-fame that they would shame themselves in this way?

I agree - this show is a great social-psychological experiment.   If 29 women were at a party with 29 men, they wouldn't all go after the same guy (especially once they saw him kissing someone else).  But 29 women, with only one man, they can all convince themselves that they MUST win his affection.  The idea I always come up with is that  most of these women would find ANY bachelor to be her "one true love".  They are ready to fall in love with the Bachelor no matter who he is.

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, backformore said:

The idea I always come up with is that  most of these women would find ANY bachelor to be her "one true love".  They are ready to fall in love with the Bachelor no matter who he is.

Oh, most definitely. The show even thinks this, since they are already recruiting for contestants who think they'd be perfect for the next Bachelor or Bachelorette, neither of whom we know a damn thing about. lol Yes, I'd be perfect for whatever random guy you pick from the rejects of next season's Bachelorette! He is the man of my dreams, the prince I have always been waiting for? Now, what's his name, age, what does he look like, what does he do for fun, for a living, does he have a sense of humor...oh, wait, those don't matter. He's the only guy that 28 other women are fighting over? Yes! He is my soul mate!!!!!

  • Love 12
4 hours ago, bosawks said:

Yeah, that was the most tepid fit of pique I have ever seen in my life.  It was like watching a somnambulist get angry.....

“I’m like, so like pissed that this like, selfish jerk is like ruining Becca’s like tepid afterglow”.  I read that as “I hope this strapping, muscular young man doesn’t stomp my brittle, knobby kneeed old ass”.  

Not that that would happen, though try as they did to paint the BF as a slack jawed yokel, it’s clear he’s a hot ass who got a free vacation and made Arie look like Mr. Rogers creepy old bachelor uncle.

Isn’t Arie too old to uptalk and use like every other word?  Even young millennial men I know don’t talk that way.  Then again, Arie is a waffling, undecisive beta.  Shit man, Evan Snowman has more cojones than this frump.

  • Love 5

Great thread. Love the humor! 

We all agree on everything which rarely happens! 

 Arie has the, now common, verbal tic “I mean” which he even uses to begin a sentence.  **eye roll** 

Common getting to know you conversations usually include favorite movies, books, foods you love and hate, hobbies etc.   Well maybe not books this season.  :-)  Production has to stop requiring they talk about past relationships and how they feel about the lead to the exclusion of normal topics.  

High ratings means we’re addicted, not that we like it, you morons.  Read social media.  We want some changes so we don’t have to FF through half of it.  

Absolutely loved Kendall giggling and grinning through the break up talk.  I wonder how many takes it took to get this scene.  I think they had to settle for the cut that had the least amount of levity. 

3 hours ago, dleighg said:

When are the final episodes? Next week? 

Monday and Tuesday, next week. 

Edited by Wings
  • Love 7

I decided to FOREGO this episode in favor of going to town to shop, plus I knew I would learn everything I needed to know here. As predicted, this episode was predictable (get it?) and only the names have changed, the scenarios are all the same, season after season after season. I'll bet they even keep the cards to reuse every season ... "If you decide to forego your individual rooms ...". The lead professes to love every contestant and they all go to the fantasy suite where they do whatever they want, because I don't care a lick what they do or don't do. I mean really, who DOES give a care?

As for couples declaring they had sex in the FS, which some posters wish, remember what happened to Nick Viall when he did that? If he could have been caught, tarred, feathered and lynched, that would have happened. Instead, that happened to him via social media.

TPTB script this, edit it, all to make us think ... whatever they want. I'm saying they all have interesting conversations, Fleiss just doesn't want to interrupt the make-out sessions to show those to us. He just teases us every week with one single ending-credits great scene. Even WTA "bloopers" were anything but fun OR funny.

Maybe this show is all for Fleiss, what he thinks is a great date or relationship.

Even though everyone is complaining about the lead, the dates, the b-ettes, there sure is a lot of talk everywhere about what a crap show this is. Why are we all still watching? (I'm including myself in the question, of course.)

See you all next episode!

  • Love 9

Arie seems like the type of guy who would never fall in love with a girl who comes easy to him. He looks like he wants the stuck up bitch who he has to work for ... and when she finally gives in and shows interest, he'll dump her. Becca, while having worlds of personality over her competitor, is one of those annoying girls who just throws herself at the guy and constantly uses terms like "he makes me smile from ear to ear" or "I said YESSS!". Just all the cliché types of things that he won't ever have to work for or care to work for. Lauren on the other hand is such a disinterested about life, dud. She's the type of girl guys want because she has a great body and they wonder what is she thinking about because she never says anything so he has no choice but to wonder. It honestly doesn't matter who he ends up with because he will never last with any woman.

  • Love 11
21 hours ago, felicity porter said:

Watching Lauren's date.

Who knew a woman who speaks so little could be so. high. maintenance.


I wanted to punch her in the face! She's there in Peru, seeing the Nazca Lines, and she has almost no interest! It's as shameful as her disinterest in Paris! Hell, she doesn't even know what they are, how cool they are, and what a mystery they are. All she does is sit there like a dull-ass lump. What a waste of an opportunity.

I finally saw Becca's personality. Much more spirited than boring-ass Lauren. I can't even figure out how he is torn between the two. Lauren is such a dull cypher -- maybe he's projecting what he wants onto her? Making her what he wants her to be? Because girl is as boring as a store mannequin.

Becca for the ... um ... loss! Maybe she can be Bachelorette.

Edited by Andromeda
Because manakin is actually a cute little BIRD...
  • Love 23

so at first I thought it was kind for Arie to dump Kendall privately instead of not giving her a rose.

Now I'm thinking, he came in and said something like "I am in love, and I can see where this is going" or some such thing. EACH GIRL thinks "he's talking about me! we just have to go through the motions!"

So if he doesn't give a rose to Kendall, she says "but you told me you love me!" and then Becca and Lauren chime in "You told ME you love me"

All hell breaks lose.

  • Love 13
4 hours ago, backformore said:

I think his declaration of "I Love You" is pretty much signaling that the woman is his choice, that she can anticipate being the last one standing, with a diamond ring on her finger and a lifetime of "whatever happened to ______?" on magazine covers.  

I agree, in past seasons, I always thought that was what the Bachelor was indicating. "don't give up, it will all be okay in a few days."  With Arie saying it to all three women, I didn't really read it as manipulative or trying to get them to go to bed with him, but  as something he can't keep himself from saying when he's in an intimate situation, kissing a really pretty woman.   Looking at this trait in the light of a long term, husband material, situation, it's a really bad indicator. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

She's the living embodiment of "Stepford." It must be nice to go through life being so beautiful that you're not required to speak, smile, or show any warmth in order to have a man profess their love for you. 

I know plenty of women like this. We’re in our 40s now and they’re getting traded in for younger models.  

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

Oh, most definitely. The show even thinks this, since they are already recruiting for contestants who think they'd be perfect for the next Bachelor or Bachelorette, neither of whom we know a damn thing about. lol Yes, I'd be perfect for whatever random guy you pick from the rejects of next season's Bachelorette! He is the man of my dreams, the prince I have always been waiting for? Now, what's his name, age, what does he look like, what does he do for fun, for a living, does he have a sense of humor...oh, wait, those don't matter. He's the only guy that 28 other women are fighting over? Yes! He is my soul mate!!!!!

I know, right?

From ABC’s website: “There's a new Bachelorette coming to town, and she's looking for love! Know someone who'd make a good match for her?”

If I don’t know who she is or anything about her, how would I possibly know who might make a good match for her?  Oh, wait. I know some famewhores who need more Instagram followers and sponsors.  I think that’ll do. 

  • Love 9
18 hours ago, crgirl412 said:

Ross is HOTTTTTT!!!!!!!!

YES. I was texting my bf as I was watching and I was like OMG, finally we see an attractive man on the Bachelor! LOL. He doesn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed, but for me, he's 10 times more attractive than Arie. Note to producers: more dudes that look like this, less dumpy/girly/sick looking men, please. We haven't seen Arie with his shirt off all season (except for that one time when someone or something was strategically placed in front of him) which leads me to believe he is skinny fat. Of all the muscle-y men we see on the Bachelorette, you'd think they could at least pick someone with a hot body. I'm not being shallow, I swear! If Arie was at least a little more interesting, I'd buy in, but to me...average looking, average interesting, average intelligence, even average at race car driving (Wikipedia lists his top credentials as finishing 2nd, 3rd, and 4th) = meh

  • Love 7
24 minutes ago, Jazzhands said:

I know plenty of women like this. We’re in our 40s now and they’re getting traded in for younger models.  

I don’t find Lauren terribly attractive for her 20’s.  She has a bland, blah look that will read as blank in her 40’s.  I’m surprised anyone calls her beautiful.  

My cousin just turned 40 and is finding out that her beauty isn’t as tradable a commodity as it once was.  Men in her age bracket either want an equal partner, or a younger women they can delay having kids with.   Girl lived on her looks and never cashed in on them.  I may be a 44 yo cabbage patch as of tomorrow, but I made me some stripper dollars.  And my ugly ass would have made more stripper dollars than Lauren and my bitchy ass cousin combined.

beauty without brains is just wasteful.  And if you live and die by your looks, you have a long road ahead to hoe come about 35-ish. 

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, Mu Shu said:

I don’t find Lauren terribly attractive for her 20’s.  She has a bland, blah look that will read as blank in her 40’s.

If she said she was 40-41 I wouldn't bat an eye. She does not look or act or seem like a 20 something. She seems like a bored, valiumed  up trophy wife. Hey, Arie is a race car driver, he probably loves trophies. Match made in the winners circle!!!!!

  • Love 10
16 hours ago, backformore said:

the way the show is edited, Arie spent a night with each woman, having sex in the fantasy suite.  Then, he decides Kendall didn't measure up, and she goes home.  It's never said, but isn't that what a woman would assume?  Already being in a "competition" to win the guy, if he leads you on until the sex, I mean fantasy suite, and cuts you right afterwards, it would feel like you came in third in the sex event of the competition.

I noticed this last night too! In the elimination after fantasy suites, he's basically saying, "I've decided I like your vagina the least. Sorry." 

  • Love 7

I almost fall asleep when Lauren is on screen. She just seems so lifeless. Lauren didn't look too thrilled when he told her he loved her several times. Those abs though wow. I think Arie likes hard to get and once he is assured the woman are into him he loses interest. I've known guys like him. The more disinterested u act the harder they work to win u over. They pull out all the stops and once u let urself fall for the. Game over. They r basically done. I think Arie never got over Emily. She's a prize he never quite won. When he said becca was the safest choice I knew she was doomed. I get the premise of the show but becca saying she loved being on a catamaran with her boyfriend made me laugh out loud. Your boyfriend who just banged two other women in the last week lol. What  a wonderful boyfriend. Interesting and very telling that becca and Kendall, told Arie they love him first and he repeated it back to them though Kendall only got an I'm falling.. But Arie straight up told Lauren he loves her. And he said it first. And she barely blinked when he said it lol. If I were to make an educated guess Arie had the best time in the fantasy suite with Becca.   he just seemed really into her after that

 Maybe Lauren didn't give up the goods or just laid there with that blank stare on her face


 Ross for the bachelor! I think the guy was totally set up by production. Proly offered a free trip and fed him some crap about how Becca made top 3 but was conflicted and talked about how much she missed her ex. He seemed sure she would take him back. If he really missed her he had a year to find her and confess his feelings.  No one knew who was in Peru so it was definitely a set up. One of the exact storylines from Unreal. Arie is very competitor though so maybe he picks Becca so Ross can't have her. I feel bad for Kendall. 

Edited by kira28
  • Love 5

Well, I was excited to see some of the Nazca Lines from a plane. I wish we could have had more of that, "And over to your right, a spider..." Boring Lauren barely lifted a bony bum cheek to look vaguely in the direction each time, which made me hate her with a frothing passion. That date was wasted on her and should've been added onto Kendall's.

So funny seeing them all denuded of makeup 'the morning after'. Kendall won! I could not believe Lauren's dessicated little eyes and her nondescript little rotten apple face, robbed of its layers of gloop! ("I wuv you!") I'm surprised they didn't insert some informercial about makeup wipes in the fantasy suite segments.

Boring Becca does my head in. So disappointed it was her oaf of an ex and not Lauren's ex-fiance (1 or 2) who showed up and whisked her off, leaving Arie to have to pretend he was going to marry Boring Becca. All I could think about when I saw their fantasy suite was how in hell is she going to pee? I guess they had some facilities off camera, but the horror of being stuck in a tent with Arie overnight unable to pee/having to trot out in the sand etc was strong for me.

Now Kendall is gone I don't really care too much; in fact I'm sulking. Am tempted to look at the spoilers. I still don't know what Outraged Caroline meant with what Ari has done... Tell more than one woman he wuvs her? Bone every woman in the cast at some point? Why would they be surprised?!?

  • Love 9

Arie is a classic Narcissistic sociopath.  There are several types of Narcissists in relationships, and Arie falls under the "Seducer" type:  he tells the women what they want to hear so they can reflect those things back to him.

So, he tells all 3 he's in love with them, so he can hear it back from them.

Probably stems from a childhood of always living in his father's shadow, and never being as good as his father.  His father was a 2-time Indy 500 winner; Arie was 2nd at best.

Just for fun, I googled "Arie cheating".   Way more cheating stories out there than I'd have thought.

ETA:  Don't google anything Arie-related if you don't want spoilers.

Edited by Sterling
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Mu Shu said:

I don’t find Lauren terribly attractive for her 20’s.  She has a bland, blah look that will read as blank in her 40’s.  I’m surprised anyone calls her beautiful.  

My cousin just turned 40 and is finding out that her beauty isn’t as tradable a commodity as it once was.  Men in her age bracket either want an equal partner, or a younger women they can delay having kids with.   Girl lived on her looks and never cashed in on them.  I may be a 44 yo cabbage patch as of tomorrow, but I made me some stripper dollars.  And my ugly ass would have made more stripper dollars than Lauren and my bitchy ass cousin combined.

beauty without brains is just wasteful.  And if you live and die by your looks, you have a long road ahead to hoe come about 35-ish. 

 Happy birthday, Mu Shu!! I’m turning 44 this year, too. I never got any stripper dollars, though, but good for you! Hahaha! I went the brains route. I always looked young for my age, so now it’s finally paying off. I didn’t peak too young, lol.

Since we’re old enough to remember the movie “Mannequin,” I think Lauren is like the mannequin and Arie is Andrew McCarthy. All of us are the assorted other store employees and customers looking at this insane man carrying on falling in love with a mannequin—but every once in a while if you look really quickly, did she just move? Was that a smile? I think I heard a word! But then you give a double-take, and she’s just stiff and devoid of any expression. I propose they change their love journey theme song to “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now.”

  • Love 16

Just wanted to add, how much more exciting this would have been to watch if he'd kept Baby Bekah in, instead of Boring Becca (who I hope marries Ross and lives happily if dully ever after) - because (a) she's fun to watch doing her thing and (b) there would be some suspense re the final two and (c) we could see, next to makeup-free Lauren (who looked like an ancient 12 year old), she is not actually so much of a wee child as we've been told all season, after all.

  • Love 4
35 minutes ago, violet and green said:

I could not believe Lauren's dessicated little eyes and her nondescript little rotten apple

All I could think about when I saw their fantasy suite was how in hell is she going to pee? I guess they had some facilities off camera, but the horror of being stuck in a tent with Arie overnight unable to pee/having to trot out in the sand etc was strong for mr

The first sentence wins the internet today.  Will you accept this rose? 

And yes!  How will they pee in the tent date?  And what if Arie’s prune juice and Metamucil kick in?  

  • Love 5
18 hours ago, escatefromny said:

Everything else aside, she did seem totally over him to me.

I felt much the same way Arie did.  Ross had seven years with her - no commitment.  He seemed like a controlling a-hole to me.  Then he says nothing to her for an entire year and only gets re-interested because she's on the Bachelor, which he would've done if ANYone else expressed any interest in her, show or no.  This is a controller.  She put up with it for seven years and figured out this guy wasn't for her, but to him, she doesn't know her own mind, so he's gonna win her back.

She asked at the end of it all, before going to see Arie, 'what am I gonna do?'  I yelled at the TV, go get a restraining order on his ass the minute you get home.  The footage on the show is evidence enough that he's a stalker.  Who the hell chases after an ex-girlfriend to frackin' Peru, for dog's sake?  Yes, I'm sure the show had some influence on this.  Manufactured drama and all, but this was the sickest thing I think Fleiss has ever done (short of making his wife do a cover song, but that's another rant).

  • Love 7
58 minutes ago, b2H said:

Nope.  It's three hours.  Two hours for the finale and then AFTR.  Set everything for three hours.

I wasn't clear! I meant to check BECAUSE the TV Guide was in error in saying only 2 hours!

I cannot wait! I want the ending, even though I know I'll miss Grandpa Possum and his Harem the second it fades to black!

11 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

I could practically see the People magazine cover appear in a thought bubble above Lauren's head.

Um.....I hope you didn't just post a Spoiler.... And please don't reply with an "Oops!"

Edited by LennieBriscoe
58 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

I wasn't clear! I meant to check BECAUSE the TV Guide was in error in saying only 2 hours!

I cannot wait! I want the ending, even though I know I'll miss Grandpa Possum and his Harem the second it fades to black!

Um.....I hope you didn't just post a Spoiler.... And please don't reply with an "Oops!"


I can't speak for @TheFinalRose but I took that to mean Lauren wanted to be the last one standing and was just imagining the People cover and all the fame that comes with "winning".

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 4
7 hours ago, escatefromny said:

Speaking of the “late” Krystal ... from the media thread, this is insane!

Ok, so this is really a competition look---I didnt like krystal at all, but I did think she had an amazing body and amazing arms--but this pic is extreme, and she even says she will not and cannot maintain this. incredibly difficult to do this.

1 hour ago, b2H said:

I felt much the same way Arie did.  Ross had seven years with her - no commitment.  He seemed like a controlling a-hole to me.  Then he says nothing to her for an entire year and only gets re-interested because she's on the Bachelor, which he would've done if ANYone else expressed any interest in her, show or no.  This is a controller.  She put up with it for seven years and figured out this guy wasn't for her, but to him, she doesn't know her own mind, so he's gonna win her back.

She asked at the end of it all, before going to see Arie, 'what am I gonna do?'  I yelled at the TV, go get a restraining order on his ass the minute you get home.  The footage on the show is evidence enough that he's a stalker.  Who the hell chases after an ex-girlfriend to frackin' Peru, for dog's sake?  Yes, I'm sure the show had some influence on this.  Manufactured drama and all, but this was the sickest thing I think Fleiss has ever done (short of making his wife do a cover song, but that's another rant).

I still remember very early on in the bachelor show, they staged some crazy chick showing up in washington dc to confront the bachelor jesse palmer---obviously producer intervention.

6 hours ago, Wings said:
7 hours ago, dleighg said:

When are the final episodes? Next week? 

Monday and Tuesday, next week. 

I see nothing for Tuesday.

Earlier, I imagined Grandpa Possum polishing his DWTS shoes, which, as someone (I'm sorry I forgot who!) pointed out, is WAY too energetic for him! Maybe he'll be an original: "Million Dollar Listing: Scottsdale." Ha!

So now he's down to Blondie Lauren and Stalked Becca. I think Arie will not want to risk encountering Ross again....

Edited by LennieBriscoe
  • Love 1

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