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S05.E08: Aloha Buddy

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Something occurred to me today. Is it possible that Glen wanted Whitney to fail at the 5/8k? She continues to live in denial about the affect her weight has on her life. Until she can’t do things other people, including her parents, can do with ease she is never going to even attempt to improve. So I wonder if this is Glen’s attempt to get Whitney to hit rock bottom. I wonder if he’s hoping she’ll see that her 70+ year old dad can walk 4 miles with little to no effort but for her it’s a health crisis. 

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I agree with others that Whitney has no bottom, but an epic fail could be the basis of Glenn insisting Whitney take a different direction.

But the enablers need to stop enabling.  Maybe the biggest jolt would be to disappear Donna. 

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1 hour ago, AUJulia said:

A few random comments:

~ Hunter is wearing a dead animal on his head

~ Yes, Sweatney, you were required to do the "race" because you're fat. You got a whole absurd show because you're fat. That show wants you, not Hunter Pelthead, to make an ass of yourself waddling dramatically through a five-mile stroll in Hawaii. As you suggest, it's not fair. It's not fair that your aging parents have to watch you beach yourself. 

~ The "secluded beach" Kaui took them to is right next to Sea Life Park, where there's a Whitney. It's called a Wolphin. It's a mix of dolphin and whale. That beach is secluded because it's rocky and no one wants to ride waves into sharp lava rock. There's a decent beach a short stroll away.

~ I lived in Kailua for four years when I was growing up, and had my back nearly snapped by getting caught and tumbled by waves right there where you can see the same Rabbit Island in the background. Yeah, it scared me and it hurt, but my parents laughed because I emerged fully coated in sand. 

~ It's fascinating that Slutney thinks it's appropriate to fondle and drool over the bodies those men clearly work so hard for, but that she shouldn't be judged for her blubber. SHE likes a fit body, so why can't the rest of the world prefer one?

~ I think the reason we don't get to see the "sober coach" is that it's Tal. 

~ There are some amazing places for an anniversary dinner in Hawaii. A cheesy tiki bar isn't one.

~ I keep watching in the dimming hope that Glenn or Babs will grow a spine and lay a truth bomb on Whitless and tell her they've had enough of her condescending rude laziness. A girl can dream. 

LOL! Loved this whole post, but especially the bold parts!!! Spot on.

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2 hours ago, tdanaher said:

Wait. Hold on there. Whit is scared to death of waves? Oooooooo, somebody has forgotten season 1, episode 5, “Doing the Beach.” Where she went to the beach, said, “I’m going to go full-on, totally submerged, in the water. Let’s do it, okay?” And then went out into WAVES.




Not sure if it's the different style of bottoms but to me she definitely looks lighter here than in the Hawaii episode, I'd be curious to know how much weight she's gained since season 1. Those flower bottoms were disgusting, I'm all for bigger people being able to wear swimwear and whatnot but find something more flattering than flowery skin tight bottoms. The black shorts type bottoms would have suited her much better.

I was rolling my eyes every time she had to hold the buff guy's hands/arms, can you seriously not get in/out or walk in 3 feet of water without assistance? Or maybe she was doing it for the attention since she gets it so rarely from attractive men.

I don't get why she was freaking out about the 8k, all she has to do is give it a shot and if she only runs a mile and can't go anymore at least she can say she tried but instead of that she'd rather not even do it.

This is very random but every time she sits like she did at the beach with Buddy, she reminds me of Winnie the Pooh and how he sat lol. Have no idea why but every time she sits flat that's the first image to pop into my mind.

Edited by sara1025
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I do think that TLC paid for the trip, but then Glen upgraded it.  It's much nicer than other Hawaiian trips we have seen on TLC.

I have been tossed around by many a wave.  Isn't that what happens when you play in waves?  The only time it bothered me was when I was 6 months pregnant.  That terrified me and I got out of the waves immediately.  But why is Whitney so concerned?  She is a really, really good floater!

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2 hours ago, Thrifty said:

Yes, but have you heard the pittance they give to participants on My 600 Pound Life?  I would be skeptical of a network that tightfisted ponying up the money for a big trip like this.

At least my understanding of how these shows work is TLC is the distributor of the program and as the customer they have a fair amount of say in the production but the actual day to day operations, budgeting, storyline etc are down to the production company(ies). So whoever produces MBFL goes to TLC for what they think is a reasonable budget for the season of the show, TLC says yea or nea and the production companies decides if they want to spend the money on a suite for Whit or location fees, etc. TLC might say we want Whit to take a trip, or we have a deal with this hotel in Hawaii, etc and the production company will come back with a budget to do it but TLC isn't running day to day operations and budgeting. 

So even though the customer of the show is the same and they might make similar requests of programs each show decision and budgeting very. Also contractual demands, a sister wife probably doesn't get to demand two seats because Whit got them, each "star" will make different deals and have different negotiating power to make them.

Edited by John M
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1 hour ago, PityFree said:
4 hours ago, shoovenbooty said:

Whitney gets a huge 2-bedroom suite at the resort, but Tal and Todd get a room where they have to share a bed?

 That really bothered me too until I thought about it and I realized production probably asked for the suite because that’s where they’re going to film all the Hawaii talking heads and other things. They probably needed a bigger area a to set up lights and cameras and where they can film groups of people talking.  And since it’s Whitney’s show, they just stuck her in that room.

I thought about it too. I wonder if it's the only way they could ensure that she would have a bath or shower that she could fit in and no one wanted to smell her all week. So they put Donna with her to make sure it happened. But if you noticed, when Twit decided to nap after getting there (because riding in a plane and in a car was so exhausting) and insisted on laying on Donna, Donna was not happy about it. You could tell that the second Twit was asleep, Donna was running from that situation.


10 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

~ I think the reason we don't get to see the "sober coach" is that it's Tal. 

I think it could be this but I suspect that Twit doesn't actually know who the sober coach is. She looked desperate to get "scoop" on Buddy at rehab from sober coach so she would be the all knowing one. Keeping the sober coach, if it's a legitimate unidentified person, far from Twit is the best idea Buddy's come up with.

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56 minutes ago, Brooks said:

Tal and Todd are both gay, but they probably know by now whether they're attracted to each other or should hug opposite sides of the bed.

As a gay man I have to say some of the stereotypes are true, I've slept with several of my friends/acquaintances. Actually I'm with my partner because we were best friends and got drunk one night and slept together as a "FWB" thing that didn't really work out lol.

Not to say all gay men are that way but there is a fair amount of "Well, were here, were horny, eh, why not." and it's just not a thing later. I would not be surprised at all if Tal and Todd have hooked up in the past or on this trip and it's just NBD.

Edited by John M
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7 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

Vionic and Orthaheel are AMAZING.

Totally agree...I have so many of their shoes I've forgotten how many pairs I have...but I know it's way too many, because that's just how I am with shoes! I always wear the slippers too, because I spend a fair amount of time at home and you shouldn't abuse your feet just because your at home and comfy. I mostly like them for my knee and back pain, which isn't nearly as painful or  serious as PF. If she REALLY had PF she would definitely need something like this. Walking around in cheap flip flops hurts my feet, and I don't have PF and I'm not 380 pounds. She's absolutely stupid to be walking around in cheap flip flops all the time, and I rarely see her without them.

Wearing them while doing a 5K is BEYOND stupid.

I can already tell from the previews that I'm going to be ready to punch Twit in the throat next week.

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The Hawaiian hunks should be compensated extra for having to endure Twit slobbering all over them. 

Despite getting two separate beds, Donna and Twit still end up in bed together.

Tal upspeak drives me nuts. 

Todd's adding elaborate dance flourishes into his everyday life cracks me up. 

Walking an 8K in Hawaii would be cause for excitement and not miserable whining, and complaining. Go figure, Ms. Princess has to make everything about her, and how tragic to exert effort. Bed pans, and lymphedema is in her near future.

What poor sofa lost its fabric in order to make Twit's swimsuit?

Tal, the chief barnacle, continues to earn his keep as he gleeful claps for Whitney. Meanwhile, sea life starts to die, and float to the surface after being subjected to her loud squeals, and screeching while the Hawaiian hunks try to haul her  ass onto the surfboard . Where is a shark when you need one?

Glenn did a better job of surfing than many of the others. He's such a good natured chap. 

After Glenn gives a beautiful anniversary speech to his family,  Twit has to shit all over it by announcing she's sick of being bribed cuz she fat, and she's not doing the race:  "I'm not going to ruin this dinner."  Well, you just did that, you loathsome selfish piece of crap. 

Edited by Ravenna
adding more to original post.
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26 minutes ago, Ravenna said:

Todd's adding elaborate dancing flourishes into his everyday life cracks me up. 

I agree. Like, in front of the hotel, "It's so expansive!" (adds flourish here)


Also delightful was Todd and Tal's reaction to their room. They were so pleased and thankful. That was great to see. I was happy for them.

Edited by jennylauren123
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1 hour ago, Brooks said:

I agree with others that Whitney has no bottom, but an epic fail could be the basis of Glenn insisting Whitney take a different direction.

But the enablers need to stop enabling.  Maybe the biggest jolt would be to disappear Donna. 

I think what would really help would be to disappear the show. I bet Glen and Babs were all for the show when it provided not only an income for Whitney but I was supposed to be about a woman striving for health even though she’s overweight (which if she had done that would have resulted in weightloss even if she didn’t end up skinny). But what happened was the show gave her a license to stay fat and even get fatter. 

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1 hour ago, PityFree said:

I was still surprised that Tal and Todd were willing to share a bed. I love my female friends (I’m female) but I don’t want to share a bed with them.  (I mean, I would if there was no other place to sleep, but I’d prefer not to.)

I think that's ridiculous.  Even on ID channel shows, where the fugitive killer is hiding out in a cheesy motel, there are 2 beds in the room.
Maybe they got a rollaway.

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53 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

Totally agree...I have so many of their shoes I've forgotten how many pairs I have...but I know it's way too many, because that's just how I am with shoes! I always wear the slippers too, because I spend a fair amount of time at home and you shouldn't abuse your feet just because your at home and comfy. I mostly like them for my knee and back pain, which isn't nearly as painful or  serious as PF. If she REALLY had PF she would definitely need something like this. Walking around in cheap flip flops hurts my feet, and I don't have PF and I'm not 380 pounds. She's absolutely stupid to be walking around in cheap flip flops all the time, and I rarely see her without them.

Wearing them while doing a 5K is BEYOND stupid.

I can already tell from the previews that I'm going to be ready to punch Twit in the throat next week.

I have several pairs of Vionic but I also got these shoes called Brooks Addiction Walker in Extra Wide for PF and they have been amazing for me. I read the reviews online and everyone said "I have terrible painful feet and everything hurts but I love these and my orthotics easily fit even though they are butt ugly" and I decided to try and they have been great! I got my Powerstep Maxx insoles inside.  I tried everything includingnew carbon cycling shoes, changing my bike pedals, podiatrist, night brace ( 2 types), night sock, meloxicam (worked for a few weeks), rolling foot on the can/tennis ball, calf stretcher, physical therapy all types of PF products- anything anyone suggested I bought- and really nothing helped me.  I just have other foot issues as well, some genetic and some over-use from skating for many years and getting old. But at least I keep my weight down, which isn't easy because I love food, I love to binge eat - if I could I would eat an ice cream sundae, candy and a bag of chips every day of my life. Watching Whitney limping around is sad - I can see her feet really do hurt her. Her knees will be next to go. The human body isn't made to have 300 extra pounds of fat. Maybe she will have a revelation and go on a diet? Maybe she will eventually get tired of non-stop pain brought on by her excess weight? It is like an addiction, denial and rationalizing. Putting up with the negative painful side effects because you can't let go of the addiction.

I did think she was going to smell that fit guy with the tattoos. She really wanted to stick her nose in his armpit. I thought she was going to do it.  The screaming about fear of the waves was BULL SHIT to get the attention from those men. I mean they probably had a good laugh about it later. What a way to make a living!

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1 hour ago, sara1025 said:

This is very random but every time she sits like she did at the beach with Buddy, she reminds me of Winnie the Pooh and how he sat lol. Have no idea why but every time she sits flat that's the first image to pop into my mind.

To me it looks as if she's floating in her own fat.  

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Whitney, here's a tip: if you don't want to ruin your parents' anniversary dinner by complaining, then DON'T. That horrid dinner convo was the equivalent of, "I don't want t complain, but I will." Even if Whitney is right, and it was unfair for Glenn to bribe her with a Hawaiian trip in order to get her to exercise a bit, she had plenty of time to bring that up with him before she got on a damn plane. She was perfectly fine with the bribe when she thought she could get out of the hard part while relaxing on a beach, but when she realized she might actually have to DO WHAT SHE PROMISED SHE WOULD, then she threw a fit. You can on and on all you want about being upfront and honest, Whitney, but you had months to tell your dad how you felt beforehand.

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1 minute ago, the-grey-lady said:

Whitney, here's a tip: if you don't want to ruin your parents' anniversary dinner by complaining, then DON'T. That horrid dinner convo was the equivalent of, "I don't want t complain, but I will." Even if Whitney is right, and it was unfair for Glenn to bribe her with a Hawaiian trip in order to get her to exercise a bit, she had plenty of time to bring that up with him before she got on a damn plane. She was perfectly fine with the bribe when she thought she could get out of the hard part while relaxing on a beach, but when she realized she might actually have to DO WHAT SHE PROMISED SHE WOULD, then she threw a fit. You can on and on all you want about being upfront and honest, Whitney, but you had months to tell your dad how you felt beforehand.

Rather than complaining that she was bribed, she should be ashamed that she has to be!

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7 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

Watching Whitney limping around is sad - I can see her feet really do hurt her. Her knees will be next to go. The human body isn't made to have 300 extra pounds of fat.

I agree, it's sad, and to me also frustrating, because it's a condition she could reverse by losing weight. There are tons of people who struggle to walk through no fault of their own, for many reasons - and they'd be thrilled if all they had to do to get better is lose weight. 

You are definitely correct that she's in for some joint problems. I have an aunt who has pretty much been heavy her whole adult life (although nowhere NEAR Twit's size) and in her 50's and 60's it started really catching up to her. Once at a family event when we hadn't seen her for awhile, my brother got me alone where no one could eavesdrop and whispered "My God, she walks like she's pulling a plow!" And soon after that, she started needing surgeries - knee replacement, hip replacement, etc. Because, as you said, the human body is just not made to haul around a bunch of extra weight.

Twit's only in her 30's and is already losing mobility quickly. There's nothing "fabulous" about that.

I don't know what the hell her rock bottom would be - there are so many things she can't do that would've made me wake up and change things by now. Not being able to clip and paint my own toenails, not being able to put on real shoes, not being able to shave my own legs...it's all just so cringeworthy. 

I was getting a pedi one time, and I realized hey, I'm by far the smallest person in this place - and I'm certainly no skinny minnie - why would this be? Then it hit me - I was getting a pedicure as a little treat for myself, but everyone else in the joint was getting one because they literally cannot cut their own toenails!!!!!

And Twit's way worse off than many of the people I saw at that salon. If not being able to take care of your basic hygiene doesn't wake her up, I don't know what will.

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The name of this show should really be changed to the two words Whitney says the most - "I CAN'T".

I can't -

  • lose weight no matter how hard I try, through no fault of my own.
  • eat healthy because I can't cook.
  • wear real shoes.
  • lead a "dance" class on my cruise because I hurt my toe.
  • walk in the parade because I hurt my back, I need a scooter.
  • do this job with the Greensboro Grasshoppers because it's too physical.
  • shave my own legs.
  • do my toenails.
  • walk more than a few yards without struggling to breathe.
  • do this 5K because I suddenly have PF.
  • wade into the ocean without two people helping me.
  • go on this tour with the Fitness Marshall dude because "I'm so homesick" (no, it's because you cannot physically keep up).
  • fit in an airplane seat, and it's so UNFAIR!!!
  • sleep without a c-pap because I'll stop breathing during the night.
  • do <insert just about anything here> because of chub rub.

Fabulous, indeed. 

Looking forward to you guys adding all the stuff I missed to the "I can't" list! ;-)

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Aloha Buddy recap! Whitney hates to fly. "My feet have been known to swell to UNREAL proportions." Her WHOLE BODY has unreal proportions, but anyway. They pull up to the product-placed hotel in their product-placed rental cars and are we really supposed to believe Glenn is paying for this? I just thank god we missed Whitney's braying about "getting lei'd" at the airport, because you KNOW that shit happened. Whitney whines that she doesn't want to get up early and work out, and her friends look horrified by her belligerence on this free Hawaiian vacation. Whitney is given a two-bedroom suite because the hotel wants to show off their shit. She screams bloody murder when she sees the 2nd bedroom. Grow up. Tal and Todd are appropriately grateful for their room even though they have to share a bed. Whitney talks about how Buddy isn't there yet and he will hopefully get a sober coach and boy she sure hopes he shows up so Whitney can draw on his strength because it is all. About. Whitney. To emphasize my point, she cuddles up against Donna and falls asleep even though there is a SECOND FUCKING BEDROOM.

Whitney and Glenn walk on the beach and Whitney is wearing appropriate footwear for once, but she is still complaining that she has plantar fasciitis and wishes the 5K were earlier in the week so she could get it over with, even though earlier she whined about needing to work out "right after arriving." Moron. Glenn hires a tour guide and this room full of thirsty-ass bitches can't keep from sexually harassing him immediately. The guide lets it slip that the Coconut Chase is an 8K, which results in a super dramatic commercial-break cliffhanger because god forbid this bitch be forced to walk about 1.9 miles farther than anticipated. 

Whitney is so upset that her dad didn't tell her in advance because...she would have quit? Her odds of quitting are exactly the same, to be honest. Whitney feels bamboozled. Whatever. They watch ripped Hawaiian men dance and Whitney drools over their "washboard abs," because she is incredibly hypocritical. Babs is smart enough to go sit in the shade by herself and sip pina coladas while the others snorkel. Whitney is terrified of waves. There are barely any waves in this water. We are treated to grotesque shots of Whitney blubberously floating in her ugly bikini bottoms while clinging to these poor buff men, and she finds and holds a sea cucumber, which starts to go limp when she holds it. That probably happens to Whitney a LOT. Glenn tells Whitney to just TRY the goddamn 8K and see what happens. Great advice, Glenn. We'll see how much Whit complains now.

The gang gets a surfing lesson on the beach and my god, Whitney's legs are awful. Yeah, lots of women have ugly legs, but most ugly-legged women aren't in hideous bikini bottoms on a high-definition TV show. Whitney whines and screams about how terrified she is and how narrow the surfboard is even though that is CLEARLY an extra-wide surfboard. She is so unathletic that she is having difficulty *laying down* on a surfboard while doing *nothing* navigation-wise. After a fucking lot of whining and build-up (this is the longest scene ever), she finally rides a wave back to shore, screaming like an obese banshee the whole way. Just when you think she couldn't get more annoying, Whitney goes "hold my frappuccino" and tops herself again.

After Whitney becomes a world champion surfer, she spots Buddy just up the beach, takes her shirt off, and sprints at a breakneck pace of 1.6 MPH to give him a hug. Whitney and her back rolls flop onto the sand to talk to Buddy, who looks great and sounds coherent. He brought a sober coach who is smart enough to stay off camera. Whitney complains to a man who just kicked a cocaine addiction that walking an 8K will be extremely hard to do. *cough.* Buddy says, make a note of this for next week, "even if we CRAWL, that's only like 2 hours, no big deal." (Spoiler: it takes Whitney about 2.5 hours to walk what ends up being only 4 miles.) Whitney cries to Buddy that she would have done something if she had known he was an addict, because it's ALL ABOUT HER. She says it takes a weight off her shoulders (snerk) to apologize for letting him down.

Later at a cafe, Babs is obsessing about Glenn's ex-girlfriend from 50 years ago, which is so fucking bizarre and out of nowhere that I had to mention it in this recap. Whitney, meanwhile, is still obsessing about how evil it is that she has to participate in an 8K fun run. She is SO UPSET, you guys. It would really kill her to put a tiny bit of effort into something, wouldn't it? She claims she was bribed and she had no choice. Bitch, you could have said "no, I won't go to Hawaii then, have fun." She claims it's unfair that nobody else was required to do this race and that it's just because she's fat. Again, Glenn did not hold a gun to her head. This is so beyond ridiculous. In four seasons, Whitney has never been such a petulant brat as she is in this episode. Next week, we see absolute histrionics from a grown woman who is being forced, FORCED, I say, to do moderate exercise in a beautiful vacation paradise. Stay tuned?

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Oh god fuck.  This is the worse of this bitch.  The screaming, good GOD.  The screaming.  That poor little sea turtle will never be the same.  If a Whitney screams underwater, and there's only a sea turtle there to hear it, does she still eat it?  Question for the ages.

The first thing Whit does upon landing is flop on the bed, something that she cannot do in Greensboro, obvs.  Then throws her haunches over Donna, who looked VERY UNCOMFORTABLE.  Way to suck the marrow from the bone of life, Whitney.  Never change.

Glen paid for all this, I'M SURE.  Fuck off, TLC.  We're dumb for watching this show, but we aren't that dumb.  

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59 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

I have several pairs of Vionic but I also got these shoes called Brooks Addiction Walker in Extra Wide for PF and they have been amazing for me. I read the reviews online and everyone said "I have terrible painful feet and everything hurts but I love these and my orthotics easily fit even though they are butt ugly" and I decided to try and they have been great! I got my Powerstep Maxx insoles inside.  I tried everything includingnew carbon cycling shoes, changing my bike pedals, podiatrist, night brace ( 2 types), night sock, meloxicam (worked for a few weeks), rolling foot on the can/tennis ball, calf stretcher, physical therapy all types of PF products- anything anyone suggested I bought- and really nothing helped me.  I just have other foot issues as well, some genetic and some over-use from skating for many years and getting old. But at least I keep my weight down, which isn't easy because I love food, I love to binge eat - if I could I would eat an ice cream sundae, candy and a bag of chips every day of my life. Watching Whitney limping around is sad - I can see her feet really do hurt her. Her knees will be next to go. The human body isn't made to have 300 extra pounds of fat. Maybe she will have a revelation and go on a diet? Maybe she will eventually get tired of non-stop pain brought on by her excess weight? It is like an addiction, denial and rationalizing. Putting up with the negative painful side effects because you can't let go of the addiction.

I did think she was going to smell that fit guy with the tattoos. She really wanted to stick her nose in his armpit. I thought she was going to do it.  The screaming about fear of the waves was BULL SHIT to get the attention from those men. I mean they probably had a good laugh about it later. What a way to make a living!

Which do you prefer?  I wear Vionic almost exclusively and it did REALLY help after wearing that brand for a year. Finally some relief.

I think the waves in Hawaii are quite different from those in NC.  Our waves are usually pretty mild. 

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I was so glad the sea turtle got away....can you imagine if Whit had stepped on him!? And why didn't she step on that cute little cucumber thingy? That would not have been pretty. Hell, I wasn't thinking she'd smell the cucumber....I was fearing she'd take a BITE of that poor creature! (Did anyone else just watch the "extra bonus scene" from last weeks show where Whit and Todd make a healthy smoothie? She has Todd slicing a cuke and she was tossing pieces in her mouth 2 at a time before they even make it into the NEW BLENDER SHE JUST BOUGHT FOR THE OCCASION!) Lordy that was a close call on the turtle and the cucumber.

Edited by Calibabydolly
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8 hours ago, Racethesun said:

I’m in the military

Thank you for your service.


Too much to even begin with about the 8K... Look, I am a runner, and overall fit person (by no means a perfect physique, but I work hard and eat right to be healthy- it's not always easy), so the idea of doing an 8K is really not a big deal for ME. However,  if someone gave me a free trip to Hawaii? Sweet baby Jesus, I would train for a freaking marathon... (which is 26.2 miles, not 5...)

Love that Tal (or maybe it was Todd- it was a short clip) said: Instead of one room with two queens, we have two queens in one bed! But seriously, they couldn't have had two separate beds, even doubles? In that bougie place?

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27 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Aloha Buddy recap! Whitney hates to fly. "My feet have been known to swell to UNREAL proportions." Her WHOLE BODY has unreal proportions, but anyway.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Yes!

5 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Which do you prefer?  I wear Vionic almost exclusively and it did REALLY help after wearing that brand for a year. Finally some relief.

I think the waves in Hawaii are quite different from those in NC.  Our waves are usually pretty mild. 

I prefer the Brooks for sneakers because the Vionic hurt the tops of my feet.  Only The sneakers or walking shoes hurt me but the sandals and slippers are comfortable on me. I spent a lot on the Vionic Walkers, over $100 so I sold them almost like new on ebay for $50. But I have other issues with my feet besides plantar fasciitis - everyone is different! We are all special but Twit is the most special because she can wear 99 cents flip flops with her bad feet while we have to spend mega-bucks!

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Cringe worthy moments:

When everyone kept thanking Glenn for the trip. Sure, “Glenn” paid, not TLC. Just like Matt paid in Little People, Big World when they went to Hawaii. 

”I’m a surfer now”

“Daddy, I’m not doing it! I won’t! I won’t! I won’t!”

”Kaui is the Hawaiian version of The Rock” (The Rock is of Polynesian ancestry)

on the after episode comments she mentions she had a type a personality like her dad. Sorry, but someone who’s type a doesn’t have that kind of body. 

Buddy on the next ep previews, when Whitney insists on finishing the 8k: “That’s an addict’s behavior”. Sure, Buddy, Whitney is an addict when it comes to exercise. 

Also, looking at those stills from season 1, Whitney has definitely gained weight. 

Edited by MyBigFatFakeLife
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Maybe I just like to be prepared for things but if Whitney was this anxious about the 5k why wouldn’t she have taken 2 seconds to go online and look up information while still in NC? That would have also allowed her to see the route to not only prepare herself better but also surprise, surprise she would have seen it was an 8k. With access to technology there’s absolutely no way she should’ve been able to be surprised. Either she’s just that stupid to not look into it further beforehand or she knew but would prefer to make Glenn look like the bad guy for lying to her. That way she could try to backout without her super fans blaming her or power through it and have them praise her for going through with it despite the added mileage then when she sucked even worse than expected it was just because of the surprise. Full of excuses.

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10 minutes ago, MyBigFatFakeLife said:

on the after episode comments she mentions she had a type a personality like her dad. Sorry, but someone who’s type a doesn’t have that kind of body. 

She is NOT Type A, that liar. She scoffed at the binder, FFS. I am fairly Type A (not as bad as my mom) and I was thrilled by the binder idea!

7 minutes ago, Racethesun said:

Maybe I just like to be prepared for things but if Whitney was this anxious about the 5k why wouldn’t she have taken 2 seconds to go online and look up information while still in NC?

Exactly! Definitely NOT Type A ;)

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2 hours ago, Ravenna said:

The Hawaiian hunks should be compensated extra for having to endure Twit slobbering all over them. 

Despite getting two separate beds, Donna and Twit still end up in bed together.

Tal upspeak drives me nuts. 

Todd's adding elaborate dancing flourishes into his everyday life cracks me up. 

Walking an 8K in Hawaii would be cause for excitement and not miserable whining, and complaining. Go figure, Ms. Princess has to make everything about her, and how tragic to exert effort. Bed pans, and lymphedema is in her near future.

What poor sofa lost its fabric in order to make Twit's swimsuit?

Tal, the chief barnacle, continues to earn his keep as he gleeful claps for Whitney. Meanwhile, sea life starts to die, and float to the surface after being subjected to her loud squeals, and screeching while the Hawaiian hunks try to haul her big ass onto the surfboard . Where is a shark when you need one?

Glenn did a better job of surfing than many of the others. He's such a good natured chap. 

After Glenn gives a beautiful anniversary speech to his family,  Twit has to shit all over it by announcing she's sick of being bribed cuz she fat, and she's not doing the race:  "I'm not going to ruin this dinner."  Well, you just did that, you loathsome selfish piece of crap. 

Now that would make a great title for her show.  And she should have it as a logo on her tank tops too.  Truth in advertising.

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44 minutes ago, MyBigFatFakeLife said:

Cringe worthy moments:

When everyone kept thanking Glenn for the trip. Sure, “Glenn” paid, not TLC. Just like Matt paid in Little People, Big World when they went to Hawaii. 

”I’m a surfer now”

“Daddy, I’m not doing it! I won’t! I won’t! I won’t!”

”Kaui is the Hawaiian version of The Rock” (The Rock is of Polynesian ancestry)

on the after episode comments she mentions she had a type a personality like her dad. Sorry, but someone who’s type a doesn’t have that kind of body. 

Buddy on the next ep previews, when Whitney insists on finishing the 8k: “That’s an addict’s behavior”. Sure, Buddy, Whitney is an addict when it comes to exercise. 

Also, looking at those stills from season 1, Whitney has definitely gained weight. 

"Addict behavior" to some means she's being selfish and irritating. 

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I just want to play armchair psychologist with Whitney's reaction to this 8K. She is a classic narcissist and I think she is throwing fits about doing this 8K because she wants more attention and sympathy. But I think on some level she wants to participate in this race. She wants to punish herself, punish this body that isn't what she wants it to be, punish herself for eating too much even though she can't admit that to herself. The idea of going through this kind of pain is very appealing to her, clearly, because in the previews she refuses to quit. It's not because she is just such a badass that she has to finish it. It's because there is a primal need to suffer that lingers in Whitney.

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48 minutes ago, MyBigFatFakeLife said:

Buddy on the next ep previews, when Whitney insists on finishing the 8k: “That’s an addict’s behavior”. Sure, Buddy, Whitney is an addict when it comes to exercise. 

Ha ha....yep, Whitney's addicted to a lot of things, but exercise isn't one of them.

Food, drama, being the center of attention, inappropriate physical contact, cat breath, possibly alcohol, posting delusional crap on social media...but exercise? No.

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4 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I just want to play armchair psychologist with Whitney's reaction to this 8K. She is a classic narcissist and I think she is throwing fits about doing this 8K because she wants more attention and sympathy.

Absolutely! This whole stupid thing could easily be a non-issue...all she would have to do is say "Dad, I agreed to do a 5K if you took me to Hawaii. I'll walk the 5K as I promised, but then I'm stopping." 

If 8K is such a HUGE problem, then just stop walking at the 5K mark, you spoiled, ungrateful, infantile idiot! 

And there were plenty of other times to have a conversation with Glenn about it, rather than bringing it up at their anniversary dinner and being pissy about it. What a jackass.

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8 hours ago, tdanaher said:

I'm watching on the app now, and laughed mightily at Glen having reserved two bedrooms for Whit and Donna. You KNOW it was his way of not condoning any sexual relationship between Whit and Donna, and yet you also KNOW that the moment Whit and Donna cuddled on the single bed, that other bedroom was totally going to waste a big chunk of Glenn's money with lack of use.

Glen for sure lied right to everyone's faces when he said he learned "afterwards" that the Coconut Chase was an 8k. For God's sake, it's in the NAME. Coconut Chase 8K. Not Hibiscus Half Marathon or Mango Days 5K (the other two races he acknowledged passing over).

The sea cucumber was interesting for the tiny window into the true Whit when she said, "I liked holding it, and it starts to go limp. No surprise there."

In “Evidence the film crew snarks on Whitney like we do,” notice that they made sure to have a set of shots of Whit and Glenn walking on the beach, where Glenn is skating along the surface of the sand barely making imprints, while Whit sinks four inches into the ground with every step.


Whitney looks like she is closer to 500 lbs. now.  I would love to see pictures of her from the first season and compare them to now.  

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1 hour ago, AUJulia said:

"Addict behavior" to some means she's being selfish and irritating. 

Oh yeah, totally, but you get the impression he’s talking about someone who won’t quit on exercise, who’s so stubborn they will finish this race, they won’t listen to reason,no matter what, it’s beyond them.  When in reality we all know she’s not like that at all and was complaining about doing it in the first place a few hours ago. How about they talk about an addict behavior in the right context, which is food, not when she’s “running”

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15 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

Whitney's face lighting up like a Christmas tree when Kaui walked in the room made me want to puke. That and the way she went on and on about all the handsome men, and had to beg them to "hold her hand" so she could get in the water....God. Anything to get someone to touch her!

Does she SERIOUSLY think any good looking guy would have anything to do with her? Who the hell would choose to be with someone who basically needs a CARETAKER, not a partner?

I mean, her whole face and demeanor change when a guy comes along (sort of the same look she gets when a nice big pizza arrives)...she seems to seriously think she has a snowball's chance in hell with some buff athletic guy! Is she really THAT delusional?

She needs to get a clue about what dating league she's in. I would be horribly embarrassed if I acted like a giddy junior high girl over some guy who was clearly out of my league.

But, we're talking about Twit - who is obviously not embarrassed by ANYTHING - so why am I even surprised.

Does she realize that all those hunky guys are being PAID to hold her hand and pay attention to her?

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31 minutes ago, puppytoes said:

Whitney looks like she is closer to 500 lbs. now.  I would love to see pictures of her from the first season and compare them to now.  

She'd almost have to go to Dr. Now's office in Houston just to find a scale.  Or maybe the loading dock of a supermarket.

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I loved this episode. The look of joy on Whitney's face when she caught that wave was excellent. It was in line with the original premise of the show that she wasn't going to let her size hamper her activities while she worked on getting in shape. I wish that she hadn't abandoned her efforts to get healthier. I didn't realize HOW heavy she is now until I saw her on that surfboard. She is getting into my 600 lb life territory  

Seeing Buddy look so healthy and pink cheeked was nice also. 

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Random thoughts:
? In profile, Hunter looks like he told his barber, "Gimme a Kim Jong Un haircut."
? Babs sure missed out on a lot of "brown-toned men" by staying behind at the hotel. Way to spend yr 40th anniversary, Babs. Alone.
? From all the squealing & gawking when Twit & Co. entered the hotel lobby, you'd think they were travelers from Dogpatch.
? The first thing Twit noticed in her suite was the 2 bedrooms. The first thing she said was, "I'm gonna sleep for 10 hours." The first thing she did was sprawl on Donna's bed -- atop Donna.
? Most implausible moment: when Buddy arrives on a secluded, privately-owned beach. Did he use his Spidey-sense to find it?
? Then Twit spots Buddy, starts shrieking "Boo Bear! Boo Bear!" & waddles toward him. In her diaper-like swimsuit bottom, with her chubby, lipidemic legs & arms outstretched, she looks just like a toddler taking its first steps.
BTW, that swimsuit is a good example of Torrid's giant blossoms in its clothing line.
? The 2nd step of Buddy's recovery should be his telling Twit, "Quit the fuck calling me Boo Bear. We're not intimate, we never have been intimate -- unless you jumped my bones when I was too drunk to remember -- and we ain't never gonna be intimate. So stop calling me a pet name as tho we were intimates and GROW UP."
? Twit was salivating over all those "brown-toned men" & finally couldn't resist pawing the tattooed one's pecs. Lord knows how many more guys she groped before the day ended. And where.
? Do you suppose there is a clause in every MBFFL contract prohibiting the signer from suing for sexual harassment?
? Twit is NOT a surfer. None of them actually surfed tho the guys did try to stand. If you're not standing on the board, you are not surfing.
? All the kissy, kissy, huggy, huggy stuff with Twit & Glenn was creepy.
? They filmed Twit getting down on her stomach on the beach. They didn't film her getting up. Why? I'm sure becuz she needed the help of 3-4 of those hunky guys to help her up.
? Twit's already dusting off her favorite adjectives, "strong and capable" in advance of the race. Like politicians, Twit believes if you say something often enuf, it's true.The sad thing is that gullible fans will believe she is strong & capable for finishing, instead of pathetic & sad that someone so young has let herself go so significantly.
? I bet the 9-hr flight was barrels of fun for the non-MBFFL passengers. I hope they all got a discount.
? Twit sez she hopes Buddy makes it to HI, so she can "draw on his strength" throughout the race. Way to think about sapping the recovering addict's energy, Twit. Nobody ever said it's not all about you.
? That wasn't breakfast after the morning walk, was it? Naw, couldn't have been since Twit never eats before 9 p.m.
? Twit's usual sex joke: the sea cucumber "went limp" in her hands. Way to reveal you're no sex goddess, Twit.
? My ears were ringing from all the shrieking & squealing & braying Twit was doing on the beach. It must have been really painful to actually be there. What fun to vacay with Twit. No wonder Babs passed on the beach excursion.
? WTF was the point of the Keiko segment?
? Twit sez to Glenn: "I'm 33 and it should have been my choice [whether or not to race an 8K] made of my own volition."
I have no words.
?Regarding the race bribe, Twit sez to her family: "It's because I'm fat."
Well, duh.
? I guess this is my last post about MBFFL. Dish changed my basic package TODAY because, as they put it, they are constantly reviewing their programming options to ensure the.best value for their customers. So, instead of the $23+ I pay now -- which is actually a $3 price increase which began this month -- Dish is going to increase my viewing pleasure by charging me $50+/month if I want to continue watching TLC. I told them "Fuck you."

I am paid up thru 3/7/18 & plan to have a new provider after that. Pls PM me with any suggestions you might have. Thanks.

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21 hours ago, Ketzel said:

How strong and brave she was in confronting her father 

And did you notice, at the dinner, when she told them she wasn't doing the race... how mumbled and fast her words were? Like she couldn't even bring herself to say, Look, this isn't what I signed up for. I know that I agreed to do a 5k and this isn't so I'm not going to do it. Nope... she had to just garble her way through "imnahgonnadothrace" while looking down. Uh-huh.  yeah. right. GROW UP!!! Jesus. 

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8 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Nice find! More inconsistencies, she can't keep her lies straight--whether it's about food (shown eating before 9pm) or fears. 

Edited to add: I think she feigned fear of waves because she was afraid to show the world how awful she would appear on a surfboard. "I'm scared, I had a traumatic experience" is the easiest way to get out of something. Whoops. She wasn't scared in season 1! 


And it gave her an excuse to grab on to the men...

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20 hours ago, John M said:

Part of me almost wants to side with Whit, I'm fortunate enough to have parents with some money, not rolling in it mega millionaires but very comfortable and they do help me out from time to time in my 30s to, let's say afford a lifestyle that I would otherwise not be able to afford on my salary alone. For instance not to long ago I my car broke down and my dad gave me the down payment on a BMW when my budget is more Ford level. And it's not unique to me, all their kids get some help and I grew up with an affluent peer group and given that most of us have chosen careers and lifestyles that while fulfilling and more than pay the bills are not particularly financial lucrative and have gotten help with things like house payments, generous holiday gifts, family vacations and such. Basically my point is I sort of hate how Whit gets hated on for having generous parents, my dad easily had the money to give me the down payment on a nicer car and was happy to give it to me provided that I wasn't otherwise being financially imprudent like not being able to make the car payment and I get shit on sometimes for it.

But come on Whit, you dad cares about you and is asking you to do like basically nothing in exchange for a free trip for yourself and all of your friends and all you have to do is try and walk 5 miles and you are acting like an entitled monster about it. Yes, your brother is walking the 8K and he's not complaining because it is a nothing request for someone that hasn't eaten themselves into immobility.

I get what you're saying. My parents were "comfortable" and able to pay for college and help with grad school and help with things along the way for all the kids, even into adulthood. I think the difference here is that Twit IS being otherwise financially imprudent. It's one thing to say "here son, let me help you out with a down payment on a nicer car" and a totally different thing to say "hey, I don't care that you are eating yourself into being completely disabled and refuse to get a job or do anything to take care of yourself financially or health-wise. I'm going to bankroll your life as long as you want me to". I don't hate on her for having generous parents. It's just that her parents have been overly generous and have inadvertently created a dependent monster who can't (or won't) support herself and isn't grateful at all for their generosity. 

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11 hours ago, preciousperfect said:

The difference is Tal and Todd were still thrilled to have any room and happy to be there.

Let's look at the scene with Tal and Todd seeing their room in Hawaii for the first time and seeing the ONE bed they would have to share. Any whining or shade about having to share? Any, "what?! why not two beds"?? Nope. Quite the contrary. As stated above, they loved the room, the view, were happy to be there and had no issues sharing a bed. 

Now. Let's flash back to Todd and Twit in NYC and seeing THEIR room for the first time and seeing the ONE bed they would have to share. Yeah. Twit certainly didn't care one bit (cuz... well) but Todd. Yeah. 

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1 hour ago, Dot said:

Random thoughts:
? In profile, Hunter looks like he told his barber, "Gimme a Kim Jong Un haircut."
? Babs sure missed out on a lot of "brown-toned men" by staying behind at the hotel. Way to spend yr 40th anniversary, Babs. Alone.
? From all the squealing & gawking when Twit & Co. entered the hotel lobby, you'd think they were travelers from Dogpatch.
? The first thing Twit noticed in her suite was the 2 bedrooms. The first thing she said was, "I'm gonna sleep for 10 hours." The first thing she did was sprawl on Donna's bed -- atop Donna.
? Most implausible moment: when Buddy arrives on a secluded, privately-owned beach. Did he use his Spidey-sense to find it?
? Then Twit spots Buddy, starts shrieking "Boo Bear! Boo Bear!" & waddles toward him. In her diaper-like swimsuit bottom, with her chubby, lipidemic legs & arms outstretched, she looks just like a toddler taking its first steps.
BTW, that swimsuit is a good example of Torrid's giant blossoms in its clothing line.
? The 2nd step of Buddy's recovery should be his telling Twit, "Quit the fuck calling me Boo Bear. We're not intimate, we never have been intimate -- unless you jumped my bones when I was too drunk to remember -- and we ain't never gonna be intimate. So stop calling me a pet name as tho we were intimates and GROW UP."
? Twit was salivating over all those "brown-toned men" & finally couldn't resist pawing the tattooed one's pecs. Lord knows how many more guys she groped before the day ended. And where.
? Do you suppose there is a clause in every MBFFL contract prohibiting the signer from suing for sexual harassment?
? Twit is NOT a surfer. None of them actually surfed tho the guys did try to stand. If you're not standing on the board, you are not surfing.
? All the kissy, kissy, huggy, huggy stuff with Twit & Glenn was creepy.
? They filmed Twit getting down on her stomach on the beach. They didn't film her getting up. Why? I'm sure becuz she needed the help of 3-4 of those hunky guys to help her up.
? Twit's already dusting off her favorite adjectives, "strong and capable" in advance of the race. Like politicians, Twit believes if you say something often enuf, it's true.The sad thing is that gullible fans will believe she is strong & capable for finishing, instead of pathetic & sad that someone so young has let herself go so significantly.
? I bet the 9-hr flight was barrels of fun for the non-MBFFL passengers. I hope they all got a discount.
? Twit sez she hopes Buddy makes it to HI, so she can "draw on his strength" throughout the race. Way to think about sapping the recovering addict's energy, Twit. Nobody ever said it's not all about you.
? That wasn't breakfast after the morning walk, was it? Naw, couldn't have been since Twit never eats before 9 p.m.
? Twit's usual sex joke: the sea cucumber "went limp" in her hands. Way to reveal you're no sex goddess, Twit.
? My ears were ringing from all the shrieking & squealing & braying Twit was doing on the beach. It must have been really painful to actually be there. What fun to vacay with Twit. No wonder Babs passed on the beach excursion.
? WTF was the point of the Keiko segment?
? Twit sez to Glenn: "I'm 33 and it should have been my choice [whether or not to race an 8K] made of my own volition."
I have no words.
?Regarding the race bribe, Twit sez to her family: "It's because I'm fat."
Well, duh.
? I guess this is my last post about MBFFL. Dish changed my basic package TODAY because, as they put it, they are constantly reviewing their programming options to ensure the.best value for their customers. So, instead of the $23+ I pay now -- which is actually a $3 price increase which began this month -- Dish is going to increase my viewing pleasure by charging me $50+/month if I want to continue watching TLC. I told them "Fuck you."

I am paid up thru 3/7/18 & plan to have a new provider after that. Pls PM me with any suggestions you might have. Thanks.

Hey Dot, I remember Dogpatch, and laughed  at your accurate characterization. Lil' Abner and Daisy Dukes: loved the newspaper comics.  Todd cd have yelled, "GOLLLLEEEE" like Gomer Pyle (RIP Jim), and it would have been funny too. 

Coincidentally, I just downgraded my cable package too, because money.  I think I still get this drivel, although if not,  I bet I can hear Twit's braying and screaming if I open a window. 

The 5K/8K histrionics?  Another chance for Twit to manipulate her friends and family and make herself the center of attention, as Clarewalks said. Although watching an over-obese woman in a swim suit walk on sand was oddly riveting.  They really need to show her trying to get up from the ground without help. 

The dinner was not the anniversary dinner cuz it was cheap crap,  but a fakeout so Twit cd have her tantrum, and ruin everyone else's time. Loved Hunter saying, "How did I get lumped in with this?" when Glen took Babs off in the convertible.  But then Twit turned her bullying hate onto him cuz she's FAT?  Yes, he should have said,  Dad wants you to lose some  weight,  be healthy, and outlive him.  Suck it up, buttercup. 

Twit was also at her Norma Desmond best acting  making Glenn feel guilty as shit when she angrily and painfully presses on during the walk in the scene from next week.  And it's only a walk for Christ's sake!  

She's a master manipulator. If I were Glen, I would have said,  Ok, then, I'll get you a return ticket home for tomorrow. Fuck you, Whitney. 

Edited by Tosia
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32 minutes ago, Tosia said:

She's a master manipulator. If I were Glen, I would have said,  Ok, then, I'll get you a return ticket home for tomorrow. Fuck you, Whitney

Wouldn’t that be nice to witness????

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2 hours ago, Dot said:

The 2nd step of Buddy's recovery should be his telling Twit, "Quit the fuck calling me Boo Bear. We're not intimate, we never have been intimate -- unless you jumped my bones when I was too drunk to remember -- and we ain't never gonna be intimate. So stop calling me a pet name as tho we were intimates and GROW UP."

I thought they had been a "thing" a long time ago?  I remember Buddy saying at least twice that Whitney is a "freak in the sheets."  (I just threw up a little in my mouth.)

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1 hour ago, Kid said:

Wouldn’t that be nice to witness????

I find myself hoping that the opening scene next week will be Whit and Hunter arriving at the hotel to find all the gang sitting in the lobby with their bags, telling Whit that since she's not living up to her part of the deal, Glen isn't keeping his side of the deal, either, and they've all been kicked out of the hotel. Not going to happen, but it would be fun to see. 


(Long time lurker and lover of the snark - this episode finally drove me to comment.)

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